1 | /* |
2 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
3 | * |
4 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
5 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
6 | * are met: |
7 | * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
8 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
9 | * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
10 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
11 | * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
12 | * |
24 | */ |
25 | |
26 | #include "config.h" |
27 | #include "WebProcessPool.h" |
28 | |
29 | #include "APIArray.h" |
30 | #include "APIAutomationClient.h" |
31 | #include "APICustomProtocolManagerClient.h" |
32 | #include "APIDownloadClient.h" |
33 | #include "APIHTTPCookieStore.h" |
34 | #include "APIInjectedBundleClient.h" |
35 | #include "APILegacyContextHistoryClient.h" |
36 | #include "APINavigation.h" |
37 | #include "APIPageConfiguration.h" |
38 | #include "APIProcessPoolConfiguration.h" |
39 | #include "AuxiliaryProcessMessages.h" |
40 | #include "DownloadProxy.h" |
41 | #include "DownloadProxyMessages.h" |
42 | #include "GamepadData.h" |
43 | #include "HighPerformanceGraphicsUsageSampler.h" |
44 | #include "LogInitialization.h" |
45 | #include "Logging.h" |
46 | #include "NetworkProcessCreationParameters.h" |
47 | #include "NetworkProcessMessages.h" |
48 | #include "NetworkProcessProxy.h" |
49 | #include "PerActivityStateCPUUsageSampler.h" |
50 | #include "PluginProcessManager.h" |
51 | #include "SandboxExtension.h" |
52 | #include "ServiceWorkerProcessProxy.h" |
53 | #include "StatisticsData.h" |
54 | #include "TextChecker.h" |
55 | #include "UIGamepad.h" |
56 | #include "UIGamepadProvider.h" |
57 | #include "WKContextPrivate.h" |
58 | #include "WebAutomationSession.h" |
59 | #include "WebBackForwardList.h" |
60 | #include "WebBackForwardListItem.h" |
61 | #include "WebCertificateInfo.h" |
62 | #include "WebContextSupplement.h" |
63 | #include "WebCookieManagerProxy.h" |
64 | #include "WebCoreArgumentCoders.h" |
65 | #include "WebGeolocationManagerProxy.h" |
66 | #include "WebInspectorUtilities.h" |
67 | #include "WebKit2Initialize.h" |
68 | #include "WebMemorySampler.h" |
69 | #include "WebNotificationManagerProxy.h" |
70 | #include "WebPageGroup.h" |
71 | #include "WebPreferences.h" |
72 | #include "WebPreferencesKeys.h" |
73 | #include "WebProcessCache.h" |
74 | #include "WebProcessCreationParameters.h" |
75 | #include "WebProcessDataStoreParameters.h" |
76 | #include "WebProcessMessages.h" |
77 | #include "WebProcessPoolMessages.h" |
78 | #include "WebProcessProxy.h" |
79 | #include "WebsiteDataStore.h" |
80 | #include "WebsiteDataStoreParameters.h" |
81 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSCInlines.h> |
82 | #include <WebCore/ApplicationCacheStorage.h> |
83 | #include <WebCore/LogInitialization.h> |
84 | #include <WebCore/MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter.h> |
85 | #include <WebCore/NetworkStorageSession.h> |
86 | #include <WebCore/PlatformScreen.h> |
87 | #include <WebCore/ProcessIdentifier.h> |
88 | #include <WebCore/ProcessWarming.h> |
89 | #include <WebCore/ResourceRequest.h> |
90 | #include <WebCore/RuntimeApplicationChecks.h> |
91 | #include <WebCore/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h> |
92 | #include <pal/SessionID.h> |
93 | #include <wtf/Language.h> |
94 | #include <wtf/MainThread.h> |
95 | #include <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h> |
96 | #include <wtf/ProcessPrivilege.h> |
97 | #include <wtf/RunLoop.h> |
98 | #include <wtf/Scope.h> |
99 | #include <wtf/URLParser.h> |
100 | #include <wtf/WallTime.h> |
101 | #include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h> |
102 | #include <wtf/text/StringConcatenateNumbers.h> |
103 | |
105 | #include "LegacyCustomProtocolManagerMessages.h" |
106 | #endif |
107 | |
109 | #include "ServicesController.h" |
110 | #endif |
111 | |
113 | #include <JavaScriptCore/RemoteInspector.h> |
114 | #endif |
115 | |
116 | #if OS(LINUX) |
117 | #include "MemoryPressureMonitor.h" |
118 | #endif |
119 | |
121 | #include "WaylandCompositor.h" |
122 | #include <WebCore/PlatformDisplay.h> |
123 | #endif |
124 | |
125 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
126 | #include "VersionChecks.h" |
127 | #endif |
128 | |
129 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
130 | #include <wtf/RefCountedLeakCounter.h> |
131 | #endif |
132 | |
133 | namespace WebKit { |
134 | using namespace WebCore; |
135 | |
136 | DEFINE_DEBUG_ONLY_GLOBAL(WTF::RefCountedLeakCounter, processPoolCounter, ("WebProcessPool" )); |
137 | |
138 | const Seconds serviceWorkerTerminationDelay { 5_s }; |
139 | |
140 | static uint64_t generateListenerIdentifier() |
141 | { |
142 | static uint64_t nextIdentifier = 1; |
143 | return nextIdentifier++; |
144 | } |
145 | |
146 | static HashMap<uint64_t, Function<void(WebProcessPool&)>>& processPoolCreationListenerFunctionMap() |
147 | { |
148 | static NeverDestroyed<HashMap<uint64_t, Function<void(WebProcessPool&)>>> map; |
149 | return map; |
150 | } |
151 | |
152 | uint64_t WebProcessPool::registerProcessPoolCreationListener(Function<void(WebProcessPool&)>&& function) |
153 | { |
154 | ASSERT(function); |
155 | |
156 | auto identifier = generateListenerIdentifier(); |
157 | processPoolCreationListenerFunctionMap().set(identifier, WTFMove(function)); |
158 | return identifier; |
159 | } |
160 | |
161 | void WebProcessPool::unregisterProcessPoolCreationListener(uint64_t identifier) |
162 | { |
163 | processPoolCreationListenerFunctionMap().remove(identifier); |
164 | } |
165 | |
166 | Ref<WebProcessPool> WebProcessPool::create(API::ProcessPoolConfiguration& configuration) |
167 | { |
168 | InitializeWebKit2(); |
169 | return adoptRef(*new WebProcessPool(configuration)); |
170 | } |
171 | |
172 | void WebProcessPool::notifyThisWebProcessPoolWasCreated() |
173 | { |
174 | auto& listenerMap = processPoolCreationListenerFunctionMap(); |
175 | |
176 | Vector<uint64_t> identifiers; |
177 | identifiers.reserveInitialCapacity(listenerMap.size()); |
178 | for (auto identifier : listenerMap.keys()) |
179 | identifiers.uncheckedAppend(identifier); |
180 | |
181 | for (auto identifier : identifiers) { |
182 | auto iterator = listenerMap.find(identifier); |
183 | if (iterator == listenerMap.end()) |
184 | continue; |
185 | |
186 | // To make sure the Function object stays alive until after the function call has been made, |
187 | // we temporarily move it out of the map. |
188 | // This protects it from the Function calling unregisterProcessPoolCreationListener thereby |
189 | // removing itself from the map of listeners. |
190 | // If the identifier still exists in the map later, we move it back in. |
191 | Function<void(WebProcessPool&)> function = WTFMove(iterator->value); |
192 | function(*this); |
193 | |
194 | iterator = listenerMap.find(identifier); |
195 | if (iterator != listenerMap.end()) { |
196 | ASSERT(!iterator->value); |
197 | iterator->value = WTFMove(function); |
198 | } |
199 | } |
200 | } |
201 | |
202 | static Vector<WebProcessPool*>& processPools() |
203 | { |
204 | static NeverDestroyed<Vector<WebProcessPool*>> processPools; |
205 | return processPools; |
206 | } |
207 | |
208 | const Vector<WebProcessPool*>& WebProcessPool::allProcessPools() |
209 | { |
210 | return processPools(); |
211 | } |
212 | |
213 | static Ref<WebsiteDataStoreConfiguration> legacyWebsiteDataStoreConfiguration(API::ProcessPoolConfiguration& processPoolConfiguration) |
214 | { |
215 | auto configuration = WebsiteDataStoreConfiguration::create(); |
216 | |
217 | configuration->setCacheStorageDirectory(String(API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultCacheStorageDirectory())); |
218 | configuration->setServiceWorkerRegistrationDirectory(String(API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultServiceWorkerRegistrationDirectory())); |
219 | configuration->setLocalStorageDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.localStorageDirectory())); |
220 | configuration->setWebSQLDatabaseDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.webSQLDatabaseDirectory())); |
221 | configuration->setApplicationCacheDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.applicationCacheDirectory())); |
222 | configuration->setApplicationCacheFlatFileSubdirectoryName(String(processPoolConfiguration.applicationCacheFlatFileSubdirectoryName())); |
223 | configuration->setMediaCacheDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.mediaCacheDirectory())); |
224 | configuration->setMediaKeysStorageDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.mediaKeysStorageDirectory())); |
225 | configuration->setIndexedDBDatabaseDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.indexedDBDatabaseDirectory())); |
226 | configuration->setResourceLoadStatisticsDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectory())); |
227 | configuration->setNetworkCacheDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.diskCacheDirectory())); |
