1 | /* |
2 | This file is part of the WebKit open source project. |
3 | This file has been generated by generate-bindings.pl. DO NOT MODIFY! |
4 | |
5 | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
6 | modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
7 | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
8 | version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
9 | |
10 | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
11 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
13 | Library General Public License for more details. |
14 | |
15 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
16 | along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
17 | the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
18 | Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
19 | */ |
20 | |
21 | #include "config.h" |
22 | #include "JSDOMWindow.h" |
23 | |
24 | #include "DOMWindow.h" |
25 | #include "DOMWindowCaches.h" |
26 | #include "DOMWindowFetch.h" |
27 | #include "DOMWindowWebDatabase.h" |
28 | #include "DOMWrapperWorld.h" |
29 | #include "Document.h" |
30 | #include "EventNames.h" |
31 | #include "JSAbortController.h" |
32 | #include "JSAbortSignal.h" |
33 | #include "JSAnimationEffect.h" |
34 | #include "JSAnimationEvent.h" |
35 | #include "JSAnimationPlaybackEvent.h" |
36 | #include "JSAnimationTimeline.h" |
37 | #include "JSAttr.h" |
38 | #include "JSBarProp.h" |
39 | #include "JSBeforeLoadEvent.h" |
40 | #include "JSBeforeUnloadEvent.h" |
41 | #include "JSBlob.h" |
42 | #include "JSCDATASection.h" |
43 | #include "JSCSSAnimation.h" |
44 | #include "JSCSSFontFaceRule.h" |
45 | #include "JSCSSImportRule.h" |
46 | #include "JSCSSKeyframeRule.h" |
47 | #include "JSCSSKeyframesRule.h" |
48 | #include "JSCSSMediaRule.h" |
49 | #include "JSCSSNamespaceRule.h" |
50 | #include "JSCSSPageRule.h" |
51 | #include "JSCSSRule.h" |
52 | #include "JSCSSRuleList.h" |
53 | #include "JSCSSStyleDeclaration.h" |
54 | #include "JSCSSStyleRule.h" |
55 | #include "JSCSSStyleSheet.h" |
56 | #include "JSCSSSupportsRule.h" |
57 | #include "JSCSSTransition.h" |
58 | #include "JSCanvasGradient.h" |
59 | #include "JSCanvasPattern.h" |
60 | #include "JSCanvasRenderingContext2D.h" |
61 | #include "JSCharacterData.h" |
62 | #include "JSClipboardEvent.h" |
63 | #include "JSCloseEvent.h" |
64 | #include "JSComment.h" |
65 | #include "JSCompositionEvent.h" |
66 | #include "JSCrypto.h" |
67 | #include "JSCustomElementRegistry.h" |
68 | #include "JSCustomEvent.h" |
69 | #include "JSDOMApplicationCache.h" |
70 | #include "JSDOMAttribute.h" |
71 | #include "JSDOMBinding.h" |
72 | #include "JSDOMBindingSecurity.h" |
73 | #include "JSDOMCSSNamespace.h" |
74 | #include "JSDOMCache.h" |
75 | #include "JSDOMCacheStorage.h" |
76 | #include "JSDOMConstructorNotConstructable.h" |
77 | #include "JSDOMConvertAny.h" |
78 | #include "JSDOMConvertBoolean.h" |
79 | #include "JSDOMConvertCallbacks.h" |
80 | #include "JSDOMConvertDictionary.h" |
81 | #include "JSDOMConvertInterface.h" |
82 | #include "JSDOMConvertNullable.h" |
83 | #include "JSDOMConvertNumbers.h" |
84 | #include "JSDOMConvertObject.h" |
85 | #include "JSDOMConvertScheduledAction.h" |
86 | #include "JSDOMConvertSequences.h" |
87 | #include "JSDOMConvertStrings.h" |
88 | #include "JSDOMConvertUnion.h" |
89 | #include "JSDOMConvertVariadic.h" |
90 | #include "JSDOMException.h" |
91 | #include "JSDOMExceptionHandling.h" |
92 | #include "JSDOMFileSystem.h" |
93 | #include "JSDOMFormData.h" |
94 | #include "JSDOMGlobalObject.h" |
95 | #include "JSDOMImplementation.h" |
96 | #include "JSDOMMatrix.h" |
97 | #include "JSDOMMatrixReadOnly.h" |
98 | #include "JSDOMMimeType.h" |
99 | #include "JSDOMMimeTypeArray.h" |
100 | #include "JSDOMOperation.h" |
101 | #include "JSDOMOperationReturningPromise.h" |
102 | #include "JSDOMParser.h" |
103 | #include "JSDOMPlugin.h" |
104 | #include "JSDOMPluginArray.h" |
105 | #include "JSDOMPoint.h" |
106 | #include "JSDOMPointReadOnly.h" |
107 | #include "JSDOMQuad.h" |
108 | #include "JSDOMRect.h" |
109 | #include "JSDOMRectList.h" |
110 | #include "JSDOMRectReadOnly.h" |
111 | #include "JSDOMSelection.h" |
112 | #include "JSDOMStringList.h" |
113 | #include "JSDOMStringMap.h" |
114 | #include "JSDOMTokenList.h" |
115 | #include "JSDOMURL.h" |
116 | #include "JSDOMWindow.h" |
117 | #include "JSDOMWrapperCache.h" |
118 | #include "JSDataTransfer.h" |
119 | #include "JSDataTransferItem.h" |
120 | #include "JSDataTransferItemList.h" |
121 | #include "JSDatabase.h" |
122 | #include "JSDatabaseCallback.h" |
123 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMCounter.h" |
124 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue.h" |
125 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMRGBColor.h" |
126 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMRect.h" |
127 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMValue.h" |
128 | #include "JSDeprecatedCSSOMValueList.h" |
129 | #include "JSDocument.h" |
130 | #include "JSDocumentFragment.h" |
131 | #include "JSDocumentTimeline.h" |
132 | #include "JSDocumentType.h" |
133 | #include "JSElement.h" |
134 | #include "JSErrorEvent.h" |
135 | #include "JSErrorHandler.h" |
136 | #include "JSEvent.h" |
137 | #include "JSEventListener.h" |
138 | #include "JSEventSource.h" |
139 | #include "JSEventTarget.h" |
140 | #include "JSFetchHeaders.h" |
141 | #include "JSFetchRequest.h" |
142 | #include "JSFetchRequestInit.h" |
143 | #include "JSFetchResponse.h" |
144 | #include "JSFile.h" |
145 | #include "JSFileError.h" |
146 | #include "JSFileList.h" |
147 | #include "JSFileReader.h" |
148 | #include "JSFileSystemDirectoryEntry.h" |
149 | #include "JSFileSystemDirectoryReader.h" |
150 | #include "JSFileSystemEntry.h" |
151 | #include "JSFileSystemFileEntry.h" |
152 | #include "JSFocusEvent.h" |
153 | #include "JSFontFace.h" |
154 | #include "JSFontFaceSet.h" |
155 | #include "JSHTMLAllCollection.h" |
156 | #include "JSHTMLAnchorElement.h" |
157 | #include "JSHTMLAppletElement.h" |
158 | #include "JSHTMLAreaElement.h" |
159 | #include "JSHTMLBRElement.h" |
160 | #include "JSHTMLBaseElement.h" |
161 | #include "JSHTMLBodyElement.h" |
162 | #include "JSHTMLButtonElement.h" |
163 | #include "JSHTMLCanvasElement.h" |
164 | #include "JSHTMLCollection.h" |
165 | #include "JSHTMLDListElement.h" |
166 | #include "JSHTMLDataElement.h" |
167 | #include "JSHTMLDetailsElement.h" |
168 | #include "JSHTMLDirectoryElement.h" |
169 | #include "JSHTMLDivElement.h" |
170 | #include "JSHTMLDocument.h" |
171 | #include "JSHTMLElement.h" |
172 | #include "JSHTMLEmbedElement.h" |
173 | #include "JSHTMLFieldSetElement.h" |
174 | #include "JSHTMLFontElement.h" |
175 | #include "JSHTMLFormControlsCollection.h" |
176 | #include "JSHTMLFormElement.h" |
177 | #include "JSHTMLFrameElement.h" |
178 | #include "JSHTMLFrameSetElement.h" |
179 | #include "JSHTMLHRElement.h" |
180 | #include "JSHTMLHeadElement.h" |
181 | #include "JSHTMLHeadingElement.h" |
182 | #include "JSHTMLHtmlElement.h" |
183 | #include "JSHTMLIFrameElement.h" |
184 | #include "JSHTMLImageElement.h" |
185 | #include "JSHTMLInputElement.h" |
186 | #include "JSHTMLKeygenElement.h" |
187 | #include "JSHTMLLIElement.h" |
188 | #include "JSHTMLLabelElement.h" |
189 | #include "JSHTMLLegendElement.h" |
190 | #include "JSHTMLLinkElement.h" |
191 | #include "JSHTMLMapElement.h" |
192 | #include "JSHTMLMarqueeElement.h" |
193 | #include "JSHTMLMenuElement.h" |
194 | #include "JSHTMLMenuItemElement.h" |
195 | #include "JSHTMLMetaElement.h" |
196 | #include "JSHTMLModElement.h" |
197 | #include "JSHTMLOListElement.h" |
198 | #include "JSHTMLObjectElement.h" |
199 | #include "JSHTMLOptGroupElement.h" |
200 | #include "JSHTMLOptionElement.h" |
201 | #include "JSHTMLOptionsCollection.h" |
202 | #include "JSHTMLOutputElement.h" |
203 | #include "JSHTMLParagraphElement.h" |
204 | #include "JSHTMLParamElement.h" |
205 | #include "JSHTMLPictureElement.h" |
206 | #include "JSHTMLPreElement.h" |
207 | #include "JSHTMLProgressElement.h" |
208 | #include "JSHTMLQuoteElement.h" |
209 | #include "JSHTMLScriptElement.h" |
210 | #include "JSHTMLSelectElement.h" |
211 | #include "JSHTMLSlotElement.h" |
212 | #include "JSHTMLSourceElement.h" |
213 | #include "JSHTMLSpanElement.h" |
214 | #include "JSHTMLStyleElement.h" |
215 | #include "JSHTMLTableCaptionElement.h" |
216 | #include "JSHTMLTableCellElement.h" |
217 | #include "JSHTMLTableColElement.h" |
218 | #include "JSHTMLTableElement.h" |
219 | #include "JSHTMLTableRowElement.h" |
220 | #include "JSHTMLTableSectionElement.h" |
221 | #include "JSHTMLTemplateElement.h" |
222 | #include "JSHTMLTextAreaElement.h" |
223 | #include "JSHTMLTimeElement.h" |
224 | #include "JSHTMLTitleElement.h" |
225 | #include "JSHTMLUListElement.h" |
226 | #include "JSHTMLUnknownElement.h" |
227 | #include "JSHTMLVideoElement.h" |
228 | #include "JSHashChangeEvent.h" |
229 | #include "JSHistory.h" |
230 | #include "JSImageBitmap.h" |
231 | #include "JSImageBitmapOptions.h" |
232 | #include "JSImageBitmapRenderingContext.h" |
233 | #include "JSImageData.h" |
234 | #include "JSInputEvent.h" |
235 | #include "JSKeyboardEvent.h" |
236 | #include "JSKeyframeEffect.h" |
237 | #include "JSLocation.h" |
238 | #include "JSMediaCapabilities.h" |
239 | #include "JSMediaList.h" |
240 | #include "JSMediaQueryList.h" |
241 | #include "JSMessageEvent.h" |
242 | #include "JSMessagePort.h" |
243 | #include "JSMouseEvent.h" |
244 | #include "JSMutationEvent.h" |
245 | #include "JSMutationObserver.h" |
246 | #include "JSMutationRecord.h" |
247 | #include "JSNamedNodeMap.h" |
248 | #include "JSNavigator.h" |
249 | #include "JSNode.h" |
250 | #include "JSNodeFilter.h" |
251 | #include "JSNodeIterator.h" |
252 | #include "JSNodeList.h" |
253 | #include "JSOffscreenCanvas.h" |
254 | #include "JSOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.h" |
255 | #include "JSOverflowEvent.h" |
256 | #include "JSPageTransitionEvent.h" |
257 | #include "JSPath2D.h" |
258 | #include "JSPerformance.h" |
259 | #include "JSPerformanceEntry.h" |
260 | #include "JSPerformanceMark.h" |
261 | #include "JSPerformanceMeasure.h" |
262 | #include "JSPerformanceNavigation.h" |
263 | #include "JSPerformanceObserver.h" |
264 | #include "JSPerformanceObserverEntryList.h" |
265 | #include "JSPerformanceResourceTiming.h" |
266 | #include "JSPerformanceServerTiming.h" |
267 | #include "JSPerformanceTiming.h" |
268 | #include "JSPopStateEvent.h" |
269 | #include "JSProcessingInstruction.h" |
270 | #include "JSProgressEvent.h" |
271 | #include "JSPromiseRejectionEvent.h" |
272 | #include "JSRadioNodeList.h" |
273 | #include "JSRange.h" |
274 | #include "JSRequestAnimationFrameCallback.h" |
275 | #include "JSSQLError.h" |
276 | #include "JSSQLResultSet.h" |
277 | #include "JSSQLResultSetRowList.h" |
278 | #include "JSSQLTransaction.h" |
279 | #include "JSSVGAElement.h" |
280 | #include "JSSVGAngle.h" |
281 | #include "JSSVGAnimateColorElement.h" |
282 | #include "JSSVGAnimateElement.h" |
283 | #include "JSSVGAnimateMotionElement.h" |
284 | #include "JSSVGAnimateTransformElement.h" |
285 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedAngle.h" |
286 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedBoolean.h" |
287 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration.h" |
288 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedInteger.h" |
289 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedLength.h" |
290 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedLengthList.h" |
291 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedNumber.h" |
292 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedNumberList.h" |
293 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.h" |
294 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedRect.h" |
295 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedString.h" |
296 | #include "JSSVGAnimatedTransformList.h" |
297 | #include "JSSVGAnimationElement.h" |
298 | #include "JSSVGCircleElement.h" |
299 | #include "JSSVGClipPathElement.h" |
300 | #include "JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h" |
301 | #include "JSSVGCursorElement.h" |
302 | #include "JSSVGDefsElement.h" |
303 | #include "JSSVGDescElement.h" |
304 | #include "JSSVGElement.h" |
305 | #include "JSSVGEllipseElement.h" |
306 | #include "JSSVGFEBlendElement.h" |
307 | #include "JSSVGFEColorMatrixElement.h" |
308 | #include "JSSVGFEComponentTransferElement.h" |
309 | #include "JSSVGFECompositeElement.h" |
310 | #include "JSSVGFEConvolveMatrixElement.h" |
311 | #include "JSSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h" |
312 | #include "JSSVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h" |
313 | #include "JSSVGFEDistantLightElement.h" |
314 | #include "JSSVGFEDropShadowElement.h" |
315 | #include "JSSVGFEFloodElement.h" |
316 | #include "JSSVGFEFuncAElement.h" |
317 | #include "JSSVGFEFuncBElement.h" |
318 | #include "JSSVGFEFuncGElement.h" |
319 | #include "JSSVGFEFuncRElement.h" |
320 | #include "JSSVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h" |
321 | #include "JSSVGFEImageElement.h" |
322 | #include "JSSVGFEMergeElement.h" |
323 | #include "JSSVGFEMergeNodeElement.h" |
324 | #include "JSSVGFEMorphologyElement.h" |
325 | #include "JSSVGFEOffsetElement.h" |
326 | #include "JSSVGFEPointLightElement.h" |
327 | #include "JSSVGFESpecularLightingElement.h" |
328 | #include "JSSVGFESpotLightElement.h" |
329 | #include "JSSVGFETileElement.h" |
330 | #include "JSSVGFETurbulenceElement.h" |
331 | #include "JSSVGFilterElement.h" |
332 | #include "JSSVGForeignObjectElement.h" |
333 | #include "JSSVGGElement.h" |
334 | #include "JSSVGGeometryElement.h" |
335 | #include "JSSVGGradientElement.h" |
336 | #include "JSSVGGraphicsElement.h" |
337 | #include "JSSVGImageElement.h" |
338 | #include "JSSVGLength.h" |
339 | #include "JSSVGLengthList.h" |
340 | #include "JSSVGLineElement.h" |
341 | #include "JSSVGLinearGradientElement.h" |
342 | #include "JSSVGMPathElement.h" |
343 | #include "JSSVGMarkerElement.h" |
344 | #include "JSSVGMaskElement.h" |
345 | #include "JSSVGMatrix.h" |
346 | #include "JSSVGMetadataElement.h" |
347 | #include "JSSVGNumber.h" |
348 | #include "JSSVGNumberList.h" |
349 | #include "JSSVGPathElement.h" |
350 | #include "JSSVGPathSeg.h" |
351 | #include "JSSVGPathSegArcAbs.h" |
352 | #include "JSSVGPathSegArcRel.h" |
353 | #include "JSSVGPathSegClosePath.h" |
354 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs.h" |
355 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel.h" |
356 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs.h" |
357 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel.h" |
358 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs.h" |
359 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel.h" |
360 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs.h" |
361 | #include "JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel.h" |
362 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoAbs.h" |
363 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs.h" |
364 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel.h" |
365 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoRel.h" |
366 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs.h" |
367 | #include "JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel.h" |
368 | #include "JSSVGPathSegList.h" |
369 | #include "JSSVGPathSegMovetoAbs.h" |
370 | #include "JSSVGPathSegMovetoRel.h" |
371 | #include "JSSVGPatternElement.h" |
372 | #include "JSSVGPoint.h" |
373 | #include "JSSVGPointList.h" |
374 | #include "JSSVGPolygonElement.h" |
375 | #include "JSSVGPolylineElement.h" |
376 | #include "JSSVGPreserveAspectRatio.h" |
377 | #include "JSSVGRadialGradientElement.h" |
378 | #include "JSSVGRect.h" |
379 | #include "JSSVGRectElement.h" |
380 | #include "JSSVGRenderingIntent.h" |
381 | #include "JSSVGSVGElement.h" |
382 | #include "JSSVGScriptElement.h" |
383 | #include "JSSVGSetElement.h" |
384 | #include "JSSVGStopElement.h" |
385 | #include "JSSVGStringList.h" |
386 | #include "JSSVGStyleElement.h" |
387 | #include "JSSVGSwitchElement.h" |
388 | #include "JSSVGSymbolElement.h" |
389 | #include "JSSVGTRefElement.h" |
390 | #include "JSSVGTSpanElement.h" |
391 | #include "JSSVGTextContentElement.h" |
392 | #include "JSSVGTextElement.h" |
393 | #include "JSSVGTextPathElement.h" |
394 | #include "JSSVGTextPositioningElement.h" |
395 | #include "JSSVGTitleElement.h" |
396 | #include "JSSVGTransform.h" |
397 | #include "JSSVGTransformList.h" |
398 | #include "JSSVGUnitTypes.h" |
399 | #include "JSSVGUseElement.h" |
400 | #include "JSSVGViewElement.h" |
401 | #include "JSSVGViewSpec.h" |
402 | #include "JSSVGZoomEvent.h" |
403 | #include "JSScreen.h" |
404 | #include "JSScreenLuminance.h" |
405 | #include "JSScrollToOptions.h" |
406 | #include "JSSecurityPolicyViolationEvent.h" |
407 | #include "JSShadowRoot.h" |
408 | #include "JSSpectreGadget.h" |
409 | #include "JSStaticRange.h" |
410 | #include "JSStorage.h" |
411 | #include "JSStorageEvent.h" |
412 | #include "JSStyleMedia.h" |
413 | #include "JSStyleSheet.h" |
414 | #include "JSStyleSheetList.h" |
415 | #include "JSText.h" |
416 | #include "JSTextDecoder.h" |
417 | #include "JSTextEncoder.h" |
418 | #include "JSTextEvent.h" |
419 | #include "JSTextMetrics.h" |
420 | #include "JSTransitionEvent.h" |
421 | #include "JSTreeWalker.h" |
422 | #include "JSUIEvent.h" |
423 | #include "JSURLSearchParams.h" |
424 | #include "JSUndoItem.h" |
425 | #include "JSUndoManager.h" |
426 | #include "JSVRDisplay.h" |
427 | #include "JSVRDisplayCapabilities.h" |
428 | #include "JSVRDisplayEvent.h" |
429 | #include "JSVREyeParameters.h" |
430 | #include "JSVRFieldOfView.h" |
431 | #include "JSVRFrameData.h" |
432 | #include "JSVRPose.h" |
433 | #include "JSVRStageParameters.h" |
434 | #include "JSValidityState.h" |
435 | #include "JSVisualViewport.h" |
436 | #include "JSWebAnimation.h" |
437 | #include "JSWebKitAnimationEvent.h" |
438 | #include "JSWebKitCSSMatrix.h" |
439 | #include "JSWebKitPoint.h" |
440 | #include "JSWebKitTransitionEvent.h" |
441 | #include "JSWebSocket.h" |
442 | #include "JSWheelEvent.h" |
443 | #include "JSWindowProxy.h" |
444 | #include "JSWorker.h" |
445 | #include "JSXMLDocument.h" |
446 | #include "JSXMLHttpRequest.h" |
447 | #include "JSXMLHttpRequestEventTarget.h" |
448 | #include "JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent.h" |
449 | #include "JSXMLHttpRequestUpload.h" |
450 | #include "JSXMLSerializer.h" |
451 | #include "JSXPathEvaluator.h" |
452 | #include "JSXPathExpression.h" |
453 | #include "JSXPathResult.h" |
454 | #include "Quirks.h" |
455 | #include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h" |
456 | #include "ScriptExecutionContext.h" |
457 | #include "Settings.h" |
458 | #include "WebCoreJSClientData.h" |
459 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSArray.h> |
460 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSCInlines.h> |
461 | #include <wtf/GetPtr.h> |
462 | #include <wtf/PointerPreparations.h> |
463 | #include <wtf/Variant.h> |
464 | |
466 | #include "JSHTMLAttachmentElement.h" |
467 | #endif |
468 | |
470 | #include "JSMessageChannel.h" |
471 | #endif |
472 | |
474 | #include "JSWebKitCSSViewportRule.h" |
475 | #endif |
476 | |
478 | #include "JSPaintRenderingContext2D.h" |
479 | #include "JSWorklet.h" |
480 | #endif |
481 | |
482 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
483 | #include "JSStylePropertyMap.h" |
484 | #include "JSStylePropertyMapReadOnly.h" |
485 | #include "JSTypedOMCSSImageValue.h" |
486 | #include "JSTypedOMCSSNumericValue.h" |
487 | #include "JSTypedOMCSSStyleValue.h" |
488 | #include "JSTypedOMCSSUnitValue.h" |
489 | #include "JSTypedOMCSSUnparsedValue.h" |
490 | #endif |
491 | |
493 | #include "JSHTMLDataListElement.h" |
494 | #endif |
495 | |
497 | #include "JSDeviceMotionEvent.h" |
498 | #include "JSDeviceOrientationEvent.h" |
499 | #endif |
500 | |
502 | #include "JSMediaEncryptedEvent.h" |
503 | #include "JSMediaKeyMessageEvent.h" |
504 | #include "JSMediaKeySession.h" |
505 | #include "JSMediaKeyStatusMap.h" |
506 | #include "JSMediaKeySystemAccess.h" |
507 | #include "JSMediaKeys.h" |
508 | #endif |
509 | |
511 | #include "DOMWindowIndexedDatabase.h" |
512 | #include "JSIDBCursor.h" |
513 | #include "JSIDBCursorWithValue.h" |
514 | #include "JSIDBDatabase.h" |
515 | #include "JSIDBFactory.h" |
516 | #include "JSIDBIndex.h" |
517 | #include "JSIDBKeyRange.h" |
518 | #include "JSIDBObjectStore.h" |
519 | #include "JSIDBOpenDBRequest.h" |
520 | #include "JSIDBRequest.h" |
521 | #include "JSIDBTransaction.h" |
522 | #include "JSIDBVersionChangeEvent.h" |
523 | #endif |
524 | |
526 | #include "JSIntersectionObserver.h" |
527 | #include "JSIntersectionObserverEntry.h" |
528 | #endif |
529 | |
531 | #include "JSMediaRemoteControls.h" |
532 | #include "JSMediaSession.h" |
533 | #endif |
534 | |
536 | #include "JSMediaSource.h" |
537 | #include "JSSourceBuffer.h" |
538 | #include "JSSourceBufferList.h" |
539 | #endif |
540 | |
542 | #include "JSBlobEvent.h" |
543 | #include "JSCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.h" |
544 | #include "JSMediaDeviceInfo.h" |
545 | #include "JSMediaDevices.h" |
546 | #include "JSMediaRecorder.h" |
547 | #include "JSMediaRecorderErrorEvent.h" |
548 | #include "JSMediaStream.h" |
549 | #include "JSMediaStreamTrack.h" |
550 | #include "JSMediaStreamTrackEvent.h" |
551 | #include "JSOverconstrainedError.h" |
552 | #include "JSOverconstrainedErrorEvent.h" |
553 | #endif |
554 | |
556 | #include "JSMediaStreamAudioDestinationNode.h" |
557 | #include "JSMediaStreamAudioSourceNode.h" |
558 | #endif |
559 | |
561 | #include "JSHTMLMeterElement.h" |
562 | #endif |
563 | |
565 | #include "JSNotification.h" |
566 | #endif |
567 | |
569 | #include "JSMerchantValidationEvent.h" |
570 | #include "JSPaymentAddress.h" |
571 | #include "JSPaymentMethodChangeEvent.h" |
572 | #include "JSPaymentRequest.h" |
573 | #include "JSPaymentRequestUpdateEvent.h" |
574 | #include "JSPaymentResponse.h" |
575 | #endif |
576 | |
578 | #include "JSPointerEvent.h" |
579 | #endif |
580 | |
582 | #include "JSResizeObserver.h" |
583 | #include "JSResizeObserverEntry.h" |
584 | #endif |
585 | |
587 | #include "JSServiceWorker.h" |
588 | #include "JSServiceWorkerContainer.h" |
589 | #include "JSServiceWorkerRegistration.h" |
590 | #endif |
591 | |
593 | #include "DOMWindowSpeechSynthesis.h" |
594 | #include "JSSpeechSynthesis.h" |
595 | #include "JSSpeechSynthesisEvent.h" |
596 | #include "JSSpeechSynthesisUtterance.h" |
597 | #endif |
598 | |
600 | #include "JSByteLengthQueuingStrategy.h" |
601 | #include "JSCountQueuingStrategy.h" |
602 | #include "JSReadableByteStreamController.h" |
603 | #include "JSReadableStream.h" |
604 | #include "JSReadableStreamBYOBReader.h" |
605 | #include "JSReadableStreamBYOBRequest.h" |
606 | #include "JSReadableStreamDefaultController.h" |
607 | #include "JSReadableStreamDefaultReader.h" |
608 | #include "JSWritableStream.h" |
609 | #endif |
610 | |
611 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
612 | #include "JSSVGAltGlyphDefElement.h" |
613 | #include "JSSVGAltGlyphElement.h" |
614 | #include "JSSVGAltGlyphItemElement.h" |
615 | #include "JSSVGFontElement.h" |
616 | #include "JSSVGFontFaceElement.h" |
617 | #include "JSSVGFontFaceFormatElement.h" |
618 | #include "JSSVGFontFaceNameElement.h" |
619 | #include "JSSVGFontFaceSrcElement.h" |
620 | #include "JSSVGFontFaceUriElement.h" |
621 | #include "JSSVGGlyphElement.h" |
622 | #include "JSSVGGlyphRefElement.h" |
623 | #include "JSSVGHKernElement.h" |
624 | #include "JSSVGMissingGlyphElement.h" |
625 | #include "JSSVGVKernElement.h" |
626 | #endif |
627 | |
629 | #include "JSTouch.h" |
630 | #include "JSTouchEvent.h" |
631 | #include "JSTouchList.h" |
632 | #endif |
633 | |
635 | #include "JSUserMessageHandler.h" |
636 | #include "JSUserMessageHandlersNamespace.h" |
637 | #include "JSWebKitNamespace.h" |
638 | #endif |
639 | |
640 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
641 | #include "JSHTMLAudioElement.h" |
642 | #include "JSHTMLMediaElement.h" |
643 | #include "JSMediaController.h" |
644 | #include "JSMediaError.h" |
645 | #include "JSTimeRanges.h" |
646 | #endif |
647 | |
649 | #include "JSMediaElementAudioSourceNode.h" |
650 | #endif |
651 | |
653 | #include "JSAudioTrack.h" |
654 | #include "JSAudioTrackList.h" |
655 | #include "JSDataCue.h" |
656 | #include "JSHTMLTrackElement.h" |
657 | #include "JSTextTrack.h" |
658 | #include "JSTextTrackCue.h" |
659 | #include "JSTextTrackCueList.h" |
660 | #include "JSTextTrackList.h" |
661 | #include "JSTrackEvent.h" |
662 | #include "JSVTTCue.h" |
663 | #include "JSVTTRegion.h" |
664 | #include "JSVideoTrack.h" |
665 | #include "JSVideoTrackList.h" |
666 | #endif |
667 | |
668 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
669 | #include "JSWebGLActiveInfo.h" |
670 | #include "JSWebGLBuffer.h" |
671 | #include "JSWebGLContextEvent.h" |
672 | #include "JSWebGLFramebuffer.h" |
673 | #include "JSWebGLProgram.h" |
674 | #include "JSWebGLQuery.h" |
675 | #include "JSWebGLRenderbuffer.h" |
676 | #include "JSWebGLRenderingContext.h" |
677 | #include "JSWebGLSampler.h" |
678 | #include "JSWebGLShader.h" |
679 | #include "JSWebGLShaderPrecisionFormat.h" |
680 | #include "JSWebGLSync.h" |
681 | #include "JSWebGLTexture.h" |
682 | #include "JSWebGLTransformFeedback.h" |
683 | #include "JSWebGLUniformLocation.h" |
684 | #endif |
685 | |
686 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
687 | #include "JSWebGL2RenderingContext.h" |
688 | #include "JSWebGLVertexArrayObject.h" |
689 | #endif |
690 | |
691 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
692 | #include "JSGPUBufferUsage.h" |
693 | #include "JSGPUCanvasContext.h" |
694 | #include "JSGPUColorWriteBits.h" |
695 | #include "JSGPUShaderStageBit.h" |
696 | #include "JSGPUTextureUsage.h" |
697 | #include "JSWebGPU.h" |
698 | #include "JSWebGPUAdapter.h" |
699 | #include "JSWebGPUBindGroup.h" |
700 | #include "JSWebGPUBindGroupLayout.h" |
701 | #include "JSWebGPUBuffer.h" |
702 | #include "JSWebGPUCommandBuffer.h" |
703 | #include "JSWebGPUCommandEncoder.h" |
704 | #include "JSWebGPUComputePassEncoder.h" |
705 | #include "JSWebGPUComputePipeline.h" |
706 | #include "JSWebGPUDevice.h" |
707 | #include "JSWebGPUPipelineLayout.h" |
708 | #include "JSWebGPUProgrammablePassEncoder.h" |
709 | #include "JSWebGPUQueue.h" |
710 | #include "JSWebGPURenderPassEncoder.h" |
711 | #include "JSWebGPURenderPipeline.h" |
712 | #include "JSWebGPUSampler.h" |
713 | #include "JSWebGPUShaderModule.h" |
714 | #include "JSWebGPUSwapChain.h" |
715 | #include "JSWebGPUTexture.h" |
716 | #include "JSWebGPUTextureView.h" |
717 | #endif |
718 | |
719 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
720 | #include "JSAnalyserNode.h" |
721 | #include "JSAudioBuffer.h" |
722 | #include "JSAudioBufferSourceNode.h" |
723 | #include "JSAudioContext.h" |
724 | #include "JSAudioDestinationNode.h" |
725 | #include "JSAudioListener.h" |
726 | #include "JSAudioNode.h" |
727 | #include "JSAudioParam.h" |
728 | #include "JSAudioProcessingEvent.h" |
729 | #include "JSBiquadFilterNode.h" |
730 | #include "JSChannelMergerNode.h" |
731 | #include "JSChannelSplitterNode.h" |
732 | #include "JSConvolverNode.h" |
733 | #include "JSDelayNode.h" |
734 | #include "JSDynamicsCompressorNode.h" |
735 | #include "JSGainNode.h" |
736 | #include "JSOfflineAudioCompletionEvent.h" |
737 | #include "JSOfflineAudioContext.h" |
738 | #include "JSOscillatorNode.h" |
739 | #include "JSPannerNode.h" |
740 | #include "JSPeriodicWave.h" |
741 | #include "JSScriptProcessorNode.h" |
742 | #include "JSWaveShaperNode.h" |
743 | #endif |
744 | |
745 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
746 | #include "JSAuthenticatorAssertionResponse.h" |
747 | #include "JSAuthenticatorAttestationResponse.h" |
748 | #include "JSAuthenticatorResponse.h" |
749 | #include "JSBasicCredential.h" |
750 | #include "JSCredentialsContainer.h" |
751 | #include "JSPublicKeyCredential.h" |
752 | #endif |
753 | |
754 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
755 | #include "JSCryptoKey.h" |
756 | #include "JSSubtleCrypto.h" |
757 | #endif |
758 | |
759 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
760 | #include "JSRTCCertificate.h" |
761 | #include "JSRTCDataChannel.h" |
762 | #include "JSRTCDataChannelEvent.h" |
763 | #include "JSRTCIceCandidate.h" |
764 | #include "JSRTCIceTransport.h" |
765 | #include "JSRTCPeerConnection.h" |
766 | #include "JSRTCPeerConnectionIceEvent.h" |
767 | #include "JSRTCRtpReceiver.h" |
768 | #include "JSRTCRtpSender.h" |
769 | #include "JSRTCRtpTransceiver.h" |
770 | #include "JSRTCSessionDescription.h" |
771 | #include "JSRTCStatsReport.h" |
772 | #include "JSRTCTrackEvent.h" |
773 | #endif |
774 | |
775 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
776 | #include "JSRTCDTMFSender.h" |
777 | #include "JSRTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.h" |
778 | #endif |
779 | |
781 | #include "JSWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent.h" |
782 | #endif |
783 | |
784 | #if ENABLE(XSLT) |
785 | #include "JSXSLTProcessor.h" |
786 | #endif |
787 | |
788 | |
789 | namespace WebCore { |
790 | using namespace JSC; |
791 | |
792 | // Functions |
793 | |
794 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionStop(JSC::ExecState*); |
795 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpen(JSC::ExecState*); |
796 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert(JSC::ExecState*); |
797 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionConfirm(JSC::ExecState*); |
798 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrompt(JSC::ExecState*); |
799 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrint(JSC::ExecState*); |
800 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionRequestAnimationFrame(JSC::ExecState*); |
801 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCancelAnimationFrame(JSC::ExecState*); |
802 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCaptureEvents(JSC::ExecState*); |
803 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionReleaseEvents(JSC::ExecState*); |
804 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetComputedStyle(JSC::ExecState*); |
805 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchMedia(JSC::ExecState*); |
806 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveTo(JSC::ExecState*); |
807 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveBy(JSC::ExecState*); |
808 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeTo(JSC::ExecState*); |
809 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeBy(JSC::ExecState*); |
810 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll(JSC::ExecState*); |
811 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo(JSC::ExecState*); |
812 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy(JSC::ExecState*); |
813 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetSelection(JSC::ExecState*); |
814 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFind(JSC::ExecState*); |
815 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitRequestAnimationFrame(JSC::ExecState*); |
816 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelAnimationFrame(JSC::ExecState*); |
817 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(JSC::ExecState*); |
818 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetMatchedCSSRules(JSC::ExecState*); |
819 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialog(JSC::ExecState*); |
820 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(JSC::ExecState*); |
821 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(JSC::ExecState*); |
822 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCollectMatchingElementsInFlatTree(JSC::ExecState*); |
823 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchingElementInFlatTree(JSC::ExecState*); |
824 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFetch(JSC::ExecState*); |
825 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenDatabase(JSC::ExecState*); |
826 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetTimeout(JSC::ExecState*); |
827 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearTimeout(JSC::ExecState*); |
828 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetInterval(JSC::ExecState*); |
829 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearInterval(JSC::ExecState*); |
830 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionQueueMicrotask(JSC::ExecState*); |
831 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAtob(JSC::ExecState*); |
832 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBtoa(JSC::ExecState*); |
833 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap(JSC::ExecState*); |
834 | |
835 | // Attributes |
836 | |
837 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
838 | bool setJSDOMWindowConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
839 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWindow(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
840 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSelf(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
841 | bool setJSDOMWindowSelf(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
842 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocument(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
843 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowName(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
844 | bool setJSDOMWindowName(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
845 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
846 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
847 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHistory(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
848 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElements(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
849 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocationbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
850 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocationbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
851 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMenubar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
852 | bool setJSDOMWindowMenubar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
853 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPersonalbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
854 | bool setJSDOMWindowPersonalbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
855 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollbars(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
856 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollbars(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
857 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStatusbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
858 | bool setJSDOMWindowStatusbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
859 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowToolbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
860 | bool setJSDOMWindowToolbar(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
861 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
862 | bool setJSDOMWindowStatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
863 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFrames(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
864 | bool setJSDOMWindowFrames(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
865 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLength(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
866 | bool setJSDOMWindowLength(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
867 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTop(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
868 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOpener(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
869 | bool setJSDOMWindowOpener(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
870 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowParent(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
871 | bool setJSDOMWindowParent(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
872 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFrameElement(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
873 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNavigator(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
874 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCache(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
875 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSessionStorage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
876 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocalStorage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
877 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreen(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
878 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreen(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
879 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInnerHeight(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
880 | bool setJSDOMWindowInnerHeight(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
881 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInnerWidth(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
882 | bool setJSDOMWindowInnerWidth(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
883 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollX(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
884 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollX(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
885 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageXOffset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
886 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageXOffset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
887 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollY(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
888 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollY(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
889 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageYOffset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
890 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageYOffset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
891 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewport(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
892 | bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewport(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
893 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenX(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
894 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenX(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
895 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenY(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
896 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenY(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
897 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOuterWidth(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
898 | bool setJSDOMWindowOuterWidth(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
899 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOuterHeight(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
900 | bool setJSDOMWindowOuterHeight(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
901 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
902 | bool setJSDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
904 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOrientation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
905 | #endif |
906 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEvent(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
907 | bool setJSDOMWindowEvent(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
908 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultStatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
909 | bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultStatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
910 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultstatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
911 | bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultstatus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
912 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
913 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
914 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLeft(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
915 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLeft(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
916 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenTop(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
917 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenTop(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
918 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowClientInformation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
919 | bool setJSDOMWindowClientInformation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
920 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleMedia(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
922 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
923 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
924 | #endif |
926 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngestureend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
927 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngestureend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
928 | #endif |
930 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturestart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
931 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturestart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
932 | #endif |
934 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndevicemotion(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
935 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndevicemotion(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
936 | #endif |
938 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndeviceorientation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
939 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndeviceorientation(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
940 | #endif |
941 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
942 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
943 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
944 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
945 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
946 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
947 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
948 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
949 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCaches(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
951 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIndexedDB(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
952 | #endif |
954 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitIndexedDB(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
955 | #endif |
957 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesis(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
958 | #endif |
959 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
960 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
961 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
962 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
963 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
964 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
965 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
966 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
967 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
968 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
969 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
970 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
971 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
972 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
973 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnabort(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
974 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnabort(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
975 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnblur(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
976 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnblur(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
977 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplay(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
978 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplay(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
979 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplaythrough(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
980 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplaythrough(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
981 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
982 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
983 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnclick(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
984 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnclick(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
985 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncontextmenu(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
986 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncontextmenu(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
987 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncuechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
988 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncuechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
989 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndblclick(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
990 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndblclick(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
991 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndrag(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
992 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndrag(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
993 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
994 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
995 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
996 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
997 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
998 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
999 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1000 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1001 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1002 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1003 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndrop(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1004 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndrop(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1005 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndurationchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1006 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndurationchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1007 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnemptied(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1008 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnemptied(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1009 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnended(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1010 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnended(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1011 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnerror(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1012 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnerror(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1013 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnfocus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1014 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnfocus(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1015 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOninput(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1016 | bool setJSDOMWindowOninput(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1017 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOninvalid(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1018 | bool setJSDOMWindowOninvalid(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1019 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeydown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1020 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeydown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1021 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeypress(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1022 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeypress(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1023 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeyup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1024 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeyup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1025 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1026 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1027 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadeddata(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1028 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadeddata(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1029 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1030 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1031 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1032 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1033 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousedown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1034 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousedown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1035 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1036 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1037 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1038 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1039 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousemove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1040 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousemove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1041 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseout(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1042 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseout(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1043 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1044 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1045 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1046 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1047 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousewheel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1048 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousewheel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1049 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpause(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1050 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpause(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1051 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnplay(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1052 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnplay(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1053 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnplaying(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1054 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnplaying(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1055 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnprogress(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1056 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnprogress(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1057 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnratechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1058 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnratechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1059 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1060 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1061 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnreset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1062 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnreset(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1063 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnresize(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1064 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnresize(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1065 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnscroll(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1066 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnscroll(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1067 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnseeked(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1068 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnseeked(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1069 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnseeking(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1070 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnseeking(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1071 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnselect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1072 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnselect(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1073 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnstalled(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1074 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnstalled(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1075 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsubmit(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1076 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsubmit(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1077 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsuspend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1078 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsuspend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1079 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntimeupdate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1080 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntimeupdate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1081 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntoggle(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1082 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntoggle(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1083 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1084 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1085 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvolumechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1086 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvolumechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1087 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwaiting(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1088 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwaiting(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1089 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1090 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1091 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionrun(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1092 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionrun(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1093 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1094 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1095 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitioncancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1096 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitioncancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1097 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1098 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1099 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationiteration(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1100 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationiteration(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1101 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1102 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1103 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationcancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1104 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationcancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1105 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngotpointercapture(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1106 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngotpointercapture(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1107 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1108 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1109 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerdown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1110 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerdown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1111 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointermove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1112 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointermove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1113 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1114 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1115 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointercancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1116 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointercancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1117 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1118 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerover(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1119 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerout(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1120 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerout(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1121 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1122 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerenter(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1123 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1124 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerleave(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1125 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsearch(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1126 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsearch(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1127 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwheel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1128 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwheel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1130 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchcancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1131 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchcancel(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1132 | #endif |
1134 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1135 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchend(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1136 | #endif |
1138 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchmove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1139 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchmove(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1140 | #endif |
1142 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1143 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchstart(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1144 | #endif |
1146 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchforcechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1147 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchforcechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1148 | #endif |
1150 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1151 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1152 | #endif |
1154 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1155 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1156 | #endif |
1158 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1159 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1160 | #endif |
1162 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1163 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1164 | #endif |
1165 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCrypto(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1166 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformance(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1167 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformance(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1168 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnafterprint(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1169 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnafterprint(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1170 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeprint(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1171 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeprint(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1172 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeunload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1173 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeunload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1174 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnhashchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1175 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnhashchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1176 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnlanguagechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1177 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnlanguagechange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1178 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmessage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1179 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmessage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1180 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnoffline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1181 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnoffline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1182 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnonline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1183 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnonline(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1184 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpagehide(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1185 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpagehide(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1186 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpageshow(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1187 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpageshow(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1188 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpopstate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1189 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpopstate(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1190 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnstorage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1191 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnstorage(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1192 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnunload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1193 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnunload(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1195 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnorientationchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1196 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnorientationchange(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1197 | #endif |
1198 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOrigin(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1199 | bool setJSDOMWindowOrigin(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1200 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIsSecureContext(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1202 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1203 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1204 | #endif |
1205 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCacheConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1206 | bool setJSDOMWindowCacheConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1207 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1208 | bool setJSDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1209 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1210 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1211 | bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1212 | #endif |
1213 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1214 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1215 | bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1216 | #endif |
1218 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1219 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1220 | #endif |
1222 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1223 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1224 | #endif |
1226 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1227 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1228 | #endif |
1230 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1231 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1232 | #endif |
1234 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1235 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1236 | #endif |
1237 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1238 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1239 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1240 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1241 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1242 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1243 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1244 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1245 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1246 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1247 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHeadersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1248 | bool setJSDOMWindowHeadersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1249 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1250 | bool setJSDOMWindowRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1251 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1252 | bool setJSDOMWindowResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1254 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1255 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1256 | #endif |
1258 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1259 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1260 | #endif |
1262 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1263 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1264 | #endif |
1266 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1267 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1268 | #endif |
1270 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1271 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1272 | #endif |
1274 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1275 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1276 | #endif |
1278 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1279 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1280 | #endif |
1282 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1283 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1284 | #endif |
1286 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1287 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1288 | #endif |
1290 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1291 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1292 | #endif |
1294 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1295 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1296 | #endif |
1297 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1298 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1299 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1300 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1302 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1303 | bool setJSDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1304 | #endif |
1306 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1307 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1308 | #endif |
1310 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1311 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1312 | #endif |
1314 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1315 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1316 | #endif |
1318 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1319 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1320 | #endif |
1322 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1323 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1324 | #endif |
1326 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1327 | bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1328 | #endif |
1330 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1331 | bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1332 | #endif |
1334 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1335 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1336 | #endif |
1338 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1339 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1340 | #endif |
1342 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1343 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1344 | #endif |
1346 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1347 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1348 | #endif |
1350 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1351 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1352 | #endif |
1354 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1355 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1356 | #endif |
1358 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1359 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1360 | #endif |
1362 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1363 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1364 | #endif |
1365 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1366 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1367 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1368 | #endif |
1369 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
1370 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1371 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1372 | #endif |
1373 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
1374 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1375 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1376 | #endif |
1377 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1378 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1379 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1380 | #endif |
1381 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1382 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1383 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1384 | #endif |
1385 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1386 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1387 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1388 | #endif |
1389 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1390 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1391 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1392 | #endif |
1393 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1394 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1395 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1396 | #endif |
1397 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1398 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1399 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1400 | #endif |
1401 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1402 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1403 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1404 | #endif |
1405 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1406 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1407 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1408 | #endif |
1409 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1410 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1411 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1412 | #endif |
1413 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1414 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1415 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1416 | #endif |
1417 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1418 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1419 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1420 | #endif |
1421 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
1422 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1423 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1424 | #endif |
1426 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNotificationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1427 | bool setJSDOMWindowNotificationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1428 | #endif |
1430 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1431 | bool setJSDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1432 | #endif |
1434 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1435 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1436 | #endif |
1438 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1439 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1440 | #endif |
1442 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1443 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1444 | #endif |
1446 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1447 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1448 | #endif |
1450 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1451 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1452 | #endif |
1454 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1455 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1456 | #endif |
1458 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1459 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1460 | #endif |
1461 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1462 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1463 | bool setJSDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1464 | #endif |
1465 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1466 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1467 | bool setJSDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1468 | #endif |
1469 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1470 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1471 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1472 | #endif |
1473 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1474 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1475 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1476 | #endif |
1477 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1478 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1479 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1480 | #endif |
1481 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1482 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1483 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1484 | #endif |
1485 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1486 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1487 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1488 | #endif |
1489 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1490 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1491 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1492 | #endif |
1493 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
1494 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1495 | bool setJSDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1496 | #endif |
1497 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1498 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1499 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1500 | #endif |
1501 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1502 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1503 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1504 | #endif |
1505 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1506 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1507 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1508 | #endif |
1509 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1510 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1511 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1512 | #endif |
1513 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1514 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1515 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1516 | #endif |
1517 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1518 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1519 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1520 | #endif |
1521 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1522 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1523 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1524 | #endif |
1525 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1526 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1527 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1528 | #endif |
1529 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1530 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1531 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1532 | #endif |
1533 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1534 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1535 | bool setJSDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1536 | #endif |
1537 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1538 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1539 | bool setJSDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1540 | #endif |
1541 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1542 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1543 | bool setJSDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1544 | #endif |
1545 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1546 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1547 | bool setJSDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1548 | #endif |
1549 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1550 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1551 | bool setJSDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1552 | #endif |
1553 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1554 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1555 | bool setJSDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1556 | #endif |
1557 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1558 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1559 | bool setJSDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1560 | #endif |
1562 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1563 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1564 | #endif |
1566 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1567 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1568 | #endif |
1570 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1571 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1572 | #endif |
1573 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1574 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1575 | bool setJSDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1576 | #endif |
1577 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1578 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1579 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1580 | #endif |
1581 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1582 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1583 | bool setJSDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1584 | #endif |
1585 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1586 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1587 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1588 | #endif |
1589 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1590 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1591 | bool setJSDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1592 | #endif |
1593 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1594 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1595 | bool setJSDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1596 | #endif |
1597 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
1598 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1599 | bool setJSDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1600 | #endif |
1601 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1602 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1603 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1604 | #endif |
1605 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1606 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1607 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1608 | #endif |
1609 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1610 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1611 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1612 | #endif |
1613 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
1614 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1615 | bool setJSDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1616 | #endif |
1617 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1618 | bool setJSDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1619 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1620 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1621 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1622 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1623 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1624 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1625 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1626 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1627 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1628 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1629 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1630 | #endif |
1631 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1632 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1633 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1634 | #endif |
1635 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1636 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1637 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1638 | #endif |
1639 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1640 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1641 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1642 | #endif |
1643 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1644 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1645 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1646 | #endif |
1647 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1648 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1649 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1650 | #endif |
1651 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1652 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1653 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1654 | #endif |
1655 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1656 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1657 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1658 | #endif |
1659 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1660 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1661 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1662 | #endif |
1663 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1664 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1665 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1666 | #endif |
1667 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1668 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1669 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1670 | #endif |
1671 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1672 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1673 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1674 | #endif |
1675 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1676 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1677 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1678 | #endif |
1679 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1680 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1681 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1682 | #endif |
1683 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1684 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1685 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1686 | #endif |
1687 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1688 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1689 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1690 | #endif |
1691 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1692 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1693 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1694 | #endif |
1695 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1696 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1697 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1698 | #endif |
1699 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1700 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1701 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1702 | #endif |
1703 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1704 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1705 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1706 | #endif |
1707 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1708 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1709 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1710 | #endif |
1711 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1712 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1713 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1714 | #endif |
1715 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1716 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1717 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1718 | #endif |
1719 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1720 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1721 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1722 | #endif |
1723 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
1724 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1725 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1726 | #endif |
1727 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1728 | bool setJSDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1729 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1730 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1731 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1732 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1733 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1734 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1735 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1736 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1737 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1738 | bool setJSDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1739 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1740 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1741 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1742 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1743 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1744 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1745 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1746 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1747 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1748 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1749 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1750 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1751 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1752 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1753 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1754 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1755 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1756 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1757 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1758 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1759 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1760 | bool setJSDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1761 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1762 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1763 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
1764 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1765 | bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1766 | #endif |
1767 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
1768 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1769 | bool setJSDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1770 | #endif |
1771 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1772 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1773 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1774 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1775 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1776 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1777 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1778 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1779 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1780 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1781 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1782 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1783 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1784 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1785 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1786 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1787 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1788 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1789 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1790 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1791 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1792 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1793 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1794 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1795 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1796 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1797 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1798 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1799 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1800 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1801 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1802 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1803 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCounterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1804 | bool setJSDOMWindowCounterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1805 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1806 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1807 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1808 | bool setJSDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1809 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1810 | bool setJSDOMWindowRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1811 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1812 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1813 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1814 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1815 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1816 | bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1817 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1818 | bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1819 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1820 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1821 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1822 | bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1823 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1824 | bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1825 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1826 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1828 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1829 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1830 | #endif |
1831 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1832 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1833 | bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1834 | #endif |
1835 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1836 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1837 | bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1838 | #endif |
1839 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1840 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1841 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1842 | #endif |
1843 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1844 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1845 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1846 | #endif |
1847 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1848 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1849 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1850 | #endif |
1851 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1852 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1853 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1854 | #endif |
1855 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
1856 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1857 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1858 | #endif |
1859 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1860 | bool setJSDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1861 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1862 | bool setJSDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1863 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1864 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1865 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAttrConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1866 | bool setJSDOMWindowAttrConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1867 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1868 | bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1869 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1870 | bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1871 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1872 | bool setJSDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1873 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1874 | bool setJSDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1875 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1876 | bool setJSDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1877 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCommentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1878 | bool setJSDOMWindowCommentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1879 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1880 | bool setJSDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1881 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1882 | bool setJSDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1883 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1884 | bool setJSDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1885 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1886 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1887 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1888 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1889 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1890 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1891 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1892 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1893 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1894 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1895 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1896 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1897 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1898 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1899 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1900 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1901 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1902 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1903 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1904 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1905 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1906 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1907 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1908 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1909 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1910 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1912 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1913 | bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1914 | #endif |
1916 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1917 | bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1918 | #endif |
1919 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1920 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1921 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1922 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1923 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1924 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1925 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1926 | bool setJSDOMWindowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1927 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1928 | bool setJSDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1929 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1930 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1931 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1932 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1933 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1934 | bool setJSDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1935 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1936 | bool setJSDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1937 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInputEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1938 | bool setJSDOMWindowInputEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1939 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1940 | bool setJSDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1942 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1943 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1944 | #endif |
1945 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1946 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1947 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1948 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1949 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1950 | bool setJSDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1951 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1952 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1953 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1954 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1955 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1956 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1957 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1958 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1959 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1960 | bool setJSDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1961 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1962 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1963 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1964 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1965 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1966 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1967 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1968 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1969 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1970 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1971 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1972 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1974 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1975 | bool setJSDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1976 | #endif |
1977 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1978 | bool setJSDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1979 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1980 | bool setJSDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1981 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1982 | bool setJSDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1983 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1984 | bool setJSDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1985 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1986 | bool setJSDOMWindowRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1987 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1988 | bool setJSDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1989 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1990 | bool setJSDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1991 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1992 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1993 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1994 | bool setJSDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1995 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1996 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1997 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
1998 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
1999 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2000 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2001 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2002 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2004 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2005 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2006 | #endif |
2008 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2009 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2010 | #endif |
2012 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2013 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2014 | #endif |
2015 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2016 | bool setJSDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2017 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2018 | bool setJSDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2019 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUIEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2020 | bool setJSDOMWindowUIEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2021 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2022 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2023 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2024 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2025 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2026 | bool setJSDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2027 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2028 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2029 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2030 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2031 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBlobConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2032 | bool setJSDOMWindowBlobConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2033 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2034 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2035 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2036 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2037 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2038 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2039 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2040 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2041 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFormDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2042 | bool setJSDOMWindowFormDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2043 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2044 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2045 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowURLConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2046 | bool setJSDOMWindowURLConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2047 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2048 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2049 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2050 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2051 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2052 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2053 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2054 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2055 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2056 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2058 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2059 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2060 | #endif |
2061 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2062 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2063 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2064 | #endif |
2065 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2066 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2067 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2068 | #endif |
2069 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2070 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2071 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2072 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2073 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2074 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2075 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2076 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2077 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2078 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2079 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2080 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2081 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2082 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2083 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2084 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2086 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2087 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2088 | #endif |
2089 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2090 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2091 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2092 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2093 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2094 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2095 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2096 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2097 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2098 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2099 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2100 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2101 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2102 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2103 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2104 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2105 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2106 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2107 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2108 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2109 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2110 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2111 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2112 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2113 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2114 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2115 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2116 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2117 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2118 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2119 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2120 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2121 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2122 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2123 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2124 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2125 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2126 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2127 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2128 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2129 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2130 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2131 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2132 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2133 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2134 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2135 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2136 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2137 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2138 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2139 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2140 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2141 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2142 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2143 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2144 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2145 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2146 | #endif |
2147 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2148 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2149 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2150 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2151 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2152 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2154 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2155 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2156 | #endif |
2157 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2158 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2159 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2160 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2161 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2162 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2163 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2164 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2165 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2166 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2167 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2168 | bool setJSDOMWindowOptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2169 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2170 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2171 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2172 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2173 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2174 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2175 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2176 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2177 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2178 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2179 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2180 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2181 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2182 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2183 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2184 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2185 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2186 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2187 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2188 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2189 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2190 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2191 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2192 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2193 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2194 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2195 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2196 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2197 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2198 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2199 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2200 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2201 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2202 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2203 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2204 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2205 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2206 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2207 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2208 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2209 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2210 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2211 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2212 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2213 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2214 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2215 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2216 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2217 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2218 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2219 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2220 | #endif |
2221 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2222 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2223 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2224 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2225 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2226 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2227 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2228 | #endif |
2229 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2230 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2231 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2232 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageDataConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2233 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2234 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2235 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2236 | #endif |
2238 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2239 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2240 | #endif |
2241 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2242 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2243 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2244 | #endif |
2245 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2246 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2247 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2248 | bool setJSDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2249 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2250 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2251 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
2252 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2253 | bool setJSDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2254 | #endif |
2255 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2256 | bool setJSDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2257 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2258 | bool setJSDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2259 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2260 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2261 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2262 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2263 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2264 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2265 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2266 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2267 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2268 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2270 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2271 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2272 | #endif |
2273 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPath2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2274 | bool setJSDOMWindowPath2DConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2275 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
2276 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2277 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2278 | #endif |
2279 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2280 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2281 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2282 | #endif |
2283 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2284 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2285 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2286 | #endif |
2287 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2288 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2289 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2290 | #endif |
2291 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2292 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2293 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2294 | #endif |
2295 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2296 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2297 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2298 | #endif |
2299 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2300 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2301 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2302 | #endif |
2303 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2304 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2305 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2306 | #endif |
2307 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2308 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2309 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2310 | #endif |
2311 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2312 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2313 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2314 | #endif |
2315 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2316 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2317 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2318 | #endif |
2319 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2320 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2321 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2322 | #endif |
2323 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2324 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2325 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2326 | #endif |
2327 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2328 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2329 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2330 | #endif |
2331 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2332 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2333 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2334 | #endif |
2335 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
2336 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2337 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2338 | #endif |
2339 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
2340 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2341 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2342 | #endif |
2343 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2344 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2345 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2346 | #endif |
2347 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2348 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2349 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2350 | #endif |
2351 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2352 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2353 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2354 | #endif |
2355 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2356 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2357 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2358 | #endif |
2359 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2360 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2361 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2362 | #endif |
2363 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2364 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2365 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2366 | #endif |
2367 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2368 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2369 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2370 | #endif |
2371 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2372 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2373 | bool setJSDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2374 | #endif |
2375 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2376 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2377 | bool setJSDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2378 | #endif |
2379 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2380 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2381 | bool setJSDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2382 | #endif |
2383 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2384 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2385 | bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2386 | #endif |
2387 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
2388 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2389 | bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2390 | #endif |
2391 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2392 | bool setJSDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2393 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBarPropConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2394 | bool setJSDOMWindowBarPropConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2395 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2396 | bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2397 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSelectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2398 | bool setJSDOMWindowSelectionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2399 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWindowConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2400 | bool setJSDOMWindowWindowConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2401 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2402 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2403 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHistoryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2404 | bool setJSDOMWindowHistoryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2406 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2407 | bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2408 | #endif |
2410 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2411 | bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2412 | #endif |
2413 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2414 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2415 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2416 | bool setJSDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2417 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2418 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2419 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2420 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2421 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2422 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2423 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2424 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2425 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2426 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2427 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2428 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2429 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2430 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2431 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2432 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2433 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2434 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2435 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2436 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2438 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2439 | bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2440 | #endif |
2442 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2443 | bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2444 | #endif |
2445 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2446 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2447 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2448 | bool setJSDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2449 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2450 | bool setJSDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2452 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2453 | bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2454 | #endif |
2456 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2457 | bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2458 | #endif |
2459 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2460 | bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2462 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2463 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2464 | #endif |
2465 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2466 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2467 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2468 | bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2469 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2470 | bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2471 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPluginConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2472 | bool setJSDOMWindowPluginConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2473 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2474 | bool setJSDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2475 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStorageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2476 | bool setJSDOMWindowStorageConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2477 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2478 | bool setJSDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2479 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2480 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2481 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2482 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2483 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2484 | #endif |
2485 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2486 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2487 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2488 | #endif |
2489 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2490 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2491 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2492 | #endif |
2493 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2494 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2495 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2496 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2497 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2498 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2499 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2500 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2501 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2502 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2503 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2504 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2505 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2506 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2507 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2508 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2509 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2510 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2511 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2512 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2513 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2514 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2515 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2516 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2517 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2518 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2519 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2520 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2521 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2522 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2523 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2524 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2525 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2526 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2527 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2528 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2529 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2530 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2531 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2532 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2533 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2534 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2535 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2536 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2537 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2538 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2539 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2540 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2541 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2542 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2543 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2544 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2545 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2546 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2547 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2548 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2549 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2550 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2551 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2552 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2553 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2554 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2555 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2556 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2557 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2558 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2559 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2560 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2561 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2562 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2563 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2564 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2565 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2566 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2567 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2568 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2569 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2570 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2571 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2572 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2573 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2574 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2575 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2576 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2577 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2578 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2579 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2580 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2581 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2582 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2583 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2584 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2585 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2586 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2587 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2588 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2589 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2590 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2591 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2592 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2593 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2594 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2595 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2596 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2597 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2598 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2599 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2600 | #endif |
2601 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2602 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2603 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2604 | #endif |
2605 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2606 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2607 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2608 | #endif |
2609 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2610 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2611 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2612 | #endif |
2613 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2614 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2615 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2616 | #endif |
2617 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2618 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2619 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2620 | #endif |
2621 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2622 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2623 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2624 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2625 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2626 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2627 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2628 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2629 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2630 | #endif |
2631 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2632 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2633 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2634 | #endif |
2635 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2636 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2637 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2638 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2639 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2640 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2641 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2642 | #endif |
2643 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2644 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2645 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2646 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2647 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2648 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2649 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2650 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2651 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2652 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2653 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2654 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2655 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2656 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2657 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2658 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2659 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2660 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2661 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2662 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2663 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2664 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2665 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2666 | #endif |
2667 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2668 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2669 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2670 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2671 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2672 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2673 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2674 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2675 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2676 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2677 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2678 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2679 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2680 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2681 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2682 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2683 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2684 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2685 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2686 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2687 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2688 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2689 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2690 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2691 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2692 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2693 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2694 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2695 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2696 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2697 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2698 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2699 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2700 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2701 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2702 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2703 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2704 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2705 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2706 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2707 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2708 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2709 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2710 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2711 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2712 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2713 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2714 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2715 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2716 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2717 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2718 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2719 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2720 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2721 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2722 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2723 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2724 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2725 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2726 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2727 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2728 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2729 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2730 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2731 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2732 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2733 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2734 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2735 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2736 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2737 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2738 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2739 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2740 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2741 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2742 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2743 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2744 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2745 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2746 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2747 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2748 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2749 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2750 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2751 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2752 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2753 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2754 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2755 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2756 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2757 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2758 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2759 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2760 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2761 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2762 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2763 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2764 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2765 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2766 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2767 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2768 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2769 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2770 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2771 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2772 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2773 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
2774 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2775 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2776 | #endif |
2777 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2778 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2779 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2780 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2781 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2782 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2783 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWorkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2784 | bool setJSDOMWindowWorkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2786 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2787 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2788 | #endif |
2790 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2791 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2792 | #endif |
2794 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2795 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2796 | #endif |
2798 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWorkletConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2799 | bool setJSDOMWindowWorkletConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2800 | #endif |
2801 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2802 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2803 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2804 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2805 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2806 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2807 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2808 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2809 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2810 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2811 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2812 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2813 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2814 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2815 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2816 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2817 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2818 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2819 | #if ENABLE(XSLT) |
2820 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
2821 | bool setJSDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
2822 | #endif |
2823 | |
2824 | using JSDOMWindowConstructor = JSDOMConstructorNotConstructable<JSDOMWindow>; |
2825 | |
2826 | /* Hash table */ |
2827 | |
2828 | static const struct CompactHashIndex JSDOMWindowTableIndex[2139] = { |
2829 | { 636, -1 }, |
2830 | { 406, -1 }, |
2831 | { -1, -1 }, |
2832 | { -1, -1 }, |
2833 | { -1, -1 }, |
2834 | { -1, -1 }, |
2835 | { -1, -1 }, |
2836 | { -1, -1 }, |
2837 | { -1, -1 }, |
2838 | { -1, -1 }, |
2839 | { 652, -1 }, |
2840 | { 209, -1 }, |
2841 | { -1, -1 }, |
2842 | { 456, -1 }, |
2843 | { -1, -1 }, |
2844 | { -1, -1 }, |
2845 | { -1, -1 }, |
2846 | { -1, -1 }, |
2847 | { -1, -1 }, |
2848 | { 272, -1 }, |
2849 | { 216, -1 }, |
2850 | { -1, -1 }, |
2851 | { 303, -1 }, |
2852 | { -1, -1 }, |
2853 | { -1, -1 }, |
2854 | { -1, -1 }, |
2855 | { 124, -1 }, |
2856 | { -1, -1 }, |
2857 | { -1, -1 }, |
2858 | { -1, -1 }, |
2859 | { -1, -1 }, |
2860 | { -1, -1 }, |
2861 | { -1, -1 }, |
2862 | { 185, -1 }, |
2863 | { -1, -1 }, |
2864 | { -1, -1 }, |
2865 | { 470, -1 }, |
2866 | { -1, -1 }, |
2867 | { 656, -1 }, |
2868 | { -1, -1 }, |
2869 | { -1, -1 }, |
2870 | { -1, -1 }, |
2871 | { -1, -1 }, |
2872 | { -1, -1 }, |
2873 | { -1, -1 }, |
2874 | { 190, -1 }, |
2875 | { 121, -1 }, |
2876 | { -1, -1 }, |
2877 | { 433, -1 }, |
2878 | { -1, -1 }, |
2879 | { -1, -1 }, |
2880 | { -1, -1 }, |
2881 | { -1, -1 }, |
2882 | { -1, -1 }, |
2883 | { -1, -1 }, |
2884 | { -1, -1 }, |
2885 | { -1, -1 }, |
2886 | { 19, -1 }, |
2887 | { -1, -1 }, |
2888 | { -1, -1 }, |
2889 | { -1, -1 }, |
2890 | { -1, -1 }, |
2891 | { -1, -1 }, |
2892 | { 131, -1 }, |
2893 | { 552, -1 }, |
2894 | { -1, -1 }, |
2895 | { -1, -1 }, |
2896 | { -1, -1 }, |
2897 | { -1, -1 }, |
2898 | { -1, -1 }, |
2899 | { -1, -1 }, |
2900 | { 391, -1 }, |
2901 | { -1, -1 }, |
2902 | { -1, -1 }, |
2903 | { 288, 2103 }, |
2904 | { -1, -1 }, |
2905 | { -1, -1 }, |
2906 | { -1, -1 }, |
2907 | { -1, -1 }, |
2908 | { -1, -1 }, |
2909 | { -1, -1 }, |
2910 | { -1, -1 }, |
2911 | { 309, 2093 }, |
2912 | { -1, -1 }, |
2913 | { -1, -1 }, |
2914 | { -1, -1 }, |
2915 | { -1, -1 }, |
2916 | { -1, -1 }, |
2917 | { -1, -1 }, |
2918 | { 611, -1 }, |
2919 | { -1, -1 }, |
2920 | { -1, -1 }, |
2921 | { 463, -1 }, |
2922 | { 165, -1 }, |
2923 | { -1, -1 }, |
2924 | { -1, -1 }, |
2925 | { -1, -1 }, |
2926 | { -1, -1 }, |
2927 | { -1, -1 }, |
2928 | { -1, -1 }, |
2929 | { -1, -1 }, |
2930 | { -1, -1 }, |
2931 | { -1, -1 }, |
2932 | { 332, -1 }, |
2933 | { -1, -1 }, |
2934 | { -1, -1 }, |
2935 | { -1, -1 }, |
2936 | { -1, -1 }, |
2937 | { 177, 2060 }, |
2938 | { -1, -1 }, |
2939 | { -1, -1 }, |
2940 | { 490, -1 }, |
2941 | { -1, -1 }, |
2942 | { -1, -1 }, |
2943 | { -1, -1 }, |
2944 | { -1, -1 }, |
2945 | { -1, -1 }, |
2946 | { 501, -1 }, |
2947 | { 262, -1 }, |
2948 | { 355, -1 }, |
2949 | { -1, -1 }, |
2950 | { -1, -1 }, |
2951 | { -1, -1 }, |
2952 | { -1, -1 }, |
2953 | { -1, -1 }, |
2954 | { 197, -1 }, |
2955 | { -1, -1 }, |
2956 | { -1, -1 }, |
2957 | { -1, -1 }, |
2958 | { -1, -1 }, |
2959 | { -1, -1 }, |
2960 | { 43, 2055 }, |
2961 | { 557, -1 }, |
2962 | { -1, -1 }, |
2963 | { -1, -1 }, |
2964 | { -1, -1 }, |
2965 | { -1, -1 }, |
2966 | { -1, -1 }, |
2967 | { -1, -1 }, |
2968 | { 149, -1 }, |
2969 | { -1, -1 }, |
2970 | { -1, -1 }, |
2971 | { -1, -1 }, |
2972 | { -1, -1 }, |
2973 | { -1, -1 }, |
2974 | { -1, -1 }, |
2975 | { -1, -1 }, |
2976 | { -1, -1 }, |
2977 | { -1, -1 }, |
2978 | { 257, -1 }, |
2979 | { -1, -1 }, |
2980 | { -1, -1 }, |
2981 | { -1, -1 }, |
2982 | { 510, -1 }, |
2983 | { 71, -1 }, |
2984 | { -1, -1 }, |
2985 | { -1, -1 }, |
2986 | { -1, -1 }, |
2987 | { -1, -1 }, |
2988 | { -1, -1 }, |
2989 | { -1, -1 }, |
2990 | { -1, -1 }, |
2991 | { -1, -1 }, |
2992 | { 617, -1 }, |
2993 | { -1, -1 }, |
2994 | { -1, -1 }, |
2995 | { -1, -1 }, |
2996 | { -1, -1 }, |
2997 | { 89, -1 }, |
2998 | { -1, -1 }, |
2999 | { -1, -1 }, |
3000 | { -1, -1 }, |
3001 | { -1, -1 }, |
3002 | { -1, -1 }, |
3003 | { -1, -1 }, |
3004 | { -1, -1 }, |
3005 | { -1, -1 }, |
3006 | { -1, -1 }, |
3007 | { -1, -1 }, |
3008 | { 80, -1 }, |
3009 | { -1, -1 }, |
3010 | { -1, -1 }, |
3011 | { -1, -1 }, |
3012 | { -1, -1 }, |
3013 | { -1, -1 }, |
3014 | { -1, -1 }, |
3015 | { -1, -1 }, |
3016 | { -1, -1 }, |
3017 | { -1, -1 }, |
3018 | { 435, -1 }, |
3019 | { -1, -1 }, |
3020 | { 65, -1 }, |
3021 | { -1, -1 }, |
3022 | { 451, -1 }, |
3023 | { -1, -1 }, |
3024 | { 146, -1 }, |
3025 | { -1, -1 }, |
3026 | { -1, -1 }, |
3027 | { 598, -1 }, |
3028 | { -1, -1 }, |
3029 | { 179, -1 }, |
3030 | { -1, -1 }, |
3031 | { -1, -1 }, |
3032 | { 444, -1 }, |
3033 | { -1, -1 }, |
3034 | { -1, -1 }, |
3035 | { -1, -1 }, |
3036 | { 445, -1 }, |
3037 | { -1, -1 }, |
3038 | { -1, -1 }, |
3039 | { 169, -1 }, |
3040 | { -1, -1 }, |
3041 | { 471, -1 }, |
3042 | { 34, 2048 }, |
3043 | { -1, -1 }, |
3044 | { -1, -1 }, |
3045 | { -1, -1 }, |
3046 | { -1, -1 }, |
3047 | { -1, -1 }, |
3048 | { -1, -1 }, |
3049 | { -1, -1 }, |
3050 | { -1, -1 }, |
3051 | { 178, -1 }, |
3052 | { 5, -1 }, |
3053 | { -1, -1 }, |
3054 | { -1, -1 }, |
3055 | { -1, -1 }, |
3056 | { -1, -1 }, |
3057 | { 602, -1 }, |
3058 | { -1, -1 }, |
3059 | { -1, -1 }, |
3060 | { 16, 2120 }, |
3061 | { -1, -1 }, |
3062 | { 570, -1 }, |
3063 | { -1, -1 }, |
3064 | { -1, -1 }, |
3065 | { -1, -1 }, |
3066 | { -1, -1 }, |
3067 | { 548, -1 }, |
3068 | { -1, -1 }, |
3069 | { -1, -1 }, |
3070 | { -1, -1 }, |
3071 | { -1, -1 }, |
3072 | { 18, -1 }, |
3073 | { -1, -1 }, |
3074 | { -1, -1 }, |
3075 | { -1, -1 }, |
3076 | { 296, -1 }, |
3077 | { 327, -1 }, |
3078 | { -1, -1 }, |
3079 | { -1, -1 }, |
3080 | { 412, -1 }, |
3081 | { -1, -1 }, |
3082 | { 646, -1 }, |
3083 | { 392, -1 }, |
3084 | { -1, -1 }, |
3085 | { -1, -1 }, |
3086 | { 462, -1 }, |
3087 | { 119, -1 }, |
3088 | { 369, -1 }, |
3089 | { 154, -1 }, |
3090 | { -1, -1 }, |
3091 | { 239, -1 }, |
3092 | { -1, -1 }, |
3093 | { 79, -1 }, |
3094 | { -1, -1 }, |
3095 | { -1, -1 }, |
3096 | { -1, -1 }, |
3097 | { -1, -1 }, |
3098 | { -1, -1 }, |
3099 | { 181, 2064 }, |
3100 | { 430, -1 }, |
3101 | { -1, -1 }, |
3102 | { -1, -1 }, |
3103 | { -1, -1 }, |
3104 | { -1, -1 }, |
3105 | { 249, -1 }, |
3106 | { -1, -1 }, |
3107 | { -1, -1 }, |
3108 | { -1, -1 }, |
3109 | { -1, -1 }, |
3110 | { -1, -1 }, |
3111 | { -1, -1 }, |
3112 | { -1, -1 }, |
3113 | { 253, -1 }, |
3114 | { -1, -1 }, |
3115 | { -1, -1 }, |
3116 | { 394, -1 }, |
3117 | { -1, -1 }, |
3118 | { -1, -1 }, |
3119 | { -1, -1 }, |
3120 | { -1, -1 }, |
3121 | { -1, -1 }, |
3122 | { 212, -1 }, |
3123 | { 91, -1 }, |
3124 | { -1, -1 }, |
3125 | { 374, -1 }, |
3126 | { -1, -1 }, |
3127 | { -1, -1 }, |
3128 | { -1, -1 }, |
3129 | { -1, -1 }, |
3130 | { -1, -1 }, |
3131 | { 30, -1 }, |
3132 | { 363, -1 }, |
3133 | { -1, -1 }, |
3134 | { -1, -1 }, |
3135 | { 41, -1 }, |
3136 | { -1, -1 }, |
3137 | { -1, -1 }, |
3138 | { -1, -1 }, |
3139 | { -1, -1 }, |
3140 | { 82, 2052 }, |
3141 | { -1, -1 }, |
3142 | { -1, -1 }, |
3143 | { -1, -1 }, |
3144 | { -1, -1 }, |
3145 | { -1, -1 }, |
3146 | { -1, -1 }, |
3147 | { -1, -1 }, |
3148 | { 389, -1 }, |
3149 | { -1, -1 }, |
3150 | { -1, -1 }, |
3151 | { 455, -1 }, |
3152 | { -1, -1 }, |
3153 | { -1, -1 }, |
3154 | { -1, -1 }, |
3155 | { -1, -1 }, |
3156 | { -1, -1 }, |
3157 | { -1, -1 }, |
3158 | { -1, -1 }, |
3159 | { -1, -1 }, |
3160 | { -1, -1 }, |
3161 | { -1, -1 }, |
3162 | { -1, -1 }, |
3163 | { 485, -1 }, |
3164 | { -1, -1 }, |
3165 | { -1, -1 }, |
3166 | { -1, -1 }, |
3167 | { -1, -1 }, |
3168 | { -1, -1 }, |
3169 | { -1, -1 }, |
3170 | { -1, -1 }, |
3171 | { -1, -1 }, |
3172 | { -1, -1 }, |
3173 | { -1, -1 }, |
3174 | { -1, -1 }, |
3175 | { -1, -1 }, |
3176 | { -1, -1 }, |
3177 | { -1, -1 }, |
3178 | { -1, -1 }, |
3179 | { -1, -1 }, |
3180 | { -1, -1 }, |
3181 | { -1, -1 }, |
3182 | { -1, -1 }, |
3183 | { -1, -1 }, |
3184 | { -1, -1 }, |
3185 | { -1, -1 }, |
3186 | { -1, -1 }, |
3187 | { -1, -1 }, |
3188 | { -1, -1 }, |
3189 | { -1, -1 }, |
3190 | { 329, -1 }, |
3191 | { -1, -1 }, |
3192 | { -1, -1 }, |
3193 | { -1, -1 }, |
3194 | { -1, -1 }, |
3195 | { -1, -1 }, |
3196 | { -1, -1 }, |
3197 | { -1, -1 }, |
3198 | { -1, -1 }, |
3199 | { -1, -1 }, |
3200 | { -1, -1 }, |
3201 | { -1, -1 }, |
3202 | { 191, 2090 }, |
3203 | { -1, -1 }, |
3204 | { -1, -1 }, |
3205 | { -1, -1 }, |
3206 | { -1, -1 }, |
3207 | { 547, -1 }, |
3208 | { -1, -1 }, |
3209 | { 336, 2084 }, |
3210 | { -1, -1 }, |
3211 | { -1, -1 }, |
3212 | { -1, -1 }, |
3213 | { -1, -1 }, |
3214 | { -1, -1 }, |
3215 | { -1, -1 }, |
3216 | { -1, -1 }, |
3217 | { -1, -1 }, |
3218 | { -1, -1 }, |
3219 | { -1, -1 }, |
3220 | { -1, -1 }, |
3221 | { -1, -1 }, |
3222 | { -1, -1 }, |
3223 | { -1, -1 }, |
3224 | { -1, -1 }, |
3225 | { -1, -1 }, |
3226 | { -1, -1 }, |
3227 | { -1, -1 }, |
3228 | { -1, -1 }, |
3229 | { -1, -1 }, |
3230 | { 424, -1 }, |
3231 | { -1, -1 }, |
3232 | { -1, -1 }, |
3233 | { -1, -1 }, |
3234 | { 294, -1 }, |
3235 | { -1, -1 }, |
3236 | { -1, -1 }, |
3237 | { -1, -1 }, |
3238 | { -1, -1 }, |
3239 | { -1, -1 }, |
3240 | { -1, -1 }, |
3241 | { 62, -1 }, |
3242 | { 379, 2136 }, |
3243 | { -1, -1 }, |
3244 | { 322, -1 }, |
3245 | { 182, -1 }, |
3246 | { -1, -1 }, |
3247 | { -1, -1 }, |
3248 | { -1, -1 }, |
3249 | { -1, -1 }, |
3250 | { 113, 2089 }, |
3251 | { -1, -1 }, |
3252 | { 292, -1 }, |
3253 | { -1, -1 }, |
3254 | { -1, -1 }, |
3255 | { -1, -1 }, |
3256 | { -1, -1 }, |
3257 | { 247, -1 }, |
3258 | { -1, -1 }, |
3259 | { 202, -1 }, |
3260 | { 304, -1 }, |
3261 | { 235, -1 }, |
3262 | { -1, -1 }, |
3263 | { -1, -1 }, |
3264 | { -1, -1 }, |
3265 | { 223, -1 }, |
3266 | { -1, -1 }, |
3267 | { -1, -1 }, |
3268 | { -1, -1 }, |
3269 | { -1, -1 }, |
3270 | { -1, -1 }, |
3271 | { 92, 2063 }, |
3272 | { -1, -1 }, |
3273 | { -1, -1 }, |
3274 | { 654, -1 }, |
3275 | { 128, 2097 }, |
3276 | { 328, -1 }, |
3277 | { -1, -1 }, |
3278 | { 331, -1 }, |
3279 | { 25, -1 }, |
3280 | { -1, -1 }, |
3281 | { -1, -1 }, |
3282 | { 171, -1 }, |
3283 | { -1, -1 }, |
3284 | { -1, -1 }, |
3285 | { 225, -1 }, |
3286 | { -1, -1 }, |
3287 | { 605, -1 }, |
3288 | { -1, -1 }, |
3289 | { -1, -1 }, |
3290 | { -1, -1 }, |
3291 | { -1, -1 }, |
3292 | { 349, 2130 }, |
3293 | { -1, -1 }, |
3294 | { -1, -1 }, |
3295 | { 508, -1 }, |
3296 | { -1, -1 }, |
3297 | { -1, -1 }, |
3298 | { -1, -1 }, |
3299 | { -1, -1 }, |
3300 | { 461, -1 }, |
3301 | { -1, -1 }, |
3302 | { 196, 2073 }, |
3303 | { -1, -1 }, |
3304 | { -1, -1 }, |
3305 | { -1, -1 }, |
3306 | { 316, -1 }, |
3307 | { 620, -1 }, |
3308 | { -1, -1 }, |
3309 | { -1, -1 }, |
3310 | { -1, -1 }, |
3311 | { -1, -1 }, |
3312 | { 40, -1 }, |
3313 | { 283, -1 }, |
3314 | { -1, -1 }, |
3315 | { 401, 2116 }, |
3316 | { -1, -1 }, |
3317 | { -1, -1 }, |
3318 | { 99, 2074 }, |
3319 | { -1, -1 }, |
3320 | { -1, -1 }, |
3321 | { -1, -1 }, |
3322 | { -1, -1 }, |
3323 | { -1, -1 }, |
3324 | { -1, -1 }, |
3325 | { 254, -1 }, |
3326 | { -1, -1 }, |
3327 | { -1, -1 }, |
3328 | { -1, -1 }, |
3329 | { -1, -1 }, |
3330 | { -1, -1 }, |
3331 | { 115, -1 }, |
3332 | { -1, -1 }, |
3333 | { 284, -1 }, |
3334 | { -1, -1 }, |
3335 | { -1, -1 }, |
3336 | { -1, -1 }, |
3337 | { -1, -1 }, |
3338 | { -1, -1 }, |
3339 | { -1, -1 }, |
3340 | { 529, -1 }, |
3341 | { -1, -1 }, |
3342 | { -1, -1 }, |
3343 | { 213, 2094 }, |
3344 | { 381, -1 }, |
3345 | { 425, -1 }, |
3346 | { -1, -1 }, |
3347 | { 70, -1 }, |
3348 | { -1, -1 }, |
3349 | { -1, -1 }, |
3350 | { -1, -1 }, |
3351 | { 346, -1 }, |
3352 | { 337, -1 }, |
3353 | { -1, -1 }, |
3354 | { 314, -1 }, |
3355 | { 594, -1 }, |
3356 | { -1, -1 }, |
3357 | { -1, -1 }, |
3358 | { -1, -1 }, |
3359 | { -1, -1 }, |
3360 | { -1, -1 }, |
3361 | { -1, -1 }, |
3362 | { -1, -1 }, |
3363 | { 645, -1 }, |
3364 | { -1, -1 }, |
3365 | { 593, -1 }, |
3366 | { -1, -1 }, |
3367 | { 108, -1 }, |
3368 | { -1, -1 }, |
3369 | { -1, -1 }, |
3370 | { -1, -1 }, |
3371 | { -1, -1 }, |
3372 | { -1, -1 }, |
3373 | { 334, -1 }, |
3374 | { 175, 2121 }, |
3375 | { 365, -1 }, |
3376 | { -1, -1 }, |
3377 | { -1, -1 }, |
3378 | { 126, -1 }, |
3379 | { 576, -1 }, |
3380 | { -1, -1 }, |
3381 | { -1, -1 }, |
3382 | { -1, -1 }, |
3383 | { -1, -1 }, |
3384 | { 46, -1 }, |
3385 | { -1, -1 }, |
3386 | { 563, -1 }, |
3387 | { -1, -1 }, |
3388 | { -1, -1 }, |
3389 | { -1, -1 }, |
3390 | { -1, -1 }, |
3391 | { -1, -1 }, |
3392 | { -1, -1 }, |
3393 | { -1, -1 }, |
3394 | { -1, -1 }, |
3395 | { 203, 2082 }, |
3396 | { -1, -1 }, |
3397 | { 325, -1 }, |
3398 | { -1, -1 }, |
3399 | { 279, -1 }, |
3400 | { -1, -1 }, |
3401 | { -1, -1 }, |
3402 | { 98, -1 }, |
3403 | { -1, -1 }, |
3404 | { -1, -1 }, |
3405 | { 117, -1 }, |
3406 | { 114, -1 }, |
3407 | { 473, -1 }, |
3408 | { -1, -1 }, |
3409 | { 375, -1 }, |
3410 | { 251, -1 }, |
3411 | { 567, -1 }, |
3412 | { -1, -1 }, |
3413 | { -1, -1 }, |
3414 | { -1, -1 }, |
3415 | { -1, -1 }, |
3416 | { -1, -1 }, |
3417 | { -1, -1 }, |
3418 | { 434, -1 }, |
3419 | { -1, -1 }, |
3420 | { -1, -1 }, |
3421 | { 110, -1 }, |
3422 | { 565, -1 }, |
3423 | { -1, -1 }, |
3424 | { 33, -1 }, |
3425 | { -1, -1 }, |
3426 | { 96, -1 }, |
3427 | { -1, -1 }, |
3428 | { -1, -1 }, |
3429 | { -1, -1 }, |
3430 | { -1, -1 }, |
3431 | { 73, -1 }, |
3432 | { 127, -1 }, |
3433 | { -1, -1 }, |
3434 | { -1, -1 }, |
3435 | { -1, -1 }, |
3436 | { -1, -1 }, |
3437 | { -1, -1 }, |
3438 | { -1, -1 }, |
3439 | { -1, -1 }, |
3440 | { 361, -1 }, |
3441 | { 256, 2124 }, |
3442 | { -1, -1 }, |
3443 | { -1, -1 }, |
3444 | { -1, -1 }, |
3445 | { 37, -1 }, |
3446 | { -1, -1 }, |
3447 | { -1, -1 }, |
3448 | { 242, 2095 }, |
3449 | { -1, -1 }, |
3450 | { 24, -1 }, |
3451 | { -1, -1 }, |
3452 | { 22, 2070 }, |
3453 | { -1, -1 }, |
3454 | { -1, -1 }, |
3455 | { 199, 2075 }, |
3456 | { -1, -1 }, |
3457 | { -1, -1 }, |
3458 | { 150, -1 }, |
3459 | { 153, -1 }, |
3460 | { -1, -1 }, |
3461 | { -1, -1 }, |
3462 | { -1, -1 }, |
3463 | { -1, -1 }, |
3464 | { 588, -1 }, |
3465 | { 63, 2053 }, |
3466 | { 172, -1 }, |
3467 | { -1, -1 }, |
3468 | { -1, -1 }, |
3469 | { -1, -1 }, |
3470 | { 643, -1 }, |
3471 | { -1, -1 }, |
3472 | { 555, -1 }, |
3473 | { -1, -1 }, |
3474 | { 558, -1 }, |
3475 | { -1, -1 }, |
3476 | { -1, -1 }, |
3477 | { 152, -1 }, |
3478 | { -1, -1 }, |
3479 | { -1, -1 }, |
3480 | { 448, -1 }, |
3481 | { -1, -1 }, |
3482 | { 318, -1 }, |
3483 | { -1, -1 }, |
3484 | { -1, -1 }, |
3485 | { -1, -1 }, |
3486 | { -1, -1 }, |
3487 | { -1, -1 }, |
3488 | { -1, -1 }, |
3489 | { -1, -1 }, |
3490 | { -1, -1 }, |
3491 | { -1, -1 }, |
3492 | { 503, -1 }, |
3493 | { -1, -1 }, |
3494 | { -1, -1 }, |
3495 | { 606, -1 }, |
3496 | { -1, -1 }, |
3497 | { -1, -1 }, |
3498 | { 159, -1 }, |
3499 | { -1, -1 }, |
3500 | { -1, -1 }, |
3501 | { -1, -1 }, |
3502 | { -1, -1 }, |
3503 | { -1, -1 }, |
3504 | { 428, -1 }, |
3505 | { -1, -1 }, |
3506 | { -1, -1 }, |
3507 | { -1, -1 }, |
3508 | { 520, -1 }, |
3509 | { -1, -1 }, |
3510 | { -1, -1 }, |
3511 | { -1, -1 }, |
3512 | { 511, -1 }, |
3513 | { 286, -1 }, |
3514 | { -1, -1 }, |
3515 | { -1, -1 }, |
3516 | { -1, -1 }, |
3517 | { -1, -1 }, |
3518 | { 207, -1 }, |
3519 | { -1, -1 }, |
3520 | { -1, -1 }, |
3521 | { 348, -1 }, |
3522 | { -1, -1 }, |
3523 | { -1, -1 }, |
3524 | { 133, 2054 }, |
3525 | { -1, -1 }, |
3526 | { 104, -1 }, |
3527 | { 237, 2086 }, |
3528 | { -1, -1 }, |
3529 | { -1, -1 }, |
3530 | { 293, -1 }, |
3531 | { -1, -1 }, |
3532 | { -1, -1 }, |
3533 | { 252, -1 }, |
3534 | { -1, -1 }, |
3535 | { -1, -1 }, |
3536 | { 378, -1 }, |
3537 | { -1, -1 }, |
3538 | { -1, -1 }, |
3539 | { -1, -1 }, |
3540 | { -1, -1 }, |
3541 | { -1, -1 }, |
3542 | { -1, -1 }, |
3543 | { 459, -1 }, |
3544 | { -1, -1 }, |
3545 | { -1, -1 }, |
3546 | { 236, -1 }, |
3547 | { -1, -1 }, |
3548 | { 45, 2049 }, |
3549 | { 458, -1 }, |
3550 | { -1, -1 }, |
3551 | { -1, -1 }, |
3552 | { 500, -1 }, |
3553 | { -1, -1 }, |
3554 | { -1, -1 }, |
3555 | { 442, -1 }, |
3556 | { 411, -1 }, |
3557 | { -1, -1 }, |
3558 | { -1, -1 }, |
3559 | { -1, -1 }, |
3560 | { -1, -1 }, |
3561 | { -1, -1 }, |
3562 | { 383, -1 }, |
3563 | { -1, -1 }, |
3564 | { -1, -1 }, |
3565 | { -1, -1 }, |
3566 | { -1, -1 }, |
3567 | { -1, -1 }, |
3568 | { 429, -1 }, |
3569 | { 493, -1 }, |
3570 | { -1, -1 }, |
3571 | { 475, -1 }, |
3572 | { 494, -1 }, |
3573 | { -1, -1 }, |
3574 | { 55, -1 }, |
3575 | { 72, -1 }, |
3576 | { -1, -1 }, |
3577 | { -1, -1 }, |
3578 | { -1, -1 }, |
3579 | { -1, -1 }, |
3580 | { -1, -1 }, |
3581 | { -1, -1 }, |
3582 | { -1, -1 }, |
3583 | { 269, -1 }, |
3584 | { -1, -1 }, |
3585 | { -1, -1 }, |
3586 | { 628, -1 }, |
3587 | { -1, -1 }, |
3588 | { 266, -1 }, |
3589 | { -1, -1 }, |
3590 | { -1, -1 }, |
3591 | { 184, -1 }, |
3592 | { -1, -1 }, |
3593 | { 8, -1 }, |
3594 | { -1, -1 }, |
3595 | { -1, -1 }, |
3596 | { 390, -1 }, |
3597 | { -1, -1 }, |
3598 | { -1, -1 }, |
3599 | { -1, -1 }, |
3600 | { -1, -1 }, |
3601 | { -1, -1 }, |
3602 | { -1, -1 }, |
3603 | { -1, -1 }, |
3604 | { -1, -1 }, |
3605 | { -1, -1 }, |
3606 | { -1, -1 }, |
3607 | { -1, -1 }, |
3608 | { -1, -1 }, |
3609 | { -1, -1 }, |
3610 | { 60, -1 }, |
3611 | { -1, -1 }, |
3612 | { 302, 2104 }, |
3613 | { 12, 2057 }, |
3614 | { -1, -1 }, |
3615 | { -1, -1 }, |
3616 | { -1, -1 }, |
3617 | { -1, -1 }, |
3618 | { 95, 2076 }, |
3619 | { 120, -1 }, |
3620 | { -1, -1 }, |
3621 | { -1, -1 }, |
3622 | { -1, -1 }, |
3623 | { 410, -1 }, |
3624 | { -1, -1 }, |
3625 | { -1, -1 }, |
3626 | { -1, -1 }, |
3627 | { -1, -1 }, |
3628 | { -1, -1 }, |
3629 | { -1, -1 }, |
3630 | { -1, -1 }, |
3631 | { -1, -1 }, |
3632 | { -1, -1 }, |
3633 | { 354, -1 }, |
3634 | { -1, -1 }, |
3635 | { -1, -1 }, |
3636 | { -1, -1 }, |
3637 | { 35, 2050 }, |
3638 | { 230, -1 }, |
3639 | { -1, -1 }, |
3640 | { -1, -1 }, |
3641 | { -1, -1 }, |
3642 | { -1, -1 }, |
3643 | { -1, -1 }, |
3644 | { -1, -1 }, |
3645 | { -1, -1 }, |
3646 | { -1, -1 }, |
3647 | { -1, -1 }, |
3648 | { -1, -1 }, |
3649 | { 398, -1 }, |
3650 | { -1, -1 }, |
3651 | { -1, -1 }, |
3652 | { -1, -1 }, |
3653 | { -1, -1 }, |
3654 | { -1, -1 }, |
3655 | { -1, -1 }, |
3656 | { -1, -1 }, |
3657 | { 123, -1 }, |
3658 | { -1, -1 }, |
3659 | { -1, -1 }, |
3660 | { -1, -1 }, |
3661 | { -1, -1 }, |
3662 | { -1, -1 }, |
3663 | { -1, -1 }, |
3664 | { 176, 2102 }, |
3665 | { -1, -1 }, |
3666 | { -1, -1 }, |
3667 | { -1, -1 }, |
3668 | { -1, -1 }, |
3669 | { -1, -1 }, |
3670 | { -1, -1 }, |
3671 | { 362, -1 }, |
3672 | { -1, -1 }, |
3673 | { -1, -1 }, |
3674 | { -1, -1 }, |
3675 | { -1, -1 }, |
3676 | { 84, -1 }, |
3677 | { -1, -1 }, |
3678 | { 532, -1 }, |
3679 | { -1, -1 }, |
3680 | { -1, -1 }, |
3681 | { -1, -1 }, |
3682 | { -1, -1 }, |
3683 | { -1, -1 }, |
3684 | { -1, -1 }, |
3685 | { 544, -1 }, |
3686 | { 27, 2092 }, |
3687 | { 147, -1 }, |
3688 | { -1, -1 }, |
3689 | { 53, -1 }, |
3690 | { -1, -1 }, |
3691 | { 32, -1 }, |
3692 | { -1, -1 }, |
3693 | { -1, -1 }, |
3694 | { -1, -1 }, |
3695 | { -1, -1 }, |
3696 | { -1, -1 }, |
3697 | { 595, -1 }, |
3698 | { 0, -1 }, |
3699 | { 333, -1 }, |
3700 | { 261, -1 }, |
3701 | { -1, -1 }, |
3702 | { 280, -1 }, |
3703 | { -1, -1 }, |
3704 | { 42, -1 }, |
3705 | { -1, -1 }, |
3706 | { -1, -1 }, |
3707 | { -1, -1 }, |
3708 | { 531, -1 }, |
3709 | { -1, -1 }, |
3710 | { -1, -1 }, |
3711 | { 54, -1 }, |
3712 | { -1, -1 }, |
3713 | { -1, -1 }, |
3714 | { -1, -1 }, |
3715 | { -1, -1 }, |
3716 | { 479, -1 }, |
3717 | { -1, -1 }, |
3718 | { -1, -1 }, |
3719 | { 195, -1 }, |
3720 | { -1, -1 }, |
3721 | { 163, -1 }, |
3722 | { -1, -1 }, |
3723 | { 64, -1 }, |
3724 | { -1, -1 }, |
3725 | { -1, -1 }, |
3726 | { -1, -1 }, |
3727 | { -1, -1 }, |
3728 | { -1, -1 }, |
3729 | { -1, -1 }, |
3730 | { -1, -1 }, |
3731 | { -1, -1 }, |
3732 | { -1, -1 }, |
3733 | { -1, -1 }, |
3734 | { -1, -1 }, |
3735 | { -1, -1 }, |
3736 | { -1, -1 }, |
3737 | { -1, -1 }, |
3738 | { -1, -1 }, |
3739 | { -1, -1 }, |
3740 | { -1, -1 }, |
3741 | { -1, -1 }, |
3742 | { -1, -1 }, |
3743 | { -1, -1 }, |
3744 | { -1, -1 }, |
3745 | { -1, -1 }, |
3746 | { -1, -1 }, |
3747 | { -1, -1 }, |
3748 | { -1, -1 }, |
3749 | { -1, -1 }, |
3750 | { -1, -1 }, |
3751 | { -1, -1 }, |
3752 | { -1, -1 }, |
3753 | { -1, -1 }, |
3754 | { -1, -1 }, |
3755 | { -1, -1 }, |
3756 | { -1, -1 }, |
3757 | { 382, -1 }, |
3758 | { 489, -1 }, |
3759 | { -1, -1 }, |
3760 | { -1, -1 }, |
3761 | { -1, -1 }, |
3762 | { -1, -1 }, |
3763 | { 311, -1 }, |
3764 | { -1, -1 }, |
3765 | { 137, 2069 }, |
3766 | { -1, -1 }, |
3767 | { -1, -1 }, |
3768 | { -1, -1 }, |
3769 | { -1, -1 }, |
3770 | { -1, -1 }, |
3771 | { -1, -1 }, |
3772 | { -1, -1 }, |
3773 | { 625, -1 }, |
3774 | { -1, -1 }, |
3775 | { -1, -1 }, |
3776 | { -1, -1 }, |
3777 | { 140, -1 }, |
3778 | { -1, -1 }, |
3779 | { -1, -1 }, |
3780 | { -1, -1 }, |
3781 | { 649, -1 }, |
3782 | { 648, -1 }, |
3783 | { -1, -1 }, |
3784 | { -1, -1 }, |
3785 | { -1, -1 }, |
3786 | { -1, -1 }, |
3787 | { -1, -1 }, |
3788 | { -1, -1 }, |
3789 | { -1, -1 }, |
3790 | { -1, -1 }, |
3791 | { -1, -1 }, |
3792 | { -1, -1 }, |
3793 | { 243, -1 }, |
3794 | { -1, -1 }, |
3795 | { -1, -1 }, |
3796 | { -1, -1 }, |
3797 | { 579, -1 }, |
3798 | { 478, -1 }, |
3799 | { -1, -1 }, |
3800 | { -1, -1 }, |
3801 | { -1, -1 }, |
3802 | { -1, -1 }, |
3803 | { -1, -1 }, |
3804 | { 600, -1 }, |
3805 | { -1, -1 }, |
3806 | { -1, -1 }, |
3807 | { -1, -1 }, |
3808 | { -1, -1 }, |
3809 | { -1, -1 }, |
3810 | { -1, -1 }, |
3811 | { -1, -1 }, |
3812 | { 356, -1 }, |
3813 | { -1, -1 }, |
3814 | { -1, -1 }, |
3815 | { -1, -1 }, |
3816 | { -1, -1 }, |
3817 | { 39, -1 }, |
3818 | { -1, -1 }, |
3819 | { -1, -1 }, |
3820 | { -1, -1 }, |
3821 | { -1, -1 }, |
3822 | { -1, -1 }, |
3823 | { -1, -1 }, |
3824 | { -1, -1 }, |
3825 | { 423, -1 }, |
3826 | { -1, -1 }, |
3827 | { -1, -1 }, |
3828 | { -1, -1 }, |
3829 | { 509, 2125 }, |
3830 | { -1, -1 }, |
3831 | { -1, -1 }, |
3832 | { -1, -1 }, |
3833 | { -1, -1 }, |
3834 | { 640, -1 }, |
3835 | { 487, -1 }, |
3836 | { -1, -1 }, |
3837 | { -1, -1 }, |
3838 | { -1, -1 }, |
3839 | { -1, -1 }, |
3840 | { -1, -1 }, |
3841 | { -1, -1 }, |
3842 | { -1, -1 }, |
3843 | { 61, -1 }, |
3844 | { -1, -1 }, |
3845 | { -1, -1 }, |
3846 | { 530, -1 }, |
3847 | { -1, -1 }, |
3848 | { -1, -1 }, |
3849 | { 553, -1 }, |
3850 | { -1, -1 }, |
3851 | { 130, -1 }, |
3852 | { 271, 2080 }, |
3853 | { -1, -1 }, |
3854 | { -1, -1 }, |
3855 | { 596, -1 }, |
3856 | { -1, -1 }, |
3857 | { -1, -1 }, |
3858 | { -1, -1 }, |
3859 | { -1, -1 }, |
3860 | { -1, -1 }, |
3861 | { 14, -1 }, |
3862 | { -1, -1 }, |
3863 | { -1, -1 }, |
3864 | { 338, 2138 }, |
3865 | { 454, -1 }, |
3866 | { -1, -1 }, |
3867 | { -1, -1 }, |
3868 | { -1, -1 }, |
3869 | { -1, -1 }, |
3870 | { -1, -1 }, |
3871 | { -1, -1 }, |
3872 | { -1, -1 }, |
3873 | { -1, -1 }, |
3874 | { 139, -1 }, |
3875 | { 539, -1 }, |
3876 | { -1, -1 }, |
3877 | { -1, -1 }, |
3878 | { 155, -1 }, |
3879 | { -1, -1 }, |
3880 | { -1, -1 }, |
3881 | { -1, -1 }, |
3882 | { -1, -1 }, |
3883 | { -1, -1 }, |
3884 | { -1, -1 }, |
3885 | { -1, -1 }, |
3886 | { -1, -1 }, |
3887 | { -1, -1 }, |
3888 | { 105, 2117 }, |
3889 | { 7, -1 }, |
3890 | { 75, 2091 }, |
3891 | { 109, -1 }, |
3892 | { 218, 2096 }, |
3893 | { -1, -1 }, |
3894 | { -1, -1 }, |
3895 | { -1, -1 }, |
3896 | { 28, -1 }, |
3897 | { -1, -1 }, |
3898 | { -1, -1 }, |
3899 | { -1, -1 }, |
3900 | { -1, -1 }, |
3901 | { -1, -1 }, |
3902 | { 15, -1 }, |
3903 | { -1, -1 }, |
3904 | { 211, -1 }, |
3905 | { -1, -1 }, |
3906 | { -1, -1 }, |
3907 | { 238, 2127 }, |
3908 | { 538, -1 }, |
3909 | { 270, -1 }, |
3910 | { 188, 2088 }, |
3911 | { -1, -1 }, |
3912 | { -1, -1 }, |
3913 | { -1, -1 }, |
3914 | { -1, -1 }, |
3915 | { -1, -1 }, |
3916 | { 343, -1 }, |
3917 | { -1, -1 }, |
3918 | { -1, -1 }, |
3919 | { -1, -1 }, |
3920 | { 372, -1 }, |
3921 | { -1, -1 }, |
3922 | { -1, -1 }, |
3923 | { -1, -1 }, |
3924 | { -1, -1 }, |
3925 | { 295, -1 }, |
3926 | { -1, -1 }, |
3927 | { 141, -1 }, |
3928 | { -1, -1 }, |
3929 | { -1, -1 }, |
3930 | { -1, -1 }, |
3931 | { -1, -1 }, |
3932 | { -1, -1 }, |
3933 | { -1, -1 }, |
3934 | { -1, -1 }, |
3935 | { -1, -1 }, |
3936 | { 2, 2072 }, |
3937 | { -1, -1 }, |
3938 | { 101, -1 }, |
