1 | /* |
2 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
3 | * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. |
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) |
5 | * |
6 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
7 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
8 | * are met: |
9 | * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
10 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
11 | * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
12 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
13 | * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
14 | * |
26 | */ |
27 | |
28 | #include "config.h" |
29 | #include "WebPage.h" |
30 | |
31 | #include "APIArray.h" |
32 | #include "APIGeometry.h" |
33 | #include "DataReference.h" |
34 | #include "DragControllerAction.h" |
35 | #include "DrawingArea.h" |
36 | #include "DrawingAreaMessages.h" |
37 | #include "EditorState.h" |
38 | #include "EventDispatcher.h" |
39 | #include "FindController.h" |
40 | #include "FormDataReference.h" |
41 | #include "GeolocationPermissionRequestManager.h" |
42 | #include "InjectUserScriptImmediately.h" |
43 | #include "InjectedBundle.h" |
44 | #include "InjectedBundleScriptWorld.h" |
45 | #include "LibWebRTCProvider.h" |
46 | #include "LoadParameters.h" |
47 | #include "Logging.h" |
48 | #include "NetscapePlugin.h" |
49 | #include "NetworkConnectionToWebProcessMessages.h" |
50 | #include "NetworkProcessConnection.h" |
51 | #include "NotificationPermissionRequestManager.h" |
52 | #include "PageBanner.h" |
53 | #include "PluginProcessAttributes.h" |
54 | #include "PluginProxy.h" |
55 | #include "PluginView.h" |
56 | #include "PrintInfo.h" |
57 | #include "RemoteWebInspectorUI.h" |
58 | #include "RemoteWebInspectorUIMessages.h" |
59 | #include "SessionState.h" |
60 | #include "SessionStateConversion.h" |
61 | #include "ShareSheetCallbackID.h" |
62 | #include "ShareableBitmap.h" |
63 | #include "SharedBufferDataReference.h" |
64 | #include "UserMediaPermissionRequestManager.h" |
65 | #include "ViewGestureGeometryCollector.h" |
66 | #include "VisitedLinkTableController.h" |
67 | #include "WKBundleAPICast.h" |
68 | #include "WKRetainPtr.h" |
69 | #include "WKSharedAPICast.h" |
70 | #include "WebAlternativeTextClient.h" |
71 | #include "WebBackForwardListItem.h" |
72 | #include "WebBackForwardListProxy.h" |
73 | #include "WebCacheStorageProvider.h" |
74 | #include "WebChromeClient.h" |
75 | #include "WebColorChooser.h" |
76 | #include "WebContextMenu.h" |
77 | #include "WebContextMenuClient.h" |
78 | #include "WebCookieJar.h" |
79 | #include "WebCoreArgumentCoders.h" |
80 | #include "WebDataListSuggestionPicker.h" |
81 | #include "WebDatabaseProvider.h" |
82 | #include "WebDiagnosticLoggingClient.h" |
83 | #include "WebDocumentLoader.h" |
84 | #include "WebDragClient.h" |
85 | #include "WebEditorClient.h" |
86 | #include "WebEvent.h" |
87 | #include "WebEventConversion.h" |
88 | #include "WebEventFactory.h" |
89 | #include "WebFrame.h" |
90 | #include "WebFrameLoaderClient.h" |
91 | #include "WebFullScreenManager.h" |
92 | #include "WebFullScreenManagerMessages.h" |
93 | #include "WebGamepadProvider.h" |
94 | #include "WebGeolocationClient.h" |
95 | #include "WebImage.h" |
96 | #include "WebInspector.h" |
97 | #include "WebInspectorClient.h" |
98 | #include "WebInspectorMessages.h" |
99 | #include "WebInspectorUI.h" |
100 | #include "WebInspectorUIMessages.h" |
101 | #include "WebMediaKeyStorageManager.h" |
102 | #include "WebNotificationClient.h" |
103 | #include "WebOpenPanelResultListener.h" |
104 | #include "WebPageCreationParameters.h" |
105 | #include "WebPageGroupProxy.h" |
106 | #include "WebPageInspectorTargetController.h" |
107 | #include "WebPageMessages.h" |
108 | #include "WebPageOverlay.h" |
109 | #include "WebPageProxyMessages.h" |
110 | #include "WebPaymentCoordinator.h" |
111 | #include "WebPerformanceLoggingClient.h" |
112 | #include "WebPlugInClient.h" |
113 | #include "WebPluginInfoProvider.h" |
114 | #include "WebPopupMenu.h" |
115 | #include "WebPreferencesDefinitions.h" |
116 | #include "WebPreferencesKeys.h" |
117 | #include "WebPreferencesStore.h" |
118 | #include "WebProcess.h" |
119 | #include "WebProcessPoolMessages.h" |
120 | #include "WebProcessProxyMessages.h" |
121 | #include "WebProgressTrackerClient.h" |
122 | #include "WebSocketProvider.h" |
123 | #include "WebSpeechSynthesisClient.h" |
124 | #include "WebStorageNamespaceProvider.h" |
125 | #include "WebURLSchemeHandlerProxy.h" |
126 | #include "WebUndoStep.h" |
127 | #include "WebUserContentController.h" |
128 | #include "WebUserMediaClient.h" |
129 | #include "WebValidationMessageClient.h" |
130 | #include "WebsiteDataStoreParameters.h" |
131 | #include <JavaScriptCore/APICast.h> |
132 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSCInlines.h> |
133 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSCJSValue.h> |
134 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSLock.h> |
135 | #include <JavaScriptCore/ProfilerDatabase.h> |
136 | #include <JavaScriptCore/SamplingProfiler.h> |
137 | #include <WebCore/ApplicationCacheStorage.h> |
138 | #include <WebCore/ArchiveResource.h> |
139 | #include <WebCore/BackForwardController.h> |
140 | #include <WebCore/Chrome.h> |
141 | #include <WebCore/CommonVM.h> |
142 | #include <WebCore/ContextMenuController.h> |
143 | #include <WebCore/DOMPasteAccess.h> |
144 | #include <WebCore/DataTransfer.h> |
145 | #include <WebCore/DatabaseManager.h> |
146 | #include <WebCore/DeprecatedGlobalSettings.h> |
147 | #include <WebCore/DocumentFragment.h> |
148 | #include <WebCore/DocumentLoader.h> |
149 | #include <WebCore/DocumentMarkerController.h> |
150 | #include <WebCore/DocumentStorageAccess.h> |
151 | #include <WebCore/DragController.h> |
152 | #include <WebCore/DragData.h> |
153 | #include <WebCore/Editing.h> |
154 | #include <WebCore/Editor.h> |
155 | #include <WebCore/ElementIterator.h> |
156 | #include <WebCore/EventHandler.h> |
157 | #include <WebCore/EventNames.h> |
158 | #include <WebCore/File.h> |
159 | #include <WebCore/FocusController.h> |
160 | #include <WebCore/FontAttributeChanges.h> |
161 | #include <WebCore/FontAttributes.h> |
162 | #include <WebCore/FormState.h> |
163 | #include <WebCore/Frame.h> |
164 | #include <WebCore/FrameLoadRequest.h> |
165 | #include <WebCore/FrameLoaderTypes.h> |
166 | #include <WebCore/FrameView.h> |
167 | #include <WebCore/FullscreenManager.h> |
168 | #include <WebCore/GraphicsContext3D.h> |
169 | #include <WebCore/HTMLAttachmentElement.h> |
170 | #include <WebCore/HTMLFormElement.h> |
171 | #include <WebCore/HTMLImageElement.h> |
172 | #include <WebCore/HTMLInputElement.h> |
173 | #include <WebCore/HTMLMenuElement.h> |
174 | #include <WebCore/HTMLMenuItemElement.h> |
175 | #include <WebCore/HTMLOListElement.h> |
176 | #include <WebCore/HTMLPlugInElement.h> |
177 | #include <WebCore/HTMLPlugInImageElement.h> |
178 | #include <WebCore/HTMLSelectElement.h> |
179 | #include <WebCore/HTMLTextAreaElement.h> |
180 | #include <WebCore/HTMLTextFormControlElement.h> |
181 | #include <WebCore/HTMLUListElement.h> |
182 | #include <WebCore/HistoryController.h> |
183 | #include <WebCore/HistoryItem.h> |
184 | #include <WebCore/HitTestResult.h> |
185 | #include <WebCore/InspectorController.h> |
186 | #include <WebCore/JSDOMExceptionHandling.h> |
187 | #include <WebCore/JSDOMWindow.h> |
188 | #include <WebCore/KeyboardEvent.h> |
189 | #include <WebCore/LocalizedStrings.h> |
190 | #include <WebCore/MIMETypeRegistry.h> |
191 | #include <WebCore/MouseEvent.h> |
192 | #include <WebCore/NotImplemented.h> |
193 | #include <WebCore/Page.h> |
194 | #include <WebCore/PageCache.h> |
195 | #include <WebCore/PageConfiguration.h> |
196 | #include <WebCore/PingLoader.h> |
197 | #include <WebCore/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h> |
198 | #include <WebCore/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h> |
199 | #include <WebCore/PluginDocument.h> |
200 | #include <WebCore/PointerCaptureController.h> |
201 | #include <WebCore/PrintContext.h> |
202 | #include <WebCore/PromisedAttachmentInfo.h> |
203 | #include <WebCore/Quirks.h> |
204 | #include <WebCore/Range.h> |
205 | #include <WebCore/RegistrableDomain.h> |
206 | #include <WebCore/RemoteDOMWindow.h> |
207 | #include <WebCore/RemoteFrame.h> |
208 | #include <WebCore/RenderLayer.h> |
209 | #include <WebCore/RenderTheme.h> |
210 | #include <WebCore/RenderTreeAsText.h> |
211 | #include <WebCore/RenderView.h> |
212 | #include <WebCore/ResourceLoadStatistics.h> |
213 | #include <WebCore/ResourceRequest.h> |
214 | #include <WebCore/ResourceResponse.h> |
215 | #include <WebCore/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h> |
216 | #include <WebCore/SWClientConnection.h> |
217 | #include <WebCore/SchemeRegistry.h> |
218 | #include <WebCore/ScriptController.h> |
219 | #include <WebCore/SerializedScriptValue.h> |
220 | #include <WebCore/ServiceWorkerProvider.h> |
221 | #include <WebCore/Settings.h> |
222 | #include <WebCore/ShadowRoot.h> |
223 | #include <WebCore/SharedBuffer.h> |
224 | #include <WebCore/StyleProperties.h> |
225 | #include <WebCore/SubframeLoader.h> |
226 | #include <WebCore/SubstituteData.h> |
227 | #include <WebCore/TextIterator.h> |
228 | #include <WebCore/UserGestureIndicator.h> |
229 | #include <WebCore/UserInputBridge.h> |
230 | #include <WebCore/UserScript.h> |
231 | #include <WebCore/UserStyleSheet.h> |
232 | #include <WebCore/UserTypingGestureIndicator.h> |
233 | #include <WebCore/VisiblePosition.h> |
234 | #include <WebCore/VisibleUnits.h> |
235 | #include <WebCore/WebGLStateTracker.h> |
236 | #include <WebCore/WritingDirection.h> |
237 | #include <WebCore/markup.h> |
238 | #include <pal/SessionID.h> |
239 | #include <wtf/ProcessID.h> |
240 | #include <wtf/RunLoop.h> |
241 | #include <wtf/SetForScope.h> |
242 | #include <wtf/text/TextStream.h> |
243 | |
245 | #include "DataDetectionResult.h" |
246 | #endif |
247 | |
248 | #if ENABLE(MHTML) |
249 | #include <WebCore/MHTMLArchive.h> |
250 | #endif |
251 | |
253 | #include <WebCore/PointerLockController.h> |
254 | #endif |
255 | |
256 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
257 | #include "InsertTextOptions.h" |
258 | #include "PDFPlugin.h" |
259 | #include "PlaybackSessionManager.h" |
260 | #include "RemoteLayerTreeTransaction.h" |
261 | #include "RemoteObjectRegistry.h" |
262 | #include "RemoteObjectRegistryMessages.h" |
263 | #include "TextCheckingControllerProxy.h" |
264 | #include "TouchBarMenuData.h" |
265 | #include "TouchBarMenuItemData.h" |
266 | #include "VideoFullscreenManager.h" |
267 | #include "WKStringCF.h" |
268 | #include <WebCore/LegacyWebArchive.h> |
269 | #include <WebCore/UTIRegistry.h> |
270 | #include <wtf/MachSendRight.h> |
271 | #endif |
272 | |
273 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
274 | #include "WebPrintOperationGtk.h" |
275 | #include "WebSelectionData.h" |
276 | #include <gtk/gtk.h> |
277 | #endif |
278 | |
280 | #include "InteractionInformationAtPosition.h" |
281 | #include "InteractionInformationRequest.h" |
282 | #include "RemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea.h" |
283 | #include "WebAutocorrectionContext.h" |
284 | #include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h> |
285 | #include <WebCore/Icon.h> |
286 | #include <pal/spi/cocoa/CoreTextSPI.h> |
287 | #endif |
288 | |
289 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
290 | #include <WebCore/LocalDefaultSystemAppearance.h> |
291 | #include <pal/spi/cf/CFUtilitiesSPI.h> |
292 | #endif |
293 | |
294 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
295 | #include <wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h> |
296 | #endif |
297 | |
299 | #include <WebCore/DataDetection.h> |
300 | #endif |
301 | |
303 | #include <WebCore/MediaPlayerRequestInstallMissingPluginsCallback.h> |
304 | #endif |
305 | |
306 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
307 | #include "WebAuthenticatorCoordinator.h" |
308 | #include <WebCore/AuthenticatorCoordinator.h> |
309 | #endif |
310 | |
311 | namespace WebKit { |
312 | using namespace JSC; |
313 | using namespace WebCore; |
314 | |
315 | static const Seconds pageScrollHysteresisDuration { 300_ms }; |
316 | static const Seconds initialLayerVolatilityTimerInterval { 20_ms }; |
317 | static const Seconds maximumLayerVolatilityTimerInterval { 2_s }; |
318 | |
319 | #define RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(...) RELEASE_LOG_IF(isAlwaysOnLoggingAllowed(), Layers, __VA_ARGS__) |
320 | #define RELEASE_LOG_ERROR_IF_ALLOWED(...) RELEASE_LOG_ERROR_IF(isAlwaysOnLoggingAllowed(), Layers, __VA_ARGS__) |
321 | |
322 | class SendStopResponsivenessTimer { |
323 | public: |
324 | ~SendStopResponsivenessTimer() |
325 | { |
326 | WebProcess::singleton().parentProcessConnection()->send(Messages::WebProcessProxy::StopResponsivenessTimer(), 0); |
327 | } |
328 | }; |
329 | |
330 | class DeferredPageDestructor { |
331 | public: |
332 | static void createDeferredPageDestructor(std::unique_ptr<Page> page, WebPage* webPage) |
333 | { |
334 | new DeferredPageDestructor(WTFMove(page), webPage); |
335 | } |
336 | |
337 | private: |
338 | DeferredPageDestructor(std::unique_ptr<Page> page, WebPage* webPage) |
339 | : m_page(WTFMove(page)) |
340 | , m_webPage(webPage) |
341 | { |
342 | tryDestruction(); |
343 | } |
344 | |
345 | void tryDestruction() |
346 | { |
347 | if (m_page->insideNestedRunLoop()) { |
348 | m_page->whenUnnested([this] { tryDestruction(); }); |
349 | return; |
350 | } |
351 | |
352 | m_page = nullptr; |
353 | m_webPage = nullptr; |
354 | delete this; |
355 | } |
356 | |
357 | std::unique_ptr<Page> m_page; |
358 | RefPtr<WebPage> m_webPage; |
359 | }; |
360 | |
361 | DEFINE_DEBUG_ONLY_GLOBAL(WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter, webPageCounter, ("WebPage" )); |
362 | |
363 | Ref<WebPage> WebPage::create(uint64_t pageID, WebPageCreationParameters&& parameters) |
364 | { |
365 | Ref<WebPage> page = adoptRef(*new WebPage(pageID, WTFMove(parameters))); |
366 | |
367 | if (WebProcess::singleton().injectedBundle()) |
368 | WebProcess::singleton().injectedBundle()->didCreatePage(page.ptr()); |
369 | |
370 | return page; |
371 | } |
372 | |
373 | WebPage::WebPage(uint64_t pageID, WebPageCreationParameters&& parameters) |
374 | : m_pageID(pageID) |
375 | , m_viewSize(parameters.viewSize) |
376 | , m_alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller { parameters.alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller } |
377 | , m_alwaysShowsVerticalScroller { parameters.alwaysShowsVerticalScroller } |
379 | , m_determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &WebPage::determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimerFired) |
380 | #endif |
381 | , m_layerHostingMode(parameters.layerHostingMode) |
383 | , m_textCheckingControllerProxy(makeUniqueRef<TextCheckingControllerProxy>(*this)) |
384 | #endif |
386 | , m_viewGestureGeometryCollector(std::make_unique<ViewGestureGeometryCollector>(*this)) |
388 | , m_accessibilityObject(nullptr) |
389 | #endif |
390 | , m_setCanStartMediaTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &WebPage::setCanStartMediaTimerFired) |
392 | , m_contextMenuClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageContextMenuClient>()) |
393 | #endif |
394 | , m_editorClient { std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::EditorClient>() } |
395 | , m_formClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::FormClient>()) |
396 | , m_loaderClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageLoaderClient>()) |
397 | , m_resourceLoadClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::ResourceLoadClient>()) |
398 | , m_uiClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageUIClient>()) |
399 | , m_findController(makeUniqueRef<FindController>(this)) |
400 | , m_inspectorTargetController(std::make_unique<WebPageInspectorTargetController>(*this)) |
401 | , m_userContentController(WebUserContentController::getOrCreate(parameters.userContentControllerID)) |
403 | , m_geolocationPermissionRequestManager(makeUniqueRef<GeolocationPermissionRequestManager>(*this)) |
404 | #endif |
406 | , m_userMediaPermissionRequestManager { makeUniqueRef<UserMediaPermissionRequestManager>(*this) } |
407 | #endif |
408 | , m_pageScrolledHysteresis([this](PAL::HysteresisState state) { if (state == PAL::HysteresisState::Stopped) pageStoppedScrolling(); }, pageScrollHysteresisDuration) |
409 | , m_canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel(parameters.canRunBeforeUnloadConfirmPanel) |
410 | , m_canRunModal(parameters.canRunModal) |
412 | , m_forceAlwaysUserScalable(parameters.ignoresViewportScaleLimits) |
413 | , m_screenSize(parameters.screenSize) |
414 | , m_availableScreenSize(parameters.availableScreenSize) |
415 | , m_overrideScreenSize(parameters.overrideScreenSize) |
416 | , m_deviceOrientation(parameters.deviceOrientation) |
417 | , m_keyboardIsAttached(parameters.keyboardIsAttached) |
418 | , m_canShowWhileLocked(parameters.canShowWhileLocked) |
419 | #endif |
420 | , m_layerVolatilityTimer(*this, &WebPage::layerVolatilityTimerFired) |
421 | , m_activityState(parameters.activityState) |
422 | , m_userActivity("App nap disabled for page due to user activity" ) |
423 | , m_userInterfaceLayoutDirection(parameters.userInterfaceLayoutDirection) |
424 | , m_overrideContentSecurityPolicy { parameters.overrideContentSecurityPolicy } |
425 | , m_cpuLimit(parameters.cpuLimit) |
426 | #if PLATFORM(WPE) |
427 | , m_hostFileDescriptor(WTFMove(parameters.hostFileDescriptor)) |
428 | #endif |
430 | , m_shrinkToFitContentTimer(*this, &WebPage::shrinkToFitContentTimerFired, 0_s) |
431 | #endif |
432 | { |
433 | ASSERT(m_pageID); |
434 | |
435 | m_pageGroup = WebProcess::singleton().webPageGroup(parameters.pageGroupData); |
436 | |
438 | DeprecatedGlobalSettings::setShouldManageAudioSessionCategory(true); |
439 | #endif |
440 | |
441 | PageConfiguration pageConfiguration( |
442 | makeUniqueRef<WebEditorClient>(this), |
443 | WebSocketProvider::create(), |
444 | makeUniqueRef<WebKit::LibWebRTCProvider>(), |
445 | WebProcess::singleton().cacheStorageProvider(), |
446 | WebBackForwardListProxy::create(*this), |
447 | WebCookieJar::create() |
448 | ); |
449 | pageConfiguration.chromeClient = new WebChromeClient(*this); |
451 | pageConfiguration.contextMenuClient = new WebContextMenuClient(this); |
452 | #endif |
454 | pageConfiguration.dragClient = new WebDragClient(this); |
455 | #endif |
456 | pageConfiguration.inspectorClient = new WebInspectorClient(this); |
458 | pageConfiguration.alternativeTextClient = new WebAlternativeTextClient(this); |
459 | #endif |
460 | |
461 | pageConfiguration.plugInClient = new WebPlugInClient(*this); |
462 | pageConfiguration.loaderClientForMainFrame = new WebFrameLoaderClient; |
463 | pageConfiguration.progressTrackerClient = new WebProgressTrackerClient(*this); |
464 | pageConfiguration.diagnosticLoggingClient = std::make_unique<WebDiagnosticLoggingClient>(*this); |
465 | pageConfiguration.performanceLoggingClient = std::make_unique<WebPerformanceLoggingClient>(*this); |
466 | |
467 | pageConfiguration.webGLStateTracker = std::make_unique<WebGLStateTracker>([this](bool isUsingHighPerformanceWebGL) { |
468 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetIsUsingHighPerformanceWebGL(isUsingHighPerformanceWebGL)); |
469 | }); |
470 | |
472 | pageConfiguration.speechSynthesisClient = std::make_unique<WebSpeechSynthesisClient>(*this); |
473 | #endif |
474 | |
475 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
476 | pageConfiguration.validationMessageClient = std::make_unique<WebValidationMessageClient>(*this); |
477 | #endif |
478 | |
479 | pageConfiguration.applicationCacheStorage = &WebProcess::singleton().applicationCacheStorage(); |
480 | pageConfiguration.databaseProvider = WebDatabaseProvider::getOrCreate(m_pageGroup->pageGroupID()); |
481 | pageConfiguration.pluginInfoProvider = &WebPluginInfoProvider::singleton(); |
482 | pageConfiguration.storageNamespaceProvider = WebStorageNamespaceProvider::getOrCreate(m_pageGroup->pageGroupID()); |
483 | pageConfiguration.userContentProvider = m_userContentController.ptr(); |
484 | pageConfiguration.visitedLinkStore = VisitedLinkTableController::getOrCreate(parameters.visitedLinkTableID); |
485 | |
486 | #if ENABLE(APPLE_PAY) |
487 | pageConfiguration.paymentCoordinatorClient = new WebPaymentCoordinator(*this); |
488 | #endif |
489 | |
490 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
491 | pageConfiguration.authenticatorCoordinatorClient = std::make_unique<WebAuthenticatorCoordinator>(*this); |
492 | #endif |
493 | |
495 | pageConfiguration.applicationManifest = parameters.applicationManifest; |
496 | #endif |
497 | |
498 | m_page = std::make_unique<Page>(WTFMove(pageConfiguration)); |
499 | |
500 | // Set the sessionID *before* updating the preferences as the privateBrowsingEnabled preferences may need to override it. |
501 | if (parameters.sessionID.isValid()) |
502 | setSessionID(parameters.sessionID); |
503 | |
504 | updatePreferences(parameters.store); |
505 | |
506 | m_backgroundColor = parameters.backgroundColor; |
507 | |
508 | m_drawingArea = DrawingArea::create(*this, parameters); |
509 | m_drawingArea->setPaintingEnabled(false); |
510 | m_drawingArea->setShouldScaleViewToFitDocument(parameters.shouldScaleViewToFitDocument); |
511 | |
512 | if (parameters.isProcessSwap) |
513 | freezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::ProcessSwap); |
514 | |
516 | m_useAsyncScrolling = parameters.store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::threadedScrollingEnabledKey()); |
517 | if (!m_drawingArea->supportsAsyncScrolling()) |
518 | m_useAsyncScrolling = false; |
519 | m_page->settings().setScrollingCoordinatorEnabled(m_useAsyncScrolling); |
520 | #endif |
521 | |
522 | m_mainFrame = WebFrame::createWithCoreMainFrame(this, &m_page->mainFrame()); |
523 | m_drawingArea->updatePreferences(parameters.store); |
524 | |
525 | setBackgroundExtendsBeyondPage(parameters.backgroundExtendsBeyondPage); |
526 | setPageAndTextZoomFactors(parameters.pageZoomFactor, parameters.textZoomFactor); |
527 | |
529 | WebCore::provideGeolocationTo(m_page.get(), *new WebGeolocationClient(*this)); |
530 | #endif |
532 | WebCore::provideNotification(m_page.get(), new WebNotificationClient(this)); |
533 | #endif |
535 | WebCore::provideUserMediaTo(m_page.get(), new WebUserMediaClient(*this)); |
536 | #endif |
537 | |
538 | m_page->setControlledByAutomation(parameters.controlledByAutomation); |
539 | |
540 | m_page->setCanStartMedia(false); |
541 | m_mayStartMediaWhenInWindow = parameters.mayStartMediaWhenInWindow; |
542 | |
543 | m_page->setGroupName(m_pageGroup->identifier()); |
544 | m_page->setDeviceScaleFactor(parameters.deviceScaleFactor); |
545 | m_page->setUserInterfaceLayoutDirection(m_userInterfaceLayoutDirection); |
547 | m_page->setTextAutosizingWidth(parameters.textAutosizingWidth); |
548 | setOverrideViewportArguments(parameters.overrideViewportArguments); |
549 | #endif |
550 | |
551 | platformInitialize(); |
552 | |
553 | setUseFixedLayout(parameters.useFixedLayout); |
554 | |
555 | setUnderlayColor(parameters.underlayColor); |
556 | |
557 | setPaginationMode(parameters.paginationMode); |
558 | setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns(parameters.paginationBehavesLikeColumns); |
559 | setPageLength(parameters.pageLength); |
560 | setGapBetweenPages(parameters.gapBetweenPages); |
561 | setPaginationLineGridEnabled(parameters.paginationLineGridEnabled); |
562 | |
563 | effectiveAppearanceDidChange(parameters.useDarkAppearance, parameters.useInactiveAppearance); |
564 | |
565 | if (parameters.isEditable) |
566 | setEditable(true); |
567 | |
568 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
569 | setUseSystemAppearance(parameters.useSystemAppearance); |
570 | #endif |
571 | |
572 | // If the page is created off-screen, its visibilityState should be prerender. |
573 | m_page->setActivityState(m_activityState); |
574 | if (!isVisible()) |
575 | m_page->setIsPrerender(); |
576 | |
577 | updateIsInWindow(true); |
578 | |
579 | setViewLayoutSize(parameters.viewLayoutSize); |
580 | setAutoSizingShouldExpandToViewHeight(parameters.autoSizingShouldExpandToViewHeight); |
581 | setViewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits(parameters.viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits); |
582 | |
583 | setScrollPinningBehavior(parameters.scrollPinningBehavior); |
584 | if (parameters.scrollbarOverlayStyle) |
585 | m_scrollbarOverlayStyle = static_cast<ScrollbarOverlayStyle>(parameters.scrollbarOverlayStyle.value()); |
586 | else |
587 | m_scrollbarOverlayStyle = Optional<ScrollbarOverlayStyle>(); |
588 | |
589 | setTopContentInset(parameters.topContentInset); |
590 | |
591 | m_userAgent = parameters.userAgent; |
592 | |
593 | if (!parameters.itemStates.isEmpty()) |
594 | restoreSessionInternal(parameters.itemStates, WasRestoredByAPIRequest::No, WebBackForwardListProxy::OverwriteExistingItem::Yes); |
595 | |
596 | m_drawingArea->setPaintingEnabled(true); |
597 | |
598 | setMediaVolume(parameters.mediaVolume); |
599 | |
600 | setMuted(parameters.muted); |
601 | |
602 | // We use the DidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout milestone to determine when to unfreeze the layer tree. |
603 | m_page->addLayoutMilestones({ DidFirstLayout, DidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout }); |
604 | |
605 | auto& webProcess = WebProcess::singleton(); |
606 | webProcess.addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebPage::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID, *this); |
607 | |
608 | // FIXME: This should be done in the object constructors, and the objects themselves should be message receivers. |
609 | webProcess.addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebInspector::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID, *this); |
610 | webProcess.addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID, *this); |
611 | webProcess.addMessageReceiver(Messages::RemoteWebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID, *this); |
613 | webProcess.addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebFullScreenManager::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID, *this); |
614 | #endif |
615 | |
616 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
617 | webPageCounter.increment(); |
618 | #endif |
619 | |
621 | if (m_useAsyncScrolling) |
622 | webProcess.eventDispatcher().addScrollingTreeForPage(this); |
623 | #endif |
624 | |
625 | for (auto& mimeType : parameters.mimeTypesWithCustomContentProviders) |
626 | m_mimeTypesWithCustomContentProviders.add(mimeType); |
627 | |
628 | |
630 | if (WebMediaKeyStorageManager* manager = webProcess.supplement<WebMediaKeyStorageManager>()) |
631 | m_page->settings().setMediaKeysStorageDirectory(manager->mediaKeyStorageDirectory()); |
632 | #endif |
633 | m_page->settings().setAppleMailPaginationQuirkEnabled(parameters.appleMailPaginationQuirkEnabled); |
634 | |
635 | if (parameters.viewScaleFactor != 1) |
636 | scaleView(parameters.viewScaleFactor); |
637 | |
638 | m_page->addLayoutMilestones(parameters.observedLayoutMilestones); |
639 | |
640 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
641 | m_page->settings().setContentDispositionAttachmentSandboxEnabled(true); |
642 | setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(parameters.smartInsertDeleteEnabled); |
643 | WebCore::setAdditionalSupportedImageTypes(parameters.additionalSupportedImageTypes); |
644 | #endif |
645 | |
647 | if (parameters.hasRegisteredServiceWorkers) |
648 | ServiceWorkerProvider::singleton().setMayHaveRegisteredServiceWorkers(); |
649 | #endif |
650 | |
651 | m_needsFontAttributes = parameters.needsFontAttributes; |
652 | |
653 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
654 | if (!parameters.iceCandidateFilteringEnabled) |
655 | disableICECandidateFiltering(); |
656 | #if USE(LIBWEBRTC) |
657 | if (parameters.enumeratingAllNetworkInterfacesEnabled) |
658 | enableEnumeratingAllNetworkInterfaces(); |
659 | #endif |
660 | #endif |
661 | |
662 | for (const auto& iterator : parameters.urlSchemeHandlers) |
663 | registerURLSchemeHandler(iterator.value, iterator.key); |
664 | |
665 | m_userContentController->addUserContentWorlds(parameters.userContentWorlds); |
666 | m_userContentController->addUserScripts(WTFMove(parameters.userScripts), InjectUserScriptImmediately::No); |
667 | m_userContentController->addUserStyleSheets(parameters.userStyleSheets); |
668 | m_userContentController->addUserScriptMessageHandlers(parameters.messageHandlers); |
670 | m_userContentController->addContentRuleLists(WTFMove(parameters.contentRuleLists)); |
671 | #endif |
672 | |
674 | setViewportConfigurationViewLayoutSize(parameters.viewportConfigurationViewLayoutSize, parameters.viewportConfigurationLayoutSizeScaleFactor, parameters.viewportConfigurationMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth); |
675 | setMaximumUnobscuredSize(parameters.maximumUnobscuredSize); |
676 | #endif |
677 | |
678 | #if USE(AUDIO_SESSION) |
679 | PlatformMediaSessionManager::setShouldDeactivateAudioSession(true); |
680 | #endif |
681 | |
682 | updateThrottleState(); |
683 | } |
684 | |
685 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
686 | void WebPage::disableICECandidateFiltering() |
687 | { |
688 | m_page->disableICECandidateFiltering(); |
689 | } |
690 | |
691 | void WebPage::enableICECandidateFiltering() |
692 | { |
693 | m_page->enableICECandidateFiltering(); |
694 | } |
695 | |
696 | #if USE(LIBWEBRTC) |
697 | void WebPage::disableEnumeratingAllNetworkInterfaces() |
698 | { |
699 | m_page->libWebRTCProvider().disableEnumeratingAllNetworkInterfaces(); |
700 | } |
701 | |
702 | void WebPage::enableEnumeratingAllNetworkInterfaces() |
703 | { |
704 | m_page->libWebRTCProvider().enableEnumeratingAllNetworkInterfaces(); |
705 | } |
706 | #endif |
707 | #endif |
708 | |
709 | void WebPage::stopAllMediaPlayback() |
710 | { |
711 | m_page->stopAllMediaPlayback(); |
712 | } |
713 | |
714 | void WebPage::suspendAllMediaPlayback() |
715 | { |
716 | m_page->suspendAllMediaPlayback(); |
717 | } |
718 | |
719 | void WebPage::resumeAllMediaPlayback() |
720 | { |
721 | m_page->resumeAllMediaPlayback(); |
722 | } |
723 | |
724 | void WebPage::suspendAllMediaBuffering() |
725 | { |
726 | m_page->suspendAllMediaBuffering(); |
727 | } |
728 | |
729 | void WebPage::resumeAllMediaBuffering() |
730 | { |
731 | m_page->resumeAllMediaBuffering(); |
732 | } |
733 | |
734 | |
735 | void WebPage::reinitializeWebPage(WebPageCreationParameters&& parameters) |
736 | { |
737 | ASSERT(m_drawingArea); |
738 | |
739 | setSize(parameters.viewSize); |
740 | |
741 | // If the UIProcess created a new DrawingArea, then we need to do the same. |
742 | if (m_drawingArea->identifier() != parameters.drawingAreaIdentifier) { |
743 | auto oldDrawingArea = std::exchange(m_drawingArea, nullptr); |
744 | oldDrawingArea->removeMessageReceiverIfNeeded(); |
745 | |
746 | m_drawingArea = DrawingArea::create(*this, parameters); |
747 | m_drawingArea->setPaintingEnabled(false); |
748 | m_drawingArea->setShouldScaleViewToFitDocument(parameters.shouldScaleViewToFitDocument); |
749 | m_drawingArea->updatePreferences(parameters.store); |
750 | m_drawingArea->setPaintingEnabled(true); |
751 | |
752 | m_drawingArea->adoptLayersFromDrawingArea(*oldDrawingArea); |
753 | |
754 | unfreezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::PageSuspended); |
755 | } |
756 | |
757 | setViewLayoutSize(parameters.viewLayoutSize); |
758 | |
759 | if (m_activityState != parameters.activityState) |
760 | setActivityState(parameters.activityState, ActivityStateChangeAsynchronous, Vector<CallbackID>()); |
761 | if (m_layerHostingMode != parameters.layerHostingMode) |
762 | setLayerHostingMode(parameters.layerHostingMode); |
763 | |
764 | platformReinitialize(); |
765 | } |
766 | |
767 | void WebPage::updateThrottleState() |
768 | { |
769 | bool isThrottleable = this->isThrottleable(); |
770 | |
771 | // The UserActivity prevents App Nap. So if we want to allow App Nap of the page, stop the activity. |
772 | // If the page should not be app nap'd, start it. |
773 | if (isThrottleable) |
774 | m_userActivity.stop(); |
775 | else |
776 | m_userActivity.start(); |
777 | |
779 | RunLoop::main().dispatch([isThrottleable, sessionID = sessionID()] { |
780 | if (auto* connection = ServiceWorkerProvider::singleton().existingServiceWorkerConnectionForSession(sessionID)) { |
781 | if (isThrottleable != connection->isThrottleable()) |
782 | connection->updateThrottleState(); |
783 | } |
784 | }); |
785 | #endif |
786 | } |
787 | |
788 | bool WebPage::isThrottleable() const |
789 | { |
790 | bool isActive = m_activityState.containsAny({ ActivityState::IsLoading, ActivityState::IsAudible, ActivityState::IsCapturingMedia, ActivityState::WindowIsActive }); |
791 | bool isVisuallyIdle = m_activityState.contains(ActivityState::IsVisuallyIdle); |
792 | |
793 | return m_isAppNapEnabled && !isActive && isVisuallyIdle; |
794 | } |
795 | |
796 | WebPage::~WebPage() |
797 | { |
798 | ASSERT(!m_page); |
799 | |
800 | platformDetach(); |
801 | |
802 | m_sandboxExtensionTracker.invalidate(); |
803 | |
804 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
805 | pluginView->webPageDestroyed(); |
806 | |
808 | if (m_headerBanner) |
809 | m_headerBanner->detachFromPage(); |
810 | if (m_footerBanner) |
811 | m_footerBanner->detachFromPage(); |
812 | #endif // !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
813 | |
814 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
815 | webPageCounter.decrement(); |
816 | #endif |
817 | |
819 | if (m_playbackSessionManager) |
820 | m_playbackSessionManager->invalidate(); |
821 | |
822 | if (m_videoFullscreenManager) |
823 | m_videoFullscreenManager->invalidate(); |
824 | #endif |
825 | } |
826 | |
827 | IPC::Connection* WebPage::messageSenderConnection() const |
828 | { |
829 | return WebProcess::singleton().parentProcessConnection(); |
830 | } |
831 | |
832 | uint64_t WebPage::messageSenderDestinationID() const |
833 | { |
834 | return pageID(); |
835 | } |
836 | |
838 | void WebPage::(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::PageContextMenuClient>&& ) |
839 | { |
840 | if (!contextMenuClient) { |
841 | m_contextMenuClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageContextMenuClient>(); |
842 | return; |
843 | } |
844 | |
845 | m_contextMenuClient = WTFMove(contextMenuClient); |
846 | } |
847 | #endif |
848 | |
849 | void WebPage::setInjectedBundleEditorClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::EditorClient>&& editorClient) |
850 | { |
851 | if (!editorClient) { |
852 | m_editorClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::EditorClient>(); |
853 | return; |
854 | } |
855 | |
856 | m_editorClient = WTFMove(editorClient); |
857 | } |
858 | |
859 | void WebPage::setInjectedBundleFormClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::FormClient>&& formClient) |
860 | { |
861 | if (!formClient) { |
862 | m_formClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::FormClient>(); |
863 | return; |
864 | } |
865 | |
866 | m_formClient = WTFMove(formClient); |
867 | } |
868 | |
869 | void WebPage::setInjectedBundlePageLoaderClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::PageLoaderClient>&& loaderClient) |
870 | { |
871 | if (!loaderClient) { |
872 | m_loaderClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageLoaderClient>(); |
873 | return; |
874 | } |
875 | |
876 | m_loaderClient = WTFMove(loaderClient); |
877 | |
878 | // It would be nice to get rid of this code and transition all clients to using didLayout instead of |
879 | // didFirstLayoutInFrame and didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutInFrame. In the meantime, this is required |
880 | // for backwards compatibility. |
881 | if (auto milestones = m_loaderClient->layoutMilestones()) |
882 | listenForLayoutMilestones(milestones); |
883 | } |
884 | |
885 | void WebPage::initializeInjectedBundlePolicyClient(WKBundlePagePolicyClientBase* client) |