228 | configuration->setJavaScriptConfigurationDirectory(String(processPoolConfiguration.javaScriptConfigurationDirectory())); |
229 | |
230 | return configuration; |
231 | } |
232 | |
233 | static HashSet<String, ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash>& globalURLSchemesWithCustomProtocolHandlers() |
234 | { |
235 | static NeverDestroyed<HashSet<String, ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash>> set; |
236 | return set; |
237 | } |
238 | |
239 | WebProcessPool::WebProcessPool(API::ProcessPoolConfiguration& configuration) |
240 | : m_configuration(configuration.copy()) |
241 | , m_defaultPageGroup(WebPageGroup::create()) |
242 | , m_injectedBundleClient(std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundleClient>()) |
243 | , m_automationClient(std::make_unique<API::AutomationClient>()) |
244 | , m_downloadClient(std::make_unique<API::DownloadClient>()) |
245 | , m_historyClient(std::make_unique<API::LegacyContextHistoryClient>()) |
246 | , m_customProtocolManagerClient(std::make_unique<API::CustomProtocolManagerClient>()) |
247 | , m_visitedLinkStore(VisitedLinkStore::create()) |
248 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
249 | , m_highPerformanceGraphicsUsageSampler(std::make_unique<HighPerformanceGraphicsUsageSampler>(*this)) |
250 | , m_perActivityStateCPUUsageSampler(std::make_unique<PerActivityStateCPUUsageSampler>(*this)) |
251 | #endif |
252 | , m_alwaysRunsAtBackgroundPriority(m_configuration->alwaysRunsAtBackgroundPriority()) |
253 | , m_shouldTakeUIBackgroundAssertion(m_configuration->shouldTakeUIBackgroundAssertion()) |
254 | , m_userObservablePageCounter([this](RefCounterEvent) { updateProcessSuppressionState(); }) |
255 | , m_processSuppressionDisabledForPageCounter([this](RefCounterEvent) { updateProcessSuppressionState(); }) |
256 | , m_hiddenPageThrottlingAutoIncreasesCounter([this](RefCounterEvent) { m_hiddenPageThrottlingTimer.startOneShot(0_s); }) |
257 | , m_hiddenPageThrottlingTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &WebProcessPool::updateHiddenPageThrottlingAutoIncreaseLimit) |
258 | , m_serviceWorkerProcessesTerminationTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &WebProcessPool::terminateServiceWorkerProcesses) |
260 | , m_foregroundWebProcessCounter([this](RefCounterEvent) { updateProcessAssertions(); }) |
261 | , m_backgroundWebProcessCounter([this](RefCounterEvent) { updateProcessAssertions(); }) |
262 | #endif |
263 | , m_webProcessCache(makeUniqueRef<WebProcessCache>(*this)) |
264 | { |
265 | static std::once_flag onceFlag; |
266 | std::call_once(onceFlag, [] { |
267 | WTF::setProcessPrivileges(allPrivileges()); |
268 | WebCore::NetworkStorageSession::permitProcessToUseCookieAPI(true); |
269 | Process::setIdentifier(WebCore::ProcessIdentifier::generate()); |
270 | }); |
271 | |
272 | if (m_configuration->shouldHaveLegacyDataStore()) |
273 | m_websiteDataStore = API::WebsiteDataStore::createLegacy(legacyWebsiteDataStoreConfiguration(m_configuration)); |
274 | |
275 | if (!m_websiteDataStore && API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStoreExists()) |
276 | m_websiteDataStore = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore(); |
277 | |
278 | for (auto& scheme : m_configuration->alwaysRevalidatedURLSchemes()) |
279 | m_schemesToRegisterAsAlwaysRevalidated.add(scheme); |
280 | |
281 | for (const auto& urlScheme : m_configuration->cachePartitionedURLSchemes()) |
282 | m_schemesToRegisterAsCachePartitioned.add(urlScheme); |
283 | |
284 | platformInitialize(); |
285 | |
286 | #if OS(LINUX) |
287 | MemoryPressureMonitor::singleton().start(); |
288 | #endif |
289 | |
290 | addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebProcessPool::messageReceiverName(), *this); |
291 | |
292 | // NOTE: These sub-objects must be initialized after m_messageReceiverMap.. |
293 | addSupplement<WebCookieManagerProxy>(); |
294 | addSupplement<WebGeolocationManagerProxy>(); |
295 | addSupplement<WebNotificationManagerProxy>(); |
297 | addSupplement<WebMediaSessionFocusManager>(); |
298 | #endif |
299 | |
300 | processPools().append(this); |
301 | |
302 | addLanguageChangeObserver(this, languageChanged); |
303 | |
304 | resolvePathsForSandboxExtensions(); |
305 | |
307 | WebCore::initializeLogChannelsIfNecessary(); |
308 | WebKit::initializeLogChannelsIfNecessary(); |
310 | |
311 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
312 | processPoolCounter.increment(); |
313 | #endif |
314 | |
315 | notifyThisWebProcessPoolWasCreated(); |
316 | |
317 | updateMaxSuspendedPageCount(); |
318 | } |
319 | |
320 | WebProcessPool::~WebProcessPool() |
321 | { |
322 | m_webProcessCache->clear(); |
323 | |
324 | bool removed = processPools().removeFirst(this); |
325 | ASSERT_UNUSED(removed, removed); |
326 | |
327 | removeLanguageChangeObserver(this); |
328 | |
329 | m_messageReceiverMap.invalidate(); |
330 | |
331 | for (auto& supplement : m_supplements.values()) { |
332 | supplement->processPoolDestroyed(); |
333 | supplement->clearProcessPool(); |
334 | } |
335 | |
336 | invalidateCallbackMap(m_dictionaryCallbacks, CallbackBase::Error::OwnerWasInvalidated); |
337 | |
338 | platformInvalidateContext(); |
339 | |
340 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
341 | processPoolCounter.decrement(); |
342 | #endif |
343 | |
344 | if (m_networkProcess) |
345 | m_networkProcess->shutDownProcess(); |
346 | |
347 | #if ENABLE(GAMEPAD) |
348 | if (!m_processesUsingGamepads.isEmpty()) |
349 | UIGamepadProvider::singleton().processPoolStoppedUsingGamepads(*this); |
350 | #endif |
351 | |
352 | // Only remaining processes should be pre-warmed ones as other keep the process pool alive. |
353 | while (!m_processes.isEmpty()) { |
354 | auto& process = m_processes.first(); |
355 | |
356 | ASSERT(process->isPrewarmed()); |
357 | // We need to be the only one holding a reference to the pre-warmed process so that it gets destroyed. |
358 | // WebProcessProxies currently always expect to have a WebProcessPool. |
359 | ASSERT(process->hasOneRef()); |
360 | |
361 | process->shutDown(); |
362 | } |
363 | } |
364 | |
365 | void WebProcessPool::initializeClient(const WKContextClientBase* client) |
366 | { |
367 | m_client.initialize(client); |
368 | } |
369 | |
370 | void WebProcessPool::setInjectedBundleClient(std::unique_ptr<API::InjectedBundleClient>&& client) |
371 | { |
372 | if (!client) |
373 | m_injectedBundleClient = std::make_unique<API::InjectedBundleClient>(); |
374 | else |
375 | m_injectedBundleClient = WTFMove(client); |
376 | } |
377 | |
378 | void WebProcessPool::initializeConnectionClient(const WKContextConnectionClientBase* client) |
379 | { |
380 | m_connectionClient.initialize(client); |
381 | } |
382 | |
383 | void WebProcessPool::setHistoryClient(std::unique_ptr<API::LegacyContextHistoryClient>&& historyClient) |
384 | { |
385 | if (!historyClient) |
386 | m_historyClient = std::make_unique<API::LegacyContextHistoryClient>(); |
387 | else |
388 | m_historyClient = WTFMove(historyClient); |
389 | } |
390 | |
391 | void WebProcessPool::setDownloadClient(std::unique_ptr<API::DownloadClient>&& downloadClient) |
392 | { |
393 | if (!downloadClient) |
394 | m_downloadClient = std::make_unique<API::DownloadClient>(); |
395 | else |
396 | m_downloadClient = WTFMove(downloadClient); |
397 | } |
398 | |
399 | void WebProcessPool::setAutomationClient(std::unique_ptr<API::AutomationClient>&& automationClient) |
400 | { |
401 | if (!automationClient) |
402 | m_automationClient = std::make_unique<API::AutomationClient>(); |
403 | else |
404 | m_automationClient = WTFMove(automationClient); |
405 | } |
406 | |
407 | void WebProcessPool::setLegacyCustomProtocolManagerClient(std::unique_ptr<API::CustomProtocolManagerClient>&& customProtocolManagerClient) |
408 | { |
410 | if (!customProtocolManagerClient) |
411 | m_customProtocolManagerClient = std::make_unique<API::CustomProtocolManagerClient>(); |
412 | else |
413 | m_customProtocolManagerClient = WTFMove(customProtocolManagerClient); |
414 | #endif |
415 | } |
416 | |
417 | void WebProcessPool::setCustomWebContentServiceBundleIdentifier(const String& customWebContentServiceBundleIdentifier) |
418 | { |
419 | // Guard against API misuse. |
420 | if (!customWebContentServiceBundleIdentifier.isAllASCII()) |
421 | CRASH(); |
422 | |
423 | m_configuration->setCustomWebContentServiceBundleIdentifier(customWebContentServiceBundleIdentifier); |
424 | } |
425 | |
426 | IPC::Connection* WebProcessPool::networkingProcessConnection() |
427 | { |
428 | return m_networkProcess->connection(); |
429 | } |
430 | |
431 | void WebProcessPool::languageChanged(void* context) |
432 | { |
433 | static_cast<WebProcessPool*>(context)->languageChanged(); |
434 | } |
435 | |
436 | void WebProcessPool::languageChanged() |
437 | { |
438 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::UserPreferredLanguagesChanged(userPreferredLanguages())); |
439 | #if USE(SOUP) |
440 | if (m_networkProcess) |
441 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::UserPreferredLanguagesChanged(userPreferredLanguages()), 0); |