3939 | { 388, -1 }, |
3940 | { 644, -1 }, |
3941 | { 51, -1 }, |
3942 | { -1, -1 }, |
3943 | { -1, -1 }, |
3944 | { -1, -1 }, |
3945 | { -1, -1 }, |
3946 | { -1, -1 }, |
3947 | { -1, -1 }, |
3948 | { -1, -1 }, |
3949 | { 307, 2129 }, |
3950 | { -1, -1 }, |
3951 | { -1, -1 }, |
3952 | { -1, -1 }, |
3953 | { -1, -1 }, |
3954 | { -1, -1 }, |
3955 | { -1, -1 }, |
3956 | { 373, -1 }, |
3957 | { -1, -1 }, |
3958 | { 616, -1 }, |
3959 | { 341, -1 }, |
3960 | { -1, -1 }, |
3961 | { -1, -1 }, |
3962 | { 168, -1 }, |
3963 | { 10, -1 }, |
3964 | { -1, -1 }, |
3965 | { -1, -1 }, |
3966 | { 393, -1 }, |
3967 | { -1, -1 }, |
3968 | { -1, -1 }, |
3969 | { 69, -1 }, |
3970 | { 326, -1 }, |
3971 | { 467, -1 }, |
3972 | { -1, -1 }, |
3973 | { -1, -1 }, |
3974 | { -1, -1 }, |
3975 | { -1, -1 }, |
3976 | { 189, -1 }, |
3977 | { -1, -1 }, |
3978 | { -1, -1 }, |
3979 | { -1, -1 }, |
3980 | { -1, -1 }, |
3981 | { -1, -1 }, |
3982 | { -1, -1 }, |
3983 | { -1, -1 }, |
3984 | { 78, 2132 }, |
3985 | { -1, -1 }, |
3986 | { -1, -1 }, |
3987 | { -1, -1 }, |
3988 | { -1, -1 }, |
3989 | { 23, 2068 }, |
3990 | { 637, -1 }, |
3991 | { -1, -1 }, |
3992 | { -1, -1 }, |
3993 | { -1, -1 }, |
3994 | { -1, -1 }, |
3995 | { -1, -1 }, |
3996 | { 601, -1 }, |
3997 | { 85, 2056 }, |
3998 | { 405, -1 }, |
3999 | { -1, -1 }, |
4000 | { -1, -1 }, |
4001 | { -1, -1 }, |
4002 | { -1, -1 }, |
4003 | { 447, -1 }, |
4004 | { -1, -1 }, |
4005 | { 142, -1 }, |
4006 | { 3, -1 }, |
4007 | { -1, -1 }, |
4008 | { -1, -1 }, |
4009 | { -1, -1 }, |
4010 | { -1, -1 }, |
4011 | { -1, -1 }, |
4012 | { 310, -1 }, |
4013 | { 367, -1 }, |
4014 | { -1, -1 }, |
4015 | { -1, -1 }, |
4016 | { -1, -1 }, |
4017 | { -1, -1 }, |
4018 | { 282, -1 }, |
4019 | { -1, -1 }, |
4020 | { -1, -1 }, |
4021 | { -1, -1 }, |
4022 | { 386, -1 }, |
4023 | { -1, -1 }, |
4024 | { -1, -1 }, |
4025 | { -1, -1 }, |
4026 | { -1, -1 }, |
4027 | { 655, -1 }, |
4028 | { 145, -1 }, |
4029 | { -1, -1 }, |
4030 | { -1, -1 }, |
4031 | { -1, -1 }, |
4032 | { -1, -1 }, |
4033 | { -1, -1 }, |
4034 | { -1, -1 }, |
4035 | { 52, -1 }, |
4036 | { 416, -1 }, |
4037 | { -1, -1 }, |
4038 | { -1, -1 }, |
4039 | { 528, -1 }, |
4040 | { -1, -1 }, |
4041 | { -1, -1 }, |
4042 | { 535, -1 }, |
4043 | { -1, -1 }, |
4044 | { 395, -1 }, |
4045 | { -1, -1 }, |
4046 | { 618, -1 }, |
4047 | { -1, -1 }, |
4048 | { -1, -1 }, |
4049 | { -1, -1 }, |
4050 | { -1, -1 }, |
4051 | { -1, -1 }, |
4052 | { -1, -1 }, |
4053 | { -1, -1 }, |
4054 | { -1, -1 }, |
4055 | { -1, -1 }, |
4056 | { -1, -1 }, |
4057 | { -1, -1 }, |
4058 | { 229, -1 }, |
4059 | { 90, -1 }, |
4060 | { -1, -1 }, |
4061 | { 317, -1 }, |
4062 | { -1, -1 }, |
4063 | { -1, -1 }, |
4064 | { -1, -1 }, |
4065 | { -1, -1 }, |
4066 | { -1, -1 }, |
4067 | { -1, -1 }, |
4068 | { -1, -1 }, |
4069 | { 44, -1 }, |
4070 | { 612, -1 }, |
4071 | { 255, -1 }, |
4072 | { -1, -1 }, |
4073 | { 67, -1 }, |
4074 | { -1, -1 }, |
4075 | { -1, -1 }, |
4076 | { -1, -1 }, |
4077 | { 36, -1 }, |
4078 | { -1, -1 }, |
4079 | { -1, -1 }, |
4080 | { -1, -1 }, |
4081 | { -1, -1 }, |
4082 | { -1, -1 }, |
4083 | { -1, -1 }, |
4084 | { -1, -1 }, |
4085 | { -1, -1 }, |
4086 | { -1, -1 }, |
4087 | { -1, -1 }, |
4088 | { -1, -1 }, |
4089 | { -1, -1 }, |
4090 | { -1, -1 }, |
4091 | { -1, -1 }, |
4092 | { -1, -1 }, |
4093 | { -1, -1 }, |
4094 | { -1, -1 }, |
4095 | { -1, -1 }, |
4096 | { 47, -1 }, |
4097 | { -1, -1 }, |
4098 | { -1, -1 }, |
4099 | { -1, -1 }, |
4100 | { -1, -1 }, |
4101 | { -1, -1 }, |
4102 | { 418, -1 }, |
4103 | { 653, -1 }, |
4104 | { -1, -1 }, |
4105 | { -1, -1 }, |
4106 | { 116, -1 }, |
4107 | { -1, -1 }, |
4108 | { 339, -1 }, |
4109 | { -1, -1 }, |
4110 | { -1, -1 }, |
4111 | { 158, -1 }, |
4112 | { -1, -1 }, |
4113 | { -1, -1 }, |
4114 | { 29, -1 }, |
4115 | { -1, -1 }, |
4116 | { -1, -1 }, |
4117 | { -1, -1 }, |
4118 | { -1, -1 }, |
4119 | { -1, -1 }, |
4120 | { -1, -1 }, |
4121 | { 466, -1 }, |
4122 | { 522, -1 }, |
4123 | { -1, -1 }, |
4124 | { 66, 2083 }, |
4125 | { -1, -1 }, |
4126 | { -1, -1 }, |
4127 | { -1, -1 }, |
4128 | { 633, -1 }, |
4129 | { 300, -1 }, |
4130 | { -1, -1 }, |
4131 | { -1, -1 }, |
4132 | { -1, -1 }, |
4133 | { 287, -1 }, |
4134 | { -1, -1 }, |
4135 | { -1, -1 }, |
4136 | { -1, -1 }, |
4137 | { -1, -1 }, |
4138 | { -1, -1 }, |
4139 | { -1, -1 }, |
4140 | { 610, -1 }, |
4141 | { -1, -1 }, |
4142 | { 377, -1 }, |
4143 | { 193, -1 }, |
4144 | { -1, -1 }, |
4145 | { 170, -1 }, |
4146 | { -1, -1 }, |
4147 | { 1, 2067 }, |
4148 | { -1, -1 }, |
4149 | { -1, -1 }, |
4150 | { 299, 2087 }, |
4151 | { 289, -1 }, |
4152 | { 320, -1 }, |
4153 | { -1, -1 }, |
4154 | { -1, -1 }, |
4155 | { 291, 2115 }, |
4156 | { 385, -1 }, |
4157 | { -1, -1 }, |
4158 | { -1, -1 }, |
4159 | { -1, -1 }, |
4160 | { -1, -1 }, |
4161 | { 483, -1 }, |
4162 | { -1, -1 }, |
4163 | { -1, -1 }, |
4164 | { -1, -1 }, |
4165 | { -1, -1 }, |
4166 | { -1, -1 }, |
4167 | { -1, -1 }, |
4168 | { 573, -1 }, |
4169 | { -1, -1 }, |
4170 | { -1, -1 }, |
4171 | { -1, -1 }, |
4172 | { 575, -1 }, |
4173 | { -1, -1 }, |
4174 | { 446, -1 }, |
4175 | { -1, -1 }, |
4176 | { -1, -1 }, |
4177 | { -1, -1 }, |
4178 | { -1, -1 }, |
4179 | { -1, -1 }, |
4180 | { 572, 2137 }, |
4181 | { -1, -1 }, |
4182 | { -1, -1 }, |
4183 | { 94, -1 }, |
4184 | { -1, -1 }, |
4185 | { 408, 2119 }, |
4186 | { -1, -1 }, |
4187 | { -1, -1 }, |
4188 | { -1, -1 }, |
4189 | { -1, -1 }, |
4190 | { -1, -1 }, |
4191 | { -1, -1 }, |
4192 | { 481, 2108 }, |
4193 | { 267, -1 }, |
4194 | { -1, -1 }, |
4195 | { -1, -1 }, |
4196 | { -1, -1 }, |
4197 | { -1, -1 }, |
4198 | { -1, -1 }, |
4199 | { -1, -1 }, |
4200 | { -1, -1 }, |
4201 | { -1, -1 }, |
4202 | { 497, -1 }, |
4203 | { 186, -1 }, |
4204 | { 415, -1 }, |
4205 | { -1, -1 }, |
4206 | { -1, -1 }, |
4207 | { -1, -1 }, |
4208 | { -1, -1 }, |
4209 | { 512, -1 }, |
4210 | { -1, -1 }, |
4211 | { 157, -1 }, |
4212 | { -1, -1 }, |
4213 | { -1, -1 }, |
4214 | { -1, -1 }, |
4215 | { 376, -1 }, |
4216 | { -1, -1 }, |
4217 | { -1, -1 }, |
4218 | { 234, -1 }, |
4219 | { -1, -1 }, |
4220 | { 260, -1 }, |
4221 | { -1, -1 }, |
4222 | { -1, -1 }, |
4223 | { -1, -1 }, |
4224 | { -1, -1 }, |
4225 | { -1, -1 }, |
4226 | { -1, -1 }, |
4227 | { 340, -1 }, |
4228 | { -1, -1 }, |
4229 | { 221, -1 }, |
4230 | { 319, -1 }, |
4231 | { -1, -1 }, |
4232 | { -1, -1 }, |
4233 | { 507, -1 }, |
4234 | { -1, -1 }, |
4235 | { 231, -1 }, |
4236 | { -1, -1 }, |
4237 | { -1, -1 }, |
4238 | { -1, -1 }, |
4239 | { -1, -1 }, |
4240 | { 607, -1 }, |
4241 | { -1, -1 }, |
4242 | { -1, -1 }, |
4243 | { 351, -1 }, |
4244 | { 536, -1 }, |
4245 | { -1, -1 }, |
4246 | { -1, -1 }, |
4247 | { -1, -1 }, |
4248 | { -1, -1 }, |
4249 | { -1, -1 }, |
4250 | { -1, -1 }, |
4251 | { -1, -1 }, |
4252 | { -1, -1 }, |
4253 | { 403, -1 }, |
4254 | { -1, -1 }, |
4255 | { -1, -1 }, |
4256 | { -1, -1 }, |
4257 | { -1, -1 }, |
4258 | { -1, -1 }, |
4259 | { -1, -1 }, |
4260 | { 352, 2085 }, |
4261 | { -1, -1 }, |
4262 | { -1, -1 }, |
4263 | { -1, -1 }, |
4264 | { 306, -1 }, |
4265 | { 527, -1 }, |
4266 | { 397, 2107 }, |
4267 | { -1, -1 }, |
4268 | { -1, -1 }, |
4269 | { -1, -1 }, |
4270 | { -1, -1 }, |
4271 | { 233, -1 }, |
4272 | { -1, -1 }, |
4273 | { -1, -1 }, |
4274 | { 224, -1 }, |
4275 | { -1, -1 }, |
4276 | { -1, -1 }, |
4277 | { -1, -1 }, |
4278 | { -1, -1 }, |
4279 | { -1, -1 }, |
4280 | { -1, -1 }, |
4281 | { -1, -1 }, |
4282 | { -1, -1 }, |
4283 | { -1, -1 }, |
4284 | { -1, -1 }, |
4285 | { 603, -1 }, |
4286 | { -1, -1 }, |
4287 | { -1, -1 }, |
4288 | { 125, -1 }, |
4289 | { -1, -1 }, |
4290 | { -1, -1 }, |
4291 | { -1, -1 }, |
4292 | { -1, -1 }, |
4293 | { 647, -1 }, |
4294 | { -1, -1 }, |
4295 | { 619, -1 }, |
4296 | { 460, -1 }, |
4297 | { -1, -1 }, |
4298 | { -1, -1 }, |
4299 | { -1, -1 }, |
4300 | { -1, -1 }, |
4301 | { -1, -1 }, |
4302 | { -1, -1 }, |
4303 | { 359, -1 }, |
4304 | { -1, -1 }, |
4305 | { 97, -1 }, |
4306 | { -1, -1 }, |
4307 | { 417, -1 }, |
4308 | { -1, -1 }, |
4309 | { -1, -1 }, |
4310 | { -1, -1 }, |
4311 | { -1, -1 }, |
4312 | { 542, -1 }, |
4313 | { -1, -1 }, |
4314 | { -1, -1 }, |
4315 | { -1, -1 }, |
4316 | { -1, -1 }, |
4317 | { 215, -1 }, |
4318 | { 426, -1 }, |
4319 | { 297, -1 }, |
4320 | { 546, -1 }, |
4321 | { 210, -1 }, |
4322 | { -1, -1 }, |
4323 | { -1, -1 }, |
4324 | { -1, -1 }, |
4325 | { -1, -1 }, |
4326 | { -1, -1 }, |
4327 | { 93, -1 }, |
4328 | { -1, -1 }, |
4329 | { -1, -1 }, |
4330 | { -1, -1 }, |
4331 | { 204, -1 }, |
4332 | { -1, -1 }, |
4333 | { 112, -1 }, |
4334 | { 384, -1 }, |
4335 | { -1, -1 }, |
4336 | { -1, -1 }, |
4337 | { 409, -1 }, |
4338 | { -1, -1 }, |
4339 | { -1, -1 }, |
4340 | { -1, -1 }, |
4341 | { -1, -1 }, |
4342 | { -1, -1 }, |
4343 | { 472, -1 }, |
4344 | { 6, -1 }, |
4345 | { -1, -1 }, |
4346 | { 219, -1 }, |
4347 | { -1, -1 }, |
4348 | { 541, -1 }, |
4349 | { -1, -1 }, |
4350 | { -1, -1 }, |
4351 | { 400, -1 }, |
4352 | { -1, -1 }, |
4353 | { -1, -1 }, |
4354 | { -1, -1 }, |
4355 | { -1, -1 }, |
4356 | { -1, -1 }, |
4357 | { -1, -1 }, |
4358 | { 312, -1 }, |
4359 | { -1, -1 }, |
4360 | { -1, -1 }, |
4361 | { -1, -1 }, |
4362 | { -1, -1 }, |
4363 | { -1, -1 }, |
4364 | { -1, -1 }, |
4365 | { -1, -1 }, |
4366 | { -1, -1 }, |
4367 | { 205, -1 }, |
4368 | { 330, -1 }, |
4369 | { 208, 2062 }, |
4370 | { 453, -1 }, |
4371 | { -1, -1 }, |
4372 | { 578, -1 }, |
4373 | { -1, -1 }, |
4374 | { -1, -1 }, |
4375 | { -1, -1 }, |
4376 | { -1, -1 }, |
4377 | { 206, -1 }, |
4378 | { -1, -1 }, |
4379 | { -1, -1 }, |
4380 | { -1, -1 }, |
4381 | { -1, -1 }, |
4382 | { 305, -1 }, |
4383 | { -1, -1 }, |
4384 | { -1, -1 }, |
4385 | { -1, -1 }, |
4386 | { 521, -1 }, |
4387 | { 641, -1 }, |
4388 | { -1, -1 }, |
4389 | { -1, -1 }, |
4390 | { 504, -1 }, |
4391 | { -1, -1 }, |
4392 | { -1, -1 }, |
4393 | { -1, -1 }, |
4394 | { -1, -1 }, |
4395 | { 360, -1 }, |
4396 | { -1, -1 }, |
4397 | { -1, -1 }, |
4398 | { -1, -1 }, |
4399 | { -1, -1 }, |
4400 | { 138, -1 }, |
4401 | { -1, -1 }, |
4402 | { -1, -1 }, |
4403 | { 488, -1 }, |
4404 | { 474, -1 }, |
4405 | { -1, -1 }, |
4406 | { -1, -1 }, |
4407 | { -1, -1 }, |
4408 | { 174, -1 }, |
4409 | { -1, -1 }, |
4410 | { 344, -1 }, |
4411 | { 639, -1 }, |
4412 | { 523, -1 }, |
4413 | { 4, -1 }, |
4414 | { -1, -1 }, |
4415 | { 107, -1 }, |
4416 | { 9, 2051 }, |
4417 | { -1, -1 }, |
4418 | { -1, -1 }, |
4419 | { -1, -1 }, |
4420 | { -1, -1 }, |
4421 | { -1, -1 }, |
4422 | { -1, -1 }, |
4423 | { -1, -1 }, |
4424 | { -1, -1 }, |
4425 | { 342, 2101 }, |
4426 | { -1, -1 }, |
4427 | { -1, -1 }, |
4428 | { -1, -1 }, |
4429 | { 265, -1 }, |
4430 | { 517, -1 }, |
4431 | { -1, -1 }, |
4432 | { -1, -1 }, |
4433 | { -1, -1 }, |
4434 | { 353, -1 }, |
4435 | { -1, -1 }, |
4436 | { -1, -1 }, |
4437 | { 17, 2065 }, |
4438 | { -1, -1 }, |
4439 | { -1, -1 }, |
4440 | { -1, -1 }, |
4441 | { -1, -1 }, |
4442 | { -1, -1 }, |
4443 | { -1, -1 }, |
4444 | { -1, -1 }, |
4445 | { -1, -1 }, |
4446 | { 77, -1 }, |
4447 | { -1, -1 }, |
4448 | { 387, -1 }, |
4449 | { -1, -1 }, |
4450 | { 581, -1 }, |
4451 | { -1, -1 }, |
4452 | { 357, -1 }, |
4453 | { -1, -1 }, |
4454 | { -1, -1 }, |
4455 | { 226, 2066 }, |
4456 | { -1, -1 }, |
4457 | { 59, -1 }, |
4458 | { 74, -1 }, |
4459 | { 585, -1 }, |
4460 | { -1, -1 }, |
4461 | { -1, -1 }, |
4462 | { -1, -1 }, |
4463 | { 464, -1 }, |
4464 | { 506, 2133 }, |
4465 | { 480, -1 }, |
4466 | { 13, -1 }, |
4467 | { -1, -1 }, |
4468 | { -1, -1 }, |
4469 | { 241, -1 }, |
4470 | { 609, -1 }, |
4471 | { -1, -1 }, |
4472 | { -1, -1 }, |
4473 | { 20, -1 }, |
4474 | { -1, -1 }, |
4475 | { 324, -1 }, |
4476 | { -1, -1 }, |
4477 | { 561, -1 }, |
4478 | { -1, -1 }, |
4479 | { -1, -1 }, |
4480 | { -1, -1 }, |
4481 | { -1, -1 }, |
4482 | { -1, -1 }, |
4483 | { 614, -1 }, |
4484 | { -1, -1 }, |
4485 | { -1, -1 }, |
4486 | { -1, -1 }, |
4487 | { -1, -1 }, |
4488 | { -1, -1 }, |
4489 | { -1, -1 }, |
4490 | { 624, -1 }, |
4491 | { -1, -1 }, |
4492 | { -1, -1 }, |
4493 | { 88, -1 }, |
4494 | { 164, -1 }, |
4495 | { 134, -1 }, |
4496 | { 264, -1 }, |
4497 | { -1, -1 }, |
4498 | { 533, -1 }, |
4499 | { -1, -1 }, |
4500 | { -1, -1 }, |
4501 | { -1, -1 }, |
4502 | { -1, -1 }, |
4503 | { -1, -1 }, |
4504 | { -1, -1 }, |
4505 | { -1, -1 }, |
4506 | { 551, -1 }, |
4507 | { 420, -1 }, |
4508 | { -1, -1 }, |
4509 | { -1, -1 }, |
4510 | { -1, -1 }, |
4511 | { -1, -1 }, |
4512 | { -1, -1 }, |
4513 | { -1, -1 }, |
4514 | { 102, -1 }, |
4515 | { 468, -1 }, |
4516 | { -1, -1 }, |
4517 | { -1, -1 }, |
4518 | { 450, -1 }, |
4519 | { 180, 2131 }, |
4520 | { -1, -1 }, |
4521 | { 26, -1 }, |
4522 | { -1, -1 }, |
4523 | { -1, -1 }, |
4524 | { -1, -1 }, |
4525 | { -1, -1 }, |
4526 | { -1, -1 }, |
4527 | { -1, -1 }, |
4528 | { -1, -1 }, |
4529 | { -1, -1 }, |
4530 | { -1, -1 }, |
4531 | { 240, -1 }, |
4532 | { -1, -1 }, |
4533 | { -1, -1 }, |
4534 | { -1, -1 }, |
4535 | { -1, -1 }, |
4536 | { -1, -1 }, |
4537 | { -1, -1 }, |
4538 | { 469, -1 }, |
4539 | { -1, -1 }, |
4540 | { 56, -1 }, |
4541 | { -1, -1 }, |
4542 | { -1, -1 }, |
4543 | { -1, -1 }, |
4544 | { -1, -1 }, |
4545 | { -1, -1 }, |
4546 | { -1, -1 }, |
4547 | { -1, -1 }, |
4548 | { -1, -1 }, |
4549 | { -1, -1 }, |
4550 | { 422, -1 }, |
4551 | { -1, -1 }, |
4552 | { -1, -1 }, |
4553 | { 559, -1 }, |
4554 | { -1, -1 }, |
4555 | { 438, -1 }, |
4556 | { -1, -1 }, |
4557 | { -1, -1 }, |
4558 | { -1, -1 }, |
4559 | { -1, -1 }, |
4560 | { -1, -1 }, |
4561 | { -1, -1 }, |
4562 | { -1, -1 }, |
4563 | { -1, -1 }, |
4564 | { -1, -1 }, |
4565 | { 358, -1 }, |
4566 | { -1, -1 }, |
4567 | { -1, -1 }, |
4568 | { 100, -1 }, |
4569 | { 491, 2128 }, |
4570 | { 421, 2118 }, |
4571 | { -1, -1 }, |
4572 | { 86, -1 }, |
4573 | { -1, -1 }, |
4574 | { -1, -1 }, |
4575 | { -1, -1 }, |
4576 | { 634, -1 }, |
4577 | { 151, -1 }, |
4578 | { -1, -1 }, |
4579 | { -1, -1 }, |
4580 | { 58, 2079 }, |
4581 | { -1, -1 }, |
4582 | { -1, -1 }, |
4583 | { 136, -1 }, |
4584 | { -1, -1 }, |
4585 | { -1, -1 }, |
4586 | { 554, -1 }, |
4587 | { -1, -1 }, |
4588 | { 486, -1 }, |
4589 | { -1, -1 }, |
4590 | { -1, -1 }, |
4591 | { 498, -1 }, |
4592 | { 258, -1 }, |
4593 | { 350, -1 }, |
4594 | { -1, -1 }, |
4595 | { -1, -1 }, |
4596 | { -1, -1 }, |
4597 | { -1, -1 }, |
4598 | { -1, -1 }, |
4599 | { 246, -1 }, |
4600 | { -1, -1 }, |
4601 | { 192, 2122 }, |
4602 | { -1, -1 }, |
4603 | { -1, -1 }, |
4604 | { -1, -1 }, |
4605 | { -1, -1 }, |
4606 | { -1, -1 }, |
4607 | { -1, -1 }, |
4608 | { 49, -1 }, |
4609 | { 496, -1 }, |
4610 | { 161, -1 }, |
4611 | { -1, -1 }, |
4612 | { -1, -1 }, |
4613 | { -1, -1 }, |
4614 | { -1, -1 }, |
4615 | { -1, -1 }, |
4616 | { -1, -1 }, |
4617 | { 642, -1 }, |
4618 | { -1, -1 }, |
4619 | { -1, -1 }, |
4620 | { -1, -1 }, |
4621 | { -1, -1 }, |
4622 | { -1, -1 }, |
4623 | { -1, -1 }, |
4624 | { -1, -1 }, |
4625 | { -1, -1 }, |
4626 | { -1, -1 }, |
4627 | { 419, -1 }, |
4628 | { 495, 2106 }, |
4629 | { -1, -1 }, |
4630 | { 298, -1 }, |
4631 | { -1, -1 }, |
4632 | { -1, -1 }, |
4633 | { -1, -1 }, |
4634 | { 537, -1 }, |
4635 | { -1, -1 }, |
4636 | { -1, -1 }, |
4637 | { 407, -1 }, |
4638 | { -1, -1 }, |
4639 | { -1, -1 }, |
4640 | { 106, -1 }, |
4641 | { -1, -1 }, |
4642 | { -1, -1 }, |
4643 | { -1, -1 }, |
4644 | { -1, -1 }, |
4645 | { -1, -1 }, |
4646 | { -1, -1 }, |
4647 | { -1, -1 }, |
4648 | { -1, -1 }, |
4649 | { 132, -1 }, |
4650 | { -1, -1 }, |
4651 | { -1, -1 }, |
4652 | { -1, -1 }, |
4653 | { -1, -1 }, |
4654 | { -1, -1 }, |
4655 | { -1, -1 }, |
4656 | { -1, -1 }, |
4657 | { -1, -1 }, |
4658 | { -1, -1 }, |
4659 | { -1, -1 }, |
4660 | { 228, -1 }, |
4661 | { 166, -1 }, |
4662 | { -1, -1 }, |
4663 | { -1, -1 }, |
4664 | { -1, -1 }, |
4665 | { 604, 2135 }, |
4666 | { -1, -1 }, |
4667 | { -1, -1 }, |
4668 | { -1, -1 }, |
4669 | { -1, -1 }, |
4670 | { -1, -1 }, |
4671 | { -1, -1 }, |
4672 | { -1, -1 }, |
4673 | { -1, -1 }, |
4674 | { -1, -1 }, |
4675 | { -1, -1 }, |
4676 | { -1, -1 }, |
4677 | { 345, -1 }, |
4678 | { -1, -1 }, |
4679 | { -1, -1 }, |
4680 | { 599, -1 }, |
4681 | { 592, -1 }, |
4682 | { -1, -1 }, |
4683 | { -1, -1 }, |
4684 | { -1, -1 }, |
4685 | { 364, -1 }, |
4686 | { -1, -1 }, |
4687 | { -1, -1 }, |
4688 | { -1, -1 }, |
4689 | { 380, -1 }, |
4690 | { -1, -1 }, |
4691 | { -1, -1 }, |
4692 | { -1, -1 }, |
4693 | { 250, 2100 }, |
4694 | { -1, -1 }, |
4695 | { -1, -1 }, |
4696 | { -1, -1 }, |
4697 | { -1, -1 }, |
4698 | { -1, -1 }, |
4699 | { -1, -1 }, |
4700 | { -1, -1 }, |
4701 | { -1, -1 }, |
4702 | { -1, -1 }, |
4703 | { -1, -1 }, |
4704 | { -1, -1 }, |
4705 | { -1, -1 }, |
4706 | { -1, -1 }, |
4707 | { -1, -1 }, |
4708 | { -1, -1 }, |
4709 | { -1, -1 }, |
4710 | { 323, -1 }, |
4711 | { -1, -1 }, |
4712 | { 626, -1 }, |
4713 | { 516, -1 }, |
4714 | { -1, -1 }, |
4715 | { 621, -1 }, |
4716 | { -1, -1 }, |
4717 | { 81, -1 }, |
4718 | { -1, -1 }, |
4719 | { -1, -1 }, |
4720 | { 11, -1 }, |
4721 | { -1, -1 }, |
4722 | { -1, -1 }, |
4723 | { -1, -1 }, |
4724 | { -1, -1 }, |
4725 | { -1, -1 }, |
4726 | { -1, -1 }, |
4727 | { -1, -1 }, |
4728 | { -1, -1 }, |
4729 | { -1, -1 }, |
4730 | { 443, -1 }, |
4731 | { -1, -1 }, |
4732 | { -1, -1 }, |
4733 | { -1, -1 }, |
4734 | { -1, -1 }, |
4735 | { -1, -1 }, |
4736 | { -1, -1 }, |
4737 | { -1, -1 }, |
4738 | { -1, -1 }, |
4739 | { -1, -1 }, |
4740 | { 439, 2114 }, |
4741 | { -1, -1 }, |
4742 | { -1, -1 }, |
4743 | { -1, -1 }, |
4744 | { 278, 2081 }, |
4745 | { -1, -1 }, |
4746 | { 586, -1 }, |
4747 | { -1, -1 }, |
4748 | { -1, -1 }, |
4749 | { 587, -1 }, |
4750 | { -1, -1 }, |
4751 | { -1, -1 }, |
4752 | { -1, -1 }, |
4753 | { -1, -1 }, |
4754 | { -1, -1 }, |
4755 | { -1, -1 }, |
4756 | { 167, 2059 }, |
4757 | { -1, -1 }, |
4758 | { -1, -1 }, |
4759 | { -1, -1 }, |
4760 | { -1, -1 }, |
4761 | { 404, -1 }, |
4762 | { -1, -1 }, |
4763 | { 590, -1 }, |
4764 | { -1, -1 }, |
4765 | { -1, -1 }, |
4766 | { -1, -1 }, |
4767 | { -1, -1 }, |
4768 | { 457, -1 }, |
4769 | { 651, -1 }, |
4770 | { -1, -1 }, |
4771 | { 449, -1 }, |
4772 | { -1, -1 }, |
4773 | { -1, -1 }, |
4774 | { -1, -1 }, |
4775 | { -1, -1 }, |
4776 | { -1, -1 }, |
4777 | { -1, -1 }, |
4778 | { -1, -1 }, |
4779 | { -1, -1 }, |
4780 | { -1, -1 }, |
4781 | { -1, -1 }, |
4782 | { -1, -1 }, |
4783 | { 335, -1 }, |
4784 | { 277, 2098 }, |
4785 | { -1, -1 }, |
4786 | { 173, -1 }, |
4787 | { -1, -1 }, |
4788 | { 144, -1 }, |
4789 | { -1, -1 }, |
4790 | { 48, 2077 }, |
4791 | { -1, -1 }, |
4792 | { 118, -1 }, |
4793 | { 273, 2134 }, |
4794 | { -1, -1 }, |
4795 | { 38, -1 }, |
4796 | { -1, -1 }, |
4797 | { 560, -1 }, |
4798 | { -1, -1 }, |
4799 | { -1, -1 }, |
4800 | { 50, -1 }, |
4801 | { -1, -1 }, |
4802 | { 31, -1 }, |
4803 | { -1, -1 }, |
4804 | { -1, -1 }, |
4805 | { -1, -1 }, |
4806 | { -1, -1 }, |
4807 | { -1, -1 }, |
4808 | { -1, -1 }, |
4809 | { -1, -1 }, |
4810 | { -1, -1 }, |
4811 | { 129, 2113 }, |
4812 | { -1, -1 }, |
4813 | { -1, -1 }, |
4814 | { -1, -1 }, |
4815 | { -1, -1 }, |
4816 | { -1, -1 }, |
4817 | { 160, -1 }, |
4818 | { -1, -1 }, |
4819 | { 441, -1 }, |
4820 | { -1, -1 }, |
4821 | { -1, -1 }, |
4822 | { -1, -1 }, |
4823 | { 505, -1 }, |
4824 | { 201, 2061 }, |
4825 | { -1, -1 }, |
4826 | { -1, -1 }, |
4827 | { -1, -1 }, |
4828 | { 313, -1 }, |
4829 | { -1, -1 }, |
4830 | { 564, -1 }, |
4831 | { 111, 2058 }, |
4832 | { -1, -1 }, |
4833 | { -1, -1 }, |
4834 | { 545, -1 }, |
4835 | { -1, -1 }, |
4836 | { -1, -1 }, |
4837 | { 198, -1 }, |
4838 | { 222, -1 }, |
4839 | { -1, -1 }, |
4840 | { -1, -1 }, |
4841 | { -1, -1 }, |
4842 | { -1, -1 }, |
4843 | { -1, -1 }, |
4844 | { -1, -1 }, |
4845 | { -1, -1 }, |
4846 | { -1, -1 }, |
4847 | { 275, 2071 }, |
4848 | { 622, -1 }, |
4849 | { -1, -1 }, |
4850 | { -1, -1 }, |
4851 | { -1, -1 }, |
4852 | { -1, -1 }, |
4853 | { 21, -1 }, |
4854 | { -1, -1 }, |
4855 | { 227, -1 }, |
4856 | { -1, -1 }, |
4857 | { 83, 2099 }, |
4858 | { -1, -1 }, |
4859 | { 76, -1 }, |
4860 | { -1, -1 }, |
4861 | { 414, -1 }, |
4862 | { 543, -1 }, |
4863 | { 615, -1 }, |
4864 | { 183, 2110 }, |
4865 | { -1, -1 }, |
4866 | { 452, -1 }, |
4867 | { -1, -1 }, |
4868 | { -1, -1 }, |
4869 | { -1, -1 }, |
4870 | { 630, -1 }, |
4871 | { 514, -1 }, |
4872 | { -1, -1 }, |
4873 | { -1, -1 }, |
4874 | { -1, -1 }, |
4875 | { -1, -1 }, |
4876 | { 245, -1 }, |
4877 | { 57, -1 }, |
4878 | { 68, -1 }, |
4879 | { 87, -1 }, |
4880 | { 103, -1 }, |
4881 | { 122, -1 }, |
4882 | { 135, -1 }, |
4883 | { 143, -1 }, |
4884 | { 148, -1 }, |
4885 | { 156, -1 }, |
4886 | { 162, 2111 }, |
4887 | { 187, -1 }, |
4888 | { 194, -1 }, |
4889 | { 200, -1 }, |
4890 | { 214, -1 }, |
4891 | { 217, -1 }, |
4892 | { 220, -1 }, |
4893 | { 232, -1 }, |
4894 | { 244, -1 }, |
4895 | { 248, -1 }, |
4896 | { 259, -1 }, |
4897 | { 263, -1 }, |
4898 | { 268, -1 }, |
4899 | { 274, -1 }, |
4900 | { 276, -1 }, |
4901 | { 281, -1 }, |
4902 | { 285, 2105 }, |
4903 | { 290, 2078 }, |
4904 | { 301, -1 }, |
4905 | { 308, -1 }, |
4906 | { 315, -1 }, |
4907 | { 321, -1 }, |
4908 | { 347, -1 }, |
4909 | { 366, 2109 }, |
4910 | { 368, -1 }, |
4911 | { 370, -1 }, |
4912 | { 371, -1 }, |
4913 | { 396, 2123 }, |
4914 | { 399, -1 }, |
4915 | { 402, -1 }, |
4916 | { 413, -1 }, |
4917 | { 427, -1 }, |
4918 | { 431, -1 }, |
4919 | { 432, -1 }, |
4920 | { 436, -1 }, |
4921 | { 437, 2112 }, |
4922 | { 440, -1 }, |
4923 | { 465, -1 }, |
4924 | { 476, -1 }, |
4925 | { 477, -1 }, |
4926 | { 482, -1 }, |
4927 | { 484, -1 }, |
4928 | { 492, -1 }, |
4929 | { 499, -1 }, |
4930 | { 502, -1 }, |
4931 | { 513, -1 }, |
4932 | { 515, -1 }, |
4933 | { 518, -1 }, |
4934 | { 519, -1 }, |
4935 | { 524, -1 }, |
4936 | { 525, -1 }, |
4937 | { 526, -1 }, |
4938 | { 534, -1 }, |
4939 | { 540, -1 }, |
4940 | { 549, -1 }, |
4941 | { 550, -1 }, |
4942 | { 556, -1 }, |
4943 | { 562, -1 }, |
4944 | { 566, -1 }, |
4945 | { 568, 2126 }, |
4946 | { 569, -1 }, |
4947 | { 571, -1 }, |
4948 | { 574, -1 }, |
4949 | { 577, -1 }, |
4950 | { 580, -1 }, |
4951 | { 582, -1 }, |
4952 | { 583, -1 }, |
4953 | { 584, -1 }, |
4954 | { 589, -1 }, |
4955 | { 591, -1 }, |
4956 | { 597, -1 }, |
4957 | { 608, -1 }, |
4958 | { 613, -1 }, |
4959 | { 623, -1 }, |
4960 | { 627, -1 }, |
4961 | { 629, -1 }, |
4962 | { 631, -1 }, |
4963 | { 632, -1 }, |
4964 | { 635, -1 }, |
4965 | { 638, -1 }, |
4966 | { 650, -1 }, |
4967 | { 657, -1 }, |
4968 | }; |
4969 | |
4970 | |
4971 | static const HashTableValue JSDOMWindowTableValues[] = |
4972 | { |
4973 | { "window" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWindow), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4974 | { "self" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSelf), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSelf) } }, |
4975 | { "document" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDocument), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4976 | { "name" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowName), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowName) } }, |
4977 | { "location" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowLocation), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowLocation) } }, |
4978 | { "history" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHistory), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4979 | { "locationbar" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowLocationbar), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowLocationbar) } }, |
4980 | { "menubar" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMenubar), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMenubar) } }, |
4981 | { "personalbar" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPersonalbar), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPersonalbar) } }, |
4982 | { "scrollbars" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScrollbars), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScrollbars) } }, |
4983 | { "statusbar" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStatusbar), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStatusbar) } }, |
4984 | { "toolbar" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowToolbar), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowToolbar) } }, |
4985 | { "status" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStatus), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStatus) } }, |
4986 | { "closed" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowClosed), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4987 | { "frames" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFrames), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFrames) } }, |
4988 | { "length" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowLength), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowLength) } }, |
4989 | { "top" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTop), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4990 | { "opener" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOpener), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOpener) } }, |
4991 | { "parent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowParent), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowParent) } }, |
4992 | { "frameElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFrameElement), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4993 | { "navigator" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNavigator), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4994 | { "applicationCache" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowApplicationCache), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4995 | { "sessionStorage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSessionStorage), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4996 | { "localStorage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowLocalStorage), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
4997 | { "screen" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreen), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreen) } }, |
4998 | { "innerHeight" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowInnerHeight), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowInnerHeight) } }, |
4999 | { "innerWidth" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowInnerWidth), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowInnerWidth) } }, |
5000 | { "scrollX" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScrollX), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScrollX) } }, |
5001 | { "pageXOffset" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPageXOffset), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPageXOffset) } }, |
5002 | { "scrollY" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScrollY), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScrollY) } }, |
5003 | { "pageYOffset" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPageYOffset), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPageYOffset) } }, |
5004 | { "screenX" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreenX), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreenX) } }, |
5005 | { "screenY" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreenY), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreenY) } }, |
5006 | { "outerWidth" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOuterWidth), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOuterWidth) } }, |
5007 | { "outerHeight" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOuterHeight), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOuterHeight) } }, |
5008 | { "devicePixelRatio" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio) } }, |
5010 | { "orientation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOrientation), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5011 | #else |
5012 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5013 | #endif |
5014 | { "event" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowEvent), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowEvent) } }, |
5015 | { "defaultStatus" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDefaultStatus), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDefaultStatus) } }, |
5016 | { "defaultstatus" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDefaultstatus), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDefaultstatus) } }, |
5017 | { "offscreenBuffering" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering) } }, |
5018 | { "screenLeft" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreenLeft), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreenLeft) } }, |
5019 | { "screenTop" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreenTop), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreenTop) } }, |
5020 | { "clientInformation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowClientInformation), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowClientInformation) } }, |
5021 | { "styleMedia" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStyleMedia), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5023 | { "ongesturechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOngesturechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOngesturechange) } }, |
5024 | #else |
5025 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5026 | #endif |
5028 | { "ongestureend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOngestureend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOngestureend) } }, |
5029 | #else |
5030 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5031 | #endif |
5033 | { "ongesturestart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOngesturestart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOngesturestart) } }, |
5034 | #else |
5035 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5036 | #endif |
5038 | { "ondevicemotion" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndevicemotion), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndevicemotion) } }, |
5039 | #else |
5040 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5041 | #endif |
5043 | { "ondeviceorientation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndeviceorientation), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndeviceorientation) } }, |
5044 | #else |
5045 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5046 | #endif |
5047 | { "onwebkitanimationend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend) } }, |
5048 | { "onwebkitanimationiteration" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration) } }, |
5049 | { "onwebkitanimationstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart) } }, |
5050 | { "onwebkittransitionend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend) } }, |
5052 | { "indexedDB" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIndexedDB), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5053 | #else |
5054 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5055 | #endif |
5057 | { "webkitIndexedDB" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebkitIndexedDB), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5058 | #else |
5059 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5060 | #endif |
5062 | { "speechSynthesis" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesis), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5063 | #else |
5064 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5065 | #endif |
5066 | { "onabort" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnabort), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnabort) } }, |
5067 | { "onblur" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnblur), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnblur) } }, |
5068 | { "oncanplay" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOncanplay), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOncanplay) } }, |
5069 | { "oncanplaythrough" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOncanplaythrough), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOncanplaythrough) } }, |
5070 | { "onchange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnchange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnchange) } }, |
5071 | { "onclick" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnclick), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnclick) } }, |
5072 | { "oncontextmenu" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOncontextmenu), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOncontextmenu) } }, |
5073 | { "oncuechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOncuechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOncuechange) } }, |
5074 | { "ondblclick" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndblclick), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndblclick) } }, |
5075 | { "ondrag" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndrag), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndrag) } }, |
5076 | { "ondragend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndragend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndragend) } }, |
5077 | { "ondragenter" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndragenter), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndragenter) } }, |
5078 | { "ondragleave" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndragleave), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndragleave) } }, |
5079 | { "ondragover" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndragover), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndragover) } }, |
5080 | { "ondragstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndragstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndragstart) } }, |
5081 | { "ondrop" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndrop), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndrop) } }, |
5082 | { "ondurationchange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOndurationchange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOndurationchange) } }, |
5083 | { "onemptied" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnemptied), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnemptied) } }, |
5084 | { "onended" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnended), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnended) } }, |
5085 | { "onerror" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnerror), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnerror) } }, |
5086 | { "onfocus" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnfocus), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnfocus) } }, |
5087 | { "oninput" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOninput), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOninput) } }, |
5088 | { "oninvalid" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOninvalid), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOninvalid) } }, |
5089 | { "onkeydown" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnkeydown), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnkeydown) } }, |
5090 | { "onkeypress" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnkeypress), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnkeypress) } }, |
5091 | { "onkeyup" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnkeyup), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnkeyup) } }, |
5092 | { "onload" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnload), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnload) } }, |
5093 | { "onloadeddata" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnloadeddata), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnloadeddata) } }, |
5094 | { "onloadedmetadata" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata) } }, |
5095 | { "onloadstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnloadstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnloadstart) } }, |
5096 | { "onmousedown" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmousedown), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmousedown) } }, |
5097 | { "onmouseenter" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmouseenter), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmouseenter) } }, |
5098 | { "onmouseleave" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmouseleave), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmouseleave) } }, |
5099 | { "onmousemove" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmousemove), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmousemove) } }, |
5100 | { "onmouseout" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmouseout), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmouseout) } }, |
5101 | { "onmouseover" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmouseover), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmouseover) } }, |
5102 | { "onmouseup" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmouseup), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmouseup) } }, |
5103 | { "onmousewheel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmousewheel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmousewheel) } }, |
5104 | { "onpause" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpause), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpause) } }, |
5105 | { "onplay" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnplay), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnplay) } }, |
5106 | { "onplaying" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnplaying), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnplaying) } }, |
5107 | { "onprogress" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnprogress), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnprogress) } }, |
5108 | { "onratechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnratechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnratechange) } }, |
5109 | { "onrejectionhandled" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled) } }, |
5110 | { "onreset" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnreset), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnreset) } }, |
5111 | { "onresize" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnresize), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnresize) } }, |
5112 | { "onscroll" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnscroll), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnscroll) } }, |
5113 | { "onseeked" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnseeked), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnseeked) } }, |
5114 | { "onseeking" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnseeking), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnseeking) } }, |
5115 | { "onselect" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnselect), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnselect) } }, |
5116 | { "onstalled" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnstalled), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnstalled) } }, |
5117 | { "onsubmit" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnsubmit), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnsubmit) } }, |
5118 | { "onsuspend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnsuspend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnsuspend) } }, |
5119 | { "ontimeupdate" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntimeupdate), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntimeupdate) } }, |
5120 | { "ontoggle" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntoggle), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntoggle) } }, |
5121 | { "onunhandledrejection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection) } }, |
5122 | { "onvolumechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnvolumechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnvolumechange) } }, |
5123 | { "onwaiting" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwaiting), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwaiting) } }, |
5124 | { "ontransitionend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntransitionend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntransitionend) } }, |
5125 | { "ontransitionrun" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntransitionrun), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntransitionrun) } }, |
5126 | { "ontransitionstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntransitionstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntransitionstart) } }, |
5127 | { "ontransitioncancel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntransitioncancel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntransitioncancel) } }, |
5128 | { "onanimationend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnanimationend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnanimationend) } }, |
5129 | { "onanimationiteration" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnanimationiteration), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnanimationiteration) } }, |
5130 | { "onanimationstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnanimationstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnanimationstart) } }, |
5131 | { "onanimationcancel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnanimationcancel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnanimationcancel) } }, |
5132 | { "ongotpointercapture" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOngotpointercapture), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOngotpointercapture) } }, |
5133 | { "onlostpointercapture" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture) } }, |
5134 | { "onpointerdown" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerdown), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerdown) } }, |
5135 | { "onpointermove" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointermove), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointermove) } }, |
5136 | { "onpointerup" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerup), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerup) } }, |
5137 | { "onpointercancel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointercancel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointercancel) } }, |
5138 | { "onpointerover" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerover), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerover) } }, |
5139 | { "onpointerout" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerout), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerout) } }, |
5140 | { "onpointerenter" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerenter), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerenter) } }, |
5141 | { "onpointerleave" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpointerleave), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpointerleave) } }, |
5142 | { "onsearch" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnsearch), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnsearch) } }, |
5143 | { "onwheel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwheel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwheel) } }, |
5145 | { "ontouchcancel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntouchcancel), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntouchcancel) } }, |
5146 | #else |
5147 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5148 | #endif |
5150 | { "ontouchend" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntouchend), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntouchend) } }, |
5151 | #else |
5152 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5153 | #endif |
5155 | { "ontouchmove" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntouchmove), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntouchmove) } }, |
5156 | #else |
5157 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5158 | #endif |
5160 | { "ontouchstart" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntouchstart), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntouchstart) } }, |
5161 | #else |
5162 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5163 | #endif |
5165 | { "ontouchforcechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOntouchforcechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOntouchforcechange) } }, |
5166 | #else |
5167 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5168 | #endif |
5170 | { "onwebkitmouseforcechanged" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged) } }, |
5171 | #else |
5172 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5173 | #endif |
5175 | { "onwebkitmouseforcedown" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown) } }, |
5176 | #else |
5177 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5178 | #endif |
5180 | { "onwebkitmouseforcewillbegin" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin) } }, |
5181 | #else |
5182 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5183 | #endif |
5185 | { "onwebkitmouseforceup" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup) } }, |
5186 | #else |
5187 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5188 | #endif |
5189 | { "crypto" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCrypto), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
5190 | { "performance" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPerformance), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPerformance) } }, |
5191 | { "onafterprint" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnafterprint), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnafterprint) } }, |
5192 | { "onbeforeprint" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnbeforeprint), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeprint) } }, |
5193 | { "onbeforeunload" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnbeforeunload), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeunload) } }, |
5194 | { "onhashchange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnhashchange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnhashchange) } }, |
5195 | { "onlanguagechange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnlanguagechange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnlanguagechange) } }, |
5196 | { "onmessage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnmessage), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnmessage) } }, |
5197 | { "onoffline" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnoffline), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnoffline) } }, |
5198 | { "ononline" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnonline), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnonline) } }, |
5199 | { "onpagehide" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpagehide), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpagehide) } }, |
5200 | { "onpageshow" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpageshow), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpageshow) } }, |
5201 | { "onpopstate" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnpopstate), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnpopstate) } }, |
5202 | { "onstorage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnstorage), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnstorage) } }, |
5203 | { "onunload" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnunload), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnunload) } }, |
5205 | { "onorientationchange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOnorientationchange), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOnorientationchange) } }, |
5206 | #else |
5207 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5208 | #endif |
5209 | { "origin" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOrigin), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOrigin) } }, |
5211 | { "WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor) } }, |
5212 | #else |
5213 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5214 | #endif |
5216 | { "IDBCursor" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor) } }, |
5217 | #else |
5218 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5219 | #endif |
5221 | { "IDBCursorWithValue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor) } }, |
5222 | #else |
5223 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5224 | #endif |
5226 | { "IDBDatabase" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor) } }, |
5227 | #else |
5228 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5229 | #endif |
5231 | { "IDBFactory" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor) } }, |
5232 | #else |
5233 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5234 | #endif |
5236 | { "IDBIndex" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor) } }, |
5237 | #else |
5238 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5239 | #endif |
5241 | { "IDBKeyRange" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor) } }, |
5242 | #else |
5243 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5244 | #endif |
5246 | { "IDBObjectStore" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor) } }, |
5247 | #else |
5248 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5249 | #endif |
5251 | { "IDBOpenDBRequest" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor) } }, |
5252 | #else |
5253 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5254 | #endif |
5256 | { "IDBRequest" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor) } }, |
5257 | #else |
5258 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5259 | #endif |
5261 | { "IDBTransaction" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor) } }, |
5262 | #else |
5263 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5264 | #endif |
5266 | { "IDBVersionChangeEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor) } }, |
5267 | #else |
5268 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5269 | #endif |
5271 | { "MediaRemoteControls" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor) } }, |
5272 | #else |
5273 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5274 | #endif |
5276 | { "MediaSession" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor) } }, |
5277 | #else |
5278 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5279 | #endif |
5281 | { "SourceBuffer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor) } }, |
5282 | #else |
5283 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5284 | #endif |
5286 | { "SourceBufferList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor) } }, |
5287 | #else |
5288 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5289 | #endif |
5291 | { "CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor) } }, |
5292 | #else |
5293 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5294 | #endif |
5296 | { "MediaDeviceInfo" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor) } }, |
5297 | #else |
5298 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5299 | #endif |
5301 | { "MediaDevices" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor) } }, |
5302 | #else |
5303 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5304 | #endif |
5306 | { "MediaStream" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor) } }, |
5307 | #else |
5308 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5309 | #endif |
5311 | { "MediaStreamTrack" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor) } }, |
5312 | #else |
5313 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5314 | #endif |
5316 | { "MediaStreamTrackEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor) } }, |
5317 | #else |
5318 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5319 | #endif |
5321 | { "OverconstrainedError" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor) } }, |
5322 | #else |
5323 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5324 | #endif |
5326 | { "OverconstrainedErrorEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor) } }, |
5327 | #else |
5328 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5329 | #endif |
5331 | { "Notification" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNotificationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNotificationConstructor) } }, |
5332 | #else |
5333 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5334 | #endif |
5336 | { "SpeechSynthesisEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor) } }, |
5337 | #else |
5338 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5339 | #endif |
5341 | { "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor) } }, |
5342 | #else |
5343 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5344 | #endif |
5345 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
5346 | { "ByteLengthQueuingStrategy" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor) } }, |
5347 | #else |
5348 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5349 | #endif |
5350 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
5351 | { "CountQueuingStrategy" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor) } }, |
5352 | #else |
5353 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5354 | #endif |
5355 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
5356 | { "ReadableStream" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor) } }, |
5357 | #else |
5358 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5359 | #endif |
5360 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5361 | { "AnalyserNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor) } }, |
5362 | #else |
5363 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5364 | #endif |
5365 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5366 | { "AudioBuffer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor) } }, |
5367 | #else |
5368 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5369 | #endif |
5370 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5371 | { "AudioBufferSourceNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor) } }, |
5372 | #else |
5373 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5374 | #endif |
5375 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5376 | { "AudioDestinationNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor) } }, |
5377 | #else |
5378 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5379 | #endif |
5380 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5381 | { "AudioListener" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor) } }, |
5382 | #else |
5383 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5384 | #endif |
5385 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5386 | { "AudioNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor) } }, |
5387 | #else |
5388 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5389 | #endif |
5390 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5391 | { "AudioParam" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor) } }, |
5392 | #else |
5393 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5394 | #endif |
5395 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5396 | { "AudioProcessingEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor) } }, |
5397 | #else |
5398 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5399 | #endif |
5400 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5401 | { "BiquadFilterNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor) } }, |
5402 | #else |
5403 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5404 | #endif |
5405 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5406 | { "ChannelMergerNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor) } }, |
5407 | #else |
5408 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5409 | #endif |
5410 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5411 | { "ChannelSplitterNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor) } }, |
5412 | #else |
5413 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5414 | #endif |
5415 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5416 | { "ConvolverNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor) } }, |
5417 | #else |
5418 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5419 | #endif |
5420 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5421 | { "DelayNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor) } }, |
5422 | #else |
5423 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5424 | #endif |
5425 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5426 | { "DynamicsCompressorNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor) } }, |
5427 | #else |
5428 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5429 | #endif |
5430 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5431 | { "GainNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor) } }, |
5432 | #else |
5433 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5434 | #endif |
5436 | { "MediaElementAudioSourceNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor) } }, |
5437 | #else |
5438 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5439 | #endif |
5441 | { "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor) } }, |
5442 | #else |
5443 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5444 | #endif |
5446 | { "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor) } }, |
5447 | #else |
5448 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5449 | #endif |
5450 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5451 | { "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor) } }, |
5452 | #else |
5453 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5454 | #endif |
5455 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5456 | { "webkitOfflineAudioContext" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor) } }, |
5457 | #else |
5458 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5459 | #endif |
5460 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5461 | { "OscillatorNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor) } }, |
5462 | #else |
5463 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5464 | #endif |
5465 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5466 | { "webkitAudioPannerNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor) } }, |
5467 | #else |
5468 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5469 | #endif |
5470 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5471 | { "PeriodicWave" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor) } }, |
5472 | #else |
5473 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5474 | #endif |
5475 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5476 | { "ScriptProcessorNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor) } }, |
5477 | #else |
5478 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5479 | #endif |
5480 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
5481 | { "WaveShaperNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor) } }, |
5482 | #else |
5483 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5484 | #endif |
5485 | { "SQLTransaction" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor) } }, |
5486 | { "CloseEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor) } }, |
5487 | { "VRPose" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor) } }, |
5488 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
5489 | { "CryptoKey" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor) } }, |
5490 | #else |
5491 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5492 | #endif |
5493 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
5494 | { "SubtleCrypto" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor) } }, |
5495 | #else |
5496 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5497 | #endif |
5498 | { "CSSFontFaceRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor) } }, |
5499 | { "CSSImportRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor) } }, |
5500 | { "CSSKeyframeRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor) } }, |
5501 | { "CSSKeyframesRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor) } }, |
5502 | { "CSSMediaRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor) } }, |
5503 | { "CSSNamespaceRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor) } }, |
5504 | { "CSSPageRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructor) } }, |
5505 | { "CSSRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor) } }, |
5506 | { "CSSRuleList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor) } }, |
5507 | { "CSSStyleDeclaration" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor) } }, |
5508 | { "CSSStyleRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor) } }, |
5509 | { "CSSStyleSheet" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor) } }, |
5510 | { "CSSSupportsRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor) } }, |
5511 | { "CSS" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSConstructor) } }, |
5512 | { "DOMMatrix" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor) } }, |
5513 | { "DOMMatrixReadOnly" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor) } }, |
5514 | { "Counter" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCounterConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCounterConstructor) } }, |
5515 | { "CSSPrimitiveValue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor) } }, |
5516 | { "RGBColor" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor) } }, |
5517 | { "Rect" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowRectConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowRectConstructor) } }, |
5518 | { "CSSValue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor) } }, |
5519 | { "CSSValueList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor) } }, |
5520 | { "FontFace" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor) } }, |
5521 | { "FontFaceSet" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor) } }, |
5522 | { "MediaList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaListConstructor) } }, |
5523 | { "StyleSheet" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor) } }, |
5524 | { "StyleSheetList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor) } }, |
5525 | { "WebKitCSSMatrix" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor) } }, |
5527 | { "WebKitCSSViewportRule" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor) } }, |
5528 | #else |
5529 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5530 | #endif |
5531 | { "AbortController" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor) } }, |
5532 | { "AbortSignal" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor) } }, |
5533 | { "AnimationEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor) } }, |
5534 | { "Attr" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAttrConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAttrConstructor) } }, |
5535 | { "BeforeLoadEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor) } }, |
5536 | { "BeforeUnloadEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor) } }, |
5537 | { "CDATASection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor) } }, |
5538 | { "CharacterData" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor) } }, |
5539 | { "ClipboardEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor) } }, |
5540 | { "Comment" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCommentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCommentConstructor) } }, |
5541 | { "CompositionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor) } }, |
5542 | { "CustomEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor) } }, |
5543 | { "DOMException" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor) } }, |
5544 | { "DOMImplementation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor) } }, |
5545 | { "DOMPoint" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor) } }, |
5546 | { "DOMPointReadOnly" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor) } }, |
5547 | { "DOMQuad" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor) } }, |
5548 | { "DOMRect" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor) } }, |
5549 | { "DOMRectList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor) } }, |
5550 | { "DOMRectReadOnly" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor) } }, |
5551 | { "DOMStringList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor) } }, |
5552 | { "DOMStringMap" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor) } }, |
5553 | { "DataTransfer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor) } }, |
5555 | { "DeviceMotionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor) } }, |
5556 | #else |
5557 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5558 | #endif |
5560 | { "DeviceOrientationEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor) } }, |
5561 | #else |
5562 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5563 | #endif |
5564 | { "Document" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDocumentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDocumentConstructor) } }, |
5565 | { "DocumentFragment" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor) } }, |
5566 | { "DocumentType" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor) } }, |
5567 | { "Element" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowElementConstructor) } }, |
5568 | { "ErrorEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor) } }, |
5569 | { "Event" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowEventConstructor) } }, |
5570 | { "EventTarget" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor) } }, |
5571 | { "FocusEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor) } }, |
5572 | { "HashChangeEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor) } }, |
5573 | { "KeyboardEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor) } }, |
5575 | { "MessageChannel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor) } }, |
5576 | #else |
5577 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5578 | #endif |
5579 | { "MessageEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor) } }, |
5580 | { "MessagePort" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor) } }, |
5581 | { "MouseEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor) } }, |
5582 | { "MutationEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor) } }, |
5583 | { "MutationObserver" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor) } }, |
5584 | { "WebKitMutationObserver" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor) } }, |
5585 | { "MutationRecord" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor) } }, |
5586 | { "NamedNodeMap" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor) } }, |
5587 | { "Node" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNodeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNodeConstructor) } }, |
5588 | { "NodeFilter" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor) } }, |
5589 | { "NodeIterator" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor) } }, |
5590 | { "NodeList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNodeListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNodeListConstructor) } }, |
5591 | { "OverflowEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor) } }, |
5592 | { "PageTransitionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor) } }, |
5593 | { "PopStateEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor) } }, |
5594 | { "ProcessingInstruction" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor) } }, |
5595 | { "ProgressEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor) } }, |
5596 | { "PromiseRejectionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor) } }, |
5597 | { "Range" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowRangeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowRangeConstructor) } }, |
5598 | { "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor) } }, |
5599 | { "Text" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextConstructor) } }, |
5600 | { "TextDecoder" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor) } }, |
5601 | { "TextEncoder" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor) } }, |
5602 | { "TextEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextEventConstructor) } }, |
5604 | { "Touch" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTouchConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTouchConstructor) } }, |
5605 | #else |
5606 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5607 | #endif |
5609 | { "TouchEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor) } }, |
5610 | #else |
5611 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5612 | #endif |
5614 | { "TouchList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTouchListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTouchListConstructor) } }, |
5615 | #else |
5616 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5617 | #endif |
5618 | { "TransitionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor) } }, |
5619 | { "TreeWalker" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor) } }, |
5620 | { "UIEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowUIEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowUIEventConstructor) } }, |
5621 | { "WebKitAnimationEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor) } }, |
5622 | { "WebKitTransitionEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor) } }, |
5623 | { "WheelEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor) } }, |
5624 | { "XMLDocument" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor) } }, |
5625 | { "SVGDocument" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor) } }, |
5626 | { "Blob" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowBlobConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowBlobConstructor) } }, |
5627 | { "File" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFileConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFileConstructor) } }, |
5628 | { "FileError" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor) } }, |
5629 | { "FileList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFileListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFileListConstructor) } }, |
5630 | { "FileReader" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor) } }, |
5631 | { "FormData" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowFormDataConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowFormDataConstructor) } }, |
5632 | { "DOMTokenList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor) } }, |
5633 | { "URL" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowURLConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowURLConstructor) } }, |
5634 | { "webkitURL" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor) } }, |
5635 | { "HTMLAllCollection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor) } }, |
5636 | { "HTMLAnchorElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor) } }, |
5637 | { "HTMLAppletElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor) } }, |
5638 | { "HTMLAreaElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor) } }, |
5639 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5640 | { "HTMLAudioElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor) } }, |
5641 | #else |
5642 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5643 | #endif |
5644 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5645 | { "Audio" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioConstructor) } }, |
5646 | #else |
5647 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5648 | #endif |
5649 | { "HTMLBRElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor) } }, |
5650 | { "HTMLBaseElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor) } }, |
5651 | { "HTMLBodyElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor) } }, |
5652 | { "HTMLButtonElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor) } }, |
5653 | { "HTMLCanvasElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor) } }, |
5654 | { "HTMLCollection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor) } }, |
5655 | { "HTMLDListElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor) } }, |
5656 | { "HTMLDataElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor) } }, |
5657 | { "HTMLDetailsElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor) } }, |
5658 | { "HTMLDirectoryElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor) } }, |
5659 | { "HTMLDivElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor) } }, |
5660 | { "HTMLDocument" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor) } }, |
5661 | { "HTMLElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor) } }, |
5662 | { "HTMLEmbedElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor) } }, |
5663 | { "HTMLFieldSetElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor) } }, |
5664 | { "HTMLFontElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor) } }, |
5665 | { "HTMLFormControlsCollection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor) } }, |
5666 | { "HTMLFormElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor) } }, |
5667 | { "HTMLFrameElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor) } }, |
5668 | { "HTMLFrameSetElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor) } }, |
5669 | { "HTMLHRElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor) } }, |
5670 | { "HTMLHeadElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor) } }, |
5671 | { "HTMLHeadingElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor) } }, |
5672 | { "HTMLHtmlElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor) } }, |
5673 | { "HTMLIFrameElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor) } }, |
5674 | { "HTMLImageElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor) } }, |
5675 | { "Image" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowImageConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowImageConstructor) } }, |
5676 | { "HTMLInputElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor) } }, |
5677 | { "HTMLKeygenElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor) } }, |
5678 | { "HTMLLIElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor) } }, |
5679 | { "HTMLLabelElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor) } }, |
5680 | { "HTMLLegendElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor) } }, |
5681 | { "HTMLLinkElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor) } }, |
5682 | { "HTMLMapElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor) } }, |
5683 | { "HTMLMarqueeElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor) } }, |
5684 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5685 | { "HTMLMediaElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor) } }, |
5686 | #else |
5687 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5688 | #endif |
5689 | { "HTMLMenuElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructor) } }, |
5690 | { "HTMLMetaElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor) } }, |
5692 | { "HTMLMeterElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor) } }, |
5693 | #else |
5694 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5695 | #endif |
5696 | { "HTMLModElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor) } }, |
5697 | { "HTMLOListElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor) } }, |
5698 | { "HTMLObjectElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor) } }, |
5699 | { "HTMLOptGroupElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor) } }, |
5700 | { "HTMLOptionElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor) } }, |
5701 | { "Option" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowOptionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowOptionConstructor) } }, |
5702 | { "HTMLOptionsCollection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor) } }, |
5703 | { "HTMLOutputElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor) } }, |
5704 | { "HTMLParagraphElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor) } }, |
5705 | { "HTMLParamElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor) } }, |
5706 | { "HTMLPictureElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor) } }, |
5707 | { "HTMLPreElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor) } }, |
5708 | { "HTMLProgressElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor) } }, |
5709 | { "HTMLQuoteElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor) } }, |
5710 | { "HTMLScriptElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor) } }, |
5711 | { "HTMLSelectElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor) } }, |
5712 | { "HTMLSourceElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor) } }, |
5713 | { "HTMLSpanElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor) } }, |
5714 | { "HTMLStyleElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor) } }, |
5715 | { "HTMLTableCaptionElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor) } }, |
5716 | { "HTMLTableCellElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor) } }, |
5717 | { "HTMLTableColElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor) } }, |
5718 | { "HTMLTableElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor) } }, |
5719 | { "HTMLTableRowElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor) } }, |
5720 | { "HTMLTableSectionElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor) } }, |
5721 | { "HTMLTemplateElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor) } }, |
5722 | { "HTMLTextAreaElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor) } }, |
5723 | { "HTMLTimeElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor) } }, |
5724 | { "HTMLTitleElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor) } }, |
5725 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5726 | { "HTMLTrackElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor) } }, |
5727 | #else |
5728 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5729 | #endif |
5730 | { "HTMLUListElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor) } }, |
5731 | { "HTMLUnknownElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor) } }, |
5732 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5733 | { "HTMLVideoElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor) } }, |
5734 | #else |
5735 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5736 | #endif |
5737 | { "ImageData" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowImageDataConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowImageDataConstructor) } }, |
5738 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5739 | { "MediaController" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor) } }, |
5740 | #else |
5741 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5742 | #endif |
5743 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5744 | { "MediaError" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor) } }, |
5745 | #else |
5746 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5747 | #endif |
5748 | { "RadioNodeList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor) } }, |
5749 | { "TextMetrics" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor) } }, |
5750 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
5751 | { "TimeRanges" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor) } }, |
5752 | #else |
5753 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5754 | #endif |
5755 | { "URLSearchParams" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor) } }, |
5756 | { "ValidityState" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor) } }, |
5757 | { "CanvasGradient" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor) } }, |
5758 | { "CanvasPattern" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor) } }, |
5759 | { "CanvasRenderingContext2D" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor) } }, |
5760 | { "Path2D" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPath2DConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPath2DConstructor) } }, |
5761 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5762 | { "WebGLActiveInfo" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor) } }, |
5763 | #else |
5764 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5765 | #endif |
5766 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5767 | { "WebGLBuffer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor) } }, |
5768 | #else |
5769 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5770 | #endif |
5771 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5772 | { "WebGLContextEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor) } }, |
5773 | #else |
5774 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5775 | #endif |
5776 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5777 | { "WebGLFramebuffer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor) } }, |
5778 | #else |
5779 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5780 | #endif |
5781 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5782 | { "WebGLProgram" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor) } }, |
5783 | #else |
5784 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5785 | #endif |
5786 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5787 | { "WebGLQuery" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor) } }, |
5788 | #else |
5789 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5790 | #endif |
5791 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5792 | { "WebGLRenderbuffer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor) } }, |
5793 | #else |
5794 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5795 | #endif |
5796 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5797 | { "WebGLRenderingContext" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor) } }, |
5798 | #else |
5799 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5800 | #endif |
5801 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5802 | { "WebGLSampler" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor) } }, |
5803 | #else |
5804 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5805 | #endif |
5806 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5807 | { "WebGLShader" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor) } }, |
5808 | #else |
5809 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5810 | #endif |
5811 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5812 | { "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor) } }, |
5813 | #else |
5814 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5815 | #endif |
5816 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5817 | { "WebGLSync" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor) } }, |
5818 | #else |
5819 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5820 | #endif |
5821 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5822 | { "WebGLTexture" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor) } }, |
5823 | #else |
5824 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5825 | #endif |
5826 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5827 | { "WebGLTransformFeedback" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor) } }, |
5828 | #else |
5829 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5830 | #endif |
5831 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
5832 | { "WebGLUniformLocation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor) } }, |
5833 | #else |
5834 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5835 | #endif |
5836 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5837 | { "AudioTrack" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor) } }, |
5838 | #else |
5839 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5840 | #endif |
5841 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5842 | { "AudioTrackList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor) } }, |
5843 | #else |
5844 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5845 | #endif |
5846 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5847 | { "DataCue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDataCueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDataCueConstructor) } }, |
5848 | #else |
5849 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5850 | #endif |
5851 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5852 | { "TextTrack" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor) } }, |
5853 | #else |
5854 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5855 | #endif |
5856 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5857 | { "TextTrackCue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor) } }, |
5858 | #else |
5859 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5860 | #endif |
5861 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5862 | { "TextTrackCueList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor) } }, |
5863 | #else |
5864 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5865 | #endif |
5866 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5867 | { "TextTrackList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor) } }, |
5868 | #else |
5869 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5870 | #endif |
5871 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5872 | { "TrackEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor) } }, |
5873 | #else |
5874 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5875 | #endif |
5876 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5877 | { "VTTCue" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor) } }, |
5878 | #else |
5879 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5880 | #endif |
5881 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5882 | { "VTTRegion" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor) } }, |
5883 | #else |
5884 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5885 | #endif |
5886 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5887 | { "VideoTrack" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor) } }, |
5888 | #else |
5889 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5890 | #endif |
5891 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
5892 | { "VideoTrackList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor) } }, |
5893 | #else |
5894 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5895 | #endif |
5896 | { "ApplicationCache" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor) } }, |
5897 | { "BarProp" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowBarPropConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowBarPropConstructor) } }, |
5898 | { "Crypto" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowCryptoConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowCryptoConstructor) } }, |
5899 | { "Selection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSelectionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSelectionConstructor) } }, |
5900 | { "Window" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWindowConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWindowConstructor) } }, |
5901 | { "EventSource" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor) } }, |
5902 | { "History" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowHistoryConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowHistoryConstructor) } }, |
5903 | { "Location" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowLocationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowLocationConstructor) } }, |
5904 | { "Navigator" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor) } }, |
5905 | { "Performance" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor) } }, |
5906 | { "PerformanceNavigation" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor) } }, |
5907 | { "PerformanceTiming" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor) } }, |
5908 | { "Screen" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowScreenConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowScreenConstructor) } }, |
5910 | { "UserMessageHandler" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor) } }, |
5911 | #else |
5912 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5913 | #endif |
5915 | { "UserMessageHandlersNamespace" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor) } }, |
5916 | #else |
5917 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5918 | #endif |
5920 | { "WebKitNamespace" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor) } }, |
5921 | #else |
5922 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5923 | #endif |
5924 | { "WebKitPoint" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor) } }, |
5925 | { "MimeType" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor) } }, |
5926 | { "MimeTypeArray" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor) } }, |
5927 | { "Plugin" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPluginConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPluginConstructor) } }, |
5928 | { "PluginArray" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor) } }, |
5929 | { "Storage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStorageConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStorageConstructor) } }, |
5930 | { "StorageEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor) } }, |
5931 | { "SVGAElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor) } }, |
5932 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
5933 | { "SVGAltGlyphDefElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor) } }, |
5934 | #else |
5935 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5936 | #endif |
5937 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
5938 | { "SVGAltGlyphElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor) } }, |
5939 | #else |
5940 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5941 | #endif |
5942 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
5943 | { "SVGAltGlyphItemElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor) } }, |
5944 | #else |
5945 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
5946 | #endif |
5947 | { "SVGAngle" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor) } }, |
5948 | { "SVGAnimateColorElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor) } }, |
5949 | { "SVGAnimateElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor) } }, |
5950 | { "SVGAnimateMotionElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor) } }, |
5951 | { "SVGAnimateTransformElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor) } }, |
5952 | { "SVGAnimatedAngle" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor) } }, |
5953 | { "SVGAnimatedBoolean" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor) } }, |
5954 | { "SVGAnimatedEnumeration" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor) } }, |
5955 | { "SVGAnimatedInteger" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor) } }, |
5956 | { "SVGAnimatedLength" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor) } }, |
5957 | { "SVGAnimatedLengthList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor) } }, |
5958 | { "SVGAnimatedNumber" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor) } }, |
5959 | { "SVGAnimatedNumberList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor) } }, |
5960 | { "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor) } }, |
5961 | { "SVGAnimatedRect" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor) } }, |
5962 | { "SVGAnimatedString" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor) } }, |
5963 | { "SVGAnimatedTransformList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor) } }, |
5964 | { "SVGAnimationElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor) } }, |
5965 | { "SVGCircleElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor) } }, |
5966 | { "SVGClipPathElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor) } }, |
5967 | { "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor) } }, |
5968 | { "SVGCursorElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor) } }, |
5969 | { "SVGDefsElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor) } }, |
5970 | { "SVGDescElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor) } }, |
5971 | { "SVGElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor) } }, |
5972 | { "SVGEllipseElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor) } }, |
5973 | { "SVGFEBlendElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor) } }, |
5974 | { "SVGFEColorMatrixElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor) } }, |
5975 | { "SVGFEComponentTransferElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor) } }, |
5976 | { "SVGFECompositeElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor) } }, |
5977 | { "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor) } }, |
5978 | { "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor) } }, |
5979 | { "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor) } }, |
5980 | { "SVGFEDistantLightElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor) } }, |
5981 | { "SVGFEDropShadowElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor) } }, |
5982 | { "SVGFEFloodElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor) } }, |
5983 | { "SVGFEFuncAElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor) } }, |
5984 | { "SVGFEFuncBElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor) } }, |
5985 | { "SVGFEFuncGElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor) } }, |
5986 | { "SVGFEFuncRElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor) } }, |
5987 | { "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor) } }, |
5988 | { "SVGFEImageElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor) } }, |
5989 | { "SVGFEMergeElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor) } }, |
5990 | { "SVGFEMergeNodeElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor) } }, |
5991 | { "SVGFEMorphologyElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor) } }, |
5992 | { "SVGFEOffsetElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor) } }, |
5993 | { "SVGFEPointLightElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor) } }, |
5994 | { "SVGFESpecularLightingElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor) } }, |
5995 | { "SVGFESpotLightElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor) } }, |
5996 | { "SVGFETileElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor) } }, |
5997 | { "SVGFETurbulenceElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor) } }, |
5998 | { "SVGFilterElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor) } }, |
5999 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6000 | { "SVGFontElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor) } }, |
6001 | #else |
6002 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6003 | #endif |
6004 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6005 | { "SVGFontFaceElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor) } }, |
6006 | #else |
6007 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6008 | #endif |
6009 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6010 | { "SVGFontFaceFormatElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor) } }, |
6011 | #else |
6012 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6013 | #endif |
6014 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6015 | { "SVGFontFaceNameElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor) } }, |
6016 | #else |
6017 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6018 | #endif |
6019 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6020 | { "SVGFontFaceSrcElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor) } }, |
6021 | #else |
6022 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6023 | #endif |
6024 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6025 | { "SVGFontFaceUriElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor) } }, |
6026 | #else |
6027 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6028 | #endif |
6029 | { "SVGForeignObjectElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor) } }, |
6030 | { "SVGGElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor) } }, |
6031 | { "SVGGeometryElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor) } }, |
6032 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6033 | { "SVGGlyphElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor) } }, |
6034 | #else |
6035 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6036 | #endif |
6037 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6038 | { "SVGGlyphRefElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor) } }, |
6039 | #else |
6040 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6041 | #endif |
6042 | { "SVGGradientElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor) } }, |
6043 | { "SVGGraphicsElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor) } }, |
6044 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6045 | { "SVGHKernElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor) } }, |
6046 | #else |
6047 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6048 | #endif |
6049 | { "SVGImageElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor) } }, |
6050 | { "SVGLength" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor) } }, |
6051 | { "SVGLengthList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor) } }, |
6052 | { "SVGLineElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor) } }, |
6053 | { "SVGLinearGradientElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor) } }, |
6054 | { "SVGMPathElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor) } }, |
6055 | { "SVGMarkerElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor) } }, |
6056 | { "SVGMaskElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor) } }, |
6057 | { "SVGMatrix" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor) } }, |
6058 | { "SVGMetadataElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor) } }, |
6059 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6060 | { "SVGMissingGlyphElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor) } }, |
6061 | #else |
6062 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6063 | #endif |
6064 | { "SVGNumber" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor) } }, |
6065 | { "SVGNumberList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor) } }, |
6066 | { "SVGPathElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor) } }, |
6067 | { "SVGPathSeg" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor) } }, |
6068 | { "SVGPathSegArcAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor) } }, |
6069 | { "SVGPathSegArcRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor) } }, |
6070 | { "SVGPathSegClosePath" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor) } }, |
6071 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor) } }, |
6072 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor) } }, |
6073 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor) } }, |
6074 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor) } }, |
6075 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor) } }, |
6076 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor) } }, |
6077 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor) } }, |
6078 | { "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor) } }, |
6079 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor) } }, |
6080 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor) } }, |
6081 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor) } }, |
6082 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor) } }, |
6083 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor) } }, |
6084 | { "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor) } }, |
6085 | { "SVGPathSegList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor) } }, |
6086 | { "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor) } }, |
6087 | { "SVGPathSegMovetoRel" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor) } }, |
6088 | { "SVGPatternElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor) } }, |
6089 | { "SVGPoint" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor) } }, |
6090 | { "SVGPointList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor) } }, |
6091 | { "SVGPolygonElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor) } }, |
6092 | { "SVGPolylineElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor) } }, |
6093 | { "SVGPreserveAspectRatio" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor) } }, |
6094 | { "SVGRadialGradientElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor) } }, |
6095 | { "SVGRect" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor) } }, |
6096 | { "SVGRectElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor) } }, |
6097 | { "SVGRenderingIntent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor) } }, |
6098 | { "SVGSVGElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor) } }, |
6099 | { "SVGScriptElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor) } }, |
6100 | { "SVGSetElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor) } }, |
6101 | { "SVGStopElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor) } }, |
6102 | { "SVGStringList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor) } }, |
6103 | { "SVGStyleElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor) } }, |
6104 | { "SVGSwitchElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor) } }, |
6105 | { "SVGSymbolElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor) } }, |
6106 | { "SVGTRefElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor) } }, |
6107 | { "SVGTSpanElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor) } }, |
6108 | { "SVGTextContentElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor) } }, |
6109 | { "SVGTextElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor) } }, |
6110 | { "SVGTextPathElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor) } }, |
6111 | { "SVGTextPositioningElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor) } }, |
6112 | { "SVGTitleElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor) } }, |
6113 | { "SVGTransform" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor) } }, |
6114 | { "SVGTransformList" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor) } }, |
6115 | { "SVGUnitTypes" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor) } }, |
6116 | { "SVGUseElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor) } }, |
6117 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
6118 | { "SVGVKernElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor) } }, |
6119 | #else |
6120 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6121 | #endif |
6122 | { "SVGViewElement" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor) } }, |
6123 | { "SVGViewSpec" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor) } }, |
6124 | { "SVGZoomEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor) } }, |
6125 | { "Worker" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowWorkerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowWorkerConstructor) } }, |
6126 | { "DOMParser" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor) } }, |
6127 | { "XMLHttpRequest" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor) } }, |
6128 | { "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor) } }, |
6129 | { "XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor) } }, |
6130 | { "XMLHttpRequestUpload" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor) } }, |
6131 | { "XMLSerializer" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor) } }, |
6132 | { "XPathEvaluator" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor) } }, |
6133 | { "XPathExpression" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor) } }, |
6134 | { "XPathResult" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor) } }, |
6135 | #if ENABLE(XSLT) |
6136 | { "XSLTProcessor" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor) } }, |
6137 | #else |
6138 | { 0, 0, NoIntrinsic, { 0, 0 } }, |
6139 | #endif |
6140 | { "close" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClose), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6141 | { "stop" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionStop), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6142 | { "focus" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFocus), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6143 | { "blur" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBlur), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6144 | { "open" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpen), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6145 | { "alert" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6146 | { "confirm" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionConfirm), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6147 | { "prompt" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrompt), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6148 | { "print" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrint), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6149 | { "requestAnimationFrame" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionRequestAnimationFrame), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6150 | { "cancelAnimationFrame" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCancelAnimationFrame), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6151 | { "postMessage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPostMessage), (intptr_t) (2) } }, |
6152 | { "captureEvents" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCaptureEvents), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6153 | { "releaseEvents" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionReleaseEvents), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6154 | { "getComputedStyle" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetComputedStyle), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6155 | { "matchMedia" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchMedia), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6156 | { "moveTo" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveTo), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6157 | { "moveBy" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveBy), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6158 | { "resizeTo" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeTo), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6159 | { "resizeBy" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeBy), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6160 | { "scroll" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6161 | { "scrollTo" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6162 | { "scrollBy" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6163 | { "getSelection" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetSelection), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6164 | { "find" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFind), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6165 | { "webkitRequestAnimationFrame" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitRequestAnimationFrame), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6166 | { "webkitCancelAnimationFrame" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelAnimationFrame), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6167 | { "webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6168 | { "getMatchedCSSRules" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetMatchedCSSRules), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6169 | { "showModalDialog" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialog), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6170 | { "webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromPageToNode), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6171 | { "webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6172 | { "setTimeout" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetTimeout), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6173 | { "clearTimeout" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearTimeout), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6174 | { "setInterval" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetInterval), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6175 | { "clearInterval" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearInterval), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
6176 | { "queueMicrotask" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionQueueMicrotask), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6177 | { "atob" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAtob), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6178 | { "btoa" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBtoa), (intptr_t) (1) } }, |
6179 | }; |
6180 | |
6181 | static const HashTable JSDOMWindowTable = { 658, 2047, true, JSDOMWindow::info(), JSDOMWindowTableValues, JSDOMWindowTableIndex }; |
6182 | template<> JSValue JSDOMWindowConstructor::prototypeForStructure(JSC::VM& vm, const JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
6183 | { |
6184 | return JSEventTarget::getConstructor(vm, &globalObject); |
6185 | } |
6186 | |
6187 | template<> void JSDOMWindowConstructor::initializeProperties(VM& vm, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
6188 | { |
6189 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->prototype, globalObject.getPrototypeDirect(vm), JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
6190 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->name, jsNontrivialString(&vm, String("Window"_s )), JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
6191 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->length, jsNumber(0), JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
6192 | } |
6193 | |
6194 | template<> const ClassInfo JSDOMWindowConstructor::s_info = { "Window" , &Base::s_info, nullptr, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSDOMWindowConstructor) }; |
6195 | |
6196 | /* Hash table for prototype */ |
6197 | |
6198 | static const struct CompactHashIndex JSDOMWindowPrototypeTableIndex[2] = { |
6199 | { -1, -1 }, |
6200 | { 0, -1 }, |
6201 | }; |
6202 | |
6203 | |
6204 | static const HashTableValue JSDOMWindowPrototypeTableValues[] = |
6205 | { |
6206 | { "constructor" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsDOMWindowConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSDOMWindowConstructor) } }, |
6207 | }; |
6208 | |
6209 | static const HashTable JSDOMWindowPrototypeTable = { 1, 1, true, JSDOMWindow::info(), JSDOMWindowPrototypeTableValues, JSDOMWindowPrototypeTableIndex }; |
6210 | const ClassInfo JSDOMWindowPrototype::s_info = { "WindowPrototype" , &Base::s_info, &JSDOMWindowPrototypeTable, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSDOMWindowPrototype) }; |
6211 | |
6212 | const ClassInfo JSDOMWindow::s_info = { "Window" , &Base::s_info, &JSDOMWindowTable, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSDOMWindow) }; |
6213 | |
6214 | JSDOMWindow::JSDOMWindow(VM& vm, Structure* structure, Ref<DOMWindow>&& impl, JSWindowProxy* proxy) |
6215 | : JSDOMWindowBase(vm, structure, WTFMove(impl), proxy) |
6216 | { |
6217 | } |
6218 | |
6219 | void JSDOMWindow::finishCreation(VM& vm, JSWindowProxy* proxy) |
6220 | { |
6221 | Base::finishCreation(vm, proxy); |
6222 | |
6223 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().customElementsEnabled()) |
6224 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().customElementsPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCustomElements, nullptr), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6225 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().visualViewportAPIEnabled()) |
6226 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().visualViewportPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVisualViewport, setJSDOMWindowVisualViewport), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6227 | if (((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext()|| jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->hasServiceWorkerScheme()) && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cacheAPIEnabled())) |
6228 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().cachesPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCaches, nullptr), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6229 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6230 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplayconnectPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6231 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6232 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplaydisconnectPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6233 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6234 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplayactivatePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6235 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6236 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplaydeactivatePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6237 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6238 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplayblurPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6239 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6240 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplayfocusPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6241 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6242 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().onvrdisplaypresentchangePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange, setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6243 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().isSecureContextAttributeEnabled()) |
6244 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().isSecureContextPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowIsSecureContext, nullptr), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor))); |
6245 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cacheAPIEnabled())) |
6246 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CachePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCacheConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCacheConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6247 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cacheAPIEnabled())) |
6248 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CacheStoragePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6249 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6250 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6251 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CredentialPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCredentialConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCredentialConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6252 | #endif |
6253 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6254 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6255 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CredentialsContainerPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6256 | #endif |
6258 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6259 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaKeyMessageEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6260 | #endif |
6262 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6263 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaKeySessionPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6264 | #endif |
6266 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6267 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaKeyStatusMapPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6268 | #endif |
6270 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6271 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaKeySystemAccessPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6272 | #endif |
6274 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6275 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaKeysPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6276 | #endif |
6277 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().directoryUploadEnabled()) |
6278 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().FileSystemPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor, setJSDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6279 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().directoryUploadEnabled()) |
6280 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().FileSystemDirectoryEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6281 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().directoryUploadEnabled()) |
6282 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().FileSystemDirectoryReaderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6283 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().directoryUploadEnabled()) |
6284 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().FileSystemEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6285 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().directoryUploadEnabled()) |
6286 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().FileSystemFileEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6287 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().fetchAPIEnabled()) |
6288 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().HeadersPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowHeadersConstructor, setJSDOMWindowHeadersConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6289 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().fetchAPIEnabled()) |
6290 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RequestPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRequestConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRequestConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6291 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().fetchAPIEnabled()) |
6292 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ResponsePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowResponseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowResponseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6293 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().mediaCapabilitiesEnabled()) |
6294 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaCapabilitiesPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6295 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().mediaCapabilitiesEnabled()) |
6296 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ScreenLuminancePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor, setJSDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6298 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().mediaRecorderEnabled()) |
6299 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().BlobEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6300 | #endif |
6302 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().mediaRecorderEnabled()) |
6303 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaRecorderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6304 | #endif |
6306 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().mediaRecorderEnabled()) |
6307 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaRecorderErrorEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6308 | #endif |
6310 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().mediaSourceEnabled()) |
6311 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaSourcePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6312 | #endif |
6313 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6314 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6315 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCCertificatePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6316 | #endif |
6317 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
6318 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6319 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCDTMFSenderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6320 | #endif |
6321 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
6322 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6323 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCDTMFToneChangeEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6324 | #endif |
6325 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6326 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6327 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCDataChannelPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6328 | #endif |
6329 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6330 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6331 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCDataChannelEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6332 | #endif |
6333 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6334 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6335 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCIceCandidatePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6336 | #endif |
6337 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6338 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6339 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCIceTransportPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6340 | #endif |
6341 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6342 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6343 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCPeerConnectionPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6344 | #endif |
6345 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6346 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6347 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCPeerConnectionIceEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6348 | #endif |
6349 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6350 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6351 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCRtpReceiverPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6352 | #endif |
6353 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6354 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6355 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCRtpSenderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6356 | #endif |
6357 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6358 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6359 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCRtpTransceiverPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6360 | #endif |
6361 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6362 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6363 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCSessionDescriptionPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6364 | #endif |
6365 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6366 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6367 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCStatsReportPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6368 | #endif |
6369 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6370 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().peerConnectionEnabled()) |
6371 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCTrackEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6372 | #endif |
6374 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled())) |
6375 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MerchantValidationEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6376 | #endif |
6378 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled())) |
6379 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaymentAddressPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6380 | #endif |
6382 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled())) |
6383 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaymentMethodChangeEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6384 | #endif |
6386 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled() && PaymentRequest::enabledForContext(*jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()))) |
6387 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaymentRequestPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6388 | #endif |
6390 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled())) |
6391 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaymentRequestUpdateEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6392 | #endif |
6394 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().paymentRequestEnabled())) |
6395 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaymentResponsePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6396 | #endif |
6397 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6398 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().writableStreamAPIEnabled()) |
6399 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().WritableStreamPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6400 | #endif |
6401 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
6402 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().webAudioEnabled()) |
6403 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().webkitAudioContextPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6404 | #endif |
6405 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6406 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6407 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AuthenticatorAssertionResponsePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6408 | #endif |
6409 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6410 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6411 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AuthenticatorAttestationResponsePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6412 | #endif |
6413 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6414 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6415 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AuthenticatorResponsePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6416 | #endif |
6417 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
6418 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAuthenticationEnabled())) |
6419 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PublicKeyCredentialPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6420 | #endif |
6421 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSQLEnabled()) |
6422 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().DatabasePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor, setJSDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6423 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSQLEnabled()) |
6424 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().SQLErrorPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor, setJSDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6425 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSQLEnabled()) |
6426 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().SQLResultSetPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor, setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6427 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSQLEnabled()) |
6428 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().SQLResultSetRowListPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor, setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6429 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6430 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6431 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUBufferUsagePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6432 | #endif |
6433 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6434 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6435 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUCanvasContextPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6436 | #endif |
6437 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6438 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6439 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUColorWriteBitsPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6440 | #endif |
6441 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6442 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6443 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUShaderStageBitPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6444 | #endif |
6445 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6446 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6447 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUTextureUsagePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6448 | #endif |
6449 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6450 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6451 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6452 | #endif |
6453 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6454 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6455 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUAdapterPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6456 | #endif |
6457 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6458 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6459 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUBindGroupPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6460 | #endif |
6461 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6462 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6463 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUBindGroupLayoutPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6464 | #endif |
6465 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6466 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6467 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUBufferPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6468 | #endif |
6469 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6470 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6471 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUCommandBufferPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6472 | #endif |
6473 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6474 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6475 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUCommandEncoderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6476 | #endif |
6477 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6478 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6479 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUComputePassEncoderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6480 | #endif |
6481 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6482 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6483 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUComputePipelinePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6484 | #endif |
6485 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6486 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6487 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUDevicePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6488 | #endif |
6489 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6490 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6491 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUPipelineLayoutPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6492 | #endif |
6493 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6494 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6495 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUProgrammablePassEncoderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6496 | #endif |
6497 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6498 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6499 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUQueuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6500 | #endif |
6501 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6502 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6503 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPURenderPassEncoderPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6504 | #endif |
6505 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6506 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6507 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPURenderPipelinePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6508 | #endif |
6509 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6510 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6511 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUSamplerPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6512 | #endif |
6513 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6514 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6515 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUShaderModulePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6516 | #endif |
6517 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6518 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6519 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUSwapChainPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6520 | #endif |
6521 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6522 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6523 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUTexturePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6524 | #endif |
6525 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
6526 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGPUEnabled()) |
6527 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().GPUTextureViewPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor, setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6528 | #endif |
6529 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSocketEnabled()) |
6530 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().WebSocketPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6531 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6532 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRDisplayPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6533 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6534 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRDisplayCapabilitiesPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6535 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6536 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRDisplayEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6537 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6538 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VREyeParametersPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6539 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6540 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRFieldOfViewPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6541 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6542 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRFrameDataPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6543 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webVREnabled()) |
6544 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VRStageParametersPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6545 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6546 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AnimationEffectPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6547 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6548 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AnimationPlaybackEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6549 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6550 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AnimationTimelinePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6551 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsCSSIntegrationEnabled()) |
6552 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSAnimationPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6553 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsCSSIntegrationEnabled()) |
6554 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSTransitionPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6555 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6556 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().DocumentTimelinePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor, setJSDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6557 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6558 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().KeyframeEffectPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor, setJSDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6559 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webAnimationsEnabled()) |
6560 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().AnimationPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowAnimationConstructor, setJSDOMWindowAnimationConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6561 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6562 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6563 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().StylePropertyMapPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor, setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6564 | #endif |
6565 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6566 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6567 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().StylePropertyMapReadOnlyPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor, setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6568 | #endif |
6569 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6570 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6571 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSImageValuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6572 | #endif |
6573 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6574 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6575 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSNumericValuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6576 | #endif |
6577 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6578 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6579 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSStyleValuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6580 | #endif |
6581 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6582 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6583 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSUnitValuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6584 | #endif |
6585 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
6586 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssTypedOMEnabled()) |
6587 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CSSUnparsedValuePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6588 | #endif |
6589 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().customElementsEnabled()) |
6590 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().CustomElementRegistryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6591 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().dataTransferItemsEnabled()) |
6592 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().DataTransferItemPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor, setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6593 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().dataTransferItemsEnabled()) |
6594 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().DataTransferItemListPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor, setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6595 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().inputEventsEnabled()) |
6596 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().InputEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowInputEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowInputEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6598 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().shouldDisablePointerEventsQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().pointerEventsEnabled())) |
6599 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PointerEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6600 | #endif |
6601 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().shadowDOMEnabled()) |
6602 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ShadowRootPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor, setJSDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6603 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().spectreGadgetsEnabled()) |
6604 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().SpectreGadgetPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor, setJSDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6605 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().inputEventsEnabled()) |
6606 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().StaticRangePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor, setJSDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6608 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().attachmentElementEnabled()) |
6609 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().HTMLAttachmentElementPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor, setJSDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6610 | #endif |
6612 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().dataListElementEnabled()) |
6613 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().HTMLDataListElementPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor, setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6614 | #endif |
6615 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().menuItemElementEnabled()) |
6616 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().HTMLMenuItemElementPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructor, setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6617 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().shadowDOMEnabled()) |
6618 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().HTMLSlotElementPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor, setJSDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6619 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().imageBitmapOffscreenCanvasEnabled()) |
6620 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ImageBitmapPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor, setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6622 | if ((!downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasBrokenEncryptedMediaAPISupportQuirk() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().encryptedMediaAPIEnabled())) |
6623 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaEncryptedEventPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor, setJSDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6624 | #endif |
6625 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().imageBitmapOffscreenCanvasEnabled()) |
6626 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().OffscreenCanvasPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor, setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6627 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().imageBitmapOffscreenCanvasEnabled()) |
6628 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ImageBitmapRenderingContextPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor, setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6629 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().imageBitmapOffscreenCanvasEnabled()) |
6630 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor, setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6632 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssPaintingAPIEnabled()) |
6633 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PaintRenderingContext2DPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6634 | #endif |
6635 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
6636 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGL2Enabled()) |
6637 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().WebGL2RenderingContextPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6638 | #endif |
6639 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
6640 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webGL2Enabled()) |
6641 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().WebGLVertexArrayObjectPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6642 | #endif |
6644 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().intersectionObserverEnabled()) |
6645 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().IntersectionObserverPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor, setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6646 | #endif |
6648 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().intersectionObserverEnabled()) |
6649 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().IntersectionObserverEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6650 | #endif |
6651 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().performanceTimelineEnabled()) |
6652 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6653 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().userTimingEnabled()) |
6654 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceMarkPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6655 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().userTimingEnabled()) |
6656 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceMeasurePublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6657 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().performanceTimelineEnabled()) |
6658 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceObserverPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6659 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().performanceTimelineEnabled()) |
6660 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceObserverEntryListPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6661 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().resourceTimingEnabled()) |
6662 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceResourceTimingPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6663 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().serverTimingEnabled()) |
6664 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().PerformanceServerTimingPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor, setJSDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6666 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().resizeObserverEnabled()) |
6667 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ResizeObserverPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor, setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6668 | #endif |
6670 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().resizeObserverEnabled()) |
6671 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ResizeObserverEntryPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor, setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6672 | #endif |
6673 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().undoManagerAPIEnabled()) |
6674 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().UndoItemPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor, setJSDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6675 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().undoManagerAPIEnabled()) |
6676 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().UndoManagerPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor, setJSDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6677 | if (downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->settings().visualViewportAPIEnabled()) |
6678 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().VisualViewportPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor, setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6680 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().serviceWorkerEnabled())) |
6681 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ServiceWorkerPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor, setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6682 | #endif |
6684 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().serviceWorkerEnabled())) |
6685 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ServiceWorkerContainerPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor, setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6686 | #endif |
6688 | if ((jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext()->isSecureContext() && RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().serviceWorkerEnabled())) |
6689 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ServiceWorkerRegistrationPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor, setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6690 | #endif |
6692 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().cssPaintingAPIEnabled()) |
6693 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().WorkletPublicName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowWorkletConstructor, setJSDOMWindowWorkletConstructor), attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum))); |
6694 | #endif |
6696 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaStreamPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6697 | #endif |
6699 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().MediaStreamTrackPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6700 | #endif |
6701 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6702 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCIceCandidatePrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6703 | #endif |
6704 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
6705 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().RTCSessionDescriptionPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6706 | #endif |
6707 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6708 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableByteStreamControllerPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6709 | #endif |
6710 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6711 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableStreamPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6712 | #endif |
6713 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6714 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableStreamBYOBReaderPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6715 | #endif |
6716 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6717 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableStreamBYOBRequestPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6718 | #endif |
6719 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6720 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableStreamDefaultControllerPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6721 | #endif |
6722 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
6723 | putDirectCustomAccessor(vm, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().ReadableStreamDefaultReaderPrivateName(), CustomGetterSetter::create(vm, jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructor, nullptr), attributesForStructure(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly)); |
6724 | #endif |
6725 | if (worldForDOMObject(*this).shadowRootIsAlwaysOpen()) |
6726 | putDirectNativeFunction(vm, this, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().collectMatchingElementsInFlatTreePublicName(), 2, jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCollectMatchingElementsInFlatTree, NoIntrinsic, attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function))); |
6727 | if (worldForDOMObject(*this).shadowRootIsAlwaysOpen()) |
6728 | putDirectNativeFunction(vm, this, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().matchingElementInFlatTreePublicName(), 2, jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchingElementInFlatTree, NoIntrinsic, attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function))); |
6729 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().fetchAPIEnabled()) |
6730 | putDirectNativeFunction(vm, this, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().fetchPublicName(), 1, jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFetch, NoIntrinsic, attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function))); |
6731 | if ((downcast<Document>(jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject())->scriptExecutionContext())->quirks().hasWebSQLSupportQuirk() || RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().webSQLEnabled())) |
6732 | putDirectNativeFunction(vm, this, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().openDatabasePublicName(), 4, jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenDatabase, NoIntrinsic, attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function))); |
6733 | if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().imageBitmapOffscreenCanvasEnabled()) |
6734 | putDirectNativeFunction(vm, this, static_cast<JSVMClientData*>(vm.clientData)->builtinNames().createImageBitmapPublicName(), 1, jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap, NoIntrinsic, attributesForStructure(static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function))); |
6735 | } |
6736 | |
6737 | JSValue JSDOMWindow::getConstructor(VM& vm, const JSGlobalObject* globalObject) |
6738 | { |
6739 | return getDOMConstructor<JSDOMWindowConstructor>(vm, *jsCast<const JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject)); |
6740 | } |
6741 | |
6742 | template<> inline JSDOMWindow* IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::cast(ExecState& state, EncodedJSValue thisValue) |
6743 | { |
6744 | auto decodedThisValue = JSValue::decode(thisValue); |
6745 | if (decodedThisValue.isUndefinedOrNull()) |
6746 | decodedThisValue = state.thisValue().toThis(&state, NotStrictMode); |
6747 | return toJSDOMWindow(state.vm(), decodedThisValue);} |
6748 | |
6749 | template<> inline JSDOMWindow* IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::cast(ExecState& state) |
6750 | { |
6751 | return toJSDOMWindow(state.vm(), state.thisValue().toThis(&state, NotStrictMode)); |
6752 | } |
6753 | |
6754 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6755 | { |
6756 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
6757 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
6758 | auto* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSDOMWindowPrototype*>(vm, JSValue::decode(thisValue)); |
6759 | if (UNLIKELY(!prototype)) |
6760 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
6761 | return JSValue::encode(JSDOMWindow::getConstructor(state->vm(), prototype->globalObject())); |
6762 | } |
6763 | |
6764 | bool setJSDOMWindowConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6765 | { |
6766 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
6767 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
6768 | auto* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSDOMWindowPrototype*>(vm, JSValue::decode(thisValue)); |
6769 | if (UNLIKELY(!prototype)) { |
6770 | throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
6771 | return false; |
6772 | } |
6773 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor |
6774 | return prototype->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->constructor, JSValue::decode(encodedValue)); |
6775 | } |
6776 | |
6777 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWindowGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6778 | { |
6779 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6780 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6781 | return thisObject.window(state); |
6782 | } |
6783 | |
6784 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWindow(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6785 | { |
6786 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWindowGetter>(*state, thisValue, "window" ); |
6787 | } |
6788 | |
6789 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSelfGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6790 | { |
6791 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6792 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6793 | return thisObject.self(state); |
6794 | } |
6795 | |
6796 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSelf(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6797 | { |
6798 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSelfGetter>(*state, thisValue, "self" ); |
6799 | } |
6800 | |
6801 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSelfSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6802 | { |
6803 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6804 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6805 | return false; |
6806 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
6807 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("self" ), strlen("self" )), value); |
6808 | } |
6809 | |
6810 | bool setJSDOMWindowSelf(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6811 | { |
6812 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSelfSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "self" ); |
6813 | } |
6814 | |
6815 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6816 | { |
6817 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6818 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6819 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6820 | return jsUndefined(); |
6821 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6822 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Document>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.document()); |
6823 | return result; |
6824 | } |
6825 | |
6826 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocument(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6827 | { |
6828 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDocumentGetter>(*state, thisValue, "document" ); |
6829 | } |
6830 | |
6831 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNameGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6832 | { |
6833 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6834 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6835 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6836 | return jsUndefined(); |
6837 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6838 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, throwScope, impl.name()); |
6839 | return result; |
6840 | } |
6841 | |
6842 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowName(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6843 | { |
6844 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNameGetter>(*state, thisValue, "name" ); |
6845 | } |
6846 | |
6847 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNameSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6848 | { |
6849 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6850 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6851 | return false; |
6852 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6853 | auto nativeValue = convert<IDLDOMString>(state, value); |
6854 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
6855 | AttributeSetter::call(state, throwScope, [&] { |
6856 | return impl.setName(WTFMove(nativeValue)); |
6857 | }); |
6858 | return true; |
6859 | } |
6860 | |
6861 | bool setJSDOMWindowName(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6862 | { |
6863 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNameSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "name" ); |
6864 | } |
6865 | |
6866 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowLocationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6867 | { |
6868 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6869 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6870 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6871 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Location>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.location()); |
6872 | return result; |
6873 | } |
6874 | |
6875 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6876 | { |
6877 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowLocationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "location" ); |
6878 | } |
6879 | |
6880 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowLocationSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6881 | { |
6882 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6883 | auto id = Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("location" ), strlen("location" )); |
6884 | auto valueToForwardTo = thisObject.get(&state, id); |
6885 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
6886 | if (UNLIKELY(!valueToForwardTo.isObject())) { |
6887 | throwTypeError(&state, throwScope); |
6888 | return false; |
6889 | } |
6890 | auto forwardId = Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("href" ), strlen("href" )); |
6891 | PutPropertySlot slot(valueToForwardTo, false); |
6892 | asObject(valueToForwardTo)->methodTable(state.vm())->put(asObject(valueToForwardTo), &state, forwardId, value, slot); |
6893 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
6894 | return true; |
6895 | } |
6896 | |
6897 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6898 | { |
6899 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowLocationSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "location" ); |
6900 | } |
6901 | |
6902 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHistoryGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6903 | { |
6904 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6905 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6906 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6907 | return jsUndefined(); |
6908 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6909 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<History>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.history()); |
6910 | return result; |
6911 | } |
6912 | |
6913 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHistory(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6914 | { |
6915 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHistoryGetter>(*state, thisValue, "history" ); |
6916 | } |
6917 | |
6918 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElementsGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6919 | { |
6920 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6921 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6922 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6923 | return jsUndefined(); |
6924 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6925 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<CustomElementRegistry>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.ensureCustomElementRegistry()); |
6926 | return result; |
6927 | } |
6928 | |
6929 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElements(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6930 | { |
6931 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCustomElementsGetter>(*state, thisValue, "customElements" ); |
6932 | } |
6933 | |
6934 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowLocationbarGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6935 | { |
6936 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6937 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6938 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6939 | return jsUndefined(); |
6940 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6941 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.locationbar()); |
6942 | return result; |
6943 | } |
6944 | |
6945 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocationbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6946 | { |
6947 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowLocationbarGetter>(*state, thisValue, "locationbar" ); |
6948 | } |
6949 | |
6950 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowLocationbarSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6951 | { |
6952 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6953 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6954 | return false; |
6955 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
6956 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("locationbar" ), strlen("locationbar" )), value); |
6957 | } |
6958 | |
6959 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocationbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6960 | { |
6961 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowLocationbarSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "locationbar" ); |
6962 | } |
6963 | |
6964 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6965 | { |
6966 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6967 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6968 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6969 | return jsUndefined(); |
6970 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
6971 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.menubar()); |
6972 | return result; |
6973 | } |
6974 | |
6975 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
6976 | { |
6977 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMenubarGetter>(*state, thisValue, "menubar" ); |
6978 | } |
6979 | |
6980 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6981 | { |
6982 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6983 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6984 | return false; |
6985 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
6986 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("menubar" ), strlen("menubar" )), value); |
6987 | } |
6988 | |
6989 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
6990 | { |
6991 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMenubarSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "menubar" ); |
6992 | } |
6993 | |
6994 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPersonalbarGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
6995 | { |
6996 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
6997 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
6998 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
6999 | return jsUndefined(); |
7000 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7001 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.personalbar()); |
7002 | return result; |
7003 | } |
7004 | |
7005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPersonalbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7006 | { |
7007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPersonalbarGetter>(*state, thisValue, "personalbar" ); |
7008 | } |
7009 | |
7010 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPersonalbarSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7011 | { |
7012 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7014 | return false; |
7015 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7016 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("personalbar" ), strlen("personalbar" )), value); |
7017 | } |
7018 | |
7019 | bool setJSDOMWindowPersonalbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7020 | { |
7021 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPersonalbarSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "personalbar" ); |
7022 | } |
7023 | |
7024 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScrollbarsGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7025 | { |
7026 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7027 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7028 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7029 | return jsUndefined(); |
7030 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7031 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.scrollbars()); |
7032 | return result; |
7033 | } |
7034 | |
7035 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollbars(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7036 | { |
7037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScrollbarsGetter>(*state, thisValue, "scrollbars" ); |
7038 | } |
7039 | |
7040 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7041 | { |
7042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7043 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7044 | return false; |
7045 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7046 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("scrollbars" ), strlen("scrollbars" )), value); |
7047 | } |
7048 | |
7049 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollbars(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7050 | { |
7051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScrollbarsSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "scrollbars" ); |
7052 | } |
7053 | |
7054 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStatusbarGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7055 | { |
7056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7057 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7058 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7059 | return jsUndefined(); |
7060 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7061 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.statusbar()); |
7062 | return result; |
7063 | } |
7064 | |
7065 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStatusbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7066 | { |
7067 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStatusbarGetter>(*state, thisValue, "statusbar" ); |
7068 | } |
7069 | |
7070 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStatusbarSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7071 | { |
7072 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7073 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7074 | return false; |
7075 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7076 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("statusbar" ), strlen("statusbar" )), value); |
7077 | } |
7078 | |
7079 | bool setJSDOMWindowStatusbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7080 | { |
7081 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStatusbarSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "statusbar" ); |
7082 | } |
7083 | |
7084 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowToolbarGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7085 | { |
7086 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7087 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7088 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7089 | return jsUndefined(); |
7090 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7091 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<BarProp>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.toolbar()); |
7092 | return result; |
7093 | } |
7094 | |
7095 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowToolbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7096 | { |
7097 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowToolbarGetter>(*state, thisValue, "toolbar" ); |
7098 | } |
7099 | |
7100 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowToolbarSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7101 | { |
7102 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7103 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7104 | return false; |
7105 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7106 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("toolbar" ), strlen("toolbar" )), value); |
7107 | } |
7108 | |
7109 | bool setJSDOMWindowToolbar(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7110 | { |
7111 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowToolbarSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "toolbar" ); |
7112 | } |
7113 | |
7114 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStatusGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7115 | { |
7116 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7117 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7118 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7119 | return jsUndefined(); |
7120 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7121 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, throwScope, impl.status()); |
7122 | return result; |
7123 | } |
7124 | |
7125 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7126 | { |
7127 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStatusGetter>(*state, thisValue, "status" ); |