886 | { |
887 | m_policyClient.initialize(client); |
888 | } |
889 | |
890 | void WebPage::setInjectedBundleResourceLoadClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::ResourceLoadClient>&& client) |
891 | { |
892 | if (!m_resourceLoadClient) |
893 | m_resourceLoadClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::ResourceLoadClient>(); |
894 | else |
895 | m_resourceLoadClient = WTFMove(client); |
896 | } |
897 | |
898 | void WebPage::setInjectedBundleUIClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundle::PageUIClient>&& uiClient) |
899 | { |
900 | if (!uiClient) { |
901 | m_uiClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageUIClient>(); |
902 | return; |
903 | } |
904 | |
905 | m_uiClient = WTFMove(uiClient); |
906 | } |
907 | |
909 | void WebPage::initializeInjectedBundleFullScreenClient(WKBundlePageFullScreenClientBase* client) |
910 | { |
911 | m_fullScreenClient.initialize(client); |
912 | } |
913 | #endif |
914 | |
916 | |
917 | constexpr int smallPluginDimensionThreshold = 5; |
918 | |
919 | static bool pluginIsSmall(WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement& pluginElement) |
920 | { |
921 | auto* renderer = pluginElement.renderer(); |
922 | if (!is<RenderEmbeddedObject>(*renderer)) |
923 | return false; |
924 | |
925 | auto& box = downcast<RenderBox>(*renderer); |
926 | return box.contentWidth() <= smallPluginDimensionThreshold && box.contentHeight() <= smallPluginDimensionThreshold; |
927 | } |
928 | |
929 | RefPtr<Plugin> WebPage::createPlugin(WebFrame* frame, HTMLPlugInElement* pluginElement, const Plugin::Parameters& parameters, String& newMIMEType) |
930 | { |
931 | String frameURLString = frame->coreFrame()->loader().documentLoader()->responseURL().string(); |
932 | String pageURLString = m_page->mainFrame().loader().documentLoader()->responseURL().string(); |
933 | |
935 | HTMLPlugInImageElement& pluginImageElement = downcast<HTMLPlugInImageElement>(*pluginElement); |
936 | unsigned pluginArea = 0; |
937 | PluginProcessType processType = pluginElement->displayState() == HTMLPlugInElement::WaitingForSnapshot && !(plugInIsPrimarySize(pluginImageElement, pluginArea) && !plugInIntersectsSearchRect(pluginImageElement)) ? PluginProcessTypeSnapshot : PluginProcessTypeNormal; |
938 | #else |
939 | PluginProcessType processType = pluginElement->displayState() == HTMLPlugInElement::WaitingForSnapshot ? PluginProcessTypeSnapshot : PluginProcessTypeNormal; |
940 | #endif |
941 | |
942 | bool allowOnlyApplicationPlugins = !frame->coreFrame()->loader().subframeLoader().allowPlugins(); |
943 | |
944 | uint64_t pluginProcessToken; |
945 | uint32_t pluginLoadPolicy; |
946 | String unavailabilityDescription; |
947 | bool isUnsupported; |
948 | if (!sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::FindPlugin(parameters.mimeType, static_cast<uint32_t>(processType), parameters.url.string(), frameURLString, pageURLString, allowOnlyApplicationPlugins), Messages::WebPageProxy::FindPlugin::Reply(pluginProcessToken, newMIMEType, pluginLoadPolicy, unavailabilityDescription, isUnsupported))) |
949 | return nullptr; |
950 | |
951 | PluginModuleLoadPolicy loadPolicy = static_cast<PluginModuleLoadPolicy>(pluginLoadPolicy); |
952 | bool isBlockedPlugin = (loadPolicy == PluginModuleBlockedForSecurity) || (loadPolicy == PluginModuleBlockedForCompatibility); |
953 | |
954 | if (isUnsupported || isBlockedPlugin || !pluginProcessToken) { |
956 | String path = parameters.url.path(); |
957 | if (shouldUsePDFPlugin() && (MIMETypeRegistry::isPDFOrPostScriptMIMEType(parameters.mimeType) || (parameters.mimeType.isEmpty() && (path.endsWithIgnoringASCIICase(".pdf" ) || path.endsWithIgnoringASCIICase(".ps" ))))) |
958 | return PDFPlugin::create(*frame); |
959 | #endif |
960 | } |
961 | |
962 | if (isUnsupported) { |
963 | pluginElement->setReplacement(RenderEmbeddedObject::UnsupportedPlugin, unavailabilityDescription); |
964 | return nullptr; |
965 | } |
966 | |
967 | if (isBlockedPlugin) { |
968 | bool isReplacementObscured = pluginElement->setReplacement(RenderEmbeddedObject::InsecurePluginVersion, unavailabilityDescription); |
969 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidBlockInsecurePluginVersion(parameters.mimeType, parameters.url.string(), frameURLString, pageURLString, isReplacementObscured)); |
970 | return nullptr; |
971 | } |
972 | |
973 | if (!pluginProcessToken) |
974 | return nullptr; |
975 | |
976 | if (m_page->settings().blockingOfSmallPluginsEnabled() && pluginIsSmall(*pluginElement)) { |
977 | RELEASE_LOG(Plugins, "Blocking a plugin because it is too small" ); |
978 | pluginElement->setReplacement(RenderEmbeddedObject::PluginTooSmall, pluginTooSmallText()); |
979 | return nullptr; |
980 | } |
981 | |
982 | bool isRestartedProcess = (pluginElement->displayState() == HTMLPlugInElement::Restarting || pluginElement->displayState() == HTMLPlugInElement::RestartingWithPendingMouseClick); |
983 | return PluginProxy::create(pluginProcessToken, isRestartedProcess); |
984 | } |
986 | |
988 | WebCore::WebGLLoadPolicy WebPage::webGLPolicyForURL(WebFrame*, const URL&) |
989 | { |
990 | return WebGLAllowCreation; |
991 | } |
992 | |
993 | WebCore::WebGLLoadPolicy WebPage::resolveWebGLPolicyForURL(WebFrame*, const URL&) |
994 | { |
995 | return WebGLAllowCreation; |
996 | } |
997 | #endif |
998 | |
999 | EditorState WebPage::editorState(IncludePostLayoutDataHint shouldIncludePostLayoutData) const |
1000 | { |
1001 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1002 | |
1003 | EditorState result; |
1004 | |
1005 | if (PluginView* pluginView = focusedPluginViewForFrame(frame)) { |
1006 | if (!pluginView->getSelectionString().isNull()) { |
1007 | result.selectionIsNone = false; |
1008 | result.selectionIsRange = true; |
1009 | result.isInPlugin = true; |
1010 | return result; |
1011 | } |
1012 | } |
1013 | |
1014 | const VisibleSelection& selection = frame.selection().selection(); |
1015 | const Editor& editor = frame.editor(); |
1016 | |
1017 | result.selectionIsNone = selection.isNone(); |
1018 | result.selectionIsRange = selection.isRange(); |
1019 | result.isContentEditable = selection.isContentEditable(); |
1020 | result.isContentRichlyEditable = selection.isContentRichlyEditable(); |
1021 | result.isInPasswordField = selection.isInPasswordField(); |
1022 | result.hasComposition = editor.hasComposition(); |
1023 | result.shouldIgnoreSelectionChanges = editor.ignoreSelectionChanges(); |
1024 | |
1025 | if (auto* document = frame.document()) |
1026 | result.originIdentifierForPasteboard = document->originIdentifierForPasteboard(); |
1027 | |
1028 | bool canIncludePostLayoutData = frame.view() && !frame.view()->needsLayout(); |
1029 | if (shouldIncludePostLayoutData == IncludePostLayoutDataHint::Yes && canIncludePostLayoutData) { |
1030 | auto& postLayoutData = result.postLayoutData(); |
1031 | postLayoutData.canCut = editor.canCut(); |
1032 | postLayoutData.canCopy = editor.canCopy(); |
1033 | postLayoutData.canPaste = editor.canPaste(); |
1034 | |
1035 | if (m_needsFontAttributes) |
1036 | postLayoutData.fontAttributes = editor.fontAttributesAtSelectionStart(); |
1037 | |
1038 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1039 | if (result.isContentEditable && !selection.isNone()) { |
1040 | if (auto editingStyle = EditingStyle::styleAtSelectionStart(selection)) { |
1041 | if (editingStyle->hasStyle(CSSPropertyFontWeight, "bold" )) |
1042 | postLayoutData.typingAttributes |= AttributeBold; |
1043 | |
1044 | if (editingStyle->hasStyle(CSSPropertyFontStyle, "italic" ) || editingStyle->hasStyle(CSSPropertyFontStyle, "oblique" )) |
1045 | postLayoutData.typingAttributes |= AttributeItalics; |
1046 | |
1047 | if (editingStyle->hasStyle(CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect, "underline" )) |
1048 | postLayoutData.typingAttributes |= AttributeUnderline; |
1049 | |
1050 | if (auto* styleProperties = editingStyle->style()) { |
1051 | bool isLeftToRight = styleProperties->propertyAsValueID(CSSPropertyDirection) == CSSValueLtr; |
1052 | switch (styleProperties->propertyAsValueID(CSSPropertyTextAlign)) { |
1053 | case CSSValueRight: |
1054 | case CSSValueWebkitRight: |
1055 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = RightAlignment; |
1056 | break; |
1057 | case CSSValueLeft: |
1058 | case CSSValueWebkitLeft: |
1059 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = LeftAlignment; |
1060 | break; |
1061 | case CSSValueCenter: |
1062 | case CSSValueWebkitCenter: |
1063 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = CenterAlignment; |
1064 | break; |
1065 | case CSSValueJustify: |
1066 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = JustifiedAlignment; |
1067 | break; |
1068 | case CSSValueStart: |
1069 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = isLeftToRight ? LeftAlignment : RightAlignment; |
1070 | break; |
1071 | case CSSValueEnd: |
1072 | postLayoutData.textAlignment = isLeftToRight ? RightAlignment : LeftAlignment; |
1073 | break; |
1074 | default: |
1075 | break; |
1076 | } |
1077 | if (auto textColor = styleProperties->propertyAsColor(CSSPropertyColor)) |
1078 | postLayoutData.textColor = *textColor; |
1079 | } |
1080 | } |
1081 | |
1082 | if (auto* enclosingListElement = enclosingList(selection.start().containerNode())) { |
1083 | if (is<HTMLUListElement>(*enclosingListElement)) |
1084 | postLayoutData.enclosingListType = UnorderedList; |
1085 | else if (is<HTMLOListElement>(*enclosingListElement)) |
1086 | postLayoutData.enclosingListType = OrderedList; |
1087 | else |
1089 | } |
1090 | |
1091 | postLayoutData.baseWritingDirection = editor.baseWritingDirectionForSelectionStart(); |
1092 | } |
1093 | #endif |
1094 | } |
1095 | |
1096 | platformEditorState(frame, result, shouldIncludePostLayoutData); |
1097 | |
1098 | m_lastEditorStateWasContentEditable = result.isContentEditable ? EditorStateIsContentEditable::Yes : EditorStateIsContentEditable::No; |
1099 | |
1100 | return result; |
1101 | } |
1102 | |
1103 | void WebPage::changeFontAttributes(WebCore::FontAttributeChanges&& changes) |
1104 | { |
1105 | auto& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1106 | if (frame.selection().selection().isContentEditable()) |
1107 | frame.editor().applyStyleToSelection(changes.createEditingStyle(), changes.editAction(), Editor::ColorFilterMode::InvertColor); |
1108 | } |
1109 | |
1110 | void WebPage::changeFont(WebCore::FontChanges&& changes) |
1111 | { |
1112 | auto& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1113 | if (frame.selection().selection().isContentEditable()) |
1114 | frame.editor().applyStyleToSelection(changes.createEditingStyle(), EditAction::SetFont, Editor::ColorFilterMode::InvertColor); |
1115 | } |
1116 | |
1117 | void WebPage::executeEditCommandWithCallback(const String& commandName, const String& argument, CallbackID callbackID) |
1118 | { |
1119 | executeEditCommand(commandName, argument); |
1120 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
1121 | } |
1122 | |
1123 | void WebPage::selectAll() |
1124 | { |
1125 | executeEditingCommand("SelectAll"_s , { }); |
1126 | platformDidSelectAll(); |
1127 | } |
1128 | |
1129 | bool WebPage::shouldDispatchSyntheticMouseEventsWhenModifyingSelection() const |
1130 | { |
1131 | auto* document = m_page->mainFrame().document(); |
1132 | return document && document->quirks().shouldDispatchSyntheticMouseEventsWhenModifyingSelection(); |
1133 | } |
1134 | |
1135 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
1136 | |
1137 | void WebPage::platformDidSelectAll() |
1138 | { |
1139 | } |
1140 | |
1141 | #endif // !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
1142 | |
1143 | void WebPage::updateEditorStateAfterLayoutIfEditabilityChanged() |
1144 | { |
1145 | // FIXME: We should update EditorStateIsContentEditable to track whether the state is richly |
1146 | // editable or plainttext-only. |
1147 | if (m_lastEditorStateWasContentEditable == EditorStateIsContentEditable::Unset) |
1148 | return; |
1149 | |
1150 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1151 | EditorStateIsContentEditable editorStateIsContentEditable = frame.selection().selection().isContentEditable() ? EditorStateIsContentEditable::Yes : EditorStateIsContentEditable::No; |
1152 | if (m_lastEditorStateWasContentEditable != editorStateIsContentEditable) |
1153 | scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate(); |
1154 | } |
1155 | |
1156 | static OptionSet<RenderAsTextFlag> toRenderAsTextFlags(unsigned options) |
1157 | { |
1158 | OptionSet<RenderAsTextFlag> flags; |
1159 | |
1160 | if (options & RenderTreeShowAllLayers) |
1161 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowAllLayers); |
1162 | if (options & RenderTreeShowLayerNesting) |
1163 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowLayerNesting); |
1164 | if (options & RenderTreeShowCompositedLayers) |
1165 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowCompositedLayers); |
1166 | if (options & RenderTreeShowOverflow) |
1167 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowOverflow); |
1168 | if (options & RenderTreeShowSVGGeometry) |
1169 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowSVGGeometry); |
1170 | if (options & RenderTreeShowLayerFragments) |
1171 | flags.add(RenderAsTextFlag::ShowLayerFragments); |
1172 | |
1173 | return flags; |
1174 | } |
1175 | |
1176 | String WebPage::renderTreeExternalRepresentation(unsigned options) const |
1177 | { |
1178 | return externalRepresentation(m_mainFrame->coreFrame(), toRenderAsTextFlags(options)); |
1179 | } |
1180 | |
1181 | String WebPage::renderTreeExternalRepresentationForPrinting() const |
1182 | { |
1183 | return externalRepresentation(m_mainFrame->coreFrame(), { RenderAsTextFlag::PrintingMode }); |
1184 | } |
1185 | |
1186 | uint64_t WebPage::renderTreeSize() const |
1187 | { |
1188 | if (!m_page) |
1189 | return 0; |
1190 | return m_page->renderTreeSize(); |
1191 | } |
1192 | |
1193 | void WebPage::setTracksRepaints(bool trackRepaints) |
1194 | { |
1195 | if (FrameView* view = mainFrameView()) |
1196 | view->setTracksRepaints(trackRepaints); |
1197 | } |
1198 | |
1199 | bool WebPage::isTrackingRepaints() const |
1200 | { |
1201 | if (FrameView* view = mainFrameView()) |
1202 | return view->isTrackingRepaints(); |
1203 | |
1204 | return false; |
1205 | } |
1206 | |
1207 | void WebPage::resetTrackedRepaints() |
1208 | { |
1209 | if (FrameView* view = mainFrameView()) |
1210 | view->resetTrackedRepaints(); |
1211 | } |
1212 | |
1213 | Ref<API::Array> WebPage::trackedRepaintRects() |
1214 | { |
1215 | FrameView* view = mainFrameView(); |
1216 | if (!view) |
1217 | return API::Array::create(); |
1218 | |
1219 | Vector<RefPtr<API::Object>> repaintRects; |
1220 | repaintRects.reserveInitialCapacity(view->trackedRepaintRects().size()); |
1221 | |
1222 | for (const auto& repaintRect : view->trackedRepaintRects()) |
1223 | repaintRects.uncheckedAppend(API::Rect::create(toAPI(repaintRect))); |
1224 | |
1225 | return API::Array::create(WTFMove(repaintRects)); |
1226 | } |
1227 | |
1228 | PluginView* WebPage::focusedPluginViewForFrame(Frame& frame) |
1229 | { |
1230 | if (!is<PluginDocument>(frame.document())) |
1231 | return nullptr; |
1232 | |
1233 | auto& pluginDocument = downcast<PluginDocument>(*frame.document()); |
1234 | if (pluginDocument.focusedElement() != pluginDocument.pluginElement()) |
1235 | return nullptr; |
1236 | |
1237 | return pluginViewForFrame(&frame); |
1238 | } |
1239 | |
1240 | PluginView* WebPage::pluginViewForFrame(Frame* frame) |
1241 | { |
1242 | if (!frame || !is<PluginDocument>(frame->document())) |
1243 | return nullptr; |
1244 | |
1245 | auto& document = downcast<PluginDocument>(*frame->document()); |
1246 | return static_cast<PluginView*>(document.pluginWidget()); |
1247 | } |
1248 | |
1249 | void WebPage::executeEditingCommand(const String& commandName, const String& argument) |
1250 | { |
1251 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1252 | |
1253 | if (PluginView* pluginView = focusedPluginViewForFrame(frame)) { |
1254 | pluginView->handleEditingCommand(commandName, argument); |
1255 | return; |
1256 | } |
1257 | |
1258 | frame.editor().command(commandName).execute(argument); |
1259 | } |
1260 | |
1261 | void WebPage::setEditable(bool editable) |
1262 | { |
1263 | m_page->setEditable(editable); |
1264 | m_page->setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(!editable); |
1265 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1266 | if (editable) { |
1267 | frame.editor().applyEditingStyleToBodyElement(); |
1268 | // If the page is made editable and the selection is empty, set it to something. |
1269 | if (frame.selection().isNone()) |
1270 | frame.selection().setSelectionFromNone(); |
1271 | } |
1272 | } |
1273 | |
1274 | void WebPage::increaseListLevel() |
1275 | { |
1276 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().increaseSelectionListLevel(); |
1277 | } |
1278 | |
1279 | void WebPage::decreaseListLevel() |
1280 | { |
1281 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().decreaseSelectionListLevel(); |
1282 | } |
1283 | |
1284 | void WebPage::changeListType() |
1285 | { |
1286 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().changeSelectionListType(); |
1287 | } |
1288 | |
1289 | void WebPage::setBaseWritingDirection(WritingDirection direction) |
1290 | { |
1291 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().setBaseWritingDirection(direction); |
1292 | } |
1293 | |
1294 | bool WebPage::isEditingCommandEnabled(const String& commandName) |
1295 | { |
1296 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
1297 | |
1298 | if (PluginView* pluginView = focusedPluginViewForFrame(frame)) |
1299 | return pluginView->isEditingCommandEnabled(commandName); |
1300 | |
1301 | Editor::Command command = frame.editor().command(commandName); |
1302 | return command.isSupported() && command.isEnabled(); |
1303 | } |
1304 | |
1305 | void WebPage::clearMainFrameName() |
1306 | { |
1307 | if (Frame* frame = mainFrame()) |
1308 | frame->tree().clearName(); |
1309 | } |
1310 | |
1311 | void WebPage::enterAcceleratedCompositingMode(GraphicsLayer* layer) |
1312 | { |
1313 | m_drawingArea->setRootCompositingLayer(layer); |
1314 | } |
1315 | |
1316 | void WebPage::exitAcceleratedCompositingMode() |
1317 | { |
1318 | m_drawingArea->setRootCompositingLayer(nullptr); |
1319 | } |
1320 | |
1321 | void WebPage::close() |
1322 | { |
1323 | if (m_isClosed) |
1324 | return; |
1325 | |
1327 | WebProcess::singleton().ensureNetworkProcessConnection().connection().send(Messages::NetworkConnectionToWebProcess::ClearPageSpecificDataForResourceLoadStatistics(sessionID(), m_pageID), 0); |
1328 | #endif |
1329 | |
1330 | m_isClosed = true; |
1331 | |
1332 | // If there is still no URL, then we never loaded anything in this page, so nothing to report. |
1333 | if (!mainWebFrame()->url().isEmpty()) |
1334 | reportUsedFeatures(); |
1335 | |
1336 | if (WebProcess::singleton().injectedBundle()) |
1337 | WebProcess::singleton().injectedBundle()->willDestroyPage(this); |
1338 | |
1339 | if (m_inspector) { |
1340 | m_inspector->disconnectFromPage(); |
1341 | m_inspector = nullptr; |
1342 | } |
1343 | |
1344 | m_page->inspectorController().disconnectAllFrontends(); |
1345 | |
1347 | m_fullScreenManager = nullptr; |
1348 | #endif |
1349 | |
1350 | if (m_activePopupMenu) { |
1351 | m_activePopupMenu->disconnectFromPage(); |
1352 | m_activePopupMenu = nullptr; |
1353 | } |
1354 | |
1355 | if (m_activeOpenPanelResultListener) { |
1356 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener->disconnectFromPage(); |
1357 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener = nullptr; |
1358 | } |
1359 | |
1361 | if (m_activeColorChooser) { |
1362 | m_activeColorChooser->disconnectFromPage(); |
1363 | m_activeColorChooser = nullptr; |
1364 | } |
1365 | #endif |
1366 | |
1367 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
1368 | if (m_printOperation) { |
1369 | m_printOperation->disconnectFromPage(); |
1370 | m_printOperation = nullptr; |
1371 | } |
1372 | #endif |
1373 | |
1375 | if (m_installMediaPluginsCallback) { |
1376 | m_installMediaPluginsCallback->invalidate(); |
1377 | m_installMediaPluginsCallback = nullptr; |
1378 | } |
1379 | #endif |
1380 | |
1381 | m_sandboxExtensionTracker.invalidate(); |
1382 | |
1384 | m_determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimer.stop(); |
1385 | #endif |
1386 | |
1388 | m_shrinkToFitContentTimer.stop(); |
1389 | #endif |
1390 | |
1392 | m_contextMenuClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageContextMenuClient>(); |
1393 | #endif |
1394 | m_editorClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::EditorClient>(); |
1395 | m_formClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::FormClient>(); |
1396 | m_loaderClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageLoaderClient>(); |
1397 | m_policyClient.initialize(0); |
1398 | m_resourceLoadClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::ResourceLoadClient>(); |
1399 | m_uiClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundle::PageUIClient>(); |
1401 | m_fullScreenClient.initialize(0); |
1402 | #endif |
1403 | |
1404 | m_printContext = nullptr; |
1405 | m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().detachFromParent(); |
1406 | m_drawingArea = nullptr; |
1407 | |
1408 | DeferredPageDestructor::createDeferredPageDestructor(WTFMove(m_page), this); |
1409 | |
1410 | bool isRunningModal = m_isRunningModal; |
1411 | m_isRunningModal = false; |
1412 | |
1413 | auto& webProcess = WebProcess::singleton(); |
1414 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1415 | if (m_remoteObjectRegistry) |
1416 | m_remoteObjectRegistry->close(); |
1417 | #endif |
1419 | if (m_useAsyncScrolling) |
1420 | webProcess.eventDispatcher().removeScrollingTreeForPage(this); |
1421 | #endif |
1422 | webProcess.removeMessageReceiver(Messages::WebPage::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID); |
1423 | // FIXME: This should be done in the object destructors, and the objects themselves should be message receivers. |
1424 | webProcess.removeMessageReceiver(Messages::WebInspector::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID); |
1425 | webProcess.removeMessageReceiver(Messages::WebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID); |
1426 | webProcess.removeMessageReceiver(Messages::RemoteWebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID); |
1428 | webProcess.removeMessageReceiver(Messages::WebFullScreenManager::messageReceiverName(), m_pageID); |
1429 | #endif |
1431 | m_viewGestureGeometryCollector = nullptr; |
1432 | #endif |
1433 | |
1434 | // The WebPage can be destroyed by this call. |
1435 | WebProcess::singleton().removeWebPage(m_pageID); |
1436 | |
1437 | WebProcess::singleton().updateActivePages(); |
1438 | |
1439 | if (isRunningModal) |
1440 | RunLoop::main().stop(); |
1441 | } |
1442 | |
1443 | void WebPage::tryClose() |
1444 | { |
1445 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1446 | |
1447 | if (!corePage()->userInputBridge().tryClosePage()) |
1448 | return; |
1449 | |
1450 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ClosePage(true)); |
1451 | } |
1452 | |
1453 | void WebPage::sendClose() |
1454 | { |
1455 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ClosePage(false)); |
1456 | } |
1457 | |
1458 | void WebPage::suspendForProcessSwap() |
1459 | { |
1460 | auto failedToSuspend = [this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this)] { |
1461 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidFailToSuspendAfterProcessSwap()); |
1462 | }; |
1463 | |
1464 | auto* currentHistoryItem = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().history().currentItem(); |
1465 | if (!currentHistoryItem) { |
1466 | failedToSuspend(); |
1467 | return; |
1468 | } |
1469 | |
1470 | if (!PageCache::singleton().addIfCacheable(*currentHistoryItem, corePage())) { |
1471 | failedToSuspend(); |
1472 | return; |
1473 | } |
1474 | |
1475 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidSuspendAfterProcessSwap()); |
1476 | } |
1477 | |
1478 | void WebPage::loadURLInFrame(URL&& url, uint64_t frameID) |
1479 | { |
1480 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
1481 | if (!frame) |
1482 | return; |
1483 | |
1484 | frame->coreFrame()->loader().load(FrameLoadRequest(*frame->coreFrame(), ResourceRequest(url), ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow)); |
1485 | } |
1486 | |
1487 | void WebPage::loadDataInFrame(IPC::DataReference&& data, String&& MIMEType, String&& encodingName, URL&& baseURL, uint64_t frameID) |
1488 | { |
1489 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
1490 | if (!frame) |
1491 | return; |
1492 | ASSERT(mainWebFrame() != frame); |
1493 | |
1494 | auto sharedBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.data()), data.size()); |
1495 | ResourceResponse response(baseURL, MIMEType, sharedBuffer->size(), encodingName); |
1496 | SubstituteData substituteData(WTFMove(sharedBuffer), baseURL, WTFMove(response), SubstituteData::SessionHistoryVisibility::Hidden); |
1497 | frame->coreFrame()->loader().load(FrameLoadRequest(*frame->coreFrame(), ResourceRequest(baseURL), ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow, WTFMove(substituteData))); |
1498 | } |
1499 | |
1500 | #if !PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1501 | void WebPage::platformDidReceiveLoadParameters(const LoadParameters& loadParameters) |
1502 | { |
1503 | } |
1504 | #endif |
1505 | |
1506 | void WebPage::loadRequest(LoadParameters&& loadParameters) |
1507 | { |
1508 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1509 | |
1510 | m_pendingNavigationID = loadParameters.navigationID; |
1511 | m_pendingWebsitePolicies = WTFMove(loadParameters.websitePolicies); |
1512 | |
1513 | m_sandboxExtensionTracker.beginLoad(m_mainFrame.get(), WTFMove(loadParameters.sandboxExtensionHandle)); |
1514 | |
1515 | // Let the InjectedBundle know we are about to start the load, passing the user data from the UIProcess |
1516 | // to all the client to set up any needed state. |
1517 | m_loaderClient->willLoadURLRequest(*this, loadParameters.request, WebProcess::singleton().transformHandlesToObjects(loadParameters.userData.object()).get()); |
1518 | |
1519 | platformDidReceiveLoadParameters(loadParameters); |
1520 | |
1521 | // Initate the load in WebCore. |
1522 | FrameLoadRequest frameLoadRequest { *m_mainFrame->coreFrame(), loadParameters.request, ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow }; |
1523 | ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy externalURLsPolicy = static_cast<ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy>(loadParameters.shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy); |
1524 | frameLoadRequest.setShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy(externalURLsPolicy); |
1525 | frameLoadRequest.setShouldTreatAsContinuingLoad(loadParameters.shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad); |
1526 | frameLoadRequest.setLockHistory(loadParameters.lockHistory); |
1527 | frameLoadRequest.setlockBackForwardList(loadParameters.lockBackForwardList); |
1528 | frameLoadRequest.setClientRedirectSourceForHistory(loadParameters.clientRedirectSourceForHistory); |
1529 | frameLoadRequest.setIsRequestFromClientOrUserInput(); |
1530 | |
1531 | corePage()->userInputBridge().loadRequest(WTFMove(frameLoadRequest)); |
1532 | |
1533 | ASSERT(!m_pendingNavigationID); |
1534 | ASSERT(!m_pendingWebsitePolicies); |
1535 | } |
1536 | |
1537 | void WebPage::loadDataImpl(uint64_t navigationID, bool shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad, Optional<WebsitePoliciesData>&& websitePolicies, Ref<SharedBuffer>&& sharedBuffer, const String& MIMEType, const String& encodingName, const URL& baseURL, const URL& unreachableURL, const UserData& userData) |
1538 | { |
1539 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1540 | |
1541 | m_pendingNavigationID = navigationID; |
1542 | m_pendingWebsitePolicies = WTFMove(websitePolicies); |
1543 | |
1544 | ResourceRequest request(baseURL); |
1545 | ResourceResponse response(URL(), MIMEType, sharedBuffer->size(), encodingName); |
1546 | SubstituteData substituteData(WTFMove(sharedBuffer), unreachableURL, response, SubstituteData::SessionHistoryVisibility::Hidden); |
1547 | |
1548 | // Let the InjectedBundle know we are about to start the load, passing the user data from the UIProcess |
1549 | // to all the client to set up any needed state. |
1550 | m_loaderClient->willLoadDataRequest(*this, request, const_cast<SharedBuffer*>(substituteData.content()), substituteData.mimeType(), substituteData.textEncoding(), substituteData.failingURL(), WebProcess::singleton().transformHandlesToObjects(userData.object()).get()); |
1551 | |
1552 | // Initate the load in WebCore. |
1553 | FrameLoadRequest frameLoadRequest(*m_mainFrame->coreFrame(), request, ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow, substituteData); |
1554 | frameLoadRequest.setShouldTreatAsContinuingLoad(shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad); |
1555 | m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().load(WTFMove(frameLoadRequest)); |
1556 | } |
1557 | |
1558 | void WebPage::loadData(LoadParameters&& loadParameters) |
1559 | { |
1560 | platformDidReceiveLoadParameters(loadParameters); |
1561 | |
1562 | auto sharedBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(loadParameters.data.data()), loadParameters.data.size()); |
1563 | URL baseURL = loadParameters.baseURLString.isEmpty() ? WTF::blankURL() : URL(URL(), loadParameters.baseURLString); |
1564 | loadDataImpl(loadParameters.navigationID, loadParameters.shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad, WTFMove(loadParameters.websitePolicies), WTFMove(sharedBuffer), loadParameters.MIMEType, loadParameters.encodingName, baseURL, URL(), loadParameters.userData); |
1565 | } |
1566 | |
1567 | void WebPage::loadAlternateHTML(LoadParameters&& loadParameters) |
1568 | { |
1569 | platformDidReceiveLoadParameters(loadParameters); |
1570 | |
1571 | URL baseURL = loadParameters.baseURLString.isEmpty() ? WTF::blankURL() : URL(URL(), loadParameters.baseURLString); |
1572 | URL unreachableURL = loadParameters.unreachableURLString.isEmpty() ? URL() : URL(URL(), loadParameters.unreachableURLString); |
1573 | URL provisionalLoadErrorURL = loadParameters.provisionalLoadErrorURLString.isEmpty() ? URL() : URL(URL(), loadParameters.provisionalLoadErrorURLString); |
1574 | auto sharedBuffer = SharedBuffer::create(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(loadParameters.data.data()), loadParameters.data.size()); |
1575 | m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().setProvisionalLoadErrorBeingHandledURL(provisionalLoadErrorURL); |
1576 | loadDataImpl(loadParameters.navigationID, loadParameters.shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad, WTFMove(loadParameters.websitePolicies), WTFMove(sharedBuffer), loadParameters.MIMEType, loadParameters.encodingName, baseURL, unreachableURL, loadParameters.userData); |
1577 | m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().setProvisionalLoadErrorBeingHandledURL({ }); |
1578 | } |
1579 | |
1580 | void WebPage::navigateToPDFLinkWithSimulatedClick(const String& url, IntPoint documentPoint, IntPoint screenPoint) |
1581 | { |
1582 | Frame* mainFrame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1583 | Document* mainFrameDocument = mainFrame->document(); |
1584 | if (!mainFrameDocument) |
1585 | return; |
1586 | |
1587 | const int singleClick = 1; |
1588 | // FIXME: Set modifier keys. |
1589 | // FIXME: This should probably set IsSimulated::Yes. |
1590 | auto mouseEvent = MouseEvent::create(eventNames().clickEvent, Event::CanBubble::Yes, Event::IsCancelable::Yes, Event::IsComposed::Yes, |
1591 | MonotonicTime::now(), nullptr, singleClick, screenPoint, documentPoint, { }, { }, 0, 0, nullptr, 0, WebCore::NoTap, nullptr); |
1592 | |
1593 | mainFrame->loader().urlSelected(mainFrameDocument->completeURL(url), emptyString(), mouseEvent.ptr(), LockHistory::No, LockBackForwardList::No, ShouldSendReferrer::NeverSendReferrer, ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow); |
1594 | } |
1595 | |
1596 | void WebPage::stopLoadingFrame(uint64_t frameID) |
1597 | { |
1598 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
1599 | if (!frame) |
1600 | return; |
1601 | |
1602 | corePage()->userInputBridge().stopLoadingFrame(frame->coreFrame()); |
1603 | } |
1604 | |
1605 | void WebPage::stopLoading() |
1606 | { |
1607 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1608 | |
1609 | corePage()->userInputBridge().stopLoadingFrame(m_mainFrame->coreFrame()); |
1610 | } |
1611 | |
1612 | bool WebPage::defersLoading() const |
1613 | { |
1614 | return m_page->defersLoading(); |
1615 | } |
1616 | |
1617 | void WebPage::setDefersLoading(bool defersLoading) |
1618 | { |
1619 | m_page->setDefersLoading(defersLoading); |
1620 | } |
1621 | |
1622 | void WebPage::reload(uint64_t navigationID, uint32_t reloadOptions, SandboxExtension::Handle&& sandboxExtensionHandle) |
1623 | { |
1624 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1625 | |
1626 | ASSERT(!m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().frameHasLoaded() || !m_pendingNavigationID); |
1627 | m_pendingNavigationID = navigationID; |
1628 | |
1629 | m_sandboxExtensionTracker.beginReload(m_mainFrame.get(), WTFMove(sandboxExtensionHandle)); |
1630 | corePage()->userInputBridge().reloadFrame(m_mainFrame->coreFrame(), OptionSet<ReloadOption>::fromRaw(reloadOptions)); |
1631 | |
1632 | if (m_pendingNavigationID) { |
1633 | // This can happen if FrameLoader::reload() returns early because the document URL is empty. |
1634 | // The reload does nothing so we need to reset the pending navigation. See webkit.org/b/153210. |
1635 | m_pendingNavigationID = 0; |
1636 | } |
1637 | } |
1638 | |
1639 | void WebPage::goToBackForwardItem(uint64_t navigationID, const BackForwardItemIdentifier& backForwardItemID, FrameLoadType backForwardType, ShouldTreatAsContinuingLoad shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad, Optional<WebsitePoliciesData>&& websitePolicies) |
1640 | { |
1641 | SendStopResponsivenessTimer stopper; |
1642 | |
1643 | ASSERT(isBackForwardLoadType(backForwardType)); |
1644 | |
1645 | HistoryItem* item = WebBackForwardListProxy::itemForID(backForwardItemID); |
1646 | ASSERT(item); |
1647 | if (!item) |
1648 | return; |
1649 | |
1650 | LOG(Loading, "In WebProcess pid %i, WebPage %" PRIu64 " is navigating to back/forward URL %s" , getCurrentProcessID(), m_pageID, item->url().string().utf8().data()); |
1651 | |
1652 | ASSERT(!m_pendingNavigationID); |
1653 | m_pendingNavigationID = navigationID; |
1654 | m_pendingWebsitePolicies = WTFMove(websitePolicies); |
1655 | |
1656 | m_page->goToItem(*item, backForwardType, shouldTreatAsContinuingLoad); |
1657 | } |
1658 | |
1659 | void WebPage::tryRestoreScrollPosition() |
1660 | { |
1661 | m_page->mainFrame().loader().history().restoreScrollPositionAndViewState(); |
1662 | } |
1663 | |
1664 | WebPage* WebPage::fromCorePage(Page* page) |
1665 | { |
1666 | return &static_cast<WebChromeClient&>(page->chrome().client()).page(); |
1667 | } |
1668 | |
1669 | void WebPage::setSize(const WebCore::IntSize& viewSize) |
1670 | { |
1671 | if (m_viewSize == viewSize) |
1672 | return; |
1673 | |
1674 | m_viewSize = viewSize; |
1675 | FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
1676 | view->resize(viewSize); |
1677 | m_drawingArea->setNeedsDisplay(); |
1678 | |
1680 | if (view->useFixedLayout()) |
1681 | sendViewportAttributesChanged(m_page->viewportArguments()); |
1682 | #endif |
1683 | } |
1684 | |
1686 | void WebPage::sendViewportAttributesChanged(const ViewportArguments& viewportArguments) |
1687 | { |
1688 | FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
1689 | ASSERT(view && view->useFixedLayout()); |
1690 | |
1691 | // Viewport properties have no impact on zero sized fixed viewports. |
1692 | if (m_viewSize.isEmpty()) |
1693 | return; |
1694 | |
1695 | // Recalculate the recommended layout size, when the available size (device pixel) changes. |