442 | #endif |
443 | } |
444 | |
445 | void WebProcessPool::fullKeyboardAccessModeChanged(bool fullKeyboardAccessEnabled) |
446 | { |
447 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::FullKeyboardAccessModeChanged(fullKeyboardAccessEnabled)); |
448 | } |
449 | |
450 | #if OS(LINUX) |
451 | void WebProcessPool::sendMemoryPressureEvent(bool isCritical) |
452 | { |
453 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::AuxiliaryProcess::DidReceiveMemoryPressureEvent(isCritical)); |
454 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::AuxiliaryProcess::DidReceiveMemoryPressureEvent(isCritical)); |
456 | PluginProcessManager::singleton().sendMemoryPressureEvent(isCritical); |
457 | #endif |
458 | } |
459 | #endif |
460 | |
461 | void WebProcessPool::textCheckerStateChanged() |
462 | { |
463 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetTextCheckerState(TextChecker::state())); |
464 | } |
465 | |
466 | void WebProcessPool::setApplicationIsActive(bool isActive) |
467 | { |
468 | m_webProcessCache->setApplicationIsActive(isActive); |
469 | } |
470 | |
471 | void WebProcessPool::screenPropertiesStateChanged() |
472 | { |
473 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
474 | auto screenProperties = WebCore::collectScreenProperties(); |
475 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetScreenProperties(screenProperties)); |
476 | #endif |
477 | } |
478 | |
479 | NetworkProcessProxy& WebProcessPool::ensureNetworkProcess(WebsiteDataStore* withWebsiteDataStore) |
480 | { |
481 | if (m_networkProcess) { |
482 | if (withWebsiteDataStore) { |
483 | m_networkProcess->addSession(makeRef(*withWebsiteDataStore)); |
484 | withWebsiteDataStore->clearPendingCookies(); |
485 | } |
486 | return *m_networkProcess; |
487 | } |
488 | |
489 | m_networkProcess = std::make_unique<NetworkProcessProxy>(*this); |
490 | |
491 | NetworkProcessCreationParameters parameters; |
492 | |
493 | if (m_websiteDataStore) { |
494 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.pendingCookies = copyToVector(m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().pendingCookies()); |
495 | m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().clearPendingCookies(); |
496 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
497 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.sourceApplicationBundleIdentifier = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().sourceApplicationBundleIdentifier(); |
498 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.sourceApplicationSecondaryIdentifier = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().sourceApplicationSecondaryIdentifier(); |
499 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.allowsTLSFallback = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().allowsTLSFallback() ? AllowsTLSFallback::Yes : AllowsTLSFallback::No; |
500 | #endif |
501 | m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().networkingHasBegun(); |
502 | } |
503 | |
504 | parameters.cacheModel = cacheModel(); |
505 | parameters.canHandleHTTPSServerTrustEvaluation = m_canHandleHTTPSServerTrustEvaluation; |
506 | |
507 | for (auto& scheme : globalURLSchemesWithCustomProtocolHandlers()) |
508 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredForCustomProtocols.append(scheme); |
509 | |
510 | for (auto& scheme : m_urlSchemesRegisteredForCustomProtocols) |
511 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredForCustomProtocols.append(scheme); |
512 | |
513 | parameters.diskCacheDirectory = m_configuration->diskCacheDirectory(); |
514 | if (!parameters.diskCacheDirectory.isEmpty()) |
515 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(parameters.diskCacheDirectory, parameters.diskCacheDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
517 | parameters.shouldEnableNetworkCacheSpeculativeRevalidation = m_configuration->diskCacheSpeculativeValidationEnabled(); |
518 | #endif |
519 | |
521 | String cookieStorageDirectory = this->cookieStorageDirectory(); |
522 | if (!cookieStorageDirectory.isEmpty()) |
523 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(cookieStorageDirectory, parameters.cookieStorageDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
524 | |
525 | String containerCachesDirectory = this->networkingCachesDirectory(); |
526 | if (!containerCachesDirectory.isEmpty()) |
527 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(containerCachesDirectory, parameters.containerCachesDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
528 | |
529 | String parentBundleDirectory = this->parentBundleDirectory(); |
530 | if (!parentBundleDirectory.isEmpty()) |
531 | SandboxExtension::createHandle(parentBundleDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadOnly, parameters.parentBundleDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
532 | |
534 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForTemporaryFile(emptyString(), SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseTempBlobDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
535 | #endif |
536 | #endif |
537 | |
538 | parameters.hstsStorageDirectory = m_configuration->hstsStorageDirectory(); |
539 | if (!parameters.hstsStorageDirectory.isNull()) |
540 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(parameters.hstsStorageDirectory, parameters.hstsStorageDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
541 | |
542 | parameters.shouldUseTestingNetworkSession = m_shouldUseTestingNetworkSession; |
543 | |
544 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsSecure = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsSecure); |
545 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy); |
546 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsLocal = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsLocal); |
547 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsNoAccess = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsNoAccess); |
548 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsDisplayIsolated = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsDisplayIsolated); |
549 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsCORSEnabled = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsCORSEnabled); |
550 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest); |
551 | |
553 | // ********* |
554 | // IMPORTANT: Do not change the directory structure for indexed databases on disk without first consulting a reviewer from Apple (<rdar://problem/17454712>) |
555 | // ********* |
556 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectory = m_configuration->indexedDBDatabaseDirectory(); |
557 | if (parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectory.isEmpty()) |
558 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectory = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore()->websiteDataStore().parameters().indexedDatabaseDirectory; |
559 | |
560 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectory, parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
561 | m_networkProcess->createSymLinkForFileUpgrade(parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.indexedDatabaseDirectory); |
562 | #endif |
563 | |
565 | if (m_websiteDataStore) |
566 | parameters.serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().resolvedServiceWorkerRegistrationDirectory(); |
567 | if (!parameters.serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory) |
568 | parameters.serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultServiceWorkerRegistrationDirectory(); |
569 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(parameters.serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory, parameters.serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
570 | |
571 | if (!m_schemesServiceWorkersCanHandle.isEmpty()) |
572 | parameters.urlSchemesServiceWorkersCanHandle = copyToVector(m_schemesServiceWorkersCanHandle); |
573 | |
574 | parameters.shouldDisableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay = m_shouldDisableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay; |
575 | #endif |
576 | |
577 | if (m_websiteDataStore) |
578 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectory = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().resolvedResourceLoadStatisticsDirectory(); |
579 | if (parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectory.isEmpty()) |
580 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectory = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultResourceLoadStatisticsDirectory(); |
581 | |
582 | SandboxExtension::createHandleForReadWriteDirectory(parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectory, parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
583 | |
584 | bool enableResourceLoadStatistics = false; |
585 | bool shouldIncludeLocalhost = true; |
586 | bool enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode = false; |
587 | WebCore::RegistrableDomain manualPrevalentResource { }; |
588 | if (withWebsiteDataStore) { |