7128 | } |
7129 | |
7130 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStatusSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7131 | { |
7132 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7133 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7134 | return false; |
7135 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7136 | auto nativeValue = convert<IDLDOMString>(state, value); |
7137 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
7138 | AttributeSetter::call(state, throwScope, [&] { |
7139 | return impl.setStatus(WTFMove(nativeValue)); |
7140 | }); |
7141 | return true; |
7142 | } |
7143 | |
7144 | bool setJSDOMWindowStatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7145 | { |
7146 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStatusSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "status" ); |
7147 | } |
7148 | |
7149 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowClosedGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7150 | { |
7151 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7152 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7153 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7154 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLBoolean>(state, throwScope, impl.closed()); |
7155 | return result; |
7156 | } |
7157 | |
7158 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowClosed(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7159 | { |
7160 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowClosedGetter>(*state, thisValue, "closed" ); |
7161 | } |
7162 | |
7163 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFramesGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7164 | { |
7165 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7166 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7167 | return thisObject.frames(state); |
7168 | } |
7169 | |
7170 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFrames(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7171 | { |
7172 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFramesGetter>(*state, thisValue, "frames" ); |
7173 | } |
7174 | |
7175 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFramesSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7176 | { |
7177 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7178 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7179 | return false; |
7180 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7181 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("frames" ), strlen("frames" )), value); |
7182 | } |
7183 | |
7184 | bool setJSDOMWindowFrames(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7185 | { |
7186 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFramesSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "frames" ); |
7187 | } |
7188 | |
7189 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowLengthGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7190 | { |
7191 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7192 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7193 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7194 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLUnsignedLong>(state, throwScope, impl.length()); |
7195 | return result; |
7196 | } |
7197 | |
7198 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLength(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7199 | { |
7200 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowLengthGetter>(*state, thisValue, "length" ); |
7201 | } |
7202 | |
7203 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowLengthSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7204 | { |
7205 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7206 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7207 | return false; |
7208 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7209 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("length" ), strlen("length" )), value); |
7210 | } |
7211 | |
7212 | bool setJSDOMWindowLength(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7213 | { |
7214 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowLengthSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "length" ); |
7215 | } |
7216 | |
7217 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTopGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7218 | { |
7219 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7220 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7221 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7222 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WindowProxy>>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.top()); |
7223 | return result; |
7224 | } |
7225 | |
7226 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTop(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7227 | { |
7228 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTopGetter>(*state, thisValue, "top" ); |
7229 | } |
7230 | |
7231 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOpenerGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7232 | { |
7233 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7234 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7235 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7236 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WindowProxy>>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.opener()); |
7237 | return result; |
7238 | } |
7239 | |
7240 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOpener(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7241 | { |
7242 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOpenerGetter>(*state, thisValue, "opener" ); |
7243 | } |
7244 | |
7245 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOpenerSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7246 | { |
7247 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7248 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7249 | return false; |
7250 | thisObject.setOpener(state, value); |
7251 | return true; |
7252 | } |
7253 | |
7254 | bool setJSDOMWindowOpener(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7255 | { |
7256 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOpenerSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "opener" ); |
7257 | } |
7258 | |
7259 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowParentGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7260 | { |
7261 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7262 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7263 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7264 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WindowProxy>>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.parent()); |
7265 | return result; |
7266 | } |
7267 | |
7268 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowParent(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7269 | { |
7270 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowParentGetter>(*state, thisValue, "parent" ); |
7271 | } |
7272 | |
7273 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowParentSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7274 | { |
7275 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7276 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7277 | return false; |
7278 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7279 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("parent" ), strlen("parent" )), value); |
7280 | } |
7281 | |
7282 | bool setJSDOMWindowParent(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7283 | { |
7284 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowParentSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "parent" ); |
7285 | } |
7286 | |
7287 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFrameElementGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7288 | { |
7289 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7290 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7291 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7292 | return jsUndefined(); |
7293 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7294 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Element>>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, BindingSecurity::checkSecurityForNode(state, impl.frameElement())); |
7295 | return result; |
7296 | } |
7297 | |
7298 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFrameElement(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7299 | { |
7300 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFrameElementGetter>(*state, thisValue, "frameElement" ); |
7301 | } |
7302 | |
7303 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNavigatorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7304 | { |
7305 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7306 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7307 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7308 | return jsUndefined(); |
7309 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7310 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Navigator>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.navigator()); |
7311 | return result; |
7312 | } |
7313 | |
7314 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNavigator(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7315 | { |
7316 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNavigatorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "navigator" ); |
7317 | } |
7318 | |
7319 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7320 | { |
7321 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7322 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7323 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7324 | return jsUndefined(); |
7325 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7326 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<DOMApplicationCache>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.applicationCache()); |
7327 | return result; |
7328 | } |
7329 | |
7330 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCache(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7331 | { |
7332 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheGetter>(*state, thisValue, "applicationCache" ); |
7333 | } |
7334 | |
7335 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSessionStorageGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7336 | { |
7337 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7338 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7339 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7340 | return jsUndefined(); |
7341 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7342 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Storage>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.sessionStorage()); |
7343 | return result; |
7344 | } |
7345 | |
7346 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSessionStorage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7347 | { |
7348 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSessionStorageGetter>(*state, thisValue, "sessionStorage" ); |
7349 | } |
7350 | |
7351 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowLocalStorageGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7352 | { |
7353 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7354 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7355 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7356 | return jsUndefined(); |
7357 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7358 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Storage>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.localStorage()); |
7359 | return result; |
7360 | } |
7361 | |
7362 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocalStorage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7363 | { |
7364 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowLocalStorageGetter>(*state, thisValue, "localStorage" ); |
7365 | } |
7366 | |
7367 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7368 | { |
7369 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7370 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7371 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7372 | return jsUndefined(); |
7373 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7374 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Screen>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.screen()); |
7375 | return result; |
7376 | } |
7377 | |
7378 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreen(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7379 | { |
7380 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenGetter>(*state, thisValue, "screen" ); |
7381 | } |
7382 | |
7383 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7384 | { |
7385 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7386 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7387 | return false; |
7388 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7389 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("screen" ), strlen("screen" )), value); |
7390 | } |
7391 | |
7392 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreen(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7393 | { |
7394 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "screen" ); |
7395 | } |
7396 | |
7397 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowInnerHeightGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7398 | { |
7399 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7400 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7401 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7402 | return jsUndefined(); |
7403 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7404 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.innerHeight()); |
7405 | return result; |
7406 | } |
7407 | |
7408 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInnerHeight(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7409 | { |
7410 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowInnerHeightGetter>(*state, thisValue, "innerHeight" ); |
7411 | } |
7412 | |
7413 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowInnerHeightSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7414 | { |
7415 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7416 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7417 | return false; |
7418 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7419 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("innerHeight" ), strlen("innerHeight" )), value); |
7420 | } |
7421 | |
7422 | bool setJSDOMWindowInnerHeight(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7423 | { |
7424 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowInnerHeightSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "innerHeight" ); |
7425 | } |
7426 | |
7427 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowInnerWidthGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7428 | { |
7429 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7430 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7431 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7432 | return jsUndefined(); |
7433 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7434 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.innerWidth()); |
7435 | return result; |
7436 | } |
7437 | |
7438 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInnerWidth(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7439 | { |
7440 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowInnerWidthGetter>(*state, thisValue, "innerWidth" ); |
7441 | } |
7442 | |
7443 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowInnerWidthSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7444 | { |
7445 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7446 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7447 | return false; |
7448 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7449 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("innerWidth" ), strlen("innerWidth" )), value); |
7450 | } |
7451 | |
7452 | bool setJSDOMWindowInnerWidth(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7453 | { |
7454 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowInnerWidthSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "innerWidth" ); |
7455 | } |
7456 | |
7457 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScrollXGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7458 | { |
7459 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7460 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7461 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7462 | return jsUndefined(); |
7463 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7464 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDouble>(state, throwScope, impl.scrollX()); |
7465 | return result; |
7466 | } |
7467 | |
7468 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollX(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7469 | { |
7470 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScrollXGetter>(*state, thisValue, "scrollX" ); |
7471 | } |
7472 | |
7473 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScrollXSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7474 | { |
7475 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7476 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7477 | return false; |
7478 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7479 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("scrollX" ), strlen("scrollX" )), value); |
7480 | } |
7481 | |
7482 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollX(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7483 | { |
7484 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScrollXSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "scrollX" ); |
7485 | } |
7486 | |
7487 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPageXOffsetGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7488 | { |
7489 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7490 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7491 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7492 | return jsUndefined(); |
7493 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7494 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDouble>(state, throwScope, impl.scrollX()); |
7495 | return result; |
7496 | } |
7497 | |
7498 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageXOffset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7499 | { |
7500 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPageXOffsetGetter>(*state, thisValue, "pageXOffset" ); |
7501 | } |
7502 | |
7503 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPageXOffsetSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7504 | { |
7505 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7506 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7507 | return false; |
7508 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7509 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("pageXOffset" ), strlen("pageXOffset" )), value); |
7510 | } |
7511 | |
7512 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageXOffset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7513 | { |
7514 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPageXOffsetSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "pageXOffset" ); |
7515 | } |
7516 | |
7517 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScrollYGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7518 | { |
7519 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7520 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7521 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7522 | return jsUndefined(); |
7523 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7524 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDouble>(state, throwScope, impl.scrollY()); |
7525 | return result; |
7526 | } |
7527 | |
7528 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScrollY(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7529 | { |
7530 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScrollYGetter>(*state, thisValue, "scrollY" ); |
7531 | } |
7532 | |
7533 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScrollYSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7534 | { |
7535 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7536 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7537 | return false; |
7538 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7539 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("scrollY" ), strlen("scrollY" )), value); |
7540 | } |
7541 | |
7542 | bool setJSDOMWindowScrollY(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7543 | { |
7544 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScrollYSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "scrollY" ); |
7545 | } |
7546 | |
7547 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPageYOffsetGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7548 | { |
7549 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7550 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7551 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7552 | return jsUndefined(); |
7553 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7554 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDouble>(state, throwScope, impl.scrollY()); |
7555 | return result; |
7556 | } |
7557 | |
7558 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageYOffset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7559 | { |
7560 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPageYOffsetGetter>(*state, thisValue, "pageYOffset" ); |
7561 | } |
7562 | |
7563 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPageYOffsetSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7564 | { |
7565 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7566 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7567 | return false; |
7568 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7569 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("pageYOffset" ), strlen("pageYOffset" )), value); |
7570 | } |
7571 | |
7572 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageYOffset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7573 | { |
7574 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPageYOffsetSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "pageYOffset" ); |
7575 | } |
7576 | |
7577 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewportGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7578 | { |
7579 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7580 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7581 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7582 | return jsUndefined(); |
7583 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7584 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<VisualViewport>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.visualViewport()); |
7585 | return result; |
7586 | } |
7587 | |
7588 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewport(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7589 | { |
7590 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVisualViewportGetter>(*state, thisValue, "visualViewport" ); |
7591 | } |
7592 | |
7593 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7594 | { |
7595 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7596 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7597 | return false; |
7598 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7599 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("visualViewport" ), strlen("visualViewport" )), value); |
7600 | } |
7601 | |
7602 | bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewport(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7603 | { |
7604 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "visualViewport" ); |
7605 | } |
7606 | |
7607 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenXGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7608 | { |
7609 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7610 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7611 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7612 | return jsUndefined(); |
7613 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7614 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.screenX()); |
7615 | return result; |
7616 | } |
7617 | |
7618 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenX(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7619 | { |
7620 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenXGetter>(*state, thisValue, "screenX" ); |
7621 | } |
7622 | |
7623 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenXSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7624 | { |
7625 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7626 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7627 | return false; |
7628 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7629 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("screenX" ), strlen("screenX" )), value); |
7630 | } |
7631 | |
7632 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenX(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7633 | { |
7634 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenXSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "screenX" ); |
7635 | } |
7636 | |
7637 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenYGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7638 | { |
7639 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7640 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7641 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7642 | return jsUndefined(); |
7643 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7644 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.screenY()); |
7645 | return result; |
7646 | } |
7647 | |
7648 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenY(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7649 | { |
7650 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenYGetter>(*state, thisValue, "screenY" ); |
7651 | } |
7652 | |
7653 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenYSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7654 | { |
7655 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7656 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7657 | return false; |
7658 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7659 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("screenY" ), strlen("screenY" )), value); |
7660 | } |
7661 | |
7662 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenY(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7663 | { |
7664 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenYSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "screenY" ); |
7665 | } |
7666 | |
7667 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOuterWidthGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7668 | { |
7669 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7670 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7671 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7672 | return jsUndefined(); |
7673 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7674 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.outerWidth()); |
7675 | return result; |
7676 | } |
7677 | |
7678 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOuterWidth(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7679 | { |
7680 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOuterWidthGetter>(*state, thisValue, "outerWidth" ); |
7681 | } |
7682 | |
7683 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOuterWidthSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7684 | { |
7685 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7686 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7687 | return false; |
7688 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7689 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("outerWidth" ), strlen("outerWidth" )), value); |
7690 | } |
7691 | |
7692 | bool setJSDOMWindowOuterWidth(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7693 | { |
7694 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOuterWidthSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "outerWidth" ); |
7695 | } |
7696 | |
7697 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOuterHeightGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7698 | { |
7699 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7700 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7701 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7702 | return jsUndefined(); |
7703 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7704 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.outerHeight()); |
7705 | return result; |
7706 | } |
7707 | |
7708 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOuterHeight(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7709 | { |
7710 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOuterHeightGetter>(*state, thisValue, "outerHeight" ); |
7711 | } |
7712 | |
7713 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOuterHeightSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7714 | { |
7715 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7716 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7717 | return false; |
7718 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7719 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("outerHeight" ), strlen("outerHeight" )), value); |
7720 | } |
7721 | |
7722 | bool setJSDOMWindowOuterHeight(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7723 | { |
7724 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOuterHeightSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "outerHeight" ); |
7725 | } |
7726 | |
7727 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDevicePixelRatioGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7728 | { |
7729 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7730 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7731 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7732 | return jsUndefined(); |
7733 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7734 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDouble>(state, throwScope, impl.devicePixelRatio()); |
7735 | return result; |
7736 | } |
7737 | |
7738 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7739 | { |
7740 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDevicePixelRatioGetter>(*state, thisValue, "devicePixelRatio" ); |
7741 | } |
7742 | |
7743 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDevicePixelRatioSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7744 | { |
7745 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7746 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7747 | return false; |
7748 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7749 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("devicePixelRatio" ), strlen("devicePixelRatio" )), value); |
7750 | } |
7751 | |
7752 | bool setJSDOMWindowDevicePixelRatio(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7753 | { |
7754 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDevicePixelRatioSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "devicePixelRatio" ); |
7755 | } |
7756 | |
7758 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOrientationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7759 | { |
7760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7761 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7762 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7763 | return jsUndefined(); |
7764 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7765 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.orientation()); |
7766 | return result; |
7767 | } |
7768 | |
7769 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOrientation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7770 | { |
7771 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOrientationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "orientation" ); |
7772 | } |
7773 | |
7774 | #endif |
7775 | |
7776 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowEventGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7777 | { |
7778 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7779 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7780 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7781 | return jsUndefined(); |
7782 | return thisObject.event(state); |
7783 | } |
7784 | |
7785 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEvent(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7786 | { |
7787 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowEventGetter>(*state, thisValue, "event" ); |
7788 | } |
7789 | |
7790 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowEventSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7791 | { |
7792 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7793 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7794 | return false; |
7795 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7796 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("event" ), strlen("event" )), value); |
7797 | } |
7798 | |
7799 | bool setJSDOMWindowEvent(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7800 | { |
7801 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowEventSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "event" ); |
7802 | } |
7803 | |
7804 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultStatusGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7805 | { |
7806 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7807 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7808 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7809 | return jsUndefined(); |
7810 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7811 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, throwScope, impl.defaultStatus()); |
7812 | return result; |
7813 | } |
7814 | |
7815 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultStatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7816 | { |
7817 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDefaultStatusGetter>(*state, thisValue, "defaultStatus" ); |
7818 | } |
7819 | |
7820 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultStatusSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7821 | { |
7822 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7823 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7824 | return false; |
7825 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7826 | auto nativeValue = convert<IDLDOMString>(state, value); |
7827 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
7828 | AttributeSetter::call(state, throwScope, [&] { |
7829 | return impl.setDefaultStatus(WTFMove(nativeValue)); |
7830 | }); |
7831 | return true; |
7832 | } |
7833 | |
7834 | bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultStatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7835 | { |
7836 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDefaultStatusSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "defaultStatus" ); |
7837 | } |
7838 | |
7839 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultstatusGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7840 | { |
7841 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7842 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7843 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7844 | return jsUndefined(); |
7845 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7846 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, throwScope, impl.defaultStatus()); |
7847 | return result; |
7848 | } |
7849 | |
7850 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDefaultstatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7851 | { |
7852 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDefaultstatusGetter>(*state, thisValue, "defaultstatus" ); |
7853 | } |
7854 | |
7855 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultstatusSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7856 | { |
7857 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7858 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7859 | return false; |
7860 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7861 | auto nativeValue = convert<IDLDOMString>(state, value); |
7862 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, false); |
7863 | AttributeSetter::call(state, throwScope, [&] { |
7864 | return impl.setDefaultStatus(WTFMove(nativeValue)); |
7865 | }); |
7866 | return true; |
7867 | } |
7868 | |
7869 | bool setJSDOMWindowDefaultstatus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7870 | { |
7871 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDefaultstatusSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "defaultstatus" ); |
7872 | } |
7873 | |
7874 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenBufferingGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7875 | { |
7876 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7877 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7878 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7879 | return jsUndefined(); |
7880 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7881 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLBoolean>(state, throwScope, impl.offscreenBuffering()); |
7882 | return result; |
7883 | } |
7884 | |
7885 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7886 | { |
7887 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOffscreenBufferingGetter>(*state, thisValue, "offscreenBuffering" ); |
7888 | } |
7889 | |
7890 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenBufferingSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7891 | { |
7892 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7893 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7894 | return false; |
7895 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7896 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("offscreenBuffering" ), strlen("offscreenBuffering" )), value); |
7897 | } |
7898 | |
7899 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenBuffering(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7900 | { |
7901 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOffscreenBufferingSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "offscreenBuffering" ); |
7902 | } |
7903 | |
7904 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLeftGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7905 | { |
7906 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7907 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7908 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7909 | return jsUndefined(); |
7910 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7911 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.screenLeft()); |
7912 | return result; |
7913 | } |
7914 | |
7915 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLeft(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7916 | { |
7917 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenLeftGetter>(*state, thisValue, "screenLeft" ); |
7918 | } |
7919 | |
7920 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLeftSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7921 | { |
7922 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7923 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7924 | return false; |
7925 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7926 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("screenLeft" ), strlen("screenLeft" )), value); |
7927 | } |
7928 | |
7929 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLeft(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7930 | { |
7931 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenLeftSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "screenLeft" ); |
7932 | } |
7933 | |
7934 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenTopGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7935 | { |
7936 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7937 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7938 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7939 | return jsUndefined(); |
7940 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7941 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLLong>(state, throwScope, impl.screenTop()); |
7942 | return result; |
7943 | } |
7944 | |
7945 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenTop(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7946 | { |
7947 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenTopGetter>(*state, thisValue, "screenTop" ); |
7948 | } |
7949 | |
7950 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenTopSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7951 | { |
7952 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7953 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7954 | return false; |
7955 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7956 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("screenTop" ), strlen("screenTop" )), value); |
7957 | } |
7958 | |
7959 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenTop(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7960 | { |
7961 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenTopSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "screenTop" ); |
7962 | } |
7963 | |
7964 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowClientInformationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7965 | { |
7966 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7967 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7968 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7969 | return jsUndefined(); |
7970 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
7971 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Navigator>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.clientInformation()); |
7972 | return result; |
7973 | } |
7974 | |
7975 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowClientInformation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
7976 | { |
7977 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowClientInformationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "clientInformation" ); |
7978 | } |
7979 | |
7980 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowClientInformationSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7981 | { |
7982 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7983 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7984 | return false; |
7985 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
7986 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("clientInformation" ), strlen("clientInformation" )), value); |
7987 | } |
7988 | |
7989 | bool setJSDOMWindowClientInformation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
7990 | { |
7991 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowClientInformationSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "clientInformation" ); |
7992 | } |
7993 | |
7994 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStyleMediaGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
7995 | { |
7996 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
7997 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
7998 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
7999 | return jsUndefined(); |
8000 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
8001 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<StyleMedia>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.styleMedia()); |
8002 | return result; |
8003 | } |
8004 | |
8005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleMedia(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8006 | { |
8007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStyleMediaGetter>(*state, thisValue, "styleMedia" ); |
8008 | } |
8009 | |
8011 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8012 | { |
8013 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8014 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8015 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8016 | return jsUndefined(); |
8017 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gesturechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8018 | } |
8019 | |
8020 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8021 | { |
8022 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOngesturechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ongesturechange" ); |
8023 | } |
8024 | |
8025 | #endif |
8026 | |
8028 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8029 | { |
8030 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8031 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8032 | return false; |
8033 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gesturechangeEvent, value); |
8034 | return true; |
8035 | } |
8036 | |
8037 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8038 | { |
8039 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOngesturechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ongesturechange" ); |
8040 | } |
8041 | |
8042 | #endif |
8043 | |
8045 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOngestureendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8046 | { |
8047 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8048 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8049 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8050 | return jsUndefined(); |
8051 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gestureendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8052 | } |
8053 | |
8054 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngestureend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8055 | { |
8056 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOngestureendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ongestureend" ); |
8057 | } |
8058 | |
8059 | #endif |
8060 | |
8062 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOngestureendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8063 | { |
8064 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8065 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8066 | return false; |
8067 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gestureendEvent, value); |
8068 | return true; |
8069 | } |
8070 | |
8071 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngestureend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8072 | { |
8073 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOngestureendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ongestureend" ); |
8074 | } |
8075 | |
8076 | #endif |
8077 | |
8079 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturestartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8080 | { |
8081 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8082 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8083 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8084 | return jsUndefined(); |
8085 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gesturestartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8086 | } |
8087 | |
8088 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngesturestart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8089 | { |
8090 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOngesturestartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ongesturestart" ); |
8091 | } |
8092 | |
8093 | #endif |
8094 | |
8096 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturestartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8097 | { |
8098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8099 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8100 | return false; |
8101 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gesturestartEvent, value); |
8102 | return true; |
8103 | } |
8104 | |
8105 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngesturestart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8106 | { |
8107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOngesturestartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ongesturestart" ); |
8108 | } |
8109 | |
8110 | #endif |
8111 | |
8113 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndevicemotionGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8114 | { |
8115 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8116 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8117 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8118 | return jsUndefined(); |
8119 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().devicemotionEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8120 | } |
8121 | |
8122 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndevicemotion(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8123 | { |
8124 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndevicemotionGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondevicemotion" ); |
8125 | } |
8126 | |
8127 | #endif |
8128 | |
8130 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndevicemotionSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8131 | { |
8132 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8133 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8134 | return false; |
8135 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().devicemotionEvent, value); |
8136 | return true; |
8137 | } |
8138 | |
8139 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndevicemotion(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8140 | { |
8141 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndevicemotionSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondevicemotion" ); |
8142 | } |
8143 | |
8144 | #endif |
8145 | |
8147 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndeviceorientationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8148 | { |
8149 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8150 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8151 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8152 | return jsUndefined(); |
8153 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().deviceorientationEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8154 | } |
8155 | |
8156 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndeviceorientation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8157 | { |
8158 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndeviceorientationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondeviceorientation" ); |
8159 | } |
8160 | |
8161 | #endif |
8162 | |
8164 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndeviceorientationSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8165 | { |
8166 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8167 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8168 | return false; |
8169 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().deviceorientationEvent, value); |
8170 | return true; |
8171 | } |
8172 | |
8173 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndeviceorientation(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8174 | { |
8175 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndeviceorientationSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondeviceorientation" ); |
8176 | } |
8177 | |
8178 | #endif |
8179 | |
8180 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8181 | { |
8182 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8183 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8184 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8185 | return jsUndefined(); |
8186 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationEndEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8187 | } |
8188 | |
8189 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8190 | { |
8191 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitanimationend" ); |
8192 | } |
8193 | |
8194 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8195 | { |
8196 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8197 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8198 | return false; |
8199 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationEndEvent, value); |
8200 | return true; |
8201 | } |
8202 | |
8203 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8204 | { |
8205 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitanimationend" ); |
8206 | } |
8207 | |
8208 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiterationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8209 | { |
8210 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8211 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8212 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8213 | return jsUndefined(); |
8214 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationIterationEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8215 | } |
8216 | |
8217 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8218 | { |
8219 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiterationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitanimationiteration" ); |
8220 | } |
8221 | |
8222 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiterationSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8223 | { |
8224 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8225 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8226 | return false; |
8227 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationIterationEvent, value); |
8228 | return true; |
8229 | } |
8230 | |
8231 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiteration(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8232 | { |
8233 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationiterationSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitanimationiteration" ); |
8234 | } |
8235 | |
8236 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8237 | { |
8238 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8239 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8240 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8241 | return jsUndefined(); |
8242 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationStartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8243 | } |
8244 | |
8245 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8246 | { |
8247 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitanimationstart" ); |
8248 | } |
8249 | |
8250 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8251 | { |
8252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8253 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8254 | return false; |
8255 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitAnimationStartEvent, value); |
8256 | return true; |
8257 | } |
8258 | |
8259 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8260 | { |
8261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitanimationstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitanimationstart" ); |
8262 | } |
8263 | |
8264 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8265 | { |
8266 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8267 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8268 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8269 | return jsUndefined(); |
8270 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8271 | } |
8272 | |
8273 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8274 | { |
8275 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkittransitionend" ); |
8276 | } |
8277 | |
8278 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8279 | { |
8280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8281 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8282 | return false; |
8283 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent, value); |
8284 | return true; |
8285 | } |
8286 | |
8287 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8288 | { |
8289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkittransitionendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkittransitionend" ); |
8290 | } |
8291 | |
8292 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCachesGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8293 | { |
8294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8295 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8296 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8297 | return jsUndefined(); |
8298 | auto* context = jsCast<JSDOMGlobalObject*>(state.lexicalGlobalObject())->scriptExecutionContext(); |
8299 | if (UNLIKELY(!context)) |
8300 | return jsUndefined(); |
8301 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
8302 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<DOMCacheStorage>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, WebCore::DOMWindowCaches::caches(*context, impl)); |
8303 | return result; |
8304 | } |
8305 | |
8306 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCaches(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8307 | { |
8308 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCachesGetter>(*state, thisValue, "caches" ); |
8309 | } |
8310 | |
8312 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIndexedDBGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8313 | { |
8314 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8315 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8316 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8317 | return jsUndefined(); |
8318 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
8319 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<IDBFactory>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, WebCore::DOMWindowIndexedDatabase::indexedDB(impl)); |
8320 | return result; |
8321 | } |
8322 | |
8323 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIndexedDB(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8324 | { |
8325 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIndexedDBGetter>(*state, thisValue, "indexedDB" ); |
8326 | } |
8327 | |
8328 | #endif |
8329 | |
8331 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitIndexedDBGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8332 | { |
8333 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8334 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8335 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8336 | return jsUndefined(); |
8337 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
8338 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<IDBFactory>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, WebCore::DOMWindowIndexedDatabase::indexedDB(impl)); |
8339 | return result; |
8340 | } |
8341 | |
8342 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitIndexedDB(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8343 | { |
8344 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebkitIndexedDBGetter>(*state, thisValue, "webkitIndexedDB" ); |
8345 | } |
8346 | |
8347 | #endif |
8348 | |
8350 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8351 | { |
8352 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8353 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8354 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8355 | return jsUndefined(); |
8356 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
8357 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<SpeechSynthesis>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, WebCore::DOMWindowSpeechSynthesis::speechSynthesis(impl)); |
8358 | return result; |
8359 | } |
8360 | |
8361 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesis(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8362 | { |
8363 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisGetter>(*state, thisValue, "speechSynthesis" ); |
8364 | } |
8365 | |
8366 | #endif |
8367 | |
8368 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnectGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8369 | { |
8370 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8371 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8372 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8373 | return jsUndefined(); |
8374 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayconnectEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8375 | } |
8376 | |
8377 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8378 | { |
8379 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnectGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplayconnect" ); |
8380 | } |
8381 | |
8382 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnectSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8383 | { |
8384 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8385 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8386 | return false; |
8387 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayconnectEvent, value); |
8388 | return true; |
8389 | } |
8390 | |
8391 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8392 | { |
8393 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayconnectSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplayconnect" ); |
8394 | } |
8395 | |
8396 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnectGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8397 | { |
8398 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8399 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8400 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8401 | return jsUndefined(); |
8402 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaydisconnectEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8403 | } |
8404 | |
8405 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8406 | { |
8407 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnectGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplaydisconnect" ); |
8408 | } |
8409 | |
8410 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnectSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8411 | { |
8412 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8413 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8414 | return false; |
8415 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaydisconnectEvent, value); |
8416 | return true; |
8417 | } |
8418 | |
8419 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8420 | { |
8421 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydisconnectSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplaydisconnect" ); |
8422 | } |
8423 | |
8424 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivateGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8425 | { |
8426 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8427 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8428 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8429 | return jsUndefined(); |
8430 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayactivateEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8431 | } |
8432 | |
8433 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8434 | { |
8435 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivateGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplayactivate" ); |
8436 | } |
8437 | |
8438 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivateSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8439 | { |
8440 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8441 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8442 | return false; |
8443 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayactivateEvent, value); |
8444 | return true; |
8445 | } |
8446 | |
8447 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8448 | { |
8449 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayactivateSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplayactivate" ); |
8450 | } |
8451 | |
8452 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivateGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8453 | { |
8454 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8455 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8456 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8457 | return jsUndefined(); |
8458 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaydeactivateEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8459 | } |
8460 | |
8461 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8462 | { |
8463 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivateGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplaydeactivate" ); |
8464 | } |
8465 | |
8466 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivateSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8467 | { |
8468 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8469 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8470 | return false; |
8471 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaydeactivateEvent, value); |
8472 | return true; |
8473 | } |
8474 | |
8475 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8476 | { |
8477 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaydeactivateSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplaydeactivate" ); |
8478 | } |
8479 | |
8480 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblurGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8481 | { |
8482 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8483 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8484 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8485 | return jsUndefined(); |
8486 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayblurEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8487 | } |
8488 | |
8489 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8490 | { |
8491 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblurGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplayblur" ); |
8492 | } |
8493 | |
8494 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblurSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8495 | { |
8496 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8497 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8498 | return false; |
8499 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayblurEvent, value); |
8500 | return true; |
8501 | } |
8502 | |
8503 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblur(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8504 | { |
8505 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayblurSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplayblur" ); |
8506 | } |
8507 | |
8508 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocusGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8509 | { |
8510 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8511 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8512 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8513 | return jsUndefined(); |
8514 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayfocusEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8515 | } |
8516 | |
8517 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8518 | { |
8519 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocusGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplayfocus" ); |
8520 | } |
8521 | |
8522 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocusSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8523 | { |
8524 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8525 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8526 | return false; |
8527 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplayfocusEvent, value); |
8528 | return true; |
8529 | } |
8530 | |
8531 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8532 | { |
8533 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplayfocusSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplayfocus" ); |
8534 | } |
8535 | |
8536 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8537 | { |
8538 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8539 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8540 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8541 | return jsUndefined(); |
8542 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaypresentchangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8543 | } |
8544 | |
8545 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8546 | { |
8547 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvrdisplaypresentchange" ); |
8548 | } |
8549 | |
8550 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8551 | { |
8552 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8553 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8554 | return false; |
8555 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().vrdisplaypresentchangeEvent, value); |
8556 | return true; |
8557 | } |
8558 | |
8559 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8560 | { |
8561 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvrdisplaypresentchangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvrdisplaypresentchange" ); |
8562 | } |
8563 | |
8564 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnabortGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8565 | { |
8566 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8567 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8568 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8569 | return jsUndefined(); |
8570 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().abortEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8571 | } |
8572 | |
8573 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnabort(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8574 | { |
8575 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnabortGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onabort" ); |
8576 | } |
8577 | |
8578 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnabortSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8579 | { |
8580 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8581 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8582 | return false; |
8583 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().abortEvent, value); |
8584 | return true; |
8585 | } |
8586 | |
8587 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnabort(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8588 | { |
8589 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnabortSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onabort" ); |
8590 | } |
8591 | |
8592 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnblurGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8593 | { |
8594 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8595 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8596 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8597 | return jsUndefined(); |
8598 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().blurEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8599 | } |
8600 | |
8601 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnblur(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8602 | { |
8603 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnblurGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onblur" ); |
8604 | } |
8605 | |
8606 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnblurSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8607 | { |
8608 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8609 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8610 | return false; |
8611 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().blurEvent, value); |
8612 | return true; |
8613 | } |
8614 | |
8615 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnblur(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8616 | { |
8617 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnblurSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onblur" ); |
8618 | } |
8619 | |
8620 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplayGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8621 | { |
8622 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8623 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8624 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8625 | return jsUndefined(); |
8626 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().canplayEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8627 | } |
8628 | |
8629 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplay(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8630 | { |
8631 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOncanplayGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oncanplay" ); |
8632 | } |
8633 | |
8634 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplaySetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8635 | { |
8636 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8637 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8638 | return false; |
8639 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().canplayEvent, value); |
8640 | return true; |
8641 | } |
8642 | |
8643 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplay(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8644 | { |
8645 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOncanplaySetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oncanplay" ); |
8646 | } |
8647 | |
8648 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplaythroughGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8649 | { |
8650 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8651 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8652 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8653 | return jsUndefined(); |
8654 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().canplaythroughEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8655 | } |
8656 | |
8657 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncanplaythrough(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8658 | { |
8659 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOncanplaythroughGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oncanplaythrough" ); |
8660 | } |
8661 | |
8662 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplaythroughSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8663 | { |
8664 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8665 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8666 | return false; |
8667 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().canplaythroughEvent, value); |
8668 | return true; |
8669 | } |
8670 | |
8671 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncanplaythrough(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8672 | { |
8673 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOncanplaythroughSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oncanplaythrough" ); |
8674 | } |
8675 | |
8676 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnchangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8677 | { |
8678 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8679 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8680 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8681 | return jsUndefined(); |
8682 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().changeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8683 | } |
8684 | |
8685 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8686 | { |
8687 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnchangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onchange" ); |
8688 | } |
8689 | |
8690 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnchangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8691 | { |
8692 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8693 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8694 | return false; |
8695 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().changeEvent, value); |
8696 | return true; |
8697 | } |
8698 | |
8699 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8700 | { |
8701 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnchangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onchange" ); |
8702 | } |
8703 | |
8704 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnclickGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8705 | { |
8706 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8707 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8708 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8709 | return jsUndefined(); |
8710 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().clickEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8711 | } |
8712 | |
8713 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnclick(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8714 | { |
8715 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnclickGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onclick" ); |
8716 | } |
8717 | |
8718 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnclickSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8719 | { |
8720 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8721 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8722 | return false; |
8723 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().clickEvent, value); |
8724 | return true; |
8725 | } |
8726 | |
8727 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnclick(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8728 | { |
8729 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnclickSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onclick" ); |
8730 | } |
8731 | |
8732 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8733 | { |
8734 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8735 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8736 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8737 | return jsUndefined(); |
8738 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().contextmenuEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8739 | } |
8740 | |
8741 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8742 | { |
8743 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOncontextmenuGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oncontextmenu" ); |
8744 | } |
8745 | |
8746 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8747 | { |
8748 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8749 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8750 | return false; |
8751 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().contextmenuEvent, value); |
8752 | return true; |
8753 | } |
8754 | |
8755 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8756 | { |
8757 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOncontextmenuSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oncontextmenu" ); |
8758 | } |
8759 | |
8760 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOncuechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8761 | { |
8762 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8763 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8764 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8765 | return jsUndefined(); |
8766 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().cuechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8767 | } |
8768 | |
8769 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOncuechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8770 | { |
8771 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOncuechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oncuechange" ); |
8772 | } |
8773 | |
8774 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOncuechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8775 | { |
8776 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8777 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8778 | return false; |
8779 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().cuechangeEvent, value); |
8780 | return true; |
8781 | } |
8782 | |
8783 | bool setJSDOMWindowOncuechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8784 | { |
8785 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOncuechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oncuechange" ); |
8786 | } |
8787 | |
8788 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndblclickGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8789 | { |
8790 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8791 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8792 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8793 | return jsUndefined(); |
8794 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dblclickEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8795 | } |
8796 | |
8797 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndblclick(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8798 | { |
8799 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndblclickGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondblclick" ); |
8800 | } |
8801 | |
8802 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndblclickSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8803 | { |
8804 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8805 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8806 | return false; |
8807 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dblclickEvent, value); |
8808 | return true; |
8809 | } |
8810 | |
8811 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndblclick(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8812 | { |
8813 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndblclickSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondblclick" ); |
8814 | } |
8815 | |
8816 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8817 | { |
8818 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8819 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8820 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8821 | return jsUndefined(); |
8822 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8823 | } |
8824 | |
8825 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndrag(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8826 | { |
8827 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondrag" ); |
8828 | } |
8829 | |
8830 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8831 | { |
8832 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8833 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8834 | return false; |
8835 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragEvent, value); |
8836 | return true; |
8837 | } |
8838 | |
8839 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndrag(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8840 | { |
8841 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondrag" ); |
8842 | } |
8843 | |
8844 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8845 | { |
8846 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8847 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8848 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8849 | return jsUndefined(); |
8850 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8851 | } |
8852 | |
8853 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8854 | { |
8855 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondragend" ); |
8856 | } |
8857 | |
8858 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8859 | { |
8860 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8861 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8862 | return false; |
8863 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragendEvent, value); |
8864 | return true; |
8865 | } |
8866 | |
8867 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8868 | { |
8869 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondragend" ); |
8870 | } |
8871 | |
8872 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragenterGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8873 | { |
8874 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8875 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8876 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8877 | return jsUndefined(); |
8878 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragenterEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8879 | } |
8880 | |
8881 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8882 | { |
8883 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragenterGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondragenter" ); |
8884 | } |
8885 | |
8886 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragenterSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8887 | { |
8888 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8889 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8890 | return false; |
8891 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragenterEvent, value); |
8892 | return true; |
8893 | } |
8894 | |
8895 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8896 | { |
8897 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragenterSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondragenter" ); |
8898 | } |
8899 | |
8900 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragleaveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8901 | { |
8902 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8903 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8904 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8905 | return jsUndefined(); |
8906 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragleaveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8907 | } |
8908 | |
8909 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8910 | { |
8911 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragleaveGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondragleave" ); |
8912 | } |
8913 | |
8914 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragleaveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8915 | { |
8916 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8917 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8918 | return false; |
8919 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragleaveEvent, value); |
8920 | return true; |
8921 | } |
8922 | |
8923 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8924 | { |
8925 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragleaveSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondragleave" ); |
8926 | } |
8927 | |
8928 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragoverGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8929 | { |
8930 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8931 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8932 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8933 | return jsUndefined(); |
8934 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragoverEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8935 | } |
8936 | |
8937 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8938 | { |
8939 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragoverGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondragover" ); |
8940 | } |
8941 | |
8942 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragoverSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8943 | { |
8944 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8945 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8946 | return false; |
8947 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragoverEvent, value); |
8948 | return true; |
8949 | } |
8950 | |
8951 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8952 | { |
8953 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragoverSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondragover" ); |
8954 | } |
8955 | |
8956 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndragstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8957 | { |
8958 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8959 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8960 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8961 | return jsUndefined(); |
8962 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragstartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8963 | } |
8964 | |
8965 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndragstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8966 | { |
8967 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndragstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondragstart" ); |
8968 | } |
8969 | |
8970 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndragstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8971 | { |
8972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8974 | return false; |
8975 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dragstartEvent, value); |
8976 | return true; |
8977 | } |
8978 | |
8979 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndragstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
8980 | { |
8981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndragstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondragstart" ); |
8982 | } |
8983 | |
8984 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndropGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8985 | { |
8986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
8987 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
8988 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
8989 | return jsUndefined(); |
8990 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dropEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
8991 | } |
8992 | |
8993 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndrop(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
8994 | { |
8995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndropGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondrop" ); |
8996 | } |
8997 | |
8998 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndropSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
8999 | { |
9000 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9001 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9002 | return false; |
9003 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().dropEvent, value); |
9004 | return true; |
9005 | } |
9006 | |
9007 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndrop(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9008 | { |
9009 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndropSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondrop" ); |
9010 | } |
9011 | |
9012 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOndurationchangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9013 | { |
9014 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9015 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9016 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9017 | return jsUndefined(); |
9018 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().durationchangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9019 | } |
9020 | |
9021 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOndurationchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9022 | { |
9023 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOndurationchangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ondurationchange" ); |
9024 | } |
9025 | |
9026 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOndurationchangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9027 | { |
9028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9029 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9030 | return false; |
9031 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().durationchangeEvent, value); |
9032 | return true; |
9033 | } |
9034 | |
9035 | bool setJSDOMWindowOndurationchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9036 | { |
9037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOndurationchangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ondurationchange" ); |
9038 | } |
9039 | |
9040 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnemptiedGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9041 | { |
9042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9043 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9044 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9045 | return jsUndefined(); |
9046 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().emptiedEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9047 | } |
9048 | |
9049 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnemptied(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9050 | { |
9051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnemptiedGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onemptied" ); |
9052 | } |
9053 | |
9054 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnemptiedSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9055 | { |
9056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9057 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9058 | return false; |
9059 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().emptiedEvent, value); |
9060 | return true; |
9061 | } |
9062 | |
9063 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnemptied(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9064 | { |
9065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnemptiedSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onemptied" ); |
9066 | } |
9067 | |
9068 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnendedGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9069 | { |
9070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9071 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9072 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9073 | return jsUndefined(); |
9074 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().endedEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9075 | } |
9076 | |
9077 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnended(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9078 | { |
9079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnendedGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onended" ); |
9080 | } |
9081 | |
9082 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnendedSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9083 | { |
9084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9086 | return false; |
9087 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().endedEvent, value); |
9088 | return true; |
9089 | } |
9090 | |
9091 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnended(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9092 | { |
9093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnendedSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onended" ); |
9094 | } |
9095 | |
9096 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnerrorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9097 | { |
9098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9099 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9100 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9101 | return jsUndefined(); |
9102 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().errorEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9103 | } |
9104 | |
9105 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnerror(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9106 | { |
9107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnerrorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onerror" ); |
9108 | } |
9109 | |
9110 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnerrorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9111 | { |
9112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9113 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9114 | return false; |
9115 | thisObject.wrapped().setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().errorEvent, createJSErrorHandler(state, value, thisObject), worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9116 | return true; |
9117 | } |
9118 | |
9119 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnerror(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9120 | { |
9121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnerrorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onerror" ); |
9122 | } |
9123 | |
9124 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnfocusGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9125 | { |
9126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9127 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9128 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9129 | return jsUndefined(); |
9130 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().focusEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9131 | } |
9132 | |
9133 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnfocus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9134 | { |
9135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnfocusGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onfocus" ); |
9136 | } |
9137 | |
9138 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnfocusSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9139 | { |
9140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9141 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9142 | return false; |
9143 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().focusEvent, value); |
9144 | return true; |
9145 | } |
9146 | |
9147 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnfocus(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9148 | { |
9149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnfocusSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onfocus" ); |
9150 | } |
9151 | |
9152 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOninputGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9153 | { |
9154 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9155 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9156 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9157 | return jsUndefined(); |
9158 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().inputEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9159 | } |
9160 | |
9161 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOninput(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9162 | { |
9163 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOninputGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oninput" ); |
9164 | } |
9165 | |
9166 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOninputSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9167 | { |
9168 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9169 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9170 | return false; |
9171 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().inputEvent, value); |
9172 | return true; |
9173 | } |
9174 | |
9175 | bool setJSDOMWindowOninput(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9176 | { |
9177 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOninputSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oninput" ); |
9178 | } |
9179 | |
9180 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOninvalidGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9181 | { |
9182 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9183 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9184 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9185 | return jsUndefined(); |
9186 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().invalidEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9187 | } |
9188 | |
9189 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOninvalid(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9190 | { |
9191 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOninvalidGetter>(*state, thisValue, "oninvalid" ); |
9192 | } |
9193 | |
9194 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOninvalidSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9195 | { |
9196 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9197 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9198 | return false; |
9199 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().invalidEvent, value); |
9200 | return true; |
9201 | } |
9202 | |
9203 | bool setJSDOMWindowOninvalid(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9204 | { |
9205 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOninvalidSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "oninvalid" ); |
9206 | } |
9207 | |
9208 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeydownGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9209 | { |
9210 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9211 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9212 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9213 | return jsUndefined(); |
9214 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keydownEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9215 | } |
9216 | |
9217 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeydown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9218 | { |
9219 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnkeydownGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onkeydown" ); |
9220 | } |
9221 | |
9222 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeydownSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9223 | { |
9224 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9225 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9226 | return false; |
9227 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keydownEvent, value); |
9228 | return true; |
9229 | } |
9230 | |
9231 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeydown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9232 | { |
9233 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnkeydownSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onkeydown" ); |
9234 | } |
9235 | |
9236 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeypressGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9237 | { |
9238 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9239 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9240 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9241 | return jsUndefined(); |
9242 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keypressEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9243 | } |
9244 | |
9245 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeypress(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9246 | { |
9247 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnkeypressGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onkeypress" ); |
9248 | } |
9249 | |
9250 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeypressSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9251 | { |
9252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9253 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9254 | return false; |
9255 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keypressEvent, value); |
9256 | return true; |
9257 | } |
9258 | |
9259 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeypress(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9260 | { |
9261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnkeypressSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onkeypress" ); |
9262 | } |
9263 | |
9264 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeyupGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9265 | { |
9266 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9267 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9268 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9269 | return jsUndefined(); |
9270 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keyupEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9271 | } |
9272 | |
9273 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnkeyup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9274 | { |
9275 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnkeyupGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onkeyup" ); |
9276 | } |
9277 | |
9278 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeyupSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9279 | { |
9280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9281 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9282 | return false; |
9283 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().keyupEvent, value); |
9284 | return true; |
9285 | } |
9286 | |
9287 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnkeyup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9288 | { |
9289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnkeyupSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onkeyup" ); |
9290 | } |
9291 | |
9292 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9293 | { |
9294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9295 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9296 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9297 | return jsUndefined(); |
9298 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9299 | } |
9300 | |
9301 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9302 | { |
9303 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnloadGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onload" ); |
9304 | } |
9305 | |
9306 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9307 | { |
9308 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9309 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9310 | return false; |
9311 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadEvent, value); |
9312 | return true; |
9313 | } |
9314 | |
9315 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9316 | { |
9317 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnloadSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onload" ); |
9318 | } |
9319 | |
9320 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadeddataGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9321 | { |
9322 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9323 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9324 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9325 | return jsUndefined(); |
9326 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadeddataEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9327 | } |
9328 | |
9329 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadeddata(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9330 | { |
9331 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnloadeddataGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onloadeddata" ); |
9332 | } |
9333 | |
9334 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadeddataSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9335 | { |
9336 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9337 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9338 | return false; |
9339 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadeddataEvent, value); |
9340 | return true; |
9341 | } |
9342 | |
9343 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadeddata(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9344 | { |
9345 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnloadeddataSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onloadeddata" ); |
9346 | } |
9347 | |
9348 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadedmetadataGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9349 | { |
9350 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9351 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9352 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9353 | return jsUndefined(); |
9354 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadedmetadataEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9355 | } |
9356 | |
9357 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9358 | { |
9359 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnloadedmetadataGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onloadedmetadata" ); |
9360 | } |
9361 | |
9362 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadedmetadataSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9363 | { |
9364 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9365 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9366 | return false; |
9367 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadedmetadataEvent, value); |
9368 | return true; |
9369 | } |
9370 | |
9371 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadedmetadata(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9372 | { |
9373 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnloadedmetadataSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onloadedmetadata" ); |
9374 | } |
9375 | |
9376 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9377 | { |
9378 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9379 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9380 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9381 | return jsUndefined(); |
9382 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadstartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9383 | } |
9384 | |
9385 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnloadstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9386 | { |
9387 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnloadstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onloadstart" ); |
9388 | } |
9389 | |
9390 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9391 | { |
9392 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9393 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9394 | return false; |
9395 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().loadstartEvent, value); |
9396 | return true; |
9397 | } |
9398 | |
9399 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnloadstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9400 | { |
9401 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnloadstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onloadstart" ); |
9402 | } |
9403 | |
9404 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousedownGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9405 | { |
9406 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9407 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9408 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9409 | return jsUndefined(); |
9410 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousedownEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9411 | } |
9412 | |
9413 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousedown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9414 | { |
9415 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmousedownGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmousedown" ); |
9416 | } |
9417 | |
9418 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousedownSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9419 | { |
9420 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9421 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9422 | return false; |
9423 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousedownEvent, value); |
9424 | return true; |
9425 | } |
9426 | |
9427 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousedown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9428 | { |
9429 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmousedownSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmousedown" ); |
9430 | } |
9431 | |
9432 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseenterGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9433 | { |
9434 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9435 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9436 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9437 | return jsUndefined(); |
9438 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseenterEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9439 | } |
9440 | |
9441 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9442 | { |
9443 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmouseenterGetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::ReturnEarly>(*state, thisValue, "onmouseenter" ); |
9444 | } |
9445 | |
9446 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseenterSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9447 | { |
9448 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9449 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9450 | return false; |
9451 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseenterEvent, value); |
9452 | return true; |
9453 | } |
9454 | |
9455 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9456 | { |
9457 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmouseenterSetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::ReturnEarly>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmouseenter" ); |
9458 | } |
9459 | |
9460 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseleaveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9461 | { |
9462 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9463 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9464 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9465 | return jsUndefined(); |
9466 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseleaveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9467 | } |
9468 | |
9469 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9470 | { |
9471 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmouseleaveGetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::ReturnEarly>(*state, thisValue, "onmouseleave" ); |
9472 | } |
9473 | |
9474 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseleaveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9475 | { |
9476 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9477 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9478 | return false; |
9479 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseleaveEvent, value); |
9480 | return true; |
9481 | } |
9482 | |
9483 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9484 | { |
9485 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmouseleaveSetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::ReturnEarly>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmouseleave" ); |
9486 | } |
9487 | |
9488 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousemoveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9489 | { |
9490 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9491 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9492 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9493 | return jsUndefined(); |
9494 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousemoveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9495 | } |
9496 | |
9497 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousemove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9498 | { |
9499 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmousemoveGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmousemove" ); |
9500 | } |
9501 | |
9502 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousemoveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9503 | { |
9504 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9505 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9506 | return false; |
9507 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousemoveEvent, value); |
9508 | return true; |
9509 | } |
9510 | |
9511 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousemove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9512 | { |
9513 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmousemoveSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmousemove" ); |
9514 | } |
9515 | |
9516 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseoutGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9517 | { |
9518 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9519 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9520 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9521 | return jsUndefined(); |
9522 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseoutEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9523 | } |
9524 | |
9525 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseout(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9526 | { |
9527 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmouseoutGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmouseout" ); |
9528 | } |
9529 | |
9530 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseoutSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9531 | { |
9532 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9533 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9534 | return false; |
9535 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseoutEvent, value); |
9536 | return true; |
9537 | } |
9538 | |
9539 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseout(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9540 | { |
9541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmouseoutSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmouseout" ); |
9542 | } |
9543 | |
9544 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseoverGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9545 | { |
9546 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9547 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9548 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9549 | return jsUndefined(); |
9550 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseoverEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9551 | } |
9552 | |
9553 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9554 | { |
9555 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmouseoverGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmouseover" ); |
9556 | } |
9557 | |
9558 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseoverSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9559 | { |
9560 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9561 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9562 | return false; |
9563 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseoverEvent, value); |
9564 | return true; |
9565 | } |
9566 | |
9567 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9568 | { |
9569 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmouseoverSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmouseover" ); |
9570 | } |
9571 | |
9572 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseupGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9573 | { |
9574 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9575 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9576 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9577 | return jsUndefined(); |
9578 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseupEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9579 | } |
9580 | |
9581 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmouseup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9582 | { |
9583 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmouseupGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmouseup" ); |
9584 | } |
9585 | |
9586 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseupSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9587 | { |
9588 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9589 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9590 | return false; |
9591 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mouseupEvent, value); |
9592 | return true; |
9593 | } |
9594 | |
9595 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmouseup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9596 | { |
9597 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmouseupSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmouseup" ); |
9598 | } |
9599 | |
9600 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousewheelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9601 | { |
9602 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9603 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9604 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9605 | return jsUndefined(); |
9606 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousewheelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9607 | } |
9608 | |
9609 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmousewheel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9610 | { |
9611 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmousewheelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmousewheel" ); |
9612 | } |
9613 | |
9614 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousewheelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9615 | { |
9616 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9617 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9618 | return false; |
9619 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().mousewheelEvent, value); |
9620 | return true; |
9621 | } |
9622 | |
9623 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmousewheel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9624 | { |
9625 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmousewheelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmousewheel" ); |
9626 | } |
9627 | |
9628 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpauseGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9629 | { |
9630 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9631 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9632 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9633 | return jsUndefined(); |
9634 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pauseEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9635 | } |
9636 | |
9637 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpause(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9638 | { |
9639 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpauseGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpause" ); |
9640 | } |
9641 | |
9642 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpauseSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9643 | { |
9644 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9645 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9646 | return false; |
9647 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pauseEvent, value); |
9648 | return true; |
9649 | } |
9650 | |
9651 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpause(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9652 | { |
9653 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpauseSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpause" ); |
9654 | } |
9655 | |
9656 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnplayGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9657 | { |
9658 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9659 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9660 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9661 | return jsUndefined(); |
9662 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().playEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9663 | } |
9664 | |
9665 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnplay(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9666 | { |
9667 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnplayGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onplay" ); |
9668 | } |
9669 | |
9670 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnplaySetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9671 | { |
9672 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9673 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9674 | return false; |
9675 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().playEvent, value); |
9676 | return true; |
9677 | } |
9678 | |
9679 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnplay(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9680 | { |
9681 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnplaySetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onplay" ); |
9682 | } |
9683 | |
9684 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnplayingGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9685 | { |
9686 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9687 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9688 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9689 | return jsUndefined(); |
9690 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().playingEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9691 | } |
9692 | |
9693 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnplaying(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9694 | { |
9695 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnplayingGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onplaying" ); |
9696 | } |
9697 | |
9698 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnplayingSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9699 | { |
9700 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9701 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9702 | return false; |
9703 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().playingEvent, value); |
9704 | return true; |
9705 | } |
9706 | |
9707 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnplaying(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9708 | { |
9709 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnplayingSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onplaying" ); |
9710 | } |
9711 | |
9712 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnprogressGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9713 | { |
9714 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9715 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9716 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9717 | return jsUndefined(); |
9718 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().progressEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9719 | } |
9720 | |
9721 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnprogress(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9722 | { |
9723 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnprogressGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onprogress" ); |
9724 | } |
9725 | |
9726 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnprogressSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9727 | { |
9728 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9729 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9730 | return false; |
9731 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().progressEvent, value); |
9732 | return true; |
9733 | } |
9734 | |
9735 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnprogress(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9736 | { |
9737 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnprogressSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onprogress" ); |
9738 | } |
9739 | |
9740 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnratechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9741 | { |
9742 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9743 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9744 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9745 | return jsUndefined(); |
9746 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().ratechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9747 | } |
9748 | |
9749 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnratechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9750 | { |
9751 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnratechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onratechange" ); |
9752 | } |
9753 | |
9754 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnratechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9755 | { |
9756 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9757 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9758 | return false; |
9759 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().ratechangeEvent, value); |
9760 | return true; |
9761 | } |
9762 | |
9763 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnratechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9764 | { |
9765 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnratechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onratechange" ); |
9766 | } |
9767 | |
9768 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnrejectionhandledGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9769 | { |
9770 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9771 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9772 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9773 | return jsUndefined(); |
9774 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().rejectionhandledEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9775 | } |
9776 | |
9777 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9778 | { |
9779 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnrejectionhandledGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onrejectionhandled" ); |
9780 | } |
9781 | |
9782 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnrejectionhandledSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9783 | { |
9784 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9785 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9786 | return false; |
9787 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().rejectionhandledEvent, value); |
9788 | return true; |
9789 | } |
9790 | |
9791 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnrejectionhandled(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9792 | { |
9793 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnrejectionhandledSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onrejectionhandled" ); |
9794 | } |
9795 | |
9796 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnresetGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9797 | { |
9798 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9799 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9800 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9801 | return jsUndefined(); |
9802 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().resetEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9803 | } |
9804 | |
9805 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnreset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9806 | { |
9807 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnresetGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onreset" ); |
9808 | } |
9809 | |
9810 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnresetSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9811 | { |
9812 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9813 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9814 | return false; |
9815 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().resetEvent, value); |
9816 | return true; |
9817 | } |
9818 | |
9819 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnreset(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9820 | { |
9821 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnresetSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onreset" ); |
9822 | } |
9823 | |
9824 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnresizeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9825 | { |
9826 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9827 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9828 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9829 | return jsUndefined(); |
9830 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().resizeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9831 | } |
9832 | |
9833 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnresize(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9834 | { |
9835 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnresizeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onresize" ); |
9836 | } |
9837 | |
9838 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnresizeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9839 | { |
9840 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9841 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9842 | return false; |
9843 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().resizeEvent, value); |
9844 | return true; |
9845 | } |
9846 | |
9847 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnresize(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9848 | { |
9849 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnresizeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onresize" ); |
9850 | } |
9851 | |
9852 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnscrollGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9853 | { |
9854 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9855 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9856 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9857 | return jsUndefined(); |
9858 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().scrollEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9859 | } |
9860 | |
9861 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnscroll(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9862 | { |
9863 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnscrollGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onscroll" ); |
9864 | } |
9865 | |
9866 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnscrollSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9867 | { |
9868 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9869 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9870 | return false; |
9871 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().scrollEvent, value); |
9872 | return true; |
9873 | } |
9874 | |
9875 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnscroll(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9876 | { |
9877 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnscrollSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onscroll" ); |
9878 | } |
9879 | |
9880 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnseekedGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9881 | { |
9882 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9883 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9884 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9885 | return jsUndefined(); |
9886 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().seekedEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9887 | } |
9888 | |
9889 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnseeked(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9890 | { |
9891 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnseekedGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onseeked" ); |
9892 | } |
9893 | |
9894 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnseekedSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9895 | { |
9896 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9897 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9898 | return false; |
9899 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().seekedEvent, value); |
9900 | return true; |
9901 | } |
9902 | |
9903 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnseeked(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9904 | { |
9905 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnseekedSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onseeked" ); |
9906 | } |
9907 | |
9908 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnseekingGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9909 | { |
9910 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9911 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9912 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9913 | return jsUndefined(); |
9914 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().seekingEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9915 | } |
9916 | |
9917 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnseeking(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9918 | { |
9919 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnseekingGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onseeking" ); |
9920 | } |
9921 | |
9922 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnseekingSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9923 | { |
9924 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9925 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9926 | return false; |
9927 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().seekingEvent, value); |
9928 | return true; |
9929 | } |
9930 | |
9931 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnseeking(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9932 | { |
9933 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnseekingSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onseeking" ); |
9934 | } |
9935 | |
9936 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnselectGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9937 | { |
9938 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9939 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9940 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9941 | return jsUndefined(); |
9942 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().selectEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9943 | } |
9944 | |
9945 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnselect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9946 | { |
9947 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnselectGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onselect" ); |
9948 | } |
9949 | |
9950 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnselectSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9951 | { |
9952 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9953 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9954 | return false; |
9955 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().selectEvent, value); |
9956 | return true; |
9957 | } |
9958 | |
9959 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnselect(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9960 | { |
9961 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnselectSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onselect" ); |
9962 | } |
9963 | |
9964 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnstalledGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9965 | { |
9966 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9967 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9968 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9969 | return jsUndefined(); |
9970 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().stalledEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9971 | } |
9972 | |
9973 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnstalled(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
9974 | { |
9975 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnstalledGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onstalled" ); |
9976 | } |
9977 | |
9978 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnstalledSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9979 | { |
9980 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9981 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9982 | return false; |
9983 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().stalledEvent, value); |
9984 | return true; |
9985 | } |
9986 | |
9987 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnstalled(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
9988 | { |
9989 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnstalledSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onstalled" ); |
9990 | } |
9991 | |
9992 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnsubmitGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
9993 | { |
9994 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
9995 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
9996 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
9997 | return jsUndefined(); |
9998 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().submitEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
9999 | } |
10000 | |
10001 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsubmit(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10002 | { |
10003 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnsubmitGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onsubmit" ); |
10004 | } |
10005 | |
10006 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnsubmitSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10007 | { |
10008 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10009 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10010 | return false; |
10011 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().submitEvent, value); |
10012 | return true; |
10013 | } |
10014 | |
10015 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsubmit(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10016 | { |
10017 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnsubmitSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onsubmit" ); |
10018 | } |
10019 | |
10020 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnsuspendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10021 | { |
10022 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10023 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10024 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10025 | return jsUndefined(); |
10026 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().suspendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10027 | } |
10028 | |
10029 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsuspend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10030 | { |
10031 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnsuspendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onsuspend" ); |
10032 | } |
10033 | |
10034 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnsuspendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10035 | { |
10036 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10037 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10038 | return false; |
10039 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().suspendEvent, value); |
10040 | return true; |
10041 | } |
10042 | |
10043 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsuspend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10044 | { |
10045 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnsuspendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onsuspend" ); |
10046 | } |
10047 | |
10048 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntimeupdateGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10049 | { |
10050 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10051 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10052 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10053 | return jsUndefined(); |
10054 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().timeupdateEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10055 | } |
10056 | |
10057 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntimeupdate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10058 | { |
10059 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntimeupdateGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontimeupdate" ); |
10060 | } |
10061 | |
10062 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntimeupdateSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10063 | { |
10064 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10065 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10066 | return false; |
10067 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().timeupdateEvent, value); |
10068 | return true; |
10069 | } |
10070 | |
10071 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntimeupdate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10072 | { |
10073 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntimeupdateSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontimeupdate" ); |
10074 | } |
10075 | |
10076 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntoggleGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10077 | { |
10078 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10079 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10080 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10081 | return jsUndefined(); |
10082 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().toggleEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10083 | } |
10084 | |
10085 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntoggle(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10086 | { |
10087 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntoggleGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontoggle" ); |
10088 | } |
10089 | |
10090 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntoggleSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10091 | { |
10092 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10093 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10094 | return false; |
10095 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().toggleEvent, value); |
10096 | return true; |
10097 | } |
10098 | |
10099 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntoggle(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10100 | { |
10101 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntoggleSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontoggle" ); |
10102 | } |
10103 | |
10104 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnunhandledrejectionGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10105 | { |
10106 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10107 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10108 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10109 | return jsUndefined(); |
10110 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().unhandledrejectionEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10111 | } |
10112 | |
10113 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10114 | { |
10115 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnunhandledrejectionGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onunhandledrejection" ); |
10116 | } |
10117 | |
10118 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnunhandledrejectionSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10119 | { |
10120 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10121 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10122 | return false; |
10123 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().unhandledrejectionEvent, value); |
10124 | return true; |
10125 | } |
10126 | |
10127 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnunhandledrejection(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10128 | { |
10129 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnunhandledrejectionSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onunhandledrejection" ); |
10130 | } |
10131 | |
10132 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnvolumechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10133 | { |
10134 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10135 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10136 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10137 | return jsUndefined(); |
10138 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().volumechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10139 | } |
10140 | |
10141 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnvolumechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10142 | { |
10143 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnvolumechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onvolumechange" ); |
10144 | } |
10145 | |
10146 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnvolumechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10147 | { |
10148 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10149 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10150 | return false; |
10151 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().volumechangeEvent, value); |
10152 | return true; |
10153 | } |
10154 | |
10155 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnvolumechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10156 | { |
10157 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnvolumechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onvolumechange" ); |
10158 | } |
10159 | |
10160 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwaitingGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10161 | { |
10162 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10163 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10164 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10165 | return jsUndefined(); |
10166 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().waitingEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10167 | } |
10168 | |
10169 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwaiting(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10170 | { |
10171 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwaitingGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwaiting" ); |
10172 | } |
10173 | |
10174 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwaitingSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10175 | { |
10176 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10177 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10178 | return false; |
10179 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().waitingEvent, value); |
10180 | return true; |
10181 | } |
10182 | |
10183 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwaiting(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10184 | { |
10185 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwaitingSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwaiting" ); |
10186 | } |
10187 | |
10188 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10189 | { |
10190 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10191 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10192 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10193 | return jsUndefined(); |
10194 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10195 | } |
10196 | |
10197 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10198 | { |
10199 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntransitionendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontransitionend" ); |
10200 | } |
10201 | |
10202 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10203 | { |
10204 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10205 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10206 | return false; |
10207 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionendEvent, value); |
10208 | return true; |
10209 | } |
10210 | |
10211 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10212 | { |
10213 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntransitionendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontransitionend" ); |
10214 | } |
10215 | |
10216 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionrunGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10217 | { |
10218 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10219 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10220 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10221 | return jsUndefined(); |
10222 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionrunEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10223 | } |
10224 | |
10225 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionrun(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10226 | { |
10227 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntransitionrunGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontransitionrun" ); |
10228 | } |
10229 | |
10230 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionrunSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10231 | { |
10232 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10233 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10234 | return false; |
10235 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionrunEvent, value); |
10236 | return true; |
10237 | } |
10238 | |
10239 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionrun(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10240 | { |
10241 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntransitionrunSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontransitionrun" ); |
10242 | } |
10243 | |
10244 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10245 | { |
10246 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10247 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10248 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10249 | return jsUndefined(); |
10250 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionstartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10251 | } |
10252 | |
10253 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitionstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10254 | { |
10255 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntransitionstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontransitionstart" ); |
10256 | } |
10257 | |
10258 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10259 | { |
10260 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10261 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10262 | return false; |
10263 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitionstartEvent, value); |
10264 | return true; |
10265 | } |
10266 | |
10267 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitionstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10268 | { |
10269 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntransitionstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontransitionstart" ); |
10270 | } |
10271 | |
10272 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitioncancelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10273 | { |
10274 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10275 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10276 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10277 | return jsUndefined(); |
10278 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitioncancelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10279 | } |
10280 | |
10281 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntransitioncancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10282 | { |
10283 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntransitioncancelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontransitioncancel" ); |
10284 | } |
10285 | |
10286 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitioncancelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10287 | { |
10288 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10289 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10290 | return false; |
10291 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().transitioncancelEvent, value); |
10292 | return true; |
10293 | } |
10294 | |
10295 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntransitioncancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10296 | { |
10297 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntransitioncancelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontransitioncancel" ); |
10298 | } |
10299 | |
10300 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10301 | { |
10302 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10303 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10304 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10305 | return jsUndefined(); |
10306 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10307 | } |
10308 | |
10309 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10310 | { |
10311 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnanimationendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onanimationend" ); |
10312 | } |
10313 | |
10314 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10315 | { |
10316 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10317 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10318 | return false; |
10319 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationendEvent, value); |
10320 | return true; |
10321 | } |
10322 | |
10323 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10324 | { |
10325 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnanimationendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onanimationend" ); |
10326 | } |
10327 | |
10328 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationiterationGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10329 | { |
10330 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10331 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10332 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10333 | return jsUndefined(); |
10334 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationiterationEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10335 | } |
10336 | |
10337 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationiteration(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10338 | { |
10339 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnanimationiterationGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onanimationiteration" ); |
10340 | } |
10341 | |
10342 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationiterationSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10343 | { |
10344 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10345 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10346 | return false; |
10347 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationiterationEvent, value); |
10348 | return true; |
10349 | } |
10350 | |
10351 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationiteration(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10352 | { |
10353 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnanimationiterationSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onanimationiteration" ); |
10354 | } |
10355 | |
10356 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10357 | { |
10358 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10359 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10360 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10361 | return jsUndefined(); |
10362 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationstartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10363 | } |
10364 | |
10365 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10366 | { |
10367 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnanimationstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onanimationstart" ); |
10368 | } |
10369 | |
10370 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10371 | { |
10372 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10373 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10374 | return false; |
10375 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationstartEvent, value); |
10376 | return true; |
10377 | } |
10378 | |
10379 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10380 | { |
10381 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnanimationstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onanimationstart" ); |
10382 | } |
10383 | |
10384 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationcancelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10385 | { |
10386 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10387 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10388 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10389 | return jsUndefined(); |
10390 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationcancelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10391 | } |
10392 | |
10393 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnanimationcancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10394 | { |
10395 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnanimationcancelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onanimationcancel" ); |
10396 | } |
10397 | |
10398 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationcancelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10399 | { |
10400 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10401 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10402 | return false; |
10403 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().animationcancelEvent, value); |
10404 | return true; |
10405 | } |
10406 | |
10407 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnanimationcancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10408 | { |
10409 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnanimationcancelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onanimationcancel" ); |
10410 | } |
10411 | |
10412 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOngotpointercaptureGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10413 | { |
10414 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10415 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10416 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10417 | return jsUndefined(); |
10418 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gotpointercaptureEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10419 | } |
10420 | |
10421 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOngotpointercapture(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10422 | { |
10423 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOngotpointercaptureGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ongotpointercapture" ); |
10424 | } |
10425 | |
10426 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOngotpointercaptureSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10427 | { |
10428 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10429 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10430 | return false; |
10431 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().gotpointercaptureEvent, value); |
10432 | return true; |
10433 | } |
10434 | |
10435 | bool setJSDOMWindowOngotpointercapture(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10436 | { |
10437 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOngotpointercaptureSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ongotpointercapture" ); |
10438 | } |
10439 | |
10440 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnlostpointercaptureGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10441 | { |
10442 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10443 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10444 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10445 | return jsUndefined(); |
10446 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().lostpointercaptureEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10447 | } |
10448 | |
10449 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10450 | { |
10451 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnlostpointercaptureGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onlostpointercapture" ); |
10452 | } |
10453 | |
10454 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnlostpointercaptureSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10455 | { |
10456 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10457 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10458 | return false; |
10459 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().lostpointercaptureEvent, value); |
10460 | return true; |
10461 | } |
10462 | |
10463 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnlostpointercapture(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10464 | { |
10465 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnlostpointercaptureSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onlostpointercapture" ); |
10466 | } |
10467 | |
10468 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerdownGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10469 | { |
10470 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10471 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10472 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10473 | return jsUndefined(); |
10474 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerdownEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10475 | } |
10476 | |
10477 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerdown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10478 | { |
10479 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointerdownGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerdown" ); |
10480 | } |
10481 | |
10482 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerdownSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10483 | { |
10484 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10485 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10486 | return false; |
10487 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerdownEvent, value); |
10488 | return true; |
10489 | } |
10490 | |
10491 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerdown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10492 | { |
10493 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointerdownSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerdown" ); |
10494 | } |
10495 | |
10496 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointermoveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10497 | { |
10498 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10499 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10500 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10501 | return jsUndefined(); |
10502 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointermoveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10503 | } |
10504 | |
10505 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointermove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10506 | { |
10507 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointermoveGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointermove" ); |
10508 | } |
10509 | |
10510 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointermoveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10511 | { |
10512 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10513 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10514 | return false; |
10515 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointermoveEvent, value); |
10516 | return true; |
10517 | } |
10518 | |
10519 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointermove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10520 | { |
10521 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointermoveSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointermove" ); |
10522 | } |
10523 | |
10524 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerupGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10525 | { |
10526 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10527 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10528 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10529 | return jsUndefined(); |
10530 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerupEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10531 | } |
10532 | |
10533 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10534 | { |
10535 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointerupGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerup" ); |
10536 | } |
10537 | |
10538 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerupSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10539 | { |
10540 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10541 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10542 | return false; |
10543 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerupEvent, value); |
10544 | return true; |
10545 | } |
10546 | |
10547 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10548 | { |
10549 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointerupSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerup" ); |
10550 | } |
10551 | |
10552 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointercancelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10553 | { |
10554 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10555 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10556 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10557 | return jsUndefined(); |
10558 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointercancelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10559 | } |
10560 | |
10561 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointercancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10562 | { |
10563 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointercancelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointercancel" ); |
10564 | } |
10565 | |
10566 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointercancelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10567 | { |
10568 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10569 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10570 | return false; |
10571 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointercancelEvent, value); |
10572 | return true; |
10573 | } |
10574 | |
10575 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointercancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10576 | { |
10577 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointercancelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointercancel" ); |
10578 | } |
10579 | |
10580 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointeroverGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10581 | { |
10582 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10583 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10584 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10585 | return jsUndefined(); |
10586 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointeroverEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10587 | } |
10588 | |
10589 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10590 | { |
10591 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointeroverGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerover" ); |
10592 | } |
10593 | |
10594 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointeroverSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10595 | { |
10596 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10597 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10598 | return false; |
10599 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointeroverEvent, value); |
10600 | return true; |
10601 | } |
10602 | |
10603 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerover(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10604 | { |
10605 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointeroverSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerover" ); |
10606 | } |
10607 | |
10608 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointeroutGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10609 | { |
10610 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10611 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10612 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10613 | return jsUndefined(); |
10614 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointeroutEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10615 | } |
10616 | |
10617 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerout(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10618 | { |
10619 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointeroutGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerout" ); |
10620 | } |
10621 | |
10622 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointeroutSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10623 | { |
10624 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10625 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10626 | return false; |
10627 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointeroutEvent, value); |
10628 | return true; |
10629 | } |
10630 | |
10631 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerout(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10632 | { |
10633 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointeroutSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerout" ); |
10634 | } |
10635 | |
10636 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerenterGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10637 | { |
10638 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10639 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10640 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10641 | return jsUndefined(); |