1696 | Settings& settings = m_page->settings(); |
1697 | |
1698 | int minimumLayoutFallbackWidth = std::max(settings.layoutFallbackWidth(), m_viewSize.width()); |
1699 | |
1700 | // If unset we use the viewport dimensions. This fits with the behavior of desktop browsers. |
1701 | int deviceWidth = (settings.deviceWidth() > 0) ? settings.deviceWidth() : m_viewSize.width(); |
1702 | int deviceHeight = (settings.deviceHeight() > 0) ? settings.deviceHeight() : m_viewSize.height(); |
1703 | |
1704 | ViewportAttributes attr = computeViewportAttributes(viewportArguments, minimumLayoutFallbackWidth, deviceWidth, deviceHeight, 1, m_viewSize); |
1705 | |
1706 | // If no layout was done yet set contentFixedOrigin to (0,0). |
1707 | IntPoint contentFixedOrigin = view->didFirstLayout() ? view->fixedVisibleContentRect().location() : IntPoint(); |
1708 | |
1709 | // Put the width and height to the viewport width and height. In css units however. |
1710 | // Use FloatSize to avoid truncated values during scale. |
1711 | FloatSize contentFixedSize = m_viewSize; |
1712 | |
1714 | // CSS viewport descriptors might be applied to already affected viewport size |
1715 | // if the page enables/disables stylesheets, so need to keep initial viewport size. |
1716 | view->setInitialViewportSize(roundedIntSize(contentFixedSize)); |
1717 | #endif |
1718 | |
1719 | contentFixedSize.scale(1 / attr.initialScale); |
1720 | view->setFixedVisibleContentRect(IntRect(contentFixedOrigin, roundedIntSize(contentFixedSize))); |
1721 | |
1722 | attr.initialScale = m_page->viewportArguments().zoom; // Resets auto (-1) if no value was set by user. |
1723 | |
1724 | // This also takes care of the relayout. |
1725 | setFixedLayoutSize(roundedIntSize(attr.layoutSize)); |
1726 | |
1728 | m_drawingArea->didChangeViewportAttributes(WTFMove(attr)); |
1729 | #else |
1730 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidChangeViewportProperties(attr)); |
1731 | #endif |
1732 | } |
1733 | #endif |
1734 | |
1735 | void WebPage::scrollMainFrameIfNotAtMaxScrollPosition(const IntSize& scrollOffset) |
1736 | { |
1737 | FrameView* frameView = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
1738 | |
1739 | ScrollPosition scrollPosition = frameView->scrollPosition(); |
1740 | ScrollPosition maximumScrollPosition = frameView->maximumScrollPosition(); |
1741 | |
1742 | // If the current scroll position in a direction is the max scroll position |
1743 | // we don't want to scroll at all. |
1744 | IntSize newScrollOffset; |
1745 | if (scrollPosition.x() < maximumScrollPosition.x()) |
1746 | newScrollOffset.setWidth(scrollOffset.width()); |
1747 | if (scrollPosition.y() < maximumScrollPosition.y()) |
1748 | newScrollOffset.setHeight(scrollOffset.height()); |
1749 | |
1750 | if (newScrollOffset.isZero()) |
1751 | return; |
1752 | |
1753 | frameView->setScrollPosition(frameView->scrollPosition() + newScrollOffset); |
1754 | } |
1755 | |
1756 | void WebPage::drawRect(GraphicsContext& graphicsContext, const IntRect& rect) |
1757 | { |
1758 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
1759 | FrameView* mainFrameView = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
1760 | LocalDefaultSystemAppearance localAppearance(mainFrameView ? mainFrameView->useDarkAppearance() : false); |
1761 | #endif |
1762 | |
1763 | GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(graphicsContext); |
1764 | graphicsContext.clip(rect); |
1765 | |
1766 | m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->view()->paint(graphicsContext, rect); |
1767 | } |
1768 | |
1769 | double WebPage::textZoomFactor() const |
1770 | { |
1771 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1772 | if (pluginView && pluginView->requiresUnifiedScaleFactor()) { |
1773 | if (pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1774 | return pluginView->pageScaleFactor(); |
1775 | return pageScaleFactor(); |
1776 | } |
1777 | |
1778 | Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1779 | if (!frame) |
1780 | return 1; |
1781 | return frame->textZoomFactor(); |
1782 | } |
1783 | |
1784 | void WebPage::setTextZoomFactor(double zoomFactor) |
1785 | { |
1786 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1787 | if (pluginView && pluginView->requiresUnifiedScaleFactor()) { |
1788 | if (pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1789 | pluginView->setPageScaleFactor(zoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1790 | else |
1791 | scalePage(zoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1792 | return; |
1793 | } |
1794 | |
1795 | Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1796 | if (!frame) |
1797 | return; |
1798 | frame->setTextZoomFactor(static_cast<float>(zoomFactor)); |
1799 | } |
1800 | |
1801 | double WebPage::pageZoomFactor() const |
1802 | { |
1803 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1804 | if (pluginView && pluginView->requiresUnifiedScaleFactor()) { |
1805 | if (pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1806 | return pluginView->pageScaleFactor(); |
1807 | return pageScaleFactor(); |
1808 | } |
1809 | |
1810 | Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1811 | if (!frame) |
1812 | return 1; |
1813 | return frame->pageZoomFactor(); |
1814 | } |
1815 | |
1816 | void WebPage::setPageZoomFactor(double zoomFactor) |
1817 | { |
1818 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1819 | if (pluginView && pluginView->requiresUnifiedScaleFactor()) { |
1820 | if (pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1821 | pluginView->setPageScaleFactor(zoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1822 | else |
1823 | scalePage(zoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1824 | return; |
1825 | } |
1826 | |
1827 | Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1828 | if (!frame) |
1829 | return; |
1830 | frame->setPageZoomFactor(static_cast<float>(zoomFactor)); |
1831 | } |
1832 | |
1833 | static void dumpHistoryItem(HistoryItem& item, size_t indent, bool isCurrentItem, StringBuilder& stringBuilder, const String& directoryName) |
1834 | { |
1835 | if (isCurrentItem) |
1836 | stringBuilder.appendLiteral("curr-> " ); |
1837 | else { |
1838 | for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; ++i) |
1839 | stringBuilder.append(' '); |
1840 | } |
1841 | |
1842 | auto url = item.url(); |
1843 | if (url.protocolIs("file" )) { |
1844 | size_t start = url.string().find(directoryName); |
1845 | if (start == WTF::notFound) |
1846 | start = 0; |
1847 | else |
1848 | start += directoryName.length(); |
1849 | stringBuilder.appendLiteral("(file test):" ); |
1850 | stringBuilder.append(url.string().substring(start)); |
1851 | } else |
1852 | stringBuilder.append(url); |
1853 | |
1854 | auto& target = item.target(); |
1855 | if (target.length()) { |
1856 | stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" (in frame \"" ); |
1857 | stringBuilder.append(target); |
1858 | stringBuilder.appendLiteral("\")" ); |
1859 | } |
1860 | |
1861 | if (item.isTargetItem()) |
1862 | stringBuilder.appendLiteral(" **nav target**" ); |
1863 | |
1864 | stringBuilder.append('\n'); |
1865 | |
1866 | Vector<Ref<HistoryItem>> children; |
1867 | children.reserveInitialCapacity(item.children().size()); |
1868 | for (auto& child : item.children()) |
1869 | children.uncheckedAppend(child.copyRef()); |
1870 | std::stable_sort(children.begin(), children.end(), [] (auto& a, auto& b) { |
1871 | return codePointCompare(a->target(), b->target()) < 0; |
1872 | }); |
1873 | for (auto& child : children) |
1874 | dumpHistoryItem(child, indent + 4, false, stringBuilder, directoryName); |
1875 | } |
1876 | |
1877 | String WebPage::dumpHistoryForTesting(const String& directory) |
1878 | { |
1879 | if (!m_page) |
1880 | return { }; |
1881 | |
1882 | auto& list = m_page->backForward(); |
1883 | |
1884 | StringBuilder builder; |
1885 | int begin = -list.backCount(); |
1886 | if (list.itemAtIndex(begin)->url() == WTF::blankURL()) |
1887 | ++begin; |
1888 | for (int i = begin; i <= static_cast<int>(list.forwardCount()); ++i) |
1889 | dumpHistoryItem(*list.itemAtIndex(i), 8, !i, builder, directory); |
1890 | return builder.toString(); |
1891 | } |
1892 | |
1893 | void WebPage::clearHistory() |
1894 | { |
1895 | if (!m_page) |
1896 | return; |
1897 | |
1898 | static_cast<WebBackForwardListProxy&>(m_page->backForward().client()).clear(); |
1899 | } |
1900 | |
1901 | void WebPage::setPageAndTextZoomFactors(double pageZoomFactor, double textZoomFactor) |
1902 | { |
1903 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1904 | if (pluginView && pluginView->requiresUnifiedScaleFactor()) { |
1905 | if (pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1906 | pluginView->setPageScaleFactor(pageZoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1907 | else |
1908 | scalePage(pageZoomFactor, IntPoint()); |
1909 | return; |
1910 | } |
1911 | |
1912 | Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
1913 | if (!frame) |
1914 | return; |
1915 | return frame->setPageAndTextZoomFactors(static_cast<float>(pageZoomFactor), static_cast<float>(textZoomFactor)); |
1916 | } |
1917 | |
1918 | void WebPage::windowScreenDidChange(uint32_t displayID) |
1919 | { |
1920 | m_page->chrome().windowScreenDidChange(static_cast<PlatformDisplayID>(displayID)); |
1921 | } |
1922 | |
1923 | void WebPage::scalePage(double scale, const IntPoint& origin) |
1924 | { |
1925 | double totalScale = scale * viewScaleFactor(); |
1926 | bool willChangeScaleFactor = totalScale != totalScaleFactor(); |
1927 | |
1929 | if (willChangeScaleFactor) { |
1930 | if (!m_inDynamicSizeUpdate) |
1931 | m_dynamicSizeUpdateHistory.clear(); |
1932 | m_scaleWasSetByUIProcess = false; |
1933 | } |
1934 | #endif |
1935 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1936 | if (pluginView && pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) { |
1937 | // If the main-frame plugin wants to handle the page scale factor, make sure to reset WebCore's page scale. |
1938 | // Otherwise, we can end up with an immutable but non-1 page scale applied by WebCore on top of whatever the plugin does. |
1939 | if (m_page->pageScaleFactor() != 1) { |
1940 | m_page->setPageScaleFactor(1, origin); |
1941 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
1942 | pluginView->pageScaleFactorDidChange(); |
1943 | } |
1944 | |
1945 | pluginView->setPageScaleFactor(totalScale, origin); |
1946 | return; |
1947 | } |
1948 | |
1949 | m_page->setPageScaleFactor(totalScale, origin); |
1950 | |
1951 | // We can't early return before setPageScaleFactor because the origin might be different. |
1952 | if (!willChangeScaleFactor) |
1953 | return; |
1954 | |
1955 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
1956 | pluginView->pageScaleFactorDidChange(); |
1957 | |
1959 | m_drawingArea->deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); |
1960 | #endif |
1961 | |
1962 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::PageScaleFactorDidChange(scale)); |
1963 | } |
1964 | |
1965 | void WebPage::scalePageInViewCoordinates(double scale, IntPoint centerInViewCoordinates) |
1966 | { |
1967 | double totalScale = scale * viewScaleFactor(); |
1968 | if (totalScale == totalScaleFactor()) |
1969 | return; |
1970 | |
1971 | IntPoint scrollPositionAtNewScale = mainFrameView()->rootViewToContents(-centerInViewCoordinates); |
1972 | double scaleRatio = scale / pageScaleFactor(); |
1973 | scrollPositionAtNewScale.scale(scaleRatio); |
1974 | scalePage(scale, scrollPositionAtNewScale); |
1975 | } |
1976 | |
1977 | double WebPage::totalScaleFactor() const |
1978 | { |
1979 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(&m_page->mainFrame()); |
1980 | if (pluginView && pluginView->handlesPageScaleFactor()) |
1981 | return pluginView->pageScaleFactor(); |
1982 | |
1983 | return m_page->pageScaleFactor(); |
1984 | } |
1985 | |
1986 | double WebPage::pageScaleFactor() const |
1987 | { |
1988 | return totalScaleFactor() / viewScaleFactor(); |
1989 | } |
1990 | |
1991 | double WebPage::viewScaleFactor() const |
1992 | { |
1993 | return m_page->viewScaleFactor(); |
1994 | } |
1995 | |
1996 | void WebPage::scaleView(double scale) |
1997 | { |
1998 | if (viewScaleFactor() == scale) |
1999 | return; |
2000 | |
2001 | float pageScale = pageScaleFactor(); |
2002 | |
2003 | IntPoint scrollPositionAtNewScale; |
2004 | if (FrameView* mainFrameView = m_page->mainFrame().view()) { |
2005 | double scaleRatio = scale / viewScaleFactor(); |
2006 | scrollPositionAtNewScale = mainFrameView->scrollPosition(); |
2007 | scrollPositionAtNewScale.scale(scaleRatio); |
2008 | } |
2009 | |
2010 | m_page->setViewScaleFactor(scale); |
2011 | scalePage(pageScale, scrollPositionAtNewScale); |
2012 | } |
2013 | |
2014 | void WebPage::setDeviceScaleFactor(float scaleFactor) |
2015 | { |
2016 | if (scaleFactor == m_page->deviceScaleFactor()) |
2017 | return; |
2018 | |
2019 | m_page->setDeviceScaleFactor(scaleFactor); |
2020 | |
2021 | // Tell all our plug-in views that the device scale factor changed. |
2022 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
2023 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
2024 | pluginView->setDeviceScaleFactor(scaleFactor); |
2025 | |
2026 | updateHeaderAndFooterLayersForDeviceScaleChange(scaleFactor); |
2027 | #endif |
2028 | |
2029 | if (findController().isShowingOverlay()) { |
2030 | // We must have updated layout to get the selection rects right. |
2031 | layoutIfNeeded(); |
2032 | findController().deviceScaleFactorDidChange(); |
2033 | } |
2034 | |
2036 | m_drawingArea->deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged(); |
2037 | #endif |
2038 | } |
2039 | |
2040 | float WebPage::deviceScaleFactor() const |
2041 | { |
2042 | return m_page->deviceScaleFactor(); |
2043 | } |
2044 | |
2045 | void WebPage::accessibilitySettingsDidChange() |
2046 | { |
2047 | m_page->accessibilitySettingsDidChange(); |
2048 | } |
2049 | |
2050 | void WebPage::setUseFixedLayout(bool fixed) |
2051 | { |
2052 | // Do not overwrite current settings if initially setting it to false. |
2053 | if (m_useFixedLayout == fixed) |
2054 | return; |
2055 | m_useFixedLayout = fixed; |
2056 | |
2057 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
2058 | m_page->settings().setFixedElementsLayoutRelativeToFrame(fixed); |
2059 | #endif |
2060 | |
2061 | FrameView* view = mainFrameView(); |
2062 | if (!view) |
2063 | return; |
2064 | |
2065 | view->setUseFixedLayout(fixed); |
2066 | if (!fixed) |
2067 | setFixedLayoutSize(IntSize()); |
2068 | |
2069 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::UseFixedLayoutDidChange(fixed)); |
2070 | } |
2071 | |
2072 | bool WebPage::setFixedLayoutSize(const IntSize& size) |
2073 | { |
2074 | FrameView* view = mainFrameView(); |
2075 | if (!view || view->fixedLayoutSize() == size) |
2076 | return false; |
2077 | |
2078 | LOG_WITH_STREAM(VisibleRects, stream << "WebPage " << m_pageID << " setFixedLayoutSize " << size); |
2079 | view->setFixedLayoutSize(size); |
2080 | |
2081 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::FixedLayoutSizeDidChange(size)); |
2082 | return true; |
2083 | } |
2084 | |
2085 | IntSize WebPage::fixedLayoutSize() const |
2086 | { |
2087 | FrameView* view = mainFrameView(); |
2088 | if (!view) |
2089 | return IntSize(); |
2090 | return view->fixedLayoutSize(); |
2091 | } |
2092 | |
2093 | void WebPage::disabledAdaptationsDidChange(const OptionSet<DisabledAdaptations>& disabledAdaptations) |
2094 | { |
2096 | if (m_viewportConfiguration.setDisabledAdaptations(disabledAdaptations)) |
2097 | viewportConfigurationChanged(); |
2098 | #else |
2099 | UNUSED_PARAM(disabledAdaptations); |
2100 | #endif |
2101 | } |
2102 | |
2103 | void WebPage::viewportPropertiesDidChange(const ViewportArguments& viewportArguments) |
2104 | { |
2106 | if (m_viewportConfiguration.setViewportArguments(viewportArguments)) |
2107 | viewportConfigurationChanged(); |
2108 | #endif |
2109 | |
2111 | FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
2112 | if (view && view->useFixedLayout()) |
2113 | sendViewportAttributesChanged(viewportArguments); |
2114 | else |
2115 | m_drawingArea->didChangeViewportAttributes(ViewportAttributes()); |
2116 | #endif |
2117 | |
2119 | UNUSED_PARAM(viewportArguments); |
2120 | #endif |
2121 | } |
2122 | |
2123 | void WebPage::listenForLayoutMilestones(OptionSet<WebCore::LayoutMilestone> milestones) |
2124 | { |
2125 | if (!m_page) |
2126 | return; |
2127 | m_page->addLayoutMilestones(milestones); |
2128 | } |
2129 | |
2130 | void WebPage::setSuppressScrollbarAnimations(bool suppressAnimations) |
2131 | { |
2132 | m_page->setShouldSuppressScrollbarAnimations(suppressAnimations); |
2133 | } |
2134 | |
2135 | void WebPage::setEnableVerticalRubberBanding(bool enableVerticalRubberBanding) |
2136 | { |
2137 | m_page->setVerticalScrollElasticity(enableVerticalRubberBanding ? ScrollElasticityAllowed : ScrollElasticityNone); |
2138 | } |
2139 | |
2140 | void WebPage::setEnableHorizontalRubberBanding(bool enableHorizontalRubberBanding) |
2141 | { |
2142 | m_page->setHorizontalScrollElasticity(enableHorizontalRubberBanding ? ScrollElasticityAllowed : ScrollElasticityNone); |
2143 | } |
2144 | |
2145 | void WebPage::setBackgroundExtendsBeyondPage(bool backgroundExtendsBeyondPage) |
2146 | { |
2147 | if (m_page->settings().backgroundShouldExtendBeyondPage() != backgroundExtendsBeyondPage) |
2148 | m_page->settings().setBackgroundShouldExtendBeyondPage(backgroundExtendsBeyondPage); |
2149 | } |
2150 | |
2151 | void WebPage::(uint32_t mode) |
2152 | { |
2153 | Pagination = m_page->pagination(); |
2154 | pagination.mode = static_cast<Pagination::Mode>(mode); |
2155 | m_page->setPagination(pagination); |
2156 | } |
2157 | |
2158 | void WebPage::setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns(bool behavesLikeColumns) |
2159 | { |
2160 | Pagination = m_page->pagination(); |
2161 | pagination.behavesLikeColumns = behavesLikeColumns; |
2162 | m_page->setPagination(pagination); |
2163 | } |
2164 | |
2165 | void WebPage::setPageLength(double pageLength) |
2166 | { |
2167 | Pagination = m_page->pagination(); |
2168 | pagination.pageLength = pageLength; |
2169 | m_page->setPagination(pagination); |
2170 | } |
2171 | |
2172 | void WebPage::setGapBetweenPages(double gap) |
2173 | { |
2174 | Pagination = m_page->pagination(); |
2175 | pagination.gap = gap; |
2176 | m_page->setPagination(pagination); |
2177 | } |
2178 | |
2179 | void WebPage::(bool lineGridEnabled) |
2180 | { |
2181 | m_page->setPaginationLineGridEnabled(lineGridEnabled); |
2182 | } |
2183 | |
2184 | void WebPage::postInjectedBundleMessage(const String& messageName, const UserData& userData) |
2185 | { |
2186 | auto& webProcess = WebProcess::singleton(); |
2187 | InjectedBundle* injectedBundle = webProcess.injectedBundle(); |
2188 | if (!injectedBundle) |
2189 | return; |
2190 | |
2191 | injectedBundle->didReceiveMessageToPage(this, messageName, webProcess.transformHandlesToObjects(userData.object()).get()); |
2192 | } |
2193 | |
2194 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
2195 | |
2196 | void WebPage::(PageBanner* pageBanner) |
2197 | { |
2198 | if (m_headerBanner) |
2199 | m_headerBanner->detachFromPage(); |
2200 | |
2201 | m_headerBanner = pageBanner; |
2202 | |
2203 | if (m_headerBanner) |
2204 | m_headerBanner->addToPage(PageBanner::Header, this); |
2205 | } |
2206 | |
2207 | PageBanner* WebPage::() |
2208 | { |
2209 | return m_headerBanner.get(); |
2210 | } |
2211 | |
2212 | void WebPage::(PageBanner* pageBanner) |
2213 | { |
2214 | if (m_footerBanner) |
2215 | m_footerBanner->detachFromPage(); |
2216 | |
2217 | m_footerBanner = pageBanner; |
2218 | |
2219 | if (m_footerBanner) |
2220 | m_footerBanner->addToPage(PageBanner::Footer, this); |
2221 | } |
2222 | |
2223 | PageBanner* WebPage::() |
2224 | { |
2225 | return m_footerBanner.get(); |
2226 | } |
2227 | |
2228 | void WebPage::hidePageBanners() |
2229 | { |
2230 | if (m_headerBanner) |
2231 | m_headerBanner->hide(); |
2232 | if (m_footerBanner) |
2233 | m_footerBanner->hide(); |
2234 | } |
2235 | |
2236 | void WebPage::showPageBanners() |
2237 | { |
2238 | if (m_headerBanner) |
2239 | m_headerBanner->showIfHidden(); |
2240 | if (m_footerBanner) |
2241 | m_footerBanner->showIfHidden(); |
2242 | } |
2243 | |
2244 | void WebPage::(int height) |
2245 | { |
2246 | corePage()->setHeaderHeight(height); |
2247 | } |
2248 | |
2249 | void WebPage::(int height) |
2250 | { |
2251 | corePage()->setFooterHeight(height); |
2252 | } |
2253 | |
2254 | #endif // !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
2255 | |
2256 | void WebPage::takeSnapshot(IntRect snapshotRect, IntSize bitmapSize, uint32_t options, CallbackID callbackID) |
2257 | { |
2258 | SnapshotOptions snapshotOptions = static_cast<SnapshotOptions>(options); |
2259 | snapshotOptions |= SnapshotOptionsShareable; |
2260 | |
2261 | RefPtr<WebImage> image = snapshotAtSize(snapshotRect, bitmapSize, snapshotOptions); |
2262 | |
2263 | ShareableBitmap::Handle handle; |
2264 | if (image) |
2265 | image->bitmap().createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::Protection::ReadOnly); |
2266 | |
2267 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ImageCallback(handle, callbackID)); |
2268 | } |
2269 | |
2270 | RefPtr<WebImage> WebPage::scaledSnapshotWithOptions(const IntRect& rect, double additionalScaleFactor, SnapshotOptions options) |
2271 | { |
2272 | IntRect snapshotRect = rect; |
2273 | IntSize bitmapSize = snapshotRect.size(); |
2274 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsPrinting) { |
2275 | ASSERT(additionalScaleFactor == 1); |
2276 | Frame* coreFrame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
2277 | if (!coreFrame) |
2278 | return nullptr; |
2279 | bitmapSize.setHeight(PrintContext::numberOfPages(*coreFrame, bitmapSize) * (bitmapSize.height() + 1) - 1); |
2280 | } else { |
2281 | double scaleFactor = additionalScaleFactor; |
2282 | if (!(options & SnapshotOptionsExcludeDeviceScaleFactor)) |
2283 | scaleFactor *= corePage()->deviceScaleFactor(); |
2284 | bitmapSize.scale(scaleFactor); |
2285 | } |
2286 | |
2287 | return snapshotAtSize(rect, bitmapSize, options); |
2288 | } |
2289 | |
2290 | static void paintSnapshotAtSize(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& bitmapSize, SnapshotOptions options, Frame& frame, FrameView& frameView, GraphicsContext& graphicsContext) |
2291 | { |
2292 | IntRect snapshotRect = rect; |
2293 | float horizontalScaleFactor = static_cast<float>(bitmapSize.width()) / rect.width(); |
2294 | float verticalScaleFactor = static_cast<float>(bitmapSize.height()) / rect.height(); |
2295 | float scaleFactor = std::max(horizontalScaleFactor, verticalScaleFactor); |
2296 | |
2297 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsPrinting) { |
2298 | PrintContext::spoolAllPagesWithBoundaries(frame, graphicsContext, snapshotRect.size()); |
2299 | return; |
2300 | } |
2301 | |
2302 | Color documentBackgroundColor = frameView.documentBackgroundColor(); |
2303 | Color backgroundColor = (frame.settings().backgroundShouldExtendBeyondPage() && documentBackgroundColor.isValid()) ? documentBackgroundColor : frameView.baseBackgroundColor(); |
2304 | graphicsContext.fillRect(IntRect(IntPoint(), bitmapSize), backgroundColor); |
2305 | |
2306 | if (!(options & SnapshotOptionsExcludeDeviceScaleFactor)) { |
2307 | double deviceScaleFactor = frame.page()->deviceScaleFactor(); |
2308 | graphicsContext.applyDeviceScaleFactor(deviceScaleFactor); |
2309 | scaleFactor /= deviceScaleFactor; |
2310 | } |
2311 | |
2312 | graphicsContext.scale(scaleFactor); |
2313 | graphicsContext.translate(-snapshotRect.location()); |
2314 | |
2315 | FrameView::SelectionInSnapshot shouldPaintSelection = FrameView::IncludeSelection; |
2316 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsExcludeSelectionHighlighting) |
2317 | shouldPaintSelection = FrameView::ExcludeSelection; |
2318 | |
2319 | FrameView::CoordinateSpaceForSnapshot coordinateSpace = FrameView::DocumentCoordinates; |
2320 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsInViewCoordinates) |
2321 | coordinateSpace = FrameView::ViewCoordinates; |
2322 | |
2323 | frameView.paintContentsForSnapshot(graphicsContext, snapshotRect, shouldPaintSelection, coordinateSpace); |
2324 | |
2325 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsPaintSelectionRectangle) { |
2326 | FloatRect selectionRectangle = frame.selection().selectionBounds(); |
2327 | graphicsContext.setStrokeColor(Color(0xFF, 0, 0)); |
2328 | graphicsContext.strokeRect(selectionRectangle, 1); |
2329 | } |
2330 | } |
2331 | |
2332 | static ShareableBitmap::Configuration snapshotOptionsToBitmapConfiguration(SnapshotOptions options, WebPage& page) |
2333 | { |
2334 | ShareableBitmap::Configuration configuration; |
2335 | #if USE(CG) |
2336 | if (options & SnapshotOptionsUseScreenColorSpace) |
2337 | configuration.colorSpace.cgColorSpace = screenColorSpace(page.corePage()->mainFrame().view()); |
2338 | #endif |
2339 | return configuration; |
2340 | } |
2341 | |
2342 | RefPtr<WebImage> WebPage::snapshotAtSize(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& bitmapSize, SnapshotOptions options) |
2343 | { |
2344 | Frame* coreFrame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
2345 | if (!coreFrame) |
2346 | return nullptr; |
2347 | |
2348 | FrameView* frameView = coreFrame->view(); |
2349 | if (!frameView) |
2350 | return nullptr; |
2351 | |
2352 | auto snapshot = WebImage::create(bitmapSize, snapshotOptionsToImageOptions(options), snapshotOptionsToBitmapConfiguration(options, *this)); |
2353 | if (!snapshot) |
2354 | return nullptr; |
2355 | auto graphicsContext = snapshot->bitmap().createGraphicsContext(); |
2356 | |
2357 | paintSnapshotAtSize(rect, bitmapSize, options, *coreFrame, *frameView, *graphicsContext); |
2358 | |
2359 | return snapshot; |
2360 | } |
2361 | |
2362 | #if USE(CF) |
2363 | RetainPtr<CFDataRef> WebPage::pdfSnapshotAtSize(const IntRect& rect, const IntSize& bitmapSize, SnapshotOptions options) |
2364 | { |
2365 | Frame* coreFrame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
2366 | if (!coreFrame) |
2367 | return nullptr; |
2368 | |
2369 | FrameView* frameView = coreFrame->view(); |
2370 | if (!frameView) |
2371 | return nullptr; |
2372 | |
2373 | auto data = adoptCF(CFDataCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)); |
2374 | |
2375 | #if USE(CG) |
2376 | auto dataConsumer = adoptCF(CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(data.get())); |
2377 | auto mediaBox = CGRectMake(0, 0, bitmapSize.width(), bitmapSize.height()); |
2378 | auto pdfContext = adoptCF(CGPDFContextCreate(dataConsumer.get(), &mediaBox, nullptr)); |
2379 | |
2380 | CGPDFContextBeginPage(pdfContext.get(), nullptr); |
2381 | |
2382 | GraphicsContext graphicsContext { pdfContext.get() }; |
2383 | graphicsContext.scale({ 1, -1 }); |
2384 | graphicsContext.translate(0, -bitmapSize.height()); |
2385 | paintSnapshotAtSize(rect, bitmapSize, options, *coreFrame, *frameView, graphicsContext); |
2386 | |
2387 | CGPDFContextEndPage(pdfContext.get()); |
2388 | CGPDFContextClose(pdfContext.get()); |
2389 | #endif |
2390 | |
2391 | return data; |
2392 | } |
2393 | #endif |
2394 | |
2395 | RefPtr<WebImage> WebPage::snapshotNode(WebCore::Node& node, SnapshotOptions options, unsigned maximumPixelCount) |
2396 | { |
2397 | Frame* coreFrame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame(); |
2398 | if (!coreFrame) |
2399 | return nullptr; |
2400 | |
2401 | FrameView* frameView = coreFrame->view(); |
2402 | if (!frameView) |
2403 | return nullptr; |
2404 | |
2405 | if (!node.renderer()) |
2406 | return nullptr; |
2407 | |
2408 | LayoutRect topLevelRect; |
2409 | IntRect snapshotRect = snappedIntRect(node.renderer()->paintingRootRect(topLevelRect)); |
2410 | if (snapshotRect.isEmpty()) |
2411 | return nullptr; |
2412 | |
2413 | double scaleFactor = 1; |
2414 | IntSize snapshotSize = snapshotRect.size(); |
2415 | unsigned maximumHeight = maximumPixelCount / snapshotSize.width(); |
2416 | if (maximumHeight < static_cast<unsigned>(snapshotSize.height())) { |
2417 | scaleFactor = static_cast<double>(maximumHeight) / snapshotSize.height(); |
2418 | snapshotSize = IntSize(snapshotSize.width() * scaleFactor, maximumHeight); |
2419 | } |
2420 | |
2421 | auto snapshot = WebImage::create(snapshotSize, snapshotOptionsToImageOptions(options), snapshotOptionsToBitmapConfiguration(options, *this)); |
2422 | if (!snapshot) |
2423 | return nullptr; |
2424 | auto graphicsContext = snapshot->bitmap().createGraphicsContext(); |
2425 | |
2426 | if (!(options & SnapshotOptionsExcludeDeviceScaleFactor)) { |
2427 | double deviceScaleFactor = corePage()->deviceScaleFactor(); |
2428 | graphicsContext->applyDeviceScaleFactor(deviceScaleFactor); |
2429 | scaleFactor /= deviceScaleFactor; |
2430 | } |
2431 | |
2432 | graphicsContext->scale(scaleFactor); |
2433 | graphicsContext->translate(-snapshotRect.location()); |
2434 | |
2435 | Color savedBackgroundColor = frameView->baseBackgroundColor(); |
2436 | frameView->setBaseBackgroundColor(Color::transparent); |
2437 | frameView->setNodeToDraw(&node); |
2438 | |
2439 | frameView->paintContentsForSnapshot(*graphicsContext, snapshotRect, FrameView::ExcludeSelection, FrameView::DocumentCoordinates); |
2440 | |
2441 | frameView->setBaseBackgroundColor(savedBackgroundColor); |
2442 | frameView->setNodeToDraw(nullptr); |
2443 | |
2444 | return snapshot; |
2445 | } |
2446 | |
2447 | void WebPage::pageDidScroll() |
2448 | { |
2450 | if (!m_inDynamicSizeUpdate) |
2451 | m_dynamicSizeUpdateHistory.clear(); |
2452 | #endif |
2453 | m_uiClient->pageDidScroll(this); |
2454 | |
2455 | m_pageScrolledHysteresis.impulse(); |
2456 | |
2457 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::PageDidScroll()); |
2458 | } |
2459 | |
2460 | void WebPage::pageStoppedScrolling() |
2461 | { |
2462 | // Maintain the current history item's scroll position up-to-date. |
2463 | if (Frame* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()) |
2464 | frame->loader().history().saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem(frame->loader().history().currentItem()); |
2465 | } |
2466 | |
2468 | WebContextMenu* WebPage::() |
2469 | { |
2470 | if (!m_contextMenu) |
2471 | m_contextMenu = WebContextMenu::create(this); |
2472 | return m_contextMenu.get(); |
2473 | } |
2474 | |
2475 | WebContextMenu* WebPage::(const IntPoint& point) |
2476 | { |
2477 | corePage()->contextMenuController().clearContextMenu(); |
2478 | |
2479 | // Simulate a mouse click to generate the correct menu. |
2480 | PlatformMouseEvent mousePressEvent(point, point, RightButton, PlatformEvent::MousePressed, 1, false, false, false, false, WallTime::now(), WebCore::ForceAtClick, WebCore::NoTap); |
2481 | corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMousePressEvent(mousePressEvent); |
2482 | bool handled = corePage()->userInputBridge().handleContextMenuEvent(mousePressEvent, corePage()->mainFrame()); |
2483 | auto* = handled ? contextMenu() : nullptr; |
2484 | PlatformMouseEvent mouseReleaseEvent(point, point, RightButton, PlatformEvent::MouseReleased, 1, false, false, false, false, WallTime::now(), WebCore::ForceAtClick, WebCore::NoTap); |
2485 | corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMouseReleaseEvent(mouseReleaseEvent); |
2486 | |
2487 | return menu; |
2488 | } |
2489 | #endif |
2490 | |
2491 | // Events |
2492 | |
2493 | static const WebEvent* g_currentEvent = 0; |
2494 | |
2495 | // FIXME: WebPage::currentEvent is used by the plug-in code to avoid having to convert from DOM events back to |
2496 | // WebEvents. When we get the event handling sorted out, this should go away and the Widgets should get the correct |
2497 | // platform events passed to the event handler code. |
2498 | const WebEvent* WebPage::currentEvent() |
2499 | { |
2500 | return g_currentEvent; |
2501 | } |
2502 | |
2503 | void WebPage::freezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason reason) |
2504 | { |
2505 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "%p - WebPage (PageID=%llu) - Adding a reason %d to freeze layer tree; current reasons are %d" , |
2506 | this, m_pageID, static_cast<unsigned>(reason), m_layerTreeFreezeReasons.toRaw()); |
2507 | m_layerTreeFreezeReasons.add(reason); |
2508 | updateDrawingAreaLayerTreeFreezeState(); |
2509 | } |
2510 | |
2511 | void WebPage::unfreezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason reason) |
2512 | { |
2513 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "%p - WebPage (PageID=%llu) - Removing a reason %d to freeze layer tree; current reasons are %d" , |
2514 | this, m_pageID, static_cast<unsigned>(reason), m_layerTreeFreezeReasons.toRaw()); |
2515 | m_layerTreeFreezeReasons.remove(reason); |
2516 | updateDrawingAreaLayerTreeFreezeState(); |
2517 | } |
2518 | |
2519 | void WebPage::updateDrawingAreaLayerTreeFreezeState() |
2520 | { |
2521 | if (!m_drawingArea) |
2522 | return; |
2523 | m_drawingArea->setLayerTreeStateIsFrozen(!!m_layerTreeFreezeReasons); |
2524 | } |
2525 | |
2526 | void WebPage::callVolatilityCompletionHandlers(bool succeeded) |
2527 | { |
2528 | auto completionHandlers = WTFMove(m_markLayersAsVolatileCompletionHandlers); |
2529 | for (auto& completionHandler : completionHandlers) |
2530 | completionHandler(succeeded); |
2531 | } |
2532 | |
2533 | void WebPage::layerVolatilityTimerFired() |
2534 | { |
2535 | Seconds newInterval = m_layerVolatilityTimer.repeatInterval() * 2.; |
2536 | bool didSucceed = markLayersVolatileImmediatelyIfPossible(); |
2537 | if (didSucceed || newInterval > maximumLayerVolatilityTimerInterval) { |
2538 | m_layerVolatilityTimer.stop(); |
2539 | if (didSucceed) |
2540 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Succeeded in marking layers as volatile" , this); |
2541 | else |
2542 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Failed to mark layers as volatile within %gms" , this, maximumLayerVolatilityTimerInterval.milliseconds()); |
2543 | callVolatilityCompletionHandlers(didSucceed); |
2544 | return; |
2545 | } |
2546 | |
2547 | RELEASE_LOG_ERROR_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Failed to mark all layers as volatile, will retry in %g ms" , this, newInterval.milliseconds()); |
2548 | m_layerVolatilityTimer.startRepeating(newInterval); |
2549 | } |
2550 | |
2551 | bool WebPage::markLayersVolatileImmediatelyIfPossible() |
2552 | { |
2553 | return !drawingArea() || drawingArea()->markLayersVolatileImmediatelyIfPossible(); |
2554 | } |
2555 | |
2556 | void WebPage::markLayersVolatile(WTF::Function<void (bool)>&& completionHandler) |
2557 | { |
2558 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage::markLayersVolatile()" , this); |
2559 | |
2560 | if (m_layerVolatilityTimer.isActive()) |
2561 | m_layerVolatilityTimer.stop(); |
2562 | |
2563 | if (completionHandler) |
2564 | m_markLayersAsVolatileCompletionHandlers.append(WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
2565 | |
2566 | bool didSucceed = markLayersVolatileImmediatelyIfPossible(); |
2567 | if (didSucceed || m_isSuspendedUnderLock) { |
2568 | if (didSucceed) |
2569 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Successfully marked layers as volatile" , this); |
2570 | else { |
2571 | // If we get suspended when locking the screen, it is expected that some IOSurfaces cannot be marked as purgeable so we do not keep retrying. |
2572 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Did what we could to mark IOSurfaces as purgeable after locking the screen" , this); |
2573 | } |
2574 | callVolatilityCompletionHandlers(didSucceed); |
2575 | return; |
2576 | } |
2577 | |
2578 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - Failed to mark all layers as volatile, will retry in %g ms" , this, initialLayerVolatilityTimerInterval.milliseconds()); |
2579 | m_layerVolatilityTimer.startRepeating(initialLayerVolatilityTimerInterval); |
2580 | } |
2581 | |
2582 | void WebPage::cancelMarkLayersVolatile() |
2583 | { |
2584 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage::cancelMarkLayersVolatile()" , this); |
2585 | m_layerVolatilityTimer.stop(); |
2586 | m_markLayersAsVolatileCompletionHandlers.clear(); |