589 | enableResourceLoadStatistics = withWebsiteDataStore->resourceLoadStatisticsEnabled(); |
590 | if (enableResourceLoadStatistics) { |
591 | auto networkSessionParameters = withWebsiteDataStore->parameters().networkSessionParameters; |
592 | shouldIncludeLocalhost = networkSessionParameters.shouldIncludeLocalhostInResourceLoadStatistics; |
593 | enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode = networkSessionParameters.enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode; |
594 | manualPrevalentResource = networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource; |
595 | } |
596 | |
597 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.perOriginStorageQuota = withWebsiteDataStore->perOriginStorageQuota(); |
598 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.perThirdPartyOriginStorageQuota = withWebsiteDataStore->perThirdPartyOriginStorageQuota(); |
599 | } else if (m_websiteDataStore) { |
600 | enableResourceLoadStatistics = m_websiteDataStore->resourceLoadStatisticsEnabled(); |
601 | if (enableResourceLoadStatistics) { |
602 | auto networkSessionParameters = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().parameters().networkSessionParameters; |
603 | shouldIncludeLocalhost = networkSessionParameters.shouldIncludeLocalhostInResourceLoadStatistics; |
604 | enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode = networkSessionParameters.enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode; |
605 | manualPrevalentResource = networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource; |
606 | } |
607 | |
608 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.perOriginStorageQuota = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().perOriginStorageQuota(); |
609 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.perThirdPartyOriginStorageQuota = m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().perThirdPartyOriginStorageQuota(); |
610 | } |
611 | |
612 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.enableResourceLoadStatistics = enableResourceLoadStatistics; |
613 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.shouldIncludeLocalhostInResourceLoadStatistics = shouldIncludeLocalhost; |
614 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode = enableResourceLoadStatisticsDebugMode; |
615 | parameters.defaultDataStoreParameters.networkSessionParameters.resourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource = manualPrevalentResource; |
616 | |
617 | // Add any platform specific parameters |
618 | platformInitializeNetworkProcess(parameters); |
619 | |
620 | // Initialize the network process. |
621 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::InitializeNetworkProcess(parameters), 0); |
622 | |
623 | if (WebPreferences::anyPagesAreUsingPrivateBrowsing()) |
624 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::AddWebsiteDataStore(WebsiteDataStoreParameters::legacyPrivateSessionParameters()), 0); |
625 | |
626 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
627 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::SetQOS(networkProcessLatencyQOS(), networkProcessThroughputQOS()), 0); |
628 | #endif |
629 | |
630 | if (m_didNetworkProcessCrash) { |
631 | m_didNetworkProcessCrash = false; |
632 | reinstateNetworkProcessAssertionState(*m_networkProcess); |
633 | } |
634 | |
635 | if (withWebsiteDataStore) { |
636 | m_networkProcess->addSession(makeRef(*withWebsiteDataStore)); |
637 | withWebsiteDataStore->clearPendingCookies(); |
638 | } |
639 | |
640 | // Make sure the network process knows about all the sessions that have been registered before it started. |
641 | for (auto& sessionID : m_sessionToPageIDsMap.keys()) { |
642 | if (auto* websiteDataStore = WebsiteDataStore::existingNonDefaultDataStoreForSessionID(sessionID)) |
643 | m_networkProcess->addSession(*websiteDataStore); |
644 | } |
645 | |
646 | return *m_networkProcess; |
647 | } |
648 | |
649 | void WebProcessPool::networkProcessCrashed(NetworkProcessProxy& networkProcessProxy, Vector<std::pair<RefPtr<WebProcessProxy>, Messages::WebProcessProxy::GetNetworkProcessConnection::DelayedReply>>&& pendingReplies) |
650 | { |
651 | ASSERT(m_networkProcess); |
652 | ASSERT(&networkProcessProxy == m_networkProcess.get()); |
653 | m_didNetworkProcessCrash = true; |
654 | |
655 | for (auto& supplement : m_supplements.values()) |
656 | supplement->processDidClose(&networkProcessProxy); |
657 | |
658 | m_client.networkProcessDidCrash(this); |
659 | |
660 | if (m_automationSession) |
661 | m_automationSession->terminate(); |
662 | |
663 | // Leave the process proxy around during client call, so that the client could query the process identifier. |
664 | m_networkProcess = nullptr; |
665 | |
666 | // Attempt to re-launch. |
667 | if (pendingReplies.isEmpty()) |
668 | return; |
669 | auto& newNetworkProcess = ensureNetworkProcess(); |
670 | for (auto& reply : pendingReplies) |
671 | newNetworkProcess.getNetworkProcessConnection(*reply.first, WTFMove(reply.second)); |
672 | } |
673 | |
674 | void WebProcessPool::getNetworkProcessConnection(WebProcessProxy& webProcessProxy, Messages::WebProcessProxy::GetNetworkProcessConnection::DelayedReply&& reply) |
675 | { |
676 | ensureNetworkProcess(); |
677 | ASSERT(m_networkProcess); |
678 | |
679 | m_networkProcess->getNetworkProcessConnection(webProcessProxy, WTFMove(reply)); |
680 | } |
681 | |
683 | void WebProcessPool::establishWorkerContextConnectionToNetworkProcess(NetworkProcessProxy& proxy, RegistrableDomain&& registrableDomain, Optional<PAL::SessionID> sessionID) |
684 | { |
685 | ASSERT_UNUSED(proxy, &proxy == m_networkProcess.get()); |
686 | |
687 | if (m_serviceWorkerProcesses.contains(registrableDomain)) |
688 | return; |
689 | |
690 | m_mayHaveRegisteredServiceWorkers.clear(); |
691 | |
692 | WebsiteDataStore* websiteDataStore = nullptr; |
693 | if (sessionID) |
694 | websiteDataStore = WebsiteDataStore::existingNonDefaultDataStoreForSessionID(*sessionID); |
695 | |
696 | if (!websiteDataStore) { |
697 | if (!m_websiteDataStore) |
698 | m_websiteDataStore = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore().ptr(); |
699 | websiteDataStore = &m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore(); |
700 | } |
701 | |
702 | if (m_serviceWorkerProcesses.isEmpty()) |
703 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterServiceWorkerClients { }); |
704 | |
705 | auto serviceWorkerProcessProxy = ServiceWorkerProcessProxy::create(*this, registrableDomain, *websiteDataStore); |
706 | m_serviceWorkerProcesses.add(WTFMove(registrableDomain), serviceWorkerProcessProxy.ptr()); |
707 | |
708 | updateProcessAssertions(); |
709 | initializeNewWebProcess(serviceWorkerProcessProxy, websiteDataStore); |
710 | |
711 | auto* serviceWorkerProcessProxyPtr = serviceWorkerProcessProxy.ptr(); |
712 | m_processes.append(WTFMove(serviceWorkerProcessProxy)); |
713 | |
714 | serviceWorkerProcessProxyPtr->start(m_serviceWorkerPreferences ? m_serviceWorkerPreferences.value() : m_defaultPageGroup->preferences().store(), sessionID); |
715 | if (!m_serviceWorkerUserAgent.isNull()) |
716 | serviceWorkerProcessProxyPtr->setUserAgent(m_serviceWorkerUserAgent); |
717 | } |
718 | #endif |
719 | |
720 | void WebProcessPool::disableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay() |
721 | { |
723 | if (m_shouldDisableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay) |
724 | return; |
725 | |
726 | m_shouldDisableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay = true; |
727 | if (m_networkProcess) |
728 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::DisableServiceWorkerProcessTerminationDelay(), 0); |
729 | #endif |
730 | } |
731 | |
732 | void WebProcessPool::willStartUsingPrivateBrowsing() |
733 | { |
734 | for (auto* processPool : allProcessPools()) |
735 | processPool->setAnyPageGroupMightHavePrivateBrowsingEnabled(true); |
736 | } |
737 | |
738 | void WebProcessPool::willStopUsingPrivateBrowsing() |
739 | { |
740 | for (auto* processPool : allProcessPools()) |
741 | processPool->setAnyPageGroupMightHavePrivateBrowsingEnabled(false); |
742 | } |
743 | |
744 | void WebProcessPool::windowServerConnectionStateChanged() |
745 | { |
746 | size_t processCount = m_processes.size(); |
747 | for (size_t i = 0; i < processCount; ++i) |
748 | m_processes[i]->windowServerConnectionStateChanged(); |
749 | } |
750 | |
751 | void WebProcessPool::setAnyPageGroupMightHavePrivateBrowsingEnabled(bool privateBrowsingEnabled) |
752 | { |
753 | if (privateBrowsingEnabled) { |
754 | ensureNetworkProcess().send(Messages::NetworkProcess::AddWebsiteDataStore(WebsiteDataStoreParameters::legacyPrivateSessionParameters()), 0); |
755 | } else { |
756 | if (auto* networkProcess = this->networkProcess()) |
757 | networkProcess->removeSession(PAL::SessionID::legacyPrivateSessionID()); |
758 | } |
759 | } |
760 | |
761 | void (*s_invalidMessageCallback)(WKStringRef messageName); |
762 | |
763 | void WebProcessPool::setInvalidMessageCallback(void (*invalidMessageCallback)(WKStringRef messageName)) |
764 | { |