10642 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerenterEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10643 | } |
10644 | |
10645 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10646 | { |
10647 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointerenterGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerenter" ); |
10648 | } |
10649 | |
10650 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerenterSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10651 | { |
10652 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10653 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10654 | return false; |
10655 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerenterEvent, value); |
10656 | return true; |
10657 | } |
10658 | |
10659 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerenter(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10660 | { |
10661 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointerenterSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerenter" ); |
10662 | } |
10663 | |
10664 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerleaveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10665 | { |
10666 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10667 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10668 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10669 | return jsUndefined(); |
10670 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerleaveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10671 | } |
10672 | |
10673 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpointerleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10674 | { |
10675 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpointerleaveGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpointerleave" ); |
10676 | } |
10677 | |
10678 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerleaveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10679 | { |
10680 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10681 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10682 | return false; |
10683 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pointerleaveEvent, value); |
10684 | return true; |
10685 | } |
10686 | |
10687 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpointerleave(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10688 | { |
10689 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpointerleaveSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpointerleave" ); |
10690 | } |
10691 | |
10692 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnsearchGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10693 | { |
10694 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10695 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10696 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10697 | return jsUndefined(); |
10698 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().searchEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10699 | } |
10700 | |
10701 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnsearch(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10702 | { |
10703 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnsearchGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onsearch" ); |
10704 | } |
10705 | |
10706 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnsearchSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10707 | { |
10708 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10709 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10710 | return false; |
10711 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().searchEvent, value); |
10712 | return true; |
10713 | } |
10714 | |
10715 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnsearch(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10716 | { |
10717 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnsearchSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onsearch" ); |
10718 | } |
10719 | |
10720 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwheelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10721 | { |
10722 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10723 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10724 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10725 | return jsUndefined(); |
10726 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().wheelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10727 | } |
10728 | |
10729 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwheel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10730 | { |
10731 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwheelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwheel" ); |
10732 | } |
10733 | |
10734 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwheelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10735 | { |
10736 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10737 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10738 | return false; |
10739 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().wheelEvent, value); |
10740 | return true; |
10741 | } |
10742 | |
10743 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwheel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10744 | { |
10745 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwheelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwheel" ); |
10746 | } |
10747 | |
10748 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10749 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchcancelGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10750 | { |
10751 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10752 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10753 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10754 | return jsUndefined(); |
10755 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchcancelEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10756 | } |
10757 | |
10758 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchcancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10759 | { |
10760 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntouchcancelGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontouchcancel" ); |
10761 | } |
10762 | |
10763 | #endif |
10764 | |
10765 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10766 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchcancelSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10767 | { |
10768 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10769 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10770 | return false; |
10771 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchcancelEvent, value); |
10772 | return true; |
10773 | } |
10774 | |
10775 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchcancel(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10776 | { |
10777 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntouchcancelSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontouchcancel" ); |
10778 | } |
10779 | |
10780 | #endif |
10781 | |
10782 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10783 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchendGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10784 | { |
10785 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10786 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10787 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10788 | return jsUndefined(); |
10789 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchendEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10790 | } |
10791 | |
10792 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10793 | { |
10794 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntouchendGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontouchend" ); |
10795 | } |
10796 | |
10797 | #endif |
10798 | |
10799 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10800 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchendSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10801 | { |
10802 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10803 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10804 | return false; |
10805 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchendEvent, value); |
10806 | return true; |
10807 | } |
10808 | |
10809 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchend(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10810 | { |
10811 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntouchendSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontouchend" ); |
10812 | } |
10813 | |
10814 | #endif |
10815 | |
10816 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10817 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchmoveGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10818 | { |
10819 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10820 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10821 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10822 | return jsUndefined(); |
10823 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchmoveEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10824 | } |
10825 | |
10826 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchmove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10827 | { |
10828 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntouchmoveGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontouchmove" ); |
10829 | } |
10830 | |
10831 | #endif |
10832 | |
10833 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10834 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchmoveSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10835 | { |
10836 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10837 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10838 | return false; |
10839 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchmoveEvent, value); |
10840 | return true; |
10841 | } |
10842 | |
10843 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchmove(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10844 | { |
10845 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntouchmoveSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontouchmove" ); |
10846 | } |
10847 | |
10848 | #endif |
10849 | |
10850 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10851 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchstartGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10852 | { |
10853 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10854 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10855 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10856 | return jsUndefined(); |
10857 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchstartEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10858 | } |
10859 | |
10860 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10861 | { |
10862 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntouchstartGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontouchstart" ); |
10863 | } |
10864 | |
10865 | #endif |
10866 | |
10867 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10868 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchstartSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10869 | { |
10870 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10871 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10872 | return false; |
10873 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchstartEvent, value); |
10874 | return true; |
10875 | } |
10876 | |
10877 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchstart(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10878 | { |
10879 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntouchstartSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontouchstart" ); |
10880 | } |
10881 | |
10882 | #endif |
10883 | |
10884 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10885 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchforcechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10886 | { |
10887 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10888 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10889 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10890 | return jsUndefined(); |
10891 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchforcechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10892 | } |
10893 | |
10894 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOntouchforcechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10895 | { |
10896 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOntouchforcechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ontouchforcechange" ); |
10897 | } |
10898 | |
10899 | #endif |
10900 | |
10901 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
10902 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchforcechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10903 | { |
10904 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10905 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10906 | return false; |
10907 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().touchforcechangeEvent, value); |
10908 | return true; |
10909 | } |
10910 | |
10911 | bool setJSDOMWindowOntouchforcechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10912 | { |
10913 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOntouchforcechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ontouchforcechange" ); |
10914 | } |
10915 | |
10916 | #endif |
10917 | |
10919 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechangedGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10920 | { |
10921 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10922 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10923 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10924 | return jsUndefined(); |
10925 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcechangedEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10926 | } |
10927 | |
10928 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10929 | { |
10930 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechangedGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitmouseforcechanged" ); |
10931 | } |
10932 | |
10933 | #endif |
10934 | |
10936 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechangedSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10937 | { |
10938 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10939 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10940 | return false; |
10941 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcechangedEvent, value); |
10942 | return true; |
10943 | } |
10944 | |
10945 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechanged(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10946 | { |
10947 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcechangedSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitmouseforcechanged" ); |
10948 | } |
10949 | |
10950 | #endif |
10951 | |
10953 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedownGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10954 | { |
10955 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10956 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10957 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10958 | return jsUndefined(); |
10959 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcedownEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10960 | } |
10961 | |
10962 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10963 | { |
10964 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedownGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitmouseforcedown" ); |
10965 | } |
10966 | |
10967 | #endif |
10968 | |
10970 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedownSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10971 | { |
10972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10974 | return false; |
10975 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcedownEvent, value); |
10976 | return true; |
10977 | } |
10978 | |
10979 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedown(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
10980 | { |
10981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcedownSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitmouseforcedown" ); |
10982 | } |
10983 | |
10984 | #endif |
10985 | |
10987 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbeginGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
10988 | { |
10989 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
10990 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
10991 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
10992 | return jsUndefined(); |
10993 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcewillbeginEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
10994 | } |
10995 | |
10996 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
10997 | { |
10998 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbeginGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitmouseforcewillbegin" ); |
10999 | } |
11000 | |
11001 | #endif |
11002 | |
11004 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbeginSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11005 | { |
11006 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11007 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11008 | return false; |
11009 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforcewillbeginEvent, value); |
11010 | return true; |
11011 | } |
11012 | |
11013 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbegin(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11014 | { |
11015 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforcewillbeginSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitmouseforcewillbegin" ); |
11016 | } |
11017 | |
11018 | #endif |
11019 | |
11021 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceupGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11022 | { |
11023 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11024 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11025 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11026 | return jsUndefined(); |
11027 | return eventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforceupEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11028 | } |
11029 | |
11030 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11031 | { |
11032 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceupGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onwebkitmouseforceup" ); |
11033 | } |
11034 | |
11035 | #endif |
11036 | |
11038 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceupSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11039 | { |
11040 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11042 | return false; |
11043 | setEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().webkitmouseforceupEvent, value); |
11044 | return true; |
11045 | } |
11046 | |
11047 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceup(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11048 | { |
11049 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnwebkitmouseforceupSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onwebkitmouseforceup" ); |
11050 | } |
11051 | |
11052 | #endif |
11053 | |
11054 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11055 | { |
11056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11057 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11058 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11059 | return jsUndefined(); |
11060 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
11061 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Crypto>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.crypto()); |
11062 | return result; |
11063 | } |
11064 | |
11065 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCrypto(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11066 | { |
11067 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCryptoGetter>(*state, thisValue, "crypto" ); |
11068 | } |
11069 | |
11070 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11071 | { |
11072 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11073 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11074 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11075 | return jsUndefined(); |
11076 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
11077 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLInterface<Performance>>(state, *thisObject.globalObject(), throwScope, impl.performance()); |
11078 | return result; |
11079 | } |
11080 | |
11081 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformance(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11082 | { |
11083 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceGetter>(*state, thisValue, "performance" ); |
11084 | } |
11085 | |
11086 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11087 | { |
11088 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11089 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11090 | return false; |
11091 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
11092 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("performance" ), strlen("performance" )), value); |
11093 | } |
11094 | |
11095 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformance(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11096 | { |
11097 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "performance" ); |
11098 | } |
11099 | |
11100 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnafterprintGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11101 | { |
11102 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11103 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11104 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11105 | return jsUndefined(); |
11106 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().afterprintEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11107 | } |
11108 | |
11109 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnafterprint(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11110 | { |
11111 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnafterprintGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onafterprint" ); |
11112 | } |
11113 | |
11114 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnafterprintSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11115 | { |
11116 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11117 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11118 | return false; |
11119 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().afterprintEvent, value); |
11120 | return true; |
11121 | } |
11122 | |
11123 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnafterprint(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11124 | { |
11125 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnafterprintSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onafterprint" ); |
11126 | } |
11127 | |
11128 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeprintGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11129 | { |
11130 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11131 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11132 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11133 | return jsUndefined(); |
11134 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().beforeprintEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11135 | } |
11136 | |
11137 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeprint(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11138 | { |
11139 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnbeforeprintGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onbeforeprint" ); |
11140 | } |
11141 | |
11142 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeprintSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11143 | { |
11144 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11145 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11146 | return false; |
11147 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().beforeprintEvent, value); |
11148 | return true; |
11149 | } |
11150 | |
11151 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeprint(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11152 | { |
11153 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeprintSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onbeforeprint" ); |
11154 | } |
11155 | |
11156 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeunloadGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11157 | { |
11158 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11159 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11160 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11161 | return jsUndefined(); |
11162 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11163 | } |
11164 | |
11165 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnbeforeunload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11166 | { |
11167 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnbeforeunloadGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onbeforeunload" ); |
11168 | } |
11169 | |
11170 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeunloadSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11171 | { |
11172 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11173 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11174 | return false; |
11175 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().beforeunloadEvent, value); |
11176 | return true; |
11177 | } |
11178 | |
11179 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeunload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11180 | { |
11181 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnbeforeunloadSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onbeforeunload" ); |
11182 | } |
11183 | |
11184 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnhashchangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11185 | { |
11186 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11187 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11188 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11189 | return jsUndefined(); |
11190 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().hashchangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11191 | } |
11192 | |
11193 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnhashchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11194 | { |
11195 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnhashchangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onhashchange" ); |
11196 | } |
11197 | |
11198 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnhashchangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11199 | { |
11200 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11201 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11202 | return false; |
11203 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().hashchangeEvent, value); |
11204 | return true; |
11205 | } |
11206 | |
11207 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnhashchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11208 | { |
11209 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnhashchangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onhashchange" ); |
11210 | } |
11211 | |
11212 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnlanguagechangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11213 | { |
11214 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11215 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11216 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11217 | return jsUndefined(); |
11218 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().languagechangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11219 | } |
11220 | |
11221 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnlanguagechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11222 | { |
11223 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnlanguagechangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onlanguagechange" ); |
11224 | } |
11225 | |
11226 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnlanguagechangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11227 | { |
11228 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11229 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11230 | return false; |
11231 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().languagechangeEvent, value); |
11232 | return true; |
11233 | } |
11234 | |
11235 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnlanguagechange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11236 | { |
11237 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnlanguagechangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onlanguagechange" ); |
11238 | } |
11239 | |
11240 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnmessageGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11241 | { |
11242 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11243 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11244 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11245 | return jsUndefined(); |
11246 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().messageEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11247 | } |
11248 | |
11249 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnmessage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11250 | { |
11251 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnmessageGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onmessage" ); |
11252 | } |
11253 | |
11254 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnmessageSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11255 | { |
11256 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11257 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11258 | return false; |
11259 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().messageEvent, value); |
11260 | return true; |
11261 | } |
11262 | |
11263 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnmessage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11264 | { |
11265 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnmessageSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onmessage" ); |
11266 | } |
11267 | |
11268 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnofflineGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11269 | { |
11270 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11271 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11272 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11273 | return jsUndefined(); |
11274 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().offlineEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11275 | } |
11276 | |
11277 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnoffline(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11278 | { |
11279 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnofflineGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onoffline" ); |
11280 | } |
11281 | |
11282 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnofflineSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11283 | { |
11284 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11285 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11286 | return false; |
11287 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().offlineEvent, value); |
11288 | return true; |
11289 | } |
11290 | |
11291 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnoffline(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11292 | { |
11293 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnofflineSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onoffline" ); |
11294 | } |
11295 | |
11296 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnonlineGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11297 | { |
11298 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11299 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11300 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11301 | return jsUndefined(); |
11302 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().onlineEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11303 | } |
11304 | |
11305 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnonline(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11306 | { |
11307 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnonlineGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ononline" ); |
11308 | } |
11309 | |
11310 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnonlineSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11311 | { |
11312 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11313 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11314 | return false; |
11315 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().onlineEvent, value); |
11316 | return true; |
11317 | } |
11318 | |
11319 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnonline(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11320 | { |
11321 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnonlineSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ononline" ); |
11322 | } |
11323 | |
11324 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpagehideGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11325 | { |
11326 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11327 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11328 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11329 | return jsUndefined(); |
11330 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pagehideEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11331 | } |
11332 | |
11333 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpagehide(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11334 | { |
11335 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpagehideGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpagehide" ); |
11336 | } |
11337 | |
11338 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpagehideSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11339 | { |
11340 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11341 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11342 | return false; |
11343 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pagehideEvent, value); |
11344 | return true; |
11345 | } |
11346 | |
11347 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpagehide(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11348 | { |
11349 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpagehideSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpagehide" ); |
11350 | } |
11351 | |
11352 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpageshowGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11353 | { |
11354 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11355 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11356 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11357 | return jsUndefined(); |
11358 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pageshowEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11359 | } |
11360 | |
11361 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpageshow(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11362 | { |
11363 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpageshowGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpageshow" ); |
11364 | } |
11365 | |
11366 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpageshowSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11367 | { |
11368 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11369 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11370 | return false; |
11371 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().pageshowEvent, value); |
11372 | return true; |
11373 | } |
11374 | |
11375 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpageshow(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11376 | { |
11377 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpageshowSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpageshow" ); |
11378 | } |
11379 | |
11380 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnpopstateGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11381 | { |
11382 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11383 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11384 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11385 | return jsUndefined(); |
11386 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().popstateEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11387 | } |
11388 | |
11389 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnpopstate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11390 | { |
11391 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnpopstateGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onpopstate" ); |
11392 | } |
11393 | |
11394 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnpopstateSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11395 | { |
11396 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11397 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11398 | return false; |
11399 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().popstateEvent, value); |
11400 | return true; |
11401 | } |
11402 | |
11403 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnpopstate(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11404 | { |
11405 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnpopstateSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onpopstate" ); |
11406 | } |
11407 | |
11408 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnstorageGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11409 | { |
11410 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11411 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11412 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11413 | return jsUndefined(); |
11414 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().storageEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11415 | } |
11416 | |
11417 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnstorage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11418 | { |
11419 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnstorageGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onstorage" ); |
11420 | } |
11421 | |
11422 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnstorageSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11423 | { |
11424 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11425 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11426 | return false; |
11427 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().storageEvent, value); |
11428 | return true; |
11429 | } |
11430 | |
11431 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnstorage(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11432 | { |
11433 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnstorageSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onstorage" ); |
11434 | } |
11435 | |
11436 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnunloadGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11437 | { |
11438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11439 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11440 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11441 | return jsUndefined(); |
11442 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().unloadEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11443 | } |
11444 | |
11445 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnunload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11446 | { |
11447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnunloadGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onunload" ); |
11448 | } |
11449 | |
11450 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnunloadSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11451 | { |
11452 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11453 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11454 | return false; |
11455 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().unloadEvent, value); |
11456 | return true; |
11457 | } |
11458 | |
11459 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnunload(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11460 | { |
11461 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnunloadSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onunload" ); |
11462 | } |
11463 | |
11465 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOnorientationchangeGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11466 | { |
11467 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11468 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11469 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11470 | return jsUndefined(); |
11471 | return windowEventHandlerAttribute(thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().orientationchangeEvent, worldForDOMObject(thisObject)); |
11472 | } |
11473 | |
11474 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOnorientationchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11475 | { |
11476 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOnorientationchangeGetter>(*state, thisValue, "onorientationchange" ); |
11477 | } |
11478 | |
11479 | #endif |
11480 | |
11482 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOnorientationchangeSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11483 | { |
11484 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11485 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11486 | return false; |
11487 | setWindowEventHandlerAttribute(state, thisObject, thisObject.wrapped(), eventNames().orientationchangeEvent, value); |
11488 | return true; |
11489 | } |
11490 | |
11491 | bool setJSDOMWindowOnorientationchange(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11492 | { |
11493 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOnorientationchangeSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "onorientationchange" ); |
11494 | } |
11495 | |
11496 | #endif |
11497 | |
11498 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOriginGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11499 | { |
11500 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11501 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11502 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11503 | return jsUndefined(); |
11504 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
11505 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLUSVString>(state, throwScope, impl.origin()); |
11506 | return result; |
11507 | } |
11508 | |
11509 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOrigin(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11510 | { |
11511 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOriginGetter>(*state, thisValue, "origin" ); |
11512 | } |
11513 | |
11514 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOriginSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11515 | { |
11516 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11517 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11518 | return false; |
11519 | // Shadowing a built-in property. |
11520 | return replaceStaticPropertySlot(state.vm(), &thisObject, Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("origin" ), strlen("origin" )), value); |
11521 | } |
11522 | |
11523 | bool setJSDOMWindowOrigin(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11524 | { |
11525 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOriginSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "origin" ); |
11526 | } |
11527 | |
11528 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIsSecureContextGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11529 | { |
11530 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11531 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11532 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11533 | return jsUndefined(); |
11534 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
11535 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLBoolean>(state, throwScope, impl.isSecureContext()); |
11536 | return result; |
11537 | } |
11538 | |
11539 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIsSecureContext(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11540 | { |
11541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIsSecureContextGetter>(*state, thisValue, "isSecureContext" ); |
11542 | } |
11543 | |
11545 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11546 | { |
11547 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11548 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11549 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11550 | return jsUndefined(); |
11551 | return JSWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11552 | } |
11553 | |
11554 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11555 | { |
11556 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent" ); |
11557 | } |
11558 | |
11559 | #endif |
11560 | |
11562 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11563 | { |
11564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11565 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11566 | return false; |
11567 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11568 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent" ), strlen("WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent" )), value); |
11569 | } |
11570 | |
11571 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11572 | { |
11573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitPlaybackTargetAvailabilityEvent" ); |
11574 | } |
11575 | |
11576 | #endif |
11577 | |
11578 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCacheConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11579 | { |
11580 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11581 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11582 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11583 | return jsUndefined(); |
11584 | return JSDOMCache::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11585 | } |
11586 | |
11587 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCacheConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11588 | { |
11589 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCacheConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Cache" ); |
11590 | } |
11591 | |
11592 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCacheConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11593 | { |
11594 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11595 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11596 | return false; |
11597 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11598 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Cache" ), strlen("Cache" )), value); |
11599 | } |
11600 | |
11601 | bool setJSDOMWindowCacheConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11602 | { |
11603 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCacheConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Cache" ); |
11604 | } |
11605 | |
11606 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11607 | { |
11608 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11609 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11610 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11611 | return jsUndefined(); |
11612 | return JSDOMCacheStorage::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11613 | } |
11614 | |
11615 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11616 | { |
11617 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CacheStorage" ); |
11618 | } |
11619 | |
11620 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11621 | { |
11622 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11623 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11624 | return false; |
11625 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11626 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CacheStorage" ), strlen("CacheStorage" )), value); |
11627 | } |
11628 | |
11629 | bool setJSDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11630 | { |
11631 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCacheStorageConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CacheStorage" ); |
11632 | } |
11633 | |
11634 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
11635 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11636 | { |
11637 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11638 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11639 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11640 | return jsUndefined(); |
11641 | return JSBasicCredential::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11642 | } |
11643 | |
11644 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11645 | { |
11646 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCredentialConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Credential" ); |
11647 | } |
11648 | |
11649 | #endif |
11650 | |
11651 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
11652 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11653 | { |
11654 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11655 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11656 | return false; |
11657 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11658 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Credential" ), strlen("Credential" )), value); |
11659 | } |
11660 | |
11661 | bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11662 | { |
11663 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCredentialConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Credential" ); |
11664 | } |
11665 | |
11666 | #endif |
11667 | |
11668 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
11669 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11670 | { |
11671 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11672 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11673 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11674 | return jsUndefined(); |
11675 | return JSCredentialsContainer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11676 | } |
11677 | |
11678 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11679 | { |
11680 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CredentialsContainer" ); |
11681 | } |
11682 | |
11683 | #endif |
11684 | |
11685 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
11686 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11687 | { |
11688 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11689 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11690 | return false; |
11691 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11692 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CredentialsContainer" ), strlen("CredentialsContainer" )), value); |
11693 | } |
11694 | |
11695 | bool setJSDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11696 | { |
11697 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCredentialsContainerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CredentialsContainer" ); |
11698 | } |
11699 | |
11700 | #endif |
11701 | |
11703 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11704 | { |
11705 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11706 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11707 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11708 | return jsUndefined(); |
11709 | return JSMediaKeyMessageEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11710 | } |
11711 | |
11712 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11713 | { |
11714 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaKeyMessageEvent" ); |
11715 | } |
11716 | |
11717 | #endif |
11718 | |
11720 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11721 | { |
11722 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11723 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11724 | return false; |
11725 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11726 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaKeyMessageEvent" ), strlen("MediaKeyMessageEvent" )), value); |
11727 | } |
11728 | |
11729 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11730 | { |
11731 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyMessageEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaKeyMessageEvent" ); |
11732 | } |
11733 | |
11734 | #endif |
11735 | |
11737 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11738 | { |
11739 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11740 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11741 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11742 | return jsUndefined(); |
11743 | return JSMediaKeySession::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11744 | } |
11745 | |
11746 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11747 | { |
11748 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaKeySession" ); |
11749 | } |
11750 | |
11751 | #endif |
11752 | |
11754 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11755 | { |
11756 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11757 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11758 | return false; |
11759 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11760 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaKeySession" ), strlen("MediaKeySession" )), value); |
11761 | } |
11762 | |
11763 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11764 | { |
11765 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySessionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaKeySession" ); |
11766 | } |
11767 | |
11768 | #endif |
11769 | |
11771 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11772 | { |
11773 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11774 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11775 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11776 | return jsUndefined(); |
11777 | return JSMediaKeyStatusMap::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11778 | } |
11779 | |
11780 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11781 | { |
11782 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaKeyStatusMap" ); |
11783 | } |
11784 | |
11785 | #endif |
11786 | |
11788 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11789 | { |
11790 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11791 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11792 | return false; |
11793 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11794 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaKeyStatusMap" ), strlen("MediaKeyStatusMap" )), value); |
11795 | } |
11796 | |
11797 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11798 | { |
11799 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaKeyStatusMapConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaKeyStatusMap" ); |
11800 | } |
11801 | |
11802 | #endif |
11803 | |
11805 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11806 | { |
11807 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11808 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11809 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11810 | return jsUndefined(); |
11811 | return JSMediaKeySystemAccess::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11812 | } |
11813 | |
11814 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11815 | { |
11816 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaKeySystemAccess" ); |
11817 | } |
11818 | |
11819 | #endif |
11820 | |
11822 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11823 | { |
11824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11825 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11826 | return false; |
11827 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11828 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaKeySystemAccess" ), strlen("MediaKeySystemAccess" )), value); |
11829 | } |
11830 | |
11831 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11832 | { |
11833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaKeySystemAccessConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaKeySystemAccess" ); |
11834 | } |
11835 | |
11836 | #endif |
11837 | |
11839 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11840 | { |
11841 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11842 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11843 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11844 | return jsUndefined(); |
11845 | return JSMediaKeys::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11846 | } |
11847 | |
11848 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11849 | { |
11850 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaKeys" ); |
11851 | } |
11852 | |
11853 | #endif |
11854 | |
11856 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11857 | { |
11858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11859 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11860 | return false; |
11861 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11862 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaKeys" ), strlen("MediaKeys" )), value); |
11863 | } |
11864 | |
11865 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11866 | { |
11867 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaKeysConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaKeys" ); |
11868 | } |
11869 | |
11870 | #endif |
11871 | |
11872 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11873 | { |
11874 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11875 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11876 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11877 | return jsUndefined(); |
11878 | return JSDOMFileSystem::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11879 | } |
11880 | |
11881 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11882 | { |
11883 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileSystemConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileSystem" ); |
11884 | } |
11885 | |
11886 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11887 | { |
11888 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11889 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11890 | return false; |
11891 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11892 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileSystem" ), strlen("FileSystem" )), value); |
11893 | } |
11894 | |
11895 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11896 | { |
11897 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileSystemConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileSystem" ); |
11898 | } |
11899 | |
11900 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11901 | { |
11902 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11903 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11904 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11905 | return jsUndefined(); |
11906 | return JSFileSystemDirectoryEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11907 | } |
11908 | |
11909 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11910 | { |
11911 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileSystemDirectoryEntry" ); |
11912 | } |
11913 | |
11914 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11915 | { |
11916 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11917 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11918 | return false; |
11919 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11920 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileSystemDirectoryEntry" ), strlen("FileSystemDirectoryEntry" )), value); |
11921 | } |
11922 | |
11923 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11924 | { |
11925 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileSystemDirectoryEntry" ); |
11926 | } |
11927 | |
11928 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11929 | { |
11930 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11931 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11932 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11933 | return jsUndefined(); |
11934 | return JSFileSystemDirectoryReader::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11935 | } |
11936 | |
11937 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11938 | { |
11939 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileSystemDirectoryReader" ); |
11940 | } |
11941 | |
11942 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11943 | { |
11944 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11945 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11946 | return false; |
11947 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11948 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileSystemDirectoryReader" ), strlen("FileSystemDirectoryReader" )), value); |
11949 | } |
11950 | |
11951 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11952 | { |
11953 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileSystemDirectoryReaderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileSystemDirectoryReader" ); |
11954 | } |
11955 | |
11956 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11957 | { |
11958 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11959 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11960 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11961 | return jsUndefined(); |
11962 | return JSFileSystemEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11963 | } |
11964 | |
11965 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11966 | { |
11967 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileSystemEntry" ); |
11968 | } |
11969 | |
11970 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11971 | { |
11972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11974 | return false; |
11975 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
11976 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileSystemEntry" ), strlen("FileSystemEntry" )), value); |
11977 | } |
11978 | |
11979 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
11980 | { |
11981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileSystemEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileSystemEntry" ); |
11982 | } |
11983 | |
11984 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11985 | { |
11986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
11987 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
11988 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
11989 | return jsUndefined(); |
11990 | return JSFileSystemFileEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
11991 | } |
11992 | |
11993 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
11994 | { |
11995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileSystemFileEntry" ); |
11996 | } |
11997 | |
11998 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
11999 | { |
12000 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12001 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12002 | return false; |
12003 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12004 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileSystemFileEntry" ), strlen("FileSystemFileEntry" )), value); |
12005 | } |
12006 | |
12007 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12008 | { |
12009 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileSystemFileEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileSystemFileEntry" ); |
12010 | } |
12011 | |
12012 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12013 | { |
12014 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12015 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12016 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12017 | return jsUndefined(); |
12018 | return JSFetchHeaders::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12019 | } |
12020 | |
12021 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12022 | { |
12023 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHeadersConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Headers" ); |
12024 | } |
12025 | |
12026 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12027 | { |
12028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12029 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12030 | return false; |
12031 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12032 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Headers" ), strlen("Headers" )), value); |
12033 | } |
12034 | |
12035 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12036 | { |
12037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHeadersConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Headers" ); |
12038 | } |
12039 | |
12040 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12041 | { |
12042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12043 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12044 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12045 | return jsUndefined(); |
12046 | return JSFetchRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12047 | } |
12048 | |
12049 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12050 | { |
12051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Request" ); |
12052 | } |
12053 | |
12054 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12055 | { |
12056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12057 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12058 | return false; |
12059 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12060 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Request" ), strlen("Request" )), value); |
12061 | } |
12062 | |
12063 | bool setJSDOMWindowRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12064 | { |
12065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Request" ); |
12066 | } |
12067 | |
12068 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowResponseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12069 | { |
12070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12071 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12072 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12073 | return jsUndefined(); |
12074 | return JSFetchResponse::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12075 | } |
12076 | |
12077 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12078 | { |
12079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowResponseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Response" ); |
12080 | } |
12081 | |
12082 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowResponseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12083 | { |
12084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12086 | return false; |
12087 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12088 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Response" ), strlen("Response" )), value); |
12089 | } |
12090 | |
12091 | bool setJSDOMWindowResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12092 | { |
12093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowResponseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Response" ); |
12094 | } |
12095 | |
12097 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12098 | { |
12099 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12100 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12101 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12102 | return jsUndefined(); |
12103 | return JSIDBCursor::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12104 | } |
12105 | |
12106 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12107 | { |
12108 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBCursor" ); |
12109 | } |
12110 | |
12111 | #endif |
12112 | |
12114 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12115 | { |
12116 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12117 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12118 | return false; |
12119 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12120 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBCursor" ), strlen("IDBCursor" )), value); |
12121 | } |
12122 | |
12123 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12124 | { |
12125 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBCursor" ); |
12126 | } |
12127 | |
12128 | #endif |
12129 | |
12131 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12132 | { |
12133 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12134 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12135 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12136 | return jsUndefined(); |
12137 | return JSIDBCursorWithValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12138 | } |
12139 | |
12140 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12141 | { |
12142 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBCursorWithValue" ); |
12143 | } |
12144 | |
12145 | #endif |
12146 | |
12148 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12149 | { |
12150 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12151 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12152 | return false; |
12153 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12154 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBCursorWithValue" ), strlen("IDBCursorWithValue" )), value); |
12155 | } |
12156 | |
12157 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12158 | { |
12159 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBCursorWithValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBCursorWithValue" ); |
12160 | } |
12161 | |
12162 | #endif |
12163 | |
12165 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12166 | { |
12167 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12168 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12169 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12170 | return jsUndefined(); |
12171 | return JSIDBDatabase::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12172 | } |
12173 | |
12174 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12175 | { |
12176 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBDatabase" ); |
12177 | } |
12178 | |
12179 | #endif |
12180 | |
12182 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12183 | { |
12184 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12185 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12186 | return false; |
12187 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12188 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBDatabase" ), strlen("IDBDatabase" )), value); |
12189 | } |
12190 | |
12191 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12192 | { |
12193 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBDatabaseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBDatabase" ); |
12194 | } |
12195 | |
12196 | #endif |
12197 | |
12199 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12200 | { |
12201 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12202 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12203 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12204 | return jsUndefined(); |
12205 | return JSIDBFactory::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12206 | } |
12207 | |
12208 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12209 | { |
12210 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBFactory" ); |
12211 | } |
12212 | |
12213 | #endif |
12214 | |
12216 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12217 | { |
12218 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12219 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12220 | return false; |
12221 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12222 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBFactory" ), strlen("IDBFactory" )), value); |
12223 | } |
12224 | |
12225 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12226 | { |
12227 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBFactoryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBFactory" ); |
12228 | } |
12229 | |
12230 | #endif |
12231 | |
12233 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12234 | { |
12235 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12236 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12237 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12238 | return jsUndefined(); |
12239 | return JSIDBIndex::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12240 | } |
12241 | |
12242 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12243 | { |
12244 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBIndex" ); |
12245 | } |
12246 | |
12247 | #endif |
12248 | |
12250 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12251 | { |
12252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12253 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12254 | return false; |
12255 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12256 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBIndex" ), strlen("IDBIndex" )), value); |
12257 | } |
12258 | |
12259 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12260 | { |
12261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBIndexConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBIndex" ); |
12262 | } |
12263 | |
12264 | #endif |
12265 | |
12267 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12268 | { |
12269 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12270 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12271 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12272 | return jsUndefined(); |
12273 | return JSIDBKeyRange::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12274 | } |
12275 | |
12276 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12277 | { |
12278 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBKeyRange" ); |
12279 | } |
12280 | |
12281 | #endif |
12282 | |
12284 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12285 | { |
12286 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12287 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12288 | return false; |
12289 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12290 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBKeyRange" ), strlen("IDBKeyRange" )), value); |
12291 | } |
12292 | |
12293 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12294 | { |
12295 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBKeyRangeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBKeyRange" ); |
12296 | } |
12297 | |
12298 | #endif |
12299 | |
12301 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12302 | { |
12303 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12304 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12305 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12306 | return jsUndefined(); |
12307 | return JSIDBObjectStore::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12308 | } |
12309 | |
12310 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12311 | { |
12312 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBObjectStore" ); |
12313 | } |
12314 | |
12315 | #endif |
12316 | |
12318 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12319 | { |
12320 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12321 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12322 | return false; |
12323 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12324 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBObjectStore" ), strlen("IDBObjectStore" )), value); |
12325 | } |
12326 | |
12327 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12328 | { |
12329 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBObjectStoreConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBObjectStore" ); |
12330 | } |
12331 | |
12332 | #endif |
12333 | |
12335 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12336 | { |
12337 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12338 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12339 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12340 | return jsUndefined(); |
12341 | return JSIDBOpenDBRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12342 | } |
12343 | |
12344 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12345 | { |
12346 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBOpenDBRequest" ); |
12347 | } |
12348 | |
12349 | #endif |
12350 | |
12352 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12353 | { |
12354 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12355 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12356 | return false; |
12357 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12358 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBOpenDBRequest" ), strlen("IDBOpenDBRequest" )), value); |
12359 | } |
12360 | |
12361 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12362 | { |
12363 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBOpenDBRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBOpenDBRequest" ); |
12364 | } |
12365 | |
12366 | #endif |
12367 | |
12369 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12370 | { |
12371 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12372 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12373 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12374 | return jsUndefined(); |
12375 | return JSIDBRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12376 | } |
12377 | |
12378 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12379 | { |
12380 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBRequest" ); |
12381 | } |
12382 | |
12383 | #endif |
12384 | |
12386 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12387 | { |
12388 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12389 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12390 | return false; |
12391 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12392 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBRequest" ), strlen("IDBRequest" )), value); |
12393 | } |
12394 | |
12395 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12396 | { |
12397 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBRequest" ); |
12398 | } |
12399 | |
12400 | #endif |
12401 | |
12403 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12404 | { |
12405 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12406 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12407 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12408 | return jsUndefined(); |
12409 | return JSIDBTransaction::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12410 | } |
12411 | |
12412 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12413 | { |
12414 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBTransaction" ); |
12415 | } |
12416 | |
12417 | #endif |
12418 | |
12420 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12421 | { |
12422 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12423 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12424 | return false; |
12425 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12426 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBTransaction" ), strlen("IDBTransaction" )), value); |
12427 | } |
12428 | |
12429 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12430 | { |
12431 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBTransactionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBTransaction" ); |
12432 | } |
12433 | |
12434 | #endif |
12435 | |
12437 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12438 | { |
12439 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12440 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12441 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12442 | return jsUndefined(); |
12443 | return JSIDBVersionChangeEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12444 | } |
12445 | |
12446 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12447 | { |
12448 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IDBVersionChangeEvent" ); |
12449 | } |
12450 | |
12451 | #endif |
12452 | |
12454 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12455 | { |
12456 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12457 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12458 | return false; |
12459 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12460 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IDBVersionChangeEvent" ), strlen("IDBVersionChangeEvent" )), value); |
12461 | } |
12462 | |
12463 | bool setJSDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12464 | { |
12465 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIDBVersionChangeEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IDBVersionChangeEvent" ); |
12466 | } |
12467 | |
12468 | #endif |
12469 | |
12470 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12471 | { |
12472 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12473 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12474 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12475 | return jsUndefined(); |
12476 | return JSMediaCapabilities::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12477 | } |
12478 | |
12479 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12480 | { |
12481 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaCapabilities" ); |
12482 | } |
12483 | |
12484 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12485 | { |
12486 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12487 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12488 | return false; |
12489 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12490 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaCapabilities" ), strlen("MediaCapabilities" )), value); |
12491 | } |
12492 | |
12493 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12494 | { |
12495 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaCapabilitiesConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaCapabilities" ); |
12496 | } |
12497 | |
12498 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12499 | { |
12500 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12501 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12502 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12503 | return jsUndefined(); |
12504 | return JSScreenLuminance::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12505 | } |
12506 | |
12507 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12508 | { |
12509 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ScreenLuminance" ); |
12510 | } |
12511 | |
12512 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12513 | { |
12514 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12515 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12516 | return false; |
12517 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12518 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ScreenLuminance" ), strlen("ScreenLuminance" )), value); |
12519 | } |
12520 | |
12521 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12522 | { |
12523 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenLuminanceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ScreenLuminance" ); |
12524 | } |
12525 | |
12526 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12527 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBlobEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12528 | { |
12529 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12530 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12531 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12532 | return jsUndefined(); |
12533 | return JSBlobEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12534 | } |
12535 | |
12536 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12537 | { |
12538 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBlobEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "BlobEvent" ); |
12539 | } |
12540 | |
12541 | #endif |
12542 | |
12543 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12544 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBlobEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12545 | { |
12546 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12547 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12548 | return false; |
12549 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12550 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("BlobEvent" ), strlen("BlobEvent" )), value); |
12551 | } |
12552 | |
12553 | bool setJSDOMWindowBlobEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12554 | { |
12555 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBlobEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "BlobEvent" ); |
12556 | } |
12557 | |
12558 | #endif |
12559 | |
12560 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12561 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12562 | { |
12563 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12564 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12565 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12566 | return jsUndefined(); |
12567 | return JSMediaRecorder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12568 | } |
12569 | |
12570 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12571 | { |
12572 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaRecorder" ); |
12573 | } |
12574 | |
12575 | #endif |
12576 | |
12577 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12578 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12579 | { |
12580 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12581 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12582 | return false; |
12583 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12584 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaRecorder" ), strlen("MediaRecorder" )), value); |
12585 | } |
12586 | |
12587 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12588 | { |
12589 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaRecorder" ); |
12590 | } |
12591 | |
12592 | #endif |
12593 | |
12594 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12595 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12596 | { |
12597 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12598 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12599 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12600 | return jsUndefined(); |
12601 | return JSMediaRecorderErrorEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12602 | } |
12603 | |
12604 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12605 | { |
12606 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaRecorderErrorEvent" ); |
12607 | } |
12608 | |
12609 | #endif |
12610 | |
12611 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12612 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12613 | { |
12614 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12615 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12616 | return false; |
12617 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12618 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaRecorderErrorEvent" ), strlen("MediaRecorderErrorEvent" )), value); |
12619 | } |
12620 | |
12621 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12622 | { |
12623 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaRecorderErrorEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaRecorderErrorEvent" ); |
12624 | } |
12625 | |
12626 | #endif |
12627 | |
12629 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12630 | { |
12631 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12632 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12633 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12634 | return jsUndefined(); |
12635 | return JSMediaRemoteControls::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12636 | } |
12637 | |
12638 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12639 | { |
12640 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaRemoteControls" ); |
12641 | } |
12642 | |
12643 | #endif |
12644 | |
12646 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12647 | { |
12648 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12649 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12650 | return false; |
12651 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12652 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaRemoteControls" ), strlen("MediaRemoteControls" )), value); |
12653 | } |
12654 | |
12655 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12656 | { |
12657 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaRemoteControlsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaRemoteControls" ); |
12658 | } |
12659 | |
12660 | #endif |
12661 | |
12663 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12664 | { |
12665 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12666 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12667 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12668 | return jsUndefined(); |
12669 | return JSMediaSession::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12670 | } |
12671 | |
12672 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12673 | { |
12674 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaSession" ); |
12675 | } |
12676 | |
12677 | #endif |
12678 | |
12680 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12681 | { |
12682 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12683 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12684 | return false; |
12685 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12686 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaSession" ), strlen("MediaSession" )), value); |
12687 | } |
12688 | |
12689 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12690 | { |
12691 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaSessionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaSession" ); |
12692 | } |
12693 | |
12694 | #endif |
12695 | |
12696 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12697 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12698 | { |
12699 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12700 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12701 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12702 | return jsUndefined(); |
12703 | return JSMediaSource::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12704 | } |
12705 | |
12706 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12707 | { |
12708 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaSource" ); |
12709 | } |
12710 | |
12711 | #endif |
12712 | |
12713 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12714 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12715 | { |
12716 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12717 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12718 | return false; |
12719 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12720 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaSource" ), strlen("MediaSource" )), value); |
12721 | } |
12722 | |
12723 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12724 | { |
12725 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaSourceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaSource" ); |
12726 | } |
12727 | |
12728 | #endif |
12729 | |
12730 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12731 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12732 | { |
12733 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12734 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12735 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12736 | return jsUndefined(); |
12737 | return JSSourceBuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12738 | } |
12739 | |
12740 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12741 | { |
12742 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SourceBuffer" ); |
12743 | } |
12744 | |
12745 | #endif |
12746 | |
12747 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12748 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12749 | { |
12750 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12751 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12752 | return false; |
12753 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12754 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SourceBuffer" ), strlen("SourceBuffer" )), value); |
12755 | } |
12756 | |
12757 | bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12758 | { |
12759 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SourceBuffer" ); |
12760 | } |
12761 | |
12762 | #endif |
12763 | |
12764 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12765 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12766 | { |
12767 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12768 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12769 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12770 | return jsUndefined(); |
12771 | return JSSourceBufferList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12772 | } |
12773 | |
12774 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12775 | { |
12776 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SourceBufferList" ); |
12777 | } |
12778 | |
12779 | #endif |
12780 | |
12781 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_SOURCE) |
12782 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12783 | { |
12784 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12785 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12786 | return false; |
12787 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12788 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SourceBufferList" ), strlen("SourceBufferList" )), value); |
12789 | } |
12790 | |
12791 | bool setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12792 | { |
12793 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSourceBufferListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SourceBufferList" ); |
12794 | } |
12795 | |
12796 | #endif |
12797 | |
12798 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12799 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12800 | { |
12801 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12802 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12803 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12804 | return jsUndefined(); |
12805 | return JSCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12806 | } |
12807 | |
12808 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12809 | { |
12810 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack" ); |
12811 | } |
12812 | |
12813 | #endif |
12814 | |
12815 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12816 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12817 | { |
12818 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12819 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12820 | return false; |
12821 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12822 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack" ), strlen("CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack" )), value); |
12823 | } |
12824 | |
12825 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12826 | { |
12827 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack" ); |
12828 | } |
12829 | |
12830 | #endif |
12831 | |
12832 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12833 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12834 | { |
12835 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12836 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12837 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12838 | return jsUndefined(); |
12839 | return JSMediaDeviceInfo::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12840 | } |
12841 | |
12842 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12843 | { |
12844 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaDeviceInfo" ); |
12845 | } |
12846 | |
12847 | #endif |
12848 | |
12849 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12850 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12851 | { |
12852 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12853 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12854 | return false; |
12855 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12856 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaDeviceInfo" ), strlen("MediaDeviceInfo" )), value); |
12857 | } |
12858 | |
12859 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12860 | { |
12861 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaDeviceInfoConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaDeviceInfo" ); |
12862 | } |
12863 | |
12864 | #endif |
12865 | |
12866 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12867 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12868 | { |
12869 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12870 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12871 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12872 | return jsUndefined(); |
12873 | return JSMediaDevices::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12874 | } |
12875 | |
12876 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12877 | { |
12878 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaDevices" ); |
12879 | } |
12880 | |
12881 | #endif |
12882 | |
12883 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12884 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12885 | { |
12886 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12887 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12888 | return false; |
12889 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12890 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaDevices" ), strlen("MediaDevices" )), value); |
12891 | } |
12892 | |
12893 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12894 | { |
12895 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaDevicesConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaDevices" ); |
12896 | } |
12897 | |
12898 | #endif |
12899 | |
12900 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12901 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12902 | { |
12903 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12904 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12905 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12906 | return jsUndefined(); |
12907 | return JSMediaStream::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12908 | } |
12909 | |
12910 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12911 | { |
12912 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaStream" ); |
12913 | } |
12914 | |
12915 | #endif |
12916 | |
12917 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12918 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12919 | { |
12920 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12921 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12922 | return false; |
12923 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12924 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaStream" ), strlen("MediaStream" )), value); |
12925 | } |
12926 | |
12927 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12928 | { |
12929 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaStream" ); |
12930 | } |
12931 | |
12932 | #endif |
12933 | |
12934 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12935 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12936 | { |
12937 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12938 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12939 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12940 | return jsUndefined(); |
12941 | return JSMediaStreamTrack::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12942 | } |
12943 | |
12944 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12945 | { |
12946 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaStreamTrack" ); |
12947 | } |
12948 | |
12949 | #endif |
12950 | |
12951 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12952 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12953 | { |
12954 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12955 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12956 | return false; |
12957 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12958 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaStreamTrack" ), strlen("MediaStreamTrack" )), value); |
12959 | } |
12960 | |
12961 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12962 | { |
12963 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaStreamTrack" ); |
12964 | } |
12965 | |
12966 | #endif |
12967 | |
12968 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12969 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12970 | { |
12971 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12972 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
12973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12974 | return jsUndefined(); |
12975 | return JSMediaStreamTrackEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
12976 | } |
12977 | |
12978 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
12979 | { |
12980 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaStreamTrackEvent" ); |
12981 | } |
12982 | |
12983 | #endif |
12984 | |
12985 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
12986 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
12987 | { |
12988 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
12989 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
12990 | return false; |
12991 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
12992 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaStreamTrackEvent" ), strlen("MediaStreamTrackEvent" )), value); |
12993 | } |
12994 | |
12995 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
12996 | { |
12997 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamTrackEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaStreamTrackEvent" ); |
12998 | } |
12999 | |
13000 | #endif |
13001 | |
13002 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
13003 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13004 | { |
13005 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13006 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13007 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13008 | return jsUndefined(); |
13009 | return JSOverconstrainedError::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13010 | } |
13011 | |
13012 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13013 | { |
13014 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OverconstrainedError" ); |
13015 | } |
13016 | |
13017 | #endif |
13018 | |
13019 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
13020 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13021 | { |
13022 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13023 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13024 | return false; |
13025 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13026 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OverconstrainedError" ), strlen("OverconstrainedError" )), value); |
13027 | } |
13028 | |
13029 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13030 | { |
13031 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OverconstrainedError" ); |
13032 | } |
13033 | |
13034 | #endif |
13035 | |
13036 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
13037 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13038 | { |
13039 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13040 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13042 | return jsUndefined(); |
13043 | return JSOverconstrainedErrorEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13044 | } |
13045 | |
13046 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13047 | { |
13048 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OverconstrainedErrorEvent" ); |
13049 | } |
13050 | |
13051 | #endif |
13052 | |
13053 | #if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM) |
13054 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13055 | { |
13056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13057 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13058 | return false; |
13059 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13060 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OverconstrainedErrorEvent" ), strlen("OverconstrainedErrorEvent" )), value); |
13061 | } |
13062 | |
13063 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13064 | { |
13065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOverconstrainedErrorEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OverconstrainedErrorEvent" ); |
13066 | } |
13067 | |
13068 | #endif |
13069 | |
13070 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13071 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13072 | { |
13073 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13074 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13075 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13076 | return jsUndefined(); |
13077 | return JSRTCCertificate::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13078 | } |
13079 | |
13080 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13081 | { |
13082 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCCertificate" ); |
13083 | } |
13084 | |
13085 | #endif |
13086 | |
13087 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13088 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13089 | { |
13090 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13091 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13092 | return false; |
13093 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13094 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCCertificate" ), strlen("RTCCertificate" )), value); |
13095 | } |
13096 | |
13097 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13098 | { |
13099 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCCertificateConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCCertificate" ); |
13100 | } |
13101 | |
13102 | #endif |
13103 | |
13104 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
13105 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13106 | { |
13107 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13108 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13109 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13110 | return jsUndefined(); |
13111 | return JSRTCDTMFSender::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13112 | } |
13113 | |
13114 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13115 | { |
13116 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCDTMFSender" ); |
13117 | } |
13118 | |
13119 | #endif |
13120 | |
13121 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
13122 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13123 | { |
13124 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13125 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13126 | return false; |
13127 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13128 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCDTMFSender" ), strlen("RTCDTMFSender" )), value); |
13129 | } |
13130 | |
13131 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13132 | { |
13133 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFSenderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCDTMFSender" ); |
13134 | } |
13135 | |
13136 | #endif |
13137 | |
13138 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
13139 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13140 | { |
13141 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13142 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13143 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13144 | return jsUndefined(); |
13145 | return JSRTCDTMFToneChangeEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13146 | } |
13147 | |
13148 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13149 | { |
13150 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent" ); |
13151 | } |
13152 | |
13153 | #endif |
13154 | |
13155 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC_DTMF) |
13156 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13157 | { |
13158 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13159 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13160 | return false; |
13161 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13162 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent" ), strlen("RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent" )), value); |
13163 | } |
13164 | |
13165 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13166 | { |
13167 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCDTMFToneChangeEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent" ); |
13168 | } |
13169 | |
13170 | #endif |
13171 | |
13172 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13173 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13174 | { |
13175 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13176 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13177 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13178 | return jsUndefined(); |
13179 | return JSRTCDataChannel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13180 | } |
13181 | |
13182 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13183 | { |
13184 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCDataChannel" ); |
13185 | } |
13186 | |
13187 | #endif |
13188 | |
13189 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13190 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13191 | { |
13192 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13193 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13194 | return false; |
13195 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13196 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCDataChannel" ), strlen("RTCDataChannel" )), value); |
13197 | } |
13198 | |
13199 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13200 | { |
13201 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCDataChannel" ); |
13202 | } |
13203 | |
13204 | #endif |
13205 | |
13206 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13207 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13208 | { |
13209 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13210 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13211 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13212 | return jsUndefined(); |
13213 | return JSRTCDataChannelEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13214 | } |
13215 | |
13216 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13217 | { |
13218 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCDataChannelEvent" ); |
13219 | } |
13220 | |
13221 | #endif |
13222 | |
13223 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13224 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13225 | { |
13226 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13227 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13228 | return false; |
13229 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13230 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCDataChannelEvent" ), strlen("RTCDataChannelEvent" )), value); |
13231 | } |
13232 | |
13233 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13234 | { |
13235 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCDataChannelEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCDataChannelEvent" ); |
13236 | } |
13237 | |
13238 | #endif |
13239 | |
13240 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13241 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13242 | { |
13243 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13244 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13245 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13246 | return jsUndefined(); |
13247 | return JSRTCIceCandidate::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13248 | } |
13249 | |
13250 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13251 | { |
13252 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCIceCandidate" ); |
13253 | } |
13254 | |
13255 | #endif |
13256 | |
13257 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13258 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13259 | { |
13260 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13261 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13262 | return false; |
13263 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13264 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCIceCandidate" ), strlen("RTCIceCandidate" )), value); |
13265 | } |
13266 | |
13267 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13268 | { |
13269 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCIceCandidateConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCIceCandidate" ); |
13270 | } |
13271 | |
13272 | #endif |
13273 | |
13274 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13275 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13276 | { |
13277 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13278 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13279 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13280 | return jsUndefined(); |
13281 | return JSRTCIceTransport::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13282 | } |
13283 | |
13284 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13285 | { |
13286 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCIceTransport" ); |
13287 | } |
13288 | |
13289 | #endif |
13290 | |
13291 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13292 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13293 | { |
13294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13295 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13296 | return false; |
13297 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13298 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCIceTransport" ), strlen("RTCIceTransport" )), value); |
13299 | } |
13300 | |
13301 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13302 | { |
13303 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCIceTransportConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCIceTransport" ); |
13304 | } |
13305 | |
13306 | #endif |
13307 | |
13308 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13309 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13310 | { |
13311 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13312 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13313 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13314 | return jsUndefined(); |
13315 | return JSRTCPeerConnection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13316 | } |
13317 | |
13318 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13319 | { |
13320 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCPeerConnection" ); |
13321 | } |
13322 | |
13323 | #endif |
13324 | |
13325 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13326 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13327 | { |
13328 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13329 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13330 | return false; |
13331 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13332 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCPeerConnection" ), strlen("RTCPeerConnection" )), value); |
13333 | } |
13334 | |
13335 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13336 | { |
13337 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCPeerConnection" ); |
13338 | } |
13339 | |
13340 | #endif |
13341 | |
13342 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13343 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13344 | { |
13345 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13346 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13347 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13348 | return jsUndefined(); |
13349 | return JSRTCPeerConnectionIceEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13350 | } |
13351 | |
13352 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13353 | { |
13354 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent" ); |
13355 | } |
13356 | |
13357 | #endif |
13358 | |
13359 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13360 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13361 | { |
13362 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13363 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13364 | return false; |
13365 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13366 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent" ), strlen("RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent" )), value); |
13367 | } |
13368 | |
13369 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13370 | { |
13371 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCPeerConnectionIceEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent" ); |
13372 | } |
13373 | |
13374 | #endif |
13375 | |
13376 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13377 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13378 | { |
13379 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13380 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13381 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13382 | return jsUndefined(); |
13383 | return JSRTCRtpReceiver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13384 | } |
13385 | |
13386 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13387 | { |
13388 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCRtpReceiver" ); |
13389 | } |
13390 | |
13391 | #endif |
13392 | |
13393 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13394 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13395 | { |
13396 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13397 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13398 | return false; |
13399 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13400 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCRtpReceiver" ), strlen("RTCRtpReceiver" )), value); |
13401 | } |
13402 | |
13403 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13404 | { |
13405 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpReceiverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCRtpReceiver" ); |
13406 | } |
13407 | |
13408 | #endif |
13409 | |
13410 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13411 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13412 | { |
13413 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13414 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13415 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13416 | return jsUndefined(); |
13417 | return JSRTCRtpSender::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13418 | } |
13419 | |
13420 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13421 | { |
13422 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCRtpSender" ); |
13423 | } |
13424 | |
13425 | #endif |
13426 | |
13427 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13428 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13429 | { |
13430 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13431 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13432 | return false; |
13433 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13434 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCRtpSender" ), strlen("RTCRtpSender" )), value); |
13435 | } |
13436 | |
13437 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13438 | { |
13439 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpSenderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCRtpSender" ); |
13440 | } |
13441 | |
13442 | #endif |
13443 | |
13444 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13445 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13446 | { |
13447 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13448 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13449 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13450 | return jsUndefined(); |
13451 | return JSRTCRtpTransceiver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13452 | } |
13453 | |
13454 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13455 | { |
13456 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCRtpTransceiver" ); |
13457 | } |
13458 | |
13459 | #endif |
13460 | |
13461 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13462 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13463 | { |
13464 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13465 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13466 | return false; |
13467 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13468 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCRtpTransceiver" ), strlen("RTCRtpTransceiver" )), value); |
13469 | } |
13470 | |
13471 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13472 | { |
13473 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCRtpTransceiverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCRtpTransceiver" ); |
13474 | } |
13475 | |
13476 | #endif |
13477 | |
13478 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13479 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13480 | { |
13481 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13482 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13483 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13484 | return jsUndefined(); |
13485 | return JSRTCSessionDescription::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13486 | } |
13487 | |
13488 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13489 | { |
13490 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCSessionDescription" ); |
13491 | } |
13492 | |
13493 | #endif |
13494 | |
13495 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13496 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13497 | { |
13498 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13499 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13500 | return false; |
13501 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13502 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCSessionDescription" ), strlen("RTCSessionDescription" )), value); |
13503 | } |
13504 | |
13505 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13506 | { |
13507 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCSessionDescriptionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCSessionDescription" ); |
13508 | } |
13509 | |
13510 | #endif |
13511 | |
13512 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13513 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13514 | { |
13515 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13516 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13517 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13518 | return jsUndefined(); |
13519 | return JSRTCStatsReport::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13520 | } |
13521 | |
13522 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13523 | { |
13524 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCStatsReport" ); |
13525 | } |
13526 | |
13527 | #endif |
13528 | |
13529 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13530 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13531 | { |
13532 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13533 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13534 | return false; |
13535 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13536 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCStatsReport" ), strlen("RTCStatsReport" )), value); |
13537 | } |
13538 | |
13539 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13540 | { |
13541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCStatsReportConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCStatsReport" ); |
13542 | } |
13543 | |
13544 | #endif |
13545 | |
13546 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13547 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13548 | { |
13549 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13550 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13551 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13552 | return jsUndefined(); |
13553 | return JSRTCTrackEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13554 | } |
13555 | |
13556 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13557 | { |
13558 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RTCTrackEvent" ); |
13559 | } |
13560 | |
13561 | #endif |
13562 | |
13563 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
13564 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13565 | { |
13566 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13567 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13568 | return false; |
13569 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13570 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RTCTrackEvent" ), strlen("RTCTrackEvent" )), value); |
13571 | } |
13572 | |
13573 | bool setJSDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13574 | { |
13575 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRTCTrackEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RTCTrackEvent" ); |
13576 | } |
13577 | |
13578 | #endif |
13579 | |
13581 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNotificationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13582 | { |
13583 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13584 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13585 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13586 | return jsUndefined(); |
13587 | return JSNotification::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13588 | } |
13589 | |
13590 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNotificationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13591 | { |
13592 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNotificationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Notification" ); |
13593 | } |
13594 | |
13595 | #endif |
13596 | |
13598 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNotificationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13599 | { |
13600 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13601 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13602 | return false; |
13603 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13604 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Notification" ), strlen("Notification" )), value); |
13605 | } |
13606 | |
13607 | bool setJSDOMWindowNotificationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13608 | { |
13609 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNotificationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Notification" ); |
13610 | } |
13611 | |
13612 | #endif |
13613 | |
13615 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13616 | { |
13617 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13618 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13619 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13620 | return jsUndefined(); |
13621 | return JSMerchantValidationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13622 | } |
13623 | |
13624 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13625 | { |
13626 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MerchantValidationEvent" ); |
13627 | } |
13628 | |
13629 | #endif |
13630 | |
13632 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13633 | { |
13634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13635 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13636 | return false; |
13637 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13638 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MerchantValidationEvent" ), strlen("MerchantValidationEvent" )), value); |
13639 | } |
13640 | |
13641 | bool setJSDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13642 | { |
13643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMerchantValidationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MerchantValidationEvent" ); |
13644 | } |
13645 | |
13646 | #endif |
13647 | |
13649 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13650 | { |
13651 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13652 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13653 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13654 | return jsUndefined(); |
13655 | return JSPaymentAddress::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13656 | } |
13657 | |
13658 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13659 | { |
13660 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaymentAddress" ); |
13661 | } |
13662 | |
13663 | #endif |
13664 | |
13666 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13667 | { |
13668 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13669 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13670 | return false; |
13671 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13672 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaymentAddress" ), strlen("PaymentAddress" )), value); |
13673 | } |
13674 | |
13675 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13676 | { |
13677 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaymentAddressConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaymentAddress" ); |
13678 | } |
13679 | |
13680 | #endif |
13681 | |
13683 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13684 | { |
13685 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13686 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13687 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13688 | return jsUndefined(); |
13689 | return JSPaymentMethodChangeEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13690 | } |
13691 | |
13692 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13693 | { |
13694 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaymentMethodChangeEvent" ); |
13695 | } |
13696 | |
13697 | #endif |
13698 | |
13700 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13701 | { |
13702 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13703 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13704 | return false; |
13705 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13706 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaymentMethodChangeEvent" ), strlen("PaymentMethodChangeEvent" )), value); |
13707 | } |
13708 | |
13709 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13710 | { |
13711 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaymentMethodChangeEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaymentMethodChangeEvent" ); |
13712 | } |
13713 | |
13714 | #endif |
13715 | |
13717 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13718 | { |
13719 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13720 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13721 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13722 | return jsUndefined(); |
13723 | return JSPaymentRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13724 | } |
13725 | |
13726 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13727 | { |
13728 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaymentRequest" ); |
13729 | } |
13730 | |
13731 | #endif |
13732 | |
13734 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13735 | { |
13736 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13737 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13738 | return false; |
13739 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13740 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaymentRequest" ), strlen("PaymentRequest" )), value); |
13741 | } |
13742 | |
13743 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13744 | { |
13745 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaymentRequest" ); |
13746 | } |
13747 | |
13748 | #endif |
13749 | |
13751 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13752 | { |
13753 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13754 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13755 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13756 | return jsUndefined(); |
13757 | return JSPaymentRequestUpdateEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13758 | } |
13759 | |
13760 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13761 | { |
13762 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" ); |
13763 | } |
13764 | |
13765 | #endif |
13766 | |
13768 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13769 | { |
13770 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13771 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13772 | return false; |
13773 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13774 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" ), strlen("PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" )), value); |
13775 | } |
13776 | |
13777 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13778 | { |
13779 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaymentRequestUpdateEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaymentRequestUpdateEvent" ); |
13780 | } |
13781 | |
13782 | #endif |
13783 | |
13785 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13786 | { |
13787 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13788 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13789 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13790 | return jsUndefined(); |
13791 | return JSPaymentResponse::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13792 | } |
13793 | |
13794 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13795 | { |
13796 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaymentResponse" ); |
13797 | } |
13798 | |
13799 | #endif |
13800 | |
13802 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13803 | { |
13804 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13805 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13806 | return false; |
13807 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13808 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaymentResponse" ), strlen("PaymentResponse" )), value); |
13809 | } |
13810 | |
13811 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13812 | { |
13813 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaymentResponseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaymentResponse" ); |
13814 | } |
13815 | |
13816 | #endif |
13817 | |
13819 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13820 | { |
13821 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13822 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13823 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13824 | return jsUndefined(); |
13825 | return JSSpeechSynthesisEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13826 | } |
13827 | |
13828 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13829 | { |
13830 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SpeechSynthesisEvent" ); |
13831 | } |
13832 | |
13833 | #endif |
13834 | |
13836 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13837 | { |
13838 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13839 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13840 | return false; |
13841 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13842 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SpeechSynthesisEvent" ), strlen("SpeechSynthesisEvent" )), value); |
13843 | } |
13844 | |
13845 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13846 | { |
13847 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SpeechSynthesisEvent" ); |
13848 | } |
13849 | |
13850 | #endif |
13851 | |
13853 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13854 | { |
13855 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13856 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13857 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13858 | return jsUndefined(); |
13859 | return JSSpeechSynthesisUtterance::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13860 | } |
13861 | |
13862 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13863 | { |
13864 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" ); |
13865 | } |
13866 | |
13867 | #endif |
13868 | |
13870 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13871 | { |
13872 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13873 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13874 | return false; |
13875 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13876 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SpeechSynthesisUtterance" ), strlen("SpeechSynthesisUtterance" )), value); |
13877 | } |
13878 | |
13879 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13880 | { |
13881 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSpeechSynthesisUtteranceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SpeechSynthesisUtterance" ); |
13882 | } |
13883 | |
13884 | #endif |
13885 | |
13886 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13887 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13888 | { |
13889 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13890 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13891 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13892 | return jsUndefined(); |
13893 | return JSByteLengthQueuingStrategy::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13894 | } |
13895 | |
13896 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13897 | { |
13898 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ByteLengthQueuingStrategy" ); |
13899 | } |
13900 | |
13901 | #endif |
13902 | |
13903 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13904 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13905 | { |
13906 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13907 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13908 | return false; |
13909 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13910 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ByteLengthQueuingStrategy" ), strlen("ByteLengthQueuingStrategy" )), value); |
13911 | } |
13912 | |
13913 | bool setJSDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13914 | { |
13915 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowByteLengthQueuingStrategyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ByteLengthQueuingStrategy" ); |
13916 | } |
13917 | |
13918 | #endif |
13919 | |
13920 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13921 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13922 | { |
13923 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13924 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13925 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13926 | return jsUndefined(); |
13927 | return JSCountQueuingStrategy::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13928 | } |
13929 | |
13930 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13931 | { |
13932 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CountQueuingStrategy" ); |
13933 | } |
13934 | |
13935 | #endif |
13936 | |
13937 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13938 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13939 | { |
13940 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13941 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13942 | return false; |
13943 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13944 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CountQueuingStrategy" ), strlen("CountQueuingStrategy" )), value); |
13945 | } |
13946 | |
13947 | bool setJSDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13948 | { |
13949 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCountQueuingStrategyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CountQueuingStrategy" ); |
13950 | } |
13951 | |
13952 | #endif |
13953 | |
13954 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13955 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13956 | { |
13957 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13958 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13959 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13960 | return jsUndefined(); |
13961 | return JSReadableByteStreamController::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13962 | } |
13963 | |
13964 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13965 | { |
13966 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableByteStreamController" ); |
13967 | } |
13968 | |
13969 | #endif |
13970 | |
13971 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13972 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13973 | { |
13974 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13975 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13976 | return false; |
13977 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
13978 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableByteStreamController" ), strlen("ReadableByteStreamController" )), value); |
13979 | } |
13980 | |
13981 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
13982 | { |
13983 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableByteStreamControllerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableByteStreamController" ); |
13984 | } |
13985 | |
13986 | #endif |
13987 | |
13988 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
13989 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
13990 | { |
13991 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
13992 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
13993 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
13994 | return jsUndefined(); |
13995 | return JSReadableStream::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
13996 | } |
13997 | |
13998 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
13999 | { |
14000 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableStream" ); |
14001 | } |
14002 | |
14003 | #endif |
14004 | |
14005 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14006 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14007 | { |
14008 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14009 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14010 | return false; |
14011 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14012 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableStream" ), strlen("ReadableStream" )), value); |
14013 | } |
14014 | |
14015 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14016 | { |
14017 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableStream" ); |
14018 | } |
14019 | |
14020 | #endif |
14021 | |
14022 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14023 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14024 | { |
14025 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14026 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14027 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14028 | return jsUndefined(); |
14029 | return JSReadableStreamBYOBReader::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14030 | } |
14031 | |
14032 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14033 | { |
14034 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableStreamBYOBReader" ); |
14035 | } |
14036 | |
14037 | #endif |
14038 | |
14039 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14040 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14041 | { |
14042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14043 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14044 | return false; |
14045 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14046 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableStreamBYOBReader" ), strlen("ReadableStreamBYOBReader" )), value); |
14047 | } |
14048 | |
14049 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14050 | { |
14051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBReaderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableStreamBYOBReader" ); |
14052 | } |
14053 | |
14054 | #endif |
14055 | |
14056 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14057 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14058 | { |
14059 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14060 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14061 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14062 | return jsUndefined(); |
14063 | return JSReadableStreamBYOBRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14064 | } |
14065 | |
14066 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14067 | { |
14068 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableStreamBYOBRequest" ); |
14069 | } |
14070 | |
14071 | #endif |
14072 | |
14073 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14074 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14075 | { |
14076 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14077 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14078 | return false; |
14079 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14080 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableStreamBYOBRequest" ), strlen("ReadableStreamBYOBRequest" )), value); |
14081 | } |
14082 | |
14083 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14084 | { |
14085 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamBYOBRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableStreamBYOBRequest" ); |
14086 | } |
14087 | |
14088 | #endif |
14089 | |
14090 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14091 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14092 | { |
14093 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14094 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14095 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14096 | return jsUndefined(); |
14097 | return JSReadableStreamDefaultController::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14098 | } |
14099 | |
14100 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14101 | { |
14102 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableStreamDefaultController" ); |
14103 | } |
14104 | |
14105 | #endif |
14106 | |
14107 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14108 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14109 | { |
14110 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14111 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14112 | return false; |
14113 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14114 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableStreamDefaultController" ), strlen("ReadableStreamDefaultController" )), value); |
14115 | } |
14116 | |
14117 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14118 | { |
14119 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultControllerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableStreamDefaultController" ); |
14120 | } |
14121 | |
14122 | #endif |
14123 | |
14124 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14125 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14126 | { |
14127 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14128 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14129 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14130 | return jsUndefined(); |
14131 | return JSReadableStreamDefaultReader::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14132 | } |
14133 | |
14134 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14135 | { |
14136 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ReadableStreamDefaultReader" ); |
14137 | } |
14138 | |
14139 | #endif |
14140 | |
14141 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14142 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14143 | { |
14144 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14145 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14146 | return false; |
14147 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14148 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ReadableStreamDefaultReader" ), strlen("ReadableStreamDefaultReader" )), value); |
14149 | } |
14150 | |
14151 | bool setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14152 | { |
14153 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowReadableStreamDefaultReaderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ReadableStreamDefaultReader" ); |
14154 | } |
14155 | |
14156 | #endif |
14157 | |
14158 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14159 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14160 | { |
14161 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14162 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14163 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14164 | return jsUndefined(); |
14165 | return JSWritableStream::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14166 | } |
14167 | |
14168 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14169 | { |
14170 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WritableStream" ); |
14171 | } |
14172 | |
14173 | #endif |
14174 | |
14175 | #if ENABLE(STREAMS_API) |
14176 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14177 | { |
14178 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14179 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14180 | return false; |
14181 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14182 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WritableStream" ), strlen("WritableStream" )), value); |
14183 | } |
14184 | |
14185 | bool setJSDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14186 | { |
14187 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWritableStreamConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WritableStream" ); |
14188 | } |
14189 | |
14190 | #endif |
14191 | |
14192 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14193 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14194 | { |
14195 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14196 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14197 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14198 | return jsUndefined(); |
14199 | return JSAnalyserNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14200 | } |
14201 | |
14202 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14203 | { |
14204 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AnalyserNode" ); |
14205 | } |
14206 | |
14207 | #endif |
14208 | |
14209 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14210 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14211 | { |
14212 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14213 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14214 | return false; |
14215 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14216 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AnalyserNode" ), strlen("AnalyserNode" )), value); |
14217 | } |
14218 | |
14219 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14220 | { |
14221 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnalyserNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AnalyserNode" ); |
14222 | } |
14223 | |
14224 | #endif |
14225 | |
14226 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14227 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14228 | { |
14229 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14230 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14231 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14232 | return jsUndefined(); |
14233 | return JSAudioBuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14234 | } |
14235 | |
14236 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14237 | { |
14238 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioBuffer" ); |
14239 | } |
14240 | |
14241 | #endif |
14242 | |
14243 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14244 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14245 | { |
14246 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14247 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14248 | return false; |
14249 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14250 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioBuffer" ), strlen("AudioBuffer" )), value); |
14251 | } |
14252 | |
14253 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14254 | { |
14255 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioBuffer" ); |
14256 | } |
14257 | |
14258 | #endif |
14259 | |
14260 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14261 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14262 | { |
14263 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14264 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14265 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14266 | return jsUndefined(); |
14267 | return JSAudioBufferSourceNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14268 | } |
14269 | |
14270 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14271 | { |
14272 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioBufferSourceNode" ); |
14273 | } |
14274 | |
14275 | #endif |
14276 | |
14277 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14278 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14279 | { |
14280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14281 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14282 | return false; |
14283 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14284 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioBufferSourceNode" ), strlen("AudioBufferSourceNode" )), value); |
14285 | } |
14286 | |
14287 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14288 | { |
14289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioBufferSourceNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioBufferSourceNode" ); |
14290 | } |
14291 | |
14292 | #endif |
14293 | |
14294 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14295 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14296 | { |
14297 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14298 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14299 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14300 | return jsUndefined(); |
14301 | return JSAudioContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14302 | } |
14303 | |
14304 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14305 | { |
14306 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "webkitAudioContext" ); |
14307 | } |
14308 | |
14309 | #endif |
14310 | |
14311 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14312 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14313 | { |
14314 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14315 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14316 | return false; |
14317 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14318 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("webkitAudioContext" ), strlen("webkitAudioContext" )), value); |
14319 | } |
14320 | |
14321 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14322 | { |
14323 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "webkitAudioContext" ); |
14324 | } |
14325 | |
14326 | #endif |
14327 | |
14328 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14329 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14330 | { |
14331 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14332 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14333 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14334 | return jsUndefined(); |
14335 | return JSAudioDestinationNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14336 | } |
14337 | |
14338 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14339 | { |
14340 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioDestinationNode" ); |
14341 | } |
14342 | |
14343 | #endif |
14344 | |
14345 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14346 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14347 | { |
14348 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14349 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14350 | return false; |
14351 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14352 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioDestinationNode" ), strlen("AudioDestinationNode" )), value); |
14353 | } |
14354 | |
14355 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14356 | { |
14357 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioDestinationNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioDestinationNode" ); |
14358 | } |
14359 | |
14360 | #endif |
14361 | |
14362 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14363 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14364 | { |
14365 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14366 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14367 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14368 | return jsUndefined(); |
14369 | return JSAudioListener::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14370 | } |
14371 | |
14372 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14373 | { |
14374 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioListener" ); |
14375 | } |
14376 | |
14377 | #endif |
14378 | |
14379 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14380 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14381 | { |
14382 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14383 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14384 | return false; |
14385 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14386 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioListener" ), strlen("AudioListener" )), value); |
14387 | } |
14388 | |
14389 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14390 | { |
14391 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioListenerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioListener" ); |
14392 | } |
14393 | |
14394 | #endif |
14395 | |
14396 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14397 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14398 | { |
14399 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14400 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14401 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14402 | return jsUndefined(); |
14403 | return JSAudioNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14404 | } |
14405 | |
14406 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14407 | { |
14408 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioNode" ); |
14409 | } |
14410 | |
14411 | #endif |
14412 | |
14413 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14414 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14415 | { |
14416 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14417 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14418 | return false; |
14419 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14420 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioNode" ), strlen("AudioNode" )), value); |
14421 | } |
14422 | |
14423 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14424 | { |
14425 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioNode" ); |
14426 | } |
14427 | |
14428 | #endif |
14429 | |
14430 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14431 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioParamConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14432 | { |
14433 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14434 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14435 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14436 | return jsUndefined(); |
14437 | return JSAudioParam::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14438 | } |
14439 | |
14440 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14441 | { |
14442 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioParamConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioParam" ); |
14443 | } |
14444 | |
14445 | #endif |
14446 | |
14447 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14448 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioParamConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14449 | { |
14450 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14451 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14452 | return false; |
14453 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14454 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioParam" ), strlen("AudioParam" )), value); |
14455 | } |
14456 | |
14457 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioParamConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14458 | { |
14459 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioParamConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioParam" ); |
14460 | } |
14461 | |
14462 | #endif |
14463 | |
14464 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14465 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14466 | { |
14467 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14468 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14469 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14470 | return jsUndefined(); |
14471 | return JSAudioProcessingEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14472 | } |
14473 | |
14474 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14475 | { |
14476 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioProcessingEvent" ); |
14477 | } |
14478 | |
14479 | #endif |
14480 | |
14481 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14482 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14483 | { |
14484 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14485 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14486 | return false; |
14487 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14488 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioProcessingEvent" ), strlen("AudioProcessingEvent" )), value); |
14489 | } |
14490 | |
14491 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14492 | { |
14493 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioProcessingEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioProcessingEvent" ); |
14494 | } |
14495 | |
14496 | #endif |
14497 | |
14498 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14499 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14500 | { |
14501 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14502 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14503 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14504 | return jsUndefined(); |
14505 | return JSBiquadFilterNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14506 | } |
14507 | |
14508 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14509 | { |
14510 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "BiquadFilterNode" ); |
14511 | } |
14512 | |
14513 | #endif |
14514 | |
14515 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14516 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14517 | { |
14518 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14519 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14520 | return false; |
14521 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14522 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("BiquadFilterNode" ), strlen("BiquadFilterNode" )), value); |
14523 | } |
14524 | |
14525 | bool setJSDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14526 | { |
14527 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBiquadFilterNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "BiquadFilterNode" ); |
14528 | } |
14529 | |
14530 | #endif |
14531 | |
14532 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14533 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14534 | { |
14535 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14536 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14537 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14538 | return jsUndefined(); |
14539 | return JSChannelMergerNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14540 | } |
14541 | |
14542 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14543 | { |
14544 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ChannelMergerNode" ); |
14545 | } |
14546 | |
14547 | #endif |
14548 | |
14549 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14550 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14551 | { |
14552 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14553 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14554 | return false; |
14555 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14556 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ChannelMergerNode" ), strlen("ChannelMergerNode" )), value); |
14557 | } |
14558 | |
14559 | bool setJSDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14560 | { |
14561 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowChannelMergerNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ChannelMergerNode" ); |
14562 | } |
14563 | |
14564 | #endif |
14565 | |
14566 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14567 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14568 | { |
14569 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14570 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14571 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14572 | return jsUndefined(); |
14573 | return JSChannelSplitterNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14574 | } |
14575 | |
14576 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14577 | { |
14578 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ChannelSplitterNode" ); |
14579 | } |
14580 | |
14581 | #endif |
14582 | |
14583 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14584 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14585 | { |
14586 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14587 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14588 | return false; |
14589 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14590 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ChannelSplitterNode" ), strlen("ChannelSplitterNode" )), value); |
14591 | } |
14592 | |
14593 | bool setJSDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14594 | { |
14595 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowChannelSplitterNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ChannelSplitterNode" ); |
14596 | } |
14597 | |
14598 | #endif |
14599 | |
14600 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14601 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14602 | { |
14603 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14604 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14605 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14606 | return jsUndefined(); |
14607 | return JSConvolverNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14608 | } |
14609 | |
14610 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14611 | { |
14612 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ConvolverNode" ); |
14613 | } |
14614 | |
14615 | #endif |
14616 | |
14617 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14618 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14619 | { |
14620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14621 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14622 | return false; |
14623 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14624 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ConvolverNode" ), strlen("ConvolverNode" )), value); |
14625 | } |
14626 | |
14627 | bool setJSDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14628 | { |
14629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowConvolverNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ConvolverNode" ); |
14630 | } |
14631 | |
14632 | #endif |
14633 | |
14634 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14635 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14636 | { |
14637 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14638 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14639 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14640 | return jsUndefined(); |
14641 | return JSDelayNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14642 | } |
14643 | |
14644 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14645 | { |
14646 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DelayNode" ); |
14647 | } |
14648 | |
14649 | #endif |
14650 | |
14651 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14652 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14653 | { |
14654 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14655 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14656 | return false; |
14657 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14658 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DelayNode" ), strlen("DelayNode" )), value); |
14659 | } |
14660 | |
14661 | bool setJSDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14662 | { |
14663 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDelayNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DelayNode" ); |
14664 | } |
14665 | |
14666 | #endif |
14667 | |
14668 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14669 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14670 | { |
14671 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14672 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14673 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14674 | return jsUndefined(); |
14675 | return JSDynamicsCompressorNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14676 | } |
14677 | |
14678 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14679 | { |
14680 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DynamicsCompressorNode" ); |
14681 | } |
14682 | |
14683 | #endif |
14684 | |
14685 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14686 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14687 | { |
14688 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14689 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14690 | return false; |
14691 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14692 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DynamicsCompressorNode" ), strlen("DynamicsCompressorNode" )), value); |
14693 | } |
14694 | |
14695 | bool setJSDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14696 | { |
14697 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDynamicsCompressorNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DynamicsCompressorNode" ); |
14698 | } |
14699 | |
14700 | #endif |
14701 | |
14702 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14703 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGainNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14704 | { |
14705 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14706 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14707 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14708 | return jsUndefined(); |
14709 | return JSGainNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14710 | } |
14711 | |
14712 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14713 | { |
14714 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGainNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GainNode" ); |
14715 | } |
14716 | |
14717 | #endif |
14718 | |
14719 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14720 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGainNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14721 | { |
14722 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14723 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14724 | return false; |
14725 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14726 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GainNode" ), strlen("GainNode" )), value); |
14727 | } |
14728 | |
14729 | bool setJSDOMWindowGainNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14730 | { |
14731 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGainNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GainNode" ); |
14732 | } |
14733 | |
14734 | #endif |
14735 | |
14737 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14738 | { |
14739 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14740 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14741 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14742 | return jsUndefined(); |
14743 | return JSMediaElementAudioSourceNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14744 | } |
14745 | |
14746 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14747 | { |
14748 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaElementAudioSourceNode" ); |
14749 | } |
14750 | |
14751 | #endif |
14752 | |
14754 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14755 | { |
14756 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14757 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14758 | return false; |
14759 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14760 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaElementAudioSourceNode" ), strlen("MediaElementAudioSourceNode" )), value); |
14761 | } |
14762 | |
14763 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14764 | { |
14765 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaElementAudioSourceNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaElementAudioSourceNode" ); |