2587 | } |
2588 | |
2589 | class CurrentEvent { |
2590 | public: |
2591 | explicit CurrentEvent(const WebEvent& event) |
2592 | : m_previousCurrentEvent(g_currentEvent) |
2593 | { |
2594 | g_currentEvent = &event; |
2595 | } |
2596 | |
2597 | ~CurrentEvent() |
2598 | { |
2599 | g_currentEvent = m_previousCurrentEvent; |
2600 | } |
2601 | |
2602 | private: |
2603 | const WebEvent* m_previousCurrentEvent; |
2604 | }; |
2605 | |
2607 | static bool isContextClick(const PlatformMouseEvent& event) |
2608 | { |
2609 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
2610 | return WebEventFactory::shouldBeHandledAsContextClick(event); |
2611 | #else |
2612 | return event.button() == WebCore::RightButton; |
2613 | #endif |
2614 | } |
2615 | |
2616 | static bool handleContextMenuEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent& platformMouseEvent, WebPage* page) |
2617 | { |
2618 | IntPoint point = page->corePage()->mainFrame().view()->windowToContents(platformMouseEvent.position()); |
2619 | HitTestResult result = page->corePage()->mainFrame().eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(point); |
2620 | |
2621 | Frame* frame = &page->corePage()->mainFrame(); |
2622 | if (result.innerNonSharedNode()) |
2623 | frame = result.innerNonSharedNode()->document().frame(); |
2624 | |
2625 | bool handled = page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleContextMenuEvent(platformMouseEvent, *frame); |
2626 | if (handled) |
2627 | page->contextMenu()->show(); |
2628 | |
2629 | return handled; |
2630 | } |
2631 | |
2632 | void WebPage::() |
2633 | { |
2634 | corePage()->contextMenuController().clearContextMenu(); |
2635 | |
2636 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
2637 | bool handled = frame.eventHandler().sendContextMenuEventForKey(); |
2638 | if (handled) |
2639 | contextMenu()->show(); |
2640 | } |
2641 | #endif |
2642 | |
2643 | static bool handleMouseEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent, WebPage* page) |
2644 | { |
2645 | Frame& frame = page->corePage()->mainFrame(); |
2646 | if (!frame.view()) |
2647 | return false; |
2648 | |
2649 | PlatformMouseEvent platformMouseEvent = platform(mouseEvent); |
2650 | |
2651 | switch (platformMouseEvent.type()) { |
2652 | case PlatformEvent::MousePressed: { |
2654 | if (isContextClick(platformMouseEvent)) |
2655 | page->corePage()->contextMenuController().clearContextMenu(); |
2656 | #endif |
2657 | |
2658 | bool handled = page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMousePressEvent(platformMouseEvent); |
2660 | if (isContextClick(platformMouseEvent)) |
2661 | handled = handleContextMenuEvent(platformMouseEvent, page); |
2662 | #endif |
2663 | return handled; |
2664 | } |
2665 | case PlatformEvent::MouseReleased: |
2666 | return page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMouseReleaseEvent(platformMouseEvent); |
2667 | |
2668 | case PlatformEvent::MouseMoved: |
2669 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
2670 | // We need to do a full, normal hit test during this mouse event if the page is active or if a mouse |
2671 | // button is currently pressed. It is possible that neither of those things will be true since on |
2672 | // Lion when legacy scrollbars are enabled, WebKit receives mouse events all the time. If it is one |
2673 | // of those cases where the page is not active and the mouse is not pressed, then we can fire a more |
2674 | // efficient scrollbars-only version of the event. |
2675 | if (!(page->corePage()->focusController().isActive() || (mouseEvent.button() != WebMouseEvent::NoButton))) |
2676 | return page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMouseMoveOnScrollbarEvent(platformMouseEvent); |
2677 | #endif |
2678 | return page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMouseMoveEvent(platformMouseEvent); |
2679 | |
2680 | case PlatformEvent::MouseForceChanged: |
2681 | case PlatformEvent::MouseForceDown: |
2682 | case PlatformEvent::MouseForceUp: |
2683 | return page->corePage()->userInputBridge().handleMouseForceEvent(platformMouseEvent); |
2684 | |
2685 | default: |
2687 | return false; |
2688 | } |
2689 | } |
2690 | |
2691 | void WebPage::mouseEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouseEvent) |
2692 | { |
2693 | SetForScope<bool> userIsInteractingChange { m_userIsInteracting, true }; |
2694 | |
2695 | m_userActivity.impulse(); |
2696 | |
2697 | bool shouldHandleEvent = true; |
2698 | |
2700 | // Don't try to handle any pending mouse events if a context menu is showing. |
2701 | if (m_isShowingContextMenu) |
2702 | shouldHandleEvent = false; |
2703 | #endif |
2705 | if (m_isStartingDrag) |
2706 | shouldHandleEvent = false; |
2707 | #endif |
2708 | |
2709 | if (!shouldHandleEvent) { |
2710 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(mouseEvent.type()), false)); |
2711 | return; |
2712 | } |
2713 | |
2714 | bool handled = false; |
2715 | |
2716 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
2717 | if (!handled && m_headerBanner) |
2718 | handled = m_headerBanner->mouseEvent(mouseEvent); |
2719 | if (!handled && m_footerBanner) |
2720 | handled = m_footerBanner->mouseEvent(mouseEvent); |
2721 | #endif // !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
2722 | |
2723 | if (!handled) { |
2724 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(mouseEvent); |
2725 | handled = handleMouseEvent(mouseEvent, this); |
2726 | } |
2727 | |
2728 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(mouseEvent.type()), handled)); |
2729 | } |
2730 | |
2731 | static bool handleWheelEvent(const WebWheelEvent& wheelEvent, Page* page) |
2732 | { |
2733 | Frame& frame = page->mainFrame(); |
2734 | if (!frame.view()) |
2735 | return false; |
2736 | |
2737 | PlatformWheelEvent platformWheelEvent = platform(wheelEvent); |
2738 | return page->userInputBridge().handleWheelEvent(platformWheelEvent); |
2739 | } |
2740 | |
2741 | void WebPage::wheelEvent(const WebWheelEvent& wheelEvent) |
2742 | { |
2743 | m_userActivity.impulse(); |
2744 | |
2745 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(wheelEvent); |
2746 | |
2747 | bool handled = handleWheelEvent(wheelEvent, m_page.get()); |
2748 | |
2749 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(wheelEvent.type()), handled)); |
2750 | } |
2751 | |
2752 | static bool handleKeyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& keyboardEvent, Page* page) |
2753 | { |
2754 | if (!page->mainFrame().view()) |
2755 | return false; |
2756 | |
2757 | if (keyboardEvent.type() == WebEvent::Char && keyboardEvent.isSystemKey()) |
2758 | return page->userInputBridge().handleAccessKeyEvent(platform(keyboardEvent)); |
2759 | return page->userInputBridge().handleKeyEvent(platform(keyboardEvent)); |
2760 | } |
2761 | |
2762 | void WebPage::keyEvent(const WebKeyboardEvent& keyboardEvent) |
2763 | { |
2764 | SetForScope<bool> userIsInteractingChange { m_userIsInteracting, true }; |
2765 | |
2766 | m_userActivity.impulse(); |
2767 | |
2768 | PlatformKeyboardEvent::setCurrentModifierState(platform(keyboardEvent).modifiers()); |
2769 | |
2770 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(keyboardEvent); |
2771 | |
2772 | bool handled = handleKeyEvent(keyboardEvent, m_page.get()); |
2773 | // FIXME: Platform default behaviors should be performed during normal DOM event dispatch (in most cases, in default keydown event handler). |
2774 | if (!handled) |
2775 | handled = performDefaultBehaviorForKeyEvent(keyboardEvent); |
2776 | |
2777 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(keyboardEvent.type()), handled)); |
2778 | } |
2779 | |
2780 | void WebPage::validateCommand(const String& commandName, CallbackID callbackID) |
2781 | { |
2782 | bool isEnabled = false; |
2783 | int32_t state = 0; |
2784 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
2785 | if (PluginView* pluginView = focusedPluginViewForFrame(frame)) |
2786 | isEnabled = pluginView->isEditingCommandEnabled(commandName); |
2787 | else { |
2788 | Editor::Command command = frame.editor().command(commandName); |
2789 | state = command.state(); |
2790 | isEnabled = command.isSupported() && command.isEnabled(); |
2791 | } |
2792 | |
2793 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ValidateCommandCallback(commandName, isEnabled, state, callbackID)); |
2794 | } |
2795 | |
2796 | void WebPage::executeEditCommand(const String& commandName, const String& argument) |
2797 | { |
2798 | executeEditingCommand(commandName, argument); |
2799 | } |
2800 | |
2801 | void WebPage::setNeedsFontAttributes(bool needsFontAttributes) |
2802 | { |
2803 | if (m_needsFontAttributes == needsFontAttributes) |
2804 | return; |
2805 | |
2806 | m_needsFontAttributes = needsFontAttributes; |
2807 | |
2808 | if (m_needsFontAttributes) |
2809 | scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate(); |
2810 | } |
2811 | |
2812 | void WebPage::restoreSessionInternal(const Vector<BackForwardListItemState>& itemStates, WasRestoredByAPIRequest restoredByAPIRequest, WebBackForwardListProxy::OverwriteExistingItem overwrite) |
2813 | { |
2814 | // Since we're merely restoring HistoryItems from the UIProcess, there is no need to send HistoryItem update notifications back to the UIProcess. |
2815 | // Also, with process-swap on navigation, these updates may actually overwrite important state in the UIProcess such as the scroll position. |
2816 | SetForScope<void (*)(WebCore::HistoryItem&)> bypassHistoryItemUpdateNotifications(WebCore::notifyHistoryItemChanged, [](WebCore::HistoryItem&){}); |
2817 | for (const auto& itemState : itemStates) { |
2818 | auto historyItem = toHistoryItem(itemState); |
2819 | historyItem->setWasRestoredFromSession(restoredByAPIRequest == WasRestoredByAPIRequest::Yes); |
2820 | static_cast<WebBackForwardListProxy&>(corePage()->backForward().client()).addItemFromUIProcess(itemState.identifier, WTFMove(historyItem), m_pageID, overwrite); |
2821 | } |
2822 | } |
2823 | |
2824 | void WebPage::restoreSession(const Vector<BackForwardListItemState>& itemStates) |
2825 | { |
2826 | restoreSessionInternal(itemStates, WasRestoredByAPIRequest::Yes, WebBackForwardListProxy::OverwriteExistingItem::No); |
2827 | } |
2828 | |
2829 | void WebPage::updateBackForwardListForReattach(const Vector<WebKit::BackForwardListItemState>& itemStates) |
2830 | { |
2831 | restoreSessionInternal(itemStates, WasRestoredByAPIRequest::No, WebBackForwardListProxy::OverwriteExistingItem::Yes); |
2832 | } |
2833 | |
2834 | void WebPage::setCurrentHistoryItemForReattach(WebKit::BackForwardListItemState&& itemState) |
2835 | { |
2836 | auto historyItem = toHistoryItem(itemState); |
2837 | auto& historyItemRef = historyItem.get(); |
2838 | static_cast<WebBackForwardListProxy&>(corePage()->backForward().client()).addItemFromUIProcess(itemState.identifier, WTFMove(historyItem), m_pageID, WebBackForwardListProxy::OverwriteExistingItem::Yes); |
2839 | corePage()->mainFrame().loader().history().setCurrentItem(historyItemRef); |
2840 | } |
2841 | |
2842 | void WebPage::requestFontAttributesAtSelectionStart(CallbackID callbackID) |
2843 | { |
2844 | auto attributes = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().fontAttributesAtSelectionStart(); |
2845 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::FontAttributesCallback(attributes, callbackID)); |
2846 | } |
2847 | |
2848 | void WebPage::cancelGesturesBlockedOnSynchronousReplies() |
2849 | { |
2851 | if (auto reply = WTFMove(m_pendingSynchronousTouchEventReply)) |
2852 | reply(true); |
2853 | #endif |
2854 | |
2856 | if (auto reply = WTFMove(m_pendingSynchronousPositionInformationReply)) |
2857 | reply(InteractionInformationAtPosition::invalidInformation()); |
2858 | #endif |
2859 | } |
2860 | |
2862 | static bool handleTouchEvent(const WebTouchEvent& touchEvent, Page* page) |
2863 | { |
2864 | if (!page->mainFrame().view()) |
2865 | return false; |
2866 | |
2867 | return page->mainFrame().eventHandler().handleTouchEvent(platform(touchEvent)); |
2868 | } |
2869 | #endif |
2870 | |
2872 | void WebPage::dispatchTouchEvent(const WebTouchEvent& touchEvent, bool& handled) |
2873 | { |
2874 | SetForScope<bool> userIsInteractingChange { m_userIsInteracting, true }; |
2875 | |
2876 | auto oldFocusedFrame = makeRefPtr(m_page->focusController().focusedFrame()); |
2877 | auto oldFocusedElement = makeRefPtr(oldFocusedFrame ? oldFocusedFrame->document()->focusedElement() : nullptr); |
2878 | |
2879 | m_lastInteractionLocation = touchEvent.position(); |
2880 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(touchEvent); |
2881 | handled = handleTouchEvent(touchEvent, m_page.get()); |
2882 | updatePotentialTapSecurityOrigin(touchEvent, handled); |
2883 | |
2884 | if (handled && oldFocusedElement) { |
2885 | auto newFocusedFrame = makeRefPtr(m_page->focusController().focusedFrame()); |
2886 | auto newFocusedElement = makeRefPtr(newFocusedFrame ? newFocusedFrame->document()->focusedElement() : nullptr); |
2887 | if (oldFocusedElement == newFocusedElement) |
2888 | elementDidRefocus(*newFocusedElement); |
2889 | } |
2890 | } |
2891 | |
2892 | void WebPage::touchEventSync(const WebTouchEvent& touchEvent, CompletionHandler<void(bool)>&& reply) |
2893 | { |
2894 | m_pendingSynchronousTouchEventReply = WTFMove(reply); |
2895 | |
2896 | EventDispatcher::TouchEventQueue queuedEvents; |
2897 | WebProcess::singleton().eventDispatcher().getQueuedTouchEventsForPage(*this, queuedEvents); |
2898 | dispatchAsynchronousTouchEvents(queuedEvents); |
2899 | |
2900 | bool handled = true; |
2901 | dispatchTouchEvent(touchEvent, handled); |
2902 | |
2903 | if (auto reply = WTFMove(m_pendingSynchronousTouchEventReply)) |
2904 | reply(handled); |
2905 | } |
2906 | |
2907 | void WebPage::updatePotentialTapSecurityOrigin(const WebTouchEvent& touchEvent, bool wasHandled) |
2908 | { |
2909 | if (wasHandled) |
2910 | return; |
2911 | |
2912 | if (!touchEvent.isPotentialTap()) |
2913 | return; |
2914 | |
2915 | if (touchEvent.type() != WebEvent::TouchStart) |
2916 | return; |
2917 | |
2918 | auto& mainFrame = m_page->mainFrame(); |
2919 | auto document = mainFrame.document(); |
2920 | if (!document) |
2921 | return; |
2922 | |
2923 | if (!document->handlingTouchEvent()) |
2924 | return; |
2925 | |
2926 | Frame* touchEventTargetFrame = &mainFrame; |
2927 | while (auto subframe = touchEventTargetFrame->eventHandler().touchEventTargetSubframe()) |
2928 | touchEventTargetFrame = subframe; |
2929 | |
2930 | auto& touches = touchEventTargetFrame->eventHandler().touches(); |
2931 | if (touches.isEmpty()) |
2932 | return; |
2933 | |
2934 | ASSERT(touches.size() == 1); |
2935 | |
2936 | if (auto targetDocument = touchEventTargetFrame->document()) |
2937 | m_potentialTapSecurityOrigin = &targetDocument->securityOrigin(); |
2938 | } |
2939 | #elif ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
2940 | void WebPage::touchEvent(const WebTouchEvent& touchEvent) |
2941 | { |
2942 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(touchEvent); |
2943 | |
2944 | bool handled = handleTouchEvent(touchEvent, m_page.get()); |
2945 | |
2946 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(touchEvent.type()), handled)); |
2947 | } |
2948 | #endif |
2949 | |
2951 | void WebPage::cancelPointer(WebCore::PointerID pointerId, const WebCore::IntPoint& documentPoint) |
2952 | { |
2953 | m_page->pointerCaptureController().cancelPointer(pointerId, documentPoint); |
2954 | } |
2955 | #endif |
2956 | |
2958 | static bool handleGestureEvent(const WebGestureEvent& event, Page* page) |
2959 | { |
2960 | if (!page->mainFrame().view()) |
2961 | return false; |
2962 | |
2963 | return page->mainFrame().eventHandler().handleGestureEvent(platform(event)); |
2964 | } |
2965 | |
2966 | void WebPage::gestureEvent(const WebGestureEvent& gestureEvent) |
2967 | { |
2968 | CurrentEvent currentEvent(gestureEvent); |
2969 | bool handled = handleGestureEvent(gestureEvent, m_page.get()); |
2970 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReceiveEvent(static_cast<uint32_t>(gestureEvent.type()), handled)); |
2971 | } |
2972 | #endif |
2973 | |
2974 | bool WebPage::scroll(Page* page, ScrollDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity) |
2975 | { |
2976 | return page->userInputBridge().scrollRecursively(direction, granularity); |
2977 | } |
2978 | |
2979 | bool WebPage::logicalScroll(Page* page, ScrollLogicalDirection direction, ScrollGranularity granularity) |
2980 | { |
2981 | return page->userInputBridge().logicalScrollRecursively(direction, granularity); |
2982 | } |
2983 | |
2984 | bool WebPage::scrollBy(uint32_t scrollDirection, uint32_t scrollGranularity) |
2985 | { |
2986 | return scroll(m_page.get(), static_cast<ScrollDirection>(scrollDirection), static_cast<ScrollGranularity>(scrollGranularity)); |
2987 | } |
2988 | |
2989 | void WebPage::centerSelectionInVisibleArea() |
2990 | { |
2991 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
2992 | frame.selection().revealSelection(SelectionRevealMode::Reveal, ScrollAlignment::alignCenterAlways); |
2993 | findController().showFindIndicatorInSelection(); |
2994 | } |
2995 | |
2996 | bool WebPage::isControlledByAutomation() const |
2997 | { |
2998 | return m_page->isControlledByAutomation(); |
2999 | } |
3000 | |
3001 | void WebPage::setControlledByAutomation(bool controlled) |
3002 | { |
3003 | m_page->setControlledByAutomation(controlled); |
3004 | } |
3005 | |
3006 | void WebPage::connectInspector(const String& targetId, Inspector::FrontendChannel::ConnectionType connectionType) |
3007 | { |
3008 | m_inspectorTargetController->connectInspector(targetId, connectionType); |
3009 | } |
3010 | |
3011 | void WebPage::disconnectInspector(const String& targetId) |
3012 | { |
3013 | m_inspectorTargetController->disconnectInspector(targetId); |
3014 | } |
3015 | |
3016 | void WebPage::sendMessageToTargetBackend(const String& targetId, const String& message) |
3017 | { |
3018 | m_inspectorTargetController->sendMessageToTargetBackend(targetId, message); |
3019 | } |
3020 | |
3021 | void WebPage::insertNewlineInQuotedContent() |
3022 | { |
3023 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
3024 | if (frame.selection().isNone()) |
3025 | return; |
3026 | frame.editor().insertParagraphSeparatorInQuotedContent(); |
3027 | } |
3028 | |
3030 | void WebPage::setIndicating(bool indicating) |
3031 | { |
3032 | m_page->inspectorController().setIndicating(indicating); |
3033 | } |
3034 | #endif |
3035 | |
3036 | void WebPage::setBackgroundColor(const Optional<WebCore::Color>& backgroundColor) |
3037 | { |
3038 | if (m_backgroundColor == backgroundColor) |
3039 | return; |
3040 | |
3041 | m_backgroundColor = backgroundColor; |
3042 | |
3043 | if (FrameView* frameView = mainFrameView()) |
3044 | frameView->updateBackgroundRecursively(backgroundColor); |
3045 | |
3046 | m_drawingArea->setNeedsDisplay(); |
3047 | } |
3048 | |
3049 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3050 | void WebPage::setTopContentInsetFenced(float contentInset, IPC::Attachment fencePort) |
3051 | { |
3052 | if (fencePort.disposition() != MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND) { |
3053 | LOG(Layers, "WebPage::setTopContentInsetFenced(%g, fencePort) Received an invalid fence port: %d, disposition: %d" , contentInset, fencePort.port(), fencePort.disposition()); |
3054 | return; |
3055 | } |
3056 | |
3057 | m_drawingArea->addFence(MachSendRight::create(fencePort.port())); |
3058 | |
3059 | setTopContentInset(contentInset); |
3060 | |
3061 | deallocateSendRightSafely(fencePort.port()); |
3062 | } |
3063 | #endif |
3064 | |
3065 | void WebPage::setTopContentInset(float contentInset) |
3066 | { |
3067 | if (contentInset == m_page->topContentInset()) |
3068 | return; |
3069 | |
3070 | m_page->setTopContentInset(contentInset); |
3071 | |
3072 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
3073 | pluginView->topContentInsetDidChange(); |
3074 | } |
3075 | |
3076 | void WebPage::viewWillStartLiveResize() |
3077 | { |
3078 | if (!m_page) |
3079 | return; |
3080 | |
3081 | // FIXME: This should propagate to all ScrollableAreas. |
3082 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
3083 | if (FrameView* view = frame.view()) |
3084 | view->willStartLiveResize(); |
3085 | } |
3086 | |
3087 | void WebPage::viewWillEndLiveResize() |
3088 | { |
3089 | if (!m_page) |
3090 | return; |
3091 | |
3092 | // FIXME: This should propagate to all ScrollableAreas. |
3093 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
3094 | if (FrameView* view = frame.view()) |
3095 | view->willEndLiveResize(); |
3096 | } |
3097 | |
3098 | void WebPage::setInitialFocus(bool forward, bool isKeyboardEventValid, const WebKeyboardEvent& event, CallbackID callbackID) |
3099 | { |
3100 | if (!m_page) |
3101 | return; |
3102 | |
3103 | SetForScope<bool> userIsInteractingChange { m_userIsInteracting, true }; |
3104 | |
3105 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
3106 | frame.document()->setFocusedElement(0); |
3107 | |
3108 | if (isKeyboardEventValid && event.type() == WebEvent::KeyDown) { |
3109 | PlatformKeyboardEvent platformEvent(platform(event)); |
3110 | platformEvent.disambiguateKeyDownEvent(PlatformEvent::RawKeyDown); |
3111 | m_page->focusController().setInitialFocus(forward ? FocusDirectionForward : FocusDirectionBackward, &KeyboardEvent::create(platformEvent, &frame.windowProxy()).get()); |
3112 | |
3113 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
3114 | return; |
3115 | } |
3116 | |
3117 | m_page->focusController().setInitialFocus(forward ? FocusDirectionForward : FocusDirectionBackward, nullptr); |
3118 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
3119 | } |
3120 | |
3121 | void WebPage::setCanStartMediaTimerFired() |
3122 | { |
3123 | if (m_page) |
3124 | m_page->setCanStartMedia(true); |
3125 | } |
3126 | |
3127 | void WebPage::updateIsInWindow(bool isInitialState) |
3128 | { |
3129 | bool isInWindow = m_activityState.contains(WebCore::ActivityState::IsInWindow); |
3130 | |
3131 | if (!isInWindow) { |
3132 | m_setCanStartMediaTimer.stop(); |
3133 | m_page->setCanStartMedia(false); |
3134 | |
3135 | // The WebProcess does not yet know about this page; no need to tell it we're leaving the window. |
3136 | if (!isInitialState) |
3137 | WebProcess::singleton().pageWillLeaveWindow(m_pageID); |
3138 | } else { |
3139 | // Defer the call to Page::setCanStartMedia() since it ends up sending a synchronous message to the UI process |
3140 | // in order to get plug-in connections, and the UI process will be waiting for the Web process to update the backing |
3141 | // store after moving the view into a window, until it times out and paints white. See <rdar://problem/9242771>. |
3142 | if (m_mayStartMediaWhenInWindow) |
3143 | m_setCanStartMediaTimer.startOneShot(0_s); |
3144 | |
3145 | WebProcess::singleton().pageDidEnterWindow(m_pageID); |
3146 | } |
3147 | |
3148 | if (isInWindow) |
3149 | layoutIfNeeded(); |
3150 | } |
3151 | |
3152 | void WebPage::visibilityDidChange() |
3153 | { |
3154 | bool isVisible = m_activityState.contains(ActivityState::IsVisible); |
3155 | if (!isVisible) { |
3156 | // We save the document / scroll state when backgrounding a tab so that we are able to restore it |
3157 | // if it gets terminated while in the background. |
3158 | if (auto* frame = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()) |
3159 | frame->loader().history().saveDocumentAndScrollState(); |
3160 | } |
3161 | } |
3162 | |
3163 | void WebPage::setActivityState(OptionSet<ActivityState::Flag> activityState, ActivityStateChangeID activityStateChangeID, const Vector<CallbackID>& callbackIDs) |
3164 | { |
3165 | LOG_WITH_STREAM(ActivityState, stream << "WebPage " << pageID() << " setActivityState to " << activityState); |
3166 | |
3167 | auto changed = m_activityState ^ activityState; |
3168 | m_activityState = activityState; |
3169 | |
3170 | if (changed) |
3171 | updateThrottleState(); |
3172 | |
3173 | ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(m_page, "setActivityState called on %" PRIu64 " but WebCore page was null" , pageID()); |
3174 | if (m_page) { |
3175 | SetForScope<OptionSet<ActivityState::Flag>> currentlyChangingActivityState { m_lastActivityStateChanges, changed }; |
3176 | m_page->setActivityState(activityState); |
3177 | } |
3178 | |
3179 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
3180 | pluginView->activityStateDidChange(changed); |
3181 | |
3182 | m_drawingArea->activityStateDidChange(changed, activityStateChangeID, callbackIDs); |
3183 | WebProcess::singleton().pageActivityStateDidChange(m_pageID, changed); |
3184 | |
3185 | if (changed & ActivityState::IsInWindow) |
3186 | updateIsInWindow(); |
3187 | |
3188 | if (changed & ActivityState::IsVisible) |
3189 | visibilityDidChange(); |
3190 | } |
3191 | |
3192 | void WebPage::setLayerHostingMode(LayerHostingMode layerHostingMode) |
3193 | { |
3194 | m_layerHostingMode = layerHostingMode; |
3195 | |
3196 | m_drawingArea->setLayerHostingMode(m_layerHostingMode); |
3197 | |
3198 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
3199 | pluginView->setLayerHostingMode(m_layerHostingMode); |
3200 | } |
3201 | |
3202 | void WebPage::setSessionID(PAL::SessionID sessionID) |
3203 | { |
3204 | m_page->setSessionID(sessionID); |
3205 | } |
3206 | |
3207 | void WebPage::didReceivePolicyDecision(uint64_t frameID, uint64_t listenerID, PolicyCheckIdentifier identifier, PolicyAction policyAction, uint64_t navigationID, const DownloadID& downloadID, Optional<WebsitePoliciesData>&& websitePolicies) |
3208 | { |
3209 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
3210 | if (!frame) |
3211 | return; |
3212 | frame->didReceivePolicyDecision(listenerID, identifier, policyAction, navigationID, downloadID, WTFMove(websitePolicies)); |
3213 | } |
3214 | |
3215 | void WebPage::continueWillSubmitForm(uint64_t frameID, uint64_t listenerID) |
3216 | { |
3217 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
3218 | if (!frame) |
3219 | return; |
3220 | frame->continueWillSubmitForm(listenerID); |
3221 | } |
3222 | |
3223 | void WebPage::didStartPageTransition() |
3224 | { |
3225 | freezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::PageTransition); |
3226 | |
3227 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
3228 | bool hasPreviouslyFocusedDueToUserInteraction = m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition; |
3229 | #endif |
3230 | m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition = false; |
3231 | m_lastEditorStateWasContentEditable = EditorStateIsContentEditable::Unset; |
3232 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
3233 | if (hasPreviouslyFocusedDueToUserInteraction) |
3234 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetHasHadSelectionChangesFromUserInteraction(m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition)); |
3235 | if (m_isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable) { |
3236 | m_isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable = false; |
3237 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetIsTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable(m_isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable)); |
3238 | } |
3239 | if (m_isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar) { |
3240 | m_isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar = false; |
3241 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetIsNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar(m_isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar)); |
3242 | } |
3243 | #endif |
3245 | m_isShowingInputViewForFocusedElement = false; |
3246 | #endif |
3247 | } |
3248 | |
3249 | void WebPage::didCompletePageTransition() |
3250 | { |
3251 | unfreezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::PageTransition); |
3252 | |
3253 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - Did complete page transition" , this); |
3254 | |
3255 | bool isInitialEmptyDocument = !m_mainFrame; |
3256 | if (!isInitialEmptyDocument) |
3257 | unfreezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::ProcessSwap); |
3258 | } |
3259 | |
3260 | void WebPage::show() |
3261 | { |
3262 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ShowPage()); |
3263 | } |
3264 | |
3265 | String WebPage::userAgent(const URL& webCoreURL) const |
3266 | { |
3267 | String userAgent = platformUserAgent(webCoreURL); |
3268 | if (!userAgent.isEmpty()) |
3269 | return userAgent; |
3270 | return m_userAgent; |
3271 | } |
3272 | |
3273 | void WebPage::setUserAgent(const String& userAgent) |
3274 | { |
3275 | if (m_userAgent == userAgent) |
3276 | return; |
3277 | |
3278 | m_userAgent = userAgent; |
3279 | |
3280 | if (m_page) |
3281 | m_page->userAgentChanged(); |
3282 | } |
3283 | |
3284 | void WebPage::suspendActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations() |
3285 | { |
3286 | m_page->suspendActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations(); |
3287 | } |
3288 | |
3289 | void WebPage::resumeActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations() |
3290 | { |
3291 | m_page->resumeActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations(); |
3292 | } |
3293 | |
3294 | IntPoint WebPage::screenToRootView(const IntPoint& point) |
3295 | { |
3296 | IntPoint windowPoint; |
3297 | sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::ScreenToRootView(point), Messages::WebPageProxy::ScreenToRootView::Reply(windowPoint)); |
3298 | return windowPoint; |
3299 | } |
3300 | |
3301 | IntRect WebPage::rootViewToScreen(const IntRect& rect) |
3302 | { |
3303 | IntRect screenRect; |
3304 | sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::RootViewToScreen(rect), Messages::WebPageProxy::RootViewToScreen::Reply(screenRect)); |
3305 | return screenRect; |
3306 | } |
3307 | |
3308 | IntPoint WebPage::accessibilityScreenToRootView(const IntPoint& point) |
3309 | { |
3310 | IntPoint windowPoint; |
3311 | sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::AccessibilityScreenToRootView(point), Messages::WebPageProxy::AccessibilityScreenToRootView::Reply(windowPoint)); |
3312 | return windowPoint; |
3313 | } |
3314 | |
3315 | IntRect WebPage::rootViewToAccessibilityScreen(const IntRect& rect) |
3316 | { |
3317 | IntRect screenRect; |
3318 | sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::RootViewToAccessibilityScreen(rect), Messages::WebPageProxy::RootViewToAccessibilityScreen::Reply(screenRect)); |
3319 | return screenRect; |
3320 | } |
3321 | |
3322 | KeyboardUIMode WebPage::keyboardUIMode() |
3323 | { |
3324 | bool fullKeyboardAccessEnabled = WebProcess::singleton().fullKeyboardAccessEnabled(); |
3325 | return static_cast<KeyboardUIMode>((fullKeyboardAccessEnabled ? KeyboardAccessFull : KeyboardAccessDefault) | (m_tabToLinks ? KeyboardAccessTabsToLinks : 0)); |
3326 | } |
3327 | |
3328 | void WebPage::runJavaScript(WebFrame* frame, const String& script, bool forceUserGesture, const Optional<String>& worldName, CallbackID callbackID) |
3329 | { |
3330 | // NOTE: We need to be careful when running scripts that the objects we depend on don't |
3331 | // disappear during script execution. |
3332 | |
3333 | RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedResultValue; |
3334 | JSLockHolder lock(commonVM()); |
3335 | bool hadException = true; |
3336 | ExceptionDetails details; |
3337 | auto* world = worldName ? InjectedBundleScriptWorld::find(worldName.value()) : &InjectedBundleScriptWorld::normalWorld(); |
3338 | if (frame && frame->coreFrame() && world) { |
3339 | if (JSValue resultValue = frame->coreFrame()->script().executeUserAgentScriptInWorld(world->coreWorld(), script, forceUserGesture, &details)) { |
3340 | hadException = false; |
3341 | serializedResultValue = SerializedScriptValue::create(frame->jsContextForWorld(world), |
3342 | toRef(frame->coreFrame()->script().globalObject(world->coreWorld())->globalExec(), resultValue), nullptr); |
3343 | } |
3344 | } |
3345 | |
3346 | IPC::DataReference dataReference; |
3347 | if (serializedResultValue) |
3348 | dataReference = serializedResultValue->data(); |
3349 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ScriptValueCallback(dataReference, hadException, details, callbackID)); |
3350 | } |
3351 | |
3352 | void WebPage::runJavaScriptInMainFrameScriptWorld(const String& script, bool forceUserGesture, const Optional<String>& worldName, CallbackID callbackID) |
3353 | { |
3354 | runJavaScript(mainWebFrame(), script, forceUserGesture, worldName, callbackID); |
3355 | } |
3356 | |
3357 | void WebPage::runJavaScriptInFrame(uint64_t frameID, const String& script, bool forceUserGesture, CallbackID callbackID) |
3358 | { |
3359 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
3360 | ASSERT(mainWebFrame() != frame); |
3361 | runJavaScript(frame, script, forceUserGesture, WTF::nullopt, callbackID); |
3362 | } |
3363 | |
3364 | void WebPage::getContentsAsString(CallbackID callbackID) |
3365 | { |
3366 | String resultString = m_mainFrame->contentsAsString(); |
3367 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(resultString, callbackID)); |
3368 | } |
3369 | |
3370 | #if ENABLE(MHTML) |
3371 | void WebPage::getContentsAsMHTMLData(CallbackID callbackID) |
3372 | { |
3373 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback({ MHTMLArchive::generateMHTMLData(m_page.get()) }, callbackID)); |
3374 | } |
3375 | #endif |
3376 | |
3377 | void WebPage::getRenderTreeExternalRepresentation(CallbackID callbackID) |
3378 | { |
3379 | String resultString = renderTreeExternalRepresentation(); |
3380 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(resultString, callbackID)); |
3381 | } |
3382 | |
3383 | static Frame* frameWithSelection(Page* page) |
3384 | { |
3385 | for (Frame* frame = &page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
3386 | if (frame->selection().isRange()) |
3387 | return frame; |
3388 | } |
3389 | |
3390 | return 0; |
3391 | } |
3392 | |
3393 | void WebPage::getSelectionAsWebArchiveData(CallbackID callbackID) |
3394 | { |
3395 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3396 | RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data; |
3397 | if (Frame* frame = frameWithSelection(m_page.get())) |
3398 | data = LegacyWebArchive::createFromSelection(frame)->rawDataRepresentation(); |
3399 | #endif |
3400 | |
3401 | IPC::SharedBufferDataReference dataReference; |
3402 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3403 | if (data) |
3404 | dataReference = { CFDataGetBytePtr(data.get()), static_cast<size_t>(CFDataGetLength(data.get())) }; |
3405 | #endif |
3406 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback(dataReference, callbackID)); |
3407 | } |
3408 | |
3409 | void WebPage::getSelectionOrContentsAsString(CallbackID callbackID) |
3410 | { |
3411 | WebFrame* focusedOrMainFrame = WebFrame::fromCoreFrame(m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame()); |
3412 | String resultString = focusedOrMainFrame->selectionAsString(); |
3413 | if (resultString.isEmpty()) |
3414 | resultString = focusedOrMainFrame->contentsAsString(); |
3415 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(resultString, callbackID)); |
3416 | } |
3417 | |
3418 | void WebPage::getSourceForFrame(uint64_t frameID, CallbackID callbackID) |
3419 | { |
3420 | String resultString; |
3421 | if (WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) |
3422 | resultString = frame->source(); |
3423 | |
3424 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(resultString, callbackID)); |
3425 | } |
3426 | |
3427 | void WebPage::getMainResourceDataOfFrame(uint64_t frameID, CallbackID callbackID) |
3428 | { |
3429 | RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer; |
3430 | if (WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) { |
3431 | if (PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(frame->coreFrame())) |
3432 | buffer = pluginView->liveResourceData(); |
3433 | if (!buffer) { |
3434 | if (DocumentLoader* loader = frame->coreFrame()->loader().documentLoader()) |
3435 | buffer = loader->mainResourceData(); |
3436 | } |
3437 | } |
3438 | |
3439 | IPC::SharedBufferDataReference dataReference; |
3440 | if (buffer) |
3441 | dataReference = { *buffer }; |