765 | s_invalidMessageCallback = invalidMessageCallback; |
766 | } |
767 | |
768 | void WebProcessPool::didReceiveInvalidMessage(const IPC::StringReference& messageReceiverName, const IPC::StringReference& messageName) |
769 | { |
770 | if (!s_invalidMessageCallback) |
771 | return; |
772 | |
773 | StringBuilder messageNameStringBuilder; |
774 | messageNameStringBuilder.append(messageReceiverName.data(), messageReceiverName.size()); |
775 | messageNameStringBuilder.append('.'); |
776 | messageNameStringBuilder.append(messageName.data(), messageName.size()); |
777 | |
778 | s_invalidMessageCallback(toAPI(API::String::create(messageNameStringBuilder.toString()).ptr())); |
779 | } |
780 | |
781 | void WebProcessPool::processDidCachePage(WebProcessProxy* process) |
782 | { |
783 | if (m_processWithPageCache && m_processWithPageCache != process) |
784 | m_processWithPageCache->releasePageCache(); |
785 | m_processWithPageCache = process; |
786 | } |
787 | |
788 | void WebProcessPool::resolvePathsForSandboxExtensions() |
789 | { |
790 | m_resolvedPaths.injectedBundlePath = resolvePathForSandboxExtension(injectedBundlePath()); |
791 | m_resolvedPaths.applicationCacheDirectory = resolveAndCreateReadWriteDirectoryForSandboxExtension(m_configuration->applicationCacheDirectory()); |
792 | m_resolvedPaths.webSQLDatabaseDirectory = resolveAndCreateReadWriteDirectoryForSandboxExtension(m_configuration->webSQLDatabaseDirectory()); |
793 | m_resolvedPaths.mediaCacheDirectory = resolveAndCreateReadWriteDirectoryForSandboxExtension(m_configuration->mediaCacheDirectory()); |
794 | m_resolvedPaths.mediaKeyStorageDirectory = resolveAndCreateReadWriteDirectoryForSandboxExtension(m_configuration->mediaKeysStorageDirectory()); |
795 | m_resolvedPaths.indexedDatabaseDirectory = resolveAndCreateReadWriteDirectoryForSandboxExtension(m_configuration->indexedDBDatabaseDirectory()); |
796 | |
797 | m_resolvedPaths.additionalWebProcessSandboxExtensionPaths.reserveCapacity(m_configuration->additionalReadAccessAllowedPaths().size()); |
798 | for (const auto& path : m_configuration->additionalReadAccessAllowedPaths()) |
799 | m_resolvedPaths.additionalWebProcessSandboxExtensionPaths.uncheckedAppend(resolvePathForSandboxExtension(path.data())); |
800 | |
801 | platformResolvePathsForSandboxExtensions(); |
802 | } |
803 | |
804 | WebProcessProxy& WebProcessPool::createNewWebProcess(WebsiteDataStore* websiteDataStore, WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed isPrewarmed) |
805 | { |
806 | auto processProxy = WebProcessProxy::create(*this, websiteDataStore, isPrewarmed); |
807 | auto& process = processProxy.get(); |
808 | initializeNewWebProcess(process, websiteDataStore, isPrewarmed); |
809 | m_processes.append(WTFMove(processProxy)); |
810 | |
811 | if (m_serviceWorkerProcessesTerminationTimer.isActive()) |
812 | m_serviceWorkerProcessesTerminationTimer.stop(); |
813 | |
814 | return process; |
815 | } |
816 | |
817 | RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> WebProcessPool::tryTakePrewarmedProcess(WebsiteDataStore& websiteDataStore) |
818 | { |
819 | if (!m_prewarmedProcess) |
820 | return nullptr; |
821 | |
822 | ASSERT(m_prewarmedProcess->isPrewarmed()); |
823 | m_prewarmedProcess->markIsNoLongerInPrewarmedPool(); |
824 | |
825 | m_prewarmedProcess->setWebsiteDataStore(websiteDataStore); |
826 | sendWebProcessDataStoreParameters(*m_prewarmedProcess, websiteDataStore); |
827 | |
828 | return std::exchange(m_prewarmedProcess, nullptr); |
829 | } |
830 | |
831 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
832 | static void displayReconfigurationCallBack(CGDirectDisplayID display, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags flags, void *userInfo) |
833 | { |
834 | auto screenProperties = WebCore::collectScreenProperties(); |
835 | for (auto& processPool : WebProcessPool::allProcessPools()) { |
836 | processPool->sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetScreenProperties(screenProperties)); |
838 | processPool->sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::DisplayConfigurationChanged(display, flags)); |
839 | #endif |
840 | } |
841 | } |
842 | |
843 | static void registerDisplayConfigurationCallback() |
844 | { |
845 | static std::once_flag onceFlag; |
846 | std::call_once( |
847 | onceFlag, |
848 | [] { |
849 | CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback(displayReconfigurationCallBack, nullptr); |
850 | }); |
851 | } |
852 | #endif |
853 | |
854 | void WebProcessPool::sendWebProcessDataStoreParameters(WebProcessProxy& process, WebsiteDataStore& websiteDataStore) |
855 | { |
856 | WebProcessDataStoreParameters parameters; |
857 | |
858 | websiteDataStore.resolveDirectoriesIfNecessary(); |
859 | |
860 | parameters.applicationCacheDirectory = websiteDataStore.resolvedApplicationCacheDirectory(); |
861 | if (parameters.applicationCacheDirectory.isEmpty()) |
862 | parameters.applicationCacheDirectory = m_resolvedPaths.applicationCacheDirectory; |
863 | if (!parameters.applicationCacheDirectory.isEmpty()) |
864 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.applicationCacheDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.applicationCacheDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
865 | parameters.applicationCacheFlatFileSubdirectoryName = m_configuration->applicationCacheFlatFileSubdirectoryName(); |
866 | |
867 | parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory = websiteDataStore.resolvedDatabaseDirectory(); |
868 | if (parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory.isEmpty()) |
869 | parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory = m_resolvedPaths.webSQLDatabaseDirectory; |
870 | if (!parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory.isEmpty()) |
871 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.webSQLDatabaseDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
872 | |
873 | parameters.mediaCacheDirectory = websiteDataStore.resolvedMediaCacheDirectory(); |
874 | if (parameters.mediaCacheDirectory.isEmpty()) |
875 | parameters.mediaCacheDirectory = m_resolvedPaths.mediaCacheDirectory; |
876 | if (!parameters.mediaCacheDirectory.isEmpty()) |
877 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.mediaCacheDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.mediaCacheDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
878 | |
879 | parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectory = websiteDataStore.resolvedMediaKeysDirectory(); |
880 | if (parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectory.isEmpty()) |
881 | parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectory = m_resolvedPaths.mediaKeyStorageDirectory; |
882 | if (!parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectory.isEmpty()) |
883 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.mediaKeyStorageDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
884 | |
885 | if (javaScriptConfigurationFileEnabled()) { |
886 | parameters.javaScriptConfigurationDirectory = websiteDataStore.resolvedJavaScriptConfigurationDirectory(); |
887 | if (!parameters.javaScriptConfigurationDirectory.isEmpty()) |
888 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.javaScriptConfigurationDirectory, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, parameters.javaScriptConfigurationDirectoryExtensionHandle); |
889 | } |
890 | |
891 | parameters.resourceLoadStatisticsEnabled = websiteDataStore.resourceLoadStatisticsEnabled(); |
892 | |
893 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::SetWebsiteDataStoreParameters(parameters), 0); |
894 | } |
895 | |
896 | void WebProcessPool::initializeNewWebProcess(WebProcessProxy& process, WebsiteDataStore* websiteDataStore, WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed isPrewarmed) |
897 | { |
898 | auto initializationActivityToken = process.throttler().backgroundActivityToken(); |
899 | auto scopeExit = makeScopeExit([&process, initializationActivityToken] { |
900 | // Round-trip to the Web Content process before releasing the |
901 | // initialization activity token, so that we're sure that all |
902 | // messages sent from this function have been handled. |
903 | process.isResponsive([initializationActivityToken] (bool) { }); |
904 | }); |
905 | |
906 | ensureNetworkProcess(); |
907 | |
908 | WebProcessCreationParameters parameters; |
909 | |
910 | parameters.injectedBundlePath = m_resolvedPaths.injectedBundlePath; |
911 | if (!parameters.injectedBundlePath.isEmpty()) |
912 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(parameters.injectedBundlePath, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadOnly, parameters.injectedBundlePathExtensionHandle); |
913 | |
914 | parameters.additionalSandboxExtensionHandles.allocate(m_resolvedPaths.additionalWebProcessSandboxExtensionPaths.size()); |
915 | for (size_t i = 0, size = m_resolvedPaths.additionalWebProcessSandboxExtensionPaths.size(); i < size; ++i) |
916 | SandboxExtension::createHandleWithoutResolvingPath(m_resolvedPaths.additionalWebProcessSandboxExtensionPaths[i], SandboxExtension::Type::ReadOnly, parameters.additionalSandboxExtensionHandles[i]); |