14766 | } |
14767 | |
14768 | #endif |
14769 | |
14771 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14772 | { |
14773 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14774 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14775 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14776 | return jsUndefined(); |
14777 | return JSMediaStreamAudioDestinationNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14778 | } |
14779 | |
14780 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14781 | { |
14782 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" ); |
14783 | } |
14784 | |
14785 | #endif |
14786 | |
14788 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14789 | { |
14790 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14791 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14792 | return false; |
14793 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14794 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" ), strlen("MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" )), value); |
14795 | } |
14796 | |
14797 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14798 | { |
14799 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioDestinationNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode" ); |
14800 | } |
14801 | |
14802 | #endif |
14803 | |
14805 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14806 | { |
14807 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14808 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14809 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14810 | return jsUndefined(); |
14811 | return JSMediaStreamAudioSourceNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14812 | } |
14813 | |
14814 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14815 | { |
14816 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" ); |
14817 | } |
14818 | |
14819 | #endif |
14820 | |
14822 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14823 | { |
14824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14825 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14826 | return false; |
14827 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14828 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" ), strlen("MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" )), value); |
14829 | } |
14830 | |
14831 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14832 | { |
14833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaStreamAudioSourceNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaStreamAudioSourceNode" ); |
14834 | } |
14835 | |
14836 | #endif |
14837 | |
14838 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14839 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14840 | { |
14841 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14842 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14843 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14844 | return jsUndefined(); |
14845 | return JSOfflineAudioCompletionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14846 | } |
14847 | |
14848 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14849 | { |
14850 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" ); |
14851 | } |
14852 | |
14853 | #endif |
14854 | |
14855 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14856 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14857 | { |
14858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14859 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14860 | return false; |
14861 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14862 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" ), strlen("OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" )), value); |
14863 | } |
14864 | |
14865 | bool setJSDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14866 | { |
14867 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOfflineAudioCompletionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OfflineAudioCompletionEvent" ); |
14868 | } |
14869 | |
14870 | #endif |
14871 | |
14872 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14873 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14874 | { |
14875 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14876 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14877 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14878 | return jsUndefined(); |
14879 | return JSOfflineAudioContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14880 | } |
14881 | |
14882 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14883 | { |
14884 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "webkitOfflineAudioContext" ); |
14885 | } |
14886 | |
14887 | #endif |
14888 | |
14889 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14890 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14891 | { |
14892 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14893 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14894 | return false; |
14895 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14896 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("webkitOfflineAudioContext" ), strlen("webkitOfflineAudioContext" )), value); |
14897 | } |
14898 | |
14899 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14900 | { |
14901 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebkitOfflineAudioContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "webkitOfflineAudioContext" ); |
14902 | } |
14903 | |
14904 | #endif |
14905 | |
14906 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14907 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14908 | { |
14909 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14910 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14911 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14912 | return jsUndefined(); |
14913 | return JSOscillatorNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14914 | } |
14915 | |
14916 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14917 | { |
14918 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OscillatorNode" ); |
14919 | } |
14920 | |
14921 | #endif |
14922 | |
14923 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14924 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14925 | { |
14926 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14927 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14928 | return false; |
14929 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14930 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OscillatorNode" ), strlen("OscillatorNode" )), value); |
14931 | } |
14932 | |
14933 | bool setJSDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14934 | { |
14935 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOscillatorNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OscillatorNode" ); |
14936 | } |
14937 | |
14938 | #endif |
14939 | |
14940 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14941 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14942 | { |
14943 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14944 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14945 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14946 | return jsUndefined(); |
14947 | return JSPannerNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14948 | } |
14949 | |
14950 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14951 | { |
14952 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "webkitAudioPannerNode" ); |
14953 | } |
14954 | |
14955 | #endif |
14956 | |
14957 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14958 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14959 | { |
14960 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14961 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14962 | return false; |
14963 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14964 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("webkitAudioPannerNode" ), strlen("webkitAudioPannerNode" )), value); |
14965 | } |
14966 | |
14967 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
14968 | { |
14969 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebkitAudioPannerNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "webkitAudioPannerNode" ); |
14970 | } |
14971 | |
14972 | #endif |
14973 | |
14974 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14975 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14976 | { |
14977 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14978 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
14979 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14980 | return jsUndefined(); |
14981 | return JSPeriodicWave::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
14982 | } |
14983 | |
14984 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
14985 | { |
14986 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PeriodicWave" ); |
14987 | } |
14988 | |
14989 | #endif |
14990 | |
14991 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
14992 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
14993 | { |
14994 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
14995 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
14996 | return false; |
14997 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
14998 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PeriodicWave" ), strlen("PeriodicWave" )), value); |
14999 | } |
15000 | |
15001 | bool setJSDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15002 | { |
15003 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPeriodicWaveConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PeriodicWave" ); |
15004 | } |
15005 | |
15006 | #endif |
15007 | |
15008 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
15009 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15010 | { |
15011 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15012 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15014 | return jsUndefined(); |
15015 | return JSScriptProcessorNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15016 | } |
15017 | |
15018 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15019 | { |
15020 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ScriptProcessorNode" ); |
15021 | } |
15022 | |
15023 | #endif |
15024 | |
15025 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
15026 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15027 | { |
15028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15029 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15030 | return false; |
15031 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15032 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ScriptProcessorNode" ), strlen("ScriptProcessorNode" )), value); |
15033 | } |
15034 | |
15035 | bool setJSDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15036 | { |
15037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScriptProcessorNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ScriptProcessorNode" ); |
15038 | } |
15039 | |
15040 | #endif |
15041 | |
15042 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
15043 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15044 | { |
15045 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15046 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15047 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15048 | return jsUndefined(); |
15049 | return JSWaveShaperNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15050 | } |
15051 | |
15052 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15053 | { |
15054 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WaveShaperNode" ); |
15055 | } |
15056 | |
15057 | #endif |
15058 | |
15059 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUDIO) |
15060 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15061 | { |
15062 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15063 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15064 | return false; |
15065 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15066 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WaveShaperNode" ), strlen("WaveShaperNode" )), value); |
15067 | } |
15068 | |
15069 | bool setJSDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15070 | { |
15071 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWaveShaperNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WaveShaperNode" ); |
15072 | } |
15073 | |
15074 | #endif |
15075 | |
15076 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15077 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15078 | { |
15079 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15080 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15081 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15082 | return jsUndefined(); |
15083 | return JSAuthenticatorAssertionResponse::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15084 | } |
15085 | |
15086 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15087 | { |
15088 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" ); |
15089 | } |
15090 | |
15091 | #endif |
15092 | |
15093 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15094 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15095 | { |
15096 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15097 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15098 | return false; |
15099 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15100 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" ), strlen("AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" )), value); |
15101 | } |
15102 | |
15103 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15104 | { |
15105 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAssertionResponseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AuthenticatorAssertionResponse" ); |
15106 | } |
15107 | |
15108 | #endif |
15109 | |
15110 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15111 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15112 | { |
15113 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15114 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15115 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15116 | return jsUndefined(); |
15117 | return JSAuthenticatorAttestationResponse::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15118 | } |
15119 | |
15120 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15121 | { |
15122 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" ); |
15123 | } |
15124 | |
15125 | #endif |
15126 | |
15127 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15128 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15129 | { |
15130 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15131 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15132 | return false; |
15133 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15134 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" ), strlen("AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" )), value); |
15135 | } |
15136 | |
15137 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15138 | { |
15139 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorAttestationResponseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AuthenticatorAttestationResponse" ); |
15140 | } |
15141 | |
15142 | #endif |
15143 | |
15144 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15145 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15146 | { |
15147 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15148 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15149 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15150 | return jsUndefined(); |
15151 | return JSAuthenticatorResponse::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15152 | } |
15153 | |
15154 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15155 | { |
15156 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AuthenticatorResponse" ); |
15157 | } |
15158 | |
15159 | #endif |
15160 | |
15161 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15162 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15163 | { |
15164 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15165 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15166 | return false; |
15167 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15168 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AuthenticatorResponse" ), strlen("AuthenticatorResponse" )), value); |
15169 | } |
15170 | |
15171 | bool setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15172 | { |
15173 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAuthenticatorResponseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AuthenticatorResponse" ); |
15174 | } |
15175 | |
15176 | #endif |
15177 | |
15178 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15179 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15180 | { |
15181 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15182 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15183 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15184 | return jsUndefined(); |
15185 | return JSPublicKeyCredential::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15186 | } |
15187 | |
15188 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15189 | { |
15190 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PublicKeyCredential" ); |
15191 | } |
15192 | |
15193 | #endif |
15194 | |
15195 | #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTHN) |
15196 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15197 | { |
15198 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15199 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15200 | return false; |
15201 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15202 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PublicKeyCredential" ), strlen("PublicKeyCredential" )), value); |
15203 | } |
15204 | |
15205 | bool setJSDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15206 | { |
15207 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPublicKeyCredentialConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PublicKeyCredential" ); |
15208 | } |
15209 | |
15210 | #endif |
15211 | |
15212 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDatabaseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15213 | { |
15214 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15215 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15216 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15217 | return jsUndefined(); |
15218 | return JSDatabase::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15219 | } |
15220 | |
15221 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15222 | { |
15223 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDatabaseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Database" ); |
15224 | } |
15225 | |
15226 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDatabaseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15227 | { |
15228 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15229 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15230 | return false; |
15231 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15232 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Database" ), strlen("Database" )), value); |
15233 | } |
15234 | |
15235 | bool setJSDOMWindowDatabaseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15236 | { |
15237 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDatabaseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Database" ); |
15238 | } |
15239 | |
15240 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15241 | { |
15242 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15243 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15244 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15245 | return jsUndefined(); |
15246 | return JSSQLError::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15247 | } |
15248 | |
15249 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15250 | { |
15251 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SQLError" ); |
15252 | } |
15253 | |
15254 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15255 | { |
15256 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15257 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15258 | return false; |
15259 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15260 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SQLError" ), strlen("SQLError" )), value); |
15261 | } |
15262 | |
15263 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15264 | { |
15265 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSQLErrorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SQLError" ); |
15266 | } |
15267 | |
15268 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15269 | { |
15270 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15271 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15272 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15273 | return jsUndefined(); |
15274 | return JSSQLResultSet::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15275 | } |
15276 | |
15277 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15278 | { |
15279 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SQLResultSet" ); |
15280 | } |
15281 | |
15282 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15283 | { |
15284 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15285 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15286 | return false; |
15287 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15288 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SQLResultSet" ), strlen("SQLResultSet" )), value); |
15289 | } |
15290 | |
15291 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15292 | { |
15293 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SQLResultSet" ); |
15294 | } |
15295 | |
15296 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15297 | { |
15298 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15299 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15300 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15301 | return jsUndefined(); |
15302 | return JSSQLResultSetRowList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15303 | } |
15304 | |
15305 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15306 | { |
15307 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SQLResultSetRowList" ); |
15308 | } |
15309 | |
15310 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15311 | { |
15312 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15313 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15314 | return false; |
15315 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15316 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SQLResultSetRowList" ), strlen("SQLResultSetRowList" )), value); |
15317 | } |
15318 | |
15319 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15320 | { |
15321 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSQLResultSetRowListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SQLResultSetRowList" ); |
15322 | } |
15323 | |
15324 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15325 | { |
15326 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15327 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15328 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15329 | return jsUndefined(); |
15330 | return JSSQLTransaction::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15331 | } |
15332 | |
15333 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15334 | { |
15335 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SQLTransaction" ); |
15336 | } |
15337 | |
15338 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15339 | { |
15340 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15341 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15342 | return false; |
15343 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15344 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SQLTransaction" ), strlen("SQLTransaction" )), value); |
15345 | } |
15346 | |
15347 | bool setJSDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15348 | { |
15349 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSQLTransactionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SQLTransaction" ); |
15350 | } |
15351 | |
15352 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15353 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15354 | { |
15355 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15356 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15357 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15358 | return jsUndefined(); |
15359 | return JSGPUBufferUsage::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15360 | } |
15361 | |
15362 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15363 | { |
15364 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUBufferUsage" ); |
15365 | } |
15366 | |
15367 | #endif |
15368 | |
15369 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15370 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15371 | { |
15372 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15373 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15374 | return false; |
15375 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15376 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUBufferUsage" ), strlen("GPUBufferUsage" )), value); |
15377 | } |
15378 | |
15379 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15380 | { |
15381 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferUsageConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUBufferUsage" ); |
15382 | } |
15383 | |
15384 | #endif |
15385 | |
15386 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15387 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15388 | { |
15389 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15390 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15391 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15392 | return jsUndefined(); |
15393 | return JSGPUCanvasContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15394 | } |
15395 | |
15396 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15397 | { |
15398 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUCanvasContext" ); |
15399 | } |
15400 | |
15401 | #endif |
15402 | |
15403 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15404 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15405 | { |
15406 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15407 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15408 | return false; |
15409 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15410 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUCanvasContext" ), strlen("GPUCanvasContext" )), value); |
15411 | } |
15412 | |
15413 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15414 | { |
15415 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUCanvasContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUCanvasContext" ); |
15416 | } |
15417 | |
15418 | #endif |
15419 | |
15420 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15421 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15422 | { |
15423 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15424 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15425 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15426 | return jsUndefined(); |
15427 | return JSGPUColorWriteBits::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15428 | } |
15429 | |
15430 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15431 | { |
15432 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUColorWriteBits" ); |
15433 | } |
15434 | |
15435 | #endif |
15436 | |
15437 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15438 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15439 | { |
15440 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15441 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15442 | return false; |
15443 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15444 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUColorWriteBits" ), strlen("GPUColorWriteBits" )), value); |
15445 | } |
15446 | |
15447 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15448 | { |
15449 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUColorWriteBitsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUColorWriteBits" ); |
15450 | } |
15451 | |
15452 | #endif |
15453 | |
15454 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15455 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15456 | { |
15457 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15458 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15459 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15460 | return jsUndefined(); |
15461 | return JSGPUShaderStageBit::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15462 | } |
15463 | |
15464 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15465 | { |
15466 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUShaderStageBit" ); |
15467 | } |
15468 | |
15469 | #endif |
15470 | |
15471 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15472 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15473 | { |
15474 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15475 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15476 | return false; |
15477 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15478 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUShaderStageBit" ), strlen("GPUShaderStageBit" )), value); |
15479 | } |
15480 | |
15481 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15482 | { |
15483 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderStageBitConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUShaderStageBit" ); |
15484 | } |
15485 | |
15486 | #endif |
15487 | |
15488 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15489 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15490 | { |
15491 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15492 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15493 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15494 | return jsUndefined(); |
15495 | return JSGPUTextureUsage::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15496 | } |
15497 | |
15498 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15499 | { |
15500 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUTextureUsage" ); |
15501 | } |
15502 | |
15503 | #endif |
15504 | |
15505 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15506 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15507 | { |
15508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15509 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15510 | return false; |
15511 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15512 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUTextureUsage" ), strlen("GPUTextureUsage" )), value); |
15513 | } |
15514 | |
15515 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15516 | { |
15517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureUsageConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUTextureUsage" ); |
15518 | } |
15519 | |
15520 | #endif |
15521 | |
15522 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15523 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15524 | { |
15525 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15526 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15527 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15528 | return jsUndefined(); |
15529 | return JSWebGPU::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15530 | } |
15531 | |
15532 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15533 | { |
15534 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPU" ); |
15535 | } |
15536 | |
15537 | #endif |
15538 | |
15539 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15540 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15541 | { |
15542 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15543 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15544 | return false; |
15545 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15546 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPU" ), strlen("GPU" )), value); |
15547 | } |
15548 | |
15549 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15550 | { |
15551 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPU" ); |
15552 | } |
15553 | |
15554 | #endif |
15555 | |
15556 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15557 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15558 | { |
15559 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15560 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15561 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15562 | return jsUndefined(); |
15563 | return JSWebGPUAdapter::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15564 | } |
15565 | |
15566 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15567 | { |
15568 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUAdapter" ); |
15569 | } |
15570 | |
15571 | #endif |
15572 | |
15573 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15574 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15575 | { |
15576 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15577 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15578 | return false; |
15579 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15580 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUAdapter" ), strlen("GPUAdapter" )), value); |
15581 | } |
15582 | |
15583 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15584 | { |
15585 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUAdapterConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUAdapter" ); |
15586 | } |
15587 | |
15588 | #endif |
15589 | |
15590 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15591 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15592 | { |
15593 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15594 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15595 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15596 | return jsUndefined(); |
15597 | return JSWebGPUBindGroup::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15598 | } |
15599 | |
15600 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15601 | { |
15602 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUBindGroup" ); |
15603 | } |
15604 | |
15605 | #endif |
15606 | |
15607 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15608 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15609 | { |
15610 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15611 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15612 | return false; |
15613 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15614 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUBindGroup" ), strlen("GPUBindGroup" )), value); |
15615 | } |
15616 | |
15617 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15618 | { |
15619 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUBindGroup" ); |
15620 | } |
15621 | |
15622 | #endif |
15623 | |
15624 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15625 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15626 | { |
15627 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15628 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15629 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15630 | return jsUndefined(); |
15631 | return JSWebGPUBindGroupLayout::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15632 | } |
15633 | |
15634 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15635 | { |
15636 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUBindGroupLayout" ); |
15637 | } |
15638 | |
15639 | #endif |
15640 | |
15641 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15642 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15643 | { |
15644 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15645 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15646 | return false; |
15647 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15648 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUBindGroupLayout" ), strlen("GPUBindGroupLayout" )), value); |
15649 | } |
15650 | |
15651 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15652 | { |
15653 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUBindGroupLayoutConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUBindGroupLayout" ); |
15654 | } |
15655 | |
15656 | #endif |
15657 | |
15658 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15659 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15660 | { |
15661 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15662 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15663 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15664 | return jsUndefined(); |
15665 | return JSWebGPUBuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15666 | } |
15667 | |
15668 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15669 | { |
15670 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUBuffer" ); |
15671 | } |
15672 | |
15673 | #endif |
15674 | |
15675 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15676 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15677 | { |
15678 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15679 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15680 | return false; |
15681 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15682 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUBuffer" ), strlen("GPUBuffer" )), value); |
15683 | } |
15684 | |
15685 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15686 | { |
15687 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUBufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUBuffer" ); |
15688 | } |
15689 | |
15690 | #endif |
15691 | |
15692 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15693 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15694 | { |
15695 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15696 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15697 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15698 | return jsUndefined(); |
15699 | return JSWebGPUCommandBuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15700 | } |
15701 | |
15702 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15703 | { |
15704 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUCommandBuffer" ); |
15705 | } |
15706 | |
15707 | #endif |
15708 | |
15709 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15710 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15711 | { |
15712 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15713 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15714 | return false; |
15715 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15716 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUCommandBuffer" ), strlen("GPUCommandBuffer" )), value); |
15717 | } |
15718 | |
15719 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15720 | { |
15721 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandBufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUCommandBuffer" ); |
15722 | } |
15723 | |
15724 | #endif |
15725 | |
15726 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15727 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15728 | { |
15729 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15730 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15731 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15732 | return jsUndefined(); |
15733 | return JSWebGPUCommandEncoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15734 | } |
15735 | |
15736 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15737 | { |
15738 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUCommandEncoder" ); |
15739 | } |
15740 | |
15741 | #endif |
15742 | |
15743 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15744 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15745 | { |
15746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15747 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15748 | return false; |
15749 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15750 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUCommandEncoder" ), strlen("GPUCommandEncoder" )), value); |
15751 | } |
15752 | |
15753 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15754 | { |
15755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUCommandEncoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUCommandEncoder" ); |
15756 | } |
15757 | |
15758 | #endif |
15759 | |
15760 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15761 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15762 | { |
15763 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15764 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15765 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15766 | return jsUndefined(); |
15767 | return JSWebGPUComputePassEncoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15768 | } |
15769 | |
15770 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15771 | { |
15772 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUComputePassEncoder" ); |
15773 | } |
15774 | |
15775 | #endif |
15776 | |
15777 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15778 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15779 | { |
15780 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15781 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15782 | return false; |
15783 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15784 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUComputePassEncoder" ), strlen("GPUComputePassEncoder" )), value); |
15785 | } |
15786 | |
15787 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15788 | { |
15789 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePassEncoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUComputePassEncoder" ); |
15790 | } |
15791 | |
15792 | #endif |
15793 | |
15794 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15795 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15796 | { |
15797 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15798 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15799 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15800 | return jsUndefined(); |
15801 | return JSWebGPUComputePipeline::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15802 | } |
15803 | |
15804 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15805 | { |
15806 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUComputePipeline" ); |
15807 | } |
15808 | |
15809 | #endif |
15810 | |
15811 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15812 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15813 | { |
15814 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15815 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15816 | return false; |
15817 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15818 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUComputePipeline" ), strlen("GPUComputePipeline" )), value); |
15819 | } |
15820 | |
15821 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15822 | { |
15823 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUComputePipelineConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUComputePipeline" ); |
15824 | } |
15825 | |
15826 | #endif |
15827 | |
15828 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15829 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15830 | { |
15831 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15832 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15833 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15834 | return jsUndefined(); |
15835 | return JSWebGPUDevice::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15836 | } |
15837 | |
15838 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15839 | { |
15840 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUDevice" ); |
15841 | } |
15842 | |
15843 | #endif |
15844 | |
15845 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15846 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15847 | { |
15848 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15849 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15850 | return false; |
15851 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15852 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUDevice" ), strlen("GPUDevice" )), value); |
15853 | } |
15854 | |
15855 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15856 | { |
15857 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUDeviceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUDevice" ); |
15858 | } |
15859 | |
15860 | #endif |
15861 | |
15862 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15863 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15864 | { |
15865 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15866 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15867 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15868 | return jsUndefined(); |
15869 | return JSWebGPUPipelineLayout::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15870 | } |
15871 | |
15872 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15873 | { |
15874 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUPipelineLayout" ); |
15875 | } |
15876 | |
15877 | #endif |
15878 | |
15879 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15880 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15881 | { |
15882 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15883 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15884 | return false; |
15885 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15886 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUPipelineLayout" ), strlen("GPUPipelineLayout" )), value); |
15887 | } |
15888 | |
15889 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15890 | { |
15891 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUPipelineLayoutConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUPipelineLayout" ); |
15892 | } |
15893 | |
15894 | #endif |
15895 | |
15896 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15897 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15898 | { |
15899 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15900 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15901 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15902 | return jsUndefined(); |
15903 | return JSWebGPUProgrammablePassEncoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15904 | } |
15905 | |
15906 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15907 | { |
15908 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUProgrammablePassEncoder" ); |
15909 | } |
15910 | |
15911 | #endif |
15912 | |
15913 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15914 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15915 | { |
15916 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15917 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15918 | return false; |
15919 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15920 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUProgrammablePassEncoder" ), strlen("GPUProgrammablePassEncoder" )), value); |
15921 | } |
15922 | |
15923 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15924 | { |
15925 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUProgrammablePassEncoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUProgrammablePassEncoder" ); |
15926 | } |
15927 | |
15928 | #endif |
15929 | |
15930 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15931 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15932 | { |
15933 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15934 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15935 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15936 | return jsUndefined(); |
15937 | return JSWebGPUQueue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15938 | } |
15939 | |
15940 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15941 | { |
15942 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUQueue" ); |
15943 | } |
15944 | |
15945 | #endif |
15946 | |
15947 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15948 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15949 | { |
15950 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15951 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15952 | return false; |
15953 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15954 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUQueue" ), strlen("GPUQueue" )), value); |
15955 | } |
15956 | |
15957 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15958 | { |
15959 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUQueueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUQueue" ); |
15960 | } |
15961 | |
15962 | #endif |
15963 | |
15964 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15965 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15966 | { |
15967 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15968 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
15969 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15970 | return jsUndefined(); |
15971 | return JSWebGPURenderPassEncoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
15972 | } |
15973 | |
15974 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
15975 | { |
15976 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPURenderPassEncoder" ); |
15977 | } |
15978 | |
15979 | #endif |
15980 | |
15981 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15982 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
15983 | { |
15984 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
15985 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
15986 | return false; |
15987 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
15988 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPURenderPassEncoder" ), strlen("GPURenderPassEncoder" )), value); |
15989 | } |
15990 | |
15991 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
15992 | { |
15993 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPassEncoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPURenderPassEncoder" ); |
15994 | } |
15995 | |
15996 | #endif |
15997 | |
15998 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
15999 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16000 | { |
16001 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16002 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16003 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16004 | return jsUndefined(); |
16005 | return JSWebGPURenderPipeline::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16006 | } |
16007 | |
16008 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16009 | { |
16010 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPURenderPipeline" ); |
16011 | } |
16012 | |
16013 | #endif |
16014 | |
16015 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16016 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16017 | { |
16018 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16019 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16020 | return false; |
16021 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16022 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPURenderPipeline" ), strlen("GPURenderPipeline" )), value); |
16023 | } |
16024 | |
16025 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16026 | { |
16027 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPURenderPipelineConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPURenderPipeline" ); |
16028 | } |
16029 | |
16030 | #endif |
16031 | |
16032 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16033 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16034 | { |
16035 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16036 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16037 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16038 | return jsUndefined(); |
16039 | return JSWebGPUSampler::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16040 | } |
16041 | |
16042 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16043 | { |
16044 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUSampler" ); |
16045 | } |
16046 | |
16047 | #endif |
16048 | |
16049 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16050 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16051 | { |
16052 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16053 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16054 | return false; |
16055 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16056 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUSampler" ), strlen("GPUSampler" )), value); |
16057 | } |
16058 | |
16059 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16060 | { |
16061 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUSamplerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUSampler" ); |
16062 | } |
16063 | |
16064 | #endif |
16065 | |
16066 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16067 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16068 | { |
16069 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16070 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16071 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16072 | return jsUndefined(); |
16073 | return JSWebGPUShaderModule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16074 | } |
16075 | |
16076 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16077 | { |
16078 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUShaderModule" ); |
16079 | } |
16080 | |
16081 | #endif |
16082 | |
16083 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16084 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16085 | { |
16086 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16087 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16088 | return false; |
16089 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16090 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUShaderModule" ), strlen("GPUShaderModule" )), value); |
16091 | } |
16092 | |
16093 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16094 | { |
16095 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUShaderModuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUShaderModule" ); |
16096 | } |
16097 | |
16098 | #endif |
16099 | |
16100 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16101 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16102 | { |
16103 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16104 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16105 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16106 | return jsUndefined(); |
16107 | return JSWebGPUSwapChain::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16108 | } |
16109 | |
16110 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16111 | { |
16112 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUSwapChain" ); |
16113 | } |
16114 | |
16115 | #endif |
16116 | |
16117 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16118 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16119 | { |
16120 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16121 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16122 | return false; |
16123 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16124 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUSwapChain" ), strlen("GPUSwapChain" )), value); |
16125 | } |
16126 | |
16127 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16128 | { |
16129 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUSwapChainConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUSwapChain" ); |
16130 | } |
16131 | |
16132 | #endif |
16133 | |
16134 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16135 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16136 | { |
16137 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16138 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16139 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16140 | return jsUndefined(); |
16141 | return JSWebGPUTexture::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16142 | } |
16143 | |
16144 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16145 | { |
16146 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUTexture" ); |
16147 | } |
16148 | |
16149 | #endif |
16150 | |
16151 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16152 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16153 | { |
16154 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16155 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16156 | return false; |
16157 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16158 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUTexture" ), strlen("GPUTexture" )), value); |
16159 | } |
16160 | |
16161 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16162 | { |
16163 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUTexture" ); |
16164 | } |
16165 | |
16166 | #endif |
16167 | |
16168 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16169 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16170 | { |
16171 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16172 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16173 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16174 | return jsUndefined(); |
16175 | return JSWebGPUTextureView::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16176 | } |
16177 | |
16178 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16179 | { |
16180 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "GPUTextureView" ); |
16181 | } |
16182 | |
16183 | #endif |
16184 | |
16185 | #if ENABLE(WEBGPU) |
16186 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16187 | { |
16188 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16189 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16190 | return false; |
16191 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16192 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("GPUTextureView" ), strlen("GPUTextureView" )), value); |
16193 | } |
16194 | |
16195 | bool setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16196 | { |
16197 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowGPUTextureViewConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "GPUTextureView" ); |
16198 | } |
16199 | |
16200 | #endif |
16201 | |
16202 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCloseEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16203 | { |
16204 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16205 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16206 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16207 | return jsUndefined(); |
16208 | return JSCloseEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16209 | } |
16210 | |
16211 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16212 | { |
16213 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCloseEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CloseEvent" ); |
16214 | } |
16215 | |
16216 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCloseEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16217 | { |
16218 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16219 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16220 | return false; |
16221 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16222 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CloseEvent" ), strlen("CloseEvent" )), value); |
16223 | } |
16224 | |
16225 | bool setJSDOMWindowCloseEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16226 | { |
16227 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCloseEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CloseEvent" ); |
16228 | } |
16229 | |
16230 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebSocketConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16231 | { |
16232 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16233 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16234 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16235 | return jsUndefined(); |
16236 | return JSWebSocket::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16237 | } |
16238 | |
16239 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16240 | { |
16241 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebSocketConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebSocket" ); |
16242 | } |
16243 | |
16244 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebSocketConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16245 | { |
16246 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16247 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16248 | return false; |
16249 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16250 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebSocket" ), strlen("WebSocket" )), value); |
16251 | } |
16252 | |
16253 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebSocketConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16254 | { |
16255 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebSocketConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebSocket" ); |
16256 | } |
16257 | |
16258 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16259 | { |
16260 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16261 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16262 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16263 | return jsUndefined(); |
16264 | return JSVRDisplay::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16265 | } |
16266 | |
16267 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16268 | { |
16269 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRDisplay" ); |
16270 | } |
16271 | |
16272 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16273 | { |
16274 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16275 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16276 | return false; |
16277 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16278 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRDisplay" ), strlen("VRDisplay" )), value); |
16279 | } |
16280 | |
16281 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16282 | { |
16283 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRDisplay" ); |
16284 | } |
16285 | |
16286 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16287 | { |
16288 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16289 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16290 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16291 | return jsUndefined(); |
16292 | return JSVRDisplayCapabilities::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16293 | } |
16294 | |
16295 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16296 | { |
16297 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRDisplayCapabilities" ); |
16298 | } |
16299 | |
16300 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16301 | { |
16302 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16303 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16304 | return false; |
16305 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16306 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRDisplayCapabilities" ), strlen("VRDisplayCapabilities" )), value); |
16307 | } |
16308 | |
16309 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16310 | { |
16311 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayCapabilitiesConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRDisplayCapabilities" ); |
16312 | } |
16313 | |
16314 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16315 | { |
16316 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16317 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16318 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16319 | return jsUndefined(); |
16320 | return JSVRDisplayEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16321 | } |
16322 | |
16323 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16324 | { |
16325 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRDisplayEvent" ); |
16326 | } |
16327 | |
16328 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16329 | { |
16330 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16331 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16332 | return false; |
16333 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16334 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRDisplayEvent" ), strlen("VRDisplayEvent" )), value); |
16335 | } |
16336 | |
16337 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16338 | { |
16339 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRDisplayEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRDisplayEvent" ); |
16340 | } |
16341 | |
16342 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16343 | { |
16344 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16345 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16346 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16347 | return jsUndefined(); |
16348 | return JSVREyeParameters::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16349 | } |
16350 | |
16351 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16352 | { |
16353 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VREyeParameters" ); |
16354 | } |
16355 | |
16356 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16357 | { |
16358 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16359 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16360 | return false; |
16361 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16362 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VREyeParameters" ), strlen("VREyeParameters" )), value); |
16363 | } |
16364 | |
16365 | bool setJSDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16366 | { |
16367 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVREyeParametersConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VREyeParameters" ); |
16368 | } |
16369 | |
16370 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16371 | { |
16372 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16373 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16374 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16375 | return jsUndefined(); |
16376 | return JSVRFieldOfView::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16377 | } |
16378 | |
16379 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16380 | { |
16381 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRFieldOfView" ); |
16382 | } |
16383 | |
16384 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16385 | { |
16386 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16387 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16388 | return false; |
16389 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16390 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRFieldOfView" ), strlen("VRFieldOfView" )), value); |
16391 | } |
16392 | |
16393 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16394 | { |
16395 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRFieldOfViewConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRFieldOfView" ); |
16396 | } |
16397 | |
16398 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16399 | { |
16400 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16401 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16402 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16403 | return jsUndefined(); |
16404 | return JSVRFrameData::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16405 | } |
16406 | |
16407 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16408 | { |
16409 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRFrameData" ); |
16410 | } |
16411 | |
16412 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16413 | { |
16414 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16415 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16416 | return false; |
16417 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16418 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRFrameData" ), strlen("VRFrameData" )), value); |
16419 | } |
16420 | |
16421 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16422 | { |
16423 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRFrameDataConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRFrameData" ); |
16424 | } |
16425 | |
16426 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRPoseConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16427 | { |
16428 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16429 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16430 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16431 | return jsUndefined(); |
16432 | return JSVRPose::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16433 | } |
16434 | |
16435 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16436 | { |
16437 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRPoseConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRPose" ); |
16438 | } |
16439 | |
16440 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRPoseConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16441 | { |
16442 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16443 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16444 | return false; |
16445 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16446 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRPose" ), strlen("VRPose" )), value); |
16447 | } |
16448 | |
16449 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRPoseConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16450 | { |
16451 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRPoseConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRPose" ); |
16452 | } |
16453 | |
16454 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16455 | { |
16456 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16457 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16458 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16459 | return jsUndefined(); |
16460 | return JSVRStageParameters::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16461 | } |
16462 | |
16463 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16464 | { |
16465 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VRStageParameters" ); |
16466 | } |
16467 | |
16468 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16469 | { |
16470 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16471 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16472 | return false; |
16473 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16474 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VRStageParameters" ), strlen("VRStageParameters" )), value); |
16475 | } |
16476 | |
16477 | bool setJSDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16478 | { |
16479 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVRStageParametersConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VRStageParameters" ); |
16480 | } |
16481 | |
16482 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16483 | { |
16484 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16485 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16486 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16487 | return jsUndefined(); |
16488 | return JSAnimationEffect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16489 | } |
16490 | |
16491 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16492 | { |
16493 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AnimationEffect" ); |
16494 | } |
16495 | |
16496 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16497 | { |
16498 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16499 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16500 | return false; |
16501 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16502 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AnimationEffect" ), strlen("AnimationEffect" )), value); |
16503 | } |
16504 | |
16505 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16506 | { |
16507 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnimationEffectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AnimationEffect" ); |
16508 | } |
16509 | |
16510 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16511 | { |
16512 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16513 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16514 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16515 | return jsUndefined(); |
16516 | return JSAnimationPlaybackEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16517 | } |
16518 | |
16519 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16520 | { |
16521 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AnimationPlaybackEvent" ); |
16522 | } |
16523 | |
16524 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16525 | { |
16526 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16527 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16528 | return false; |
16529 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16530 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AnimationPlaybackEvent" ), strlen("AnimationPlaybackEvent" )), value); |
16531 | } |
16532 | |
16533 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16534 | { |
16535 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnimationPlaybackEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AnimationPlaybackEvent" ); |
16536 | } |
16537 | |
16538 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16539 | { |
16540 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16541 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16542 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16543 | return jsUndefined(); |
16544 | return JSAnimationTimeline::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16545 | } |
16546 | |
16547 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16548 | { |
16549 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AnimationTimeline" ); |
16550 | } |
16551 | |
16552 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16553 | { |
16554 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16555 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16556 | return false; |
16557 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16558 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AnimationTimeline" ), strlen("AnimationTimeline" )), value); |
16559 | } |
16560 | |
16561 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16562 | { |
16563 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnimationTimelineConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AnimationTimeline" ); |
16564 | } |
16565 | |
16566 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16567 | { |
16568 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16569 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16570 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16571 | return jsUndefined(); |
16572 | return JSCSSAnimation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16573 | } |
16574 | |
16575 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16576 | { |
16577 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSAnimation" ); |
16578 | } |
16579 | |
16580 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16581 | { |
16582 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16583 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16584 | return false; |
16585 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16586 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSAnimation" ), strlen("CSSAnimation" )), value); |
16587 | } |
16588 | |
16589 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16590 | { |
16591 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSAnimationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSAnimation" ); |
16592 | } |
16593 | |
16594 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16595 | { |
16596 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16597 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16598 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16599 | return jsUndefined(); |
16600 | return JSCSSTransition::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16601 | } |
16602 | |
16603 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16604 | { |
16605 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSTransition" ); |
16606 | } |
16607 | |
16608 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16609 | { |
16610 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16611 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16612 | return false; |
16613 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16614 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSTransition" ), strlen("CSSTransition" )), value); |
16615 | } |
16616 | |
16617 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16618 | { |
16619 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSTransitionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSTransition" ); |
16620 | } |
16621 | |
16622 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16623 | { |
16624 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16625 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16626 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16627 | return jsUndefined(); |
16628 | return JSDocumentTimeline::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16629 | } |
16630 | |
16631 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16632 | { |
16633 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DocumentTimeline" ); |
16634 | } |
16635 | |
16636 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16637 | { |
16638 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16639 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16640 | return false; |
16641 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16642 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DocumentTimeline" ), strlen("DocumentTimeline" )), value); |
16643 | } |
16644 | |
16645 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16646 | { |
16647 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDocumentTimelineConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DocumentTimeline" ); |
16648 | } |
16649 | |
16650 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16651 | { |
16652 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16653 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16654 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16655 | return jsUndefined(); |
16656 | return JSKeyframeEffect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16657 | } |
16658 | |
16659 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16660 | { |
16661 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "KeyframeEffect" ); |
16662 | } |
16663 | |
16664 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16665 | { |
16666 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16667 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16668 | return false; |
16669 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16670 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("KeyframeEffect" ), strlen("KeyframeEffect" )), value); |
16671 | } |
16672 | |
16673 | bool setJSDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16674 | { |
16675 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowKeyframeEffectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "KeyframeEffect" ); |
16676 | } |
16677 | |
16678 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16679 | { |
16680 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16681 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16682 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16683 | return jsUndefined(); |
16684 | return JSWebAnimation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16685 | } |
16686 | |
16687 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16688 | { |
16689 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnimationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Animation" ); |
16690 | } |
16691 | |
16692 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16693 | { |
16694 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16695 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16696 | return false; |
16697 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16698 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Animation" ), strlen("Animation" )), value); |
16699 | } |
16700 | |
16701 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16702 | { |
16703 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnimationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Animation" ); |
16704 | } |
16705 | |
16706 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
16707 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16708 | { |
16709 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16710 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16711 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16712 | return jsUndefined(); |
16713 | return JSCryptoKey::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16714 | } |
16715 | |
16716 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16717 | { |
16718 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CryptoKey" ); |
16719 | } |
16720 | |
16721 | #endif |
16722 | |
16723 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
16724 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16725 | { |
16726 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16727 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16728 | return false; |
16729 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16730 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CryptoKey" ), strlen("CryptoKey" )), value); |
16731 | } |
16732 | |
16733 | bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16734 | { |
16735 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCryptoKeyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CryptoKey" ); |
16736 | } |
16737 | |
16738 | #endif |
16739 | |
16740 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
16741 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16742 | { |
16743 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16744 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16745 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16746 | return jsUndefined(); |
16747 | return JSSubtleCrypto::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16748 | } |
16749 | |
16750 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16751 | { |
16752 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SubtleCrypto" ); |
16753 | } |
16754 | |
16755 | #endif |
16756 | |
16757 | #if ENABLE(WEB_CRYPTO) |
16758 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16759 | { |
16760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16761 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16762 | return false; |
16763 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16764 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SubtleCrypto" ), strlen("SubtleCrypto" )), value); |
16765 | } |
16766 | |
16767 | bool setJSDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16768 | { |
16769 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSubtleCryptoConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SubtleCrypto" ); |
16770 | } |
16771 | |
16772 | #endif |
16773 | |
16774 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16775 | { |
16776 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16777 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16778 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16779 | return jsUndefined(); |
16780 | return JSCSSFontFaceRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16781 | } |
16782 | |
16783 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16784 | { |
16785 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSFontFaceRule" ); |
16786 | } |
16787 | |
16788 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16789 | { |
16790 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16791 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16792 | return false; |
16793 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16794 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSFontFaceRule" ), strlen("CSSFontFaceRule" )), value); |
16795 | } |
16796 | |
16797 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16798 | { |
16799 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSFontFaceRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSFontFaceRule" ); |
16800 | } |
16801 | |
16802 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16803 | { |
16804 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16805 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16806 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16807 | return jsUndefined(); |
16808 | return JSCSSImportRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16809 | } |
16810 | |
16811 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16812 | { |
16813 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSImportRule" ); |
16814 | } |
16815 | |
16816 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16817 | { |
16818 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16819 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16820 | return false; |
16821 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16822 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSImportRule" ), strlen("CSSImportRule" )), value); |
16823 | } |
16824 | |
16825 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16826 | { |
16827 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSImportRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSImportRule" ); |
16828 | } |
16829 | |
16830 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16831 | { |
16832 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16833 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16834 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16835 | return jsUndefined(); |
16836 | return JSCSSKeyframeRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16837 | } |
16838 | |
16839 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16840 | { |
16841 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSKeyframeRule" ); |
16842 | } |
16843 | |
16844 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16845 | { |
16846 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16847 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16848 | return false; |
16849 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16850 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSKeyframeRule" ), strlen("CSSKeyframeRule" )), value); |
16851 | } |
16852 | |
16853 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16854 | { |
16855 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframeRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSKeyframeRule" ); |
16856 | } |
16857 | |
16858 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16859 | { |
16860 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16861 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16862 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16863 | return jsUndefined(); |
16864 | return JSCSSKeyframesRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16865 | } |
16866 | |
16867 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16868 | { |
16869 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSKeyframesRule" ); |
16870 | } |
16871 | |
16872 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16873 | { |
16874 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16875 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16876 | return false; |
16877 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16878 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSKeyframesRule" ), strlen("CSSKeyframesRule" )), value); |
16879 | } |
16880 | |
16881 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16882 | { |
16883 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSKeyframesRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSKeyframesRule" ); |
16884 | } |
16885 | |
16886 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16887 | { |
16888 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16889 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16890 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16891 | return jsUndefined(); |
16892 | return JSCSSMediaRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16893 | } |
16894 | |
16895 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16896 | { |
16897 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSMediaRule" ); |
16898 | } |
16899 | |
16900 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16901 | { |
16902 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16903 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16904 | return false; |
16905 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16906 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSMediaRule" ), strlen("CSSMediaRule" )), value); |
16907 | } |
16908 | |
16909 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16910 | { |
16911 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSMediaRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSMediaRule" ); |
16912 | } |
16913 | |
16914 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16915 | { |
16916 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16917 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16918 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16919 | return jsUndefined(); |
16920 | return JSCSSNamespaceRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16921 | } |
16922 | |
16923 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16924 | { |
16925 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSNamespaceRule" ); |
16926 | } |
16927 | |
16928 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16929 | { |
16930 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16931 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16932 | return false; |
16933 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16934 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSNamespaceRule" ), strlen("CSSNamespaceRule" )), value); |
16935 | } |
16936 | |
16937 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16938 | { |
16939 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSNamespaceRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSNamespaceRule" ); |
16940 | } |
16941 | |
16942 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16943 | { |
16944 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16945 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16946 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16947 | return jsUndefined(); |
16948 | return JSCSSPageRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16949 | } |
16950 | |
16951 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16952 | { |
16953 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSPageRule" ); |
16954 | } |
16955 | |
16956 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16957 | { |
16958 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16959 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16960 | return false; |
16961 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16962 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSPageRule" ), strlen("CSSPageRule" )), value); |
16963 | } |
16964 | |
16965 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16966 | { |
16967 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSPageRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSPageRule" ); |
16968 | } |
16969 | |
16970 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16971 | { |
16972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16973 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
16974 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16975 | return jsUndefined(); |
16976 | return JSCSSRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
16977 | } |
16978 | |
16979 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
16980 | { |
16981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSRule" ); |
16982 | } |
16983 | |
16984 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16985 | { |
16986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
16987 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
16988 | return false; |
16989 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
16990 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSRule" ), strlen("CSSRule" )), value); |
16991 | } |
16992 | |
16993 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
16994 | { |
16995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSRule" ); |
16996 | } |
16997 | |
16998 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
16999 | { |
17000 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17001 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17002 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17003 | return jsUndefined(); |
17004 | return JSCSSRuleList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17005 | } |
17006 | |
17007 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17008 | { |
17009 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSRuleList" ); |
17010 | } |
17011 | |
17012 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17013 | { |
17014 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17015 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17016 | return false; |
17017 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17018 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSRuleList" ), strlen("CSSRuleList" )), value); |
17019 | } |
17020 | |
17021 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17022 | { |
17023 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSRuleListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSRuleList" ); |
17024 | } |
17025 | |
17026 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17027 | { |
17028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17029 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17030 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17031 | return jsUndefined(); |
17032 | return JSCSSStyleDeclaration::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17033 | } |
17034 | |
17035 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17036 | { |
17037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSStyleDeclaration" ); |
17038 | } |
17039 | |
17040 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17041 | { |
17042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17043 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17044 | return false; |
17045 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17046 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSStyleDeclaration" ), strlen("CSSStyleDeclaration" )), value); |
17047 | } |
17048 | |
17049 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17050 | { |
17051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleDeclarationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSStyleDeclaration" ); |
17052 | } |
17053 | |
17054 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17055 | { |
17056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17057 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17058 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17059 | return jsUndefined(); |
17060 | return JSCSSStyleRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17061 | } |
17062 | |
17063 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17064 | { |
17065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSStyleRule" ); |
17066 | } |
17067 | |
17068 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17069 | { |
17070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17071 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17072 | return false; |
17073 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17074 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSStyleRule" ), strlen("CSSStyleRule" )), value); |
17075 | } |
17076 | |
17077 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17078 | { |
17079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSStyleRule" ); |
17080 | } |
17081 | |
17082 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17083 | { |
17084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17085 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17086 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17087 | return jsUndefined(); |
17088 | return JSCSSStyleSheet::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17089 | } |
17090 | |
17091 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17092 | { |
17093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSStyleSheet" ); |
17094 | } |
17095 | |
17096 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17097 | { |
17098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17099 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17100 | return false; |
17101 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17102 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSStyleSheet" ), strlen("CSSStyleSheet" )), value); |
17103 | } |
17104 | |
17105 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17106 | { |
17107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleSheetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSStyleSheet" ); |
17108 | } |
17109 | |
17110 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17111 | { |
17112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17113 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17114 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17115 | return jsUndefined(); |
17116 | return JSCSSSupportsRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17117 | } |
17118 | |
17119 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17120 | { |
17121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSSupportsRule" ); |
17122 | } |
17123 | |
17124 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17125 | { |
17126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17127 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17128 | return false; |
17129 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17130 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSSupportsRule" ), strlen("CSSSupportsRule" )), value); |
17131 | } |
17132 | |
17133 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17134 | { |
17135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSSupportsRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSSupportsRule" ); |
17136 | } |
17137 | |
17138 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17139 | { |
17140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17141 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17142 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17143 | return jsUndefined(); |
17144 | return JSDOMCSSNamespace::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17145 | } |
17146 | |
17147 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17148 | { |
17149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSS" ); |
17150 | } |
17151 | |
17152 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17153 | { |
17154 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17155 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17156 | return false; |
17157 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17158 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSS" ), strlen("CSS" )), value); |
17159 | } |
17160 | |
17161 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17162 | { |
17163 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSS" ); |
17164 | } |
17165 | |
17166 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17167 | { |
17168 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17169 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17170 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17171 | return jsUndefined(); |
17172 | return JSDOMMatrix::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17173 | } |
17174 | |
17175 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17176 | { |
17177 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMMatrix" ); |
17178 | } |
17179 | |
17180 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17181 | { |
17182 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17183 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17184 | return false; |
17185 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17186 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMMatrix" ), strlen("DOMMatrix" )), value); |
17187 | } |
17188 | |
17189 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17190 | { |
17191 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMMatrix" ); |
17192 | } |
17193 | |
17194 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17195 | { |
17196 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17197 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17198 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17199 | return jsUndefined(); |
17200 | return JSDOMMatrixReadOnly::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17201 | } |
17202 | |
17203 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17204 | { |
17205 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMMatrixReadOnly" ); |
17206 | } |
17207 | |
17208 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17209 | { |
17210 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17211 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17212 | return false; |
17213 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17214 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMMatrixReadOnly" ), strlen("DOMMatrixReadOnly" )), value); |
17215 | } |
17216 | |
17217 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17218 | { |
17219 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMMatrixReadOnlyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMMatrixReadOnly" ); |
17220 | } |
17221 | |
17222 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCounterConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17223 | { |
17224 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17225 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17226 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17227 | return jsUndefined(); |
17228 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMCounter::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17229 | } |
17230 | |
17231 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCounterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17232 | { |
17233 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCounterConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Counter" ); |
17234 | } |
17235 | |
17236 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCounterConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17237 | { |
17238 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17239 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17240 | return false; |
17241 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17242 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Counter" ), strlen("Counter" )), value); |
17243 | } |
17244 | |
17245 | bool setJSDOMWindowCounterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17246 | { |
17247 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCounterConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Counter" ); |
17248 | } |
17249 | |
17250 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17251 | { |
17252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17253 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17254 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17255 | return jsUndefined(); |
17256 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17257 | } |
17258 | |
17259 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17260 | { |
17261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSPrimitiveValue" ); |
17262 | } |
17263 | |
17264 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17265 | { |
17266 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17267 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17268 | return false; |
17269 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17270 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSPrimitiveValue" ), strlen("CSSPrimitiveValue" )), value); |
17271 | } |
17272 | |
17273 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17274 | { |
17275 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSPrimitiveValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSPrimitiveValue" ); |
17276 | } |
17277 | |
17278 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRGBColorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17279 | { |
17280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17281 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17282 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17283 | return jsUndefined(); |
17284 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMRGBColor::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17285 | } |
17286 | |
17287 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17288 | { |
17289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRGBColorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RGBColor" ); |
17290 | } |
17291 | |
17292 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRGBColorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17293 | { |
17294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17295 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17296 | return false; |
17297 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17298 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RGBColor" ), strlen("RGBColor" )), value); |
17299 | } |
17300 | |
17301 | bool setJSDOMWindowRGBColorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17302 | { |
17303 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRGBColorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RGBColor" ); |
17304 | } |
17305 | |
17306 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17307 | { |
17308 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17309 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17310 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17311 | return jsUndefined(); |
17312 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMRect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17313 | } |
17314 | |
17315 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17316 | { |
17317 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Rect" ); |
17318 | } |
17319 | |
17320 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17321 | { |
17322 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17323 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17324 | return false; |
17325 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17326 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Rect" ), strlen("Rect" )), value); |
17327 | } |
17328 | |
17329 | bool setJSDOMWindowRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17330 | { |
17331 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Rect" ); |
17332 | } |
17333 | |
17334 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17335 | { |
17336 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17337 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17338 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17339 | return jsUndefined(); |
17340 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17341 | } |
17342 | |
17343 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17344 | { |
17345 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSValue" ); |
17346 | } |
17347 | |
17348 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17349 | { |
17350 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17351 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17352 | return false; |
17353 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17354 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSValue" ), strlen("CSSValue" )), value); |
17355 | } |
17356 | |
17357 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17358 | { |
17359 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSValue" ); |
17360 | } |
17361 | |
17362 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17363 | { |
17364 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17365 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17366 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17367 | return jsUndefined(); |
17368 | return JSDeprecatedCSSOMValueList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17369 | } |
17370 | |
17371 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17372 | { |
17373 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSValueList" ); |
17374 | } |
17375 | |
17376 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17377 | { |
17378 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17379 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17380 | return false; |
17381 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17382 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSValueList" ), strlen("CSSValueList" )), value); |
17383 | } |
17384 | |
17385 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17386 | { |
17387 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSValueListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSValueList" ); |
17388 | } |
17389 | |
17390 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17391 | { |
17392 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17393 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17394 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17395 | return jsUndefined(); |
17396 | return JSFontFace::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17397 | } |
17398 | |
17399 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17400 | { |
17401 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFontFaceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FontFace" ); |
17402 | } |
17403 | |
17404 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17405 | { |
17406 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17407 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17408 | return false; |
17409 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17410 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FontFace" ), strlen("FontFace" )), value); |
17411 | } |
17412 | |
17413 | bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17414 | { |
17415 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFontFaceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FontFace" ); |
17416 | } |
17417 | |
17418 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17419 | { |
17420 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17421 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17422 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17423 | return jsUndefined(); |
17424 | return JSFontFaceSet::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17425 | } |
17426 | |
17427 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17428 | { |
17429 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FontFaceSet" ); |
17430 | } |
17431 | |
17432 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17433 | { |
17434 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17435 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17436 | return false; |
17437 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17438 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FontFaceSet" ), strlen("FontFaceSet" )), value); |
17439 | } |
17440 | |
17441 | bool setJSDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17442 | { |
17443 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFontFaceSetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FontFaceSet" ); |
17444 | } |
17445 | |
17446 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17447 | { |
17448 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17449 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17450 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17451 | return jsUndefined(); |
17452 | return JSMediaList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17453 | } |
17454 | |
17455 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17456 | { |
17457 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaList" ); |
17458 | } |
17459 | |
17460 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17461 | { |
17462 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17463 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17464 | return false; |
17465 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17466 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaList" ), strlen("MediaList" )), value); |
17467 | } |
17468 | |
17469 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17470 | { |
17471 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaList" ); |
17472 | } |
17473 | |
17474 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17475 | { |
17476 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17477 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17478 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17479 | return jsUndefined(); |
17480 | return JSStyleSheet::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17481 | } |
17482 | |
17483 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17484 | { |
17485 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StyleSheet" ); |
17486 | } |
17487 | |
17488 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17489 | { |
17490 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17491 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17492 | return false; |
17493 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17494 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StyleSheet" ), strlen("StyleSheet" )), value); |
17495 | } |
17496 | |
17497 | bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17498 | { |
17499 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StyleSheet" ); |
17500 | } |
17501 | |
17502 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17503 | { |
17504 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17505 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17506 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17507 | return jsUndefined(); |
17508 | return JSStyleSheetList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17509 | } |
17510 | |
17511 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17512 | { |
17513 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StyleSheetList" ); |
17514 | } |
17515 | |
17516 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17517 | { |
17518 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17519 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17520 | return false; |
17521 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17522 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StyleSheetList" ), strlen("StyleSheetList" )), value); |
17523 | } |
17524 | |
17525 | bool setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17526 | { |
17527 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStyleSheetListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StyleSheetList" ); |
17528 | } |
17529 | |
17530 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17531 | { |
17532 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17533 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17534 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17535 | return jsUndefined(); |
17536 | return JSWebKitCSSMatrix::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17537 | } |
17538 | |
17539 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17540 | { |
17541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitCSSMatrix" ); |
17542 | } |
17543 | |
17544 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17545 | { |
17546 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17547 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17548 | return false; |
17549 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17550 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitCSSMatrix" ), strlen("WebKitCSSMatrix" )), value); |
17551 | } |
17552 | |
17553 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17554 | { |
17555 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSMatrixConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitCSSMatrix" ); |
17556 | } |
17557 | |
17559 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17560 | { |
17561 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17562 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17563 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17564 | return jsUndefined(); |
17565 | return JSWebKitCSSViewportRule::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17566 | } |
17567 | |
17568 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17569 | { |
17570 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitCSSViewportRule" ); |
17571 | } |
17572 | |
17573 | #endif |
17574 | |
17576 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17577 | { |
17578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17579 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17580 | return false; |
17581 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17582 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitCSSViewportRule" ), strlen("WebKitCSSViewportRule" )), value); |
17583 | } |
17584 | |
17585 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17586 | { |
17587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitCSSViewportRuleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitCSSViewportRule" ); |
17588 | } |
17589 | |
17590 | #endif |
17591 | |
17592 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17593 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17594 | { |
17595 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17596 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17597 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17598 | return jsUndefined(); |
17599 | return JSStylePropertyMap::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17600 | } |
17601 | |
17602 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17603 | { |
17604 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StylePropertyMap" ); |
17605 | } |
17606 | |
17607 | #endif |
17608 | |
17609 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17610 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17611 | { |
17612 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17613 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17614 | return false; |
17615 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17616 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StylePropertyMap" ), strlen("StylePropertyMap" )), value); |
17617 | } |
17618 | |
17619 | bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17620 | { |
17621 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StylePropertyMap" ); |
17622 | } |
17623 | |
17624 | #endif |
17625 | |
17626 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17627 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17628 | { |
17629 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17630 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17631 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17632 | return jsUndefined(); |
17633 | return JSStylePropertyMapReadOnly::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17634 | } |
17635 | |
17636 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17637 | { |
17638 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StylePropertyMapReadOnly" ); |
17639 | } |
17640 | |
17641 | #endif |
17642 | |
17643 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17644 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17645 | { |
17646 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17647 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17648 | return false; |
17649 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17650 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StylePropertyMapReadOnly" ), strlen("StylePropertyMapReadOnly" )), value); |
17651 | } |
17652 | |
17653 | bool setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17654 | { |
17655 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStylePropertyMapReadOnlyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StylePropertyMapReadOnly" ); |
17656 | } |
17657 | |
17658 | #endif |
17659 | |
17660 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17661 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17662 | { |
17663 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17664 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17665 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17666 | return jsUndefined(); |
17667 | return JSTypedOMCSSImageValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17668 | } |
17669 | |
17670 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17671 | { |
17672 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSImageValue" ); |
17673 | } |
17674 | |
17675 | #endif |
17676 | |
17677 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17678 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17679 | { |
17680 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17681 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17682 | return false; |
17683 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17684 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSImageValue" ), strlen("CSSImageValue" )), value); |
17685 | } |
17686 | |
17687 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17688 | { |
17689 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSImageValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSImageValue" ); |
17690 | } |
17691 | |
17692 | #endif |
17693 | |
17694 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17695 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17696 | { |
17697 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17698 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17699 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17700 | return jsUndefined(); |
17701 | return JSTypedOMCSSNumericValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17702 | } |
17703 | |
17704 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17705 | { |
17706 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSNumericValue" ); |
17707 | } |
17708 | |
17709 | #endif |
17710 | |
17711 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17712 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17713 | { |
17714 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17715 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17716 | return false; |
17717 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17718 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSNumericValue" ), strlen("CSSNumericValue" )), value); |
17719 | } |
17720 | |
17721 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17722 | { |
17723 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSNumericValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSNumericValue" ); |
17724 | } |
17725 | |
17726 | #endif |
17727 | |
17728 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17729 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17730 | { |
17731 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17732 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17733 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17734 | return jsUndefined(); |
17735 | return JSTypedOMCSSStyleValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17736 | } |
17737 | |
17738 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17739 | { |
17740 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSStyleValue" ); |
17741 | } |
17742 | |
17743 | #endif |
17744 | |
17745 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17746 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17747 | { |
17748 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17749 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17750 | return false; |
17751 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17752 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSStyleValue" ), strlen("CSSStyleValue" )), value); |
17753 | } |
17754 | |
17755 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17756 | { |
17757 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSStyleValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSStyleValue" ); |
17758 | } |
17759 | |
17760 | #endif |
17761 | |
17762 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17763 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17764 | { |
17765 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17766 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17767 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17768 | return jsUndefined(); |
17769 | return JSTypedOMCSSUnitValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17770 | } |
17771 | |
17772 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17773 | { |
17774 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSUnitValue" ); |
17775 | } |
17776 | |
17777 | #endif |
17778 | |
17779 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17780 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17781 | { |
17782 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17783 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17784 | return false; |
17785 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17786 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSUnitValue" ), strlen("CSSUnitValue" )), value); |
17787 | } |
17788 | |
17789 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17790 | { |
17791 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSUnitValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSUnitValue" ); |
17792 | } |
17793 | |
17794 | #endif |
17795 | |
17796 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17797 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17798 | { |
17799 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17800 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17801 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17802 | return jsUndefined(); |
17803 | return JSTypedOMCSSUnparsedValue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17804 | } |
17805 | |
17806 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17807 | { |
17808 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CSSUnparsedValue" ); |
17809 | } |
17810 | |
17811 | #endif |
17812 | |
17813 | #if ENABLE(CSS_TYPED_OM) |
17814 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17815 | { |
17816 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17817 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17818 | return false; |
17819 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17820 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CSSUnparsedValue" ), strlen("CSSUnparsedValue" )), value); |
17821 | } |
17822 | |
17823 | bool setJSDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17824 | { |
17825 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCSSUnparsedValueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CSSUnparsedValue" ); |
17826 | } |
17827 | |
17828 | #endif |
17829 | |
17830 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17831 | { |
17832 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17833 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17834 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17835 | return jsUndefined(); |
17836 | return JSAbortController::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17837 | } |
17838 | |
17839 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17840 | { |
17841 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AbortController" ); |
17842 | } |
17843 | |
17844 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17845 | { |
17846 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17847 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17848 | return false; |
17849 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17850 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AbortController" ), strlen("AbortController" )), value); |
17851 | } |
17852 | |
17853 | bool setJSDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17854 | { |
17855 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAbortControllerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AbortController" ); |
17856 | } |
17857 | |
17858 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17859 | { |
17860 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17861 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17862 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17863 | return jsUndefined(); |
17864 | return JSAbortSignal::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17865 | } |
17866 | |
17867 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17868 | { |
17869 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AbortSignal" ); |
17870 | } |
17871 | |
17872 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17873 | { |
17874 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17875 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17876 | return false; |
17877 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17878 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AbortSignal" ), strlen("AbortSignal" )), value); |
17879 | } |
17880 | |
17881 | bool setJSDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17882 | { |
17883 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAbortSignalConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AbortSignal" ); |
17884 | } |
17885 | |
17886 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17887 | { |
17888 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17889 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17890 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17891 | return jsUndefined(); |
17892 | return JSAnimationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17893 | } |
17894 | |
17895 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17896 | { |
17897 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AnimationEvent" ); |
17898 | } |
17899 | |
17900 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17901 | { |
17902 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17903 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17904 | return false; |
17905 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17906 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AnimationEvent" ), strlen("AnimationEvent" )), value); |
17907 | } |
17908 | |
17909 | bool setJSDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17910 | { |
17911 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAnimationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AnimationEvent" ); |
17912 | } |
17913 | |
17914 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAttrConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17915 | { |
17916 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17917 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17918 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17919 | return jsUndefined(); |
17920 | return JSAttr::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17921 | } |
17922 | |
17923 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAttrConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17924 | { |
17925 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAttrConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Attr" ); |
17926 | } |
17927 | |
17928 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAttrConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17929 | { |
17930 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17931 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17932 | return false; |
17933 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17934 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Attr" ), strlen("Attr" )), value); |
17935 | } |
17936 | |
17937 | bool setJSDOMWindowAttrConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17938 | { |
17939 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAttrConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Attr" ); |
17940 | } |
17941 | |
17942 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17943 | { |
17944 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17945 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17946 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17947 | return jsUndefined(); |
17948 | return JSBeforeLoadEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17949 | } |
17950 | |
17951 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17952 | { |
17953 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "BeforeLoadEvent" ); |
17954 | } |
17955 | |
17956 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17957 | { |
17958 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17959 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17960 | return false; |
17961 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17962 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("BeforeLoadEvent" ), strlen("BeforeLoadEvent" )), value); |
17963 | } |
17964 | |
17965 | bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17966 | { |
17967 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBeforeLoadEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "BeforeLoadEvent" ); |
17968 | } |
17969 | |
17970 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17971 | { |
17972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17973 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
17974 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17975 | return jsUndefined(); |
17976 | return JSBeforeUnloadEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
17977 | } |
17978 | |
17979 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
17980 | { |
17981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "BeforeUnloadEvent" ); |
17982 | } |
17983 | |
17984 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17985 | { |
17986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
17987 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
17988 | return false; |
17989 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
17990 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("BeforeUnloadEvent" ), strlen("BeforeUnloadEvent" )), value); |
17991 | } |
17992 | |
17993 | bool setJSDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
17994 | { |
17995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBeforeUnloadEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "BeforeUnloadEvent" ); |
17996 | } |
17997 | |
17998 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
17999 | { |
18000 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18001 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18002 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18003 | return jsUndefined(); |
18004 | return JSCDATASection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18005 | } |
18006 | |
18007 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18008 | { |
18009 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CDATASection" ); |
18010 | } |
18011 | |
18012 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18013 | { |
18014 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18015 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18016 | return false; |
18017 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18018 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CDATASection" ), strlen("CDATASection" )), value); |
18019 | } |
18020 | |
18021 | bool setJSDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18022 | { |
18023 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCDATASectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CDATASection" ); |
18024 | } |
18025 | |
18026 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18027 | { |
18028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18029 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18030 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18031 | return jsUndefined(); |
18032 | return JSCharacterData::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18033 | } |
18034 | |
18035 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18036 | { |
18037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CharacterData" ); |
18038 | } |
18039 | |
18040 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18041 | { |
18042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18043 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18044 | return false; |
18045 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18046 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CharacterData" ), strlen("CharacterData" )), value); |
18047 | } |
18048 | |
18049 | bool setJSDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18050 | { |
18051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCharacterDataConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CharacterData" ); |
18052 | } |
18053 | |
18054 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18055 | { |
18056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18057 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18058 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18059 | return jsUndefined(); |
18060 | return JSClipboardEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18061 | } |
18062 | |
18063 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18064 | { |
18065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ClipboardEvent" ); |
18066 | } |
18067 | |
18068 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18069 | { |
18070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18071 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18072 | return false; |
18073 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18074 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ClipboardEvent" ), strlen("ClipboardEvent" )), value); |
18075 | } |
18076 | |
18077 | bool setJSDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18078 | { |
18079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowClipboardEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ClipboardEvent" ); |
18080 | } |
18081 | |
18082 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18083 | { |
18084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18085 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18086 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18087 | return jsUndefined(); |
18088 | return JSComment::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18089 | } |
18090 | |
18091 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18092 | { |
18093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCommentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Comment" ); |
18094 | } |
18095 | |
18096 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18097 | { |
18098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18099 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18100 | return false; |
18101 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18102 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Comment" ), strlen("Comment" )), value); |
18103 | } |
18104 | |
18105 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18106 | { |
18107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCommentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Comment" ); |
18108 | } |
18109 | |
18110 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18111 | { |
18112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18113 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18114 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18115 | return jsUndefined(); |
18116 | return JSCompositionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18117 | } |
18118 | |
18119 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18120 | { |
18121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CompositionEvent" ); |
18122 | } |
18123 | |
18124 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18125 | { |
18126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18127 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18128 | return false; |
18129 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18130 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CompositionEvent" ), strlen("CompositionEvent" )), value); |
18131 | } |
18132 | |
18133 | bool setJSDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18134 | { |
18135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCompositionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CompositionEvent" ); |
18136 | } |
18137 | |
18138 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18139 | { |
18140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18141 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18142 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18143 | return jsUndefined(); |
18144 | return JSCustomElementRegistry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18145 | } |
18146 | |
18147 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18148 | { |
18149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CustomElementRegistry" ); |
18150 | } |
18151 | |
18152 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18153 | { |
18154 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18155 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18156 | return false; |
18157 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18158 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CustomElementRegistry" ), strlen("CustomElementRegistry" )), value); |
18159 | } |
18160 | |
18161 | bool setJSDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18162 | { |
18163 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCustomElementRegistryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CustomElementRegistry" ); |
18164 | } |
18165 | |
18166 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCustomEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18167 | { |
18168 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18169 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18170 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18171 | return jsUndefined(); |
18172 | return JSCustomEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18173 | } |
18174 | |
18175 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18176 | { |
18177 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCustomEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CustomEvent" ); |
18178 | } |
18179 | |
18180 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCustomEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18181 | { |
18182 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18183 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18184 | return false; |
18185 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18186 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CustomEvent" ), strlen("CustomEvent" )), value); |
18187 | } |
18188 | |
18189 | bool setJSDOMWindowCustomEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18190 | { |
18191 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCustomEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CustomEvent" ); |
18192 | } |
18193 | |
18194 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18195 | { |
18196 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18197 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18198 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18199 | return jsUndefined(); |
18200 | return JSDOMException::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18201 | } |
18202 | |
18203 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18204 | { |
18205 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMException" ); |
18206 | } |
18207 | |
18208 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18209 | { |
18210 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18211 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18212 | return false; |
18213 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18214 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMException" ), strlen("DOMException" )), value); |
18215 | } |
18216 | |
18217 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18218 | { |
18219 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMExceptionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMException" ); |
18220 | } |
18221 | |
18222 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18223 | { |
18224 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18225 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18226 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18227 | return jsUndefined(); |
18228 | return JSDOMImplementation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18229 | } |
18230 | |
18231 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18232 | { |
18233 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMImplementation" ); |
18234 | } |
18235 | |
18236 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18237 | { |
18238 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18239 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18240 | return false; |
18241 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18242 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMImplementation" ), strlen("DOMImplementation" )), value); |
18243 | } |
18244 | |
18245 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18246 | { |
18247 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMImplementationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMImplementation" ); |
18248 | } |
18249 | |
18250 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18251 | { |
18252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18253 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18254 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18255 | return jsUndefined(); |
18256 | return JSDOMPoint::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18257 | } |
18258 | |
18259 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18260 | { |
18261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMPointConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMPoint" ); |
18262 | } |
18263 | |
18264 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18265 | { |
18266 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18267 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18268 | return false; |
18269 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18270 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMPoint" ), strlen("DOMPoint" )), value); |
18271 | } |
18272 | |
18273 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18274 | { |
18275 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMPointConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMPoint" ); |
18276 | } |
18277 | |
18278 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18279 | { |
18280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18281 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18282 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18283 | return jsUndefined(); |
18284 | return JSDOMPointReadOnly::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18285 | } |
18286 | |
18287 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18288 | { |
18289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMPointReadOnly" ); |
18290 | } |
18291 | |
18292 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18293 | { |
18294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18295 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18296 | return false; |
18297 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18298 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMPointReadOnly" ), strlen("DOMPointReadOnly" )), value); |
18299 | } |
18300 | |
18301 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18302 | { |
18303 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMPointReadOnlyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMPointReadOnly" ); |
18304 | } |
18305 | |
18306 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18307 | { |
18308 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18309 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18310 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18311 | return jsUndefined(); |
18312 | return JSDOMQuad::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18313 | } |
18314 | |
18315 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18316 | { |
18317 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMQuad" ); |
18318 | } |
18319 | |
18320 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18321 | { |
18322 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18323 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18324 | return false; |
18325 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18326 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMQuad" ), strlen("DOMQuad" )), value); |
18327 | } |
18328 | |
18329 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18330 | { |
18331 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMQuadConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMQuad" ); |
18332 | } |
18333 | |
18334 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18335 | { |
18336 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18337 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18338 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18339 | return jsUndefined(); |
18340 | return JSDOMRect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18341 | } |
18342 | |
18343 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18344 | { |
18345 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMRectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMRect" ); |
18346 | } |
18347 | |
18348 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18349 | { |
18350 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18351 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18352 | return false; |
18353 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18354 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMRect" ), strlen("DOMRect" )), value); |
18355 | } |
18356 | |
18357 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18358 | { |
18359 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMRectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMRect" ); |
18360 | } |
18361 | |
18362 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18363 | { |
18364 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18365 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18366 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18367 | return jsUndefined(); |
18368 | return JSDOMRectList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18369 | } |
18370 | |
18371 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18372 | { |
18373 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMRectList" ); |
18374 | } |
18375 | |
18376 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18377 | { |
18378 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18379 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18380 | return false; |
18381 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18382 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMRectList" ), strlen("DOMRectList" )), value); |
18383 | } |
18384 | |
18385 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18386 | { |
18387 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMRectListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMRectList" ); |
18388 | } |
18389 | |
18390 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18391 | { |
18392 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18393 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18394 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18395 | return jsUndefined(); |
18396 | return JSDOMRectReadOnly::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18397 | } |
18398 | |
18399 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18400 | { |
18401 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMRectReadOnly" ); |
18402 | } |
18403 | |
18404 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18405 | { |
18406 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18407 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18408 | return false; |
18409 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18410 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMRectReadOnly" ), strlen("DOMRectReadOnly" )), value); |
18411 | } |
18412 | |
18413 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18414 | { |
18415 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMRectReadOnlyConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMRectReadOnly" ); |
18416 | } |
18417 | |
18418 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18419 | { |
18420 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18421 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18422 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18423 | return jsUndefined(); |
18424 | return JSDOMStringList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18425 | } |
18426 | |
18427 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18428 | { |
18429 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMStringList" ); |
18430 | } |
18431 | |
18432 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18433 | { |
18434 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18435 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18436 | return false; |
18437 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18438 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMStringList" ), strlen("DOMStringList" )), value); |
18439 | } |
18440 | |
18441 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18442 | { |
18443 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMStringListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMStringList" ); |
18444 | } |
18445 | |
18446 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18447 | { |
18448 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18449 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18450 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18451 | return jsUndefined(); |
18452 | return JSDOMStringMap::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18453 | } |
18454 | |
18455 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18456 | { |
18457 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMStringMap" ); |
18458 | } |
18459 | |
18460 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18461 | { |
18462 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18463 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18464 | return false; |
18465 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18466 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMStringMap" ), strlen("DOMStringMap" )), value); |
18467 | } |
18468 | |
18469 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18470 | { |
18471 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMStringMapConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMStringMap" ); |
18472 | } |
18473 | |
18474 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18475 | { |
18476 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18477 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18478 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18479 | return jsUndefined(); |
18480 | return JSDataTransfer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18481 | } |
18482 | |
18483 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18484 | { |
18485 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDataTransferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DataTransfer" ); |
18486 | } |
18487 | |
18488 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18489 | { |
18490 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18491 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18492 | return false; |
18493 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18494 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DataTransfer" ), strlen("DataTransfer" )), value); |
18495 | } |
18496 | |
18497 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18498 | { |
18499 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDataTransferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DataTransfer" ); |
18500 | } |
18501 | |
18502 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18503 | { |
18504 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18505 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18506 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18507 | return jsUndefined(); |
18508 | return JSDataTransferItem::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18509 | } |
18510 | |
18511 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18512 | { |
18513 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DataTransferItem" ); |
18514 | } |
18515 | |
18516 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18517 | { |
18518 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18519 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18520 | return false; |
18521 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18522 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DataTransferItem" ), strlen("DataTransferItem" )), value); |
18523 | } |
18524 | |
18525 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18526 | { |
18527 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DataTransferItem" ); |
18528 | } |
18529 | |
18530 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18531 | { |
18532 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18533 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18534 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18535 | return jsUndefined(); |
18536 | return JSDataTransferItemList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18537 | } |
18538 | |
18539 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18540 | { |
18541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DataTransferItemList" ); |
18542 | } |
18543 | |
18544 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18545 | { |
18546 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18547 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18548 | return false; |
18549 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18550 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DataTransferItemList" ), strlen("DataTransferItemList" )), value); |
18551 | } |
18552 | |
18553 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18554 | { |
18555 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDataTransferItemListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DataTransferItemList" ); |
18556 | } |
18557 | |
18559 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18560 | { |
18561 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18562 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18563 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18564 | return jsUndefined(); |
18565 | return JSDeviceMotionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18566 | } |
18567 | |
18568 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18569 | { |
18570 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DeviceMotionEvent" ); |
18571 | } |
18572 | |
18573 | #endif |
18574 | |
18576 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18577 | { |
18578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18579 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18580 | return false; |
18581 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18582 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DeviceMotionEvent" ), strlen("DeviceMotionEvent" )), value); |
18583 | } |
18584 | |
18585 | bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18586 | { |
18587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDeviceMotionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DeviceMotionEvent" ); |
18588 | } |
18589 | |
18590 | #endif |
18591 | |
18593 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18594 | { |
18595 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18596 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18597 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18598 | return jsUndefined(); |
18599 | return JSDeviceOrientationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18600 | } |
18601 | |
18602 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18603 | { |
18604 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DeviceOrientationEvent" ); |
18605 | } |
18606 | |
18607 | #endif |
18608 | |
18610 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18611 | { |
18612 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18613 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18614 | return false; |
18615 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18616 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DeviceOrientationEvent" ), strlen("DeviceOrientationEvent" )), value); |
18617 | } |
18618 | |
18619 | bool setJSDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18620 | { |
18621 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDeviceOrientationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DeviceOrientationEvent" ); |
18622 | } |
18623 | |
18624 | #endif |
18625 | |
18626 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18627 | { |
18628 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18629 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18630 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18631 | return jsUndefined(); |
18632 | return JSDocument::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18633 | } |
18634 | |
18635 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18636 | { |
18637 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDocumentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Document" ); |
18638 | } |
18639 | |
18640 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18641 | { |
18642 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18643 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18644 | return false; |
18645 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18646 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Document" ), strlen("Document" )), value); |
18647 | } |
18648 | |
18649 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18650 | { |
18651 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDocumentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Document" ); |
18652 | } |
18653 | |
18654 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18655 | { |
18656 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18657 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18658 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18659 | return jsUndefined(); |
18660 | return JSDocumentFragment::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18661 | } |
18662 | |
18663 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18664 | { |
18665 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DocumentFragment" ); |
18666 | } |
18667 | |
18668 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18669 | { |
18670 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18671 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18672 | return false; |
18673 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18674 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DocumentFragment" ), strlen("DocumentFragment" )), value); |
18675 | } |
18676 | |
18677 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18678 | { |
18679 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDocumentFragmentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DocumentFragment" ); |
18680 | } |
18681 | |
18682 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18683 | { |
18684 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18685 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18686 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18687 | return jsUndefined(); |
18688 | return JSDocumentType::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18689 | } |
18690 | |
18691 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18692 | { |
18693 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DocumentType" ); |
18694 | } |
18695 | |
18696 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18697 | { |
18698 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18699 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18700 | return false; |
18701 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18702 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DocumentType" ), strlen("DocumentType" )), value); |
18703 | } |
18704 | |
18705 | bool setJSDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18706 | { |
18707 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDocumentTypeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DocumentType" ); |
18708 | } |
18709 | |
18710 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18711 | { |
18712 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18713 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18714 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18715 | return jsUndefined(); |
18716 | return JSElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18717 | } |
18718 | |
18719 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18720 | { |
18721 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Element" ); |
18722 | } |
18723 | |
18724 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18725 | { |
18726 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18727 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18728 | return false; |
18729 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18730 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Element" ), strlen("Element" )), value); |
18731 | } |
18732 | |
18733 | bool setJSDOMWindowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18734 | { |
18735 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Element" ); |
18736 | } |
18737 | |
18738 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowErrorEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18739 | { |
18740 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18741 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18742 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18743 | return jsUndefined(); |
18744 | return JSErrorEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18745 | } |
18746 | |
18747 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18748 | { |
18749 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowErrorEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ErrorEvent" ); |
18750 | } |
18751 | |
18752 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowErrorEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18753 | { |
18754 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18755 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18756 | return false; |
18757 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18758 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ErrorEvent" ), strlen("ErrorEvent" )), value); |
18759 | } |
18760 | |
18761 | bool setJSDOMWindowErrorEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18762 | { |
18763 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowErrorEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ErrorEvent" ); |
18764 | } |
18765 | |
18766 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18767 | { |
18768 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18769 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18770 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18771 | return jsUndefined(); |
18772 | return JSEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18773 | } |
18774 | |
18775 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18776 | { |
18777 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Event" ); |
18778 | } |
18779 | |
18780 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18781 | { |
18782 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18783 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18784 | return false; |
18785 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18786 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Event" ), strlen("Event" )), value); |
18787 | } |
18788 | |
18789 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18790 | { |
18791 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Event" ); |
18792 | } |
18793 | |
18794 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowEventTargetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18795 | { |
18796 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18797 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18798 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18799 | return jsUndefined(); |
18800 | return JSEventTarget::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18801 | } |
18802 | |
18803 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18804 | { |
18805 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowEventTargetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "EventTarget" ); |
18806 | } |
18807 | |
18808 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowEventTargetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18809 | { |
18810 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18811 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18812 | return false; |
18813 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18814 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("EventTarget" ), strlen("EventTarget" )), value); |
18815 | } |
18816 | |
18817 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventTargetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18818 | { |
18819 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowEventTargetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "EventTarget" ); |
18820 | } |
18821 | |
18822 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFocusEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18823 | { |
18824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18825 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18826 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18827 | return jsUndefined(); |
18828 | return JSFocusEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18829 | } |
18830 | |
18831 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18832 | { |
18833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFocusEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FocusEvent" ); |
18834 | } |
18835 | |
18836 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFocusEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18837 | { |
18838 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18839 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18840 | return false; |
18841 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18842 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FocusEvent" ), strlen("FocusEvent" )), value); |
18843 | } |
18844 | |
18845 | bool setJSDOMWindowFocusEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18846 | { |
18847 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFocusEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FocusEvent" ); |
18848 | } |
18849 | |
18850 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18851 | { |
18852 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18853 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18854 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18855 | return jsUndefined(); |
18856 | return JSHashChangeEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18857 | } |
18858 | |
18859 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18860 | { |
18861 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HashChangeEvent" ); |
18862 | } |
18863 | |
18864 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18865 | { |
18866 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18867 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18868 | return false; |
18869 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18870 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HashChangeEvent" ), strlen("HashChangeEvent" )), value); |
18871 | } |
18872 | |
18873 | bool setJSDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18874 | { |
18875 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHashChangeEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HashChangeEvent" ); |
18876 | } |
18877 | |
18878 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowInputEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18879 | { |