3442 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback(dataReference, callbackID)); |
3443 | } |
3444 | |
3445 | static RefPtr<SharedBuffer> resourceDataForFrame(Frame* frame, const URL& resourceURL) |
3446 | { |
3447 | DocumentLoader* loader = frame->loader().documentLoader(); |
3448 | if (!loader) |
3449 | return nullptr; |
3450 | |
3451 | RefPtr<ArchiveResource> subresource = loader->subresource(resourceURL); |
3452 | if (!subresource) |
3453 | return nullptr; |
3454 | |
3455 | return &subresource->data(); |
3456 | } |
3457 | |
3458 | void WebPage::getResourceDataFromFrame(uint64_t frameID, const String& resourceURLString, CallbackID callbackID) |
3459 | { |
3460 | RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer; |
3461 | if (auto* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) { |
3462 | URL resourceURL(URL(), resourceURLString); |
3463 | buffer = resourceDataForFrame(frame->coreFrame(), resourceURL); |
3464 | } |
3465 | |
3466 | IPC::SharedBufferDataReference dataReference; |
3467 | if (buffer) |
3468 | dataReference = { *buffer }; |
3469 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback(dataReference, callbackID)); |
3470 | } |
3471 | |
3472 | void WebPage::getWebArchiveOfFrame(uint64_t frameID, CallbackID callbackID) |
3473 | { |
3474 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3475 | RetainPtr<CFDataRef> data; |
3476 | if (WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) |
3477 | data = frame->webArchiveData(nullptr, nullptr); |
3478 | #else |
3479 | UNUSED_PARAM(frameID); |
3480 | #endif |
3481 | |
3482 | IPC::SharedBufferDataReference dataReference; |
3483 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3484 | if (data) |
3485 | dataReference = { CFDataGetBytePtr(data.get()), static_cast<size_t>(CFDataGetLength(data.get())) }; |
3486 | #endif |
3487 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback(dataReference, callbackID)); |
3488 | } |
3489 | |
3490 | void WebPage::forceRepaintWithoutCallback() |
3491 | { |
3492 | m_drawingArea->forceRepaint(); |
3493 | } |
3494 | |
3495 | void WebPage::forceRepaint(CallbackID callbackID) |
3496 | { |
3497 | if (m_drawingArea->forceRepaintAsync(callbackID)) |
3498 | return; |
3499 | |
3500 | forceRepaintWithoutCallback(); |
3501 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
3502 | } |
3503 | |
3504 | void WebPage::preferencesDidChange(const WebPreferencesStore& store) |
3505 | { |
3506 | WebPreferencesStore::removeTestRunnerOverrides(); |
3507 | updatePreferences(store); |
3508 | } |
3509 | |
3510 | void WebPage::updatePreferences(const WebPreferencesStore& store) |
3511 | { |
3512 | updatePreferencesGenerated(store); |
3513 | |
3514 | Settings& settings = m_page->settings(); |
3515 | |
3516 | #if !PLATFORM(GTK) |
3517 | if (!settings.acceleratedCompositingEnabled()) { |
3518 | RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED("%p - WebPage - acceleratedCompositingEnabled setting was false. WebKit cannot function in this mode; changing setting to true" , this); |
3519 | settings.setAcceleratedCompositingEnabled(true); |
3520 | } |
3521 | #endif |
3522 | |
3523 | bool requiresUserGestureForMedia = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::requiresUserGestureForMediaPlaybackKey()); |
3524 | settings.setVideoPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(requiresUserGestureForMedia || store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::requiresUserGestureForVideoPlaybackKey())); |
3525 | settings.setAudioPlaybackRequiresUserGesture(requiresUserGestureForMedia || store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::requiresUserGestureForAudioPlaybackKey())); |
3526 | settings.setLayoutInterval(Seconds(store.getDoubleValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::layoutIntervalKey()))); |
3527 | settings.setUserInterfaceDirectionPolicy(static_cast<WebCore::UserInterfaceDirectionPolicy>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::userInterfaceDirectionPolicyKey()))); |
3528 | settings.setSystemLayoutDirection(static_cast<TextDirection>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::systemLayoutDirectionKey()))); |
3529 | settings.setJavaScriptRuntimeFlags(static_cast<RuntimeFlags>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::javaScriptRuntimeFlagsKey()))); |
3530 | settings.setStorageBlockingPolicy(static_cast<SecurityOrigin::StorageBlockingPolicy>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::storageBlockingPolicyKey()))); |
3531 | settings.setFrameFlattening(store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::frameFlatteningEnabledKey()) ? WebCore::FrameFlattening::FullyEnabled : WebCore::FrameFlattening::Disabled); |
3532 | settings.setEditableLinkBehavior(static_cast<WebCore::EditableLinkBehavior>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::editableLinkBehaviorKey()))); |
3534 | settings.setDataDetectorTypes(static_cast<DataDetectorTypes>(store.getUInt32ValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::dataDetectorTypesKey()))); |
3535 | #endif |
3536 | |
3537 | DatabaseManager::singleton().setIsAvailable(store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::databasesEnabledKey())); |
3538 | |
3539 | m_tabToLinks = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::tabsToLinksKey()); |
3540 | m_asynchronousPluginInitializationEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::asynchronousPluginInitializationEnabledKey()); |
3541 | m_asynchronousPluginInitializationEnabledForAllPlugins = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::asynchronousPluginInitializationEnabledForAllPluginsKey()); |
3542 | m_artificialPluginInitializationDelayEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::artificialPluginInitializationDelayEnabledKey()); |
3543 | |
3544 | m_scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabledKey()); |
3545 | settings.setScrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled(m_scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled); |
3546 | |
3547 | if (store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::privateBrowsingEnabledKey()) && !usesEphemeralSession()) |
3548 | setSessionID(PAL::SessionID::legacyPrivateSessionID()); |
3549 | else if (!store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::privateBrowsingEnabledKey()) && sessionID() == PAL::SessionID::legacyPrivateSessionID()) |
3550 | setSessionID(PAL::SessionID::defaultSessionID()); |
3551 | |
3552 | bool isAppNapEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::pageVisibilityBasedProcessSuppressionEnabledKey()); |
3553 | if (m_isAppNapEnabled != isAppNapEnabled) { |
3554 | m_isAppNapEnabled = isAppNapEnabled; |
3555 | updateThrottleState(); |
3556 | } |
3557 | |
3558 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3559 | m_pdfPluginEnabled = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::pdfPluginEnabledKey()); |
3560 | #endif |
3562 | settings.setPaymentRequestEnabled(store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::applePayEnabledKey())); |
3563 | #endif |
3564 | |
3565 | // FIXME: This is both a RuntimeEnabledFeatures (generated) and a setting. It should pick one. |
3566 | settings.setInteractiveFormValidationEnabled(store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::interactiveFormValidationEnabledKey())); |
3567 | |
3569 | m_ignoreViewportScalingConstraints = store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::ignoreViewportScalingConstraintsKey()); |
3570 | m_viewportConfiguration.setCanIgnoreScalingConstraints(m_ignoreViewportScalingConstraints); |
3571 | setForceAlwaysUserScalable(m_forceAlwaysUserScalable || store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::forceAlwaysUserScalableKey())); |
3572 | |
3573 | settings.setUseImageDocumentForSubframePDF(true); |
3574 | #if HAVE(AVKIT) |
3575 | DeprecatedGlobalSettings::setAVKitEnabled(true); |
3576 | #endif |
3577 | #endif |
3578 | |
3580 | if (store.getBoolValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::serviceWorkersEnabledKey())) { |
3581 | ASSERT(parentProcessHasServiceWorkerEntitlement()); |
3582 | if (!parentProcessHasServiceWorkerEntitlement()) |
3583 | RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().setServiceWorkerEnabled(false); |
3584 | } |
3585 | #endif |
3586 | |
3587 | settings.setLayoutViewportHeightExpansionFactor(store.getDoubleValueForKey(WebPreferencesKey::layoutViewportHeightExpansionFactorKey())); |
3588 | |
3589 | if (m_drawingArea) |
3590 | m_drawingArea->updatePreferences(store); |
3591 | } |
3592 | |
3594 | |
3595 | void WebPage::setDataDetectionResults(NSArray *detectionResults) |
3596 | { |
3597 | DataDetectionResult dataDetectionResult; |
3598 | dataDetectionResult.results = detectionResults; |
3599 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetDataDetectionResult(dataDetectionResult)); |
3600 | } |
3601 | |
3602 | void WebPage::removeDataDetectedLinks(CompletionHandler<void(const DataDetectionResult&)>&& completionHandler) |
3603 | { |
3604 | for (auto frame = makeRefPtr(&m_page->mainFrame()); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
3605 | auto document = makeRefPtr(frame->document()); |
3606 | if (!document) |
3607 | continue; |
3608 | |
3609 | DataDetection::removeDataDetectedLinksInDocument(*document); |
3610 | frame->setDataDetectionResults(nullptr); |
3611 | } |
3612 | completionHandler({ m_page->mainFrame().dataDetectionResults() }); |
3613 | } |
3614 | |
3615 | void WebPage::detectDataInAllFrames(uint64_t types, CompletionHandler<void(const DataDetectionResult&)>&& completionHandler) |
3616 | { |
3617 | auto dataDetectorTypes = static_cast<WebCore::DataDetectorTypes>(types); |
3618 | for (auto frame = makeRefPtr(&m_page->mainFrame()); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
3619 | auto document = makeRefPtr(frame->document()); |
3620 | if (!document) |
3621 | continue; |
3622 | |
3623 | RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(*document, Position { document.get(), Position::PositionIsBeforeChildren }, Position { document.get(), Position::PositionIsAfterChildren }); |
3624 | frame->setDataDetectionResults(DataDetection::detectContentInRange(range, dataDetectorTypes, m_dataDetectionContext.get())); |
3625 | } |
3626 | completionHandler({ m_page->mainFrame().dataDetectionResults() }); |
3627 | } |
3628 | |
3629 | #endif // ENABLE(DATA_DETECTION) |
3630 | |
3631 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
3632 | void WebPage::willCommitLayerTree(RemoteLayerTreeTransaction& layerTransaction) |
3633 | { |
3634 | FrameView* frameView = corePage()->mainFrame().view(); |
3635 | if (!frameView) |
3636 | return; |
3637 | |
3638 | layerTransaction.setContentsSize(frameView->contentsSize()); |
3639 | layerTransaction.setScrollOrigin(frameView->scrollOrigin()); |
3640 | layerTransaction.setPageScaleFactor(corePage()->pageScaleFactor()); |
3641 | layerTransaction.setRenderTreeSize(corePage()->renderTreeSize()); |
3642 | layerTransaction.setPageExtendedBackgroundColor(corePage()->pageExtendedBackgroundColor()); |
3643 | |
3644 | layerTransaction.setBaseLayoutViewportSize(frameView->baseLayoutViewportSize()); |
3645 | layerTransaction.setMinStableLayoutViewportOrigin(frameView->minStableLayoutViewportOrigin()); |
3646 | layerTransaction.setMaxStableLayoutViewportOrigin(frameView->maxStableLayoutViewportOrigin()); |
3647 | |
3649 | layerTransaction.setScaleWasSetByUIProcess(scaleWasSetByUIProcess()); |
3650 | layerTransaction.setMinimumScaleFactor(m_viewportConfiguration.minimumScale()); |
3651 | layerTransaction.setMaximumScaleFactor(m_viewportConfiguration.maximumScale()); |
3652 | layerTransaction.setInitialScaleFactor(m_viewportConfiguration.initialScale()); |
3653 | layerTransaction.setViewportMetaTagWidth(m_viewportConfiguration.viewportArguments().width); |
3654 | layerTransaction.setViewportMetaTagWidthWasExplicit(m_viewportConfiguration.viewportArguments().widthWasExplicit); |
3655 | layerTransaction.setViewportMetaTagCameFromImageDocument(m_viewportConfiguration.viewportArguments().type == ViewportArguments::ImageDocument); |
3656 | layerTransaction.setAvoidsUnsafeArea(m_viewportConfiguration.avoidsUnsafeArea()); |
3657 | layerTransaction.setIsInStableState(m_isInStableState); |
3658 | layerTransaction.setAllowsUserScaling(allowsUserScaling()); |
3659 | if (m_pendingDynamicViewportSizeUpdateID) { |
3660 | layerTransaction.setDynamicViewportSizeUpdateID(*m_pendingDynamicViewportSizeUpdateID); |
3661 | m_pendingDynamicViewportSizeUpdateID = WTF::nullopt; |
3662 | } |
3663 | if (m_lastTransactionPageScaleFactor != layerTransaction.pageScaleFactor()) { |
3664 | m_lastTransactionPageScaleFactor = layerTransaction.pageScaleFactor(); |
3665 | m_lastTransactionIDWithScaleChange = layerTransaction.transactionID(); |
3666 | } |
3667 | #endif |
3668 | |
3669 | layerTransaction.setScrollPosition(frameView->scrollPosition()); |
3670 | |
3671 | if (m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate) { |
3672 | layerTransaction.setEditorState(editorState()); |
3673 | m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate = false; |
3674 | } |
3675 | } |
3676 | |
3677 | void WebPage::didFlushLayerTreeAtTime(MonotonicTime timestamp) |
3678 | { |
3680 | if (m_oldestNonStableUpdateVisibleContentRectsTimestamp != MonotonicTime()) { |
3681 | Seconds elapsed = timestamp - m_oldestNonStableUpdateVisibleContentRectsTimestamp; |
3682 | m_oldestNonStableUpdateVisibleContentRectsTimestamp = MonotonicTime(); |
3683 | |
3684 | m_estimatedLatency = m_estimatedLatency * 0.80 + elapsed * 0.20; |
3685 | } |
3686 | #else |
3687 | UNUSED_PARAM(timestamp); |
3688 | #endif |
3689 | } |
3690 | #endif |
3691 | |
3692 | void WebPage::layoutIfNeeded() |
3693 | { |
3694 | m_page->layoutIfNeeded(); |
3695 | } |
3696 | |
3697 | void WebPage::updateRendering() |
3698 | { |
3699 | m_page->updateRendering(); |
3700 | } |
3701 | |
3702 | WebInspector* WebPage::inspector(LazyCreationPolicy behavior) |
3703 | { |
3704 | if (m_isClosed) |
3705 | return nullptr; |
3706 | if (!m_inspector && behavior == LazyCreationPolicy::CreateIfNeeded) |
3707 | m_inspector = WebInspector::create(this); |
3708 | return m_inspector.get(); |
3709 | } |
3710 | |
3711 | WebInspectorUI* WebPage::inspectorUI() |
3712 | { |
3713 | if (m_isClosed) |
3714 | return nullptr; |
3715 | if (!m_inspectorUI) |
3716 | m_inspectorUI = WebInspectorUI::create(*this); |
3717 | return m_inspectorUI.get(); |
3718 | } |
3719 | |
3720 | RemoteWebInspectorUI* WebPage::remoteInspectorUI() |
3721 | { |
3722 | if (m_isClosed) |
3723 | return nullptr; |
3724 | if (!m_remoteInspectorUI) |
3725 | m_remoteInspectorUI = RemoteWebInspectorUI::create(*this); |
3726 | return m_remoteInspectorUI.get(); |
3727 | } |
3728 | |
3729 | void WebPage::inspectorFrontendCountChanged(unsigned count) |
3730 | { |
3731 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidChangeInspectorFrontendCount(count)); |
3732 | } |
3733 | |
3735 | PlaybackSessionManager& WebPage::playbackSessionManager() |
3736 | { |
3737 | if (!m_playbackSessionManager) |
3738 | m_playbackSessionManager = PlaybackSessionManager::create(*this); |
3739 | return *m_playbackSessionManager; |
3740 | } |
3741 | |
3742 | VideoFullscreenManager& WebPage::videoFullscreenManager() |
3743 | { |
3744 | if (!m_videoFullscreenManager) |
3745 | m_videoFullscreenManager = VideoFullscreenManager::create(*this, playbackSessionManager()); |
3746 | return *m_videoFullscreenManager; |
3747 | } |
3748 | |
3749 | void WebPage::videoControlsManagerDidChange() |
3750 | { |
3752 | if (auto* manager = fullScreenManager()) |
3753 | manager->videoControlsManagerDidChange(); |
3754 | #endif |
3755 | } |
3756 | |
3757 | #endif |
3758 | |
3760 | void WebPage::setAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback(bool allows) |
3761 | { |
3762 | m_page->setAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback(allows); |
3763 | } |
3764 | #endif |
3765 | |
3767 | WebFullScreenManager* WebPage::fullScreenManager() |
3768 | { |
3769 | if (!m_fullScreenManager) |
3770 | m_fullScreenManager = WebFullScreenManager::create(this); |
3771 | return m_fullScreenManager.get(); |
3772 | } |
3773 | #endif |
3774 | |
3775 | void WebPage::addConsoleMessage(uint64_t frameID, MessageSource messageSource, MessageLevel messageLevel, const String& message, uint64_t requestID) |
3776 | { |
3777 | if (auto* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) |
3778 | frame->addConsoleMessage(messageSource, messageLevel, message, requestID); |
3779 | } |
3780 | |
3781 | void WebPage::sendCSPViolationReport(uint64_t frameID, const URL& reportURL, IPC::FormDataReference&& reportData) |
3782 | { |
3783 | auto report = reportData.takeData(); |
3784 | if (!report) |
3785 | return; |
3786 | if (auto* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID)) |
3787 | PingLoader::sendViolationReport(*frame->coreFrame(), reportURL, report.releaseNonNull(), ViolationReportType::ContentSecurityPolicy); |
3788 | } |
3789 | |
3790 | void WebPage::enqueueSecurityPolicyViolationEvent(uint64_t frameID, SecurityPolicyViolationEvent::Init&& eventInit) |
3791 | { |
3792 | auto* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
3793 | if (!frame) |
3794 | return; |
3795 | auto* coreFrame = frame->coreFrame(); |
3796 | if (!coreFrame) |
3797 | return; |
3798 | if (auto* document = coreFrame->document()) |
3799 | document->enqueueSecurityPolicyViolationEvent(WTFMove(eventInit)); |
3800 | } |
3801 | |
3802 | NotificationPermissionRequestManager* WebPage::notificationPermissionRequestManager() |
3803 | { |
3804 | if (m_notificationPermissionRequestManager) |
3805 | return m_notificationPermissionRequestManager.get(); |
3806 | |
3807 | m_notificationPermissionRequestManager = NotificationPermissionRequestManager::create(this); |
3808 | return m_notificationPermissionRequestManager.get(); |
3809 | } |
3810 | |
3812 | |
3813 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
3814 | void WebPage::performDragControllerAction(DragControllerAction action, const IntPoint& clientPosition, const IntPoint& globalPosition, uint64_t draggingSourceOperationMask, WebSelectionData&& selection, uint32_t flags) |
3815 | { |
3816 | if (!m_page) { |
3817 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(DragOperationNone, DragHandlingMethod::None, false, 0, { }, { })); |
3818 | return; |
3819 | } |
3820 | |
3821 | DragData dragData(selection.selectionData.ptr(), clientPosition, globalPosition, static_cast<DragOperation>(draggingSourceOperationMask), static_cast<DragApplicationFlags>(flags)); |
3822 | switch (action) { |
3823 | case DragControllerAction::Entered: { |
3824 | DragOperation resolvedDragOperation = m_page->dragController().dragEntered(dragData); |
3825 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(resolvedDragOperation, m_page->dragController().dragHandlingMethod(), m_page->dragController().mouseIsOverFileInput(), m_page->dragController().numberOfItemsToBeAccepted(), { }, { })); |
3826 | return; |
3827 | } |
3828 | case DragControllerAction::Updated: { |
3829 | DragOperation resolvedDragOperation = m_page->dragController().dragEntered(dragData); |
3830 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(resolvedDragOperation, m_page->dragController().dragHandlingMethod(), m_page->dragController().mouseIsOverFileInput(), m_page->dragController().numberOfItemsToBeAccepted(), { }, { })); |
3831 | return; |
3832 | } |
3833 | case DragControllerAction::Exited: |
3834 | m_page->dragController().dragExited(dragData); |
3835 | return; |
3836 | |
3837 | case DragControllerAction::PerformDragOperation: { |
3838 | m_page->dragController().performDragOperation(dragData); |
3839 | return; |
3840 | } |
3841 | } |
3843 | } |
3844 | #else |
3845 | void WebPage::performDragControllerAction(DragControllerAction action, const WebCore::DragData& dragData, SandboxExtension::Handle&& sandboxExtensionHandle, SandboxExtension::HandleArray&& sandboxExtensionsHandleArray) |
3846 | { |
3847 | if (!m_page) { |
3848 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(DragOperationNone, DragHandlingMethod::None, false, 0, { }, { })); |
3849 | return; |
3850 | } |
3851 | |
3852 | switch (action) { |
3853 | case DragControllerAction::Entered: { |
3854 | DragOperation resolvedDragOperation = m_page->dragController().dragEntered(dragData); |
3855 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(resolvedDragOperation, m_page->dragController().dragHandlingMethod(), m_page->dragController().mouseIsOverFileInput(), m_page->dragController().numberOfItemsToBeAccepted(), m_page->dragCaretController().caretRectInRootViewCoordinates(), m_page->dragCaretController().editableElementRectInRootViewCoordinates())); |
3856 | return; |
3857 | } |
3858 | case DragControllerAction::Updated: { |
3859 | DragOperation resolvedDragOperation = m_page->dragController().dragUpdated(dragData); |
3860 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(resolvedDragOperation, m_page->dragController().dragHandlingMethod(), m_page->dragController().mouseIsOverFileInput(), m_page->dragController().numberOfItemsToBeAccepted(), m_page->dragCaretController().caretRectInRootViewCoordinates(), m_page->dragCaretController().editableElementRectInRootViewCoordinates())); |
3861 | return; |
3862 | } |
3863 | case DragControllerAction::Exited: |
3864 | m_page->dragController().dragExited(dragData); |
3865 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragControllerAction(DragOperationNone, DragHandlingMethod::None, false, 0, { }, { })); |
3866 | return; |
3867 | |
3868 | case DragControllerAction::PerformDragOperation: { |
3869 | ASSERT(!m_pendingDropSandboxExtension); |
3870 | |
3871 | m_pendingDropSandboxExtension = SandboxExtension::create(WTFMove(sandboxExtensionHandle)); |
3872 | for (size_t i = 0; i < sandboxExtensionsHandleArray.size(); i++) { |
3873 | if (auto extension = SandboxExtension::create(WTFMove(sandboxExtensionsHandleArray[i]))) |
3874 | m_pendingDropExtensionsForFileUpload.append(extension); |
3875 | } |
3876 | |
3877 | bool handled = m_page->dragController().performDragOperation(dragData); |
3878 | |
3879 | // If we started loading a local file, the sandbox extension tracker would have adopted this |
3880 | // pending drop sandbox extension. If not, we'll play it safe and clear it. |
3881 | m_pendingDropSandboxExtension = nullptr; |
3882 | |
3883 | m_pendingDropExtensionsForFileUpload.clear(); |
3884 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidPerformDragOperation(handled)); |
3885 | return; |
3886 | } |
3887 | } |
3889 | } |
3890 | #endif |
3891 | |
3892 | void WebPage::dragEnded(WebCore::IntPoint clientPosition, WebCore::IntPoint globalPosition, uint64_t operation) |
3893 | { |
3894 | IntPoint adjustedClientPosition(clientPosition.x() + m_page->dragController().dragOffset().x(), clientPosition.y() + m_page->dragController().dragOffset().y()); |
3895 | IntPoint adjustedGlobalPosition(globalPosition.x() + m_page->dragController().dragOffset().x(), globalPosition.y() + m_page->dragController().dragOffset().y()); |
3896 | |
3897 | m_page->dragController().dragEnded(); |
3898 | FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame().view(); |
3899 | if (!view) |
3900 | return; |
3901 | // FIXME: These are fake modifier keys here, but they should be real ones instead. |
3902 | PlatformMouseEvent event(adjustedClientPosition, adjustedGlobalPosition, LeftButton, PlatformEvent::MouseMoved, 0, false, false, false, false, WallTime::now(), 0, WebCore::NoTap); |
3903 | m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().dragSourceEndedAt(event, (DragOperation)operation); |
3904 | |
3905 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidEndDragging()); |
3906 | } |
3907 | |
3908 | void WebPage::willPerformLoadDragDestinationAction() |
3909 | { |
3910 | m_sandboxExtensionTracker.willPerformLoadDragDestinationAction(WTFMove(m_pendingDropSandboxExtension)); |
3911 | } |
3912 | |
3913 | void WebPage::mayPerformUploadDragDestinationAction() |
3914 | { |
3915 | for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pendingDropExtensionsForFileUpload.size(); i++) |
3916 | m_pendingDropExtensionsForFileUpload[i]->consumePermanently(); |
3917 | m_pendingDropExtensionsForFileUpload.clear(); |
3918 | } |
3919 | |
3920 | void WebPage::didStartDrag() |
3921 | { |
3922 | m_isStartingDrag = false; |
3923 | m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().didStartDrag(); |
3924 | } |
3925 | |
3926 | void WebPage::dragCancelled() |
3927 | { |
3928 | m_isStartingDrag = false; |
3929 | m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().dragCancelled(); |
3930 | } |
3931 | |
3932 | #endif // ENABLE(DRAG_SUPPORT) |
3933 | |
3934 | WebUndoStep* WebPage::webUndoStep(WebUndoStepID stepID) |
3935 | { |
3936 | return m_undoStepMap.get(stepID); |
3937 | } |
3938 | |
3939 | void WebPage::addWebUndoStep(WebUndoStepID stepID, Ref<WebUndoStep>&& entry) |
3940 | { |
3941 | auto addResult = m_undoStepMap.set(stepID, WTFMove(entry)); |
3942 | ASSERT_UNUSED(addResult, addResult.isNewEntry); |
3943 | } |
3944 | |
3945 | void WebPage::removeWebEditCommand(WebUndoStepID stepID) |
3946 | { |
3947 | if (auto undoStep = m_undoStepMap.take(stepID)) |
3948 | undoStep->didRemoveFromUndoManager(); |
3949 | } |
3950 | |
3951 | bool WebPage::isAlwaysOnLoggingAllowed() const |
3952 | { |
3953 | return corePage() && corePage()->isAlwaysOnLoggingAllowed(); |
3954 | } |
3955 | |
3956 | void WebPage::unapplyEditCommand(WebUndoStepID stepID) |
3957 | { |
3958 | auto* step = webUndoStep(stepID); |
3959 | if (!step) |
3960 | return; |
3961 | |
3962 | step->step().unapply(); |
3963 | } |
3964 | |
3965 | void WebPage::reapplyEditCommand(WebUndoStepID stepID) |
3966 | { |
3967 | auto* step = webUndoStep(stepID); |
3968 | if (!step) |
3969 | return; |
3970 | |
3971 | m_isInRedo = true; |
3972 | step->step().reapply(); |
3973 | m_isInRedo = false; |
3974 | } |
3975 | |
3976 | void WebPage::didRemoveEditCommand(WebUndoStepID commandID) |
3977 | { |
3978 | removeWebEditCommand(commandID); |
3979 | } |
3980 | |
3981 | void WebPage::(WebPopupMenu* ) |
3982 | { |
3983 | m_activePopupMenu = menu; |
3984 | } |
3985 | |
3987 | |
3988 | void WebPage::setActiveColorChooser(WebColorChooser* colorChooser) |
3989 | { |
3990 | m_activeColorChooser = colorChooser; |
3991 | } |
3992 | |
3993 | void WebPage::didEndColorPicker() |
3994 | { |
3995 | m_activeColorChooser->didEndChooser(); |
3996 | } |
3997 | |
3998 | void WebPage::didChooseColor(const WebCore::Color& color) |
3999 | { |
4000 | m_activeColorChooser->didChooseColor(color); |
4001 | } |
4002 | |
4003 | #endif |
4004 | |
4006 | |
4007 | void WebPage::setActiveDataListSuggestionPicker(WebDataListSuggestionPicker* dataListSuggestionPicker) |
4008 | { |
4009 | m_activeDataListSuggestionPicker = makeWeakPtr(dataListSuggestionPicker); |
4010 | } |
4011 | |
4012 | void WebPage::didSelectDataListOption(const String& selectedOption) |
4013 | { |
4014 | if (m_activeDataListSuggestionPicker) |
4015 | m_activeDataListSuggestionPicker->didSelectOption(selectedOption); |
4016 | } |
4017 | |
4018 | void WebPage::didCloseSuggestions() |
4019 | { |
4020 | if (auto picker = std::exchange(m_activeDataListSuggestionPicker, nullptr)) |
4021 | picker->didCloseSuggestions(); |
4022 | } |
4023 | |
4024 | #endif |
4025 | |
4026 | void WebPage::setActiveOpenPanelResultListener(Ref<WebOpenPanelResultListener>&& openPanelResultListener) |
4027 | { |
4028 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener = WTFMove(openPanelResultListener); |
4029 | } |
4030 | |
4031 | bool WebPage::findStringFromInjectedBundle(const String& target, FindOptions options) |
4032 | { |
4033 | return m_page->findString(target, core(options)); |
4034 | } |
4035 | |
4036 | void WebPage::findStringMatchesFromInjectedBundle(const String& target, FindOptions options) |
4037 | { |
4038 | findController().findStringMatches(target, options, 0); |
4039 | } |
4040 | |
4041 | void WebPage::replaceStringMatchesFromInjectedBundle(const Vector<uint32_t>& matchIndices, const String& replacementText, bool selectionOnly) |
4042 | { |
4043 | findController().replaceMatches(matchIndices, replacementText, selectionOnly); |
4044 | } |
4045 | |
4046 | void WebPage::findString(const String& string, uint32_t options, uint32_t maxMatchCount) |
4047 | { |
4048 | findController().findString(string, static_cast<FindOptions>(options), maxMatchCount); |
4049 | } |
4050 | |
4051 | void WebPage::findStringMatches(const String& string, uint32_t options, uint32_t maxMatchCount) |
4052 | { |
4053 | findController().findStringMatches(string, static_cast<FindOptions>(options), maxMatchCount); |
4054 | } |
4055 | |
4056 | void WebPage::getImageForFindMatch(uint32_t matchIndex) |
4057 | { |
4058 | findController().getImageForFindMatch(matchIndex); |
4059 | } |
4060 | |
4061 | void WebPage::selectFindMatch(uint32_t matchIndex) |
4062 | { |
4063 | findController().selectFindMatch(matchIndex); |
4064 | } |
4065 | |
4066 | void WebPage::hideFindUI() |
4067 | { |
4068 | findController().hideFindUI(); |
4069 | } |
4070 | |
4071 | void WebPage::countStringMatches(const String& string, uint32_t options, uint32_t maxMatchCount) |
4072 | { |
4073 | findController().countStringMatches(string, static_cast<FindOptions>(options), maxMatchCount); |
4074 | } |
4075 | |
4076 | void WebPage::replaceMatches(const Vector<uint32_t>& matchIndices, const String& replacementText, bool selectionOnly, CallbackID callbackID) |
4077 | { |
4078 | auto numberOfReplacements = findController().replaceMatches(matchIndices, replacementText, selectionOnly); |
4079 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::UnsignedCallback(numberOfReplacements, callbackID)); |
4080 | } |
4081 | |
4082 | void WebPage::(int32_t newIndex) |
4083 | { |
4084 | changeSelectedIndex(newIndex); |
4085 | m_activePopupMenu = nullptr; |
4086 | } |
4087 | |
4088 | void WebPage::changeSelectedIndex(int32_t index) |
4089 | { |
4090 | if (!m_activePopupMenu) |
4091 | return; |
4092 | |
4093 | m_activePopupMenu->didChangeSelectedIndex(index); |
4094 | } |
4095 | |
4097 | void WebPage::didChooseFilesForOpenPanelWithDisplayStringAndIcon(const Vector<String>& files, const String& displayString, const IPC::DataReference& iconData) |
4098 | { |
4099 | if (!m_activeOpenPanelResultListener) |
4100 | return; |
4101 | |
4102 | RefPtr<Icon> icon; |
4103 | if (!iconData.isEmpty()) { |
4104 | RetainPtr<CFDataRef> dataRef = adoptCF(CFDataCreate(nullptr, iconData.data(), iconData.size())); |
4105 | RetainPtr<CGDataProviderRef> imageProviderRef = adoptCF(CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData(dataRef.get())); |
4106 | RetainPtr<CGImageRef> imageRef = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithJPEGDataProvider(imageProviderRef.get(), nullptr, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault)); |
4107 | icon = Icon::createIconForImage(imageRef.get()); |
4108 | } |
4109 | |
4110 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener->didChooseFilesWithDisplayStringAndIcon(files, displayString, icon.get()); |
4111 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener = nullptr; |
4112 | } |
4113 | #endif |
4114 | |
4115 | void WebPage::didChooseFilesForOpenPanel(const Vector<String>& files) |
4116 | { |
4117 | if (!m_activeOpenPanelResultListener) |
4118 | return; |
4119 | |
4120 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener->didChooseFiles(files); |
4121 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener = nullptr; |
4122 | } |
4123 | |
4124 | void WebPage::didCancelForOpenPanel() |
4125 | { |
4126 | m_activeOpenPanelResultListener = nullptr; |
4127 | } |
4128 | |
4130 | void WebPage::extendSandboxForFilesFromOpenPanel(SandboxExtension::HandleArray&& handles) |
4131 | { |
4132 | for (size_t i = 0; i < handles.size(); ++i) { |
4133 | bool result = SandboxExtension::consumePermanently(handles[i]); |
4134 | if (!result) { |
4135 | // We have reports of cases where this fails for some unknown reason, <rdar://problem/10156710>. |
4136 | WTFLogAlways("WebPage::extendSandboxForFileFromOpenPanel(): Could not consume a sandbox extension" ); |
4137 | } |
4138 | } |
4139 | } |
4140 | #endif |
4141 | |
4143 | void WebPage::didReceiveGeolocationPermissionDecision(uint64_t geolocationID, bool allowed) |
4144 | { |
4145 | geolocationPermissionRequestManager().didReceiveGeolocationPermissionDecision(geolocationID, allowed); |
4146 | } |
4147 | #endif |
4148 | |
4149 | void WebPage::didReceiveNotificationPermissionDecision(uint64_t notificationID, bool allowed) |
4150 | { |
4151 | notificationPermissionRequestManager()->didReceiveNotificationPermissionDecision(notificationID, allowed); |
4152 | } |
4153 | |
4155 | |
4156 | void WebPage::userMediaAccessWasGranted(uint64_t userMediaID, WebCore::CaptureDevice&& audioDevice, WebCore::CaptureDevice&& videoDevice, String&& mediaDeviceIdentifierHashSalt, CompletionHandler<void()>&& completionHandler) |
4157 | { |
4158 | m_userMediaPermissionRequestManager->userMediaAccessWasGranted(userMediaID, WTFMove(audioDevice), WTFMove(videoDevice), WTFMove(mediaDeviceIdentifierHashSalt), WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
4159 | } |
4160 | |
4161 | void WebPage::userMediaAccessWasDenied(uint64_t userMediaID, uint64_t reason, String&& invalidConstraint) |
4162 | { |
4163 | m_userMediaPermissionRequestManager->userMediaAccessWasDenied(userMediaID, static_cast<UserMediaRequest::MediaAccessDenialReason>(reason), WTFMove(invalidConstraint)); |
4164 | } |
4165 | |
4166 | void WebPage::didCompleteMediaDeviceEnumeration(uint64_t userMediaID, const Vector<CaptureDevice>& devices, String&& deviceIdentifierHashSalt, bool originHasPersistentAccess) |
4167 | { |
4168 | m_userMediaPermissionRequestManager->didCompleteMediaDeviceEnumeration(userMediaID, devices, WTFMove(deviceIdentifierHashSalt), originHasPersistentAccess); |
4169 | } |
4170 | |
4171 | void WebPage::captureDevicesChanged() |
4172 | { |
4173 | m_userMediaPermissionRequestManager->captureDevicesChanged(); |
4174 | } |
4175 | |
4176 | #endif |
4177 | |
4178 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
4179 | void WebPage::advanceToNextMisspelling(bool startBeforeSelection) |
4180 | { |
4181 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4182 | frame.editor().advanceToNextMisspelling(startBeforeSelection); |
4183 | } |
4184 | #endif |
4185 | |
4186 | bool WebPage::hasRichlyEditableSelection() const |
4187 | { |
4188 | auto& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4189 | if (m_page->dragCaretController().isContentRichlyEditable()) |
4190 | return true; |
4191 | |
4192 | return frame.selection().selection().isContentRichlyEditable(); |
4193 | } |
4194 | |
4195 | void WebPage::changeSpellingToWord(const String& word) |
4196 | { |
4197 | replaceSelectionWithText(&m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(), word); |
4198 | } |
4199 | |
4200 | void WebPage::unmarkAllMisspellings() |
4201 | { |
4202 | for (Frame* frame = &m_page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
4203 | if (Document* document = frame->document()) |
4204 | document->markers().removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::Spelling); |
4205 | } |
4206 | } |
4207 | |
4208 | void WebPage::unmarkAllBadGrammar() |
4209 | { |
4210 | for (Frame* frame = &m_page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
4211 | if (Document* document = frame->document()) |
4212 | document->markers().removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::Grammar); |
4213 | } |
4214 | } |
4215 | |
4216 | #if USE(APPKIT) |
4217 | void WebPage::uppercaseWord() |
4218 | { |
4219 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().uppercaseWord(); |
4220 | } |
4221 | |
4222 | void WebPage::lowercaseWord() |
4223 | { |
4224 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().lowercaseWord(); |
4225 | } |
4226 | |
4227 | void WebPage::capitalizeWord() |
4228 | { |
4229 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().editor().capitalizeWord(); |
4230 | } |
4231 | #endif |
4232 | |
4233 | void WebPage::(int32_t index) |
4234 | { |
4235 | if (!m_activePopupMenu) |
4236 | return; |
4237 | |
4238 | m_activePopupMenu->setTextForIndex(index); |