917 | |
919 | setJavaScriptConfigurationFileEnabledFromDefaults(); |
920 | #endif |
921 | |
922 | parameters.cacheModel = cacheModel(); |
923 | parameters.languages = configuration().overrideLanguages().isEmpty() ? userPreferredLanguages() : configuration().overrideLanguages(); |
924 | |
925 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsEmptyDocument = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsEmptyDocument); |
926 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsSecure = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsSecure); |
927 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy); |
928 | parameters.urlSchemesForWhichDomainRelaxationIsForbidden = copyToVector(m_schemesToSetDomainRelaxationForbiddenFor); |
929 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsLocal = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsLocal); |
930 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsNoAccess = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsNoAccess); |
931 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsDisplayIsolated = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsDisplayIsolated); |
932 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsCORSEnabled = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsCORSEnabled); |
933 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsAlwaysRevalidated = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsAlwaysRevalidated); |
934 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsCachePartitioned = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsCachePartitioned); |
935 | parameters.urlSchemesServiceWorkersCanHandle = copyToVector(m_schemesServiceWorkersCanHandle); |
936 | parameters.urlSchemesRegisteredAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest = copyToVector(m_schemesToRegisterAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest); |
937 | |
938 | parameters.shouldAlwaysUseComplexTextCodePath = m_alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath; |
939 | parameters.shouldUseFontSmoothing = m_shouldUseFontSmoothing; |
940 | |
941 | parameters.terminationTimeout = 0_s; |
942 | |
943 | parameters.textCheckerState = TextChecker::state(); |
944 | |
945 | parameters.fullKeyboardAccessEnabled = WebProcessProxy::fullKeyboardAccessEnabled(); |
946 | |
947 | parameters.defaultRequestTimeoutInterval = API::URLRequest::defaultTimeoutInterval(); |
948 | |
950 | // FIXME: There should be a generic way for supplements to add to the intialization parameters. |
951 | parameters.notificationPermissions = supplement<WebNotificationManagerProxy>()->notificationPermissions(); |
952 | #endif |
953 | |
954 | parameters.plugInAutoStartOriginHashes = m_plugInAutoStartProvider.autoStartOriginHashesCopy(); |
955 | parameters.plugInAutoStartOrigins = copyToVector(m_plugInAutoStartProvider.autoStartOrigins()); |
956 | |
957 | parameters.memoryCacheDisabled = m_memoryCacheDisabled; |
958 | parameters.attrStyleEnabled = m_configuration->attrStyleEnabled(); |
959 | |
961 | auto& serviceController = ServicesController::singleton(); |
962 | parameters.hasImageServices = serviceController.hasImageServices(); |
963 | parameters.hasSelectionServices = serviceController.hasSelectionServices(); |
964 | parameters.hasRichContentServices = serviceController.hasRichContentServices(); |
965 | serviceController.refreshExistingServices(); |
966 | #endif |
967 | |
969 | parameters.pluginLoadClientPolicies = m_pluginLoadClientPolicies; |
970 | #endif |
971 | |
972 | #if OS(LINUX) |
973 | parameters.shouldEnableMemoryPressureReliefLogging = true; |
974 | #endif |
975 | |
977 | if (PlatformDisplay::sharedDisplay().type() == PlatformDisplay::Type::Wayland) |
978 | parameters.waylandCompositorDisplayName = WaylandCompositor::singleton().displayName(); |
979 | #endif |
980 | |
982 | parameters.shouldCaptureAudioInUIProcess = m_configuration->shouldCaptureAudioInUIProcess(); |
983 | parameters.shouldCaptureVideoInUIProcess = m_configuration->shouldCaptureVideoInUIProcess(); |
984 | parameters.shouldCaptureDisplayInUIProcess = m_configuration->shouldCaptureDisplayInUIProcess(); |
985 | #endif |
986 | |
987 | parameters.presentingApplicationPID = m_configuration->presentingApplicationPID(); |
988 | |
989 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
990 | parameters.mediaMIMETypes = process.mediaMIMETypes(); |
991 | #endif |
992 | |
993 | #if PLATFORM(WPE) |
994 | parameters.isServiceWorkerProcess = process.isServiceWorkerProcess(); |
995 | #endif |
996 | |
997 | // Add any platform specific parameters |
998 | platformInitializeWebProcess(parameters); |
999 | |
1000 | RefPtr<API::Object> injectedBundleInitializationUserData = m_injectedBundleClient->getInjectedBundleInitializationUserData(*this); |
1001 | if (!injectedBundleInitializationUserData) |
1002 | injectedBundleInitializationUserData = m_injectedBundleInitializationUserData; |
1003 | parameters.initializationUserData = UserData(process.transformObjectsToHandles(injectedBundleInitializationUserData.get())); |
1004 | |
1005 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::InitializeWebProcess(parameters), 0); |
1006 | |
1007 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1008 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::SetQOS(webProcessLatencyQOS(), webProcessThroughputQOS()), 0); |
1009 | #endif |
1010 | |
1011 | if (websiteDataStore) |
1012 | sendWebProcessDataStoreParameters(process, *websiteDataStore); |
1013 | |
1014 | if (m_automationSession) |
1015 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::EnsureAutomationSessionProxy(m_automationSession->sessionIdentifier()), 0); |
1016 | |
1017 | ASSERT(m_messagesToInjectedBundlePostedToEmptyContext.isEmpty()); |
1018 | |
1019 | if (isPrewarmed == WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed::Yes) { |
1020 | ASSERT(!m_prewarmedProcess); |
1021 | m_prewarmedProcess = &process; |
1022 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::PrewarmGlobally(), 0); |
1023 | } |
1024 | |
1025 | #if PLATFORM(IOS) |
1026 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::BacklightLevelDidChange(displayBrightness()), 0); |
1027 | #endif |
1028 | |
1030 | // Initialize remote inspector connection now that we have a sub-process that is hosting one of our web views. |
1031 | Inspector::RemoteInspector::singleton(); |
1032 | #endif |
1033 | |
1034 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
1035 | registerDisplayConfigurationCallback(); |
1036 | #endif |
1037 | } |
1038 | |
1039 | void WebProcessPool::prewarmProcess() |
1040 | { |
1041 | if (m_prewarmedProcess) |
1042 | return; |
1043 | |
1044 | RELEASE_LOG(PerformanceLogging, "Prewarming a WebProcess for performance" ); |
1045 | createNewWebProcess(nullptr, WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed::Yes); |
1046 | } |
1047 | |
1048 | void WebProcessPool::enableProcessTermination() |
1049 | { |
1050 | m_processTerminationEnabled = true; |
1051 | Vector<RefPtr<WebProcessProxy>> processes = m_processes; |
1052 | for (size_t i = 0; i < processes.size(); ++i) { |
1053 | if (shouldTerminate(processes[i].get())) |
1054 | processes[i]->terminate(); |
1055 | } |
1056 | } |
1057 | |
1058 | bool WebProcessPool::shouldTerminate(WebProcessProxy* process) |
1059 | { |
1060 | ASSERT(m_processes.contains(process)); |
1061 | |
1062 | if (!m_processTerminationEnabled || m_configuration->alwaysKeepAndReuseSwappedProcesses()) |
1063 | return false; |
1064 | |
1065 | return true; |
1066 | } |
1067 | |
1068 | void WebProcessPool::processDidFinishLaunching(WebProcessProxy* process) |
1069 | { |
1070 | ASSERT(m_processes.contains(process)); |
1071 | |
1072 | if (!m_visitedLinksPopulated) { |
1073 | populateVisitedLinks(); |
1074 | m_visitedLinksPopulated = true; |
1075 | } |
1076 | |
1077 | // Sometimes the memorySampler gets initialized after process initialization has happened but before the process has finished launching |
1078 | // so check if it needs to be started here |
1079 | if (m_memorySamplerEnabled) { |
1080 | SandboxExtension::Handle sampleLogSandboxHandle; |
1081 | WallTime now = WallTime::now(); |
1082 | String sampleLogFilePath = makeString("WebProcess" , static_cast<unsigned long long>(now.secondsSinceEpoch().seconds()), "pid" , process->processIdentifier()); |
1083 | sampleLogFilePath = SandboxExtension::createHandleForTemporaryFile(sampleLogFilePath, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, sampleLogSandboxHandle); |
1084 | |
1085 | process->send(Messages::WebProcess::StartMemorySampler(sampleLogSandboxHandle, sampleLogFilePath, m_memorySamplerInterval), 0); |
1086 | } |
1087 | |
1088 | if (m_configuration->fullySynchronousModeIsAllowedForTesting()) |
1089 | process->connection()->allowFullySynchronousModeForTesting(); |
1090 | |
1091 | if (m_configuration->ignoreSynchronousMessagingTimeoutsForTesting()) |
1092 | process->connection()->ignoreTimeoutsForTesting(); |
1093 | |