18880 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18881 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18882 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18883 | return jsUndefined(); |
18884 | return JSInputEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18885 | } |
18886 | |
18887 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInputEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18888 | { |
18889 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowInputEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "InputEvent" ); |
18890 | } |
18891 | |
18892 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowInputEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18893 | { |
18894 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18895 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18896 | return false; |
18897 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18898 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("InputEvent" ), strlen("InputEvent" )), value); |
18899 | } |
18900 | |
18901 | bool setJSDOMWindowInputEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18902 | { |
18903 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowInputEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "InputEvent" ); |
18904 | } |
18905 | |
18906 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18907 | { |
18908 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18909 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18910 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18911 | return jsUndefined(); |
18912 | return JSKeyboardEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18913 | } |
18914 | |
18915 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18916 | { |
18917 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "KeyboardEvent" ); |
18918 | } |
18919 | |
18920 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18921 | { |
18922 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18923 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18924 | return false; |
18925 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18926 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("KeyboardEvent" ), strlen("KeyboardEvent" )), value); |
18927 | } |
18928 | |
18929 | bool setJSDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18930 | { |
18931 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowKeyboardEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "KeyboardEvent" ); |
18932 | } |
18933 | |
18935 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18936 | { |
18937 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18938 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18939 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18940 | return jsUndefined(); |
18941 | return JSMessageChannel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18942 | } |
18943 | |
18944 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18945 | { |
18946 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MessageChannel" ); |
18947 | } |
18948 | |
18949 | #endif |
18950 | |
18952 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18953 | { |
18954 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18955 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18956 | return false; |
18957 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18958 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MessageChannel" ), strlen("MessageChannel" )), value); |
18959 | } |
18960 | |
18961 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18962 | { |
18963 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMessageChannelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MessageChannel" ); |
18964 | } |
18965 | |
18966 | #endif |
18967 | |
18968 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMessageEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18969 | { |
18970 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18971 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
18972 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18973 | return jsUndefined(); |
18974 | return JSMessageEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
18975 | } |
18976 | |
18977 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
18978 | { |
18979 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMessageEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MessageEvent" ); |
18980 | } |
18981 | |
18982 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMessageEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18983 | { |
18984 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18985 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
18986 | return false; |
18987 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
18988 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MessageEvent" ), strlen("MessageEvent" )), value); |
18989 | } |
18990 | |
18991 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
18992 | { |
18993 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMessageEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MessageEvent" ); |
18994 | } |
18995 | |
18996 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMessagePortConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
18997 | { |
18998 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
18999 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19000 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19001 | return jsUndefined(); |
19002 | return JSMessagePort::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19003 | } |
19004 | |
19005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19006 | { |
19007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMessagePortConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MessagePort" ); |
19008 | } |
19009 | |
19010 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMessagePortConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19011 | { |
19012 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19014 | return false; |
19015 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19016 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MessagePort" ), strlen("MessagePort" )), value); |
19017 | } |
19018 | |
19019 | bool setJSDOMWindowMessagePortConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19020 | { |
19021 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMessagePortConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MessagePort" ); |
19022 | } |
19023 | |
19024 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMouseEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19025 | { |
19026 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19027 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19028 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19029 | return jsUndefined(); |
19030 | return JSMouseEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19031 | } |
19032 | |
19033 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19034 | { |
19035 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMouseEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MouseEvent" ); |
19036 | } |
19037 | |
19038 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMouseEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19039 | { |
19040 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19042 | return false; |
19043 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19044 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MouseEvent" ), strlen("MouseEvent" )), value); |
19045 | } |
19046 | |
19047 | bool setJSDOMWindowMouseEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19048 | { |
19049 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMouseEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MouseEvent" ); |
19050 | } |
19051 | |
19052 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMutationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19053 | { |
19054 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19055 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19056 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19057 | return jsUndefined(); |
19058 | return JSMutationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19059 | } |
19060 | |
19061 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19062 | { |
19063 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMutationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MutationEvent" ); |
19064 | } |
19065 | |
19066 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMutationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19067 | { |
19068 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19070 | return false; |
19071 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19072 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MutationEvent" ), strlen("MutationEvent" )), value); |
19073 | } |
19074 | |
19075 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19076 | { |
19077 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMutationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MutationEvent" ); |
19078 | } |
19079 | |
19080 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19081 | { |
19082 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19083 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19084 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19085 | return jsUndefined(); |
19086 | return JSMutationObserver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19087 | } |
19088 | |
19089 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19090 | { |
19091 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MutationObserver" ); |
19092 | } |
19093 | |
19094 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19095 | { |
19096 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19097 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19098 | return false; |
19099 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19100 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MutationObserver" ), strlen("MutationObserver" )), value); |
19101 | } |
19102 | |
19103 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19104 | { |
19105 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMutationObserverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MutationObserver" ); |
19106 | } |
19107 | |
19108 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19109 | { |
19110 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19111 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19112 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19113 | return jsUndefined(); |
19114 | return JSMutationObserver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19115 | } |
19116 | |
19117 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19118 | { |
19119 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitMutationObserver" ); |
19120 | } |
19121 | |
19122 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19123 | { |
19124 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19125 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19126 | return false; |
19127 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19128 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitMutationObserver" ), strlen("WebKitMutationObserver" )), value); |
19129 | } |
19130 | |
19131 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19132 | { |
19133 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitMutationObserverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitMutationObserver" ); |
19134 | } |
19135 | |
19136 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19137 | { |
19138 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19139 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19140 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19141 | return jsUndefined(); |
19142 | return JSMutationRecord::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19143 | } |
19144 | |
19145 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19146 | { |
19147 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MutationRecord" ); |
19148 | } |
19149 | |
19150 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19151 | { |
19152 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19153 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19154 | return false; |
19155 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19156 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MutationRecord" ), strlen("MutationRecord" )), value); |
19157 | } |
19158 | |
19159 | bool setJSDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19160 | { |
19161 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMutationRecordConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MutationRecord" ); |
19162 | } |
19163 | |
19164 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19165 | { |
19166 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19167 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19168 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19169 | return jsUndefined(); |
19170 | return JSNamedNodeMap::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19171 | } |
19172 | |
19173 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19174 | { |
19175 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "NamedNodeMap" ); |
19176 | } |
19177 | |
19178 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19179 | { |
19180 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19181 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19182 | return false; |
19183 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19184 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("NamedNodeMap" ), strlen("NamedNodeMap" )), value); |
19185 | } |
19186 | |
19187 | bool setJSDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19188 | { |
19189 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNamedNodeMapConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "NamedNodeMap" ); |
19190 | } |
19191 | |
19192 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNodeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19193 | { |
19194 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19195 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19196 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19197 | return jsUndefined(); |
19198 | return JSNode::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19199 | } |
19200 | |
19201 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19202 | { |
19203 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNodeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Node" ); |
19204 | } |
19205 | |
19206 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNodeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19207 | { |
19208 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19209 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19210 | return false; |
19211 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19212 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Node" ), strlen("Node" )), value); |
19213 | } |
19214 | |
19215 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19216 | { |
19217 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNodeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Node" ); |
19218 | } |
19219 | |
19220 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19221 | { |
19222 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19223 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19224 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19225 | return jsUndefined(); |
19226 | return JSNodeFilter::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19227 | } |
19228 | |
19229 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19230 | { |
19231 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "NodeFilter" ); |
19232 | } |
19233 | |
19234 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19235 | { |
19236 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19237 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19238 | return false; |
19239 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19240 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("NodeFilter" ), strlen("NodeFilter" )), value); |
19241 | } |
19242 | |
19243 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19244 | { |
19245 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNodeFilterConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "NodeFilter" ); |
19246 | } |
19247 | |
19248 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19249 | { |
19250 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19251 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19252 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19253 | return jsUndefined(); |
19254 | return JSNodeIterator::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19255 | } |
19256 | |
19257 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19258 | { |
19259 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "NodeIterator" ); |
19260 | } |
19261 | |
19262 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19263 | { |
19264 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19265 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19266 | return false; |
19267 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19268 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("NodeIterator" ), strlen("NodeIterator" )), value); |
19269 | } |
19270 | |
19271 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19272 | { |
19273 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNodeIteratorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "NodeIterator" ); |
19274 | } |
19275 | |
19276 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNodeListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19277 | { |
19278 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19279 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19280 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19281 | return jsUndefined(); |
19282 | return JSNodeList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19283 | } |
19284 | |
19285 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNodeListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19286 | { |
19287 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNodeListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "NodeList" ); |
19288 | } |
19289 | |
19290 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNodeListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19291 | { |
19292 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19293 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19294 | return false; |
19295 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19296 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("NodeList" ), strlen("NodeList" )), value); |
19297 | } |
19298 | |
19299 | bool setJSDOMWindowNodeListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19300 | { |
19301 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNodeListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "NodeList" ); |
19302 | } |
19303 | |
19304 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19305 | { |
19306 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19307 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19308 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19309 | return jsUndefined(); |
19310 | return JSOverflowEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19311 | } |
19312 | |
19313 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19314 | { |
19315 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OverflowEvent" ); |
19316 | } |
19317 | |
19318 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19319 | { |
19320 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19321 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19322 | return false; |
19323 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19324 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OverflowEvent" ), strlen("OverflowEvent" )), value); |
19325 | } |
19326 | |
19327 | bool setJSDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19328 | { |
19329 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOverflowEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OverflowEvent" ); |
19330 | } |
19331 | |
19332 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19333 | { |
19334 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19335 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19336 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19337 | return jsUndefined(); |
19338 | return JSPageTransitionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19339 | } |
19340 | |
19341 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19342 | { |
19343 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PageTransitionEvent" ); |
19344 | } |
19345 | |
19346 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19347 | { |
19348 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19349 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19350 | return false; |
19351 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19352 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PageTransitionEvent" ), strlen("PageTransitionEvent" )), value); |
19353 | } |
19354 | |
19355 | bool setJSDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19356 | { |
19357 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPageTransitionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PageTransitionEvent" ); |
19358 | } |
19359 | |
19361 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPointerEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19362 | { |
19363 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19364 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19365 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19366 | return jsUndefined(); |
19367 | return JSPointerEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19368 | } |
19369 | |
19370 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19371 | { |
19372 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPointerEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PointerEvent" ); |
19373 | } |
19374 | |
19375 | #endif |
19376 | |
19378 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPointerEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19379 | { |
19380 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19381 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19382 | return false; |
19383 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19384 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PointerEvent" ), strlen("PointerEvent" )), value); |
19385 | } |
19386 | |
19387 | bool setJSDOMWindowPointerEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19388 | { |
19389 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPointerEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PointerEvent" ); |
19390 | } |
19391 | |
19392 | #endif |
19393 | |
19394 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19395 | { |
19396 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19397 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19398 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19399 | return jsUndefined(); |
19400 | return JSPopStateEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19401 | } |
19402 | |
19403 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19404 | { |
19405 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PopStateEvent" ); |
19406 | } |
19407 | |
19408 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19409 | { |
19410 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19411 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19412 | return false; |
19413 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19414 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PopStateEvent" ), strlen("PopStateEvent" )), value); |
19415 | } |
19416 | |
19417 | bool setJSDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19418 | { |
19419 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPopStateEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PopStateEvent" ); |
19420 | } |
19421 | |
19422 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19423 | { |
19424 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19425 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19426 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19427 | return jsUndefined(); |
19428 | return JSProcessingInstruction::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19429 | } |
19430 | |
19431 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19432 | { |
19433 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ProcessingInstruction" ); |
19434 | } |
19435 | |
19436 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19437 | { |
19438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19439 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19440 | return false; |
19441 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19442 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ProcessingInstruction" ), strlen("ProcessingInstruction" )), value); |
19443 | } |
19444 | |
19445 | bool setJSDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19446 | { |
19447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowProcessingInstructionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ProcessingInstruction" ); |
19448 | } |
19449 | |
19450 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowProgressEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19451 | { |
19452 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19453 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19454 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19455 | return jsUndefined(); |
19456 | return JSProgressEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19457 | } |
19458 | |
19459 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19460 | { |
19461 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowProgressEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ProgressEvent" ); |
19462 | } |
19463 | |
19464 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowProgressEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19465 | { |
19466 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19467 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19468 | return false; |
19469 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19470 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ProgressEvent" ), strlen("ProgressEvent" )), value); |
19471 | } |
19472 | |
19473 | bool setJSDOMWindowProgressEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19474 | { |
19475 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowProgressEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ProgressEvent" ); |
19476 | } |
19477 | |
19478 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19479 | { |
19480 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19481 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19482 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19483 | return jsUndefined(); |
19484 | return JSPromiseRejectionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19485 | } |
19486 | |
19487 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19488 | { |
19489 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PromiseRejectionEvent" ); |
19490 | } |
19491 | |
19492 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19493 | { |
19494 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19495 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19496 | return false; |
19497 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19498 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PromiseRejectionEvent" ), strlen("PromiseRejectionEvent" )), value); |
19499 | } |
19500 | |
19501 | bool setJSDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19502 | { |
19503 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPromiseRejectionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PromiseRejectionEvent" ); |
19504 | } |
19505 | |
19506 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRangeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19507 | { |
19508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19509 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19510 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19511 | return jsUndefined(); |
19512 | return JSRange::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19513 | } |
19514 | |
19515 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19516 | { |
19517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRangeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Range" ); |
19518 | } |
19519 | |
19520 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRangeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19521 | { |
19522 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19523 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19524 | return false; |
19525 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19526 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Range" ), strlen("Range" )), value); |
19527 | } |
19528 | |
19529 | bool setJSDOMWindowRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19530 | { |
19531 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRangeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Range" ); |
19532 | } |
19533 | |
19534 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19535 | { |
19536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19537 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19538 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19539 | return jsUndefined(); |
19540 | return JSSecurityPolicyViolationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19541 | } |
19542 | |
19543 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19544 | { |
19545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" ); |
19546 | } |
19547 | |
19548 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19549 | { |
19550 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19551 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19552 | return false; |
19553 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19554 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" ), strlen("SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" )), value); |
19555 | } |
19556 | |
19557 | bool setJSDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19558 | { |
19559 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSecurityPolicyViolationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SecurityPolicyViolationEvent" ); |
19560 | } |
19561 | |
19562 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowShadowRootConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19563 | { |
19564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19565 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19566 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19567 | return jsUndefined(); |
19568 | return JSShadowRoot::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19569 | } |
19570 | |
19571 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19572 | { |
19573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowShadowRootConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ShadowRoot" ); |
19574 | } |
19575 | |
19576 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowShadowRootConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19577 | { |
19578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19579 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19580 | return false; |
19581 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19582 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ShadowRoot" ), strlen("ShadowRoot" )), value); |
19583 | } |
19584 | |
19585 | bool setJSDOMWindowShadowRootConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19586 | { |
19587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowShadowRootConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ShadowRoot" ); |
19588 | } |
19589 | |
19590 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19591 | { |
19592 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19593 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19594 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19595 | return jsUndefined(); |
19596 | return JSSpectreGadget::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19597 | } |
19598 | |
19599 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19600 | { |
19601 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SpectreGadget" ); |
19602 | } |
19603 | |
19604 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19605 | { |
19606 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19607 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19608 | return false; |
19609 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19610 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SpectreGadget" ), strlen("SpectreGadget" )), value); |
19611 | } |
19612 | |
19613 | bool setJSDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19614 | { |
19615 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSpectreGadgetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SpectreGadget" ); |
19616 | } |
19617 | |
19618 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19619 | { |
19620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19621 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19622 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19623 | return jsUndefined(); |
19624 | return JSStaticRange::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19625 | } |
19626 | |
19627 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19628 | { |
19629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StaticRange" ); |
19630 | } |
19631 | |
19632 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19633 | { |
19634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19635 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19636 | return false; |
19637 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19638 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StaticRange" ), strlen("StaticRange" )), value); |
19639 | } |
19640 | |
19641 | bool setJSDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19642 | { |
19643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStaticRangeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StaticRange" ); |
19644 | } |
19645 | |
19646 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19647 | { |
19648 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19649 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19650 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19651 | return jsUndefined(); |
19652 | return JSText::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19653 | } |
19654 | |
19655 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19656 | { |
19657 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Text" ); |
19658 | } |
19659 | |
19660 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19661 | { |
19662 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19663 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19664 | return false; |
19665 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19666 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Text" ), strlen("Text" )), value); |
19667 | } |
19668 | |
19669 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19670 | { |
19671 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Text" ); |
19672 | } |
19673 | |
19674 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19675 | { |
19676 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19677 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19678 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19679 | return jsUndefined(); |
19680 | return JSTextDecoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19681 | } |
19682 | |
19683 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19684 | { |
19685 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextDecoder" ); |
19686 | } |
19687 | |
19688 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19689 | { |
19690 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19691 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19692 | return false; |
19693 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19694 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextDecoder" ), strlen("TextDecoder" )), value); |
19695 | } |
19696 | |
19697 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19698 | { |
19699 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextDecoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextDecoder" ); |
19700 | } |
19701 | |
19702 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19703 | { |
19704 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19705 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19706 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19707 | return jsUndefined(); |
19708 | return JSTextEncoder::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19709 | } |
19710 | |
19711 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19712 | { |
19713 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextEncoder" ); |
19714 | } |
19715 | |
19716 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19717 | { |
19718 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19719 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19720 | return false; |
19721 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19722 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextEncoder" ), strlen("TextEncoder" )), value); |
19723 | } |
19724 | |
19725 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19726 | { |
19727 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextEncoderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextEncoder" ); |
19728 | } |
19729 | |
19730 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19731 | { |
19732 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19733 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19734 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19735 | return jsUndefined(); |
19736 | return JSTextEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19737 | } |
19738 | |
19739 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19740 | { |
19741 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextEvent" ); |
19742 | } |
19743 | |
19744 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19745 | { |
19746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19747 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19748 | return false; |
19749 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19750 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextEvent" ), strlen("TextEvent" )), value); |
19751 | } |
19752 | |
19753 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19754 | { |
19755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextEvent" ); |
19756 | } |
19757 | |
19758 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19759 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTouchConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19760 | { |
19761 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19762 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19763 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19764 | return jsUndefined(); |
19765 | return JSTouch::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19766 | } |
19767 | |
19768 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19769 | { |
19770 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTouchConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Touch" ); |
19771 | } |
19772 | |
19773 | #endif |
19774 | |
19775 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19776 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTouchConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19777 | { |
19778 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19779 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19780 | return false; |
19781 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19782 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Touch" ), strlen("Touch" )), value); |
19783 | } |
19784 | |
19785 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19786 | { |
19787 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTouchConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Touch" ); |
19788 | } |
19789 | |
19790 | #endif |
19791 | |
19792 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19793 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTouchEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19794 | { |
19795 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19796 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19797 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19798 | return jsUndefined(); |
19799 | return JSTouchEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19800 | } |
19801 | |
19802 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19803 | { |
19804 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTouchEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TouchEvent" ); |
19805 | } |
19806 | |
19807 | #endif |
19808 | |
19809 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19810 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTouchEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19811 | { |
19812 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19813 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19814 | return false; |
19815 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19816 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TouchEvent" ), strlen("TouchEvent" )), value); |
19817 | } |
19818 | |
19819 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19820 | { |
19821 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTouchEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TouchEvent" ); |
19822 | } |
19823 | |
19824 | #endif |
19825 | |
19826 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19827 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTouchListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19828 | { |
19829 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19830 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19831 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19832 | return jsUndefined(); |
19833 | return JSTouchList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19834 | } |
19835 | |
19836 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTouchListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19837 | { |
19838 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTouchListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TouchList" ); |
19839 | } |
19840 | |
19841 | #endif |
19842 | |
19843 | #if ENABLE(TOUCH_EVENTS) |
19844 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTouchListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19845 | { |
19846 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19847 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19848 | return false; |
19849 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19850 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TouchList" ), strlen("TouchList" )), value); |
19851 | } |
19852 | |
19853 | bool setJSDOMWindowTouchListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19854 | { |
19855 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTouchListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TouchList" ); |
19856 | } |
19857 | |
19858 | #endif |
19859 | |
19860 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19861 | { |
19862 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19863 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19864 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19865 | return jsUndefined(); |
19866 | return JSTransitionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19867 | } |
19868 | |
19869 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19870 | { |
19871 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TransitionEvent" ); |
19872 | } |
19873 | |
19874 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19875 | { |
19876 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19877 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19878 | return false; |
19879 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19880 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TransitionEvent" ), strlen("TransitionEvent" )), value); |
19881 | } |
19882 | |
19883 | bool setJSDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19884 | { |
19885 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTransitionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TransitionEvent" ); |
19886 | } |
19887 | |
19888 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19889 | { |
19890 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19891 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19892 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19893 | return jsUndefined(); |
19894 | return JSTreeWalker::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19895 | } |
19896 | |
19897 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19898 | { |
19899 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TreeWalker" ); |
19900 | } |
19901 | |
19902 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19903 | { |
19904 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19905 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19906 | return false; |
19907 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19908 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TreeWalker" ), strlen("TreeWalker" )), value); |
19909 | } |
19910 | |
19911 | bool setJSDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19912 | { |
19913 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTreeWalkerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TreeWalker" ); |
19914 | } |
19915 | |
19916 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowUIEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19917 | { |
19918 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19919 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19920 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19921 | return jsUndefined(); |
19922 | return JSUIEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19923 | } |
19924 | |
19925 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUIEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19926 | { |
19927 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowUIEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "UIEvent" ); |
19928 | } |
19929 | |
19930 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowUIEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19931 | { |
19932 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19933 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19934 | return false; |
19935 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19936 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("UIEvent" ), strlen("UIEvent" )), value); |
19937 | } |
19938 | |
19939 | bool setJSDOMWindowUIEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19940 | { |
19941 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowUIEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "UIEvent" ); |
19942 | } |
19943 | |
19944 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19945 | { |
19946 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19947 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19948 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19949 | return jsUndefined(); |
19950 | return JSWebKitAnimationEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19951 | } |
19952 | |
19953 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19954 | { |
19955 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitAnimationEvent" ); |
19956 | } |
19957 | |
19958 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19959 | { |
19960 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19961 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19962 | return false; |
19963 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19964 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitAnimationEvent" ), strlen("WebKitAnimationEvent" )), value); |
19965 | } |
19966 | |
19967 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19968 | { |
19969 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitAnimationEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitAnimationEvent" ); |
19970 | } |
19971 | |
19972 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19973 | { |
19974 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19975 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
19976 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19977 | return jsUndefined(); |
19978 | return JSWebKitTransitionEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
19979 | } |
19980 | |
19981 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
19982 | { |
19983 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitTransitionEvent" ); |
19984 | } |
19985 | |
19986 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
19987 | { |
19988 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
19989 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
19990 | return false; |
19991 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
19992 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitTransitionEvent" ), strlen("WebKitTransitionEvent" )), value); |
19993 | } |
19994 | |
19995 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
19996 | { |
19997 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitTransitionEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitTransitionEvent" ); |
19998 | } |
19999 | |
20000 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWheelEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20001 | { |
20002 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20003 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20004 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20005 | return jsUndefined(); |
20006 | return JSWheelEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20007 | } |
20008 | |
20009 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20010 | { |
20011 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWheelEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WheelEvent" ); |
20012 | } |
20013 | |
20014 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWheelEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20015 | { |
20016 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20017 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20018 | return false; |
20019 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20020 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WheelEvent" ), strlen("WheelEvent" )), value); |
20021 | } |
20022 | |
20023 | bool setJSDOMWindowWheelEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20024 | { |
20025 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWheelEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WheelEvent" ); |
20026 | } |
20027 | |
20028 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20029 | { |
20030 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20031 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20032 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20033 | return jsUndefined(); |
20034 | return JSXMLDocument::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20035 | } |
20036 | |
20037 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20038 | { |
20039 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLDocument" ); |
20040 | } |
20041 | |
20042 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20043 | { |
20044 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20045 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20046 | return false; |
20047 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20048 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLDocument" ), strlen("XMLDocument" )), value); |
20049 | } |
20050 | |
20051 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20052 | { |
20053 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLDocumentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLDocument" ); |
20054 | } |
20055 | |
20056 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20057 | { |
20058 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20059 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20060 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20061 | return jsUndefined(); |
20062 | return JSXMLDocument::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20063 | } |
20064 | |
20065 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20066 | { |
20067 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGDocument" ); |
20068 | } |
20069 | |
20070 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20071 | { |
20072 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20073 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20074 | return false; |
20075 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20076 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGDocument" ), strlen("SVGDocument" )), value); |
20077 | } |
20078 | |
20079 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20080 | { |
20081 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGDocumentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGDocument" ); |
20082 | } |
20083 | |
20084 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBlobConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20085 | { |
20086 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20087 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20088 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20089 | return jsUndefined(); |
20090 | return JSBlob::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20091 | } |
20092 | |
20093 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBlobConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20094 | { |
20095 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBlobConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Blob" ); |
20096 | } |
20097 | |
20098 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBlobConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20099 | { |
20100 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20101 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20102 | return false; |
20103 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20104 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Blob" ), strlen("Blob" )), value); |
20105 | } |
20106 | |
20107 | bool setJSDOMWindowBlobConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20108 | { |
20109 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBlobConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Blob" ); |
20110 | } |
20111 | |
20112 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20113 | { |
20114 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20115 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20116 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20117 | return jsUndefined(); |
20118 | return JSFile::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20119 | } |
20120 | |
20121 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20122 | { |
20123 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "File" ); |
20124 | } |
20125 | |
20126 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20127 | { |
20128 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20129 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20130 | return false; |
20131 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20132 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("File" ), strlen("File" )), value); |
20133 | } |
20134 | |
20135 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20136 | { |
20137 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "File" ); |
20138 | } |
20139 | |
20140 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileErrorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20141 | { |
20142 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20143 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20144 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20145 | return jsUndefined(); |
20146 | return JSFileError::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20147 | } |
20148 | |
20149 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20150 | { |
20151 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileErrorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileError" ); |
20152 | } |
20153 | |
20154 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileErrorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20155 | { |
20156 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20157 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20158 | return false; |
20159 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20160 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileError" ), strlen("FileError" )), value); |
20161 | } |
20162 | |
20163 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20164 | { |
20165 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileErrorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileError" ); |
20166 | } |
20167 | |
20168 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20169 | { |
20170 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20171 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20172 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20173 | return jsUndefined(); |
20174 | return JSFileList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20175 | } |
20176 | |
20177 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20178 | { |
20179 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileList" ); |
20180 | } |
20181 | |
20182 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20183 | { |
20184 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20185 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20186 | return false; |
20187 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20188 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileList" ), strlen("FileList" )), value); |
20189 | } |
20190 | |
20191 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20192 | { |
20193 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileList" ); |
20194 | } |
20195 | |
20196 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFileReaderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20197 | { |
20198 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20199 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20200 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20201 | return jsUndefined(); |
20202 | return JSFileReader::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20203 | } |
20204 | |
20205 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20206 | { |
20207 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFileReaderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FileReader" ); |
20208 | } |
20209 | |
20210 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFileReaderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20211 | { |
20212 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20213 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20214 | return false; |
20215 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20216 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FileReader" ), strlen("FileReader" )), value); |
20217 | } |
20218 | |
20219 | bool setJSDOMWindowFileReaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20220 | { |
20221 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFileReaderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FileReader" ); |
20222 | } |
20223 | |
20224 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowFormDataConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20225 | { |
20226 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20227 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20228 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20229 | return jsUndefined(); |
20230 | return JSDOMFormData::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20231 | } |
20232 | |
20233 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowFormDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20234 | { |
20235 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowFormDataConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "FormData" ); |
20236 | } |
20237 | |
20238 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowFormDataConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20239 | { |
20240 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20241 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20242 | return false; |
20243 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20244 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("FormData" ), strlen("FormData" )), value); |
20245 | } |
20246 | |
20247 | bool setJSDOMWindowFormDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20248 | { |
20249 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowFormDataConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "FormData" ); |
20250 | } |
20251 | |
20252 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20253 | { |
20254 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20255 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20256 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20257 | return jsUndefined(); |
20258 | return JSDOMTokenList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20259 | } |
20260 | |
20261 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20262 | { |
20263 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMTokenList" ); |
20264 | } |
20265 | |
20266 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20267 | { |
20268 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20269 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20270 | return false; |
20271 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20272 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMTokenList" ), strlen("DOMTokenList" )), value); |
20273 | } |
20274 | |
20275 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20276 | { |
20277 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMTokenListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMTokenList" ); |
20278 | } |
20279 | |
20280 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowURLConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20281 | { |
20282 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20283 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20284 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20285 | return jsUndefined(); |
20286 | return JSDOMURL::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20287 | } |
20288 | |
20289 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowURLConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20290 | { |
20291 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowURLConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "URL" ); |
20292 | } |
20293 | |
20294 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowURLConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20295 | { |
20296 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20297 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20298 | return false; |
20299 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20300 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("URL" ), strlen("URL" )), value); |
20301 | } |
20302 | |
20303 | bool setJSDOMWindowURLConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20304 | { |
20305 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowURLConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "URL" ); |
20306 | } |
20307 | |
20308 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20309 | { |
20310 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20311 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20312 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20313 | return jsUndefined(); |
20314 | return JSDOMURL::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20315 | } |
20316 | |
20317 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20318 | { |
20319 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "webkitURL" ); |
20320 | } |
20321 | |
20322 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20323 | { |
20324 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20325 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20326 | return false; |
20327 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20328 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("webkitURL" ), strlen("webkitURL" )), value); |
20329 | } |
20330 | |
20331 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20332 | { |
20333 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebkitURLConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "webkitURL" ); |
20334 | } |
20335 | |
20336 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20337 | { |
20338 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20339 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20340 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20341 | return jsUndefined(); |
20342 | return JSHTMLAllCollection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20343 | } |
20344 | |
20345 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20346 | { |
20347 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAllCollection" ); |
20348 | } |
20349 | |
20350 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20351 | { |
20352 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20353 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20354 | return false; |
20355 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20356 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAllCollection" ), strlen("HTMLAllCollection" )), value); |
20357 | } |
20358 | |
20359 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20360 | { |
20361 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAllCollectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAllCollection" ); |
20362 | } |
20363 | |
20364 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20365 | { |
20366 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20367 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20368 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20369 | return jsUndefined(); |
20370 | return JSHTMLAnchorElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20371 | } |
20372 | |
20373 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20374 | { |
20375 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAnchorElement" ); |
20376 | } |
20377 | |
20378 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20379 | { |
20380 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20381 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20382 | return false; |
20383 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20384 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAnchorElement" ), strlen("HTMLAnchorElement" )), value); |
20385 | } |
20386 | |
20387 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20388 | { |
20389 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAnchorElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAnchorElement" ); |
20390 | } |
20391 | |
20392 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20393 | { |
20394 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20395 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20396 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20397 | return jsUndefined(); |
20398 | return JSHTMLAppletElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20399 | } |
20400 | |
20401 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20402 | { |
20403 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAppletElement" ); |
20404 | } |
20405 | |
20406 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20407 | { |
20408 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20409 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20410 | return false; |
20411 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20412 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAppletElement" ), strlen("HTMLAppletElement" )), value); |
20413 | } |
20414 | |
20415 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20416 | { |
20417 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAppletElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAppletElement" ); |
20418 | } |
20419 | |
20420 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20421 | { |
20422 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20423 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20424 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20425 | return jsUndefined(); |
20426 | return JSHTMLAreaElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20427 | } |
20428 | |
20429 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20430 | { |
20431 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAreaElement" ); |
20432 | } |
20433 | |
20434 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20435 | { |
20436 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20437 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20438 | return false; |
20439 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20440 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAreaElement" ), strlen("HTMLAreaElement" )), value); |
20441 | } |
20442 | |
20443 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20444 | { |
20445 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAreaElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAreaElement" ); |
20446 | } |
20447 | |
20449 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20450 | { |
20451 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20452 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20453 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20454 | return jsUndefined(); |
20455 | return JSHTMLAttachmentElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20456 | } |
20457 | |
20458 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20459 | { |
20460 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAttachmentElement" ); |
20461 | } |
20462 | |
20463 | #endif |
20464 | |
20466 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20467 | { |
20468 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20469 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20470 | return false; |
20471 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20472 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAttachmentElement" ), strlen("HTMLAttachmentElement" )), value); |
20473 | } |
20474 | |
20475 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20476 | { |
20477 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAttachmentElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAttachmentElement" ); |
20478 | } |
20479 | |
20480 | #endif |
20481 | |
20482 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
20483 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20484 | { |
20485 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20486 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20487 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20488 | return jsUndefined(); |
20489 | return JSHTMLAudioElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20490 | } |
20491 | |
20492 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20493 | { |
20494 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLAudioElement" ); |
20495 | } |
20496 | |
20497 | #endif |
20498 | |
20499 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
20500 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20501 | { |
20502 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20503 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20504 | return false; |
20505 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20506 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLAudioElement" ), strlen("HTMLAudioElement" )), value); |
20507 | } |
20508 | |
20509 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20510 | { |
20511 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLAudioElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLAudioElement" ); |
20512 | } |
20513 | |
20514 | #endif |
20515 | |
20516 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
20517 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20518 | { |
20519 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20520 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20521 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20522 | return jsUndefined(); |
20523 | return JSHTMLAudioElement::getNamedConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20524 | } |
20525 | |
20526 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20527 | { |
20528 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Audio" ); |
20529 | } |
20530 | |
20531 | #endif |
20532 | |
20533 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
20534 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20535 | { |
20536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20537 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20538 | return false; |
20539 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20540 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Audio" ), strlen("Audio" )), value); |
20541 | } |
20542 | |
20543 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20544 | { |
20545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Audio" ); |
20546 | } |
20547 | |
20548 | #endif |
20549 | |
20550 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20551 | { |
20552 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20553 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20554 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20555 | return jsUndefined(); |
20556 | return JSHTMLBRElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20557 | } |
20558 | |
20559 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20560 | { |
20561 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLBRElement" ); |
20562 | } |
20563 | |
20564 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20565 | { |
20566 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20567 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20568 | return false; |
20569 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20570 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLBRElement" ), strlen("HTMLBRElement" )), value); |
20571 | } |
20572 | |
20573 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20574 | { |
20575 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLBRElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLBRElement" ); |
20576 | } |
20577 | |
20578 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20579 | { |
20580 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20581 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20582 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20583 | return jsUndefined(); |
20584 | return JSHTMLBaseElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20585 | } |
20586 | |
20587 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20588 | { |
20589 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLBaseElement" ); |
20590 | } |
20591 | |
20592 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20593 | { |
20594 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20595 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20596 | return false; |
20597 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20598 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLBaseElement" ), strlen("HTMLBaseElement" )), value); |
20599 | } |
20600 | |
20601 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20602 | { |
20603 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLBaseElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLBaseElement" ); |
20604 | } |
20605 | |
20606 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20607 | { |
20608 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20609 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20610 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20611 | return jsUndefined(); |
20612 | return JSHTMLBodyElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20613 | } |
20614 | |
20615 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20616 | { |
20617 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLBodyElement" ); |
20618 | } |
20619 | |
20620 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20621 | { |
20622 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20623 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20624 | return false; |
20625 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20626 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLBodyElement" ), strlen("HTMLBodyElement" )), value); |
20627 | } |
20628 | |
20629 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20630 | { |
20631 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLBodyElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLBodyElement" ); |
20632 | } |
20633 | |
20634 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20635 | { |
20636 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20637 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20638 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20639 | return jsUndefined(); |
20640 | return JSHTMLButtonElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20641 | } |
20642 | |
20643 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20644 | { |
20645 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLButtonElement" ); |
20646 | } |
20647 | |
20648 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20649 | { |
20650 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20651 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20652 | return false; |
20653 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20654 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLButtonElement" ), strlen("HTMLButtonElement" )), value); |
20655 | } |
20656 | |
20657 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20658 | { |
20659 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLButtonElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLButtonElement" ); |
20660 | } |
20661 | |
20662 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20663 | { |
20664 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20665 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20666 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20667 | return jsUndefined(); |
20668 | return JSHTMLCanvasElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20669 | } |
20670 | |
20671 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20672 | { |
20673 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLCanvasElement" ); |
20674 | } |
20675 | |
20676 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20677 | { |
20678 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20679 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20680 | return false; |
20681 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20682 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLCanvasElement" ), strlen("HTMLCanvasElement" )), value); |
20683 | } |
20684 | |
20685 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20686 | { |
20687 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLCanvasElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLCanvasElement" ); |
20688 | } |
20689 | |
20690 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20691 | { |
20692 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20693 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20694 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20695 | return jsUndefined(); |
20696 | return JSHTMLCollection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20697 | } |
20698 | |
20699 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20700 | { |
20701 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLCollection" ); |
20702 | } |
20703 | |
20704 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20705 | { |
20706 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20707 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20708 | return false; |
20709 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20710 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLCollection" ), strlen("HTMLCollection" )), value); |
20711 | } |
20712 | |
20713 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20714 | { |
20715 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLCollectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLCollection" ); |
20716 | } |
20717 | |
20718 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20719 | { |
20720 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20721 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20722 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20723 | return jsUndefined(); |
20724 | return JSHTMLDListElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20725 | } |
20726 | |
20727 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20728 | { |
20729 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDListElement" ); |
20730 | } |
20731 | |
20732 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20733 | { |
20734 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20735 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20736 | return false; |
20737 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20738 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDListElement" ), strlen("HTMLDListElement" )), value); |
20739 | } |
20740 | |
20741 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20742 | { |
20743 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDListElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDListElement" ); |
20744 | } |
20745 | |
20746 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20747 | { |
20748 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20749 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20750 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20751 | return jsUndefined(); |
20752 | return JSHTMLDataElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20753 | } |
20754 | |
20755 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20756 | { |
20757 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDataElement" ); |
20758 | } |
20759 | |
20760 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20761 | { |
20762 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20763 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20764 | return false; |
20765 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20766 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDataElement" ), strlen("HTMLDataElement" )), value); |
20767 | } |
20768 | |
20769 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20770 | { |
20771 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDataElement" ); |
20772 | } |
20773 | |
20775 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20776 | { |
20777 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20778 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20779 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20780 | return jsUndefined(); |
20781 | return JSHTMLDataListElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20782 | } |
20783 | |
20784 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20785 | { |
20786 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDataListElement" ); |
20787 | } |
20788 | |
20789 | #endif |
20790 | |
20792 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20793 | { |
20794 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20795 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20796 | return false; |
20797 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20798 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDataListElement" ), strlen("HTMLDataListElement" )), value); |
20799 | } |
20800 | |
20801 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20802 | { |
20803 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDataListElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDataListElement" ); |
20804 | } |
20805 | |
20806 | #endif |
20807 | |
20808 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20809 | { |
20810 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20811 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20812 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20813 | return jsUndefined(); |
20814 | return JSHTMLDetailsElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20815 | } |
20816 | |
20817 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20818 | { |
20819 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDetailsElement" ); |
20820 | } |
20821 | |
20822 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20823 | { |
20824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20825 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20826 | return false; |
20827 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20828 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDetailsElement" ), strlen("HTMLDetailsElement" )), value); |
20829 | } |
20830 | |
20831 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20832 | { |
20833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDetailsElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDetailsElement" ); |
20834 | } |
20835 | |
20836 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20837 | { |
20838 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20839 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20840 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20841 | return jsUndefined(); |
20842 | return JSHTMLDirectoryElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20843 | } |
20844 | |
20845 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20846 | { |
20847 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDirectoryElement" ); |
20848 | } |
20849 | |
20850 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20851 | { |
20852 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20853 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20854 | return false; |
20855 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20856 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDirectoryElement" ), strlen("HTMLDirectoryElement" )), value); |
20857 | } |
20858 | |
20859 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20860 | { |
20861 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDirectoryElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDirectoryElement" ); |
20862 | } |
20863 | |
20864 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20865 | { |
20866 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20867 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20868 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20869 | return jsUndefined(); |
20870 | return JSHTMLDivElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20871 | } |
20872 | |
20873 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20874 | { |
20875 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDivElement" ); |
20876 | } |
20877 | |
20878 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20879 | { |
20880 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20881 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20882 | return false; |
20883 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20884 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDivElement" ), strlen("HTMLDivElement" )), value); |
20885 | } |
20886 | |
20887 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20888 | { |
20889 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDivElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDivElement" ); |
20890 | } |
20891 | |
20892 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20893 | { |
20894 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20895 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20896 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20897 | return jsUndefined(); |
20898 | return JSHTMLDocument::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20899 | } |
20900 | |
20901 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20902 | { |
20903 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLDocument" ); |
20904 | } |
20905 | |
20906 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20907 | { |
20908 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20909 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20910 | return false; |
20911 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20912 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLDocument" ), strlen("HTMLDocument" )), value); |
20913 | } |
20914 | |
20915 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20916 | { |
20917 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLDocumentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLDocument" ); |
20918 | } |
20919 | |
20920 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20921 | { |
20922 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20923 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20924 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20925 | return jsUndefined(); |
20926 | return JSHTMLElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20927 | } |
20928 | |
20929 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20930 | { |
20931 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLElement" ); |
20932 | } |
20933 | |
20934 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20935 | { |
20936 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20937 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20938 | return false; |
20939 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20940 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLElement" ), strlen("HTMLElement" )), value); |
20941 | } |
20942 | |
20943 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20944 | { |
20945 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLElement" ); |
20946 | } |
20947 | |
20948 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20949 | { |
20950 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20951 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20952 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20953 | return jsUndefined(); |
20954 | return JSHTMLEmbedElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20955 | } |
20956 | |
20957 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20958 | { |
20959 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLEmbedElement" ); |
20960 | } |
20961 | |
20962 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20963 | { |
20964 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20965 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20966 | return false; |
20967 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20968 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLEmbedElement" ), strlen("HTMLEmbedElement" )), value); |
20969 | } |
20970 | |
20971 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
20972 | { |
20973 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLEmbedElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLEmbedElement" ); |
20974 | } |
20975 | |
20976 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20977 | { |
20978 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20979 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
20980 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20981 | return jsUndefined(); |
20982 | return JSHTMLFieldSetElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
20983 | } |
20984 | |
20985 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
20986 | { |
20987 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFieldSetElement" ); |
20988 | } |
20989 | |
20990 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
20991 | { |
20992 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
20993 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
20994 | return false; |
20995 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
20996 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFieldSetElement" ), strlen("HTMLFieldSetElement" )), value); |
20997 | } |
20998 | |
20999 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21000 | { |
21001 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFieldSetElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFieldSetElement" ); |
21002 | } |
21003 | |
21004 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21005 | { |
21006 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21007 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21008 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21009 | return jsUndefined(); |
21010 | return JSHTMLFontElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21011 | } |
21012 | |
21013 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21014 | { |
21015 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFontElement" ); |
21016 | } |
21017 | |
21018 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21019 | { |
21020 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21021 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21022 | return false; |
21023 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21024 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFontElement" ), strlen("HTMLFontElement" )), value); |
21025 | } |
21026 | |
21027 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21028 | { |
21029 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFontElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFontElement" ); |
21030 | } |
21031 | |
21032 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21033 | { |
21034 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21035 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21036 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21037 | return jsUndefined(); |
21038 | return JSHTMLFormControlsCollection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21039 | } |
21040 | |
21041 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21042 | { |
21043 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFormControlsCollection" ); |
21044 | } |
21045 | |
21046 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21047 | { |
21048 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21049 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21050 | return false; |
21051 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21052 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFormControlsCollection" ), strlen("HTMLFormControlsCollection" )), value); |
21053 | } |
21054 | |
21055 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21056 | { |
21057 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormControlsCollectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFormControlsCollection" ); |
21058 | } |
21059 | |
21060 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21061 | { |
21062 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21063 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21064 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21065 | return jsUndefined(); |
21066 | return JSHTMLFormElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21067 | } |
21068 | |
21069 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21070 | { |
21071 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFormElement" ); |
21072 | } |
21073 | |
21074 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21075 | { |
21076 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21077 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21078 | return false; |
21079 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21080 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFormElement" ), strlen("HTMLFormElement" )), value); |
21081 | } |
21082 | |
21083 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21084 | { |
21085 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFormElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFormElement" ); |
21086 | } |
21087 | |
21088 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21089 | { |
21090 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21091 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21092 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21093 | return jsUndefined(); |
21094 | return JSHTMLFrameElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21095 | } |
21096 | |
21097 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21098 | { |
21099 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFrameElement" ); |
21100 | } |
21101 | |
21102 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21103 | { |
21104 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21105 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21106 | return false; |
21107 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21108 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFrameElement" ), strlen("HTMLFrameElement" )), value); |
21109 | } |
21110 | |
21111 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21112 | { |
21113 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFrameElement" ); |
21114 | } |
21115 | |
21116 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21117 | { |
21118 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21119 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21120 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21121 | return jsUndefined(); |
21122 | return JSHTMLFrameSetElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21123 | } |
21124 | |
21125 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21126 | { |
21127 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLFrameSetElement" ); |
21128 | } |
21129 | |
21130 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21131 | { |
21132 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21133 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21134 | return false; |
21135 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21136 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLFrameSetElement" ), strlen("HTMLFrameSetElement" )), value); |
21137 | } |
21138 | |
21139 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21140 | { |
21141 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLFrameSetElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLFrameSetElement" ); |
21142 | } |
21143 | |
21144 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21145 | { |
21146 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21147 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21148 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21149 | return jsUndefined(); |
21150 | return JSHTMLHRElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21151 | } |
21152 | |
21153 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21154 | { |
21155 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLHRElement" ); |
21156 | } |
21157 | |
21158 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21159 | { |
21160 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21161 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21162 | return false; |
21163 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21164 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLHRElement" ), strlen("HTMLHRElement" )), value); |
21165 | } |
21166 | |
21167 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21168 | { |
21169 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLHRElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLHRElement" ); |
21170 | } |
21171 | |
21172 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21173 | { |
21174 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21175 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21176 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21177 | return jsUndefined(); |
21178 | return JSHTMLHeadElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21179 | } |
21180 | |
21181 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21182 | { |
21183 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLHeadElement" ); |
21184 | } |
21185 | |
21186 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21187 | { |
21188 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21189 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21190 | return false; |
21191 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21192 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLHeadElement" ), strlen("HTMLHeadElement" )), value); |
21193 | } |
21194 | |
21195 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21196 | { |
21197 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLHeadElement" ); |
21198 | } |
21199 | |
21200 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21201 | { |
21202 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21203 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21204 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21205 | return jsUndefined(); |
21206 | return JSHTMLHeadingElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21207 | } |
21208 | |
21209 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21210 | { |
21211 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLHeadingElement" ); |
21212 | } |
21213 | |
21214 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21215 | { |
21216 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21217 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21218 | return false; |
21219 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21220 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLHeadingElement" ), strlen("HTMLHeadingElement" )), value); |
21221 | } |
21222 | |
21223 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21224 | { |
21225 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLHeadingElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLHeadingElement" ); |
21226 | } |
21227 | |
21228 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21229 | { |
21230 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21231 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21232 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21233 | return jsUndefined(); |
21234 | return JSHTMLHtmlElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21235 | } |
21236 | |
21237 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21238 | { |
21239 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLHtmlElement" ); |
21240 | } |
21241 | |
21242 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21243 | { |
21244 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21245 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21246 | return false; |
21247 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21248 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLHtmlElement" ), strlen("HTMLHtmlElement" )), value); |
21249 | } |
21250 | |
21251 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21252 | { |
21253 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLHtmlElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLHtmlElement" ); |
21254 | } |
21255 | |
21256 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21257 | { |
21258 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21259 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21260 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21261 | return jsUndefined(); |
21262 | return JSHTMLIFrameElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21263 | } |
21264 | |
21265 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21266 | { |
21267 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLIFrameElement" ); |
21268 | } |
21269 | |
21270 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21271 | { |
21272 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21273 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21274 | return false; |
21275 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21276 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLIFrameElement" ), strlen("HTMLIFrameElement" )), value); |
21277 | } |
21278 | |
21279 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21280 | { |
21281 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLIFrameElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLIFrameElement" ); |
21282 | } |
21283 | |
21284 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21285 | { |
21286 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21287 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21288 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21289 | return jsUndefined(); |
21290 | return JSHTMLImageElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21291 | } |
21292 | |
21293 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21294 | { |
21295 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLImageElement" ); |
21296 | } |
21297 | |
21298 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21299 | { |
21300 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21301 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21302 | return false; |
21303 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21304 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLImageElement" ), strlen("HTMLImageElement" )), value); |
21305 | } |
21306 | |
21307 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21308 | { |
21309 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLImageElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLImageElement" ); |
21310 | } |
21311 | |
21312 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowImageConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21313 | { |
21314 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21315 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21316 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21317 | return jsUndefined(); |
21318 | return JSHTMLImageElement::getNamedConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21319 | } |
21320 | |
21321 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21322 | { |
21323 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowImageConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Image" ); |
21324 | } |
21325 | |
21326 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowImageConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21327 | { |
21328 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21329 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21330 | return false; |
21331 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21332 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Image" ), strlen("Image" )), value); |
21333 | } |
21334 | |
21335 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21336 | { |
21337 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowImageConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Image" ); |
21338 | } |
21339 | |
21340 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21341 | { |
21342 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21343 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21344 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21345 | return jsUndefined(); |
21346 | return JSHTMLInputElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21347 | } |
21348 | |
21349 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21350 | { |
21351 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLInputElement" ); |
21352 | } |
21353 | |
21354 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21355 | { |
21356 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21357 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21358 | return false; |
21359 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21360 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLInputElement" ), strlen("HTMLInputElement" )), value); |
21361 | } |
21362 | |
21363 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21364 | { |
21365 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLInputElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLInputElement" ); |
21366 | } |
21367 | |
21368 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21369 | { |
21370 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21371 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21372 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21373 | return jsUndefined(); |
21374 | return JSHTMLKeygenElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21375 | } |
21376 | |
21377 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21378 | { |
21379 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLKeygenElement" ); |
21380 | } |
21381 | |
21382 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21383 | { |
21384 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21385 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21386 | return false; |
21387 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21388 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLKeygenElement" ), strlen("HTMLKeygenElement" )), value); |
21389 | } |
21390 | |
21391 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21392 | { |
21393 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLKeygenElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLKeygenElement" ); |
21394 | } |
21395 | |
21396 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21397 | { |
21398 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21399 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21400 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21401 | return jsUndefined(); |
21402 | return JSHTMLLIElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21403 | } |
21404 | |
21405 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21406 | { |
21407 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLLIElement" ); |
21408 | } |
21409 | |
21410 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21411 | { |
21412 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21413 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21414 | return false; |
21415 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21416 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLLIElement" ), strlen("HTMLLIElement" )), value); |
21417 | } |
21418 | |
21419 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21420 | { |
21421 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLLIElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLLIElement" ); |
21422 | } |
21423 | |
21424 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21425 | { |
21426 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21427 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21428 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21429 | return jsUndefined(); |
21430 | return JSHTMLLabelElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21431 | } |
21432 | |
21433 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21434 | { |
21435 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLLabelElement" ); |
21436 | } |
21437 | |
21438 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21439 | { |
21440 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21441 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21442 | return false; |
21443 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21444 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLLabelElement" ), strlen("HTMLLabelElement" )), value); |
21445 | } |
21446 | |
21447 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21448 | { |
21449 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLLabelElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLLabelElement" ); |
21450 | } |
21451 | |
21452 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21453 | { |
21454 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21455 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21456 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21457 | return jsUndefined(); |
21458 | return JSHTMLLegendElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21459 | } |
21460 | |
21461 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21462 | { |
21463 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLLegendElement" ); |
21464 | } |
21465 | |
21466 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21467 | { |
21468 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21469 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21470 | return false; |
21471 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21472 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLLegendElement" ), strlen("HTMLLegendElement" )), value); |
21473 | } |
21474 | |
21475 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21476 | { |
21477 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLLegendElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLLegendElement" ); |
21478 | } |
21479 | |
21480 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21481 | { |
21482 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21483 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21484 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21485 | return jsUndefined(); |
21486 | return JSHTMLLinkElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21487 | } |
21488 | |
21489 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21490 | { |
21491 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLLinkElement" ); |
21492 | } |
21493 | |
21494 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21495 | { |
21496 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21497 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21498 | return false; |
21499 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21500 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLLinkElement" ), strlen("HTMLLinkElement" )), value); |
21501 | } |
21502 | |
21503 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21504 | { |
21505 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLLinkElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLLinkElement" ); |
21506 | } |
21507 | |
21508 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21509 | { |
21510 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21511 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21512 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21513 | return jsUndefined(); |
21514 | return JSHTMLMapElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21515 | } |
21516 | |
21517 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21518 | { |
21519 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMapElement" ); |
21520 | } |
21521 | |
21522 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21523 | { |
21524 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21525 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21526 | return false; |
21527 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21528 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMapElement" ), strlen("HTMLMapElement" )), value); |
21529 | } |
21530 | |
21531 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21532 | { |
21533 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMapElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMapElement" ); |
21534 | } |
21535 | |
21536 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21537 | { |
21538 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21539 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21540 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21541 | return jsUndefined(); |
21542 | return JSHTMLMarqueeElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21543 | } |
21544 | |
21545 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21546 | { |
21547 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMarqueeElement" ); |
21548 | } |
21549 | |
21550 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21551 | { |
21552 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21553 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21554 | return false; |
21555 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21556 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMarqueeElement" ), strlen("HTMLMarqueeElement" )), value); |
21557 | } |
21558 | |
21559 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21560 | { |
21561 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMarqueeElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMarqueeElement" ); |
21562 | } |
21563 | |
21564 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
21565 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21566 | { |
21567 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21568 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21569 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21570 | return jsUndefined(); |
21571 | return JSHTMLMediaElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21572 | } |
21573 | |
21574 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21575 | { |
21576 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMediaElement" ); |
21577 | } |
21578 | |
21579 | #endif |
21580 | |
21581 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
21582 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21583 | { |
21584 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21585 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21586 | return false; |
21587 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21588 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMediaElement" ), strlen("HTMLMediaElement" )), value); |
21589 | } |
21590 | |
21591 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21592 | { |
21593 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMediaElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMediaElement" ); |
21594 | } |
21595 | |
21596 | #endif |
21597 | |
21598 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21599 | { |
21600 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21601 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21602 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21603 | return jsUndefined(); |
21604 | return JSHTMLMenuElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21605 | } |
21606 | |
21607 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21608 | { |
21609 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMenuElement" ); |
21610 | } |
21611 | |
21612 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21613 | { |
21614 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21615 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21616 | return false; |
21617 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21618 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMenuElement" ), strlen("HTMLMenuElement" )), value); |
21619 | } |
21620 | |
21621 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21622 | { |
21623 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMenuElement" ); |
21624 | } |
21625 | |
21626 | static inline JSValue (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21627 | { |
21628 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21629 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21630 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21631 | return jsUndefined(); |
21632 | return JSHTMLMenuItemElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21633 | } |
21634 | |
21635 | EncodedJSValue (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21636 | { |
21637 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMenuItemElement" ); |
21638 | } |
21639 | |
21640 | static inline bool (ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21641 | { |
21642 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21643 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21644 | return false; |
21645 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21646 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMenuItemElement" ), strlen("HTMLMenuItemElement" )), value); |
21647 | } |
21648 | |
21649 | bool (ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21650 | { |
21651 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMenuItemElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMenuItemElement" ); |
21652 | } |
21653 | |
21654 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21655 | { |
21656 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21657 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21658 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21659 | return jsUndefined(); |
21660 | return JSHTMLMetaElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21661 | } |
21662 | |
21663 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21664 | { |
21665 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMetaElement" ); |
21666 | } |
21667 | |
21668 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21669 | { |
21670 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21671 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21672 | return false; |
21673 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21674 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMetaElement" ), strlen("HTMLMetaElement" )), value); |
21675 | } |
21676 | |
21677 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21678 | { |
21679 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMetaElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMetaElement" ); |
21680 | } |
21681 | |
21683 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21684 | { |
21685 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21686 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21687 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21688 | return jsUndefined(); |
21689 | return JSHTMLMeterElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21690 | } |
21691 | |
21692 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21693 | { |
21694 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLMeterElement" ); |
21695 | } |
21696 | |
21697 | #endif |
21698 | |
21700 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21701 | { |
21702 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21703 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21704 | return false; |
21705 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21706 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLMeterElement" ), strlen("HTMLMeterElement" )), value); |
21707 | } |
21708 | |
21709 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21710 | { |
21711 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLMeterElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLMeterElement" ); |
21712 | } |
21713 | |
21714 | #endif |
21715 | |
21716 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21717 | { |
21718 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21719 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21720 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21721 | return jsUndefined(); |
21722 | return JSHTMLModElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21723 | } |
21724 | |
21725 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21726 | { |
21727 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLModElement" ); |
21728 | } |
21729 | |
21730 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21731 | { |
21732 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21733 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21734 | return false; |
21735 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21736 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLModElement" ), strlen("HTMLModElement" )), value); |
21737 | } |
21738 | |
21739 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21740 | { |
21741 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLModElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLModElement" ); |
21742 | } |
21743 | |
21744 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21745 | { |
21746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21747 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21748 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21749 | return jsUndefined(); |
21750 | return JSHTMLOListElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21751 | } |
21752 | |
21753 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21754 | { |
21755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLOListElement" ); |
21756 | } |
21757 | |
21758 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21759 | { |
21760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21761 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21762 | return false; |
21763 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21764 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLOListElement" ), strlen("HTMLOListElement" )), value); |
21765 | } |
21766 | |
21767 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21768 | { |
21769 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLOListElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLOListElement" ); |
21770 | } |
21771 | |
21772 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21773 | { |
21774 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21775 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21776 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21777 | return jsUndefined(); |
21778 | return JSHTMLObjectElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21779 | } |
21780 | |
21781 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21782 | { |
21783 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLObjectElement" ); |
21784 | } |
21785 | |
21786 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21787 | { |
21788 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21789 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21790 | return false; |
21791 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21792 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLObjectElement" ), strlen("HTMLObjectElement" )), value); |
21793 | } |
21794 | |
21795 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21796 | { |
21797 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLObjectElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLObjectElement" ); |
21798 | } |
21799 | |
21800 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21801 | { |
21802 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21803 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21804 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21805 | return jsUndefined(); |
21806 | return JSHTMLOptGroupElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21807 | } |
21808 | |
21809 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21810 | { |
21811 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLOptGroupElement" ); |
21812 | } |
21813 | |
21814 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21815 | { |
21816 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21817 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21818 | return false; |
21819 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21820 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLOptGroupElement" ), strlen("HTMLOptGroupElement" )), value); |
21821 | } |
21822 | |
21823 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21824 | { |
21825 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptGroupElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLOptGroupElement" ); |
21826 | } |
21827 | |
21828 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21829 | { |
21830 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21831 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21832 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21833 | return jsUndefined(); |
21834 | return JSHTMLOptionElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21835 | } |
21836 | |
21837 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21838 | { |
21839 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLOptionElement" ); |
21840 | } |
21841 | |
21842 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21843 | { |
21844 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21845 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21846 | return false; |
21847 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21848 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLOptionElement" ), strlen("HTMLOptionElement" )), value); |
21849 | } |
21850 | |
21851 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21852 | { |
21853 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLOptionElement" ); |
21854 | } |
21855 | |
21856 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOptionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21857 | { |
21858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21859 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21860 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21861 | return jsUndefined(); |
21862 | return JSHTMLOptionElement::getNamedConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21863 | } |
21864 | |
21865 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21866 | { |
21867 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOptionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Option" ); |
21868 | } |
21869 | |
21870 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOptionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21871 | { |
21872 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21873 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21874 | return false; |
21875 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21876 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Option" ), strlen("Option" )), value); |
21877 | } |
21878 | |
21879 | bool setJSDOMWindowOptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21880 | { |
21881 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOptionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Option" ); |
21882 | } |
21883 | |
21884 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21885 | { |
21886 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21887 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21888 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21889 | return jsUndefined(); |
21890 | return JSHTMLOptionsCollection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21891 | } |
21892 | |
21893 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21894 | { |
21895 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLOptionsCollection" ); |
21896 | } |
21897 | |
21898 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21899 | { |
21900 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21901 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21902 | return false; |
21903 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21904 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLOptionsCollection" ), strlen("HTMLOptionsCollection" )), value); |
21905 | } |
21906 | |
21907 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21908 | { |
21909 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLOptionsCollectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLOptionsCollection" ); |
21910 | } |
21911 | |
21912 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21913 | { |
21914 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21915 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21916 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21917 | return jsUndefined(); |
21918 | return JSHTMLOutputElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21919 | } |
21920 | |
21921 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21922 | { |
21923 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLOutputElement" ); |
21924 | } |
21925 | |
21926 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21927 | { |
21928 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21929 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21930 | return false; |
21931 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21932 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLOutputElement" ), strlen("HTMLOutputElement" )), value); |
21933 | } |
21934 | |
21935 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21936 | { |
21937 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLOutputElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLOutputElement" ); |
21938 | } |
21939 | |
21940 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21941 | { |
21942 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21943 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21944 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21945 | return jsUndefined(); |
21946 | return JSHTMLParagraphElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21947 | } |
21948 | |
21949 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21950 | { |
21951 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLParagraphElement" ); |
21952 | } |
21953 | |
21954 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21955 | { |
21956 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21957 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21958 | return false; |
21959 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21960 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLParagraphElement" ), strlen("HTMLParagraphElement" )), value); |
21961 | } |
21962 | |
21963 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21964 | { |
21965 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLParagraphElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLParagraphElement" ); |
21966 | } |
21967 | |
21968 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21969 | { |
21970 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21971 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
21972 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21973 | return jsUndefined(); |
21974 | return JSHTMLParamElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
21975 | } |
21976 | |
21977 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
21978 | { |
21979 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLParamElement" ); |
21980 | } |
21981 | |
21982 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21983 | { |
21984 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21985 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
21986 | return false; |
21987 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
21988 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLParamElement" ), strlen("HTMLParamElement" )), value); |
21989 | } |
21990 | |
21991 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
21992 | { |
21993 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLParamElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLParamElement" ); |
21994 | } |
21995 | |
21996 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
21997 | { |
21998 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
21999 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22000 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22001 | return jsUndefined(); |
22002 | return JSHTMLPictureElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22003 | } |
22004 | |
22005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22006 | { |
22007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLPictureElement" ); |
22008 | } |
22009 | |
22010 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22011 | { |
22012 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22014 | return false; |
22015 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22016 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLPictureElement" ), strlen("HTMLPictureElement" )), value); |
22017 | } |
22018 | |
22019 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22020 | { |
22021 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLPictureElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLPictureElement" ); |
22022 | } |
22023 | |
22024 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22025 | { |
22026 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22027 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22028 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22029 | return jsUndefined(); |
22030 | return JSHTMLPreElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22031 | } |
22032 | |
22033 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22034 | { |
22035 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLPreElement" ); |
22036 | } |
22037 | |
22038 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22039 | { |
22040 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22042 | return false; |
22043 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22044 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLPreElement" ), strlen("HTMLPreElement" )), value); |
22045 | } |
22046 | |
22047 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22048 | { |
22049 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLPreElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLPreElement" ); |
22050 | } |
22051 | |
22052 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22053 | { |
22054 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22055 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22056 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22057 | return jsUndefined(); |
22058 | return JSHTMLProgressElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22059 | } |
22060 | |
22061 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22062 | { |
22063 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLProgressElement" ); |
22064 | } |
22065 | |
22066 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22067 | { |
22068 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22070 | return false; |
22071 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22072 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLProgressElement" ), strlen("HTMLProgressElement" )), value); |
22073 | } |
22074 | |
22075 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22076 | { |
22077 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLProgressElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLProgressElement" ); |
22078 | } |
22079 | |
22080 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22081 | { |
22082 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22083 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22084 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22085 | return jsUndefined(); |
22086 | return JSHTMLQuoteElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22087 | } |
22088 | |
22089 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22090 | { |
22091 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLQuoteElement" ); |
22092 | } |
22093 | |
22094 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22095 | { |
22096 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22097 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22098 | return false; |
22099 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22100 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLQuoteElement" ), strlen("HTMLQuoteElement" )), value); |
22101 | } |
22102 | |
22103 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22104 | { |
22105 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLQuoteElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLQuoteElement" ); |
22106 | } |
22107 | |
22108 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22109 | { |
22110 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22111 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22112 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22113 | return jsUndefined(); |
22114 | return JSHTMLScriptElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22115 | } |
22116 | |
22117 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22118 | { |
22119 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLScriptElement" ); |
22120 | } |
22121 | |
22122 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22123 | { |
22124 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22125 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22126 | return false; |
22127 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22128 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLScriptElement" ), strlen("HTMLScriptElement" )), value); |
22129 | } |
22130 | |
22131 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22132 | { |
22133 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLScriptElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLScriptElement" ); |
22134 | } |
22135 | |
22136 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22137 | { |
22138 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22139 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22140 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22141 | return jsUndefined(); |
22142 | return JSHTMLSelectElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22143 | } |
22144 | |
22145 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22146 | { |
22147 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLSelectElement" ); |
22148 | } |
22149 | |
22150 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22151 | { |
22152 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22153 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22154 | return false; |
22155 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22156 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLSelectElement" ), strlen("HTMLSelectElement" )), value); |
22157 | } |
22158 | |
22159 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22160 | { |
22161 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLSelectElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLSelectElement" ); |
22162 | } |
22163 | |
22164 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22165 | { |
22166 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22167 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22168 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22169 | return jsUndefined(); |
22170 | return JSHTMLSlotElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22171 | } |
22172 | |
22173 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22174 | { |
22175 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLSlotElement" ); |
22176 | } |
22177 | |
22178 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22179 | { |
22180 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22181 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22182 | return false; |
22183 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22184 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLSlotElement" ), strlen("HTMLSlotElement" )), value); |
22185 | } |
22186 | |
22187 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22188 | { |
22189 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLSlotElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLSlotElement" ); |
22190 | } |
22191 | |
22192 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22193 | { |
22194 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22195 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22196 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22197 | return jsUndefined(); |
22198 | return JSHTMLSourceElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22199 | } |
22200 | |
22201 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22202 | { |
22203 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLSourceElement" ); |
22204 | } |
22205 | |
22206 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22207 | { |
22208 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22209 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22210 | return false; |
22211 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22212 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLSourceElement" ), strlen("HTMLSourceElement" )), value); |
22213 | } |
22214 | |
22215 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22216 | { |
22217 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLSourceElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLSourceElement" ); |
22218 | } |
22219 | |
22220 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22221 | { |
22222 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22223 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22224 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22225 | return jsUndefined(); |
22226 | return JSHTMLSpanElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22227 | } |
22228 | |
22229 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22230 | { |
22231 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLSpanElement" ); |
22232 | } |
22233 | |
22234 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22235 | { |
22236 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22237 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22238 | return false; |
22239 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22240 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLSpanElement" ), strlen("HTMLSpanElement" )), value); |
22241 | } |
22242 | |
22243 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22244 | { |
22245 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLSpanElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLSpanElement" ); |
22246 | } |
22247 | |
22248 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22249 | { |
22250 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22251 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22252 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22253 | return jsUndefined(); |
22254 | return JSHTMLStyleElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22255 | } |
22256 | |
22257 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22258 | { |
22259 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLStyleElement" ); |
22260 | } |
22261 | |
22262 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22263 | { |
22264 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22265 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22266 | return false; |
22267 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22268 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLStyleElement" ), strlen("HTMLStyleElement" )), value); |
22269 | } |
22270 | |
22271 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22272 | { |
22273 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLStyleElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLStyleElement" ); |
22274 | } |
22275 | |
22276 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22277 | { |
22278 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22279 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22280 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22281 | return jsUndefined(); |
22282 | return JSHTMLTableCaptionElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22283 | } |
22284 | |
22285 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22286 | { |
22287 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableCaptionElement" ); |
22288 | } |
22289 | |
22290 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22291 | { |
22292 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22293 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22294 | return false; |
22295 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22296 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableCaptionElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableCaptionElement" )), value); |
22297 | } |
22298 | |
22299 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22300 | { |
22301 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCaptionElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableCaptionElement" ); |
22302 | } |
22303 | |
22304 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22305 | { |
22306 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22307 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22308 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22309 | return jsUndefined(); |
22310 | return JSHTMLTableCellElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22311 | } |
22312 | |
22313 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22314 | { |
22315 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableCellElement" ); |
22316 | } |
22317 | |
22318 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22319 | { |
22320 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22321 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22322 | return false; |
22323 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22324 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableCellElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableCellElement" )), value); |
22325 | } |
22326 | |
22327 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22328 | { |
22329 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableCellElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableCellElement" ); |
22330 | } |
22331 | |
22332 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22333 | { |
22334 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22335 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22336 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22337 | return jsUndefined(); |
22338 | return JSHTMLTableColElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22339 | } |
22340 | |
22341 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22342 | { |
22343 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableColElement" ); |
22344 | } |
22345 | |
22346 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22347 | { |
22348 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22349 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22350 | return false; |
22351 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22352 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableColElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableColElement" )), value); |
22353 | } |
22354 | |
22355 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22356 | { |
22357 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableColElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableColElement" ); |
22358 | } |
22359 | |
22360 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22361 | { |
22362 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22363 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22364 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22365 | return jsUndefined(); |
22366 | return JSHTMLTableElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22367 | } |
22368 | |
22369 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22370 | { |
22371 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableElement" ); |
22372 | } |
22373 | |
22374 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22375 | { |
22376 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22377 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22378 | return false; |
22379 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22380 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableElement" )), value); |
22381 | } |
22382 | |
22383 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22384 | { |
22385 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableElement" ); |
22386 | } |
22387 | |
22388 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22389 | { |
22390 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22391 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22392 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22393 | return jsUndefined(); |
22394 | return JSHTMLTableRowElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22395 | } |
22396 | |
22397 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22398 | { |
22399 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableRowElement" ); |
22400 | } |
22401 | |
22402 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22403 | { |
22404 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22405 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22406 | return false; |
22407 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22408 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableRowElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableRowElement" )), value); |
22409 | } |
22410 | |
22411 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22412 | { |
22413 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableRowElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableRowElement" ); |
22414 | } |
22415 | |
22416 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22417 | { |
22418 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22419 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22420 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22421 | return jsUndefined(); |
22422 | return JSHTMLTableSectionElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22423 | } |
22424 | |
22425 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22426 | { |
22427 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTableSectionElement" ); |
22428 | } |
22429 | |
22430 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22431 | { |
22432 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22433 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22434 | return false; |
22435 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22436 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTableSectionElement" ), strlen("HTMLTableSectionElement" )), value); |
22437 | } |
22438 | |
22439 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22440 | { |
22441 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTableSectionElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTableSectionElement" ); |
22442 | } |
22443 | |
22444 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22445 | { |
22446 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22447 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22448 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22449 | return jsUndefined(); |
22450 | return JSHTMLTemplateElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22451 | } |
22452 | |
22453 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22454 | { |
22455 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTemplateElement" ); |
22456 | } |
22457 | |
22458 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22459 | { |
22460 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22461 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22462 | return false; |
22463 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22464 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTemplateElement" ), strlen("HTMLTemplateElement" )), value); |
22465 | } |
22466 | |
22467 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22468 | { |
22469 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTemplateElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTemplateElement" ); |
22470 | } |
22471 | |
22472 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22473 | { |
22474 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22475 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22476 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22477 | return jsUndefined(); |
22478 | return JSHTMLTextAreaElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22479 | } |
22480 | |
22481 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22482 | { |
22483 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTextAreaElement" ); |
22484 | } |
22485 | |
22486 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22487 | { |
22488 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22489 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22490 | return false; |
22491 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22492 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTextAreaElement" ), strlen("HTMLTextAreaElement" )), value); |
22493 | } |
22494 | |
22495 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22496 | { |
22497 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTextAreaElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTextAreaElement" ); |
22498 | } |
22499 | |
22500 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22501 | { |
22502 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22503 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22504 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22505 | return jsUndefined(); |
22506 | return JSHTMLTimeElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22507 | } |
22508 | |
22509 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22510 | { |
22511 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTimeElement" ); |
22512 | } |
22513 | |
22514 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22515 | { |
22516 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22517 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22518 | return false; |
22519 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22520 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTimeElement" ), strlen("HTMLTimeElement" )), value); |
22521 | } |
22522 | |
22523 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22524 | { |
22525 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTimeElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTimeElement" ); |
22526 | } |
22527 | |
22528 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22529 | { |
22530 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22531 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22532 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22533 | return jsUndefined(); |
22534 | return JSHTMLTitleElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22535 | } |
22536 | |
22537 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22538 | { |
22539 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTitleElement" ); |
22540 | } |
22541 | |
22542 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22543 | { |
22544 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22545 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22546 | return false; |
22547 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22548 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTitleElement" ), strlen("HTMLTitleElement" )), value); |
22549 | } |
22550 | |
22551 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22552 | { |
22553 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTitleElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTitleElement" ); |
22554 | } |
22555 | |
22556 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
22557 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22558 | { |
22559 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22560 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22561 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22562 | return jsUndefined(); |
22563 | return JSHTMLTrackElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22564 | } |
22565 | |
22566 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22567 | { |
22568 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLTrackElement" ); |
22569 | } |
22570 | |
22571 | #endif |
22572 | |
22573 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
22574 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22575 | { |
22576 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22577 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22578 | return false; |
22579 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22580 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLTrackElement" ), strlen("HTMLTrackElement" )), value); |
22581 | } |
22582 | |
22583 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22584 | { |
22585 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLTrackElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLTrackElement" ); |
22586 | } |
22587 | |
22588 | #endif |
22589 | |
22590 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22591 | { |
22592 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22593 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22594 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22595 | return jsUndefined(); |
22596 | return JSHTMLUListElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22597 | } |
22598 | |
22599 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22600 | { |
22601 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLUListElement" ); |
22602 | } |
22603 | |
22604 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22605 | { |
22606 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22607 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22608 | return false; |
22609 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22610 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLUListElement" ), strlen("HTMLUListElement" )), value); |
22611 | } |
22612 | |
22613 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22614 | { |
22615 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLUListElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLUListElement" ); |
22616 | } |
22617 | |
22618 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22619 | { |
22620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22621 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22622 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22623 | return jsUndefined(); |
22624 | return JSHTMLUnknownElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22625 | } |
22626 | |
22627 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22628 | { |
22629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLUnknownElement" ); |
22630 | } |
22631 | |
22632 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22633 | { |
22634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22635 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22636 | return false; |
22637 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22638 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLUnknownElement" ), strlen("HTMLUnknownElement" )), value); |
22639 | } |
22640 | |
22641 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22642 | { |
22643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLUnknownElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLUnknownElement" ); |
22644 | } |
22645 | |
22646 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22647 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22648 | { |
22649 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22650 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22651 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22652 | return jsUndefined(); |
22653 | return JSHTMLVideoElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22654 | } |
22655 | |
22656 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22657 | { |
22658 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "HTMLVideoElement" ); |
22659 | } |
22660 | |
22661 | #endif |
22662 | |
22663 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22664 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22665 | { |
22666 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22667 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22668 | return false; |
22669 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22670 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("HTMLVideoElement" ), strlen("HTMLVideoElement" )), value); |
22671 | } |
22672 | |
22673 | bool setJSDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22674 | { |
22675 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHTMLVideoElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "HTMLVideoElement" ); |
22676 | } |
22677 | |
22678 | #endif |
22679 | |
22680 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22681 | { |
22682 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22683 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22684 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22685 | return jsUndefined(); |
22686 | return JSImageBitmap::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22687 | } |
22688 | |
22689 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22690 | { |
22691 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ImageBitmap" ); |
22692 | } |
22693 | |
22694 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22695 | { |
22696 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22697 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22698 | return false; |
22699 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22700 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ImageBitmap" ), strlen("ImageBitmap" )), value); |
22701 | } |
22702 | |
22703 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22704 | { |
22705 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ImageBitmap" ); |
22706 | } |
22707 | |
22708 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowImageDataConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22709 | { |
22710 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22711 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22712 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22713 | return jsUndefined(); |
22714 | return JSImageData::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22715 | } |
22716 | |
22717 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22718 | { |
22719 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowImageDataConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ImageData" ); |
22720 | } |
22721 | |
22722 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowImageDataConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22723 | { |
22724 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22725 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22726 | return false; |
22727 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22728 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ImageData" ), strlen("ImageData" )), value); |
22729 | } |
22730 | |
22731 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageDataConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22732 | { |
22733 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowImageDataConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ImageData" ); |
22734 | } |
22735 | |
22736 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22737 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22738 | { |
22739 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22740 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22741 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22742 | return jsUndefined(); |
22743 | return JSMediaController::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22744 | } |
22745 | |
22746 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22747 | { |
22748 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaController" ); |
22749 | } |
22750 | |
22751 | #endif |
22752 | |
22753 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22754 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22755 | { |
22756 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22757 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22758 | return false; |
22759 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22760 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaController" ), strlen("MediaController" )), value); |
22761 | } |
22762 | |
22763 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22764 | { |
22765 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaControllerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaController" ); |
22766 | } |
22767 | |
22768 | #endif |
22769 | |
22771 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22772 | { |
22773 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22774 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22775 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22776 | return jsUndefined(); |
22777 | return JSMediaEncryptedEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22778 | } |
22779 | |
22780 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22781 | { |
22782 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaEncryptedEvent" ); |
22783 | } |
22784 | |
22785 | #endif |
22786 | |
22788 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22789 | { |
22790 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22791 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22792 | return false; |
22793 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22794 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaEncryptedEvent" ), strlen("MediaEncryptedEvent" )), value); |
22795 | } |
22796 | |
22797 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22798 | { |
22799 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaEncryptedEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaEncryptedEvent" ); |
22800 | } |
22801 | |
22802 | #endif |
22803 | |
22804 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22805 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22806 | { |
22807 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22808 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22809 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22810 | return jsUndefined(); |
22811 | return JSMediaError::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22812 | } |
22813 | |
22814 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22815 | { |
22816 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MediaError" ); |
22817 | } |
22818 | |
22819 | #endif |
22820 | |
22821 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22822 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22823 | { |
22824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22825 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22826 | return false; |
22827 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22828 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MediaError" ), strlen("MediaError" )), value); |
22829 | } |
22830 | |
22831 | bool setJSDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22832 | { |
22833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMediaErrorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MediaError" ); |
22834 | } |
22835 | |
22836 | #endif |
22837 | |
22838 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22839 | { |
22840 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22841 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22842 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22843 | return jsUndefined(); |
22844 | return JSOffscreenCanvas::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22845 | } |
22846 | |
22847 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22848 | { |
22849 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OffscreenCanvas" ); |
22850 | } |
22851 | |
22852 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22853 | { |
22854 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22855 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22856 | return false; |
22857 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22858 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OffscreenCanvas" ), strlen("OffscreenCanvas" )), value); |
22859 | } |
22860 | |
22861 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22862 | { |
22863 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OffscreenCanvas" ); |
22864 | } |
22865 | |
22866 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22867 | { |
22868 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22869 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22870 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22871 | return jsUndefined(); |
22872 | return JSRadioNodeList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22873 | } |
22874 | |
22875 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22876 | { |
22877 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "RadioNodeList" ); |
22878 | } |
22879 | |
22880 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22881 | { |
22882 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22883 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22884 | return false; |
22885 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22886 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("RadioNodeList" ), strlen("RadioNodeList" )), value); |
22887 | } |
22888 | |
22889 | bool setJSDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22890 | { |
22891 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowRadioNodeListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "RadioNodeList" ); |
22892 | } |
22893 | |
22894 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22895 | { |