4239 | } |
4240 | |
4241 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
4242 | void WebPage::() |
4243 | { |
4244 | if (!m_activePopupMenu) |
4245 | return; |
4246 | |
4247 | m_activePopupMenu->client()->popupDidHide(); |
4248 | } |
4249 | #endif |
4250 | |
4252 | void WebPage::(const WebContextMenuItemData& item) |
4253 | { |
4254 | if (auto = std::exchange(m_contextMenu, nullptr)) |
4255 | contextMenu->itemSelected(item); |
4256 | } |
4257 | #endif |
4258 | |
4259 | void WebPage::replaceSelectionWithText(Frame* frame, const String& text) |
4260 | { |
4261 | return frame->editor().replaceSelectionWithText(text, WebCore::Editor::SelectReplacement::Yes, WebCore::Editor::SmartReplace::No); |
4262 | } |
4263 | |
4264 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
4265 | void WebPage::clearSelection() |
4266 | { |
4267 | m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame().selection().clear(); |
4268 | } |
4269 | #endif |
4270 | |
4271 | void WebPage::restoreSelectionInFocusedEditableElement() |
4272 | { |
4273 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4274 | if (!frame.selection().isNone()) |
4275 | return; |
4276 | |
4277 | if (auto document = frame.document()) { |
4278 | if (auto element = document->focusedElement()) |
4279 | element->updateFocusAppearance(SelectionRestorationMode::Restore, SelectionRevealMode::DoNotReveal); |
4280 | } |
4281 | } |
4282 | |
4283 | bool WebPage::mainFrameHasCustomContentProvider() const |
4284 | { |
4285 | if (Frame* frame = mainFrame()) { |
4286 | WebFrameLoaderClient* webFrameLoaderClient = toWebFrameLoaderClient(frame->loader().client()); |
4287 | ASSERT(webFrameLoaderClient); |
4288 | return webFrameLoaderClient->frameHasCustomContentProvider(); |
4289 | } |
4290 | |
4291 | return false; |
4292 | } |
4293 | |
4294 | void WebPage::addMIMETypeWithCustomContentProvider(const String& mimeType) |
4295 | { |
4296 | m_mimeTypesWithCustomContentProviders.add(mimeType); |
4297 | } |
4298 | |
4299 | void WebPage::updateMainFrameScrollOffsetPinning() |
4300 | { |
4301 | Frame& frame = m_page->mainFrame(); |
4302 | ScrollPosition scrollPosition = frame.view()->scrollPosition(); |
4303 | ScrollPosition maximumScrollPosition = frame.view()->maximumScrollPosition(); |
4304 | ScrollPosition minimumScrollPosition = frame.view()->minimumScrollPosition(); |
4305 | |
4306 | bool isPinnedToLeftSide = (scrollPosition.x() <= minimumScrollPosition.x()); |
4307 | bool isPinnedToRightSide = (scrollPosition.x() >= maximumScrollPosition.x()); |
4308 | bool isPinnedToTopSide = (scrollPosition.y() <= minimumScrollPosition.y()); |
4309 | bool isPinnedToBottomSide = (scrollPosition.y() >= maximumScrollPosition.y()); |
4310 | |
4311 | if (isPinnedToLeftSide != m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToLeftSide || isPinnedToRightSide != m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToRightSide || isPinnedToTopSide != m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToTopSide || isPinnedToBottomSide != m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToBottomSide) { |
4312 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidChangeScrollOffsetPinningForMainFrame(isPinnedToLeftSide, isPinnedToRightSide, isPinnedToTopSide, isPinnedToBottomSide)); |
4313 | |
4314 | m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToLeftSide = isPinnedToLeftSide; |
4315 | m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToRightSide = isPinnedToRightSide; |
4316 | m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToTopSide = isPinnedToTopSide; |
4317 | m_cachedMainFrameIsPinnedToBottomSide = isPinnedToBottomSide; |
4318 | } |
4319 | } |
4320 | |
4321 | void WebPage::mainFrameDidLayout() |
4322 | { |
4323 | unsigned pageCount = m_page->pageCount(); |
4324 | if (pageCount != m_cachedPageCount) { |
4325 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidChangePageCount(pageCount)); |
4326 | m_cachedPageCount = pageCount; |
4327 | } |
4328 | |
4330 | if (m_viewGestureGeometryCollector) |
4331 | m_viewGestureGeometryCollector->mainFrameDidLayout(); |
4332 | #endif |
4334 | if (FrameView* frameView = mainFrameView()) { |
4335 | IntSize newContentSize = frameView->contentsSize(); |
4336 | LOG_WITH_STREAM(VisibleRects, stream << "WebPage " << m_pageID << " mainFrameDidLayout setting content size to " << newContentSize); |
4337 | if (m_viewportConfiguration.setContentsSize(newContentSize)) |
4338 | viewportConfigurationChanged(); |
4339 | } |
4340 | findController().redraw(); |
4341 | #endif |
4342 | } |
4343 | |
4344 | void WebPage::addPluginView(PluginView* pluginView) |
4345 | { |
4346 | ASSERT(!m_pluginViews.contains(pluginView)); |
4347 | |
4348 | m_pluginViews.add(pluginView); |
4349 | m_hasSeenPlugin = true; |
4351 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: triggering detection from addPluginView(%p)" , pluginView); |
4352 | m_determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimer.startOneShot(0_s); |
4353 | #endif |
4354 | } |
4355 | |
4356 | void WebPage::removePluginView(PluginView* pluginView) |
4357 | { |
4358 | ASSERT(m_pluginViews.contains(pluginView)); |
4359 | |
4360 | m_pluginViews.remove(pluginView); |
4362 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: removePluginView(%p)" , pluginView); |
4363 | #endif |
4364 | } |
4365 | |
4366 | void WebPage::sendSetWindowFrame(const FloatRect& windowFrame) |
4367 | { |
4368 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4369 | m_hasCachedWindowFrame = false; |
4370 | #endif |
4371 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetWindowFrame(windowFrame)); |
4372 | } |
4373 | |
4374 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4375 | void WebPage::windowAndViewFramesChanged(const FloatRect& windowFrameInScreenCoordinates, const FloatRect& windowFrameInUnflippedScreenCoordinates, const FloatRect& viewFrameInWindowCoordinates, const FloatPoint& accessibilityViewCoordinates) |
4376 | { |
4377 | m_windowFrameInScreenCoordinates = windowFrameInScreenCoordinates; |
4378 | m_windowFrameInUnflippedScreenCoordinates = windowFrameInUnflippedScreenCoordinates; |
4379 | m_viewFrameInWindowCoordinates = viewFrameInWindowCoordinates; |
4380 | m_accessibilityPosition = accessibilityViewCoordinates; |
4381 | |
4382 | // Tell all our plug-in views that the window and view frames have changed. |
4383 | for (auto* pluginView : m_pluginViews) |
4384 | pluginView->windowAndViewFramesChanged(enclosingIntRect(windowFrameInScreenCoordinates), enclosingIntRect(viewFrameInWindowCoordinates)); |
4385 | |
4386 | m_hasCachedWindowFrame = !m_windowFrameInUnflippedScreenCoordinates.isEmpty(); |
4387 | } |
4388 | #endif |
4389 | |
4390 | void WebPage::setMainFrameIsScrollable(bool isScrollable) |
4391 | { |
4392 | m_mainFrameIsScrollable = isScrollable; |
4393 | m_drawingArea->mainFrameScrollabilityChanged(isScrollable); |
4394 | |
4395 | if (FrameView* frameView = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->view()) { |
4396 | frameView->setCanHaveScrollbars(isScrollable); |
4397 | frameView->setProhibitsScrolling(!isScrollable); |
4398 | } |
4399 | } |
4400 | |
4401 | bool WebPage::windowIsFocused() const |
4402 | { |
4403 | return m_page->focusController().isActive(); |
4404 | } |
4405 | |
4406 | bool WebPage::windowAndWebPageAreFocused() const |
4407 | { |
4408 | if (!isVisible()) |
4409 | return false; |
4410 | |
4411 | return m_page->focusController().isFocused() && m_page->focusController().isActive(); |
4412 | } |
4413 | |
4414 | void WebPage::didReceiveMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, IPC::Decoder& decoder) |
4415 | { |
4416 | if (decoder.messageReceiverName() == Messages::WebInspector::messageReceiverName()) { |
4417 | if (WebInspector* inspector = this->inspector()) |
4418 | inspector->didReceiveMessage(connection, decoder); |
4419 | return; |
4420 | } |
4421 | |
4422 | if (decoder.messageReceiverName() == Messages::WebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName()) { |
4423 | if (WebInspectorUI* inspectorUI = this->inspectorUI()) |
4424 | inspectorUI->didReceiveMessage(connection, decoder); |
4425 | return; |
4426 | } |
4427 | |
4428 | if (decoder.messageReceiverName() == Messages::RemoteWebInspectorUI::messageReceiverName()) { |
4429 | if (RemoteWebInspectorUI* remoteInspectorUI = this->remoteInspectorUI()) |
4430 | remoteInspectorUI->didReceiveMessage(connection, decoder); |
4431 | return; |
4432 | } |
4433 | |
4435 | if (decoder.messageReceiverName() == Messages::WebFullScreenManager::messageReceiverName()) { |
4436 | fullScreenManager()->didReceiveMessage(connection, decoder); |
4437 | return; |
4438 | } |
4439 | #endif |
4440 | |
4441 | didReceiveWebPageMessage(connection, decoder); |
4442 | } |
4443 | |
4444 | void WebPage::didReceiveSyncMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, IPC::Decoder& decoder, std::unique_ptr<IPC::Encoder>& replyEncoder) |
4445 | { |
4446 | didReceiveSyncWebPageMessage(connection, decoder, replyEncoder); |
4447 | } |
4448 | |
4450 | ScrollingCoordinator* WebPage::scrollingCoordinator() const |
4451 | { |
4452 | return m_page->scrollingCoordinator(); |
4453 | } |
4454 | #endif |
4455 | |
4456 | WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::~SandboxExtensionTracker() |
4457 | { |
4458 | invalidate(); |
4459 | } |
4460 | |
4461 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::invalidate() |
4462 | { |
4463 | m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension = nullptr; |
4464 | |
4465 | if (m_provisionalSandboxExtension) { |
4466 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension->revoke(); |
4467 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension = nullptr; |
4468 | } |
4469 | |
4470 | if (m_committedSandboxExtension) { |
4471 | m_committedSandboxExtension->revoke(); |
4472 | m_committedSandboxExtension = nullptr; |
4473 | } |
4474 | } |
4475 | |
4476 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::willPerformLoadDragDestinationAction(RefPtr<SandboxExtension>&& pendingDropSandboxExtension) |
4477 | { |
4478 | setPendingProvisionalSandboxExtension(WTFMove(pendingDropSandboxExtension)); |
4479 | } |
4480 | |
4481 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::beginLoad(WebFrame* frame, SandboxExtension::Handle&& handle) |
4482 | { |
4483 | ASSERT_UNUSED(frame, frame->isMainFrame()); |
4484 | |
4485 | setPendingProvisionalSandboxExtension(SandboxExtension::create(WTFMove(handle))); |
4486 | } |
4487 | |
4488 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::beginReload(WebFrame* frame, SandboxExtension::Handle&& handle) |
4489 | { |
4490 | ASSERT_UNUSED(frame, frame->isMainFrame()); |
4491 | |
4492 | // Maintain existing provisional SandboxExtension in case of a reload, if the new handle is null. This is needed |
4493 | // because the UIProcess sends us a null handle if it already sent us a handle for this path in the past. |
4494 | if (auto sandboxExtension = SandboxExtension::create(WTFMove(handle))) |
4495 | setPendingProvisionalSandboxExtension(WTFMove(sandboxExtension)); |
4496 | } |
4497 | |
4498 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::setPendingProvisionalSandboxExtension(RefPtr<SandboxExtension>&& pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension) |
4499 | { |
4500 | m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension = WTFMove(pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension); |
4501 | } |
4502 | |
4503 | bool WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::shouldReuseCommittedSandboxExtension(WebFrame* frame) |
4504 | { |
4505 | ASSERT(frame->isMainFrame()); |
4506 | |
4507 | FrameLoader& frameLoader = frame->coreFrame()->loader(); |
4508 | FrameLoadType frameLoadType = frameLoader.loadType(); |
4509 | |
4510 | // If the page is being reloaded, it should reuse whatever extension is committed. |
4511 | if (isReload(frameLoadType)) |
4512 | return true; |
4513 | |
4514 | if (m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension) |
4515 | return false; |
4516 | |
4517 | DocumentLoader* documentLoader = frameLoader.documentLoader(); |
4518 | DocumentLoader* provisionalDocumentLoader = frameLoader.provisionalDocumentLoader(); |
4519 | if (!documentLoader || !provisionalDocumentLoader) |
4520 | return false; |
4521 | |
4522 | if (documentLoader->url().isLocalFile() && provisionalDocumentLoader->url().isLocalFile()) |
4523 | return true; |
4524 | |
4525 | return false; |
4526 | } |
4527 | |
4528 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::didStartProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame) |
4529 | { |
4530 | if (!frame->isMainFrame()) |
4531 | return; |
4532 | |
4533 | // We should only reuse the commited sandbox extension if it is not null. It can be |
4534 | // null if the last load was for an error page. |
4535 | if (m_committedSandboxExtension && shouldReuseCommittedSandboxExtension(frame)) |
4536 | m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension = m_committedSandboxExtension; |
4537 | |
4538 | ASSERT(!m_provisionalSandboxExtension); |
4539 | |
4540 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension = WTFMove(m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension); |
4541 | if (!m_provisionalSandboxExtension) |
4542 | return; |
4543 | |
4544 | ASSERT(!m_provisionalSandboxExtension || frame->coreFrame()->loader().provisionalDocumentLoader()->url().isLocalFile()); |
4545 | |
4546 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension->consume(); |
4547 | } |
4548 | |
4549 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::didCommitProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame) |
4550 | { |
4551 | if (!frame->isMainFrame()) |
4552 | return; |
4553 | |
4554 | if (m_committedSandboxExtension) |
4555 | m_committedSandboxExtension->revoke(); |
4556 | |
4557 | m_committedSandboxExtension = WTFMove(m_provisionalSandboxExtension); |
4558 | |
4559 | // We can also have a non-null m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension if a new load is being started. |
4560 | // This extension is not cleared, because it does not pertain to the failed load, and will be needed. |
4561 | } |
4562 | |
4563 | void WebPage::SandboxExtensionTracker::didFailProvisionalLoad(WebFrame* frame) |
4564 | { |
4565 | if (!frame->isMainFrame()) |
4566 | return; |
4567 | |
4568 | if (!m_provisionalSandboxExtension) |
4569 | return; |
4570 | |
4571 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension->revoke(); |
4572 | m_provisionalSandboxExtension = nullptr; |
4573 | |
4574 | // We can also have a non-null m_pendingProvisionalSandboxExtension if a new load is being started |
4575 | // (notably, if the current one fails because the new one cancels it). This extension is not cleared, |
4576 | // because it does not pertain to the failed load, and will be needed. |
4577 | } |
4578 | |
4579 | bool WebPage::hasLocalDataForURL(const URL& url) |
4580 | { |
4581 | if (url.isLocalFile()) |
4582 | return true; |
4583 | |
4584 | DocumentLoader* documentLoader = m_page->mainFrame().loader().documentLoader(); |
4585 | if (documentLoader && documentLoader->subresource(url)) |
4586 | return true; |
4587 | |
4588 | return false; |
4589 | } |
4590 | |
4591 | void WebPage::setCustomTextEncodingName(const String& encoding) |
4592 | { |
4593 | m_page->mainFrame().loader().reloadWithOverrideEncoding(encoding); |
4594 | } |
4595 | |
4596 | void WebPage::didRemoveBackForwardItem(const BackForwardItemIdentifier& itemID) |
4597 | { |
4598 | WebBackForwardListProxy::removeItem(itemID); |
4599 | } |
4600 | |
4601 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4602 | |
4603 | bool WebPage::isSpeaking() |
4604 | { |
4605 | bool result; |
4606 | return sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::GetIsSpeaking(), Messages::WebPageProxy::GetIsSpeaking::Reply(result)) && result; |
4607 | } |
4608 | |
4609 | void WebPage::speak(const String& string) |
4610 | { |
4611 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::Speak(string)); |
4612 | } |
4613 | |
4614 | void WebPage::stopSpeaking() |
4615 | { |
4616 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StopSpeaking()); |
4617 | } |
4618 | |
4619 | #endif |
4620 | |
4621 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4622 | |
4623 | RetainPtr<PDFDocument> WebPage::pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(Frame* coreFrame) |
4624 | { |
4625 | PluginView* pluginView = pluginViewForFrame(coreFrame); |
4626 | if (!pluginView) |
4627 | return nullptr; |
4628 | |
4629 | return pluginView->pdfDocumentForPrinting(); |
4630 | } |
4631 | |
4632 | void WebPage::setUseSystemAppearance(bool useSystemAppearance) |
4633 | { |
4634 | corePage()->setUseSystemAppearance(useSystemAppearance); |
4635 | } |
4636 | |
4637 | #endif |
4638 | |
4639 | #if !PLATFORM(GTK) |
4640 | void WebPage::effectiveAppearanceDidChange(bool useDarkAppearance, bool useInactiveAppearance) |
4641 | { |
4642 | corePage()->effectiveAppearanceDidChange(useDarkAppearance, useInactiveAppearance); |
4643 | } |
4644 | #endif |
4645 | |
4646 | void WebPage::beginPrinting(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo) |
4647 | { |
4648 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
4649 | if (!frame) |
4650 | return; |
4651 | |
4652 | Frame* coreFrame = frame->coreFrame(); |
4653 | if (!coreFrame) |
4654 | return; |
4655 | |
4656 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4657 | if (pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame)) |
4658 | return; |
4659 | #endif |
4660 | |
4661 | if (!m_printContext) { |
4662 | m_printContext = std::make_unique<PrintContext>(coreFrame); |
4663 | m_page->dispatchBeforePrintEvent(); |
4664 | } |
4665 | |
4666 | freezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::Printing); |
4667 | |
4668 | auto computedPageSize = m_printContext->computedPageSize(FloatSize(printInfo.availablePaperWidth, printInfo.availablePaperHeight), printInfo.margin); |
4669 | m_printContext->begin(computedPageSize.width(), computedPageSize.height()); |
4670 | |
4671 | float fullPageHeight; |
4672 | m_printContext->computePageRects(FloatRect(0, 0, computedPageSize.width(), computedPageSize.height()), 0, 0, printInfo.pageSetupScaleFactor, fullPageHeight, true); |
4673 | |
4674 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
4675 | if (!m_printOperation) |
4676 | m_printOperation = WebPrintOperationGtk::create(this, printInfo); |
4677 | #endif |
4678 | } |
4679 | |
4680 | void WebPage::endPrinting() |
4681 | { |
4682 | unfreezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::Printing); |
4683 | |
4684 | if (m_printContext) { |
4685 | m_printContext = nullptr; |
4686 | m_page->dispatchAfterPrintEvent(); |
4687 | } |
4688 | } |
4689 | |
4690 | void WebPage::computePagesForPrinting(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, CallbackID callbackID) |
4691 | { |
4692 | Vector<IntRect> ; |
4693 | double resultTotalScaleFactorForPrinting = 1; |
4694 | auto computedPageMargin = printInfo.margin; |
4695 | computePagesForPrintingImpl(frameID, printInfo, resultPageRects, resultTotalScaleFactorForPrinting, computedPageMargin); |
4696 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ComputedPagesCallback(resultPageRects, resultTotalScaleFactorForPrinting, computedPageMargin, callbackID)); |
4697 | } |
4698 | |
4699 | void WebPage::computePagesForPrintingImpl(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, Vector<WebCore::IntRect>& , double& resultTotalScaleFactorForPrinting, FloatBoxExtent& computedPageMargin) |
4700 | { |
4701 | ASSERT(resultPageRects.isEmpty()); |
4702 | |
4703 | beginPrinting(frameID, printInfo); |
4704 | |
4705 | if (m_printContext) { |
4706 | resultPageRects = m_printContext->pageRects(); |
4707 | computedPageMargin = m_printContext->computedPageMargin(printInfo.margin); |
4708 | auto computedPageSize = m_printContext->computedPageSize(FloatSize(printInfo.availablePaperWidth, printInfo.availablePaperHeight), printInfo.margin); |
4709 | resultTotalScaleFactorForPrinting = m_printContext->computeAutomaticScaleFactor(computedPageSize) * printInfo.pageSetupScaleFactor; |
4710 | } |
4711 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4712 | else |
4713 | computePagesForPrintingPDFDocument(frameID, printInfo, resultPageRects); |
4714 | #endif // PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4715 | |
4716 | // If we're asked to print, we should actually print at least a blank page. |
4717 | if (resultPageRects.isEmpty()) |
4718 | resultPageRects.append(IntRect(0, 0, 1, 1)); |
4719 | } |
4720 | |
4721 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4722 | void WebPage::drawRectToImage(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, const IntRect& rect, const WebCore::IntSize& imageSize, CallbackID callbackID) |
4723 | { |
4724 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
4725 | Frame* coreFrame = frame ? frame->coreFrame() : 0; |
4726 | |
4727 | RefPtr<WebImage> image; |
4728 | |
4729 | #if USE(CG) |
4730 | if (coreFrame) { |
4731 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4732 | ASSERT(coreFrame->document()->printing() || pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame)); |
4733 | #else |
4734 | ASSERT(coreFrame->document()->printing()); |
4735 | #endif |
4736 | |
4737 | auto bitmap = ShareableBitmap::createShareable(imageSize, { }); |
4738 | if (!bitmap) { |
4740 | return; |
4741 | } |
4742 | auto graphicsContext = bitmap->createGraphicsContext(); |
4743 | |
4744 | float printingScale = static_cast<float>(imageSize.width()) / rect.width(); |
4745 | graphicsContext->scale(printingScale); |
4746 | |
4747 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4748 | if (RetainPtr<PDFDocument> pdfDocument = pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame)) { |
4749 | ASSERT(!m_printContext); |
4750 | graphicsContext->scale(FloatSize(1, -1)); |
4751 | graphicsContext->translate(0, -rect.height()); |
4752 | drawPDFDocument(graphicsContext->platformContext(), pdfDocument.get(), printInfo, rect); |
4753 | } else |
4754 | #endif |
4755 | { |
4756 | m_printContext->spoolRect(*graphicsContext, rect); |
4757 | } |
4758 | |
4759 | image = WebImage::create(bitmap.releaseNonNull()); |
4760 | } |
4761 | #endif |
4762 | |
4763 | ShareableBitmap::Handle handle; |
4764 | |
4765 | if (image) |
4766 | image->bitmap().createHandle(handle, SharedMemory::Protection::ReadOnly); |
4767 | |
4768 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ImageCallback(handle, callbackID)); |
4769 | } |
4770 | |
4771 | void WebPage::drawPagesToPDF(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, uint32_t first, uint32_t count, CallbackID callbackID) |
4772 | { |
4773 | RetainPtr<CFMutableDataRef> pdfPageData; |
4774 | drawPagesToPDFImpl(frameID, printInfo, first, count, pdfPageData); |
4775 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DataCallback({ CFDataGetBytePtr(pdfPageData.get()), static_cast<size_t>(CFDataGetLength(pdfPageData.get())) }, callbackID)); |
4776 | } |
4777 | |
4778 | void WebPage::drawPagesToPDFImpl(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, uint32_t first, uint32_t count, RetainPtr<CFMutableDataRef>& pdfPageData) |
4779 | { |
4780 | WebFrame* frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
4781 | Frame* coreFrame = frame ? frame->coreFrame() : 0; |
4782 | |
4783 | pdfPageData = adoptCF(CFDataCreateMutable(0, 0)); |
4784 | |
4785 | #if USE(CG) |
4786 | if (coreFrame) { |
4787 | |
4788 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4789 | ASSERT(coreFrame->document()->printing() || pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame)); |
4790 | #else |
4791 | ASSERT(coreFrame->document()->printing()); |
4792 | #endif |
4793 | |
4794 | // FIXME: Use CGDataConsumerCreate with callbacks to avoid copying the data. |
4795 | RetainPtr<CGDataConsumerRef> pdfDataConsumer = adoptCF(CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(pdfPageData.get())); |
4796 | |
4797 | CGRect mediaBox = (m_printContext && m_printContext->pageCount()) ? m_printContext->pageRect(0) : CGRectMake(0, 0, printInfo.availablePaperWidth, printInfo.availablePaperHeight); |
4798 | RetainPtr<CGContextRef> context = adoptCF(CGPDFContextCreate(pdfDataConsumer.get(), &mediaBox, 0)); |
4799 | |
4800 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
4801 | if (RetainPtr<PDFDocument> pdfDocument = pdfDocumentForPrintingFrame(coreFrame)) { |
4802 | ASSERT(!m_printContext); |
4803 | drawPagesToPDFFromPDFDocument(context.get(), pdfDocument.get(), printInfo, first, count); |
4804 | } else |
4805 | #endif |
4806 | { |
4807 | size_t pageCount = m_printContext->pageCount(); |
4808 | for (uint32_t page = first; page < first + count; ++page) { |
4809 | if (page >= pageCount) |
4810 | break; |
4811 | |
4812 | RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> pageInfo = adoptCF(CFDictionaryCreateMutable(0, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks)); |
4813 | CGPDFContextBeginPage(context.get(), pageInfo.get()); |
4814 | |
4815 | GraphicsContext ctx(context.get()); |
4816 | ctx.scale(FloatSize(1, -1)); |
4817 | ctx.translate(0, -m_printContext->pageRect(page).height()); |
4818 | m_printContext->spoolPage(ctx, page, m_printContext->pageRect(page).width()); |
4819 | |
4820 | CGPDFContextEndPage(context.get()); |
4821 | } |
4822 | } |
4823 | CGPDFContextClose(context.get()); |
4824 | } |
4825 | #endif |
4826 | } |
4827 | |
4828 | #elif PLATFORM(GTK) |
4829 | void WebPage::drawPagesForPrinting(uint64_t frameID, const PrintInfo& printInfo, CallbackID callbackID) |
4830 | { |
4831 | beginPrinting(frameID, printInfo); |
4832 | if (m_printContext && m_printOperation) { |
4833 | m_printOperation->startPrint(m_printContext.get(), callbackID); |
4834 | return; |
4835 | } |
4836 | |
4837 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
4838 | } |
4839 | |
4840 | void WebPage::didFinishPrintOperation(const WebCore::ResourceError& error, CallbackID callbackID) |
4841 | { |
4842 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::PrintFinishedCallback(error, callbackID)); |
4843 | m_printOperation = nullptr; |
4844 | } |
4845 | #endif |
4846 | |
4847 | void WebPage::savePDFToFileInDownloadsFolder(const String& suggestedFilename, const URL& originatingURL, const uint8_t* data, unsigned long size) |
4848 | { |
4849 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SavePDFToFileInDownloadsFolder(suggestedFilename, originatingURL, IPC::DataReference(data, size))); |
4850 | } |
4851 | |
4852 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4853 | void WebPage::savePDFToTemporaryFolderAndOpenWithNativeApplication(const String& suggestedFilename, const String& originatingURLString, const uint8_t* data, unsigned long size, const String& pdfUUID) |
4854 | { |
4855 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SavePDFToTemporaryFolderAndOpenWithNativeApplication(suggestedFilename, originatingURLString, IPC::DataReference(data, size), pdfUUID)); |
4856 | } |
4857 | #endif |
4858 | |
4859 | void WebPage::addResourceRequest(unsigned long identifier, const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request) |
4860 | { |
4861 | if (!request.url().protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) |
4862 | return; |
4863 | |
4864 | if (m_mainFrameProgressCompleted && !UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGesture()) |
4865 | return; |
4866 | |
4867 | ASSERT(!m_trackedNetworkResourceRequestIdentifiers.contains(identifier)); |
4868 | bool wasEmpty = m_trackedNetworkResourceRequestIdentifiers.isEmpty(); |
4869 | m_trackedNetworkResourceRequestIdentifiers.add(identifier); |
4870 | if (wasEmpty) |
4871 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetNetworkRequestsInProgress(true)); |
4872 | } |
4873 | |
4874 | void WebPage::removeResourceRequest(unsigned long identifier) |
4875 | { |
4876 | if (!m_trackedNetworkResourceRequestIdentifiers.remove(identifier)) |
4877 | return; |
4878 | |
4879 | if (m_trackedNetworkResourceRequestIdentifiers.isEmpty()) |
4880 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetNetworkRequestsInProgress(false)); |
4881 | } |
4882 | |
4883 | void WebPage::setMediaVolume(float volume) |
4884 | { |
4885 | m_page->setMediaVolume(volume); |
4886 | } |
4887 | |
4888 | void WebPage::setMuted(MediaProducer::MutedStateFlags state) |
4889 | { |
4890 | m_page->setMuted(state); |
4891 | } |
4892 | |
4893 | void WebPage::stopMediaCapture() |
4894 | { |
4896 | m_page->stopMediaCapture(); |
4897 | #endif |
4898 | } |
4899 | |
4901 | void WebPage::handleMediaEvent(uint32_t eventType) |
4902 | { |
4903 | m_page->handleMediaEvent(static_cast<MediaEventType>(eventType)); |
4904 | } |
4905 | |
4906 | void WebPage::setVolumeOfMediaElement(double volume, uint64_t elementID) |
4907 | { |
4908 | m_page->setVolumeOfMediaElement(volume, elementID); |
4909 | } |
4910 | #endif |
4911 | |
4912 | void WebPage::setMayStartMediaWhenInWindow(bool mayStartMedia) |
4913 | { |
4914 | if (mayStartMedia == m_mayStartMediaWhenInWindow) |
4915 | return; |
4916 | |
4917 | m_mayStartMediaWhenInWindow = mayStartMedia; |
4918 | if (m_mayStartMediaWhenInWindow && m_page->isInWindow()) |
4919 | m_setCanStartMediaTimer.startOneShot(0_s); |
4920 | } |
4921 | |
4922 | void WebPage::runModal() |
4923 | { |
4924 | if (m_isClosed) |
4925 | return; |
4926 | if (m_isRunningModal) |
4927 | return; |
4928 | |
4929 | m_isRunningModal = true; |
4930 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RunModal()); |
4931 | #if !ASSERT_DISABLED |
4932 | Ref<WebPage> protector(*this); |
4933 | #endif |
4934 | RunLoop::run(); |
4935 | ASSERT(!m_isRunningModal); |
4936 | } |
4937 | |
4938 | bool WebPage::canHandleRequest(const WebCore::ResourceRequest& request) |
4939 | { |
4940 | if (SchemeRegistry::shouldLoadURLSchemeAsEmptyDocument(request.url().protocol().toStringWithoutCopying())) |
4941 | return true; |
4942 | |
4943 | if (request.url().protocolIsBlob()) |
4944 | return true; |
4945 | |
4946 | return platformCanHandleRequest(request); |
4947 | } |
4948 | |
4949 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
4950 | void WebPage::handleAlternativeTextUIResult(const String& result) |
4951 | { |
4952 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4953 | frame.editor().handleAlternativeTextUIResult(result); |
4954 | } |
4955 | #endif |
4956 | |
4957 | void WebPage::simulateMouseDown(int button, WebCore::IntPoint position, int clickCount, WKEventModifiers modifiers, WallTime time) |
4958 | { |
4959 | static_assert(sizeof(WKEventModifiers) >= sizeof(WebEvent::Modifier), "WKEventModifiers must be greater than or equal to the size of WebEvent::Modifier" ); |
4960 | mouseEvent(WebMouseEvent(WebMouseEvent::MouseDown, static_cast<WebMouseEvent::Button>(button), 0, position, position, 0, 0, 0, clickCount, OptionSet<WebEvent::Modifier>::fromRaw(modifiers), time, WebCore::ForceAtClick, WebMouseEvent::NoTap)); |
4961 | } |
4962 | |
4963 | void WebPage::simulateMouseUp(int button, WebCore::IntPoint position, int clickCount, WKEventModifiers modifiers, WallTime time) |
4964 | { |
4965 | static_assert(sizeof(WKEventModifiers) >= sizeof(WebEvent::Modifier), "WKEventModifiers must be greater than or equal to the size of WebEvent::Modifier" ); |
4966 | mouseEvent(WebMouseEvent(WebMouseEvent::MouseUp, static_cast<WebMouseEvent::Button>(button), 0, position, position, 0, 0, 0, clickCount, OptionSet<WebEvent::Modifier>::fromRaw(modifiers), time, WebCore::ForceAtClick, WebMouseEvent::NoTap)); |
4967 | } |
4968 | |
4969 | void WebPage::simulateMouseMotion(WebCore::IntPoint position, WallTime time) |
4970 | { |
4971 | mouseEvent(WebMouseEvent(WebMouseEvent::MouseMove, WebMouseEvent::NoButton, 0, position, position, 0, 0, 0, 0, OptionSet<WebEvent::Modifier> { }, time, 0, WebMouseEvent::NoTap)); |
4972 | } |
4973 | |
4974 | void WebPage::setCompositionForTesting(const String& compositionString, uint64_t from, uint64_t length, bool suppressUnderline) |
4975 | { |
4976 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4977 | if (!frame.editor().canEdit()) |
4978 | return; |
4979 | |
4980 | Vector<CompositionUnderline> underlines; |
4981 | if (!suppressUnderline) |
4982 | underlines.append(CompositionUnderline(0, compositionString.length(), CompositionUnderlineColor::TextColor, Color(Color::black), false)); |
4983 | |
4984 | frame.editor().setComposition(compositionString, underlines, from, from + length); |
4985 | } |
4986 | |
4987 | bool WebPage::hasCompositionForTesting() |
4988 | { |
4989 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4990 | return frame.editor().hasComposition(); |
4991 | } |
4992 | |
4993 | void WebPage::confirmCompositionForTesting(const String& compositionString) |
4994 | { |
4995 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
4996 | if (!frame.editor().canEdit()) |
4997 | return; |
4998 | |
4999 | if (compositionString.isNull()) |
5000 | frame.editor().confirmComposition(); |
5001 | frame.editor().confirmComposition(compositionString); |
5002 | } |
5003 | |
5004 | void WebPage::wheelEventHandlersChanged(bool hasHandlers) |
5005 | { |
5006 | if (m_hasWheelEventHandlers == hasHandlers) |
5007 | return; |
5008 | |
5009 | m_hasWheelEventHandlers = hasHandlers; |
5010 | recomputeShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEventsState(); |
5011 | } |
5012 | |
5013 | static bool hasEnabledHorizontalScrollbar(ScrollableArea* scrollableArea) |
5014 | { |
5015 | if (Scrollbar* scrollbar = scrollableArea->horizontalScrollbar()) |
5016 | return scrollbar->enabled(); |
5017 | |
5018 | return false; |
5019 | } |
5020 | |
5021 | static bool pageContainsAnyHorizontalScrollbars(Frame* mainFrame) |
5022 | { |
5023 | if (FrameView* frameView = mainFrame->view()) { |
5024 | if (hasEnabledHorizontalScrollbar(frameView)) |
5025 | return true; |
5026 | } |
5027 | |
5028 | for (Frame* frame = mainFrame; frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
5029 | FrameView* frameView = frame->view(); |
5030 | if (!frameView) |
5031 | continue; |
5032 | |
5033 | const HashSet<ScrollableArea*>* scrollableAreas = frameView->scrollableAreas(); |
5034 | if (!scrollableAreas) |
5035 | continue; |
5036 | |
5037 | for (HashSet<ScrollableArea*>::const_iterator it = scrollableAreas->begin(), end = scrollableAreas->end(); it != end; ++it) { |
5038 | ScrollableArea* scrollableArea = *it; |
5039 | if (!scrollableArea->scrollbarsCanBeActive()) |
5040 | continue; |
5041 | |
5042 | if (hasEnabledHorizontalScrollbar(scrollableArea)) |
5043 | return true; |
5044 | } |
5045 | } |
5046 | |
5047 | return false; |
5048 | } |
5049 | |
5050 | void WebPage::recomputeShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEventsState() |
5051 | { |
5052 | bool canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents = !m_hasWheelEventHandlers; |
5053 | |
5054 | if (canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents) { |
5055 | // Check if we have any horizontal scroll bars on the page. |
5056 | if (pageContainsAnyHorizontalScrollbars(mainFrame())) |
5057 | canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents = false; |
5058 | } |
5059 | |
5060 | if (m_canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents == canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents) |
5061 | return; |
5062 | |
5063 | m_canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents = canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents; |
5064 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetCanShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents(m_canShortCircuitHorizontalWheelEvents)); |
5065 | } |
5066 | |
5067 | Frame* WebPage::mainFrame() const |
5068 | { |
5069 | return m_page ? &m_page->mainFrame() : nullptr; |
5070 | } |
5071 | |
5072 | FrameView* WebPage::mainFrameView() const |
5073 | { |
5074 | if (Frame* frame = mainFrame()) |
5075 | return frame->view(); |
5076 | |
5077 | return nullptr; |
5078 | } |
5079 | |
5080 | void WebPage::setScrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled(bool enabled) |
5081 | { |
5082 | m_scrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled = enabled; |
5083 | |
5084 | FrameView* frameView = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->view(); |