1094 | m_connectionClient.didCreateConnection(this, process->webConnection()); |
1095 | |
1096 | if (m_websiteDataStore) |
1097 | m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().didCreateNetworkProcess(); |
1098 | } |
1099 | |
1100 | void WebProcessPool::disconnectProcess(WebProcessProxy* process) |
1101 | { |
1102 | ASSERT(m_processes.contains(process)); |
1103 | ASSERT(!m_processesPlayingAudibleMedia.contains(process->coreProcessIdentifier())); |
1104 | |
1105 | if (m_prewarmedProcess == process) { |
1106 | ASSERT(m_prewarmedProcess->isPrewarmed()); |
1107 | m_prewarmedProcess = nullptr; |
1108 | } |
1109 | |
1110 | if (m_dummyProcessProxy == process) |
1111 | m_dummyProcessProxy = nullptr; |
1112 | |
1113 | // FIXME (Multi-WebProcess): <rdar://problem/12239765> Some of the invalidation calls of the other supplements are still necessary in multi-process mode, but they should only affect data structures pertaining to the process being disconnected. |
1114 | // Clearing everything causes assertion failures, so it's less trouble to skip that for now. |
1115 | RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> protect(process); |
1116 | if (m_processWithPageCache == process) |
1117 | m_processWithPageCache = nullptr; |
1118 | |
1119 | m_suspendedPages.removeAllMatching([process](auto& suspendedPage) { |
1120 | return &suspendedPage->process() == process; |
1121 | }); |
1122 | |
1124 | if (is<ServiceWorkerProcessProxy>(*process)) { |
1125 | auto* removedProcess = m_serviceWorkerProcesses.take(downcast<ServiceWorkerProcessProxy>(*process).registrableDomain()); |
1126 | ASSERT_UNUSED(removedProcess, removedProcess == process); |
1127 | updateProcessAssertions(); |
1128 | } |
1129 | #endif |
1130 | |
1131 | static_cast<WebContextSupplement*>(supplement<WebGeolocationManagerProxy>())->processDidClose(process); |
1132 | |
1133 | m_processes.removeFirst(process); |
1134 | |
1135 | #if ENABLE(GAMEPAD) |
1136 | if (m_processesUsingGamepads.contains(process)) |
1137 | processStoppedUsingGamepads(*process); |
1138 | #endif |
1139 | |
1140 | removeProcessFromOriginCacheSet(*process); |
1141 | |
1143 | // FIXME: We should do better than this. For now, we just destroy the ServiceWorker process |
1144 | // whenever there is no regular WebContent process remaining. |
1145 | if (m_processes.size() == m_serviceWorkerProcesses.size()) { |
1146 | if (!m_serviceWorkerProcessesTerminationTimer.isActive()) |
1147 | m_serviceWorkerProcessesTerminationTimer.startOneShot(serviceWorkerTerminationDelay); |
1148 | } |
1149 | #endif |
1150 | } |
1151 | |
1152 | WebProcessProxy& WebProcessPool::processForRegistrableDomain(WebsiteDataStore& websiteDataStore, WebPageProxy* page, const RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain) |
1153 | { |
1154 | if (!registrableDomain.isEmpty()) { |
1155 | if (auto process = webProcessCache().takeProcess(registrableDomain, websiteDataStore)) |
1156 | return *process; |
1157 | |
1158 | // Check if we have a suspended page for the given registrable domain and use its process if we do, for performance reasons. |
1159 | if (auto process = page ? findReusableSuspendedPageProcess(registrableDomain, *page, websiteDataStore) : nullptr) { |
1160 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSwapping, "Using WebProcess %i from a SuspendedPage" , process->processIdentifier()); |
1161 | return *process; |
1162 | } |
1163 | } |
1164 | |
1165 | if (auto process = tryTakePrewarmedProcess(websiteDataStore)) { |
1166 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSwapping, "Using prewarmed process %i" , process->processIdentifier()); |
1167 | if (!registrableDomain.isEmpty()) |
1168 | tryPrewarmWithDomainInformation(*process, registrableDomain); |
1169 | return *process; |
1170 | } |
1171 | |
1172 | if (!usesSingleWebProcess()) |
1173 | return createNewWebProcess(&websiteDataStore); |
1174 | |
1175 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1176 | bool mustMatchDataStore = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStoreExists() && &websiteDataStore != &API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore()->websiteDataStore(); |
1177 | #else |
1178 | bool mustMatchDataStore = false; |
1179 | #endif |
1180 | |
1181 | for (auto& process : m_processes) { |
1182 | if (process == m_prewarmedProcess || process == m_dummyProcessProxy) |
1183 | continue; |
1185 | if (is<ServiceWorkerProcessProxy>(*process)) |
1186 | continue; |
1187 | #endif |
1188 | if (mustMatchDataStore && &process->websiteDataStore() != &websiteDataStore) |
1189 | continue; |
1190 | return *process; |
1191 | } |
1192 | return createNewWebProcess(&websiteDataStore); |
1193 | } |
1194 | |
1195 | Ref<WebPageProxy> WebProcessPool::createWebPage(PageClient& pageClient, Ref<API::PageConfiguration>&& pageConfiguration) |
1196 | { |
1197 | if (!pageConfiguration->pageGroup()) |
1198 | pageConfiguration->setPageGroup(m_defaultPageGroup.ptr()); |
1199 | if (!pageConfiguration->preferences()) |
1200 | pageConfiguration->setPreferences(&pageConfiguration->pageGroup()->preferences()); |
1201 | if (!pageConfiguration->userContentController()) |
1202 | pageConfiguration->setUserContentController(&pageConfiguration->pageGroup()->userContentController()); |
1203 | if (!pageConfiguration->visitedLinkStore()) |
1204 | pageConfiguration->setVisitedLinkStore(m_visitedLinkStore.ptr()); |
1205 | |
1206 | if (!pageConfiguration->websiteDataStore()) { |
1207 | // We try to avoid creating the default data store as long as possible. |
1208 | // But if there is an attempt to create a web page without any specified data store, then we have to create it. |
1209 | if (!m_websiteDataStore) |
1210 | m_websiteDataStore = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStore().ptr(); |
1211 | |
1212 | ASSERT(!pageConfiguration->sessionID().isValid()); |
1213 | pageConfiguration->setWebsiteDataStore(m_websiteDataStore.get()); |
1214 | pageConfiguration->setSessionID(pageConfiguration->preferences()->privateBrowsingEnabled() ? PAL::SessionID::legacyPrivateSessionID() : m_websiteDataStore->websiteDataStore().sessionID()); |
1215 | } |
1216 | |
1217 | RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> process; |
1218 | auto* relatedPage = pageConfiguration->relatedPage(); |
1219 | if (relatedPage && !relatedPage->isClosed()) { |
1220 | // Sharing processes, e.g. when creating the page via window.open(). |
1221 | process = &pageConfiguration->relatedPage()->ensureRunningProcess(); |
1222 | // We do not support several WebsiteDataStores sharing a single process. |
1223 | ASSERT(process.get() == m_dummyProcessProxy || &pageConfiguration->websiteDataStore()->websiteDataStore() == &process->websiteDataStore()); |
1224 | ASSERT(&pageConfiguration->relatedPage()->websiteDataStore() == &pageConfiguration->websiteDataStore()->websiteDataStore()); |
1225 | } else if (!m_isDelayedWebProcessLaunchDisabled) { |
1226 | // In the common case, we delay process launch until something is actually loaded in the page. |
1227 | if (!m_dummyProcessProxy) { |
1228 | auto dummyProcessProxy = WebProcessProxy::create(*this, nullptr, WebProcessProxy::IsPrewarmed::No, WebProcessProxy::ShouldLaunchProcess::No); |
1229 | m_dummyProcessProxy = dummyProcessProxy.ptr(); |
1230 | m_processes.append(WTFMove(dummyProcessProxy)); |
1231 | } |
1232 | process = m_dummyProcessProxy; |
1233 | } else |
1234 | process = &processForRegistrableDomain(pageConfiguration->websiteDataStore()->websiteDataStore(), nullptr, { }); |
1235 | |
1236 | ASSERT(process); |
1237 | |
1238 | auto page = process->createWebPage(pageClient, WTFMove(pageConfiguration)); |
1239 | |
1241 | ASSERT(!is<ServiceWorkerProcessProxy>(*process)); |
1242 | |
1243 | if (!m_serviceWorkerPreferences) { |
1244 | m_serviceWorkerPreferences = page->preferencesStore(); |
1245 | for (auto* serviceWorkerProcess : m_serviceWorkerProcesses.values()) |
1246 | serviceWorkerProcess->updatePreferencesStore(*m_serviceWorkerPreferences); |
1247 | } |
1248 | #endif |
1249 | |
1250 | bool enableProcessSwapOnCrossSiteNavigation = page->preferences().processSwapOnCrossSiteNavigationEnabled(); |
1252 | if (WebCore::IOSApplication::isFirefox() && !linkedOnOrAfter(WebKit::SDKVersion::FirstWithProcessSwapOnCrossSiteNavigation)) |
1253 | enableProcessSwapOnCrossSiteNavigation = false; |
1254 | #endif |
1255 | |
1256 | bool wasProcessSwappingOnNavigationEnabled = m_configuration->processSwapsOnNavigation(); |
1257 | m_configuration->setProcessSwapsOnNavigationFromExperimentalFeatures(enableProcessSwapOnCrossSiteNavigation); |
1258 | if (wasProcessSwappingOnNavigationEnabled != m_configuration->processSwapsOnNavigation()) |
1259 | m_webProcessCache->updateCapacity(*this); |
1260 | |
1261 | m_configuration->setShouldCaptureAudioInUIProcess(page->preferences().captureAudioInUIProcessEnabled()); |
1262 | m_configuration->setShouldCaptureVideoInUIProcess(page->preferences().captureVideoInUIProcessEnabled()); |
1263 | |
1264 | return page; |
1265 | } |
1266 | |
1268 | void WebProcessPool::updateServiceWorkerUserAgent(const String& userAgent) |