22896 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22897 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22898 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22899 | return jsUndefined(); |
22900 | return JSTextMetrics::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22901 | } |
22902 | |
22903 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22904 | { |
22905 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextMetrics" ); |
22906 | } |
22907 | |
22908 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22909 | { |
22910 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22911 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22912 | return false; |
22913 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22914 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextMetrics" ), strlen("TextMetrics" )), value); |
22915 | } |
22916 | |
22917 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22918 | { |
22919 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextMetricsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextMetrics" ); |
22920 | } |
22921 | |
22922 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22923 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22924 | { |
22925 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22926 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22927 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22928 | return jsUndefined(); |
22929 | return JSTimeRanges::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22930 | } |
22931 | |
22932 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22933 | { |
22934 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TimeRanges" ); |
22935 | } |
22936 | |
22937 | #endif |
22938 | |
22939 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO) |
22940 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22941 | { |
22942 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22943 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22944 | return false; |
22945 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22946 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TimeRanges" ), strlen("TimeRanges" )), value); |
22947 | } |
22948 | |
22949 | bool setJSDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22950 | { |
22951 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTimeRangesConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TimeRanges" ); |
22952 | } |
22953 | |
22954 | #endif |
22955 | |
22956 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22957 | { |
22958 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22959 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22960 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22961 | return jsUndefined(); |
22962 | return JSURLSearchParams::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22963 | } |
22964 | |
22965 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22966 | { |
22967 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "URLSearchParams" ); |
22968 | } |
22969 | |
22970 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22971 | { |
22972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22974 | return false; |
22975 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
22976 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("URLSearchParams" ), strlen("URLSearchParams" )), value); |
22977 | } |
22978 | |
22979 | bool setJSDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
22980 | { |
22981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowURLSearchParamsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "URLSearchParams" ); |
22982 | } |
22983 | |
22984 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowValidityStateConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22985 | { |
22986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
22987 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
22988 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
22989 | return jsUndefined(); |
22990 | return JSValidityState::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
22991 | } |
22992 | |
22993 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
22994 | { |
22995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowValidityStateConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ValidityState" ); |
22996 | } |
22997 | |
22998 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowValidityStateConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
22999 | { |
23000 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23001 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23002 | return false; |
23003 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23004 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ValidityState" ), strlen("ValidityState" )), value); |
23005 | } |
23006 | |
23007 | bool setJSDOMWindowValidityStateConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23008 | { |
23009 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowValidityStateConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ValidityState" ); |
23010 | } |
23011 | |
23012 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23013 | { |
23014 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23015 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23016 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23017 | return jsUndefined(); |
23018 | return JSCanvasGradient::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23019 | } |
23020 | |
23021 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23022 | { |
23023 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CanvasGradient" ); |
23024 | } |
23025 | |
23026 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23027 | { |
23028 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23029 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23030 | return false; |
23031 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23032 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CanvasGradient" ), strlen("CanvasGradient" )), value); |
23033 | } |
23034 | |
23035 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23036 | { |
23037 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCanvasGradientConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CanvasGradient" ); |
23038 | } |
23039 | |
23040 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23041 | { |
23042 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23043 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23044 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23045 | return jsUndefined(); |
23046 | return JSCanvasPattern::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23047 | } |
23048 | |
23049 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23050 | { |
23051 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CanvasPattern" ); |
23052 | } |
23053 | |
23054 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23055 | { |
23056 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23057 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23058 | return false; |
23059 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23060 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CanvasPattern" ), strlen("CanvasPattern" )), value); |
23061 | } |
23062 | |
23063 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23064 | { |
23065 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCanvasPatternConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CanvasPattern" ); |
23066 | } |
23067 | |
23068 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23069 | { |
23070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23071 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23072 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23073 | return jsUndefined(); |
23074 | return JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23075 | } |
23076 | |
23077 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23078 | { |
23079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "CanvasRenderingContext2D" ); |
23080 | } |
23081 | |
23082 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23083 | { |
23084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23086 | return false; |
23087 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23088 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("CanvasRenderingContext2D" ), strlen("CanvasRenderingContext2D" )), value); |
23089 | } |
23090 | |
23091 | bool setJSDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23092 | { |
23093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "CanvasRenderingContext2D" ); |
23094 | } |
23095 | |
23096 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23097 | { |
23098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23099 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23100 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23101 | return jsUndefined(); |
23102 | return JSImageBitmapRenderingContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23103 | } |
23104 | |
23105 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23106 | { |
23107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ImageBitmapRenderingContext" ); |
23108 | } |
23109 | |
23110 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23111 | { |
23112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23113 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23114 | return false; |
23115 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23116 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ImageBitmapRenderingContext" ), strlen("ImageBitmapRenderingContext" )), value); |
23117 | } |
23118 | |
23119 | bool setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23120 | { |
23121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowImageBitmapRenderingContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ImageBitmapRenderingContext" ); |
23122 | } |
23123 | |
23124 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23125 | { |
23126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23127 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23128 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23129 | return jsUndefined(); |
23130 | return JSOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23131 | } |
23132 | |
23133 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23134 | { |
23135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D" ); |
23136 | } |
23137 | |
23138 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23139 | { |
23140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23141 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23142 | return false; |
23143 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23144 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D" ), strlen("OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D" )), value); |
23145 | } |
23146 | |
23147 | bool setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23148 | { |
23149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowOffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D" ); |
23150 | } |
23151 | |
23153 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23154 | { |
23155 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23156 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23157 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23158 | return jsUndefined(); |
23159 | return JSPaintRenderingContext2D::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23160 | } |
23161 | |
23162 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23163 | { |
23164 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PaintRenderingContext2D" ); |
23165 | } |
23166 | |
23167 | #endif |
23168 | |
23170 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23171 | { |
23172 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23173 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23174 | return false; |
23175 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23176 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PaintRenderingContext2D" ), strlen("PaintRenderingContext2D" )), value); |
23177 | } |
23178 | |
23179 | bool setJSDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23180 | { |
23181 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPaintRenderingContext2DConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PaintRenderingContext2D" ); |
23182 | } |
23183 | |
23184 | #endif |
23185 | |
23186 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPath2DConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23187 | { |
23188 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23189 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23190 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23191 | return jsUndefined(); |
23192 | return JSPath2D::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23193 | } |
23194 | |
23195 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPath2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23196 | { |
23197 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPath2DConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Path2D" ); |
23198 | } |
23199 | |
23200 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPath2DConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23201 | { |
23202 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23203 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23204 | return false; |
23205 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23206 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Path2D" ), strlen("Path2D" )), value); |
23207 | } |
23208 | |
23209 | bool setJSDOMWindowPath2DConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23210 | { |
23211 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPath2DConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Path2D" ); |
23212 | } |
23213 | |
23214 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
23215 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23216 | { |
23217 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23218 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23219 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23220 | return jsUndefined(); |
23221 | return JSWebGL2RenderingContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23222 | } |
23223 | |
23224 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23225 | { |
23226 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGL2RenderingContext" ); |
23227 | } |
23228 | |
23229 | #endif |
23230 | |
23231 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
23232 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23233 | { |
23234 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23235 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23236 | return false; |
23237 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23238 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGL2RenderingContext" ), strlen("WebGL2RenderingContext" )), value); |
23239 | } |
23240 | |
23241 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23242 | { |
23243 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGL2RenderingContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGL2RenderingContext" ); |
23244 | } |
23245 | |
23246 | #endif |
23247 | |
23248 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23249 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23250 | { |
23251 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23252 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23253 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23254 | return jsUndefined(); |
23255 | return JSWebGLActiveInfo::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23256 | } |
23257 | |
23258 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23259 | { |
23260 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLActiveInfo" ); |
23261 | } |
23262 | |
23263 | #endif |
23264 | |
23265 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23266 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23267 | { |
23268 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23269 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23270 | return false; |
23271 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23272 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLActiveInfo" ), strlen("WebGLActiveInfo" )), value); |
23273 | } |
23274 | |
23275 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23276 | { |
23277 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLActiveInfoConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLActiveInfo" ); |
23278 | } |
23279 | |
23280 | #endif |
23281 | |
23282 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23283 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23284 | { |
23285 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23286 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23287 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23288 | return jsUndefined(); |
23289 | return JSWebGLBuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23290 | } |
23291 | |
23292 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23293 | { |
23294 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLBuffer" ); |
23295 | } |
23296 | |
23297 | #endif |
23298 | |
23299 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23300 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23301 | { |
23302 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23303 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23304 | return false; |
23305 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23306 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLBuffer" ), strlen("WebGLBuffer" )), value); |
23307 | } |
23308 | |
23309 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23310 | { |
23311 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLBufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLBuffer" ); |
23312 | } |
23313 | |
23314 | #endif |
23315 | |
23316 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23317 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23318 | { |
23319 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23320 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23321 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23322 | return jsUndefined(); |
23323 | return JSWebGLContextEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23324 | } |
23325 | |
23326 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23327 | { |
23328 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLContextEvent" ); |
23329 | } |
23330 | |
23331 | #endif |
23332 | |
23333 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23334 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23335 | { |
23336 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23337 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23338 | return false; |
23339 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23340 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLContextEvent" ), strlen("WebGLContextEvent" )), value); |
23341 | } |
23342 | |
23343 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23344 | { |
23345 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLContextEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLContextEvent" ); |
23346 | } |
23347 | |
23348 | #endif |
23349 | |
23350 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23351 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23352 | { |
23353 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23354 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23355 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23356 | return jsUndefined(); |
23357 | return JSWebGLFramebuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23358 | } |
23359 | |
23360 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23361 | { |
23362 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLFramebuffer" ); |
23363 | } |
23364 | |
23365 | #endif |
23366 | |
23367 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23368 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23369 | { |
23370 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23371 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23372 | return false; |
23373 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23374 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLFramebuffer" ), strlen("WebGLFramebuffer" )), value); |
23375 | } |
23376 | |
23377 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23378 | { |
23379 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLFramebufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLFramebuffer" ); |
23380 | } |
23381 | |
23382 | #endif |
23383 | |
23384 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23385 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23386 | { |
23387 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23388 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23389 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23390 | return jsUndefined(); |
23391 | return JSWebGLProgram::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23392 | } |
23393 | |
23394 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23395 | { |
23396 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLProgram" ); |
23397 | } |
23398 | |
23399 | #endif |
23400 | |
23401 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23402 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23403 | { |
23404 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23405 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23406 | return false; |
23407 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23408 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLProgram" ), strlen("WebGLProgram" )), value); |
23409 | } |
23410 | |
23411 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23412 | { |
23413 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLProgramConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLProgram" ); |
23414 | } |
23415 | |
23416 | #endif |
23417 | |
23418 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23419 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23420 | { |
23421 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23422 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23423 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23424 | return jsUndefined(); |
23425 | return JSWebGLQuery::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23426 | } |
23427 | |
23428 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23429 | { |
23430 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLQuery" ); |
23431 | } |
23432 | |
23433 | #endif |
23434 | |
23435 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23436 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23437 | { |
23438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23439 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23440 | return false; |
23441 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23442 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLQuery" ), strlen("WebGLQuery" )), value); |
23443 | } |
23444 | |
23445 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23446 | { |
23447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLQueryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLQuery" ); |
23448 | } |
23449 | |
23450 | #endif |
23451 | |
23452 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23453 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23454 | { |
23455 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23456 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23457 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23458 | return jsUndefined(); |
23459 | return JSWebGLRenderbuffer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23460 | } |
23461 | |
23462 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23463 | { |
23464 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLRenderbuffer" ); |
23465 | } |
23466 | |
23467 | #endif |
23468 | |
23469 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23470 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23471 | { |
23472 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23473 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23474 | return false; |
23475 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23476 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLRenderbuffer" ), strlen("WebGLRenderbuffer" )), value); |
23477 | } |
23478 | |
23479 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23480 | { |
23481 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderbufferConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLRenderbuffer" ); |
23482 | } |
23483 | |
23484 | #endif |
23485 | |
23486 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23487 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23488 | { |
23489 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23490 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23491 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23492 | return jsUndefined(); |
23493 | return JSWebGLRenderingContext::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23494 | } |
23495 | |
23496 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23497 | { |
23498 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLRenderingContext" ); |
23499 | } |
23500 | |
23501 | #endif |
23502 | |
23503 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23504 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23505 | { |
23506 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23507 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23508 | return false; |
23509 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23510 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLRenderingContext" ), strlen("WebGLRenderingContext" )), value); |
23511 | } |
23512 | |
23513 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23514 | { |
23515 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLRenderingContextConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLRenderingContext" ); |
23516 | } |
23517 | |
23518 | #endif |
23519 | |
23520 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23521 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23522 | { |
23523 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23524 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23525 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23526 | return jsUndefined(); |
23527 | return JSWebGLSampler::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23528 | } |
23529 | |
23530 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23531 | { |
23532 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLSampler" ); |
23533 | } |
23534 | |
23535 | #endif |
23536 | |
23537 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23538 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23539 | { |
23540 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23541 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23542 | return false; |
23543 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23544 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLSampler" ), strlen("WebGLSampler" )), value); |
23545 | } |
23546 | |
23547 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23548 | { |
23549 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLSamplerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLSampler" ); |
23550 | } |
23551 | |
23552 | #endif |
23553 | |
23554 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23555 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23556 | { |
23557 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23558 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23559 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23560 | return jsUndefined(); |
23561 | return JSWebGLShader::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23562 | } |
23563 | |
23564 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23565 | { |
23566 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLShader" ); |
23567 | } |
23568 | |
23569 | #endif |
23570 | |
23571 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23572 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23573 | { |
23574 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23575 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23576 | return false; |
23577 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23578 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLShader" ), strlen("WebGLShader" )), value); |
23579 | } |
23580 | |
23581 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23582 | { |
23583 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLShader" ); |
23584 | } |
23585 | |
23586 | #endif |
23587 | |
23588 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23589 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23590 | { |
23591 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23592 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23593 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23594 | return jsUndefined(); |
23595 | return JSWebGLShaderPrecisionFormat::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23596 | } |
23597 | |
23598 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23599 | { |
23600 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" ); |
23601 | } |
23602 | |
23603 | #endif |
23604 | |
23605 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23606 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23607 | { |
23608 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23609 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23610 | return false; |
23611 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23612 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" ), strlen("WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" )), value); |
23613 | } |
23614 | |
23615 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23616 | { |
23617 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLShaderPrecisionFormatConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat" ); |
23618 | } |
23619 | |
23620 | #endif |
23621 | |
23622 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23623 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23624 | { |
23625 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23626 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23627 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23628 | return jsUndefined(); |
23629 | return JSWebGLSync::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23630 | } |
23631 | |
23632 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23633 | { |
23634 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLSync" ); |
23635 | } |
23636 | |
23637 | #endif |
23638 | |
23639 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23640 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23641 | { |
23642 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23643 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23644 | return false; |
23645 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23646 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLSync" ), strlen("WebGLSync" )), value); |
23647 | } |
23648 | |
23649 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23650 | { |
23651 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLSyncConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLSync" ); |
23652 | } |
23653 | |
23654 | #endif |
23655 | |
23656 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23657 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23658 | { |
23659 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23660 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23661 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23662 | return jsUndefined(); |
23663 | return JSWebGLTexture::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23664 | } |
23665 | |
23666 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23667 | { |
23668 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLTexture" ); |
23669 | } |
23670 | |
23671 | #endif |
23672 | |
23673 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23674 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23675 | { |
23676 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23677 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23678 | return false; |
23679 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23680 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLTexture" ), strlen("WebGLTexture" )), value); |
23681 | } |
23682 | |
23683 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23684 | { |
23685 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLTextureConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLTexture" ); |
23686 | } |
23687 | |
23688 | #endif |
23689 | |
23690 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23691 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23692 | { |
23693 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23694 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23695 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23696 | return jsUndefined(); |
23697 | return JSWebGLTransformFeedback::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23698 | } |
23699 | |
23700 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23701 | { |
23702 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLTransformFeedback" ); |
23703 | } |
23704 | |
23705 | #endif |
23706 | |
23707 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23708 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23709 | { |
23710 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23711 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23712 | return false; |
23713 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23714 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLTransformFeedback" ), strlen("WebGLTransformFeedback" )), value); |
23715 | } |
23716 | |
23717 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23718 | { |
23719 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLTransformFeedbackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLTransformFeedback" ); |
23720 | } |
23721 | |
23722 | #endif |
23723 | |
23724 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23725 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23726 | { |
23727 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23728 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23729 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23730 | return jsUndefined(); |
23731 | return JSWebGLUniformLocation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23732 | } |
23733 | |
23734 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23735 | { |
23736 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLUniformLocation" ); |
23737 | } |
23738 | |
23739 | #endif |
23740 | |
23741 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL) |
23742 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23743 | { |
23744 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23745 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23746 | return false; |
23747 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23748 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLUniformLocation" ), strlen("WebGLUniformLocation" )), value); |
23749 | } |
23750 | |
23751 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23752 | { |
23753 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLUniformLocationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLUniformLocation" ); |
23754 | } |
23755 | |
23756 | #endif |
23757 | |
23758 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
23759 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23760 | { |
23761 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23762 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23763 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23764 | return jsUndefined(); |
23765 | return JSWebGLVertexArrayObject::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23766 | } |
23767 | |
23768 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23769 | { |
23770 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebGLVertexArrayObject" ); |
23771 | } |
23772 | |
23773 | #endif |
23774 | |
23775 | #if ENABLE(WEBGL2) |
23776 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23777 | { |
23778 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23779 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23780 | return false; |
23781 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23782 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebGLVertexArrayObject" ), strlen("WebGLVertexArrayObject" )), value); |
23783 | } |
23784 | |
23785 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23786 | { |
23787 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebGLVertexArrayObjectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebGLVertexArrayObject" ); |
23788 | } |
23789 | |
23790 | #endif |
23791 | |
23792 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23793 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23794 | { |
23795 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23796 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23797 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23798 | return jsUndefined(); |
23799 | return JSAudioTrack::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23800 | } |
23801 | |
23802 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23803 | { |
23804 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioTrack" ); |
23805 | } |
23806 | |
23807 | #endif |
23808 | |
23809 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23810 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23811 | { |
23812 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23813 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23814 | return false; |
23815 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23816 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioTrack" ), strlen("AudioTrack" )), value); |
23817 | } |
23818 | |
23819 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23820 | { |
23821 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioTrack" ); |
23822 | } |
23823 | |
23824 | #endif |
23825 | |
23826 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23827 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23828 | { |
23829 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23830 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23831 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23832 | return jsUndefined(); |
23833 | return JSAudioTrackList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23834 | } |
23835 | |
23836 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23837 | { |
23838 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "AudioTrackList" ); |
23839 | } |
23840 | |
23841 | #endif |
23842 | |
23843 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23844 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23845 | { |
23846 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23847 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23848 | return false; |
23849 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23850 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("AudioTrackList" ), strlen("AudioTrackList" )), value); |
23851 | } |
23852 | |
23853 | bool setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23854 | { |
23855 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowAudioTrackListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "AudioTrackList" ); |
23856 | } |
23857 | |
23858 | #endif |
23859 | |
23860 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23861 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDataCueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23862 | { |
23863 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23864 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23865 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23866 | return jsUndefined(); |
23867 | return JSDataCue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23868 | } |
23869 | |
23870 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDataCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23871 | { |
23872 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDataCueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DataCue" ); |
23873 | } |
23874 | |
23875 | #endif |
23876 | |
23877 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23878 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDataCueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23879 | { |
23880 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23881 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23882 | return false; |
23883 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23884 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DataCue" ), strlen("DataCue" )), value); |
23885 | } |
23886 | |
23887 | bool setJSDOMWindowDataCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23888 | { |
23889 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDataCueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DataCue" ); |
23890 | } |
23891 | |
23892 | #endif |
23893 | |
23894 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23895 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23896 | { |
23897 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23898 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23899 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23900 | return jsUndefined(); |
23901 | return JSTextTrack::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23902 | } |
23903 | |
23904 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23905 | { |
23906 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextTrackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextTrack" ); |
23907 | } |
23908 | |
23909 | #endif |
23910 | |
23911 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23912 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23913 | { |
23914 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23915 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23916 | return false; |
23917 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23918 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextTrack" ), strlen("TextTrack" )), value); |
23919 | } |
23920 | |
23921 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23922 | { |
23923 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextTrackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextTrack" ); |
23924 | } |
23925 | |
23926 | #endif |
23927 | |
23928 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23929 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23930 | { |
23931 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23932 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23933 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23934 | return jsUndefined(); |
23935 | return JSTextTrackCue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23936 | } |
23937 | |
23938 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23939 | { |
23940 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextTrackCue" ); |
23941 | } |
23942 | |
23943 | #endif |
23944 | |
23945 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23946 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23947 | { |
23948 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23949 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23950 | return false; |
23951 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23952 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextTrackCue" ), strlen("TextTrackCue" )), value); |
23953 | } |
23954 | |
23955 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23956 | { |
23957 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextTrackCue" ); |
23958 | } |
23959 | |
23960 | #endif |
23961 | |
23962 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23963 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23964 | { |
23965 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23966 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
23967 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23968 | return jsUndefined(); |
23969 | return JSTextTrackCueList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
23970 | } |
23971 | |
23972 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
23973 | { |
23974 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextTrackCueList" ); |
23975 | } |
23976 | |
23977 | #endif |
23978 | |
23979 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23980 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23981 | { |
23982 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
23983 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
23984 | return false; |
23985 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
23986 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextTrackCueList" ), strlen("TextTrackCueList" )), value); |
23987 | } |
23988 | |
23989 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
23990 | { |
23991 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextTrackCueListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextTrackCueList" ); |
23992 | } |
23993 | |
23994 | #endif |
23995 | |
23996 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
23997 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
23998 | { |
23999 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24000 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24001 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24002 | return jsUndefined(); |
24003 | return JSTextTrackList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24004 | } |
24005 | |
24006 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24007 | { |
24008 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TextTrackList" ); |
24009 | } |
24010 | |
24011 | #endif |
24012 | |
24013 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24014 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24015 | { |
24016 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24017 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24018 | return false; |
24019 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24020 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TextTrackList" ), strlen("TextTrackList" )), value); |
24021 | } |
24022 | |
24023 | bool setJSDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24024 | { |
24025 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTextTrackListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TextTrackList" ); |
24026 | } |
24027 | |
24028 | #endif |
24029 | |
24030 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24031 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowTrackEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24032 | { |
24033 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24034 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24035 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24036 | return jsUndefined(); |
24037 | return JSTrackEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24038 | } |
24039 | |
24040 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24041 | { |
24042 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowTrackEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "TrackEvent" ); |
24043 | } |
24044 | |
24045 | #endif |
24046 | |
24047 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24048 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowTrackEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24049 | { |
24050 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24051 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24052 | return false; |
24053 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24054 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("TrackEvent" ), strlen("TrackEvent" )), value); |
24055 | } |
24056 | |
24057 | bool setJSDOMWindowTrackEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24058 | { |
24059 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowTrackEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "TrackEvent" ); |
24060 | } |
24061 | |
24062 | #endif |
24063 | |
24064 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24065 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVTTCueConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24066 | { |
24067 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24068 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24070 | return jsUndefined(); |
24071 | return JSVTTCue::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24072 | } |
24073 | |
24074 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24075 | { |
24076 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVTTCueConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VTTCue" ); |
24077 | } |
24078 | |
24079 | #endif |
24080 | |
24081 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24082 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVTTCueConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24083 | { |
24084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24086 | return false; |
24087 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24088 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VTTCue" ), strlen("VTTCue" )), value); |
24089 | } |
24090 | |
24091 | bool setJSDOMWindowVTTCueConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24092 | { |
24093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVTTCueConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VTTCue" ); |
24094 | } |
24095 | |
24096 | #endif |
24097 | |
24098 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24099 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24100 | { |
24101 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24102 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24103 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24104 | return jsUndefined(); |
24105 | return JSVTTRegion::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24106 | } |
24107 | |
24108 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24109 | { |
24110 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VTTRegion" ); |
24111 | } |
24112 | |
24113 | #endif |
24114 | |
24115 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24116 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24117 | { |
24118 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24119 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24120 | return false; |
24121 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24122 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VTTRegion" ), strlen("VTTRegion" )), value); |
24123 | } |
24124 | |
24125 | bool setJSDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24126 | { |
24127 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVTTRegionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VTTRegion" ); |
24128 | } |
24129 | |
24130 | #endif |
24131 | |
24132 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24133 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24134 | { |
24135 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24136 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24137 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24138 | return jsUndefined(); |
24139 | return JSVideoTrack::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24140 | } |
24141 | |
24142 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24143 | { |
24144 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VideoTrack" ); |
24145 | } |
24146 | |
24147 | #endif |
24148 | |
24149 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24150 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24151 | { |
24152 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24153 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24154 | return false; |
24155 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24156 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VideoTrack" ), strlen("VideoTrack" )), value); |
24157 | } |
24158 | |
24159 | bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24160 | { |
24161 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VideoTrack" ); |
24162 | } |
24163 | |
24164 | #endif |
24165 | |
24166 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24167 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24168 | { |
24169 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24170 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24171 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24172 | return jsUndefined(); |
24173 | return JSVideoTrackList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24174 | } |
24175 | |
24176 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24177 | { |
24178 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VideoTrackList" ); |
24179 | } |
24180 | |
24181 | #endif |
24182 | |
24183 | #if ENABLE(VIDEO_TRACK) |
24184 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24185 | { |
24186 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24187 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24188 | return false; |
24189 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24190 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VideoTrackList" ), strlen("VideoTrackList" )), value); |
24191 | } |
24192 | |
24193 | bool setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24194 | { |
24195 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVideoTrackListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VideoTrackList" ); |
24196 | } |
24197 | |
24198 | #endif |
24199 | |
24200 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24201 | { |
24202 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24203 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24204 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24205 | return jsUndefined(); |
24206 | return JSDOMApplicationCache::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24207 | } |
24208 | |
24209 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24210 | { |
24211 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ApplicationCache" ); |
24212 | } |
24213 | |
24214 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24215 | { |
24216 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24217 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24218 | return false; |
24219 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24220 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ApplicationCache" ), strlen("ApplicationCache" )), value); |
24221 | } |
24222 | |
24223 | bool setJSDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24224 | { |
24225 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowApplicationCacheConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ApplicationCache" ); |
24226 | } |
24227 | |
24228 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowBarPropConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24229 | { |
24230 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24231 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24232 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24233 | return jsUndefined(); |
24234 | return JSBarProp::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24235 | } |
24236 | |
24237 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowBarPropConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24238 | { |
24239 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowBarPropConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "BarProp" ); |
24240 | } |
24241 | |
24242 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowBarPropConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24243 | { |
24244 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24245 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24246 | return false; |
24247 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24248 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("BarProp" ), strlen("BarProp" )), value); |
24249 | } |
24250 | |
24251 | bool setJSDOMWindowBarPropConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24252 | { |
24253 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowBarPropConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "BarProp" ); |
24254 | } |
24255 | |
24256 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24257 | { |
24258 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24259 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24260 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24261 | return jsUndefined(); |
24262 | return JSCrypto::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24263 | } |
24264 | |
24265 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowCryptoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24266 | { |
24267 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowCryptoConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Crypto" ); |
24268 | } |
24269 | |
24270 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24271 | { |
24272 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24273 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24274 | return false; |
24275 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24276 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Crypto" ), strlen("Crypto" )), value); |
24277 | } |
24278 | |
24279 | bool setJSDOMWindowCryptoConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24280 | { |
24281 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowCryptoConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Crypto" ); |
24282 | } |
24283 | |
24284 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSelectionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24285 | { |
24286 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24287 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24288 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24289 | return jsUndefined(); |
24290 | return JSDOMSelection::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24291 | } |
24292 | |
24293 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSelectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24294 | { |
24295 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSelectionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Selection" ); |
24296 | } |
24297 | |
24298 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSelectionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24299 | { |
24300 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24301 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24302 | return false; |
24303 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24304 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Selection" ), strlen("Selection" )), value); |
24305 | } |
24306 | |
24307 | bool setJSDOMWindowSelectionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24308 | { |
24309 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSelectionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Selection" ); |
24310 | } |
24311 | |
24312 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWindowConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24313 | { |
24314 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24315 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24316 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24317 | return jsUndefined(); |
24318 | return JSDOMWindow::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24319 | } |
24320 | |
24321 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWindowConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24322 | { |
24323 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWindowConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Window" ); |
24324 | } |
24325 | |
24326 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWindowConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24327 | { |
24328 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24329 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24330 | return false; |
24331 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24332 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Window" ), strlen("Window" )), value); |
24333 | } |
24334 | |
24335 | bool setJSDOMWindowWindowConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24336 | { |
24337 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWindowConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Window" ); |
24338 | } |
24339 | |
24340 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowEventSourceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24341 | { |
24342 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24343 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24344 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24345 | return jsUndefined(); |
24346 | return JSEventSource::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24347 | } |
24348 | |
24349 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24350 | { |
24351 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowEventSourceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "EventSource" ); |
24352 | } |
24353 | |
24354 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowEventSourceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24355 | { |
24356 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24357 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24358 | return false; |
24359 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24360 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("EventSource" ), strlen("EventSource" )), value); |
24361 | } |
24362 | |
24363 | bool setJSDOMWindowEventSourceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24364 | { |
24365 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowEventSourceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "EventSource" ); |
24366 | } |
24367 | |
24368 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowHistoryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24369 | { |
24370 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24371 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24372 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24373 | return jsUndefined(); |
24374 | return JSHistory::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24375 | } |
24376 | |
24377 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowHistoryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24378 | { |
24379 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowHistoryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "History" ); |
24380 | } |
24381 | |
24382 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowHistoryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24383 | { |
24384 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24385 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24386 | return false; |
24387 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24388 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("History" ), strlen("History" )), value); |
24389 | } |
24390 | |
24391 | bool setJSDOMWindowHistoryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24392 | { |
24393 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowHistoryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "History" ); |
24394 | } |
24395 | |
24397 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24398 | { |
24399 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24400 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24401 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24402 | return jsUndefined(); |
24403 | return JSIntersectionObserver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24404 | } |
24405 | |
24406 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24407 | { |
24408 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IntersectionObserver" ); |
24409 | } |
24410 | |
24411 | #endif |
24412 | |
24414 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24415 | { |
24416 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24417 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24418 | return false; |
24419 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24420 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IntersectionObserver" ), strlen("IntersectionObserver" )), value); |
24421 | } |
24422 | |
24423 | bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24424 | { |
24425 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IntersectionObserver" ); |
24426 | } |
24427 | |
24428 | #endif |
24429 | |
24431 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24432 | { |
24433 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24434 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24435 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24436 | return jsUndefined(); |
24437 | return JSIntersectionObserverEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24438 | } |
24439 | |
24440 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24441 | { |
24442 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "IntersectionObserverEntry" ); |
24443 | } |
24444 | |
24445 | #endif |
24446 | |
24448 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24449 | { |
24450 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24451 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24452 | return false; |
24453 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24454 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("IntersectionObserverEntry" ), strlen("IntersectionObserverEntry" )), value); |
24455 | } |
24456 | |
24457 | bool setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24458 | { |
24459 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowIntersectionObserverEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "IntersectionObserverEntry" ); |
24460 | } |
24461 | |
24462 | #endif |
24463 | |
24464 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowLocationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24465 | { |
24466 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24467 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24468 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24469 | return jsUndefined(); |
24470 | return JSLocation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24471 | } |
24472 | |
24473 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowLocationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24474 | { |
24475 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowLocationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Location" ); |
24476 | } |
24477 | |
24478 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowLocationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24479 | { |
24480 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24481 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24482 | return false; |
24483 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24484 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Location" ), strlen("Location" )), value); |
24485 | } |
24486 | |
24487 | bool setJSDOMWindowLocationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24488 | { |
24489 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowLocationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Location" ); |
24490 | } |
24491 | |
24492 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowNavigatorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24493 | { |
24494 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24495 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24496 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24497 | return jsUndefined(); |
24498 | return JSNavigator::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24499 | } |
24500 | |
24501 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24502 | { |
24503 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowNavigatorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Navigator" ); |
24504 | } |
24505 | |
24506 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowNavigatorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24507 | { |
24508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24509 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24510 | return false; |
24511 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24512 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Navigator" ), strlen("Navigator" )), value); |
24513 | } |
24514 | |
24515 | bool setJSDOMWindowNavigatorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24516 | { |
24517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowNavigatorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Navigator" ); |
24518 | } |
24519 | |
24520 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24521 | { |
24522 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24523 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24524 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24525 | return jsUndefined(); |
24526 | return JSPerformance::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24527 | } |
24528 | |
24529 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24530 | { |
24531 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Performance" ); |
24532 | } |
24533 | |
24534 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24535 | { |
24536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24537 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24538 | return false; |
24539 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24540 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Performance" ), strlen("Performance" )), value); |
24541 | } |
24542 | |
24543 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24544 | { |
24545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Performance" ); |
24546 | } |
24547 | |
24548 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24549 | { |
24550 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24551 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24552 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24553 | return jsUndefined(); |
24554 | return JSPerformanceEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24555 | } |
24556 | |
24557 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24558 | { |
24559 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceEntry" ); |
24560 | } |
24561 | |
24562 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24563 | { |
24564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24565 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24566 | return false; |
24567 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24568 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceEntry" ), strlen("PerformanceEntry" )), value); |
24569 | } |
24570 | |
24571 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24572 | { |
24573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceEntry" ); |
24574 | } |
24575 | |
24576 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24577 | { |
24578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24579 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24580 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24581 | return jsUndefined(); |
24582 | return JSPerformanceMark::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24583 | } |
24584 | |
24585 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24586 | { |
24587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceMark" ); |
24588 | } |
24589 | |
24590 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24591 | { |
24592 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24593 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24594 | return false; |
24595 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24596 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceMark" ), strlen("PerformanceMark" )), value); |
24597 | } |
24598 | |
24599 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24600 | { |
24601 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMarkConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceMark" ); |
24602 | } |
24603 | |
24604 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24605 | { |
24606 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24607 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24608 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24609 | return jsUndefined(); |
24610 | return JSPerformanceMeasure::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24611 | } |
24612 | |
24613 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24614 | { |
24615 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceMeasure" ); |
24616 | } |
24617 | |
24618 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24619 | { |
24620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24621 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24622 | return false; |
24623 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24624 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceMeasure" ), strlen("PerformanceMeasure" )), value); |
24625 | } |
24626 | |
24627 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24628 | { |
24629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceMeasureConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceMeasure" ); |
24630 | } |
24631 | |
24632 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24633 | { |
24634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24635 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24636 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24637 | return jsUndefined(); |
24638 | return JSPerformanceNavigation::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24639 | } |
24640 | |
24641 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24642 | { |
24643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceNavigation" ); |
24644 | } |
24645 | |
24646 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24647 | { |
24648 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24649 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24650 | return false; |
24651 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24652 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceNavigation" ), strlen("PerformanceNavigation" )), value); |
24653 | } |
24654 | |
24655 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24656 | { |
24657 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceNavigationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceNavigation" ); |
24658 | } |
24659 | |
24660 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24661 | { |
24662 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24663 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24664 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24665 | return jsUndefined(); |
24666 | return JSPerformanceObserver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24667 | } |
24668 | |
24669 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24670 | { |
24671 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceObserver" ); |
24672 | } |
24673 | |
24674 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24675 | { |
24676 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24677 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24678 | return false; |
24679 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24680 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceObserver" ), strlen("PerformanceObserver" )), value); |
24681 | } |
24682 | |
24683 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24684 | { |
24685 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceObserver" ); |
24686 | } |
24687 | |
24688 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24689 | { |
24690 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24691 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24692 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24693 | return jsUndefined(); |
24694 | return JSPerformanceObserverEntryList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24695 | } |
24696 | |
24697 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24698 | { |
24699 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceObserverEntryList" ); |
24700 | } |
24701 | |
24702 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24703 | { |
24704 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24705 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24706 | return false; |
24707 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24708 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceObserverEntryList" ), strlen("PerformanceObserverEntryList" )), value); |
24709 | } |
24710 | |
24711 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24712 | { |
24713 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceObserverEntryListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceObserverEntryList" ); |
24714 | } |
24715 | |
24716 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24717 | { |
24718 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24719 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24720 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24721 | return jsUndefined(); |
24722 | return JSPerformanceResourceTiming::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24723 | } |
24724 | |
24725 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24726 | { |
24727 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceResourceTiming" ); |
24728 | } |
24729 | |
24730 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24731 | { |
24732 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24733 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24734 | return false; |
24735 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24736 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceResourceTiming" ), strlen("PerformanceResourceTiming" )), value); |
24737 | } |
24738 | |
24739 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24740 | { |
24741 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceResourceTimingConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceResourceTiming" ); |
24742 | } |
24743 | |
24744 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24745 | { |
24746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24747 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24748 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24749 | return jsUndefined(); |
24750 | return JSPerformanceServerTiming::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24751 | } |
24752 | |
24753 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24754 | { |
24755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceServerTiming" ); |
24756 | } |
24757 | |
24758 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24759 | { |
24760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24761 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24762 | return false; |
24763 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24764 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceServerTiming" ), strlen("PerformanceServerTiming" )), value); |
24765 | } |
24766 | |
24767 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24768 | { |
24769 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceServerTimingConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceServerTiming" ); |
24770 | } |
24771 | |
24772 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24773 | { |
24774 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24775 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24776 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24777 | return jsUndefined(); |
24778 | return JSPerformanceTiming::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24779 | } |
24780 | |
24781 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24782 | { |
24783 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PerformanceTiming" ); |
24784 | } |
24785 | |
24786 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24787 | { |
24788 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24789 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24790 | return false; |
24791 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24792 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PerformanceTiming" ), strlen("PerformanceTiming" )), value); |
24793 | } |
24794 | |
24795 | bool setJSDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24796 | { |
24797 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPerformanceTimingConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PerformanceTiming" ); |
24798 | } |
24799 | |
24801 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24802 | { |
24803 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24804 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24805 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24806 | return jsUndefined(); |
24807 | return JSResizeObserver::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24808 | } |
24809 | |
24810 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24811 | { |
24812 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ResizeObserver" ); |
24813 | } |
24814 | |
24815 | #endif |
24816 | |
24818 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24819 | { |
24820 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24821 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24822 | return false; |
24823 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24824 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ResizeObserver" ), strlen("ResizeObserver" )), value); |
24825 | } |
24826 | |
24827 | bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24828 | { |
24829 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ResizeObserver" ); |
24830 | } |
24831 | |
24832 | #endif |
24833 | |
24835 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24836 | { |
24837 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24838 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24839 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24840 | return jsUndefined(); |
24841 | return JSResizeObserverEntry::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24842 | } |
24843 | |
24844 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24845 | { |
24846 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ResizeObserverEntry" ); |
24847 | } |
24848 | |
24849 | #endif |
24850 | |
24852 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24853 | { |
24854 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24855 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24856 | return false; |
24857 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24858 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ResizeObserverEntry" ), strlen("ResizeObserverEntry" )), value); |
24859 | } |
24860 | |
24861 | bool setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24862 | { |
24863 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowResizeObserverEntryConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ResizeObserverEntry" ); |
24864 | } |
24865 | |
24866 | #endif |
24867 | |
24868 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowScreenConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24869 | { |
24870 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24871 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24872 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24873 | return jsUndefined(); |
24874 | return JSScreen::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24875 | } |
24876 | |
24877 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowScreenConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24878 | { |
24879 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowScreenConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Screen" ); |
24880 | } |
24881 | |
24882 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowScreenConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24883 | { |
24884 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24885 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24886 | return false; |
24887 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24888 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Screen" ), strlen("Screen" )), value); |
24889 | } |
24890 | |
24891 | bool setJSDOMWindowScreenConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24892 | { |
24893 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowScreenConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Screen" ); |
24894 | } |
24895 | |
24896 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowUndoItemConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24897 | { |
24898 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24899 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24900 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24901 | return jsUndefined(); |
24902 | return JSUndoItem::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24903 | } |
24904 | |
24905 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24906 | { |
24907 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowUndoItemConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "UndoItem" ); |
24908 | } |
24909 | |
24910 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowUndoItemConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24911 | { |
24912 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24913 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24914 | return false; |
24915 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24916 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("UndoItem" ), strlen("UndoItem" )), value); |
24917 | } |
24918 | |
24919 | bool setJSDOMWindowUndoItemConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24920 | { |
24921 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowUndoItemConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "UndoItem" ); |
24922 | } |
24923 | |
24924 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24925 | { |
24926 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24927 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24928 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24929 | return jsUndefined(); |
24930 | return JSUndoManager::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24931 | } |
24932 | |
24933 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24934 | { |
24935 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "UndoManager" ); |
24936 | } |
24937 | |
24938 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24939 | { |
24940 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24941 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24942 | return false; |
24943 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24944 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("UndoManager" ), strlen("UndoManager" )), value); |
24945 | } |
24946 | |
24947 | bool setJSDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24948 | { |
24949 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowUndoManagerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "UndoManager" ); |
24950 | } |
24951 | |
24953 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24954 | { |
24955 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24956 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24957 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24958 | return jsUndefined(); |
24959 | return JSUserMessageHandler::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24960 | } |
24961 | |
24962 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24963 | { |
24964 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "UserMessageHandler" ); |
24965 | } |
24966 | |
24967 | #endif |
24968 | |
24970 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24971 | { |
24972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24974 | return false; |
24975 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
24976 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("UserMessageHandler" ), strlen("UserMessageHandler" )), value); |
24977 | } |
24978 | |
24979 | bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
24980 | { |
24981 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "UserMessageHandler" ); |
24982 | } |
24983 | |
24984 | #endif |
24985 | |
24987 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
24988 | { |
24989 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
24990 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
24991 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
24992 | return jsUndefined(); |
24993 | return JSUserMessageHandlersNamespace::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
24994 | } |
24995 | |
24996 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
24997 | { |
24998 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "UserMessageHandlersNamespace" ); |
24999 | } |
25000 | |
25001 | #endif |
25002 | |
25004 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25005 | { |
25006 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25007 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25008 | return false; |
25009 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25010 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("UserMessageHandlersNamespace" ), strlen("UserMessageHandlersNamespace" )), value); |
25011 | } |
25012 | |
25013 | bool setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25014 | { |
25015 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowUserMessageHandlersNamespaceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "UserMessageHandlersNamespace" ); |
25016 | } |
25017 | |
25018 | #endif |
25019 | |
25020 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25021 | { |
25022 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25023 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25024 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25025 | return jsUndefined(); |
25026 | return JSVisualViewport::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25027 | } |
25028 | |
25029 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25030 | { |
25031 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "VisualViewport" ); |
25032 | } |
25033 | |
25034 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25035 | { |
25036 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25037 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25038 | return false; |
25039 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25040 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("VisualViewport" ), strlen("VisualViewport" )), value); |
25041 | } |
25042 | |
25043 | bool setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25044 | { |
25045 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowVisualViewportConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "VisualViewport" ); |
25046 | } |
25047 | |
25049 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25050 | { |
25051 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25052 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25053 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25054 | return jsUndefined(); |
25055 | return JSWebKitNamespace::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25056 | } |
25057 | |
25058 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25059 | { |
25060 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitNamespace" ); |
25061 | } |
25062 | |
25063 | #endif |
25064 | |
25066 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25067 | { |
25068 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25070 | return false; |
25071 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25072 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitNamespace" ), strlen("WebKitNamespace" )), value); |
25073 | } |
25074 | |
25075 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25076 | { |
25077 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitNamespaceConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitNamespace" ); |
25078 | } |
25079 | |
25080 | #endif |
25081 | |
25082 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25083 | { |
25084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25085 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25086 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25087 | return jsUndefined(); |
25088 | return JSWebKitPoint::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25089 | } |
25090 | |
25091 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25092 | { |
25093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "WebKitPoint" ); |
25094 | } |
25095 | |
25096 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25097 | { |
25098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25099 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25100 | return false; |
25101 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25102 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("WebKitPoint" ), strlen("WebKitPoint" )), value); |
25103 | } |
25104 | |
25105 | bool setJSDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25106 | { |
25107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWebKitPointConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "WebKitPoint" ); |
25108 | } |
25109 | |
25110 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25111 | { |
25112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25113 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25114 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25115 | return jsUndefined(); |
25116 | return JSDOMMimeType::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25117 | } |
25118 | |
25119 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25120 | { |
25121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MimeType" ); |
25122 | } |
25123 | |
25124 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25125 | { |
25126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25127 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25128 | return false; |
25129 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25130 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MimeType" ), strlen("MimeType" )), value); |
25131 | } |
25132 | |
25133 | bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25134 | { |
25135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MimeType" ); |
25136 | } |
25137 | |
25138 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25139 | { |
25140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25141 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25142 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25143 | return jsUndefined(); |
25144 | return JSDOMMimeTypeArray::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25145 | } |
25146 | |
25147 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25148 | { |
25149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "MimeTypeArray" ); |
25150 | } |
25151 | |
25152 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25153 | { |
25154 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25155 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25156 | return false; |
25157 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25158 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("MimeTypeArray" ), strlen("MimeTypeArray" )), value); |
25159 | } |
25160 | |
25161 | bool setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25162 | { |
25163 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowMimeTypeArrayConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "MimeTypeArray" ); |
25164 | } |
25165 | |
25166 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPluginConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25167 | { |
25168 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25169 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25170 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25171 | return jsUndefined(); |
25172 | return JSDOMPlugin::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25173 | } |
25174 | |
25175 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPluginConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25176 | { |
25177 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPluginConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Plugin" ); |
25178 | } |
25179 | |
25180 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPluginConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25181 | { |
25182 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25183 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25184 | return false; |
25185 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25186 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Plugin" ), strlen("Plugin" )), value); |
25187 | } |
25188 | |
25189 | bool setJSDOMWindowPluginConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25190 | { |
25191 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPluginConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Plugin" ); |
25192 | } |
25193 | |
25194 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25195 | { |
25196 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25197 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25198 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25199 | return jsUndefined(); |
25200 | return JSDOMPluginArray::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25201 | } |
25202 | |
25203 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25204 | { |
25205 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "PluginArray" ); |
25206 | } |
25207 | |
25208 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25209 | { |
25210 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25211 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25212 | return false; |
25213 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25214 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("PluginArray" ), strlen("PluginArray" )), value); |
25215 | } |
25216 | |
25217 | bool setJSDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25218 | { |
25219 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowPluginArrayConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "PluginArray" ); |
25220 | } |
25221 | |
25222 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStorageConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25223 | { |
25224 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25225 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25226 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25227 | return jsUndefined(); |
25228 | return JSStorage::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25229 | } |
25230 | |
25231 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStorageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25232 | { |
25233 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStorageConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Storage" ); |
25234 | } |
25235 | |
25236 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStorageConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25237 | { |
25238 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25239 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25240 | return false; |
25241 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25242 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Storage" ), strlen("Storage" )), value); |
25243 | } |
25244 | |
25245 | bool setJSDOMWindowStorageConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25246 | { |
25247 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStorageConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Storage" ); |
25248 | } |
25249 | |
25250 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowStorageEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25251 | { |
25252 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25253 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25254 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25255 | return jsUndefined(); |
25256 | return JSStorageEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25257 | } |
25258 | |
25259 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25260 | { |
25261 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowStorageEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "StorageEvent" ); |
25262 | } |
25263 | |
25264 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowStorageEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25265 | { |
25266 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25267 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25268 | return false; |
25269 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25270 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("StorageEvent" ), strlen("StorageEvent" )), value); |
25271 | } |
25272 | |
25273 | bool setJSDOMWindowStorageEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25274 | { |
25275 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowStorageEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "StorageEvent" ); |
25276 | } |
25277 | |
25278 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25279 | { |
25280 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25281 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25282 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25283 | return jsUndefined(); |
25284 | return JSSVGAElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25285 | } |
25286 | |
25287 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25288 | { |
25289 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAElement" ); |
25290 | } |
25291 | |
25292 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25293 | { |
25294 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25295 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25296 | return false; |
25297 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25298 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAElement" ), strlen("SVGAElement" )), value); |
25299 | } |
25300 | |
25301 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25302 | { |
25303 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAElement" ); |
25304 | } |
25305 | |
25306 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25307 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25308 | { |
25309 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25310 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25311 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25312 | return jsUndefined(); |
25313 | return JSSVGAltGlyphDefElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25314 | } |
25315 | |
25316 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25317 | { |
25318 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAltGlyphDefElement" ); |
25319 | } |
25320 | |
25321 | #endif |
25322 | |
25323 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25324 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25325 | { |
25326 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25327 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25328 | return false; |
25329 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25330 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAltGlyphDefElement" ), strlen("SVGAltGlyphDefElement" )), value); |
25331 | } |
25332 | |
25333 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25334 | { |
25335 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphDefElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAltGlyphDefElement" ); |
25336 | } |
25337 | |
25338 | #endif |
25339 | |
25340 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25341 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25342 | { |
25343 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25344 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25345 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25346 | return jsUndefined(); |
25347 | return JSSVGAltGlyphElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25348 | } |
25349 | |
25350 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25351 | { |
25352 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAltGlyphElement" ); |
25353 | } |
25354 | |
25355 | #endif |
25356 | |
25357 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25358 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25359 | { |
25360 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25361 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25362 | return false; |
25363 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25364 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAltGlyphElement" ), strlen("SVGAltGlyphElement" )), value); |
25365 | } |
25366 | |
25367 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25368 | { |
25369 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAltGlyphElement" ); |
25370 | } |
25371 | |
25372 | #endif |
25373 | |
25374 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25375 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25376 | { |
25377 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25378 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25379 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25380 | return jsUndefined(); |
25381 | return JSSVGAltGlyphItemElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25382 | } |
25383 | |
25384 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25385 | { |
25386 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAltGlyphItemElement" ); |
25387 | } |
25388 | |
25389 | #endif |
25390 | |
25391 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
25392 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25393 | { |
25394 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25395 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25396 | return false; |
25397 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25398 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAltGlyphItemElement" ), strlen("SVGAltGlyphItemElement" )), value); |
25399 | } |
25400 | |
25401 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25402 | { |
25403 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAltGlyphItemElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAltGlyphItemElement" ); |
25404 | } |
25405 | |
25406 | #endif |
25407 | |
25408 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25409 | { |
25410 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25411 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25412 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25413 | return jsUndefined(); |
25414 | return JSSVGAngle::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25415 | } |
25416 | |
25417 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25418 | { |
25419 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAngle" ); |
25420 | } |
25421 | |
25422 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25423 | { |
25424 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25425 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25426 | return false; |
25427 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25428 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAngle" ), strlen("SVGAngle" )), value); |
25429 | } |
25430 | |
25431 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25432 | { |
25433 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAngleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAngle" ); |
25434 | } |
25435 | |
25436 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25437 | { |
25438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25439 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25440 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25441 | return jsUndefined(); |
25442 | return JSSVGAnimateColorElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25443 | } |
25444 | |
25445 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25446 | { |
25447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimateColorElement" ); |
25448 | } |
25449 | |
25450 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25451 | { |
25452 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25453 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25454 | return false; |
25455 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25456 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimateColorElement" ), strlen("SVGAnimateColorElement" )), value); |
25457 | } |
25458 | |
25459 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25460 | { |
25461 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateColorElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimateColorElement" ); |
25462 | } |
25463 | |
25464 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25465 | { |
25466 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25467 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25468 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25469 | return jsUndefined(); |
25470 | return JSSVGAnimateElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25471 | } |
25472 | |
25473 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25474 | { |
25475 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimateElement" ); |
25476 | } |
25477 | |
25478 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25479 | { |
25480 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25481 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25482 | return false; |
25483 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25484 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimateElement" ), strlen("SVGAnimateElement" )), value); |
25485 | } |
25486 | |
25487 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25488 | { |
25489 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimateElement" ); |
25490 | } |
25491 | |
25492 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25493 | { |
25494 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25495 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25496 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25497 | return jsUndefined(); |
25498 | return JSSVGAnimateMotionElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25499 | } |
25500 | |
25501 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25502 | { |
25503 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimateMotionElement" ); |
25504 | } |
25505 | |
25506 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25507 | { |
25508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25509 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25510 | return false; |
25511 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25512 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimateMotionElement" ), strlen("SVGAnimateMotionElement" )), value); |
25513 | } |
25514 | |
25515 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25516 | { |
25517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateMotionElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimateMotionElement" ); |
25518 | } |
25519 | |
25520 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25521 | { |
25522 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25523 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25524 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25525 | return jsUndefined(); |
25526 | return JSSVGAnimateTransformElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25527 | } |
25528 | |
25529 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25530 | { |
25531 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimateTransformElement" ); |
25532 | } |
25533 | |
25534 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25535 | { |
25536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25537 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25538 | return false; |
25539 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25540 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimateTransformElement" ), strlen("SVGAnimateTransformElement" )), value); |
25541 | } |
25542 | |
25543 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25544 | { |
25545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimateTransformElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimateTransformElement" ); |
25546 | } |
25547 | |
25548 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25549 | { |
25550 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25551 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25552 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25553 | return jsUndefined(); |
25554 | return JSSVGAnimatedAngle::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25555 | } |
25556 | |
25557 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25558 | { |
25559 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedAngle" ); |
25560 | } |
25561 | |
25562 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25563 | { |
25564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25565 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25566 | return false; |
25567 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25568 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedAngle" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedAngle" )), value); |
25569 | } |
25570 | |
25571 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25572 | { |
25573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedAngleConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedAngle" ); |
25574 | } |
25575 | |
25576 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25577 | { |
25578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25579 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25580 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25581 | return jsUndefined(); |
25582 | return JSSVGAnimatedBoolean::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25583 | } |
25584 | |
25585 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25586 | { |
25587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedBoolean" ); |
25588 | } |
25589 | |
25590 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25591 | { |
25592 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25593 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25594 | return false; |
25595 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25596 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedBoolean" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedBoolean" )), value); |
25597 | } |
25598 | |
25599 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25600 | { |
25601 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedBooleanConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedBoolean" ); |
25602 | } |
25603 | |
25604 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25605 | { |
25606 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25607 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25608 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25609 | return jsUndefined(); |
25610 | return JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25611 | } |
25612 | |
25613 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25614 | { |
25615 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedEnumeration" ); |
25616 | } |
25617 | |
25618 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25619 | { |
25620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25621 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25622 | return false; |
25623 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25624 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedEnumeration" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedEnumeration" )), value); |
25625 | } |
25626 | |
25627 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25628 | { |
25629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedEnumerationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedEnumeration" ); |
25630 | } |
25631 | |
25632 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25633 | { |
25634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25635 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25636 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25637 | return jsUndefined(); |
25638 | return JSSVGAnimatedInteger::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25639 | } |
25640 | |
25641 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25642 | { |
25643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedInteger" ); |
25644 | } |
25645 | |
25646 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25647 | { |
25648 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25649 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25650 | return false; |
25651 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25652 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedInteger" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedInteger" )), value); |
25653 | } |
25654 | |
25655 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25656 | { |
25657 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedIntegerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedInteger" ); |
25658 | } |
25659 | |
25660 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25661 | { |
25662 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25663 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25664 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25665 | return jsUndefined(); |
25666 | return JSSVGAnimatedLength::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25667 | } |
25668 | |
25669 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25670 | { |
25671 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedLength" ); |
25672 | } |
25673 | |
25674 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25675 | { |
25676 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25677 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25678 | return false; |
25679 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25680 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedLength" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedLength" )), value); |
25681 | } |
25682 | |
25683 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25684 | { |
25685 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedLength" ); |
25686 | } |
25687 | |
25688 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25689 | { |
25690 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25691 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25692 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25693 | return jsUndefined(); |
25694 | return JSSVGAnimatedLengthList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25695 | } |
25696 | |
25697 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25698 | { |
25699 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedLengthList" ); |
25700 | } |
25701 | |
25702 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25703 | { |
25704 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25705 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25706 | return false; |
25707 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25708 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedLengthList" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedLengthList" )), value); |
25709 | } |
25710 | |
25711 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25712 | { |
25713 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedLengthListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedLengthList" ); |
25714 | } |
25715 | |
25716 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25717 | { |
25718 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25719 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25720 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25721 | return jsUndefined(); |
25722 | return JSSVGAnimatedNumber::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25723 | } |
25724 | |
25725 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25726 | { |
25727 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedNumber" ); |
25728 | } |
25729 | |
25730 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25731 | { |
25732 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25733 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25734 | return false; |
25735 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25736 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedNumber" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedNumber" )), value); |
25737 | } |
25738 | |
25739 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25740 | { |
25741 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedNumber" ); |
25742 | } |
25743 | |
25744 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25745 | { |
25746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25747 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25748 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25749 | return jsUndefined(); |
25750 | return JSSVGAnimatedNumberList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25751 | } |
25752 | |
25753 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25754 | { |
25755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedNumberList" ); |
25756 | } |
25757 | |
25758 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25759 | { |
25760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25761 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25762 | return false; |
25763 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25764 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedNumberList" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedNumberList" )), value); |
25765 | } |
25766 | |
25767 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25768 | { |
25769 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedNumberListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedNumberList" ); |
25770 | } |
25771 | |
25772 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25773 | { |
25774 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25775 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25776 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25777 | return jsUndefined(); |
25778 | return JSSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25779 | } |
25780 | |
25781 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25782 | { |
25783 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" ); |
25784 | } |
25785 | |
25786 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25787 | { |
25788 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25789 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25790 | return false; |
25791 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25792 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" )), value); |
25793 | } |
25794 | |
25795 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25796 | { |
25797 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" ); |
25798 | } |
25799 | |
25800 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25801 | { |
25802 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25803 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25804 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25805 | return jsUndefined(); |
25806 | return JSSVGAnimatedRect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25807 | } |
25808 | |
25809 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25810 | { |
25811 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedRect" ); |
25812 | } |
25813 | |
25814 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25815 | { |
25816 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25817 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25818 | return false; |
25819 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25820 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedRect" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedRect" )), value); |
25821 | } |
25822 | |
25823 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25824 | { |
25825 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedRectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedRect" ); |
25826 | } |
25827 | |
25828 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25829 | { |
25830 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25831 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25832 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25833 | return jsUndefined(); |
25834 | return JSSVGAnimatedString::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25835 | } |
25836 | |
25837 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25838 | { |
25839 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedString" ); |
25840 | } |
25841 | |
25842 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25843 | { |
25844 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25845 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25846 | return false; |
25847 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25848 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedString" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedString" )), value); |
25849 | } |
25850 | |
25851 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25852 | { |
25853 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedStringConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedString" ); |
25854 | } |
25855 | |
25856 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25857 | { |
25858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25859 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25860 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25861 | return jsUndefined(); |
25862 | return JSSVGAnimatedTransformList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25863 | } |
25864 | |
25865 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25866 | { |
25867 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimatedTransformList" ); |
25868 | } |
25869 | |
25870 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25871 | { |
25872 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25873 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25874 | return false; |
25875 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25876 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimatedTransformList" ), strlen("SVGAnimatedTransformList" )), value); |
25877 | } |
25878 | |
25879 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25880 | { |
25881 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimatedTransformListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimatedTransformList" ); |
25882 | } |
25883 | |
25884 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25885 | { |
25886 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25887 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25888 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25889 | return jsUndefined(); |
25890 | return JSSVGAnimationElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25891 | } |
25892 | |
25893 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25894 | { |
25895 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGAnimationElement" ); |
25896 | } |
25897 | |
25898 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25899 | { |
25900 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25901 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25902 | return false; |
25903 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25904 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGAnimationElement" ), strlen("SVGAnimationElement" )), value); |
25905 | } |
25906 | |
25907 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25908 | { |
25909 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGAnimationElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGAnimationElement" ); |
25910 | } |
25911 | |
25912 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25913 | { |
25914 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25915 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25916 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25917 | return jsUndefined(); |
25918 | return JSSVGCircleElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25919 | } |
25920 | |
25921 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25922 | { |
25923 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGCircleElement" ); |
25924 | } |
25925 | |
25926 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25927 | { |
25928 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25929 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25930 | return false; |
25931 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25932 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGCircleElement" ), strlen("SVGCircleElement" )), value); |
25933 | } |
25934 | |
25935 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25936 | { |
25937 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGCircleElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGCircleElement" ); |
25938 | } |
25939 | |
25940 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25941 | { |
25942 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25943 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25944 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25945 | return jsUndefined(); |
25946 | return JSSVGClipPathElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25947 | } |
25948 | |
25949 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25950 | { |
25951 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGClipPathElement" ); |
25952 | } |
25953 | |
25954 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25955 | { |
25956 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25957 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25958 | return false; |
25959 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25960 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGClipPathElement" ), strlen("SVGClipPathElement" )), value); |
25961 | } |
25962 | |
25963 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25964 | { |
25965 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGClipPathElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGClipPathElement" ); |
25966 | } |
25967 | |
25968 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25969 | { |
25970 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25971 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
25972 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25973 | return jsUndefined(); |
25974 | return JSSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
25975 | } |
25976 | |
25977 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
25978 | { |
25979 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" ); |
25980 | } |
25981 | |
25982 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25983 | { |
25984 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25985 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
25986 | return false; |
25987 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
25988 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" ), strlen("SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" )), value); |
25989 | } |
25990 | |
25991 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
25992 | { |
25993 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGComponentTransferFunctionElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement" ); |
25994 | } |
25995 | |
25996 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
25997 | { |
25998 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
25999 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26000 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26001 | return jsUndefined(); |
26002 | return JSSVGCursorElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26003 | } |
26004 | |
26005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26006 | { |
26007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGCursorElement" ); |
26008 | } |
26009 | |
26010 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26011 | { |
26012 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26014 | return false; |
26015 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26016 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGCursorElement" ), strlen("SVGCursorElement" )), value); |
26017 | } |
26018 | |
26019 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26020 | { |
26021 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGCursorElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGCursorElement" ); |
26022 | } |
26023 | |
26024 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26025 | { |
26026 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26027 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26028 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26029 | return jsUndefined(); |
26030 | return JSSVGDefsElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26031 | } |
26032 | |
26033 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26034 | { |
26035 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGDefsElement" ); |
26036 | } |
26037 | |
26038 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26039 | { |
26040 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26042 | return false; |
26043 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26044 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGDefsElement" ), strlen("SVGDefsElement" )), value); |
26045 | } |
26046 | |
26047 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26048 | { |
26049 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGDefsElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGDefsElement" ); |
26050 | } |
26051 | |
26052 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26053 | { |
26054 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26055 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26056 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26057 | return jsUndefined(); |
26058 | return JSSVGDescElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26059 | } |
26060 | |
26061 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26062 | { |
26063 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGDescElement" ); |
26064 | } |
26065 | |
26066 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26067 | { |
26068 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26070 | return false; |
26071 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26072 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGDescElement" ), strlen("SVGDescElement" )), value); |
26073 | } |
26074 | |
26075 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26076 | { |
26077 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGDescElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGDescElement" ); |
26078 | } |
26079 | |
26080 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26081 | { |
26082 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26083 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26084 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26085 | return jsUndefined(); |
26086 | return JSSVGElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26087 | } |
26088 | |
26089 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26090 | { |
26091 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGElement" ); |
26092 | } |
26093 | |
26094 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26095 | { |
26096 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26097 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26098 | return false; |
26099 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26100 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGElement" ), strlen("SVGElement" )), value); |
26101 | } |
26102 | |
26103 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26104 | { |
26105 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGElement" ); |
26106 | } |
26107 | |
26108 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26109 | { |
26110 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26111 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26112 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26113 | return jsUndefined(); |
26114 | return JSSVGEllipseElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26115 | } |
26116 | |
26117 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26118 | { |
26119 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGEllipseElement" ); |
26120 | } |
26121 | |
26122 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26123 | { |
26124 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26125 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26126 | return false; |
26127 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26128 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGEllipseElement" ), strlen("SVGEllipseElement" )), value); |
26129 | } |
26130 | |
26131 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26132 | { |
26133 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGEllipseElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGEllipseElement" ); |
26134 | } |
26135 | |
26136 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26137 | { |
26138 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26139 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26140 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26141 | return jsUndefined(); |
26142 | return JSSVGFEBlendElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26143 | } |
26144 | |
26145 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26146 | { |
26147 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEBlendElement" ); |
26148 | } |
26149 | |
26150 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26151 | { |
26152 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26153 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26154 | return false; |
26155 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26156 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEBlendElement" ), strlen("SVGFEBlendElement" )), value); |
26157 | } |
26158 | |
26159 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26160 | { |
26161 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEBlendElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEBlendElement" ); |
26162 | } |
26163 | |
26164 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26165 | { |
26166 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26167 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26168 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26169 | return jsUndefined(); |
26170 | return JSSVGFEColorMatrixElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26171 | } |
26172 | |
26173 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26174 | { |
26175 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEColorMatrixElement" ); |
26176 | } |
26177 | |
26178 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26179 | { |
26180 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26181 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26182 | return false; |
26183 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26184 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEColorMatrixElement" ), strlen("SVGFEColorMatrixElement" )), value); |
26185 | } |
26186 | |
26187 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26188 | { |
26189 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEColorMatrixElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEColorMatrixElement" ); |
26190 | } |
26191 | |
26192 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26193 | { |
26194 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26195 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26196 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26197 | return jsUndefined(); |
26198 | return JSSVGFEComponentTransferElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26199 | } |
26200 | |
26201 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26202 | { |
26203 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEComponentTransferElement" ); |
26204 | } |
26205 | |
26206 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26207 | { |
26208 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26209 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26210 | return false; |
26211 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26212 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEComponentTransferElement" ), strlen("SVGFEComponentTransferElement" )), value); |
26213 | } |
26214 | |
26215 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26216 | { |
26217 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEComponentTransferElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEComponentTransferElement" ); |
26218 | } |
26219 | |
26220 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26221 | { |
26222 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26223 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26224 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26225 | return jsUndefined(); |
26226 | return JSSVGFECompositeElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26227 | } |
26228 | |
26229 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26230 | { |
26231 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFECompositeElement" ); |
26232 | } |
26233 | |
26234 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26235 | { |
26236 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26237 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26238 | return false; |
26239 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26240 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFECompositeElement" ), strlen("SVGFECompositeElement" )), value); |
26241 | } |
26242 | |
26243 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26244 | { |
26245 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFECompositeElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFECompositeElement" ); |
26246 | } |
26247 | |
26248 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26249 | { |
26250 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26251 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26252 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26253 | return jsUndefined(); |
26254 | return JSSVGFEConvolveMatrixElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26255 | } |
26256 | |
26257 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26258 | { |
26259 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" ); |
26260 | } |
26261 | |
26262 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26263 | { |
26264 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26265 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26266 | return false; |
26267 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26268 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" ), strlen("SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" )), value); |
26269 | } |
26270 | |
26271 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26272 | { |
26273 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEConvolveMatrixElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement" ); |
26274 | } |
26275 | |
26276 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26277 | { |
26278 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26279 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26280 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26281 | return jsUndefined(); |
26282 | return JSSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26283 | } |
26284 | |
26285 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26286 | { |
26287 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" ); |
26288 | } |
26289 | |
26290 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26291 | { |
26292 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26293 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26294 | return false; |
26295 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26296 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" ), strlen("SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" )), value); |
26297 | } |
26298 | |
26299 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26300 | { |
26301 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDiffuseLightingElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement" ); |
26302 | } |
26303 | |
26304 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26305 | { |
26306 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26307 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26308 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26309 | return jsUndefined(); |
26310 | return JSSVGFEDisplacementMapElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26311 | } |
26312 | |
26313 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26314 | { |
26315 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" ); |
26316 | } |
26317 | |
26318 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26319 | { |
26320 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26321 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26322 | return false; |
26323 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26324 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" ), strlen("SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" )), value); |
26325 | } |
26326 | |
26327 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26328 | { |
26329 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDisplacementMapElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEDisplacementMapElement" ); |
26330 | } |
26331 | |
26332 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26333 | { |
26334 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26335 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26336 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26337 | return jsUndefined(); |
26338 | return JSSVGFEDistantLightElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26339 | } |
26340 | |
26341 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26342 | { |
26343 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEDistantLightElement" ); |
26344 | } |
26345 | |
26346 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26347 | { |
26348 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26349 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26350 | return false; |
26351 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26352 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEDistantLightElement" ), strlen("SVGFEDistantLightElement" )), value); |
26353 | } |
26354 | |
26355 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26356 | { |
26357 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDistantLightElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEDistantLightElement" ); |
26358 | } |
26359 | |
26360 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26361 | { |
26362 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26363 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26364 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26365 | return jsUndefined(); |
26366 | return JSSVGFEDropShadowElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26367 | } |
26368 | |
26369 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26370 | { |
26371 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEDropShadowElement" ); |
26372 | } |
26373 | |
26374 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26375 | { |
26376 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26377 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26378 | return false; |
26379 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26380 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEDropShadowElement" ), strlen("SVGFEDropShadowElement" )), value); |
26381 | } |
26382 | |
26383 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26384 | { |
26385 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEDropShadowElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEDropShadowElement" ); |
26386 | } |
26387 | |
26388 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26389 | { |
26390 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26391 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26392 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26393 | return jsUndefined(); |
26394 | return JSSVGFEFloodElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26395 | } |
26396 | |
26397 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26398 | { |
26399 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEFloodElement" ); |
26400 | } |
26401 | |
26402 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26403 | { |
26404 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26405 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26406 | return false; |
26407 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26408 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEFloodElement" ), strlen("SVGFEFloodElement" )), value); |
26409 | } |
26410 | |
26411 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26412 | { |
26413 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFloodElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEFloodElement" ); |
26414 | } |
26415 | |
26416 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26417 | { |
26418 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26419 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26420 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26421 | return jsUndefined(); |
26422 | return JSSVGFEFuncAElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26423 | } |
26424 | |
26425 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26426 | { |
26427 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEFuncAElement" ); |
26428 | } |
26429 | |
26430 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26431 | { |
26432 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26433 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26434 | return false; |
26435 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26436 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEFuncAElement" ), strlen("SVGFEFuncAElement" )), value); |
26437 | } |
26438 | |
26439 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26440 | { |
26441 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncAElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEFuncAElement" ); |
26442 | } |
26443 | |
26444 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26445 | { |
26446 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26447 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26448 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26449 | return jsUndefined(); |
26450 | return JSSVGFEFuncBElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26451 | } |
26452 | |
26453 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26454 | { |
26455 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEFuncBElement" ); |
26456 | } |
26457 | |
26458 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26459 | { |
26460 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26461 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26462 | return false; |
26463 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26464 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEFuncBElement" ), strlen("SVGFEFuncBElement" )), value); |
26465 | } |
26466 | |
26467 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26468 | { |
26469 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncBElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEFuncBElement" ); |
26470 | } |
26471 | |
26472 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26473 | { |
26474 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26475 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26476 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26477 | return jsUndefined(); |
26478 | return JSSVGFEFuncGElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26479 | } |
26480 | |
26481 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26482 | { |
26483 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEFuncGElement" ); |
26484 | } |
26485 | |
26486 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26487 | { |
26488 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26489 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26490 | return false; |
26491 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26492 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEFuncGElement" ), strlen("SVGFEFuncGElement" )), value); |
26493 | } |
26494 | |
26495 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26496 | { |
26497 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncGElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEFuncGElement" ); |
26498 | } |
26499 | |
26500 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26501 | { |
26502 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26503 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26504 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26505 | return jsUndefined(); |
26506 | return JSSVGFEFuncRElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26507 | } |
26508 | |
26509 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26510 | { |
26511 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEFuncRElement" ); |
26512 | } |
26513 | |
26514 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26515 | { |
26516 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26517 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26518 | return false; |
26519 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26520 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEFuncRElement" ), strlen("SVGFEFuncRElement" )), value); |
26521 | } |
26522 | |
26523 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26524 | { |
26525 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEFuncRElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEFuncRElement" ); |
26526 | } |
26527 | |
26528 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26529 | { |
26530 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26531 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26532 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26533 | return jsUndefined(); |
26534 | return JSSVGFEGaussianBlurElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26535 | } |
26536 | |
26537 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26538 | { |
26539 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" ); |
26540 | } |
26541 | |
26542 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26543 | { |
26544 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26545 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26546 | return false; |
26547 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26548 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" ), strlen("SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" )), value); |
26549 | } |
26550 | |
26551 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26552 | { |
26553 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEGaussianBlurElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEGaussianBlurElement" ); |
26554 | } |
26555 | |
26556 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26557 | { |
26558 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26559 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26560 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26561 | return jsUndefined(); |
26562 | return JSSVGFEImageElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26563 | } |
26564 | |
26565 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26566 | { |
26567 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEImageElement" ); |
26568 | } |
26569 | |
26570 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26571 | { |
26572 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26573 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26574 | return false; |
26575 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26576 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEImageElement" ), strlen("SVGFEImageElement" )), value); |
26577 | } |
26578 | |
26579 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26580 | { |
26581 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEImageElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEImageElement" ); |
26582 | } |
26583 | |
26584 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26585 | { |
26586 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26587 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26588 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26589 | return jsUndefined(); |
26590 | return JSSVGFEMergeElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26591 | } |
26592 | |
26593 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26594 | { |
26595 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEMergeElement" ); |
26596 | } |
26597 | |
26598 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26599 | { |
26600 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26601 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26602 | return false; |
26603 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26604 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEMergeElement" ), strlen("SVGFEMergeElement" )), value); |
26605 | } |
26606 | |
26607 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26608 | { |
26609 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEMergeElement" ); |
26610 | } |
26611 | |
26612 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26613 | { |
26614 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26615 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26616 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26617 | return jsUndefined(); |
26618 | return JSSVGFEMergeNodeElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26619 | } |
26620 | |
26621 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26622 | { |
26623 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEMergeNodeElement" ); |
26624 | } |
26625 | |
26626 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26627 | { |
26628 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26629 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26630 | return false; |
26631 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26632 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEMergeNodeElement" ), strlen("SVGFEMergeNodeElement" )), value); |
26633 | } |
26634 | |
26635 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26636 | { |
26637 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMergeNodeElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEMergeNodeElement" ); |
26638 | } |
26639 | |
26640 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26641 | { |
26642 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26643 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26644 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26645 | return jsUndefined(); |
26646 | return JSSVGFEMorphologyElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26647 | } |
26648 | |
26649 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26650 | { |
26651 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEMorphologyElement" ); |
26652 | } |
26653 | |
26654 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26655 | { |
26656 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26657 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26658 | return false; |
26659 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26660 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEMorphologyElement" ), strlen("SVGFEMorphologyElement" )), value); |
26661 | } |
26662 | |
26663 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26664 | { |
26665 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEMorphologyElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEMorphologyElement" ); |
26666 | } |
26667 | |
26668 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26669 | { |
26670 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26671 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26672 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26673 | return jsUndefined(); |
26674 | return JSSVGFEOffsetElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26675 | } |
26676 | |
26677 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26678 | { |
26679 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEOffsetElement" ); |
26680 | } |
26681 | |
26682 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26683 | { |
26684 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26685 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26686 | return false; |
26687 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26688 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEOffsetElement" ), strlen("SVGFEOffsetElement" )), value); |
26689 | } |
26690 | |
26691 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26692 | { |
26693 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEOffsetElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEOffsetElement" ); |
26694 | } |
26695 | |
26696 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26697 | { |
26698 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26699 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26700 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26701 | return jsUndefined(); |
26702 | return JSSVGFEPointLightElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26703 | } |
26704 | |
26705 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26706 | { |
26707 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFEPointLightElement" ); |
26708 | } |
26709 | |
26710 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26711 | { |
26712 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26713 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26714 | return false; |
26715 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26716 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFEPointLightElement" ), strlen("SVGFEPointLightElement" )), value); |
26717 | } |
26718 | |
26719 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26720 | { |
26721 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFEPointLightElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFEPointLightElement" ); |
26722 | } |
26723 | |
26724 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26725 | { |
26726 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26727 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26728 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26729 | return jsUndefined(); |
26730 | return JSSVGFESpecularLightingElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26731 | } |
26732 | |
26733 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26734 | { |
26735 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFESpecularLightingElement" ); |
26736 | } |
26737 | |
26738 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26739 | { |
26740 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26741 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26742 | return false; |
26743 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26744 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFESpecularLightingElement" ), strlen("SVGFESpecularLightingElement" )), value); |
26745 | } |
26746 | |
26747 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26748 | { |
26749 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpecularLightingElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFESpecularLightingElement" ); |
26750 | } |
26751 | |
26752 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26753 | { |
26754 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26755 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26756 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26757 | return jsUndefined(); |
26758 | return JSSVGFESpotLightElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26759 | } |
26760 | |
26761 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26762 | { |
26763 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFESpotLightElement" ); |
26764 | } |
26765 | |
26766 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26767 | { |
26768 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26769 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26770 | return false; |
26771 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26772 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFESpotLightElement" ), strlen("SVGFESpotLightElement" )), value); |
26773 | } |
26774 | |
26775 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26776 | { |
26777 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFESpotLightElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFESpotLightElement" ); |
26778 | } |
26779 | |
26780 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26781 | { |
26782 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26783 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26784 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26785 | return jsUndefined(); |
26786 | return JSSVGFETileElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26787 | } |
26788 | |
26789 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26790 | { |
26791 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFETileElement" ); |
26792 | } |
26793 | |
26794 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26795 | { |
26796 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26797 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26798 | return false; |
26799 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26800 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFETileElement" ), strlen("SVGFETileElement" )), value); |
26801 | } |
26802 | |
26803 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26804 | { |
26805 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFETileElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFETileElement" ); |
26806 | } |
26807 | |
26808 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26809 | { |
26810 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26811 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26812 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26813 | return jsUndefined(); |
26814 | return JSSVGFETurbulenceElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26815 | } |
26816 | |
26817 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26818 | { |
26819 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFETurbulenceElement" ); |
26820 | } |
26821 | |
26822 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26823 | { |
26824 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26825 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26826 | return false; |
26827 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26828 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFETurbulenceElement" ), strlen("SVGFETurbulenceElement" )), value); |
26829 | } |
26830 | |
26831 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26832 | { |
26833 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFETurbulenceElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFETurbulenceElement" ); |
26834 | } |
26835 | |
26836 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26837 | { |
26838 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26839 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26840 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26841 | return jsUndefined(); |
26842 | return JSSVGFilterElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26843 | } |
26844 | |
26845 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26846 | { |
26847 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFilterElement" ); |
26848 | } |
26849 | |
26850 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26851 | { |
26852 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26853 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26854 | return false; |
26855 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26856 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFilterElement" ), strlen("SVGFilterElement" )), value); |
26857 | } |
26858 | |
26859 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26860 | { |
26861 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFilterElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFilterElement" ); |
26862 | } |
26863 | |
26864 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26865 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26866 | { |
26867 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26868 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26869 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26870 | return jsUndefined(); |
26871 | return JSSVGFontElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26872 | } |
26873 | |
26874 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26875 | { |
26876 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontElement" ); |
26877 | } |
26878 | |
26879 | #endif |
26880 | |
26881 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26882 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26883 | { |
26884 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26885 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26886 | return false; |
26887 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26888 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontElement" ), strlen("SVGFontElement" )), value); |
26889 | } |
26890 | |
26891 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26892 | { |
26893 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontElement" ); |
26894 | } |
26895 | |
26896 | #endif |
26897 | |
26898 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26899 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26900 | { |
26901 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26902 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26903 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26904 | return jsUndefined(); |
26905 | return JSSVGFontFaceElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26906 | } |
26907 | |
26908 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26909 | { |
26910 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontFaceElement" ); |
26911 | } |
26912 | |
26913 | #endif |
26914 | |
26915 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26916 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26917 | { |
26918 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26919 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26920 | return false; |
26921 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26922 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontFaceElement" ), strlen("SVGFontFaceElement" )), value); |
26923 | } |
26924 | |
26925 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26926 | { |
26927 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontFaceElement" ); |
26928 | } |
26929 | |
26930 | #endif |
26931 | |
26932 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26933 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26934 | { |
26935 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26936 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26937 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26938 | return jsUndefined(); |
26939 | return JSSVGFontFaceFormatElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26940 | } |
26941 | |
26942 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26943 | { |
26944 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontFaceFormatElement" ); |
26945 | } |
26946 | |
26947 | #endif |
26948 | |
26949 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26950 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26951 | { |
26952 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26953 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26954 | return false; |
26955 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26956 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontFaceFormatElement" ), strlen("SVGFontFaceFormatElement" )), value); |
26957 | } |
26958 | |
26959 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26960 | { |
26961 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceFormatElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontFaceFormatElement" ); |
26962 | } |
26963 | |
26964 | #endif |
26965 | |
26966 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26967 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26968 | { |
26969 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26970 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
26971 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26972 | return jsUndefined(); |
26973 | return JSSVGFontFaceNameElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
26974 | } |
26975 | |
26976 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
26977 | { |
26978 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontFaceNameElement" ); |
26979 | } |
26980 | |
26981 | #endif |
26982 | |
26983 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
26984 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
26985 | { |
26986 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
26987 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
26988 | return false; |
26989 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
26990 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontFaceNameElement" ), strlen("SVGFontFaceNameElement" )), value); |
26991 | } |
26992 | |
26993 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
26994 | { |
26995 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceNameElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontFaceNameElement" ); |
26996 | } |
26997 | |
26998 | #endif |
26999 | |
27000 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27001 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27002 | { |
27003 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27004 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27005 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27006 | return jsUndefined(); |
27007 | return JSSVGFontFaceSrcElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27008 | } |
27009 | |
27010 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27011 | { |
27012 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontFaceSrcElement" ); |
27013 | } |
27014 | |
27015 | #endif |
27016 | |
27017 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27018 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27019 | { |
27020 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27021 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27022 | return false; |
27023 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27024 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontFaceSrcElement" ), strlen("SVGFontFaceSrcElement" )), value); |
27025 | } |
27026 | |
27027 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27028 | { |
27029 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceSrcElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontFaceSrcElement" ); |
27030 | } |
27031 | |
27032 | #endif |
27033 | |
27034 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27035 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27036 | { |
27037 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27038 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27039 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27040 | return jsUndefined(); |
27041 | return JSSVGFontFaceUriElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27042 | } |
27043 | |
27044 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27045 | { |
27046 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGFontFaceUriElement" ); |
27047 | } |
27048 | |
27049 | #endif |
27050 | |
27051 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27052 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27053 | { |
27054 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27055 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27056 | return false; |
27057 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27058 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGFontFaceUriElement" ), strlen("SVGFontFaceUriElement" )), value); |
27059 | } |
27060 | |
27061 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27062 | { |
27063 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGFontFaceUriElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGFontFaceUriElement" ); |
27064 | } |
27065 | |
27066 | #endif |
27067 | |
27068 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27069 | { |
27070 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27071 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27072 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27073 | return jsUndefined(); |
27074 | return JSSVGForeignObjectElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27075 | } |
27076 | |
27077 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27078 | { |
27079 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGForeignObjectElement" ); |
27080 | } |
27081 | |
27082 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27083 | { |
27084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27086 | return false; |
27087 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27088 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGForeignObjectElement" ), strlen("SVGForeignObjectElement" )), value); |
27089 | } |
27090 | |
27091 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27092 | { |
27093 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGForeignObjectElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGForeignObjectElement" ); |
27094 | } |
27095 | |
27096 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27097 | { |
27098 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27099 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27100 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27101 | return jsUndefined(); |
27102 | return JSSVGGElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27103 | } |
27104 | |
27105 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27106 | { |
27107 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGElement" ); |
27108 | } |
27109 | |
27110 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27111 | { |
27112 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27113 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27114 | return false; |
27115 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27116 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGElement" ), strlen("SVGGElement" )), value); |
27117 | } |
27118 | |
27119 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27120 | { |
27121 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGElement" ); |
27122 | } |
27123 | |
27124 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27125 | { |
27126 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27127 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27128 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27129 | return jsUndefined(); |
27130 | return JSSVGGeometryElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27131 | } |
27132 | |
27133 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27134 | { |
27135 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGeometryElement" ); |
27136 | } |
27137 | |
27138 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27139 | { |
27140 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27141 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27142 | return false; |
27143 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27144 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGeometryElement" ), strlen("SVGGeometryElement" )), value); |
27145 | } |
27146 | |
27147 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27148 | { |
27149 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGeometryElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGeometryElement" ); |
27150 | } |
27151 | |
27152 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27153 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27154 | { |
27155 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27156 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27157 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27158 | return jsUndefined(); |
27159 | return JSSVGGlyphElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27160 | } |
27161 | |
27162 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27163 | { |
27164 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGlyphElement" ); |
27165 | } |
27166 | |
27167 | #endif |
27168 | |
27169 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27170 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27171 | { |
27172 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27173 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27174 | return false; |
27175 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27176 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGlyphElement" ), strlen("SVGGlyphElement" )), value); |
27177 | } |
27178 | |
27179 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27180 | { |
27181 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGlyphElement" ); |
27182 | } |
27183 | |
27184 | #endif |
27185 | |
27186 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27187 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27188 | { |
27189 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27190 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27191 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27192 | return jsUndefined(); |
27193 | return JSSVGGlyphRefElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27194 | } |
27195 | |
27196 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27197 | { |
27198 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGlyphRefElement" ); |
27199 | } |
27200 | |
27201 | #endif |
27202 | |
27203 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27204 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27205 | { |
27206 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27207 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27208 | return false; |
27209 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27210 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGlyphRefElement" ), strlen("SVGGlyphRefElement" )), value); |
27211 | } |
27212 | |
27213 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27214 | { |
27215 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGlyphRefElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGlyphRefElement" ); |
27216 | } |
27217 | |
27218 | #endif |
27219 | |
27220 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27221 | { |
27222 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27223 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27224 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27225 | return jsUndefined(); |
27226 | return JSSVGGradientElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27227 | } |
27228 | |
27229 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27230 | { |
27231 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGradientElement" ); |
27232 | } |
27233 | |
27234 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27235 | { |
27236 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27237 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27238 | return false; |
27239 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27240 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGradientElement" ), strlen("SVGGradientElement" )), value); |
27241 | } |
27242 | |
27243 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27244 | { |
27245 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGradientElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGradientElement" ); |
27246 | } |
27247 | |
27248 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27249 | { |
27250 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27251 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27252 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27253 | return jsUndefined(); |
27254 | return JSSVGGraphicsElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27255 | } |
27256 | |
27257 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27258 | { |
27259 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGGraphicsElement" ); |
27260 | } |
27261 | |
27262 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27263 | { |
27264 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27265 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27266 | return false; |
27267 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27268 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGGraphicsElement" ), strlen("SVGGraphicsElement" )), value); |
27269 | } |
27270 | |
27271 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27272 | { |
27273 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGGraphicsElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGGraphicsElement" ); |
27274 | } |
27275 | |
27276 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27277 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27278 | { |
27279 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27280 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27281 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27282 | return jsUndefined(); |
27283 | return JSSVGHKernElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27284 | } |
27285 | |
27286 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27287 | { |
27288 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGHKernElement" ); |
27289 | } |
27290 | |
27291 | #endif |
27292 | |
27293 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27294 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27295 | { |
27296 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27297 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27298 | return false; |
27299 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27300 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGHKernElement" ), strlen("SVGHKernElement" )), value); |
27301 | } |
27302 | |
27303 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27304 | { |
27305 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGHKernElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGHKernElement" ); |
27306 | } |
27307 | |
27308 | #endif |
27309 | |
27310 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27311 | { |
27312 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27313 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27314 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27315 | return jsUndefined(); |
27316 | return JSSVGImageElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27317 | } |
27318 | |
27319 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27320 | { |
27321 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGImageElement" ); |
27322 | } |
27323 | |
27324 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27325 | { |
27326 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27327 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27328 | return false; |
27329 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27330 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGImageElement" ), strlen("SVGImageElement" )), value); |
27331 | } |
27332 | |
27333 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27334 | { |
27335 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGImageElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGImageElement" ); |
27336 | } |
27337 | |
27338 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27339 | { |
27340 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27341 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27342 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27343 | return jsUndefined(); |
27344 | return JSSVGLength::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27345 | } |
27346 | |
27347 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27348 | { |
27349 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGLength" ); |
27350 | } |
27351 | |
27352 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27353 | { |
27354 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27355 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27356 | return false; |
27357 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27358 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGLength" ), strlen("SVGLength" )), value); |
27359 | } |
27360 | |
27361 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27362 | { |
27363 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGLength" ); |
27364 | } |
27365 | |
27366 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27367 | { |
27368 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27369 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27370 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27371 | return jsUndefined(); |
27372 | return JSSVGLengthList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27373 | } |
27374 | |
27375 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27376 | { |
27377 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGLengthList" ); |
27378 | } |
27379 | |
27380 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27381 | { |
27382 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27383 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27384 | return false; |
27385 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27386 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGLengthList" ), strlen("SVGLengthList" )), value); |
27387 | } |
27388 | |
27389 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27390 | { |
27391 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGLengthListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGLengthList" ); |
27392 | } |
27393 | |
27394 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27395 | { |
27396 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27397 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27398 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27399 | return jsUndefined(); |
27400 | return JSSVGLineElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27401 | } |
27402 | |
27403 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27404 | { |
27405 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGLineElement" ); |
27406 | } |
27407 | |
27408 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27409 | { |
27410 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27411 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27412 | return false; |
27413 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27414 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGLineElement" ), strlen("SVGLineElement" )), value); |
27415 | } |
27416 | |
27417 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27418 | { |
27419 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGLineElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGLineElement" ); |
27420 | } |
27421 | |
27422 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27423 | { |
27424 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27425 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27426 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27427 | return jsUndefined(); |
27428 | return JSSVGLinearGradientElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27429 | } |
27430 | |
27431 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27432 | { |
27433 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGLinearGradientElement" ); |
27434 | } |
27435 | |
27436 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27437 | { |
27438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27439 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27440 | return false; |
27441 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27442 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGLinearGradientElement" ), strlen("SVGLinearGradientElement" )), value); |
27443 | } |
27444 | |
27445 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27446 | { |
27447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGLinearGradientElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGLinearGradientElement" ); |
27448 | } |
27449 | |
27450 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27451 | { |
27452 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27453 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27454 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27455 | return jsUndefined(); |
27456 | return JSSVGMPathElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27457 | } |
27458 | |
27459 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27460 | { |
27461 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMPathElement" ); |
27462 | } |
27463 | |
27464 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27465 | { |
27466 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27467 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27468 | return false; |
27469 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27470 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMPathElement" ), strlen("SVGMPathElement" )), value); |
27471 | } |
27472 | |
27473 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27474 | { |
27475 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMPathElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMPathElement" ); |
27476 | } |
27477 | |
27478 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27479 | { |
27480 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27481 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27482 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27483 | return jsUndefined(); |
27484 | return JSSVGMarkerElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27485 | } |
27486 | |
27487 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27488 | { |
27489 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMarkerElement" ); |
27490 | } |
27491 | |
27492 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27493 | { |
27494 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27495 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27496 | return false; |
27497 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27498 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMarkerElement" ), strlen("SVGMarkerElement" )), value); |
27499 | } |
27500 | |
27501 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27502 | { |
27503 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMarkerElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMarkerElement" ); |
27504 | } |
27505 | |
27506 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27507 | { |
27508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27509 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27510 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27511 | return jsUndefined(); |
27512 | return JSSVGMaskElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27513 | } |
27514 | |
27515 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27516 | { |
27517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMaskElement" ); |
27518 | } |
27519 | |
27520 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27521 | { |
27522 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27523 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27524 | return false; |
27525 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27526 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMaskElement" ), strlen("SVGMaskElement" )), value); |
27527 | } |
27528 | |
27529 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27530 | { |
27531 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMaskElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMaskElement" ); |
27532 | } |
27533 | |
27534 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27535 | { |
27536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27537 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27538 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27539 | return jsUndefined(); |
27540 | return JSSVGMatrix::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27541 | } |
27542 | |
27543 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27544 | { |
27545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMatrix" ); |
27546 | } |
27547 | |
27548 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27549 | { |
27550 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27551 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27552 | return false; |
27553 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27554 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMatrix" ), strlen("SVGMatrix" )), value); |
27555 | } |
27556 | |
27557 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27558 | { |
27559 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMatrixConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMatrix" ); |
27560 | } |
27561 | |
27562 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27563 | { |
27564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27565 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27566 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27567 | return jsUndefined(); |
27568 | return JSSVGMetadataElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27569 | } |
27570 | |
27571 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27572 | { |
27573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMetadataElement" ); |
27574 | } |
27575 | |
27576 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27577 | { |
27578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27579 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27580 | return false; |
27581 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27582 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMetadataElement" ), strlen("SVGMetadataElement" )), value); |
27583 | } |
27584 | |
27585 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27586 | { |
27587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMetadataElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMetadataElement" ); |
27588 | } |
27589 | |
27590 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27591 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27592 | { |
27593 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27594 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27595 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27596 | return jsUndefined(); |
27597 | return JSSVGMissingGlyphElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27598 | } |
27599 | |
27600 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27601 | { |
27602 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGMissingGlyphElement" ); |
27603 | } |
27604 | |
27605 | #endif |
27606 | |
27607 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
27608 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27609 | { |
27610 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27611 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27612 | return false; |
27613 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27614 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGMissingGlyphElement" ), strlen("SVGMissingGlyphElement" )), value); |
27615 | } |
27616 | |
27617 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27618 | { |
27619 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGMissingGlyphElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGMissingGlyphElement" ); |
27620 | } |
27621 | |
27622 | #endif |
27623 | |
27624 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27625 | { |
27626 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27627 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27628 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27629 | return jsUndefined(); |
27630 | return JSSVGNumber::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27631 | } |
27632 | |
27633 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27634 | { |
27635 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGNumber" ); |
27636 | } |
27637 | |
27638 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27639 | { |
27640 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27641 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27642 | return false; |
27643 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27644 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGNumber" ), strlen("SVGNumber" )), value); |
27645 | } |
27646 | |
27647 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27648 | { |
27649 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGNumber" ); |
27650 | } |
27651 | |
27652 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27653 | { |
27654 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27655 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27656 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27657 | return jsUndefined(); |
27658 | return JSSVGNumberList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27659 | } |
27660 | |
27661 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27662 | { |
27663 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGNumberList" ); |
27664 | } |
27665 | |
27666 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27667 | { |
27668 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27669 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27670 | return false; |
27671 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27672 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGNumberList" ), strlen("SVGNumberList" )), value); |
27673 | } |
27674 | |
27675 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27676 | { |
27677 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGNumberListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGNumberList" ); |
27678 | } |
27679 | |
27680 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27681 | { |
27682 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27683 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27684 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27685 | return jsUndefined(); |
27686 | return JSSVGPathElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27687 | } |
27688 | |
27689 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27690 | { |
27691 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathElement" ); |
27692 | } |
27693 | |
27694 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27695 | { |
27696 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27697 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27698 | return false; |
27699 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27700 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathElement" ), strlen("SVGPathElement" )), value); |
27701 | } |
27702 | |
27703 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27704 | { |
27705 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathElement" ); |
27706 | } |
27707 | |
27708 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27709 | { |
27710 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27711 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27712 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27713 | return jsUndefined(); |
27714 | return JSSVGPathSeg::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27715 | } |
27716 | |
27717 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27718 | { |
27719 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSeg" ); |
27720 | } |
27721 | |
27722 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27723 | { |
27724 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27725 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27726 | return false; |
27727 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27728 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSeg" ), strlen("SVGPathSeg" )), value); |
27729 | } |
27730 | |
27731 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27732 | { |
27733 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSeg" ); |
27734 | } |
27735 | |
27736 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27737 | { |
27738 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27739 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27740 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27741 | return jsUndefined(); |
27742 | return JSSVGPathSegArcAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27743 | } |
27744 | |
27745 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27746 | { |
27747 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegArcAbs" ); |
27748 | } |
27749 | |
27750 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27751 | { |
27752 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27753 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27754 | return false; |
27755 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27756 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegArcAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegArcAbs" )), value); |
27757 | } |
27758 | |
27759 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27760 | { |
27761 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegArcAbs" ); |
27762 | } |
27763 | |
27764 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27765 | { |
27766 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27767 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27768 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27769 | return jsUndefined(); |
27770 | return JSSVGPathSegArcRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27771 | } |
27772 | |
27773 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27774 | { |
27775 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegArcRel" ); |
27776 | } |
27777 | |
27778 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27779 | { |
27780 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27781 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27782 | return false; |
27783 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27784 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegArcRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegArcRel" )), value); |
27785 | } |
27786 | |
27787 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27788 | { |
27789 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegArcRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegArcRel" ); |
27790 | } |
27791 | |
27792 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27793 | { |
27794 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27795 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27796 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27797 | return jsUndefined(); |
27798 | return JSSVGPathSegClosePath::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27799 | } |
27800 | |
27801 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27802 | { |
27803 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegClosePath" ); |
27804 | } |
27805 | |
27806 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27807 | { |
27808 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27809 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27810 | return false; |
27811 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27812 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegClosePath" ), strlen("SVGPathSegClosePath" )), value); |
27813 | } |
27814 | |
27815 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27816 | { |
27817 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegClosePathConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegClosePath" ); |
27818 | } |
27819 | |
27820 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27821 | { |
27822 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27823 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27824 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27825 | return jsUndefined(); |
27826 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27827 | } |
27828 | |
27829 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27830 | { |
27831 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" ); |
27832 | } |
27833 | |
27834 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27835 | { |
27836 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27837 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27838 | return false; |
27839 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27840 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" )), value); |
27841 | } |
27842 | |
27843 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27844 | { |
27845 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs" ); |
27846 | } |
27847 | |
27848 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27849 | { |
27850 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27851 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27852 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27853 | return jsUndefined(); |
27854 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27855 | } |
27856 | |
27857 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27858 | { |
27859 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" ); |
27860 | } |
27861 | |
27862 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27863 | { |
27864 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27865 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27866 | return false; |
27867 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27868 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" )), value); |
27869 | } |
27870 | |
27871 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27872 | { |
27873 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel" ); |
27874 | } |
27875 | |
27876 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27877 | { |
27878 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27879 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27880 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27881 | return jsUndefined(); |
27882 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27883 | } |
27884 | |
27885 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27886 | { |
27887 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" ); |
27888 | } |
27889 | |
27890 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27891 | { |
27892 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27893 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27894 | return false; |
27895 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27896 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" )), value); |
27897 | } |
27898 | |
27899 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27900 | { |
27901 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs" ); |
27902 | } |
27903 | |
27904 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27905 | { |
27906 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27907 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27908 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27909 | return jsUndefined(); |
27910 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27911 | } |
27912 | |
27913 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27914 | { |
27915 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" ); |
27916 | } |
27917 | |
27918 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27919 | { |
27920 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27921 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27922 | return false; |
27923 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27924 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" )), value); |
27925 | } |
27926 | |
27927 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27928 | { |
27929 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel" ); |
27930 | } |
27931 | |
27932 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27933 | { |
27934 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27935 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27936 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27937 | return jsUndefined(); |
27938 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27939 | } |
27940 | |
27941 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27942 | { |
27943 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" ); |
27944 | } |
27945 | |
27946 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27947 | { |
27948 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27949 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27950 | return false; |
27951 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27952 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" )), value); |
27953 | } |
27954 | |
27955 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27956 | { |
27957 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs" ); |
27958 | } |
27959 | |
27960 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27961 | { |
27962 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27963 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27964 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27965 | return jsUndefined(); |
27966 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27967 | } |
27968 | |
27969 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27970 | { |
27971 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" ); |
27972 | } |
27973 | |
27974 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27975 | { |
27976 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27977 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27978 | return false; |
27979 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
27980 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" )), value); |
27981 | } |
27982 | |
27983 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
27984 | { |
27985 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel" ); |
27986 | } |
27987 | |
27988 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
27989 | { |
27990 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
27991 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
27992 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
27993 | return jsUndefined(); |
27994 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
27995 | } |
27996 | |
27997 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
27998 | { |
27999 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" ); |
28000 | } |
28001 | |
28002 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28003 | { |
28004 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28005 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28006 | return false; |
28007 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28008 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" )), value); |
28009 | } |
28010 | |
28011 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28012 | { |
28013 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs" ); |
28014 | } |
28015 | |
28016 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28017 | { |
28018 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28019 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28020 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28021 | return jsUndefined(); |
28022 | return JSSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28023 | } |
28024 | |
28025 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28026 | { |
28027 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" ); |
28028 | } |
28029 | |
28030 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28031 | { |
28032 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28033 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28034 | return false; |
28035 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28036 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" )), value); |
28037 | } |
28038 | |
28039 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28040 | { |
28041 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel" ); |
28042 | } |
28043 | |
28044 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28045 | { |
28046 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28047 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28048 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28049 | return jsUndefined(); |
28050 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28051 | } |
28052 | |
28053 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28054 | { |
28055 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" ); |
28056 | } |
28057 | |
28058 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28059 | { |
28060 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28061 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28062 | return false; |
28063 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28064 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" )), value); |
28065 | } |
28066 | |
28067 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28068 | { |
28069 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoAbs" ); |
28070 | } |
28071 | |
28072 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28073 | { |
28074 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28075 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28076 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28077 | return jsUndefined(); |
28078 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28079 | } |
28080 | |
28081 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28082 | { |
28083 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" ); |
28084 | } |
28085 | |
28086 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28087 | { |
28088 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28089 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28090 | return false; |
28091 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28092 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" )), value); |
28093 | } |
28094 | |
28095 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28096 | { |
28097 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs" ); |
28098 | } |
28099 | |
28100 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28101 | { |
28102 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28103 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28104 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28105 | return jsUndefined(); |
28106 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28107 | } |
28108 | |
28109 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28110 | { |
28111 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" ); |
28112 | } |
28113 | |
28114 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28115 | { |
28116 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28117 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28118 | return false; |
28119 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28120 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" )), value); |
28121 | } |
28122 | |
28123 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28124 | { |
28125 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel" ); |
28126 | } |
28127 | |
28128 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28129 | { |
28130 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28131 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28132 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28133 | return jsUndefined(); |
28134 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28135 | } |
28136 | |
28137 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28138 | { |
28139 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoRel" ); |
28140 | } |
28141 | |
28142 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28143 | { |
28144 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28145 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28146 | return false; |
28147 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28148 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoRel" )), value); |
28149 | } |
28150 | |
28151 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28152 | { |
28153 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoRel" ); |
28154 | } |
28155 | |
28156 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28157 | { |
28158 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28159 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28160 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28161 | return jsUndefined(); |
28162 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28163 | } |
28164 | |
28165 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28166 | { |
28167 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" ); |
28168 | } |
28169 | |
28170 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28171 | { |
28172 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28173 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28174 | return false; |
28175 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28176 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" )), value); |
28177 | } |
28178 | |
28179 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28180 | { |
28181 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs" ); |
28182 | } |
28183 | |
28184 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28185 | { |
28186 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28187 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28188 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28189 | return jsUndefined(); |
28190 | return JSSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28191 | } |
28192 | |
28193 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28194 | { |
28195 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" ); |
28196 | } |
28197 | |
28198 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28199 | { |
28200 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28201 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28202 | return false; |
28203 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28204 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" )), value); |
28205 | } |
28206 | |
28207 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28208 | { |
28209 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel" ); |
28210 | } |
28211 | |
28212 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28213 | { |
28214 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28215 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28216 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28217 | return jsUndefined(); |
28218 | return JSSVGPathSegList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28219 | } |
28220 | |
28221 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28222 | { |
28223 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegList" ); |
28224 | } |
28225 | |
28226 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28227 | { |
28228 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28229 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28230 | return false; |
28231 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28232 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegList" ), strlen("SVGPathSegList" )), value); |
28233 | } |
28234 | |
28235 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28236 | { |
28237 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegList" ); |
28238 | } |
28239 | |
28240 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28241 | { |
28242 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28243 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28244 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28245 | return jsUndefined(); |
28246 | return JSSVGPathSegMovetoAbs::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28247 | } |
28248 | |
28249 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28250 | { |
28251 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" ); |
28252 | } |
28253 | |
28254 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28255 | { |
28256 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28257 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28258 | return false; |
28259 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28260 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" ), strlen("SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" )), value); |
28261 | } |
28262 | |
28263 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28264 | { |
28265 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoAbsConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegMovetoAbs" ); |
28266 | } |
28267 | |
28268 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28269 | { |
28270 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28271 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28272 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28273 | return jsUndefined(); |
28274 | return JSSVGPathSegMovetoRel::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28275 | } |
28276 | |
28277 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28278 | { |
28279 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPathSegMovetoRel" ); |
28280 | } |
28281 | |
28282 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28283 | { |
28284 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28285 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28286 | return false; |
28287 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28288 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPathSegMovetoRel" ), strlen("SVGPathSegMovetoRel" )), value); |
28289 | } |
28290 | |
28291 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28292 | { |
28293 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPathSegMovetoRelConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPathSegMovetoRel" ); |
28294 | } |
28295 | |
28296 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28297 | { |
28298 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28299 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28300 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28301 | return jsUndefined(); |
28302 | return JSSVGPatternElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28303 | } |
28304 | |
28305 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28306 | { |
28307 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPatternElement" ); |
28308 | } |
28309 | |
28310 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28311 | { |
28312 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28313 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28314 | return false; |
28315 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28316 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPatternElement" ), strlen("SVGPatternElement" )), value); |
28317 | } |
28318 | |
28319 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28320 | { |
28321 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPatternElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPatternElement" ); |
28322 | } |
28323 | |
28324 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28325 | { |
28326 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28327 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28328 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28329 | return jsUndefined(); |
28330 | return JSSVGPoint::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28331 | } |
28332 | |
28333 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28334 | { |
28335 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPointConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPoint" ); |
28336 | } |
28337 | |
28338 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28339 | { |
28340 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28341 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28342 | return false; |
28343 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28344 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPoint" ), strlen("SVGPoint" )), value); |
28345 | } |
28346 | |
28347 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28348 | { |
28349 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPointConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPoint" ); |
28350 | } |
28351 | |
28352 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28353 | { |
28354 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28355 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28356 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28357 | return jsUndefined(); |
28358 | return JSSVGPointList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28359 | } |
28360 | |
28361 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28362 | { |
28363 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPointList" ); |
28364 | } |
28365 | |
28366 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28367 | { |
28368 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28369 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28370 | return false; |
28371 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28372 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPointList" ), strlen("SVGPointList" )), value); |
28373 | } |
28374 | |
28375 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28376 | { |
28377 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPointListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPointList" ); |
28378 | } |
28379 | |
28380 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28381 | { |
28382 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28383 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28384 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28385 | return jsUndefined(); |
28386 | return JSSVGPolygonElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28387 | } |
28388 | |
28389 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28390 | { |
28391 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPolygonElement" ); |
28392 | } |
28393 | |
28394 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28395 | { |
28396 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28397 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28398 | return false; |
28399 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28400 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPolygonElement" ), strlen("SVGPolygonElement" )), value); |
28401 | } |
28402 | |
28403 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28404 | { |
28405 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPolygonElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPolygonElement" ); |
28406 | } |
28407 | |
28408 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28409 | { |
28410 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28411 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28412 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28413 | return jsUndefined(); |
28414 | return JSSVGPolylineElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28415 | } |
28416 | |
28417 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28418 | { |
28419 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPolylineElement" ); |
28420 | } |
28421 | |
28422 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28423 | { |
28424 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28425 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28426 | return false; |
28427 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28428 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPolylineElement" ), strlen("SVGPolylineElement" )), value); |
28429 | } |
28430 | |
28431 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28432 | { |
28433 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPolylineElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPolylineElement" ); |
28434 | } |
28435 | |
28436 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28437 | { |
28438 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28439 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28440 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28441 | return jsUndefined(); |
28442 | return JSSVGPreserveAspectRatio::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28443 | } |
28444 | |
28445 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28446 | { |
28447 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGPreserveAspectRatio" ); |
28448 | } |
28449 | |
28450 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28451 | { |
28452 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28453 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28454 | return false; |
28455 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28456 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGPreserveAspectRatio" ), strlen("SVGPreserveAspectRatio" )), value); |
28457 | } |
28458 | |
28459 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28460 | { |
28461 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGPreserveAspectRatioConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGPreserveAspectRatio" ); |
28462 | } |
28463 | |
28464 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28465 | { |
28466 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28467 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28468 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28469 | return jsUndefined(); |
28470 | return JSSVGRadialGradientElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28471 | } |
28472 | |
28473 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28474 | { |
28475 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGRadialGradientElement" ); |
28476 | } |
28477 | |
28478 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28479 | { |
28480 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28481 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28482 | return false; |
28483 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28484 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGRadialGradientElement" ), strlen("SVGRadialGradientElement" )), value); |
28485 | } |
28486 | |
28487 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28488 | { |
28489 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGRadialGradientElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGRadialGradientElement" ); |
28490 | } |
28491 | |
28492 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28493 | { |
28494 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28495 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28496 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28497 | return jsUndefined(); |
28498 | return JSSVGRect::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28499 | } |
28500 | |
28501 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28502 | { |
28503 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGRectConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGRect" ); |
28504 | } |
28505 | |
28506 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28507 | { |
28508 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28509 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28510 | return false; |
28511 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28512 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGRect" ), strlen("SVGRect" )), value); |
28513 | } |
28514 | |
28515 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28516 | { |
28517 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGRectConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGRect" ); |
28518 | } |
28519 | |
28520 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28521 | { |
28522 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28523 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28524 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28525 | return jsUndefined(); |
28526 | return JSSVGRectElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28527 | } |
28528 | |
28529 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28530 | { |
28531 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGRectElement" ); |
28532 | } |
28533 | |
28534 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28535 | { |
28536 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28537 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28538 | return false; |
28539 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28540 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGRectElement" ), strlen("SVGRectElement" )), value); |
28541 | } |
28542 | |
28543 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28544 | { |
28545 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGRectElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGRectElement" ); |
28546 | } |
28547 | |
28548 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28549 | { |
28550 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28551 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28552 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28553 | return jsUndefined(); |
28554 | return JSSVGRenderingIntent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28555 | } |
28556 | |
28557 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28558 | { |
28559 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGRenderingIntent" ); |
28560 | } |
28561 | |
28562 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28563 | { |
28564 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28565 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28566 | return false; |
28567 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28568 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGRenderingIntent" ), strlen("SVGRenderingIntent" )), value); |
28569 | } |
28570 | |
28571 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28572 | { |
28573 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGRenderingIntentConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGRenderingIntent" ); |
28574 | } |
28575 | |
28576 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28577 | { |
28578 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28579 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28580 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28581 | return jsUndefined(); |
28582 | return JSSVGSVGElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28583 | } |
28584 | |
28585 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28586 | { |
28587 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGSVGElement" ); |
28588 | } |
28589 | |
28590 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28591 | { |
28592 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28593 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28594 | return false; |
28595 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28596 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGSVGElement" ), strlen("SVGSVGElement" )), value); |
28597 | } |
28598 | |
28599 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28600 | { |
28601 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGSVGElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGSVGElement" ); |
28602 | } |
28603 | |
28604 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28605 | { |
28606 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28607 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28608 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28609 | return jsUndefined(); |
28610 | return JSSVGScriptElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28611 | } |
28612 | |
28613 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28614 | { |
28615 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGScriptElement" ); |
28616 | } |
28617 | |
28618 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28619 | { |
28620 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28621 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28622 | return false; |
28623 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28624 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGScriptElement" ), strlen("SVGScriptElement" )), value); |
28625 | } |
28626 | |
28627 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28628 | { |
28629 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGScriptElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGScriptElement" ); |
28630 | } |
28631 | |
28632 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28633 | { |
28634 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28635 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28636 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28637 | return jsUndefined(); |
28638 | return JSSVGSetElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28639 | } |
28640 | |
28641 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28642 | { |
28643 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGSetElement" ); |
28644 | } |
28645 | |
28646 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28647 | { |
28648 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28649 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28650 | return false; |
28651 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28652 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGSetElement" ), strlen("SVGSetElement" )), value); |
28653 | } |
28654 | |
28655 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28656 | { |
28657 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGSetElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGSetElement" ); |
28658 | } |
28659 | |
28660 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28661 | { |
28662 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28663 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28664 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28665 | return jsUndefined(); |
28666 | return JSSVGStopElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28667 | } |
28668 | |
28669 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28670 | { |
28671 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGStopElement" ); |
28672 | } |
28673 | |
28674 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28675 | { |
28676 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28677 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28678 | return false; |
28679 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28680 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGStopElement" ), strlen("SVGStopElement" )), value); |
28681 | } |
28682 | |
28683 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28684 | { |
28685 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGStopElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGStopElement" ); |
28686 | } |
28687 | |
28688 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28689 | { |
28690 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28691 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28692 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28693 | return jsUndefined(); |
28694 | return JSSVGStringList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28695 | } |
28696 | |
28697 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28698 | { |
28699 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGStringList" ); |
28700 | } |
28701 | |
28702 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28703 | { |
28704 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28705 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28706 | return false; |
28707 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28708 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGStringList" ), strlen("SVGStringList" )), value); |
28709 | } |
28710 | |
28711 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28712 | { |
28713 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGStringListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGStringList" ); |
28714 | } |
28715 | |
28716 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28717 | { |
28718 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28719 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28720 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28721 | return jsUndefined(); |
28722 | return JSSVGStyleElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28723 | } |
28724 | |
28725 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28726 | { |
28727 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGStyleElement" ); |
28728 | } |
28729 | |
28730 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28731 | { |
28732 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28733 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28734 | return false; |
28735 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28736 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGStyleElement" ), strlen("SVGStyleElement" )), value); |
28737 | } |
28738 | |
28739 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28740 | { |
28741 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGStyleElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGStyleElement" ); |
28742 | } |
28743 | |
28744 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28745 | { |
28746 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28747 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28748 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28749 | return jsUndefined(); |
28750 | return JSSVGSwitchElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28751 | } |
28752 | |
28753 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28754 | { |
28755 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGSwitchElement" ); |
28756 | } |
28757 | |
28758 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28759 | { |
28760 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28761 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28762 | return false; |
28763 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28764 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGSwitchElement" ), strlen("SVGSwitchElement" )), value); |
28765 | } |
28766 | |
28767 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28768 | { |
28769 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGSwitchElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGSwitchElement" ); |
28770 | } |
28771 | |
28772 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28773 | { |
28774 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28775 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28776 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28777 | return jsUndefined(); |
28778 | return JSSVGSymbolElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28779 | } |
28780 | |
28781 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28782 | { |
28783 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGSymbolElement" ); |
28784 | } |
28785 | |
28786 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28787 | { |
28788 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28789 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28790 | return false; |
28791 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28792 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGSymbolElement" ), strlen("SVGSymbolElement" )), value); |
28793 | } |
28794 | |
28795 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28796 | { |
28797 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGSymbolElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGSymbolElement" ); |
28798 | } |
28799 | |
28800 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28801 | { |
28802 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28803 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28804 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28805 | return jsUndefined(); |
28806 | return JSSVGTRefElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28807 | } |
28808 | |
28809 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28810 | { |
28811 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTRefElement" ); |
28812 | } |
28813 | |
28814 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28815 | { |
28816 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28817 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28818 | return false; |
28819 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28820 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTRefElement" ), strlen("SVGTRefElement" )), value); |
28821 | } |
28822 | |
28823 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28824 | { |
28825 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTRefElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTRefElement" ); |
28826 | } |
28827 | |
28828 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28829 | { |
28830 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28831 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28832 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28833 | return jsUndefined(); |
28834 | return JSSVGTSpanElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28835 | } |
28836 | |
28837 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28838 | { |
28839 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTSpanElement" ); |
28840 | } |
28841 | |
28842 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28843 | { |
28844 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28845 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28846 | return false; |
28847 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28848 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTSpanElement" ), strlen("SVGTSpanElement" )), value); |
28849 | } |
28850 | |
28851 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28852 | { |
28853 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTSpanElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTSpanElement" ); |
28854 | } |
28855 | |
28856 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28857 | { |
28858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28859 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28860 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28861 | return jsUndefined(); |
28862 | return JSSVGTextContentElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28863 | } |
28864 | |
28865 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28866 | { |
28867 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTextContentElement" ); |
28868 | } |
28869 | |
28870 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28871 | { |
28872 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28873 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28874 | return false; |
28875 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28876 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTextContentElement" ), strlen("SVGTextContentElement" )), value); |
28877 | } |
28878 | |
28879 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28880 | { |
28881 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTextContentElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTextContentElement" ); |
28882 | } |
28883 | |
28884 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28885 | { |
28886 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28887 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28888 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28889 | return jsUndefined(); |
28890 | return JSSVGTextElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28891 | } |
28892 | |
28893 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28894 | { |
28895 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTextElement" ); |
28896 | } |
28897 | |
28898 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28899 | { |
28900 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28901 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28902 | return false; |
28903 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28904 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTextElement" ), strlen("SVGTextElement" )), value); |
28905 | } |
28906 | |
28907 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28908 | { |
28909 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTextElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTextElement" ); |
28910 | } |
28911 | |
28912 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28913 | { |
28914 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28915 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28916 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28917 | return jsUndefined(); |
28918 | return JSSVGTextPathElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28919 | } |
28920 | |
28921 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28922 | { |
28923 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTextPathElement" ); |
28924 | } |
28925 | |
28926 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28927 | { |
28928 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28929 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28930 | return false; |
28931 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28932 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTextPathElement" ), strlen("SVGTextPathElement" )), value); |
28933 | } |
28934 | |
28935 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28936 | { |
28937 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPathElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTextPathElement" ); |
28938 | } |
28939 | |
28940 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28941 | { |
28942 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28943 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28944 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28945 | return jsUndefined(); |
28946 | return JSSVGTextPositioningElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28947 | } |
28948 | |
28949 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28950 | { |
28951 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTextPositioningElement" ); |
28952 | } |
28953 | |
28954 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28955 | { |
28956 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28957 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28958 | return false; |
28959 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28960 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTextPositioningElement" ), strlen("SVGTextPositioningElement" )), value); |
28961 | } |
28962 | |
28963 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28964 | { |
28965 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTextPositioningElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTextPositioningElement" ); |
28966 | } |
28967 | |
28968 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28969 | { |
28970 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28971 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
28972 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28973 | return jsUndefined(); |
28974 | return JSSVGTitleElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
28975 | } |
28976 | |
28977 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
28978 | { |
28979 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTitleElement" ); |
28980 | } |
28981 | |
28982 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28983 | { |
28984 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28985 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
28986 | return false; |
28987 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
28988 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTitleElement" ), strlen("SVGTitleElement" )), value); |
28989 | } |
28990 | |
28991 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
28992 | { |
28993 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTitleElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTitleElement" ); |
28994 | } |
28995 | |
28996 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
28997 | { |
28998 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
28999 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29000 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29001 | return jsUndefined(); |
29002 | return JSSVGTransform::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29003 | } |
29004 | |
29005 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29006 | { |
29007 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTransform" ); |
29008 | } |
29009 | |
29010 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29011 | { |
29012 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29013 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29014 | return false; |
29015 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29016 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTransform" ), strlen("SVGTransform" )), value); |
29017 | } |
29018 | |
29019 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29020 | { |
29021 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTransform" ); |
29022 | } |
29023 | |
29024 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29025 | { |
29026 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29027 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29028 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29029 | return jsUndefined(); |
29030 | return JSSVGTransformList::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29031 | } |
29032 | |
29033 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29034 | { |
29035 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGTransformList" ); |
29036 | } |
29037 | |
29038 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29039 | { |
29040 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29041 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29042 | return false; |
29043 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29044 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGTransformList" ), strlen("SVGTransformList" )), value); |
29045 | } |
29046 | |
29047 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29048 | { |
29049 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGTransformListConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGTransformList" ); |
29050 | } |
29051 | |
29052 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29053 | { |
29054 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29055 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29056 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29057 | return jsUndefined(); |
29058 | return JSSVGUnitTypes::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29059 | } |
29060 | |
29061 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29062 | { |
29063 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGUnitTypes" ); |
29064 | } |
29065 | |
29066 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29067 | { |
29068 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29069 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29070 | return false; |
29071 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29072 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGUnitTypes" ), strlen("SVGUnitTypes" )), value); |
29073 | } |
29074 | |
29075 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29076 | { |
29077 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGUnitTypesConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGUnitTypes" ); |
29078 | } |
29079 | |
29080 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29081 | { |
29082 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29083 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29084 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29085 | return jsUndefined(); |
29086 | return JSSVGUseElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29087 | } |
29088 | |
29089 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29090 | { |
29091 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGUseElement" ); |
29092 | } |
29093 | |
29094 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29095 | { |
29096 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29097 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29098 | return false; |
29099 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29100 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGUseElement" ), strlen("SVGUseElement" )), value); |
29101 | } |
29102 | |
29103 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29104 | { |
29105 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGUseElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGUseElement" ); |
29106 | } |
29107 | |
29108 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
29109 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29110 | { |
29111 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29112 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29113 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29114 | return jsUndefined(); |
29115 | return JSSVGVKernElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29116 | } |
29117 | |
29118 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29119 | { |
29120 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGVKernElement" ); |
29121 | } |
29122 | |
29123 | #endif |
29124 | |
29125 | #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) |
29126 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29127 | { |
29128 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29129 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29130 | return false; |
29131 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29132 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGVKernElement" ), strlen("SVGVKernElement" )), value); |
29133 | } |
29134 | |
29135 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29136 | { |
29137 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGVKernElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGVKernElement" ); |
29138 | } |
29139 | |
29140 | #endif |
29141 | |
29142 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29143 | { |
29144 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29145 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29146 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29147 | return jsUndefined(); |
29148 | return JSSVGViewElement::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29149 | } |
29150 | |
29151 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29152 | { |
29153 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGViewElement" ); |
29154 | } |
29155 | |
29156 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29157 | { |
29158 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29159 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29160 | return false; |
29161 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29162 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGViewElement" ), strlen("SVGViewElement" )), value); |
29163 | } |
29164 | |
29165 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29166 | { |
29167 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGViewElementConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGViewElement" ); |
29168 | } |
29169 | |
29170 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29171 | { |
29172 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29173 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29174 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29175 | return jsUndefined(); |
29176 | return JSSVGViewSpec::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29177 | } |
29178 | |
29179 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29180 | { |
29181 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGViewSpec" ); |
29182 | } |
29183 | |
29184 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29185 | { |
29186 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29187 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29188 | return false; |
29189 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29190 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGViewSpec" ), strlen("SVGViewSpec" )), value); |
29191 | } |
29192 | |
29193 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29194 | { |
29195 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGViewSpecConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGViewSpec" ); |
29196 | } |
29197 | |
29198 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29199 | { |
29200 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29201 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29202 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29203 | return jsUndefined(); |
29204 | return JSSVGZoomEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29205 | } |
29206 | |
29207 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29208 | { |
29209 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "SVGZoomEvent" ); |
29210 | } |
29211 | |
29212 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29213 | { |
29214 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29215 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29216 | return false; |
29217 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29218 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("SVGZoomEvent" ), strlen("SVGZoomEvent" )), value); |
29219 | } |
29220 | |
29221 | bool setJSDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29222 | { |
29223 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowSVGZoomEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "SVGZoomEvent" ); |
29224 | } |
29225 | |
29226 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWorkerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29227 | { |
29228 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29229 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29230 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29231 | return jsUndefined(); |
29232 | return JSWorker::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29233 | } |
29234 | |
29235 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWorkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29236 | { |
29237 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWorkerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Worker" ); |
29238 | } |
29239 | |
29240 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWorkerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29241 | { |
29242 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29243 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29244 | return false; |
29245 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29246 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Worker" ), strlen("Worker" )), value); |
29247 | } |
29248 | |
29249 | bool setJSDOMWindowWorkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29250 | { |
29251 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWorkerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Worker" ); |
29252 | } |
29253 | |
29255 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29256 | { |
29257 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29258 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29259 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29260 | return jsUndefined(); |
29261 | return JSServiceWorker::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29262 | } |
29263 | |
29264 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29265 | { |
29266 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ServiceWorker" ); |
29267 | } |
29268 | |
29269 | #endif |
29270 | |
29272 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29273 | { |
29274 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29275 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29276 | return false; |
29277 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29278 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ServiceWorker" ), strlen("ServiceWorker" )), value); |
29279 | } |
29280 | |
29281 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29282 | { |
29283 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ServiceWorker" ); |
29284 | } |
29285 | |
29286 | #endif |
29287 | |
29289 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29290 | { |
29291 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29292 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29293 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29294 | return jsUndefined(); |
29295 | return JSServiceWorkerContainer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29296 | } |
29297 | |
29298 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29299 | { |
29300 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ServiceWorkerContainer" ); |
29301 | } |
29302 | |
29303 | #endif |
29304 | |
29306 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29307 | { |
29308 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29309 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29310 | return false; |
29311 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29312 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ServiceWorkerContainer" ), strlen("ServiceWorkerContainer" )), value); |
29313 | } |
29314 | |
29315 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29316 | { |
29317 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerContainerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ServiceWorkerContainer" ); |
29318 | } |
29319 | |
29320 | #endif |
29321 | |
29323 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29324 | { |
29325 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29326 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29327 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29328 | return jsUndefined(); |
29329 | return JSServiceWorkerRegistration::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29330 | } |
29331 | |
29332 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29333 | { |
29334 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "ServiceWorkerRegistration" ); |
29335 | } |
29336 | |
29337 | #endif |
29338 | |
29340 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29341 | { |
29342 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29343 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29344 | return false; |
29345 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29346 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("ServiceWorkerRegistration" ), strlen("ServiceWorkerRegistration" )), value); |
29347 | } |
29348 | |
29349 | bool setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29350 | { |
29351 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowServiceWorkerRegistrationConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "ServiceWorkerRegistration" ); |
29352 | } |
29353 | |
29354 | #endif |
29355 | |
29357 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowWorkletConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29358 | { |
29359 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29360 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29361 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29362 | return jsUndefined(); |
29363 | return JSWorklet::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29364 | } |
29365 | |
29366 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowWorkletConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29367 | { |
29368 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowWorkletConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "Worklet" ); |
29369 | } |
29370 | |
29371 | #endif |
29372 | |
29374 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowWorkletConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29375 | { |
29376 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29377 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29378 | return false; |
29379 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29380 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("Worklet" ), strlen("Worklet" )), value); |
29381 | } |
29382 | |
29383 | bool setJSDOMWindowWorkletConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29384 | { |
29385 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowWorkletConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "Worklet" ); |
29386 | } |
29387 | |
29388 | #endif |
29389 | |
29390 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowDOMParserConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29391 | { |
29392 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29393 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29394 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29395 | return jsUndefined(); |
29396 | return JSDOMParser::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29397 | } |
29398 | |
29399 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29400 | { |
29401 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowDOMParserConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "DOMParser" ); |
29402 | } |
29403 | |
29404 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowDOMParserConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29405 | { |
29406 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29407 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29408 | return false; |
29409 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29410 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("DOMParser" ), strlen("DOMParser" )), value); |
29411 | } |
29412 | |
29413 | bool setJSDOMWindowDOMParserConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29414 | { |
29415 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowDOMParserConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "DOMParser" ); |
29416 | } |
29417 | |
29418 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29419 | { |
29420 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29421 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29422 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29423 | return jsUndefined(); |
29424 | return JSXMLHttpRequest::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29425 | } |
29426 | |
29427 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29428 | { |
29429 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLHttpRequest" ); |
29430 | } |
29431 | |
29432 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29433 | { |
29434 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29435 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29436 | return false; |
29437 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29438 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLHttpRequest" ), strlen("XMLHttpRequest" )), value); |
29439 | } |
29440 | |
29441 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29442 | { |
29443 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLHttpRequest" ); |
29444 | } |
29445 | |
29446 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29447 | { |
29448 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29449 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29450 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29451 | return jsUndefined(); |
29452 | return JSXMLHttpRequestEventTarget::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29453 | } |
29454 | |
29455 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29456 | { |
29457 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" ); |
29458 | } |
29459 | |
29460 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29461 | { |
29462 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29463 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29464 | return false; |
29465 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29466 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" ), strlen("XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" )), value); |
29467 | } |
29468 | |
29469 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29470 | { |
29471 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestEventTargetConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget" ); |
29472 | } |
29473 | |
29474 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29475 | { |
29476 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29477 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29478 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29479 | return jsUndefined(); |
29480 | return JSXMLHttpRequestProgressEvent::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29481 | } |
29482 | |
29483 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29484 | { |
29485 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent" ); |
29486 | } |
29487 | |
29488 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29489 | { |
29490 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29491 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29492 | return false; |
29493 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29494 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent" ), strlen("XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent" )), value); |
29495 | } |
29496 | |
29497 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29498 | { |
29499 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestProgressEventConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent" ); |
29500 | } |
29501 | |
29502 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29503 | { |
29504 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29505 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29506 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29507 | return jsUndefined(); |
29508 | return JSXMLHttpRequestUpload::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29509 | } |
29510 | |
29511 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29512 | { |
29513 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLHttpRequestUpload" ); |
29514 | } |
29515 | |
29516 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29517 | { |
29518 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29519 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29520 | return false; |
29521 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29522 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLHttpRequestUpload" ), strlen("XMLHttpRequestUpload" )), value); |
29523 | } |
29524 | |
29525 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29526 | { |
29527 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLHttpRequestUploadConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLHttpRequestUpload" ); |
29528 | } |
29529 | |
29530 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29531 | { |
29532 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29533 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29534 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29535 | return jsUndefined(); |
29536 | return JSXMLSerializer::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29537 | } |
29538 | |
29539 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29540 | { |
29541 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XMLSerializer" ); |
29542 | } |
29543 | |
29544 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29545 | { |
29546 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29547 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29548 | return false; |
29549 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29550 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XMLSerializer" ), strlen("XMLSerializer" )), value); |
29551 | } |
29552 | |
29553 | bool setJSDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29554 | { |
29555 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXMLSerializerConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XMLSerializer" ); |
29556 | } |
29557 | |
29558 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29559 | { |
29560 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29561 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29562 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29563 | return jsUndefined(); |
29564 | return JSXPathEvaluator::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29565 | } |
29566 | |
29567 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29568 | { |
29569 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XPathEvaluator" ); |
29570 | } |
29571 | |
29572 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29573 | { |
29574 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29575 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29576 | return false; |
29577 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29578 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XPathEvaluator" ), strlen("XPathEvaluator" )), value); |
29579 | } |
29580 | |
29581 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29582 | { |
29583 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXPathEvaluatorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XPathEvaluator" ); |
29584 | } |
29585 | |
29586 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29587 | { |
29588 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29589 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29590 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29591 | return jsUndefined(); |
29592 | return JSXPathExpression::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29593 | } |
29594 | |
29595 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29596 | { |
29597 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XPathExpression" ); |
29598 | } |
29599 | |
29600 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29601 | { |
29602 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29603 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29604 | return false; |
29605 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29606 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XPathExpression" ), strlen("XPathExpression" )), value); |
29607 | } |
29608 | |
29609 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29610 | { |
29611 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXPathExpressionConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XPathExpression" ); |
29612 | } |
29613 | |
29614 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXPathResultConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29615 | { |
29616 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29617 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29618 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29619 | return jsUndefined(); |
29620 | return JSXPathResult::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29621 | } |
29622 | |
29623 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29624 | { |
29625 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXPathResultConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XPathResult" ); |
29626 | } |
29627 | |
29628 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXPathResultConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29629 | { |
29630 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29631 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29632 | return false; |
29633 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29634 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XPathResult" ), strlen("XPathResult" )), value); |
29635 | } |
29636 | |
29637 | bool setJSDOMWindowXPathResultConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29638 | { |
29639 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXPathResultConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XPathResult" ); |
29640 | } |
29641 | |
29642 | #if ENABLE(XSLT) |
29643 | static inline JSValue jsDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructorGetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29644 | { |
29645 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29646 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29647 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29648 | return jsUndefined(); |
29649 | return JSXSLTProcessor::getConstructor(state.vm(), &thisObject); |
29650 | } |
29651 | |
29652 | EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
29653 | { |
29654 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::get<jsDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructorGetter>(*state, thisValue, "XSLTProcessor" ); |
29655 | } |
29656 | |
29657 | #endif |
29658 | |
29659 | #if ENABLE(XSLT) |
29660 | static inline bool setJSDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructorSetter(ExecState& state, JSDOMWindow& thisObject, JSValue value, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29661 | { |
29662 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29663 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(&state, thisObject.wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29664 | return false; |
29665 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor. |
29666 | return thisObject.putDirect(state.vm(), Identifier::fromString(&state.vm(), reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>("XSLTProcessor" ), strlen("XSLTProcessor" )), value); |
29667 | } |
29668 | |
29669 | bool setJSDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
29670 | { |
29671 | return IDLAttribute<JSDOMWindow>::set<setJSDOMWindowXSLTProcessorConstructorSetter>(*state, thisValue, encodedValue, "XSLTProcessor" ); |
29672 | } |
29673 | |
29674 | #endif |
29675 | |
29676 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCloseBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29677 | { |
29678 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29679 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29680 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29681 | auto* incumbentDocument = incumbentDOMWindow(*state).document(); |
29682 | if (!incumbentDocument) |
29683 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29684 | impl.close(*incumbentDocument); |
29685 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29686 | } |
29687 | |
29688 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClose(ExecState* state) |
29689 | { |
29690 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCloseBody>(*state, "close" ); |
29691 | } |
29692 | |
29693 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionStopBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29694 | { |
29695 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29696 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29697 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29698 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29699 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29700 | impl.stop(); |
29701 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29702 | } |
29703 | |
29704 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionStop(ExecState* state) |
29705 | { |
29706 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionStopBody>(*state, "stop" ); |
29707 | } |
29708 | |
29709 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFocusBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29710 | { |
29711 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29712 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29713 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29714 | impl.focus(incumbentDOMWindow(*state)); |
29715 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29716 | } |
29717 | |
29718 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFocus(ExecState* state) |
29719 | { |
29720 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFocusBody>(*state, "focus" ); |
29721 | } |
29722 | |
29723 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBlurBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29724 | { |
29725 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29726 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29727 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29728 | impl.blur(); |
29729 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29730 | } |
29731 | |
29732 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBlur(ExecState* state) |
29733 | { |
29734 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBlurBody>(*state, "blur" ); |
29735 | } |
29736 | |
29737 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29738 | { |
29739 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29740 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29741 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29742 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29743 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29744 | auto url = state->argument(0).isUndefined() ? "about:blank"_s : convert<IDLUSVString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29745 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29746 | auto target = state->argument(1).isUndefined() ? "_blank"_s : convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
29747 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29748 | auto features = state->argument(2).isUndefined() ? emptyString() : convert<IDLTreatNullAsEmptyAdaptor<IDLDOMString>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(2)); |
29749 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29750 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WindowProxy>>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), throwScope, impl.open(activeDOMWindow(*state), firstDOMWindow(*state), WTFMove(url), WTFMove(target), WTFMove(features)))); |
29751 | } |
29752 | |
29753 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpen(ExecState* state) |
29754 | { |
29755 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenBody>(*state, "open" ); |
29756 | } |
29757 | |
29758 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert1Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29759 | { |
29760 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29761 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29762 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29763 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29764 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29765 | impl.alert(); |
29766 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29767 | } |
29768 | |
29769 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert2Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29770 | { |
29771 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29772 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29773 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29774 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29775 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29776 | auto message = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29777 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29778 | impl.alert(WTFMove(message)); |
29779 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29780 | } |
29781 | |
29782 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlertOverloadDispatcher(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29783 | { |
29784 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29785 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29786 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
29787 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
29788 | size_t argsCount = std::min<size_t>(1, state->argumentCount()); |
29789 | if (argsCount == 0) { |
29790 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
29791 | } |
29792 | if (argsCount == 1) { |
29793 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert2Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
29794 | } |
29795 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
29796 | } |
29797 | |
29798 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlert(ExecState* state) |
29799 | { |
29800 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAlertOverloadDispatcher>(*state, "alert" ); |
29801 | } |
29802 | |
29803 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionConfirmBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29804 | { |
29805 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29806 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29807 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29808 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29809 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29810 | auto message = state->argument(0).isUndefined() ? emptyString() : convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29811 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29812 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLBoolean>(impl.confirm(WTFMove(message)))); |
29813 | } |
29814 | |
29815 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionConfirm(ExecState* state) |
29816 | { |
29817 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionConfirmBody>(*state, "confirm" ); |
29818 | } |
29819 | |
29820 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPromptBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29821 | { |
29822 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29823 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29824 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29825 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29826 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29827 | auto message = state->argument(0).isUndefined() ? emptyString() : convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29828 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29829 | auto defaultValue = state->argument(1).isUndefined() ? emptyString() : convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
29830 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29831 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLNullable<IDLDOMString>>(*state, impl.prompt(WTFMove(message), WTFMove(defaultValue)))); |
29832 | } |
29833 | |
29834 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrompt(ExecState* state) |
29835 | { |
29836 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPromptBody>(*state, "prompt" ); |
29837 | } |
29838 | |
29839 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrintBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29840 | { |
29841 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29842 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29843 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29844 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29845 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29846 | impl.print(); |
29847 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29848 | } |
29849 | |
29850 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrint(ExecState* state) |
29851 | { |
29852 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPrintBody>(*state, "print" ); |
29853 | } |
29854 | |
29855 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionRequestAnimationFrameBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29856 | { |
29857 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29858 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29859 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29860 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29861 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29862 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
29863 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
29864 | auto callback = convert<IDLCallbackFunction<JSRequestAnimationFrameCallback>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), *castedThis->globalObject(), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentMustBeFunctionError(state, scope, 0, "callback" , "Window" , "requestAnimationFrame" ); }); |
29865 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29866 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLLong>(impl.requestAnimationFrame(callback.releaseNonNull()))); |
29867 | } |
29868 | |
29869 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionRequestAnimationFrame(ExecState* state) |
29870 | { |
29871 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionRequestAnimationFrameBody>(*state, "requestAnimationFrame" ); |
29872 | } |
29873 | |
29874 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCancelAnimationFrameBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29875 | { |
29876 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29877 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29878 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29879 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29880 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29881 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
29882 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
29883 | auto handle = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29884 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29885 | impl.cancelAnimationFrame(WTFMove(handle)); |
29886 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29887 | } |
29888 | |
29889 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCancelAnimationFrame(ExecState* state) |
29890 | { |
29891 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCancelAnimationFrameBody>(*state, "cancelAnimationFrame" ); |
29892 | } |
29893 | |
29894 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPostMessageBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29895 | { |
29896 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29897 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29898 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29899 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 2)) |
29900 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
29901 | auto message = convert<IDLAny>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29902 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29903 | auto targetOrigin = convert<IDLUSVString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
29904 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29905 | auto transfer = state->argument(2).isUndefined() ? Converter<IDLSequence<IDLObject>>::ReturnType{ } : convert<IDLSequence<IDLObject>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(2)); |
29906 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29907 | propagateException(*state, throwScope, impl.postMessage(*state, incumbentDOMWindow(*state), WTFMove(message), WTFMove(targetOrigin), WTFMove(transfer))); |
29908 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29909 | } |
29910 | |
29911 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPostMessage(ExecState* state) |
29912 | { |
29913 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionPostMessageBody>(*state, "postMessage" ); |
29914 | } |
29915 | |
29916 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCaptureEventsBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29917 | { |
29918 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29919 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29920 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29921 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29922 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29923 | impl.captureEvents(); |
29924 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29925 | } |
29926 | |
29927 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCaptureEvents(ExecState* state) |
29928 | { |
29929 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCaptureEventsBody>(*state, "captureEvents" ); |
29930 | } |
29931 | |
29932 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionReleaseEventsBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29933 | { |
29934 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29935 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29936 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29937 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29938 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29939 | impl.releaseEvents(); |
29940 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29941 | } |
29942 | |
29943 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionReleaseEvents(ExecState* state) |
29944 | { |
29945 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionReleaseEventsBody>(*state, "releaseEvents" ); |
29946 | } |
29947 | |
29948 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetComputedStyleBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29949 | { |
29950 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29951 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29952 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29953 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29954 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29955 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
29956 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
29957 | auto element = convert<IDLInterface<Element>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "element" , "Window" , "getComputedStyle" , "Element" ); }); |
29958 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29959 | auto pseudoElement = state->argument(1).isUndefined() ? String() : convert<IDLNullable<IDLUSVString>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
29960 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29961 | return JSValue::encode(toJSNewlyCreated<IDLInterface<CSSStyleDeclaration>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.getComputedStyle(*element, WTFMove(pseudoElement)))); |
29962 | } |
29963 | |
29964 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetComputedStyle(ExecState* state) |
29965 | { |
29966 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetComputedStyleBody>(*state, "getComputedStyle" ); |
29967 | } |
29968 | |
29969 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchMediaBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29970 | { |
29971 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29972 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29973 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29974 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29975 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29976 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
29977 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
29978 | auto query = convert<IDLUSVString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
29979 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29980 | return JSValue::encode(toJSNewlyCreated<IDLInterface<MediaQueryList>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.matchMedia(WTFMove(query)))); |
29981 | } |
29982 | |
29983 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchMedia(ExecState* state) |
29984 | { |
29985 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchMediaBody>(*state, "matchMedia" ); |
29986 | } |
29987 | |
29988 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveToBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
29989 | { |
29990 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
29991 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
29992 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
29993 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
29994 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
29995 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
29996 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29997 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
29998 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
29999 | impl.moveTo(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30000 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30001 | } |
30002 | |
30003 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveTo(ExecState* state) |
30004 | { |
30005 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveToBody>(*state, "moveTo" ); |
30006 | } |
30007 | |
30008 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveByBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30009 | { |
30010 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30011 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30012 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30013 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30014 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30015 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30016 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30017 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30018 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30019 | impl.moveBy(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30020 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30021 | } |
30022 | |
30023 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveBy(ExecState* state) |
30024 | { |
30025 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMoveByBody>(*state, "moveBy" ); |
30026 | } |
30027 | |
30028 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeToBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30029 | { |
30030 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30031 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30032 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30033 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30034 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30035 | auto width = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30036 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30037 | auto height = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30038 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30039 | impl.resizeTo(WTFMove(width), WTFMove(height)); |
30040 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30041 | } |
30042 | |
30043 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeTo(ExecState* state) |
30044 | { |
30045 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeToBody>(*state, "resizeTo" ); |
30046 | } |
30047 | |
30048 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeByBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30049 | { |
30050 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30051 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30052 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30053 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30054 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30055 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30056 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30057 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedFloat>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30058 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30059 | impl.resizeBy(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30060 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30061 | } |
30062 | |
30063 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeBy(ExecState* state) |
30064 | { |
30065 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionResizeByBody>(*state, "resizeBy" ); |
30066 | } |
30067 | |
30068 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll1Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30069 | { |
30070 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30071 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30072 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30073 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30074 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30075 | auto options = convert<IDLDictionary<ScrollToOptions>>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30076 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30077 | impl.scrollTo(WTFMove(options)); |
30078 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30079 | } |
30080 | |
30081 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll2Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30082 | { |
30083 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30084 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30085 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30086 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30087 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30088 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30089 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30090 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30091 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30092 | impl.scrollTo(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30093 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30094 | } |
30095 | |
30096 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollOverloadDispatcher(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30097 | { |
30098 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30099 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30100 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
30101 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
30102 | size_t argsCount = std::min<size_t>(2, state->argumentCount()); |
30103 | if (argsCount == 0) { |
30104 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30105 | } |
30106 | if (argsCount == 1) { |
30107 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30108 | } |
30109 | if (argsCount == 2) { |
30110 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll2Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30111 | } |
30112 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
30113 | } |
30114 | |
30115 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScroll(ExecState* state) |
30116 | { |
30117 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollOverloadDispatcher>(*state, "scroll" ); |
30118 | } |
30119 | |
30120 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo1Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30121 | { |
30122 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30123 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30124 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30125 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30126 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30127 | auto options = convert<IDLDictionary<ScrollToOptions>>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30128 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30129 | impl.scrollTo(WTFMove(options)); |
30130 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30131 | } |
30132 | |
30133 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo2Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30134 | { |
30135 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30136 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30137 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30138 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30139 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30140 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30141 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30142 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30143 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30144 | impl.scrollTo(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30145 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30146 | } |
30147 | |
30148 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollToOverloadDispatcher(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30149 | { |
30150 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30151 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30152 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
30153 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
30154 | size_t argsCount = std::min<size_t>(2, state->argumentCount()); |
30155 | if (argsCount == 0) { |
30156 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30157 | } |
30158 | if (argsCount == 1) { |
30159 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30160 | } |
30161 | if (argsCount == 2) { |
30162 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo2Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30163 | } |
30164 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
30165 | } |
30166 | |
30167 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollTo(ExecState* state) |
30168 | { |
30169 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollToOverloadDispatcher>(*state, "scrollTo" ); |
30170 | } |
30171 | |
30172 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy1Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30173 | { |
30174 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30175 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30176 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30177 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30178 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30179 | auto option = convert<IDLDictionary<ScrollToOptions>>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30180 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30181 | impl.scrollBy(WTFMove(option)); |
30182 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30183 | } |
30184 | |
30185 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy2Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30186 | { |
30187 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30188 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30189 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30190 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30191 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30192 | auto x = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30193 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30194 | auto y = convert<IDLUnrestrictedDouble>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30195 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30196 | impl.scrollBy(WTFMove(x), WTFMove(y)); |
30197 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30198 | } |
30199 | |
30200 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollByOverloadDispatcher(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30201 | { |
30202 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30203 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30204 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
30205 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
30206 | size_t argsCount = std::min<size_t>(2, state->argumentCount()); |
30207 | if (argsCount == 0) { |
30208 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30209 | } |
30210 | if (argsCount == 1) { |
30211 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy1Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30212 | } |
30213 | if (argsCount == 2) { |
30214 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy2Body(state, castedThis, throwScope); |
30215 | } |
30216 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
30217 | } |
30218 | |
30219 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollBy(ExecState* state) |
30220 | { |
30221 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionScrollByOverloadDispatcher>(*state, "scrollBy" ); |
30222 | } |
30223 | |
30224 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetSelectionBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30225 | { |
30226 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30227 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30228 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30229 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30230 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30231 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<DOMSelection>>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.getSelection())); |
30232 | } |
30233 | |
30234 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetSelection(ExecState* state) |
30235 | { |
30236 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetSelectionBody>(*state, "getSelection" ); |
30237 | } |
30238 | |
30239 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFindBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30240 | { |
30241 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30242 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30243 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30244 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30245 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30246 | auto string = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30247 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30248 | auto caseSensitive = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30249 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30250 | auto backwards = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(2)); |
30251 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30252 | auto wrap = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(3)); |
30253 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30254 | auto wholeWord = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(4)); |
30255 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30256 | auto searchInFrames = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(5)); |
30257 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30258 | auto showDialog = convert<IDLBoolean>(*state, state->argument(6)); |
30259 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30260 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLBoolean>(impl.find(WTFMove(string), WTFMove(caseSensitive), WTFMove(backwards), WTFMove(wrap), WTFMove(wholeWord), WTFMove(searchInFrames), WTFMove(showDialog)))); |
30261 | } |
30262 | |
30263 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFind(ExecState* state) |
30264 | { |
30265 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFindBody>(*state, "find" ); |
30266 | } |
30267 | |
30268 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitRequestAnimationFrameBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30269 | { |
30270 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30271 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30272 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30273 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30274 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30275 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30276 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30277 | auto callback = convert<IDLCallbackFunction<JSRequestAnimationFrameCallback>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), *castedThis->globalObject(), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentMustBeFunctionError(state, scope, 0, "callback" , "Window" , "webkitRequestAnimationFrame" ); }); |
30278 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30279 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLLong>(impl.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(callback.releaseNonNull()))); |
30280 | } |
30281 | |
30282 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitRequestAnimationFrame(ExecState* state) |
30283 | { |
30284 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitRequestAnimationFrameBody>(*state, "webkitRequestAnimationFrame" ); |
30285 | } |
30286 | |
30287 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelAnimationFrameBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30288 | { |
30289 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30290 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30291 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30292 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30293 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30294 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30295 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30296 | auto id = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30297 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30298 | impl.cancelAnimationFrame(WTFMove(id)); |
30299 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30300 | } |
30301 | |
30302 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelAnimationFrame(ExecState* state) |
30303 | { |
30304 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelAnimationFrameBody>(*state, "webkitCancelAnimationFrame" ); |
30305 | } |
30306 | |
30307 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrameBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30308 | { |
30309 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30310 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30311 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30312 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30313 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30314 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30315 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30316 | auto id = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30317 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30318 | impl.cancelAnimationFrame(WTFMove(id)); |
30319 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30320 | } |
30321 | |
30322 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame(ExecState* state) |
30323 | { |
30324 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitCancelRequestAnimationFrameBody>(*state, "webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame" ); |
30325 | } |
30326 | |
30327 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetMatchedCSSRulesBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30328 | { |
30329 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30330 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30331 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30332 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30333 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30334 | auto element = convert<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Element>>>(*state, state->argument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "element" , "Window" , "getMatchedCSSRules" , "Element" ); }); |
30335 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30336 | auto pseudoElement = state->argument(1).isUndefined() ? String() : convert<IDLNullable<IDLDOMString>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30337 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30338 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLInterface<CSSRuleList>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.getMatchedCSSRules(WTFMove(element), WTFMove(pseudoElement)))); |
30339 | } |
30340 | |
30341 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetMatchedCSSRules(ExecState* state) |
30342 | { |
30343 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionGetMatchedCSSRulesBody>(*state, "getMatchedCSSRules" ); |
30344 | } |
30345 | |
30346 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialogBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30347 | { |
30348 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30349 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30350 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30351 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30352 | return JSValue::encode(castedThis->showModalDialog(*state)); |
30353 | } |
30354 | |
30355 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialog(ExecState* state) |
30356 | { |
30357 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionShowModalDialogBody>(*state, "showModalDialog" ); |
30358 | } |
30359 | |
30360 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromPageToNodeBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30361 | { |
30362 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30363 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30364 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30365 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30366 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30367 | auto node = convert<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Node>>>(*state, state->argument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "node" , "Window" , "webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode" , "Node" ); }); |
30368 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30369 | auto p = convert<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WebKitPoint>>>(*state, state->argument(1), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 1, "p" , "Window" , "webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode" , "WebKitPoint" ); }); |
30370 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30371 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLInterface<WebKitPoint>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(WTFMove(node), WTFMove(p)))); |
30372 | } |
30373 | |
30374 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(ExecState* state) |
30375 | { |
30376 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromPageToNodeBody>(*state, "webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode" ); |
30377 | } |
30378 | |
30379 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromNodeToPageBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30380 | { |
30381 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30382 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30383 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30384 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30385 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30386 | auto node = convert<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Node>>>(*state, state->argument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "node" , "Window" , "webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage" , "Node" ); }); |
30387 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30388 | auto p = convert<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<WebKitPoint>>>(*state, state->argument(1), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 1, "p" , "Window" , "webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage" , "WebKitPoint" ); }); |
30389 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30390 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLInterface<WebKitPoint>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), impl.webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(WTFMove(node), WTFMove(p)))); |
30391 | } |
30392 | |
30393 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage(ExecState* state) |
30394 | { |
30395 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionWebkitConvertPointFromNodeToPageBody>(*state, "webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage" ); |
30396 | } |
30397 | |
30398 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCollectMatchingElementsInFlatTreeBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30399 | { |
30400 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30401 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30402 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30403 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30404 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30405 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 2)) |
30406 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30407 | auto scope = convert<IDLInterface<Node>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "scope" , "Window" , "collectMatchingElementsInFlatTree" , "Node" ); }); |
30408 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30409 | auto selectors = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30410 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30411 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLInterface<NodeList>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), throwScope, impl.collectMatchingElementsInFlatTree(*scope, WTFMove(selectors)))); |
30412 | } |
30413 | |
30414 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCollectMatchingElementsInFlatTree(ExecState* state) |
30415 | { |
30416 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCollectMatchingElementsInFlatTreeBody>(*state, "collectMatchingElementsInFlatTree" ); |
30417 | } |
30418 | |
30419 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchingElementInFlatTreeBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30420 | { |
30421 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30422 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30423 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30424 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30425 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30426 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 2)) |
30427 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30428 | auto scope = convert<IDLInterface<Node>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentTypeError(state, scope, 0, "scope" , "Window" , "matchingElementInFlatTree" , "Node" ); }); |
30429 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30430 | auto selectors = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30431 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30432 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Element>>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), throwScope, impl.matchingElementInFlatTree(*scope, WTFMove(selectors)))); |
30433 | } |
30434 | |
30435 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchingElementInFlatTree(ExecState* state) |
30436 | { |
30437 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionMatchingElementInFlatTreeBody>(*state, "matchingElementInFlatTree" ); |
30438 | } |
30439 | |
30440 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFetchBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, Ref<DeferredPromise>&& promise, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30441 | { |
30442 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30443 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30444 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30445 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30446 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30447 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30448 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30449 | auto input = convert<IDLUnion<IDLInterface<FetchRequest>, IDLUSVString>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30450 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30451 | auto init = convert<IDLDictionary<FetchRequestInit>>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30452 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30453 | WebCore::DOMWindowFetch::fetch(impl, WTFMove(input), WTFMove(init), WTFMove(promise)); |
30454 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30455 | } |
30456 | |
30457 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFetch(ExecState* state) |
30458 | { |
30459 | return IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionFetchBody, PromiseExecutionScope::WindowOnly>(*state, "fetch" ); |
30460 | } |
30461 | |
30462 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenDatabaseBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30463 | { |
30464 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30465 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30466 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30467 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30468 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30469 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 4)) |
30470 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30471 | auto name = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30472 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30473 | auto version = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30474 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30475 | auto displayName = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(2)); |
30476 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30477 | auto estimatedSize = convert<IDLUnsignedLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(3)); |
30478 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30479 | auto creationCallback = convert<IDLNullable<IDLCallbackFunction<JSDatabaseCallback>>>(*state, state->argument(4), *castedThis->globalObject(), [](JSC::ExecState& state, JSC::ThrowScope& scope) { throwArgumentMustBeFunctionError(state, scope, 4, "creationCallback" , "Window" , "openDatabase" ); }); |
30480 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30481 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLNullable<IDLInterface<Database>>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), throwScope, WebCore::DOMWindowWebDatabase::openDatabase(impl, WTFMove(name), WTFMove(version), WTFMove(displayName), WTFMove(estimatedSize), WTFMove(creationCallback)))); |
30482 | } |
30483 | |
30484 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenDatabase(ExecState* state) |
30485 | { |
30486 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionOpenDatabaseBody>(*state, "openDatabase" ); |
30487 | } |
30488 | |
30489 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetTimeoutBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30490 | { |
30491 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30492 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30493 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30494 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30495 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30496 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30497 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30498 | auto handler = convert<IDLScheduledAction>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), *castedThis->globalObject()); |
30499 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30500 | auto timeout = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30501 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30502 | auto arguments = convertVariadicArguments<IDLAny>(*state, 2); |
30503 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30504 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLLong>(*state, throwScope, impl.setTimeout(*state, WTFMove(handler), WTFMove(timeout), WTFMove(arguments)))); |
30505 | } |
30506 | |
30507 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetTimeout(ExecState* state) |
30508 | { |
30509 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetTimeoutBody>(*state, "setTimeout" ); |
30510 | } |
30511 | |
30512 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearTimeoutBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30513 | { |
30514 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30515 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30516 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30517 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30518 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30519 | auto handle = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30520 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30521 | impl.clearTimeout(WTFMove(handle)); |
30522 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30523 | } |
30524 | |
30525 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearTimeout(ExecState* state) |
30526 | { |
30527 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearTimeoutBody>(*state, "clearTimeout" ); |
30528 | } |
30529 | |
30530 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetIntervalBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30531 | { |
30532 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30533 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30534 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30535 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30536 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30537 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30538 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30539 | auto handler = convert<IDLScheduledAction>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0), *castedThis->globalObject()); |
30540 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30541 | auto timeout = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30542 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30543 | auto arguments = convertVariadicArguments<IDLAny>(*state, 2); |
30544 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30545 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLLong>(*state, throwScope, impl.setInterval(*state, WTFMove(handler), WTFMove(timeout), WTFMove(arguments)))); |
30546 | } |
30547 | |
30548 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetInterval(ExecState* state) |
30549 | { |
30550 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionSetIntervalBody>(*state, "setInterval" ); |
30551 | } |
30552 | |
30553 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearIntervalBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30554 | { |
30555 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30556 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30557 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30558 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30559 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30560 | auto handle = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->argument(0)); |
30561 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30562 | impl.clearInterval(WTFMove(handle)); |
30563 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30564 | } |
30565 | |
30566 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearInterval(ExecState* state) |
30567 | { |
30568 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionClearIntervalBody>(*state, "clearInterval" ); |
30569 | } |
30570 | |
30571 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionQueueMicrotaskBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30572 | { |
30573 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30574 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30575 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30576 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30577 | return JSValue::encode(castedThis->queueMicrotask(*state)); |
30578 | } |
30579 | |
30580 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionQueueMicrotask(ExecState* state) |
30581 | { |
30582 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionQueueMicrotaskBody>(*state, "queueMicrotask" ); |
30583 | } |
30584 | |
30585 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAtobBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30586 | { |
30587 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30588 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30589 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30590 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30591 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30592 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30593 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30594 | auto string = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30595 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30596 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLDOMString>(*state, throwScope, impl.atob(WTFMove(string)))); |
30597 | } |
30598 | |
30599 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAtob(ExecState* state) |
30600 | { |
30601 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionAtobBody>(*state, "atob" ); |
30602 | } |
30603 | |
30604 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBtoaBody(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30605 | { |
30606 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30607 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30608 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30609 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30610 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30611 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
30612 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
30613 | auto string = convert<IDLDOMString>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30614 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30615 | return JSValue::encode(toJS<IDLDOMString>(*state, throwScope, impl.btoa(WTFMove(string)))); |
30616 | } |
30617 | |
30618 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBtoa(ExecState* state) |
30619 | { |
30620 | return IDLOperation<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionBtoaBody>(*state, "btoa" ); |
30621 | } |
30622 | |
30623 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap1Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, Ref<DeferredPromise>&& promise, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30624 | { |
30625 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30626 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30627 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30628 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30629 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30630 | auto image = convert<IDLUnion<IDLInterface<HTMLImageElement>, IDLInterface<HTMLVideoElement>, IDLInterface<HTMLCanvasElement>, IDLInterface<ImageBitmap>, IDLInterface<Blob>, IDLInterface<ImageData>>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30631 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30632 | auto options = convert<IDLDictionary<ImageBitmapOptions>>(*state, state->argument(1)); |
30633 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30634 | impl.createImageBitmap(WTFMove(image), WTFMove(options), WTFMove(promise)); |
30635 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30636 | } |
30637 | |
30638 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap2Body(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, Ref<DeferredPromise>&& promise, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30639 | { |
30640 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30641 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30642 | if (!BindingSecurity::shouldAllowAccessToDOMWindow(state, castedThis->wrapped(), ThrowSecurityError)) |
30643 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30644 | auto& impl = castedThis->wrapped(); |
30645 | auto image = convert<IDLUnion<IDLInterface<HTMLImageElement>, IDLInterface<HTMLVideoElement>, IDLInterface<HTMLCanvasElement>, IDLInterface<ImageBitmap>, IDLInterface<Blob>, IDLInterface<ImageData>>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
30646 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30647 | auto sx = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(1)); |
30648 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30649 | auto sy = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(2)); |
30650 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30651 | auto sw = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(3)); |
30652 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30653 | auto sh = convert<IDLLong>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(4)); |
30654 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30655 | auto options = convert<IDLDictionary<ImageBitmapOptions>>(*state, state->argument(5)); |
30656 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
30657 | impl.createImageBitmap(WTFMove(image), WTFMove(sx), WTFMove(sy), WTFMove(sw), WTFMove(sh), WTFMove(options), WTFMove(promise)); |
30658 | return JSValue::encode(jsUndefined()); |
30659 | } |
30660 | |
30661 | static inline JSC::EncodedJSValue jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmapOverloadDispatcher(JSC::ExecState* state, typename IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::ClassParameter castedThis, Ref<DeferredPromise>&& promise, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
30662 | { |
30663 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
30664 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
30665 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
30666 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
30667 | size_t argsCount = std::min<size_t>(6, state->argumentCount()); |
30668 | if (argsCount == 1) { |
30669 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap1Body(state, castedThis, WTFMove(promise), throwScope); |
30670 | } |
30671 | if (argsCount == 2) { |
30672 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap1Body(state, castedThis, WTFMove(promise), throwScope); |
30673 | } |
30674 | if (argsCount == 5) { |
30675 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap2Body(state, castedThis, WTFMove(promise), throwScope); |
30676 | } |
30677 | if (argsCount == 6) { |
30678 | return jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap2Body(state, castedThis, WTFMove(promise), throwScope); |
30679 | } |
30680 | return argsCount < 1 ? throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)) : throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
30681 | } |
30682 | |
30683 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmap(ExecState* state) |
30684 | { |
30685 | return IDLOperationReturningPromise<JSDOMWindow>::call<jsDOMWindowInstanceFunctionCreateImageBitmapOverloadDispatcher, PromiseExecutionScope::WindowOnly>(*state, "createImageBitmap" ); |
30686 | } |
30687 | |
30688 | void JSDOMWindow::visitChildren(JSCell* cell, SlotVisitor& visitor) |
30689 | { |
30690 | auto* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(cell); |
30691 | ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info()); |
30692 | Base::visitChildren(thisObject, visitor); |
30693 | thisObject->visitAdditionalChildren(visitor); |
30694 | } |
30695 | |
30696 | void JSDOMWindow::visitOutputConstraints(JSCell* cell, SlotVisitor& visitor) |
30697 | { |
30698 | auto* thisObject = jsCast<JSDOMWindow*>(cell); |
30699 | ASSERT_GC_OBJECT_INHERITS(thisObject, info()); |
30700 | Base::visitOutputConstraints(thisObject, visitor); |
30701 | thisObject->visitAdditionalChildren(visitor); |
30702 | } |
30703 | |
30704 | |
30705 | } |
30706 | |