5085 | if (!frameView) |
5086 | return; |
5087 | |
5088 | frameView->setScrollingPerformanceLoggingEnabled(enabled); |
5089 | } |
5090 | |
5091 | bool WebPage::canPluginHandleResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) |
5092 | { |
5094 | uint32_t pluginLoadPolicy; |
5095 | bool allowOnlyApplicationPlugins = !m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->loader().subframeLoader().allowPlugins(); |
5096 | |
5097 | uint64_t pluginProcessToken; |
5098 | String newMIMEType; |
5099 | String unavailabilityDescription; |
5100 | bool isUnsupported = false; |
5101 | if (!sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::FindPlugin(response.mimeType(), PluginProcessTypeNormal, response.url().string(), response.url().string(), response.url().string(), allowOnlyApplicationPlugins), Messages::WebPageProxy::FindPlugin::Reply(pluginProcessToken, newMIMEType, pluginLoadPolicy, unavailabilityDescription, isUnsupported))) |
5102 | return false; |
5103 | |
5104 | ASSERT(!isUnsupported); |
5105 | bool isBlockedPlugin = (pluginLoadPolicy == PluginModuleBlockedForSecurity) || (pluginLoadPolicy == PluginModuleBlockedForCompatibility); |
5106 | return !isUnsupported && !isBlockedPlugin && pluginProcessToken; |
5107 | #else |
5108 | UNUSED_PARAM(response); |
5109 | return false; |
5110 | #endif |
5111 | } |
5112 | |
5113 | bool WebPage::shouldUseCustomContentProviderForResponse(const ResourceResponse& response) |
5114 | { |
5115 | auto& mimeType = response.mimeType(); |
5116 | if (mimeType.isNull()) |
5117 | return false; |
5118 | |
5119 | // If a plug-in exists that claims to support this response, it should take precedence over the custom content provider. |
5120 | // canPluginHandleResponse() is called last because it performs synchronous IPC. |
5121 | return m_mimeTypesWithCustomContentProviders.contains(mimeType) && !canPluginHandleResponse(response); |
5122 | } |
5123 | |
5124 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5125 | |
5126 | void WebPage::setTextAsync(const String& text) |
5127 | { |
5128 | auto frame = makeRef(m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame()); |
5129 | if (frame->selection().selection().isContentEditable()) { |
5130 | UserTypingGestureIndicator indicator(frame.get()); |
5131 | frame->selection().selectAll(); |
5132 | if (text.isEmpty()) |
5133 | frame->editor().deleteSelectionWithSmartDelete(false); |
5134 | else |
5135 | frame->editor().insertText(text, nullptr, TextEventInputKeyboard); |
5136 | return; |
5137 | } |
5138 | |
5139 | if (is<HTMLInputElement>(m_focusedElement.get())) { |
5140 | downcast<HTMLInputElement>(*m_focusedElement).setValueForUser(text); |
5141 | return; |
5142 | } |
5143 | |
5145 | } |
5146 | |
5147 | void WebPage::insertTextAsync(const String& text, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange, InsertTextOptions&& options) |
5148 | { |
5149 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5150 | |
5151 | Ref<Frame> protector(frame); |
5152 | |
5153 | UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator { options.processingUserGesture ? ProcessingUserGesture : NotProcessingUserGesture, frame.document() }; |
5154 | |
5155 | bool replacesText = false; |
5156 | if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
5157 | if (auto replacementRange = EditingRange::toRange(frame, replacementEditingRange, options.editingRangeIsRelativeTo)) { |
5158 | SetForScope<bool> isSelectingTextWhileInsertingAsynchronously(m_isSelectingTextWhileInsertingAsynchronously, options.suppressSelectionUpdate); |
5159 | frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
5160 | replacesText = replacementEditingRange.length; |
5161 | } |
5162 | } |
5163 | |
5164 | if (options.registerUndoGroup) |
5165 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RegisterInsertionUndoGrouping()); |
5166 | |
5167 | if (!frame.editor().hasComposition()) { |
5168 | // An insertText: might be handled by other responders in the chain if we don't handle it. |
5169 | // One example is space bar that results in scrolling down the page. |
5170 | frame.editor().insertText(text, nullptr, replacesText ? TextEventInputAutocompletion : TextEventInputKeyboard); |
5171 | } else |
5172 | frame.editor().confirmComposition(text); |
5173 | } |
5174 | |
5175 | void WebPage::getMarkedRangeAsync(CallbackID callbackID) |
5176 | { |
5177 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5178 | auto editingRange = EditingRange::fromRange(frame, frame.editor().compositionRange().get()); |
5179 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditingRangeCallback(editingRange, callbackID)); |
5180 | } |
5181 | |
5182 | void WebPage::getSelectedRangeAsync(CallbackID callbackID) |
5183 | { |
5184 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5185 | auto editingRange = EditingRange::fromRange(frame, frame.selection().toNormalizedRange().get()); |
5186 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditingRangeCallback(editingRange, callbackID)); |
5187 | } |
5188 | |
5189 | void WebPage::characterIndexForPointAsync(const WebCore::IntPoint& point, CallbackID callbackID) |
5190 | { |
5191 | HitTestResult result = m_page->mainFrame().eventHandler().hitTestResultAtPoint(point); |
5192 | Frame* frame = result.innerNonSharedNode() ? result.innerNodeFrame() : &m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5193 | |
5194 | RefPtr<Range> range = frame->rangeForPoint(result.roundedPointInInnerNodeFrame()); |
5195 | auto editingRange = EditingRange::fromRange(*frame, range.get()); |
5196 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::UnsignedCallback(static_cast<uint64_t>(editingRange.location), callbackID)); |
5197 | } |
5198 | |
5199 | void WebPage::firstRectForCharacterRangeAsync(const EditingRange& editingRange, CallbackID callbackID) |
5200 | { |
5201 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5202 | IntRect result(IntPoint(0, 0), IntSize(0, 0)); |
5203 | |
5204 | RefPtr<Range> range = EditingRange::toRange(frame, editingRange); |
5205 | if (!range) { |
5206 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RectForCharacterRangeCallback(result, EditingRange(notFound, 0), callbackID)); |
5207 | return; |
5208 | } |
5209 | |
5210 | result = frame.view()->contentsToWindow(frame.editor().firstRectForRange(range.get())); |
5211 | |
5212 | // FIXME: Update actualRange to match the range of first rect. |
5213 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::RectForCharacterRangeCallback(result, editingRange, callbackID)); |
5214 | } |
5215 | |
5216 | void WebPage::setCompositionAsync(const String& text, const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, const EditingRange& selection, const EditingRange& replacementEditingRange) |
5217 | { |
5218 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5219 | |
5220 | if (frame.selection().selection().isContentEditable()) { |
5221 | RefPtr<Range> replacementRange; |
5222 | if (replacementEditingRange.location != notFound) { |
5223 | replacementRange = EditingRange::toRange(frame, replacementEditingRange); |
5224 | if (replacementRange) |
5225 | frame.selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
5226 | } |
5227 | |
5228 | frame.editor().setComposition(text, underlines, selection.location, selection.location + selection.length); |
5229 | } |
5230 | } |
5231 | |
5232 | void WebPage::confirmCompositionAsync() |
5233 | { |
5234 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5235 | frame.editor().confirmComposition(); |
5236 | } |
5237 | |
5238 | #endif // PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5239 | |
5240 | #if PLATFORM(GTK) |
5241 | static Frame* targetFrameForEditing(WebPage* page) |
5242 | { |
5243 | Frame& targetFrame = page->corePage()->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5244 | |
5245 | Editor& editor = targetFrame.editor(); |
5246 | if (!editor.canEdit()) |
5247 | return nullptr; |
5248 | |
5249 | if (editor.hasComposition()) { |
5250 | // We should verify the parent node of this IME composition node are |
5251 | // editable because JavaScript may delete a parent node of the composition |
5252 | // node. In this case, WebKit crashes while deleting texts from the parent |
5253 | // node, which doesn't exist any longer. |
5254 | if (auto range = editor.compositionRange()) { |
5255 | if (!range->startContainer().isContentEditable()) |
5256 | return nullptr; |
5257 | } |
5258 | } |
5259 | return &targetFrame; |
5260 | } |
5261 | |
5262 | void WebPage::confirmComposition(const String& compositionString, int64_t selectionStart, int64_t selectionLength) |
5263 | { |
5264 | Frame* targetFrame = targetFrameForEditing(this); |
5265 | if (!targetFrame) { |
5266 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5267 | return; |
5268 | } |
5269 | |
5270 | targetFrame->editor().confirmComposition(compositionString); |
5271 | |
5272 | if (selectionStart == -1) { |
5273 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5274 | return; |
5275 | } |
5276 | |
5277 | Element* scope = targetFrame->selection().selection().rootEditableElement(); |
5278 | RefPtr<Range> selectionRange = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(scope, selectionStart, selectionLength); |
5279 | ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(selectionRange, "Invalid selection: [%lld:%lld] in text of length %d" , static_cast<long long>(selectionStart), static_cast<long long>(selectionLength), scope->innerText().length()); |
5280 | |
5281 | if (selectionRange) { |
5282 | VisibleSelection selection(*selectionRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY); |
5283 | targetFrame->selection().setSelection(selection); |
5284 | } |
5285 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5286 | } |
5287 | |
5288 | void WebPage::setComposition(const String& text, const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines, uint64_t selectionStart, uint64_t selectionLength, uint64_t replacementStart, uint64_t replacementLength) |
5289 | { |
5290 | Frame* targetFrame = targetFrameForEditing(this); |
5291 | if (!targetFrame || !targetFrame->selection().selection().isContentEditable()) { |
5292 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5293 | return; |
5294 | } |
5295 | |
5296 | Ref<Frame> protector(*targetFrame); |
5297 | |
5298 | if (replacementLength > 0) { |
5299 | // The layout needs to be uptodate before setting a selection |
5300 | targetFrame->document()->updateLayout(); |
5301 | |
5302 | Element* scope = targetFrame->selection().selection().rootEditableElement(); |
5303 | RefPtr<Range> replacementRange = TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength(scope, replacementStart, replacementLength); |
5304 | targetFrame->editor().setIgnoreSelectionChanges(true); |
5305 | targetFrame->selection().setSelection(VisibleSelection(*replacementRange, SEL_DEFAULT_AFFINITY)); |
5306 | targetFrame->editor().setIgnoreSelectionChanges(false); |
5307 | } |
5308 | |
5309 | targetFrame->editor().setComposition(text, underlines, selectionStart, selectionStart + selectionLength); |
5310 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5311 | } |
5312 | |
5313 | void WebPage::cancelComposition() |
5314 | { |
5315 | if (Frame* targetFrame = targetFrameForEditing(this)) |
5316 | targetFrame->editor().cancelComposition(); |
5317 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(editorState())); |
5318 | } |
5319 | #endif |
5320 | |
5321 | void WebPage::didApplyStyle() |
5322 | { |
5323 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5324 | } |
5325 | |
5326 | void WebPage::didChangeContents() |
5327 | { |
5328 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5329 | } |
5330 | |
5331 | void WebPage::didChangeOverflowScrollPosition() |
5332 | { |
5333 | didChangeSelectionOrOverflowScrollPosition(); |
5334 | } |
5335 | |
5336 | void WebPage::didChangeSelection() |
5337 | { |
5338 | didChangeSelectionOrOverflowScrollPosition(); |
5339 | } |
5340 | |
5341 | void WebPage::didChangeSelectionOrOverflowScrollPosition() |
5342 | { |
5343 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5344 | // The act of getting Dictionary Popup info can make selection changes that we should not propagate to the UIProcess. |
5345 | // Specifically, if there is a caret selection, it will change to a range selection of the word around the caret. And |
5346 | // then it will change back. |
5347 | if (frame.editor().isGettingDictionaryPopupInfo()) |
5348 | return; |
5349 | |
5350 | // Similarly, we don't want to propagate changes to the web process when inserting text asynchronously, since we will |
5351 | // end up with a range selection very briefly right before inserting the text. |
5352 | if (m_isSelectingTextWhileInsertingAsynchronously) |
5353 | return; |
5354 | |
5355 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
5356 | bool hasPreviouslyFocusedDueToUserInteraction = m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition; |
5357 | m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition |= m_userIsInteracting; |
5358 | |
5359 | if (!hasPreviouslyFocusedDueToUserInteraction && m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition) { |
5360 | if (frame.document()->quirks().isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable()) { |
5361 | m_isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable = true; |
5362 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetIsTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable(m_isTouchBarUpdateSupressedForHiddenContentEditable)); |
5363 | } |
5364 | |
5365 | if (frame.document()->quirks().isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar()) { |
5366 | m_isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar = true; |
5367 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetIsNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar(m_isNeverRichlyEditableForTouchBar)); |
5368 | } |
5369 | |
5370 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetHasHadSelectionChangesFromUserInteraction(m_hasEverFocusedElementDueToUserInteractionSincePageTransition)); |
5371 | } |
5372 | |
5373 | // Abandon the current inline input session if selection changed for any other reason but an input method direct action. |
5374 | // FIXME: This logic should be in WebCore. |
5375 | // FIXME: Many changes that affect composition node do not go through didChangeSelection(). We need to do something when DOM manipulation affects the composition, because otherwise input method's idea about it will be different from Editor's. |
5376 | // FIXME: We can't cancel composition when selection changes to NoSelection, but we probably should. |
5377 | if (frame.editor().hasComposition() && !frame.editor().ignoreSelectionChanges() && !frame.selection().isNone()) { |
5378 | frame.editor().cancelComposition(); |
5379 | discardedComposition(); |
5380 | return; |
5381 | } |
5382 | #endif |
5383 | |
5384 | scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate(); |
5385 | } |
5386 | |
5387 | void WebPage::resetFocusedElementForFrame(WebFrame* frame) |
5388 | { |
5389 | if (!m_focusedElement) |
5390 | return; |
5391 | |
5392 | if (frame->isMainFrame() || m_focusedElement->document().frame() == frame->coreFrame()) { |
5394 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ElementDidBlur()); |
5395 | #elif PLATFORM(MAC) |
5396 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetEditableElementIsFocused(false)); |
5397 | #endif |
5398 | m_focusedElement = nullptr; |
5399 | } |
5400 | } |
5401 | |
5402 | void WebPage::elementDidRefocus(WebCore::Element& element) |
5403 | { |
5404 | elementDidFocus(element); |
5405 | |
5406 | if (m_userIsInteracting) |
5407 | scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate(); |
5408 | } |
5409 | |
5410 | bool WebPage::shouldDispatchUpdateAfterFocusingElement(const Element& element) const |
5411 | { |
5412 | if (m_focusedElement == &element || m_recentlyBlurredElement == &element) { |
5414 | return !m_isShowingInputViewForFocusedElement; |
5415 | #else |
5416 | return false; |
5417 | #endif |
5418 | } |
5419 | return true; |
5420 | } |
5421 | |
5422 | static bool isTextFormControlOrEditableContent(const WebCore::Element& element) |
5423 | { |
5424 | return is<HTMLTextFormControlElement>(element) || element.hasEditableStyle(); |
5425 | } |
5426 | |
5427 | void WebPage::elementDidFocus(WebCore::Element& element) |
5428 | { |
5429 | if (!shouldDispatchUpdateAfterFocusingElement(element)) { |
5430 | m_focusedElement = &element; |
5431 | m_recentlyBlurredElement = nullptr; |
5432 | return; |
5433 | } |
5434 | |
5435 | if (is<HTMLSelectElement>(element) || isTextFormControlOrEditableContent(element)) { |
5436 | m_focusedElement = &element; |
5437 | |
5439 | |
5441 | if (element.document().fullscreenManager().isFullscreen()) |
5442 | element.document().fullscreenManager().cancelFullscreen(); |
5443 | #endif |
5444 | |
5445 | ++m_currentFocusedElementIdentifier; |
5446 | FocusedElementInformation information; |
5447 | getFocusedElementInformation(information); |
5448 | RefPtr<API::Object> userData; |
5449 | |
5450 | m_formClient->willBeginInputSession(this, &element, WebFrame::fromCoreFrame(*element.document().frame()), m_userIsInteracting, userData); |
5451 | |
5452 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ElementDidFocus(information, m_userIsInteracting, m_recentlyBlurredElement, m_lastActivityStateChanges, UserData(WebProcess::singleton().transformObjectsToHandles(userData.get()).get()))); |
5453 | #elif PLATFORM(MAC) |
5454 | // FIXME: This can be unified with the iOS code above by bringing ElementDidFocus to macOS. |
5455 | // This also doesn't take other noneditable controls into account, such as input type color. |
5456 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetEditableElementIsFocused(!element.hasTagName(WebCore::HTMLNames::selectTag))); |
5457 | #endif |
5458 | m_recentlyBlurredElement = nullptr; |
5459 | } |
5460 | } |
5461 | |
5462 | void WebPage::elementDidBlur(WebCore::Element& element) |
5463 | { |
5464 | if (m_focusedElement == &element) { |
5465 | m_recentlyBlurredElement = WTFMove(m_focusedElement); |
5466 | callOnMainThread([protectedThis = makeRefPtr(this)] { |
5467 | if (protectedThis->m_recentlyBlurredElement) { |
5469 | protectedThis->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ElementDidBlur()); |
5470 | #elif PLATFORM(MAC) |
5471 | protectedThis->send(Messages::WebPageProxy::SetEditableElementIsFocused(false)); |
5472 | #endif |
5473 | } |
5474 | protectedThis->m_recentlyBlurredElement = nullptr; |
5475 | }); |
5476 | } |
5477 | } |
5478 | |
5479 | void WebPage::focusedElementDidChangeInputMode(WebCore::Element& element, WebCore::InputMode mode) |
5480 | { |
5481 | if (m_focusedElement != &element) |
5482 | return; |
5483 | |
5485 | ASSERT(is<HTMLElement>(element)); |
5486 | ASSERT(downcast<HTMLElement>(element).canonicalInputMode() == mode); |
5487 | |
5488 | if (!isTextFormControlOrEditableContent(element)) |
5489 | return; |
5490 | |
5491 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::FocusedElementDidChangeInputMode(mode)); |
5492 | #else |
5493 | UNUSED_PARAM(mode); |
5494 | #endif |
5495 | } |
5496 | |
5497 | void WebPage::didUpdateComposition() |
5498 | { |
5499 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5500 | } |
5501 | |
5502 | void WebPage::didEndUserTriggeredSelectionChanges() |
5503 | { |
5504 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
5505 | if (!frame.editor().ignoreSelectionChanges()) |
5506 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5507 | } |
5508 | |
5509 | void WebPage::discardedComposition() |
5510 | { |
5511 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::CompositionWasCanceled()); |
5512 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5513 | } |
5514 | |
5515 | void WebPage::canceledComposition() |
5516 | { |
5517 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::CompositionWasCanceled()); |
5518 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
5519 | } |
5520 | |
5521 | void WebPage::setAlwaysShowsHorizontalScroller(bool alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller) |
5522 | { |
5523 | if (alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller == m_alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller) |
5524 | return; |
5525 | |
5526 | m_alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller = alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller; |
5527 | auto view = corePage()->mainFrame().view(); |
5528 | if (!alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller) |
5529 | view->setHorizontalScrollbarLock(false); |
5530 | view->setHorizontalScrollbarMode(alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller ? ScrollbarAlwaysOn : m_mainFrameIsScrollable ? ScrollbarAuto : ScrollbarAlwaysOff, alwaysShowsHorizontalScroller || !m_mainFrameIsScrollable); |
5531 | } |
5532 | |
5533 | void WebPage::setAlwaysShowsVerticalScroller(bool alwaysShowsVerticalScroller) |
5534 | { |
5535 | if (alwaysShowsVerticalScroller == m_alwaysShowsVerticalScroller) |
5536 | return; |
5537 | |
5538 | m_alwaysShowsVerticalScroller = alwaysShowsVerticalScroller; |
5539 | auto view = corePage()->mainFrame().view(); |
5540 | if (!alwaysShowsVerticalScroller) |
5541 | view->setVerticalScrollbarLock(false); |
5542 | view->setVerticalScrollbarMode(alwaysShowsVerticalScroller ? ScrollbarAlwaysOn : m_mainFrameIsScrollable ? ScrollbarAuto : ScrollbarAlwaysOff, alwaysShowsVerticalScroller || !m_mainFrameIsScrollable); |
5543 | } |
5544 | |
5545 | void WebPage::setViewLayoutSize(const IntSize& viewLayoutSize) |
5546 | { |
5547 | if (m_viewLayoutSize == viewLayoutSize) |
5548 | return; |
5549 | |
5550 | m_viewLayoutSize = viewLayoutSize; |
5551 | if (viewLayoutSize.width() <= 0) { |
5552 | corePage()->mainFrame().view()->enableAutoSizeMode(false, { }); |
5553 | return; |
5554 | } |
5555 | |
5556 | int viewLayoutWidth = viewLayoutSize.width(); |
5557 | int viewLayoutHeight = std::max(viewLayoutSize.height(), 1); |
5558 | corePage()->mainFrame().view()->enableAutoSizeMode(true, { viewLayoutWidth, viewLayoutHeight }); |
5559 | } |
5560 | |
5561 | void WebPage::setAutoSizingShouldExpandToViewHeight(bool shouldExpand) |
5562 | { |
5563 | if (m_autoSizingShouldExpandToViewHeight == shouldExpand) |
5564 | return; |
5565 | |
5566 | m_autoSizingShouldExpandToViewHeight = shouldExpand; |
5567 | |
5568 | corePage()->mainFrame().view()->setAutoSizeFixedMinimumHeight(shouldExpand ? m_viewSize.height() : 0); |
5569 | } |
5570 | |
5571 | void WebPage::setViewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits(Optional<WebCore::IntSize> viewportSize) |
5572 | { |
5573 | if (m_viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits == viewportSize) |
5574 | return; |
5575 | |
5576 | m_viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits = viewportSize; |
5577 | if (m_viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits) |
5578 | corePage()->mainFrame().view()->setViewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits(*m_viewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits); |
5579 | } |
5580 | |
5581 | bool WebPage::isSmartInsertDeleteEnabled() |
5582 | { |
5583 | return m_page->settings().smartInsertDeleteEnabled(); |
5584 | } |
5585 | |
5586 | void WebPage::setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(bool enabled) |
5587 | { |
5588 | if (m_page->settings().smartInsertDeleteEnabled() != enabled) { |
5589 | m_page->settings().setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(enabled); |
5590 | setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(!enabled); |
5591 | } |
5592 | } |
5593 | |
5594 | bool WebPage::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled() const |
5595 | { |
5596 | return m_page->settings().selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(); |
5597 | } |
5598 | |
5599 | void WebPage::setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(bool enabled) |
5600 | { |
5601 | if (m_page->settings().selectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled() != enabled) { |
5602 | m_page->settings().setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled(enabled); |
5603 | setSmartInsertDeleteEnabled(!enabled); |
5604 | } |
5605 | } |
5606 | |
5607 | bool WebPage::canShowResponse(const WebCore::ResourceResponse& response) const |
5608 | { |
5609 | return canShowMIMEType(response.mimeType(), [&](auto& mimeType, auto allowedPlugins) { |
5610 | return m_page->pluginData().supportsWebVisibleMimeTypeForURL(mimeType, allowedPlugins, response.url()); |
5611 | }); |
5612 | } |
5613 | |
5614 | bool WebPage::canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType) const |
5615 | { |
5616 | return canShowMIMEType(mimeType, [&](auto& mimeType, auto allowedPlugins) { |
5617 | return m_page->pluginData().supportsWebVisibleMimeType(mimeType, allowedPlugins); |
5618 | }); |
5619 | } |
5620 | |
5621 | bool WebPage::canShowMIMEType(const String& mimeType, const Function<bool(const String&, PluginData::AllowedPluginTypes)>& pluginsSupport) const |
5622 | { |
5623 | if (MIMETypeRegistry::canShowMIMEType(mimeType)) |
5624 | return true; |
5625 | |
5626 | if (!mimeType.isNull() && m_mimeTypesWithCustomContentProviders.contains(mimeType)) |
5627 | return true; |
5628 | |
5629 | if (corePage()->mainFrame().loader().subframeLoader().allowPlugins() && pluginsSupport(mimeType, PluginData::AllPlugins)) |
5630 | return true; |
5631 | |
5632 | // We can use application plugins even if plugins aren't enabled. |
5633 | if (pluginsSupport(mimeType, PluginData::OnlyApplicationPlugins)) |
5634 | return true; |
5635 | |
5636 | return false; |
5637 | } |
5638 | |
5639 | void WebPage::addTextCheckingRequest(uint64_t requestID, Ref<TextCheckingRequest>&& request) |
5640 | { |
5641 | m_pendingTextCheckingRequestMap.add(requestID, WTFMove(request)); |
5642 | } |
5643 | |
5644 | void WebPage::didFinishCheckingText(uint64_t requestID, const Vector<TextCheckingResult>& result) |
5645 | { |
5646 | RefPtr<TextCheckingRequest> request = m_pendingTextCheckingRequestMap.take(requestID); |
5647 | if (!request) |
5648 | return; |
5649 | |
5650 | request->didSucceed(result); |
5651 | } |
5652 | |
5653 | void WebPage::didCancelCheckingText(uint64_t requestID) |
5654 | { |
5655 | RefPtr<TextCheckingRequest> request = m_pendingTextCheckingRequestMap.take(requestID); |
5656 | if (!request) |
5657 | return; |
5658 | |
5659 | request->didCancel(); |
5660 | } |
5661 | |
5662 | void WebPage::willReplaceMultipartContent(const WebFrame& frame) |
5663 | { |
5665 | if (!frame.isMainFrame()) |
5666 | return; |
5667 | |
5668 | m_previousExposedContentRect = m_drawingArea->exposedContentRect(); |
5669 | #endif |
5670 | } |
5671 | |
5672 | void WebPage::didReplaceMultipartContent(const WebFrame& frame) |
5673 | { |
5675 | if (!frame.isMainFrame()) |
5676 | return; |
5677 | |
5678 | // Restore the previous exposed content rect so that it remains fixed when replacing content |
5679 | // from multipart/x-mixed-replace streams. |
5680 | m_drawingArea->setExposedContentRect(m_previousExposedContentRect); |
5681 | #endif |
5682 | } |
5683 | |
5684 | void WebPage::didCommitLoad(WebFrame* frame) |
5685 | { |
5687 | frame->setFirstLayerTreeTransactionIDAfterDidCommitLoad(downcast<RemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea>(*m_drawingArea).nextTransactionID()); |
5688 | cancelPotentialTapInFrame(*frame); |
5689 | #endif |
5690 | resetFocusedElementForFrame(frame); |
5691 | |
5692 | if (!frame->isMainFrame()) |
5693 | return; |
5694 | |
5695 | // If previous URL is invalid, then it's not a real page that's being navigated away from. |
5696 | // Most likely, this is actually the first load to be committed in this page. |
5697 | if (frame->coreFrame()->loader().previousURL().isValid()) |
5698 | reportUsedFeatures(); |
5699 | |
5700 | // Only restore the scale factor for standard frame loads (of the main frame). |
5701 | if (frame->coreFrame()->loader().loadType() == FrameLoadType::Standard) { |
5702 | Page* page = frame->coreFrame()->page(); |
5703 | |
5704 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
5705 | // As a very special case, we disable non-default layout modes in WKView for main-frame PluginDocuments. |
5706 | // Ideally we would only worry about this in WKView or the WKViewLayoutStrategies, but if we allow |
5707 | // a round-trip to the UI process, you'll see the wrong scale temporarily. So, we reset it here, and then |
5708 | // again later from the UI process. |
5709 | if (frame->coreFrame()->document()->isPluginDocument()) { |
5710 | scaleView(1); |
5711 | setUseFixedLayout(false); |
5712 | } |
5713 | #endif |
5714 | |
5715 | if (page && page->pageScaleFactor() != 1) |
5716 | scalePage(1, IntPoint()); |
5717 | } |
5719 | m_hasReceivedVisibleContentRectsAfterDidCommitLoad = false; |
5720 | m_hasRestoredExposedContentRectAfterDidCommitLoad = false; |
5721 | m_scaleWasSetByUIProcess = false; |
5722 | m_userHasChangedPageScaleFactor = false; |
5723 | m_estimatedLatency = Seconds(1.0 / 60); |
5724 | |
5726 | WebProcess::singleton().eventDispatcher().clearQueuedTouchEventsForPage(*this); |
5727 | #endif |
5728 | |
5729 | resetViewportDefaultConfiguration(frame); |
5730 | const Frame* coreFrame = frame->coreFrame(); |
5731 | |
5732 | bool viewportChanged = false; |
5733 | |
5734 | LOG_WITH_STREAM(VisibleRects, stream << "WebPage " << m_pageID << " didCommitLoad setting content size to " << coreFrame->view()->contentsSize()); |
5735 | if (m_viewportConfiguration.setContentsSize(coreFrame->view()->contentsSize())) |
5736 | viewportChanged = true; |
5737 | |
5738 | if (m_viewportConfiguration.setViewportArguments(coreFrame->document()->viewportArguments())) |
5739 | viewportChanged = true; |
5740 | |
5741 | if (viewportChanged) |
5742 | viewportConfigurationChanged(); |
5743 | #endif |
5744 | |
5746 | m_shrinkToFitContentTimer.stop(); |
5747 | #endif |
5748 | |
5750 | resetPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(); |
5751 | #endif |
5752 | |
5753 | #if USE(OS_STATE) |
5754 | m_loadCommitTime = WallTime::now(); |
5755 | #endif |
5756 | |
5757 | WebProcess::singleton().updateActivePages(); |
5758 | |
5759 | updateMainFrameScrollOffsetPinning(); |
5760 | } |
5761 | |
5762 | void WebPage::didFinishDocumentLoad(WebFrame& frame) |
5763 | { |
5764 | if (!frame.isMainFrame()) |
5765 | return; |
5766 | |
5768 | scheduleShrinkToFitContent(); |
5769 | #endif |
5770 | } |
5771 | |
5772 | void WebPage::didFinishLoad(WebFrame& frame) |
5773 | { |
5774 | if (!frame.isMainFrame()) |
5775 | return; |
5776 | |
5777 | WebProcess::singleton().sendPrewarmInformation(frame.url()); |
5778 | |
5780 | m_readyToFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin = true; |
5781 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: triggering detection from didFinishLoad (marking as ready to detect)." ); |
5782 | m_determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimer.startOneShot(0_s); |
5783 | #else |
5784 | UNUSED_PARAM(frame); |
5785 | #endif |
5786 | |
5788 | scheduleShrinkToFitContent(); |
5789 | #endif |
5790 | } |
5791 | |
5792 | void WebPage::(HTMLMenuElement& element) |
5793 | { |
5794 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5795 | sendTouchBarMenuDataAddedUpdate(element); |
5796 | #else |
5797 | UNUSED_PARAM(element); |
5798 | #endif |
5799 | } |
5800 | |
5801 | void WebPage::(HTMLMenuElement& element) |
5802 | { |
5803 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5804 | sendTouchBarMenuDataRemovedUpdate(element); |
5805 | #else |
5806 | UNUSED_PARAM(element); |
5807 | #endif |
5808 | } |
5809 | |
5810 | void WebPage::(HTMLMenuItemElement& element) |
5811 | { |
5812 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5813 | sendTouchBarMenuItemDataAddedUpdate(element); |
5814 | #else |
5815 | UNUSED_PARAM(element); |
5816 | #endif |
5817 | } |
5818 | |
5819 | void WebPage::(HTMLMenuItemElement& element) |
5820 | { |
5821 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
5822 | sendTouchBarMenuItemDataRemovedUpdate(element); |
5823 | #else |
5824 | UNUSED_PARAM(element); |
5825 | #endif |
5826 | } |
5827 | |
5829 | static const int primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchLimit = 3000; |
5830 | static const float primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchBucketSize = 1.1; |
5831 | static const int primarySnapshottedPlugInMinimumWidth = 400; |
5832 | static const int primarySnapshottedPlugInMinimumHeight = 300; |
5833 | static const unsigned maxPrimarySnapshottedPlugInDetectionAttempts = 2; |
5834 | static const Seconds deferredPrimarySnapshottedPlugInDetectionDelay = 3_s; |
5835 | static const float overlappingImageBoundsScale = 1.1; |
5836 | static const float minimumOverlappingImageToPluginDimensionScale = .9; |
5837 | |
5839 | void WebPage::determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimerFired() |
5840 | { |
5841 | if (!m_page) |
5842 | return; |
5843 | |
5844 | Settings& settings = m_page->settings(); |
5845 | if (!settings.snapshotAllPlugIns() && settings.primaryPlugInSnapshotDetectionEnabled()) |
5846 | determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(); |
5847 | } |
5848 | #endif |
5849 | |
5850 | void WebPage::determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugIn() |
5851 | { |
5852 | if (!m_page->settings().plugInSnapshottingEnabled()) |
5853 | return; |
5854 | |
5855 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: began." ); |
5856 | |
5857 | if (!m_readyToFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin) { |
5858 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: exiting - not ready to find plugins." ); |
5859 | return; |
5860 | } |
5861 | |
5862 | if (!m_hasSeenPlugin) { |
5863 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: exiting - we never saw a plug-in get added to the page." ); |
5864 | return; |
5865 | } |
5866 | |
5867 | if (m_didFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin) { |
5868 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: exiting - we've already found a primary plug-in." ); |
5869 | return; |
5870 | } |
5871 | |
5872 | ++m_numberOfPrimarySnapshotDetectionAttempts; |
5873 | |
5874 | layoutIfNeeded(); |
5875 | |
5876 | RefPtr<FrameView> mainFrameView = corePage()->mainFrame().view(); |
5877 | if (!mainFrameView) |
5878 | return; |
5879 | |
5880 | IntRect searchRect = IntRect(IntPoint(), corePage()->mainFrame().view()->contentsSize()); |
5881 | searchRect.intersect(IntRect(IntPoint(), IntSize(primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchLimit, primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchLimit))); |
5882 | |
5883 | HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::AllowChildFrameContent | HitTestRequest::IgnoreClipping | HitTestRequest::DisallowUserAgentShadowContent); |
5884 | |
5885 | RefPtr<HTMLPlugInImageElement> candidatePlugIn; |
5886 | unsigned candidatePlugInArea = 0; |
5887 | |
5888 | for (RefPtr<Frame> frame = &corePage()->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNextRendered()) { |
5889 | if (!frame->loader().subframeLoader().containsPlugins()) |
5890 | continue; |
5891 | if (!frame->document() || !frame->view()) |
5892 | continue; |
5893 | |
5894 | Vector<Ref<HTMLPlugInImageElement>> nonPlayingPlugInImageElements; |
5895 | for (auto& plugInImageElement : descendantsOfType<HTMLPlugInImageElement>(*frame->document())) { |
5896 | if (plugInImageElement.displayState() == HTMLPlugInElement::Playing) |
5897 | continue; |
5898 | nonPlayingPlugInImageElements.append(plugInImageElement); |
5899 | } |
5900 | |
5901 | for (auto& plugInImageElement : nonPlayingPlugInImageElements) { |
5902 | auto pluginRenderer = plugInImageElement->renderer(); |
5903 | if (!pluginRenderer || !pluginRenderer->isBox()) |
5904 | continue; |
5905 | auto& pluginRenderBox = downcast<RenderBox>(*pluginRenderer); |
5906 | if (!plugInIntersectsSearchRect(plugInImageElement.get())) |
5907 | continue; |
5908 | |
5909 | IntRect plugInRectRelativeToView = plugInImageElement->clientRect(); |
5910 | ScrollPosition scrollPosition = mainFrameView->documentScrollPositionRelativeToViewOrigin(); |
5911 | IntRect plugInRectRelativeToTopDocument(plugInRectRelativeToView.location() + scrollPosition, plugInRectRelativeToView.size()); |
5912 | HitTestResult hitTestResult(plugInRectRelativeToTopDocument.center()); |
5913 | |
5914 | if (!mainFrameView->renderView()) |
5915 | return; |
5916 | mainFrameView->renderView()->hitTest(request, hitTestResult); |
5917 | |
5918 | RefPtr<Element> element = hitTestResult.targetElement(); |
5919 | if (!element) |
5920 | continue; |
5921 | |
5922 | IntRect elementRectRelativeToView = element->clientRect(); |
5923 | IntRect elementRectRelativeToTopDocument(elementRectRelativeToView.location() + scrollPosition, elementRectRelativeToView.size()); |
5924 | LayoutRect inflatedPluginRect = plugInRectRelativeToTopDocument; |
5925 | LayoutUnit xOffset = (inflatedPluginRect.width() * overlappingImageBoundsScale - inflatedPluginRect.width()) / 2; |
5926 | LayoutUnit yOffset = (inflatedPluginRect.height() * overlappingImageBoundsScale - inflatedPluginRect.height()) / 2; |
5927 | inflatedPluginRect.inflateX(xOffset); |
5928 | inflatedPluginRect.inflateY(yOffset); |
5929 | |
5930 | if (element != plugInImageElement.ptr()) { |
5931 | if (!(is<HTMLImageElement>(*element) |
5932 | && inflatedPluginRect.contains(elementRectRelativeToTopDocument) |
5933 | && elementRectRelativeToTopDocument.width() > pluginRenderBox.width() * minimumOverlappingImageToPluginDimensionScale |
5934 | && elementRectRelativeToTopDocument.height() > pluginRenderBox.height() * minimumOverlappingImageToPluginDimensionScale)) |
5935 | continue; |
5936 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: Plug-in is hidden by an image that is roughly aligned with it, autoplaying regardless of whether or not it's actually the primary plug-in." ); |
5937 | plugInImageElement->restartSnapshottedPlugIn(); |
5938 | } |
5939 | |
5940 | if (plugInIsPrimarySize(plugInImageElement, candidatePlugInArea)) |
5941 | candidatePlugIn = WTFMove(plugInImageElement); |
5942 | } |
5943 | } |
5944 | if (!candidatePlugIn) { |
5945 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: fail - did not find a candidate plug-in." ); |
5946 | if (m_numberOfPrimarySnapshotDetectionAttempts < maxPrimarySnapshottedPlugInDetectionAttempts) { |
5947 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: will attempt again in %.1f s." , deferredPrimarySnapshottedPlugInDetectionDelay.value()); |
5948 | m_determinePrimarySnapshottedPlugInTimer.startOneShot(deferredPrimarySnapshottedPlugInDetectionDelay); |
5949 | } |
5950 | return; |
5951 | } |
5952 | |
5953 | LOG(Plugins, "Primary Plug-In Detection: success - found a candidate plug-in - inform it." ); |
5954 | m_didFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin = true; |
5955 | m_primaryPlugInPageOrigin = m_page->mainFrame().document()->baseURL().host().toString(); |
5956 | m_primaryPlugInOrigin = candidatePlugIn->loadedUrl().host().toString(); |
5957 | m_primaryPlugInMimeType = candidatePlugIn->serviceType(); |
5958 | |
5959 | candidatePlugIn->setIsPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn(true); |
5960 | } |
5961 | |
5962 | void WebPage::resetPrimarySnapshottedPlugIn() |
5963 | { |
5964 | m_readyToFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin = false; |
5965 | m_didFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin = false; |
5966 | m_numberOfPrimarySnapshotDetectionAttempts = 0; |
5967 | m_hasSeenPlugin = false; |
5968 | } |
5969 | |
5970 | bool WebPage::matchesPrimaryPlugIn(const String& pageOrigin, const String& pluginOrigin, const String& mimeType) const |
5971 | { |
5972 | if (!m_didFindPrimarySnapshottedPlugin) |
5973 | return false; |
5974 | |
5975 | return (pageOrigin == m_primaryPlugInPageOrigin && pluginOrigin == m_primaryPlugInOrigin && mimeType == m_primaryPlugInMimeType); |
5976 | } |
5977 | |
5978 | bool WebPage::plugInIntersectsSearchRect(HTMLPlugInImageElement& plugInImageElement) |
5979 | { |
5980 | auto& mainFrame = corePage()->mainFrame(); |
5981 | if (!mainFrame.view()) |
5982 | return false; |
5983 | if (!mainFrame.view()->renderView()) |
5984 | return false; |
5985 | |
5986 | IntRect searchRect = IntRect(IntPoint(), corePage()->mainFrame().view()->contentsSize()); |
5987 | searchRect.intersect(IntRect(IntPoint(), IntSize(primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchLimit, primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchLimit))); |
5988 | |
5989 | IntRect plugInRectRelativeToView = plugInImageElement.clientRect(); |
5990 | if (plugInRectRelativeToView.isEmpty()) |
5991 | return false; |
5992 | ScrollPosition scrollPosition = mainFrame.view()->documentScrollPositionRelativeToViewOrigin(); |
5993 | IntRect plugInRectRelativeToTopDocument(plugInRectRelativeToView.location() + toIntSize(scrollPosition), plugInRectRelativeToView.size()); |
5994 | |
5995 | return plugInRectRelativeToTopDocument.intersects(searchRect); |
5996 | } |
5997 | |
5998 | bool WebPage::plugInIsPrimarySize(WebCore::HTMLPlugInImageElement& plugInImageElement, unsigned& candidatePlugInArea) |
5999 | { |
6000 | auto* renderer = plugInImageElement.renderer(); |
6001 | if (!is<RenderBox>(renderer)) |
6002 | return false; |
6003 | |
6004 | auto& box = downcast<RenderBox>(*renderer); |
6005 | if (box.contentWidth() < primarySnapshottedPlugInMinimumWidth || box.contentHeight() < primarySnapshottedPlugInMinimumHeight) |
6006 | return false; |
6007 | |
6008 | LayoutUnit contentArea = box.contentWidth() * box.contentHeight(); |
6009 | if (contentArea > candidatePlugInArea * primarySnapshottedPlugInSearchBucketSize) { |
6010 | candidatePlugInArea = contentArea.toUnsigned(); |
6011 | return true; |
6012 | } |
6013 | |
6014 | return false; |
6015 | } |
6016 | |
6018 | |
6019 | RefPtr<Range> WebPage::currentSelectionAsRange() |
6020 | { |
6021 | auto* frame = frameWithSelection(m_page.get()); |
6022 | if (!frame) |
6023 | return nullptr; |
6024 | |
6025 | return frame->selection().toNormalizedRange(); |
6026 | } |
6027 | |
6028 | void WebPage::reportUsedFeatures() |
6029 | { |
6030 | Vector<String> namedFeatures; |
6031 | m_loaderClient->featuresUsedInPage(*this, namedFeatures); |
6032 | } |
6033 | |
6034 | void WebPage::sendEditorStateUpdate() |
6035 | { |
6036 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
6037 | if (frame.editor().ignoreSelectionChanges()) |
6038 | return; |
6039 | |
6040 | m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate = false; |
6041 | |
6042 | // If we immediately dispatch an EditorState update to the UI process, layout may not be up to date yet. |
6043 | // If that is the case, just send what we have (i.e. don't include post-layout data) and wait until the |
6044 | // next layer tree commit to compute and send the complete EditorState over. |
6045 | auto state = editorState(); |
6046 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::EditorStateChanged(state), pageID()); |
6047 | |
6048 | if (state.isMissingPostLayoutData) |
6049 | scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate(); |
6050 | } |
6051 | |
6052 | void WebPage::scheduleFullEditorStateUpdate() |
6053 | { |
6054 | if (m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate) |
6055 | return; |
6056 | |
6057 | m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate = true; |
6058 | // FIXME: Scheduling a compositing layer flush here can be more expensive than necessary. |
6059 | // Instead, we should just compute and send post-layout editor state during the next frame. |
6060 | m_drawingArea->scheduleCompositingLayerFlush(); |
6061 | } |
6062 | |
6063 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
6064 | void WebPage::sendTouchBarMenuDataRemovedUpdate(HTMLMenuElement& element) |
6065 | { |
6066 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::TouchBarMenuDataChanged(TouchBarMenuData { })); |
6067 | } |
6068 | |
6069 | void WebPage::sendTouchBarMenuDataAddedUpdate(HTMLMenuElement& element) |
6070 | { |
6071 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::TouchBarMenuDataChanged(TouchBarMenuData {element})); |
6072 | } |
6073 | |
6074 | void WebPage::sendTouchBarMenuItemDataAddedUpdate(HTMLMenuItemElement& element) |
6075 | { |
6076 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::TouchBarMenuItemDataAdded(TouchBarMenuItemData {element})); |
6077 | } |
6078 | |
6079 | void WebPage::sendTouchBarMenuItemDataRemovedUpdate(HTMLMenuItemElement& element) |
6080 | { |
6081 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::TouchBarMenuItemDataRemoved(TouchBarMenuItemData {element})); |
6082 | } |
6083 | #endif |
6084 | |
6085 | void WebPage::flushPendingEditorStateUpdate() |
6086 | { |
6087 | if (!m_hasPendingEditorStateUpdate) |
6088 | return; |
6089 | |
6090 | Frame& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
6091 | if (frame.editor().ignoreSelectionChanges()) |
6092 | return; |
6093 | |
6094 | sendEditorStateUpdate(); |
6095 | } |
6096 | |
6097 | void WebPage::updateWebsitePolicies(WebsitePoliciesData&& websitePolicies) |
6098 | { |
6099 | if (!m_page) |
6100 | return; |
6101 | |
6102 | auto* documentLoader = m_page->mainFrame().loader().documentLoader(); |
6103 | if (!documentLoader) |
6104 | return; |
6105 | |
6106 | WebsitePoliciesData::applyToDocumentLoader(WTFMove(websitePolicies), *documentLoader); |
6107 | |
6108 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
6109 | m_page->updateMediaElementRateChangeRestrictions(); |
6110 | #endif |
6111 | } |
6112 | |
6113 | unsigned WebPage::extendIncrementalRenderingSuppression() |
6114 | { |
6115 | unsigned token = m_maximumRenderingSuppressionToken + 1; |
6116 | while (!HashSet<unsigned>::isValidValue(token) || m_activeRenderingSuppressionTokens.contains(token)) |
6117 | token++; |
6118 | |
6119 | m_activeRenderingSuppressionTokens.add(token); |
6120 | m_page->mainFrame().view()->setVisualUpdatesAllowedByClient(false); |
6121 | |
6122 | m_maximumRenderingSuppressionToken = token; |
6123 | |
6124 | return token; |
6125 | } |
6126 | |
6127 | void WebPage::stopExtendingIncrementalRenderingSuppression(unsigned token) |
6128 | { |
6129 | if (!m_activeRenderingSuppressionTokens.remove(token)) |
6130 | return; |
6131 | |
6132 | m_page->mainFrame().view()->setVisualUpdatesAllowedByClient(!shouldExtendIncrementalRenderingSuppression()); |
6133 | } |
6134 | |
6135 | void WebPage::setScrollPinningBehavior(uint32_t pinning) |
6136 | { |
6137 | m_scrollPinningBehavior = static_cast<ScrollPinningBehavior>(pinning); |
6138 | m_page->mainFrame().view()->setScrollPinningBehavior(m_scrollPinningBehavior); |
6139 | } |
6140 | |
6141 | void WebPage::setScrollbarOverlayStyle(Optional<uint32_t> scrollbarStyle) |
6142 | { |
6143 | if (scrollbarStyle) |
6144 | m_scrollbarOverlayStyle = static_cast<ScrollbarOverlayStyle>(scrollbarStyle.value()); |
6145 | else |
6146 | m_scrollbarOverlayStyle = Optional<ScrollbarOverlayStyle>(); |
6147 | m_page->mainFrame().view()->recalculateScrollbarOverlayStyle(); |
6148 | } |
6149 | |
6150 | Ref<DocumentLoader> WebPage::createDocumentLoader(Frame& frame, const ResourceRequest& request, const SubstituteData& substituteData) |
6151 | { |
6152 | Ref<WebDocumentLoader> documentLoader = WebDocumentLoader::create(request, substituteData); |
6153 | |
6154 | if (frame.isMainFrame()) { |
6155 | if (m_pendingNavigationID) { |
6156 | documentLoader->setNavigationID(m_pendingNavigationID); |
6157 | m_pendingNavigationID = 0; |
6158 | } |
6159 | |
6160 | if (m_pendingWebsitePolicies) { |
6161 | WebsitePoliciesData::applyToDocumentLoader(WTFMove(*m_pendingWebsitePolicies), documentLoader); |
6162 | m_pendingWebsitePolicies = WTF::nullopt; |
6163 | } |
6164 | } |
6165 | |
6166 | return documentLoader; |
6167 | } |
6168 | |
6169 | void WebPage::updateCachedDocumentLoader(WebDocumentLoader& documentLoader, Frame& frame) |
6170 | { |
6171 | if (m_pendingNavigationID && frame.isMainFrame()) { |
6172 | documentLoader.setNavigationID(m_pendingNavigationID); |
6173 | m_pendingNavigationID = 0; |
6174 | } |
6175 | } |
6176 | |
6177 | void WebPage::getBytecodeProfile(CallbackID callbackID) |
6178 | { |
6179 | if (LIKELY(!commonVM().m_perBytecodeProfiler)) { |
6180 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(String(), callbackID)); |
6181 | return; |
6182 | } |
6183 | |
6184 | String result = commonVM().m_perBytecodeProfiler->toJSON(); |
6185 | ASSERT(result.length()); |
6186 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(result, callbackID)); |
6187 | } |
6188 | |
6189 | void WebPage::getSamplingProfilerOutput(CallbackID callbackID) |
6190 | { |
6192 | SamplingProfiler* samplingProfiler = commonVM().samplingProfiler(); |
6193 | if (!samplingProfiler) { |
6194 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::InvalidateStringCallback(callbackID)); |
6195 | return; |
6196 | } |
6197 | |
6198 | StringPrintStream result; |
6199 | samplingProfiler->reportTopFunctions(result); |
6200 | samplingProfiler->reportTopBytecodes(result); |
6201 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::StringCallback(result.toString(), callbackID)); |
6202 | #else |
6203 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::InvalidateStringCallback(callbackID)); |
6204 | #endif |
6205 | } |
6206 | |
6207 | void WebPage::didChangeScrollOffsetForFrame(Frame* frame) |
6208 | { |
6209 | if (!frame->isMainFrame()) |
6210 | return; |
6211 | |
6212 | // If this is called when tearing down a FrameView, the WebCore::Frame's |
6213 | // current FrameView will be null. |
6214 | if (!frame->view()) |
6215 | return; |
6216 | |
6217 | updateMainFrameScrollOffsetPinning(); |
6218 | } |
6219 | |
6220 | void WebPage::postMessage(const String& messageName, API::Object* messageBody) |
6221 | { |
6222 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::HandleMessage(messageName, UserData(WebProcess::singleton().transformObjectsToHandles(messageBody)))); |
6223 | } |
6224 | |
6225 | void WebPage::postMessageIgnoringFullySynchronousMode(const String& messageName, API::Object* messageBody) |
6226 | { |
6227 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::HandleMessage(messageName, UserData(WebProcess::singleton().transformObjectsToHandles(messageBody))), pageID(), IPC::SendOption::IgnoreFullySynchronousMode); |
6228 | } |
6229 | |
6230 | void WebPage::postSynchronousMessageForTesting(const String& messageName, API::Object* messageBody, RefPtr<API::Object>& returnData) |
6231 | { |
6232 | UserData returnUserData; |
6233 | |
6234 | auto& webProcess = WebProcess::singleton(); |
6235 | if (!sendSync(Messages::WebPageProxy::HandleSynchronousMessage(messageName, UserData(webProcess.transformObjectsToHandles(messageBody))), Messages::WebPageProxy::HandleSynchronousMessage::Reply(returnUserData), Seconds::infinity(), IPC::SendSyncOption::UseFullySynchronousModeForTesting)) |
6236 | returnData = nullptr; |
6237 | else |
6238 | returnData = webProcess.transformHandlesToObjects(returnUserData.object()); |
6239 | } |
6240 | |
6241 | void WebPage::clearWheelEventTestTrigger() |
6242 | { |
6243 | if (!m_page) |
6244 | return; |
6245 | |
6246 | m_page->clearTrigger(); |
6247 | } |
6248 | |
6249 | void WebPage::setShouldScaleViewToFitDocument(bool shouldScaleViewToFitDocument) |
6250 | { |
6251 | if (!m_drawingArea) |
6252 | return; |
6253 | |
6254 | m_drawingArea->setShouldScaleViewToFitDocument(shouldScaleViewToFitDocument); |
6255 | } |
6256 | |
6257 | void WebPage::imageOrMediaDocumentSizeChanged(const IntSize& newSize) |
6258 | { |
6259 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ImageOrMediaDocumentSizeChanged(newSize)); |
6260 | } |
6261 | |
6262 | void WebPage::addUserScript(String&& source, WebCore::UserContentInjectedFrames injectedFrames, WebCore::UserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime) |
6263 | { |
6264 | WebCore::UserScript userScript { WTFMove(source), URL(WTF::blankURL()), Vector<String>(), Vector<String>(), injectionTime, injectedFrames }; |
6265 | |
6266 | m_userContentController->addUserScript(InjectedBundleScriptWorld::normalWorld(), WTFMove(userScript)); |
6267 | } |
6268 | |
6269 | void WebPage::addUserStyleSheet(const String& source, WebCore::UserContentInjectedFrames injectedFrames) |
6270 | { |
6271 | WebCore::UserStyleSheet userStyleSheet {source, WTF::blankURL(), Vector<String>(), Vector<String>(), injectedFrames, UserStyleUserLevel }; |
6272 | |
6273 | m_userContentController->addUserStyleSheet(InjectedBundleScriptWorld::normalWorld(), WTFMove(userStyleSheet)); |
6274 | } |
6275 | |
6276 | void WebPage::removeAllUserContent() |
6277 | { |
6278 | m_userContentController->removeAllUserContent(); |
6279 | } |
6280 | |
6281 | void WebPage::updateIntrinsicContentSizeIfNeeded(const WebCore::IntSize& size) |
6282 | { |
6283 | if (!viewLayoutSize().width()) |
6284 | return; |
6285 | ASSERT(mainFrameView()); |
6286 | ASSERT(mainFrameView()->isAutoSizeEnabled()); |
6287 | ASSERT(!mainFrameView()->needsLayout()); |
6288 | if (m_lastSentIntrinsicContentSize == size) |
6289 | return; |
6290 | m_lastSentIntrinsicContentSize = size; |
6291 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidChangeIntrinsicContentSize(size)); |
6292 | } |
6293 | |
6294 | void WebPage::dispatchDidReachLayoutMilestone(OptionSet<WebCore::LayoutMilestone> milestones) |
6295 | { |
6296 | RefPtr<API::Object> userData; |
6297 | injectedBundleLoaderClient().didReachLayoutMilestone(*this, milestones, userData); |
6298 | |
6299 | // Clients should not set userData for this message, and it won't be passed through. |
6300 | ASSERT(!userData); |
6301 | |
6302 | // The drawing area might want to defer dispatch of didLayout to the UI process. |
6303 | if (m_drawingArea) { |
6304 | static auto paintMilestones = OptionSet<WebCore::LayoutMilestone> { DidHitRelevantRepaintedObjectsAreaThreshold, DidFirstFlushForHeaderLayer, DidFirstPaintAfterSuppressedIncrementalRendering, DidRenderSignificantAmountOfText, DidFirstMeaningfulPaint }; |
6305 | auto drawingAreaRelatedMilestones = milestones & paintMilestones; |
6306 | if (drawingAreaRelatedMilestones && m_drawingArea->addMilestonesToDispatch(drawingAreaRelatedMilestones)) |
6307 | milestones.remove(drawingAreaRelatedMilestones); |
6308 | } |
6309 | if (milestones.contains(DidFirstLayout) && mainFrameView()) { |
6310 | // Ensure we never send DidFirstLayout milestone without updating the intrinsic size. |
6311 | updateIntrinsicContentSizeIfNeeded(mainFrameView()->autoSizingIntrinsicContentSize()); |
6312 | } |
6313 | |
6314 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidReachLayoutMilestone(milestones)); |
6315 | } |
6316 | |
6317 | void WebPage::didRestoreScrollPosition() |
6318 | { |
6319 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::DidRestoreScrollPosition()); |
6320 | } |
6321 | |
6322 | void WebPage::setResourceCachingDisabled(bool disabled) |
6323 | { |
6324 | m_page->setResourceCachingDisabled(disabled); |
6325 | } |
6326 | |
6327 | void WebPage::setUserInterfaceLayoutDirection(uint32_t direction) |
6328 | { |
6329 | m_userInterfaceLayoutDirection = static_cast<WebCore::UserInterfaceLayoutDirection>(direction); |
6330 | m_page->setUserInterfaceLayoutDirection(m_userInterfaceLayoutDirection); |
6331 | } |
6332 | |
6333 | #if ENABLE(GAMEPAD) |
6334 | |
6335 | void WebPage::gamepadActivity(const Vector<GamepadData>& gamepadDatas, bool shouldMakeGamepadsVisible) |
6336 | { |
6337 | WebGamepadProvider::singleton().gamepadActivity(gamepadDatas, shouldMakeGamepadsVisible); |
6338 | } |
6339 | |
6340 | #endif |
6341 | |
6343 | void WebPage::didAcquirePointerLock() |
6344 | { |
6345 | corePage()->pointerLockController().didAcquirePointerLock(); |
6346 | } |
6347 | |
6348 | void WebPage::didNotAcquirePointerLock() |
6349 | { |
6350 | corePage()->pointerLockController().didNotAcquirePointerLock(); |
6351 | } |
6352 | |
6353 | void WebPage::didLosePointerLock() |
6354 | { |
6355 | corePage()->pointerLockController().didLosePointerLock(); |
6356 | } |
6357 | #endif |
6358 | |
6359 | void WebPage::didGetLoadDecisionForIcon(bool decision, CallbackID loadIdentifier, OptionalCallbackID newCallbackID) |
6360 | { |
6361 | if (auto* documentLoader = corePage()->mainFrame().loader().documentLoader()) |
6362 | documentLoader->didGetLoadDecisionForIcon(decision, loadIdentifier.toInteger(), newCallbackID.toInteger()); |
6363 | } |
6364 | |
6365 | void WebPage::setUseIconLoadingClient(bool useIconLoadingClient) |
6366 | { |
6367 | static_cast<WebFrameLoaderClient&>(corePage()->mainFrame().loader().client()).setUseIconLoadingClient(useIconLoadingClient); |
6368 | } |
6369 | |
6370 | WebURLSchemeHandlerProxy* WebPage::urlSchemeHandlerForScheme(const String& scheme) |
6371 | { |
6372 | return m_schemeToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.get(scheme); |
6373 | } |
6374 | |
6375 | void WebPage::stopAllURLSchemeTasks() |
6376 | { |
6377 | HashSet<WebURLSchemeHandlerProxy*> handlers; |
6378 | for (auto& handler : m_schemeToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.values()) |
6379 | handlers.add(handler.get()); |
6380 | |
6381 | for (auto* handler : handlers) |
6382 | handler->stopAllTasks(); |
6383 | } |
6384 | |
6385 | void WebPage::registerURLSchemeHandler(uint64_t handlerIdentifier, const String& scheme) |
6386 | { |
6387 | auto schemeResult = m_schemeToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.add(scheme, WebURLSchemeHandlerProxy::create(*this, handlerIdentifier)); |
6388 | m_identifierToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.add(handlerIdentifier, schemeResult.iterator->value.get()); |
6389 | } |
6390 | |
6391 | void WebPage::urlSchemeTaskDidPerformRedirection(uint64_t handlerIdentifier, uint64_t taskIdentifier, ResourceResponse&& response, ResourceRequest&& request) |
6392 | { |
6393 | auto* handler = m_identifierToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.get(handlerIdentifier); |
6394 | ASSERT(handler); |
6395 | |
6396 | handler->taskDidPerformRedirection(taskIdentifier, WTFMove(response), WTFMove(request)); |
6397 | } |
6398 | |
6399 | void WebPage::urlSchemeTaskDidReceiveResponse(uint64_t handlerIdentifier, uint64_t taskIdentifier, const ResourceResponse& response) |
6400 | { |
6401 | auto* handler = m_identifierToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.get(handlerIdentifier); |
6402 | ASSERT(handler); |
6403 | |
6404 | handler->taskDidReceiveResponse(taskIdentifier, response); |
6405 | } |
6406 | |
6407 | void WebPage::urlSchemeTaskDidReceiveData(uint64_t handlerIdentifier, uint64_t taskIdentifier, const IPC::DataReference& data) |
6408 | { |
6409 | auto* handler = m_identifierToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.get(handlerIdentifier); |
6410 | ASSERT(handler); |
6411 | |
6412 | handler->taskDidReceiveData(taskIdentifier, data.size(), data.data()); |
6413 | } |
6414 | |
6415 | void WebPage::urlSchemeTaskDidComplete(uint64_t handlerIdentifier, uint64_t taskIdentifier, const ResourceError& error) |
6416 | { |
6417 | auto* handler = m_identifierToURLSchemeHandlerProxyMap.get(handlerIdentifier); |
6418 | ASSERT(handler); |
6419 | |
6420 | handler->taskDidComplete(taskIdentifier, error); |
6421 | } |
6422 | |
6423 | void WebPage::setIsSuspended(bool suspended) |
6424 | { |
6425 | if (m_isSuspended == suspended) |
6426 | return; |
6427 | |
6428 | m_isSuspended = suspended; |
6429 | |
6430 | if (!suspended) |
6431 | return; |
6432 | |
6433 | // Unfrozen on drawing area reset. |
6434 | freezeLayerTree(LayerTreeFreezeReason::PageSuspended); |
6435 | |
6436 | WebProcess::singleton().sendPrewarmInformation(mainWebFrame()->url()); |
6437 | |
6438 | suspendForProcessSwap(); |
6439 | } |
6440 | |
6441 | void WebPage::frameBecameRemote(uint64_t frameID, GlobalFrameIdentifier&& remoteFrameIdentifier, GlobalWindowIdentifier&& remoteWindowIdentifier) |
6442 | { |
6443 | RefPtr<WebFrame> frame = WebProcess::singleton().webFrame(frameID); |
6444 | if (!frame) |
6445 | return; |
6446 | |
6447 | if (frame->page() != this) |
6448 | return; |
6449 | |
6450 | auto* coreFrame = frame->coreFrame(); |
6451 | auto* previousWindow = coreFrame->window(); |
6452 | if (!previousWindow) |
6453 | return; |
6454 | |
6455 | auto remoteFrame = RemoteFrame::create(WTFMove(remoteFrameIdentifier)); |
6456 | auto remoteWindow = RemoteDOMWindow::create(remoteFrame.copyRef(), WTFMove(remoteWindowIdentifier)); |
6457 | |
6458 | remoteFrame->setOpener(frame->coreFrame()->loader().opener()); |
6459 | |
6460 | auto jsWindowProxies = frame->coreFrame()->windowProxy().releaseJSWindowProxies(); |
6461 | remoteFrame->windowProxy().setJSWindowProxies(WTFMove(jsWindowProxies)); |
6462 | remoteFrame->windowProxy().setDOMWindow(remoteWindow.ptr()); |
6463 | |
6464 | coreFrame->setView(nullptr); |
6465 | coreFrame->willDetachPage(); |
6466 | coreFrame->detachFromPage(); |
6467 | |
6468 | if (frame->isMainFrame()) |
6469 | close(); |
6470 | } |
6471 | |
6473 | void WebPage::hasStorageAccess(RegistrableDomain&& subFrameDomain, RegistrableDomain&& topFrameDomain, uint64_t frameID, CompletionHandler<void(bool)>&& completionHandler) |
6474 | { |
6475 | WebProcess::singleton().ensureNetworkProcessConnection().connection().sendWithAsyncReply(Messages::NetworkConnectionToWebProcess::HasStorageAccess(sessionID(), WTFMove(subFrameDomain), WTFMove(topFrameDomain), frameID, m_pageID), WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
6476 | } |
6477 | |
6478 | void WebPage::requestStorageAccess(RegistrableDomain&& subFrameDomain, RegistrableDomain&& topFrameDomain, uint64_t frameID, CompletionHandler<void(WebCore::StorageAccessWasGranted, WebCore::StorageAccessPromptWasShown)>&& completionHandler) |
6479 | { |
6480 | WebProcess::singleton().ensureNetworkProcessConnection().connection().sendWithAsyncReply(Messages::NetworkConnectionToWebProcess::RequestStorageAccess(sessionID(), WTFMove(subFrameDomain), WTFMove(topFrameDomain), frameID, m_pageID), WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
6481 | } |
6482 | #endif |
6483 | |
6485 | void WebPage::shouldAllowDeviceOrientationAndMotionAccess(uint64_t frameID, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&& origin, bool mayPrompt, CompletionHandler<void(DeviceOrientationOrMotionPermissionState)>&& completionHandler) |
6486 | { |
6487 | sendWithAsyncReply(Messages::WebPageProxy::ShouldAllowDeviceOrientationAndMotionAccess(frameID, WTFMove(origin), mayPrompt), WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
6488 | } |
6489 | #endif |
6490 | |
6491 | static ShareSheetCallbackID nextShareSheetCallbackID() |
6492 | { |
6493 | static ShareSheetCallbackID nextCallbackID = 0; |
6494 | return ++nextCallbackID; |
6495 | } |
6496 | |
6497 | void WebPage::showShareSheet(ShareDataWithParsedURL& shareData, WTF::CompletionHandler<void(bool)>&& callback) |
6498 | { |
6499 | ShareSheetCallbackID callbackID = nextShareSheetCallbackID(); |
6500 | auto addResult = m_shareSheetResponseCallbackMap.add(callbackID, WTFMove(callback)); |
6501 | ASSERT(addResult.isNewEntry); |
6502 | if (addResult.iterator->value) |
6503 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ShowShareSheet(WTFMove(shareData), callbackID)); |
6504 | else |
6505 | callback(false); |
6506 | } |
6507 | |
6508 | void WebPage::didCompleteShareSheet(bool wasGranted, ShareSheetCallbackID callbackID) |
6509 | { |
6510 | auto callback = m_shareSheetResponseCallbackMap.take(callbackID); |
6511 | callback(wasGranted); |
6512 | } |
6513 | |
6514 | WebCore::DOMPasteAccessResponse WebPage::requestDOMPasteAccess(const String& originIdentifier) |
6515 | { |
6516 | auto response = WebCore::DOMPasteAccessResponse::DeniedForGesture; |
6518 | // FIXME: Computing and sending an autocorrection context is a workaround for the fact that autocorrection context |
6519 | // requests on iOS are currently synchronous in the web process. This allows us to immediately fulfill pending |
6520 | // autocorrection context requests in the UI process on iOS before handling the DOM paste request. This workaround |
6521 | // should be removed once <rdar://problem/16207002> is resolved. |
6522 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::HandleAutocorrectionContext(autocorrectionContext())); |
6523 | #endif |
6524 | sendSyncWithDelayedReply(Messages::WebPageProxy::RequestDOMPasteAccess(rectForElementAtInteractionLocation(), originIdentifier), Messages::WebPageProxy::RequestDOMPasteAccess::Reply(response)); |
6525 | return response; |
6526 | } |
6527 | |
6528 | void WebPage::simulateDeviceOrientationChange(double alpha, double beta, double gamma) |
6529 | { |
6531 | auto* frame = mainFrame(); |
6532 | if (!frame || !frame->document()) |
6533 | return; |
6534 | |
6535 | frame->document()->simulateDeviceOrientationChange(alpha, beta, gamma); |
6536 | #endif |
6537 | } |
6538 | |
6540 | void WebPage::speakingErrorOccurred() |
6541 | { |
6542 | corePage()->speechSynthesisClient()->observer()->speakingErrorOccurred(); |
6543 | } |
6544 | |
6545 | void WebPage::boundaryEventOccurred(bool wordBoundary, unsigned charIndex) |
6546 | { |
6547 | corePage()->speechSynthesisClient()->observer()->boundaryEventOccurred(wordBoundary, charIndex); |
6548 | } |
6549 | |
6550 | void WebPage::voicesDidChange() |
6551 | { |
6552 | corePage()->speechSynthesisClient()->observer()->voicesChanged(); |
6553 | } |
6554 | #endif |
6555 | |
6557 | |
6558 | void WebPage::insertAttachment(const String& identifier, Optional<uint64_t>&& fileSize, const String& fileName, const String& contentType, CallbackID callbackID) |
6559 | { |
6560 | auto& frame = m_page->focusController().focusedOrMainFrame(); |
6561 | frame.editor().insertAttachment(identifier, WTFMove(fileSize), fileName, contentType); |
6562 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
6563 | } |
6564 | |
6565 | void WebPage::updateAttachmentAttributes(const String& identifier, Optional<uint64_t>&& fileSize, const String& contentType, const String& fileName, const IPC::DataReference& enclosingImageData, CallbackID callbackID) |
6566 | { |
6567 | if (auto attachment = attachmentElementWithIdentifier(identifier)) { |
6568 | attachment->document().updateLayout(); |
6569 | attachment->updateAttributes(WTFMove(fileSize), contentType, fileName); |
6570 | attachment->updateEnclosingImageWithData(contentType, SharedBuffer::create(enclosingImageData.data(), enclosingImageData.size())); |
6571 | } |
6572 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::VoidCallback(callbackID)); |
6573 | } |
6574 | |
6575 | RefPtr<HTMLAttachmentElement> WebPage::attachmentElementWithIdentifier(const String& identifier) const |
6576 | { |
6577 | // FIXME: Handle attachment elements in subframes too as well. |
6578 | auto* frame = mainFrame(); |
6579 | if (!frame || !frame->document()) |
6580 | return nullptr; |
6581 | |
6582 | return frame->document()->attachmentForIdentifier(identifier); |
6583 | } |
6584 | |
6586 | |
6588 | void WebPage::getApplicationManifest(CallbackID callbackID) |
6589 | { |
6590 | ASSERT(callbackID.isValid()); |
6591 | Document* mainFrameDocument = m_mainFrame->coreFrame()->document(); |
6592 | DocumentLoader* loader = mainFrameDocument ? mainFrameDocument->loader() : nullptr; |
6593 | |
6594 | if (!loader) { |
6595 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ApplicationManifestCallback(WTF::nullopt, callbackID)); |
6596 | return; |
6597 | } |
6598 | |
6599 | auto coreCallbackID = loader->loadApplicationManifest(); |
6600 | if (!coreCallbackID) { |
6601 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ApplicationManifestCallback(WTF::nullopt, callbackID)); |
6602 | return; |
6603 | } |
6604 | |
6605 | m_applicationManifestFetchCallbackMap.add(coreCallbackID, callbackID.toInteger()); |
6606 | } |
6607 | |
6608 | void WebPage::didFinishLoadingApplicationManifest(uint64_t coreCallbackID, const Optional<WebCore::ApplicationManifest>& manifest) |
6609 | { |
6610 | auto callbackID = CallbackID::fromInteger(m_applicationManifestFetchCallbackMap.take(coreCallbackID)); |
6611 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ApplicationManifestCallback(manifest, callbackID)); |
6612 | } |
6614 | |
6615 | void WebPage::updateCurrentModifierState(OptionSet<PlatformEvent::Modifier> modifiers) |
6616 | { |
6617 | PlatformKeyboardEvent::setCurrentModifierState(modifiers); |
6618 | } |
6619 | |
6620 | #if !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
6621 | |
6622 | WebCore::IntRect WebPage::rectForElementAtInteractionLocation() const |
6623 | { |
6624 | return { }; |
6625 | } |
6626 | |
6627 | #endif // !PLATFORM(IOS_FAMILY) |
6628 | |
6629 | static IntRect elementRectInRootViewCoordinates(const Element& element, const Frame& frame) |
6630 | { |
6631 | auto* view = frame.view(); |
6632 | if (!view) |
6633 | return { }; |
6634 | |
6635 | auto* renderer = element.renderer(); |
6636 | if (!renderer) |
6637 | return { }; |
6638 | |
6639 | return view->contentsToRootView(renderer->absoluteBoundingBoxRect()); |
6640 | } |
6641 | |
6642 | static bool isEditableTextInputElement(Element& element) |
6643 | { |
6644 | if (is<HTMLTextFormControlElement>(element)) { |
6645 | if (!element.isTextField() && !is<HTMLTextAreaElement>(element)) |
6646 | return false; |
6647 | return downcast<HTMLTextFormControlElement>(element).isInnerTextElementEditable(); |
6648 | } |
6649 | |
6650 | return element.isRootEditableElement(); |
6651 | } |
6652 | |
6653 | void WebPage::textInputContextsInRect(WebCore::FloatRect searchRect, CompletionHandler<void(const Vector<TextInputContext>&)>&& completionHandler) |
6654 | { |
6655 | Vector<WebKit::TextInputContext> textInputContexts; |
6656 | |
6657 | for (Frame* frame = &m_page->mainFrame(); frame; frame = frame->tree().traverseNext()) { |
6658 | Document* document = frame->document(); |
6659 | if (!document) |
6660 | continue; |
6661 | |
6662 | Deque<Node*> nodesToSearch; |
6663 | nodesToSearch.append(document); |
6664 | while (!nodesToSearch.isEmpty()) { |
6665 | auto node = nodesToSearch.takeFirst(); |
6666 | |
6667 | // It is possible to have nested text input contexts (e.g. <input type='text'> inside contenteditable) but |
6668 | // in this case we just take the outermost context and skip the rest. |
6669 | if (!is<Element>(*node) || !isEditableTextInputElement(downcast<Element>(*node))) { |
6670 | for (auto* child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) |
6671 | nodesToSearch.append(child); |
6672 | continue; |
6673 | } |
6674 | |
6675 | auto& element = downcast<Element>(*node); |
6676 | |
6677 | IntRect elementRect = elementRectInRootViewCoordinates(element, *frame); |
6678 | if (!searchRect.intersects(elementRect)) |
6679 | continue; |
6680 | |
6681 | WebKit::TextInputContext context; |
6682 | context.webPageIdentifier = m_pageID; |
6683 | context.documentIdentifier = document->identifier(); |
6684 | context.elementIdentifier = document->identifierForElement(element); |
6685 | context.boundingRect = elementRect; |
6686 | |
6687 | textInputContexts.append(context); |
6688 | } |
6689 | } |
6690 | |
6691 | completionHandler(textInputContexts); |
6692 | } |
6693 | |
6694 | void WebPage::focusTextInputContext(const TextInputContext& textInputContext, CompletionHandler<void(bool)>&& completionHandler) |
6695 | { |
6696 | RefPtr<Element> element = elementForTextInputContext(textInputContext); |
6697 | |
6698 | if (element) |
6699 | element->focus(); |
6700 | |
6701 | completionHandler(element); |
6702 | } |
6703 | |
6704 | Element* WebPage::elementForTextInputContext(const TextInputContext& textInputContext) |
6705 | { |
6706 | if (textInputContext.webPageIdentifier != m_pageID) |
6707 | return nullptr; |
6708 | |
6709 | auto* document = Document::allDocumentsMap().get(textInputContext.documentIdentifier); |
6710 | if (!document) |
6711 | return nullptr; |
6712 | |
6713 | if (document->page() != m_page.get()) |
6714 | return nullptr; |
6715 | |
6716 | return document->searchForElementByIdentifier(textInputContext.elementIdentifier); |
6717 | } |
6718 | |
6719 | void WebPage::configureLoggingChannel(const String& channelName, WTFLogChannelState state, WTFLogLevel level) |
6720 | { |
6721 | send(Messages::WebPageProxy::ConfigureLoggingChannel(channelName, state, level)); |
6722 | } |
6723 | |
6724 | } // namespace WebKit |
6725 | |
6726 | #undef RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED |
6728 | |