1269 | { |
1270 | if (m_serviceWorkerUserAgent == userAgent) |
1271 | return; |
1272 | m_serviceWorkerUserAgent = userAgent; |
1273 | for (auto* serviceWorkerProcess : m_serviceWorkerProcesses.values()) |
1274 | serviceWorkerProcess->setUserAgent(m_serviceWorkerUserAgent); |
1275 | } |
1276 | |
1277 | bool WebProcessPool::mayHaveRegisteredServiceWorkers(const WebsiteDataStore& store) |
1278 | { |
1279 | if (!m_serviceWorkerProcesses.isEmpty()) |
1280 | return true; |
1281 | |
1282 | String serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory = store.resolvedServiceWorkerRegistrationDirectory(); |
1283 | if (serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory.isEmpty()) |
1284 | serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory = API::WebsiteDataStore::defaultDataStoreConfiguration()->serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory(); |
1285 | |
1286 | return m_mayHaveRegisteredServiceWorkers.ensure(serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory, [&] { |
1287 | // FIXME: Make this computation on a background thread. |
1288 | return ServiceWorkerProcessProxy::hasRegisteredServiceWorkers(serviceWorkerRegistrationDirectory); |
1289 | }).iterator->value; |
1290 | } |
1291 | #endif |
1292 | |
1293 | void WebProcessPool::pageBeginUsingWebsiteDataStore(uint64_t pageID, WebsiteDataStore& dataStore) |
1294 | { |
1295 | auto result = m_sessionToPageIDsMap.add(dataStore.sessionID(), HashSet<uint64_t>()).iterator->value.add(pageID); |
1296 | ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result.isNewEntry); |
1297 | |
1298 | auto sessionID = dataStore.sessionID(); |
1299 | if (sessionID.isEphemeral()) { |
1300 | ASSERT(dataStore.parameters().networkSessionParameters.sessionID == sessionID); |
1301 | if (m_networkProcess) { |
1302 | m_networkProcess->addSession(makeRef(dataStore)); |
1303 | dataStore.clearPendingCookies(); |
1304 | } |
1305 | } else if (sessionID != PAL::SessionID::defaultSessionID()) { |
1306 | if (m_networkProcess) { |
1307 | m_networkProcess->addSession(makeRef(dataStore)); |
1308 | dataStore.clearPendingCookies(); |
1309 | } |
1310 | } |
1311 | } |
1312 | |
1313 | void WebProcessPool::pageEndUsingWebsiteDataStore(uint64_t pageID, WebsiteDataStore& dataStore) |
1314 | { |
1315 | auto sessionID = dataStore.sessionID(); |
1316 | auto iterator = m_sessionToPageIDsMap.find(sessionID); |
1317 | ASSERT(iterator != m_sessionToPageIDsMap.end()); |
1318 | |
1319 | auto takenPageID = iterator->value.take(pageID); |
1320 | ASSERT_UNUSED(takenPageID, takenPageID == pageID); |
1321 | |
1322 | if (iterator->value.isEmpty()) { |
1323 | m_sessionToPageIDsMap.remove(iterator); |
1324 | |
1325 | if (sessionID == PAL::SessionID::defaultSessionID()) |
1326 | return; |
1327 | |
1328 | // The last user of this non-default PAL::SessionID is gone, so clean it up in the child processes. |
1329 | if (networkProcess()) |
1330 | networkProcess()->removeSession(sessionID); |
1331 | |
1332 | m_webProcessCache->clearAllProcessesForSession(sessionID); |
1333 | } |
1334 | } |
1335 | |
1336 | bool WebProcessPool::hasPagesUsingWebsiteDataStore(WebsiteDataStore& dataStore) const |
1337 | { |
1338 | return m_sessionToPageIDsMap.contains(dataStore.sessionID()); |
1339 | } |
1340 | |
1341 | DownloadProxy& WebProcessPool::download(WebPageProxy* initiatingPage, const ResourceRequest& request, const String& suggestedFilename) |
1342 | { |
1343 | auto& downloadProxy = createDownloadProxy(request, initiatingPage); |
1344 | PAL::SessionID sessionID = initiatingPage ? initiatingPage->sessionID() : PAL::SessionID::defaultSessionID(); |
1345 | |
1346 | if (initiatingPage) |
1347 | initiatingPage->handleDownloadRequest(downloadProxy); |
1348 | |
1349 | if (networkProcess()) { |
1350 | ResourceRequest updatedRequest(request); |
1351 | // Request's firstPartyForCookies will be used as Original URL of the download request. |
1352 | // We set the value to top level document's URL. |
1353 | if (initiatingPage) { |
1354 | URL initiatingPageURL = URL { URL { }, initiatingPage->pageLoadState().url() }; |
1355 | updatedRequest.setFirstPartyForCookies(initiatingPageURL); |
1356 | updatedRequest.setIsSameSite(areRegistrableDomainsEqual(initiatingPageURL, request.url())); |
1357 | if (!updatedRequest.hasHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::UserAgent)) |
1358 | updatedRequest.setHTTPUserAgent(initiatingPage->userAgent()); |
1359 | } else { |
1360 | updatedRequest.setFirstPartyForCookies(URL()); |
1361 | updatedRequest.setIsSameSite(false); |
1362 | if (!updatedRequest.hasHTTPHeaderField(HTTPHeaderName::UserAgent)) |
1363 | updatedRequest.setHTTPUserAgent(WebPageProxy::standardUserAgent()); |
1364 | } |
1365 | updatedRequest.setIsTopSite(false); |
1366 | networkProcess()->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::DownloadRequest(sessionID, downloadProxy.downloadID(), updatedRequest, suggestedFilename), 0); |
1367 | return downloadProxy; |
1368 | } |
1369 | |
1370 | return downloadProxy; |
1371 | } |
1372 | |
1373 | DownloadProxy& WebProcessPool::resumeDownload(WebPageProxy* initiatingPage, const API::Data* resumeData, const String& path) |
1374 | { |
1375 | auto& downloadProxy = createDownloadProxy(ResourceRequest(), initiatingPage); |
1376 | PAL::SessionID sessionID = initiatingPage ? initiatingPage->sessionID() : PAL::SessionID::defaultSessionID(); |
1377 | |
1378 | SandboxExtension::Handle sandboxExtensionHandle; |
1379 | if (!path.isEmpty()) |
1380 | SandboxExtension::createHandle(path, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, sandboxExtensionHandle); |
1381 | |
1382 | if (networkProcess()) { |
1383 | networkProcess()->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::ResumeDownload(sessionID, downloadProxy.downloadID(), resumeData->dataReference(), path, sandboxExtensionHandle), 0); |
1384 | return downloadProxy; |
1385 | } |
1386 | |
1387 | return downloadProxy; |
1388 | } |
1389 | |
1390 | void WebProcessPool::postMessageToInjectedBundle(const String& messageName, API::Object* messageBody) |
1391 | { |
1392 | for (auto& process : m_processes) { |
1393 | // FIXME: Return early if the message body contains any references to WKPageRefs/WKFrameRefs etc. since they're local to a process. |
1394 | process->send(Messages::WebProcess::HandleInjectedBundleMessage(messageName, UserData(process->transformObjectsToHandles(messageBody).get())), 0); |
1395 | } |
1396 | } |
1397 | |
1398 | void WebProcessPool::didReachGoodTimeToPrewarm() |
1399 | { |
1400 | if (!configuration().isAutomaticProcessWarmingEnabled() || !configuration().processSwapsOnNavigation() || usesSingleWebProcess()) |
1401 | return; |
1402 | |
1403 | if (MemoryPressureHandler::singleton().isUnderMemoryPressure()) { |
1404 | if (!m_prewarmedProcess) |
1405 | RELEASE_LOG(PerformanceLogging, "Not automatically prewarming a WebProcess due to memory pressure" ); |
1406 | return; |
1407 | } |
1408 | |
1409 | prewarmProcess(); |
1410 | } |
1411 | |
1412 | void WebProcessPool::populateVisitedLinks() |
1413 | { |
1414 | m_historyClient->populateVisitedLinks(*this); |
1415 | } |
1416 | |
1417 | WebProcessPool::Statistics& WebProcessPool::statistics() |
1418 | { |
1419 | static Statistics statistics = Statistics(); |
1420 | |
1421 | return statistics; |
1422 | } |
1423 | |
1424 | void WebProcessPool::handleMemoryPressureWarning(Critical) |
1425 | { |
1426 | RELEASE_LOG(PerformanceLogging, "%p - WebProcessPool::handleMemoryPressureWarning" , this); |
1427 | |
1428 | |
1429 | clearSuspendedPages(AllowProcessCaching::No); |
1430 | m_webProcessCache->clear(); |
1431 | |
1432 | if (m_prewarmedProcess) |
1433 | m_prewarmedProcess->shutDown(); |
1434 | ASSERT(!m_prewarmedProcess); |
1435 | } |
1436 | |
1438 | void WebProcessPool::setAdditionalPluginsDirectory(const String& directory) |
1439 | { |
1440 | Vector<String> directories; |
1441 | directories.append(directory); |
1442 | |
1443 | m_pluginInfoStore.setAdditionalPluginsDirectories(directories); |
1444 | } |
1445 | |
1446 | void WebProcessPool::refreshPlugins() |
1447 | { |
1448 | m_pluginInfoStore.refresh(); |
1449 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RefreshPlugins()); |
1450 | } |
1451 | |
1452 | #endif // ENABLE(NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API) |
1453 | |
1454 | ProcessID WebProcessPool::networkProcessIdentifier() |
1455 | { |
1456 | return m_networkProcess ? m_networkProcess->processIdentifier() : 0; |
1457 | } |
1458 | |
1459 | ProcessID WebProcessPool::prewarmedProcessIdentifier() |
1460 | { |
1461 | return m_prewarmedProcess ? m_prewarmedProcess->processIdentifier() : 0; |
1462 | } |
1463 | |
1464 | void WebProcessPool::activePagesOriginsInWebProcessForTesting(ProcessID pid, CompletionHandler<void(Vector<String>&&)>&& completionHandler) |
1465 | { |
1466 | for (auto& process : m_processes) { |
1467 | if (process->processIdentifier() == pid) |
1468 | return process->activePagesDomainsForTesting(WTFMove(completionHandler)); |
1469 | } |
1470 | completionHandler({ }); |
1471 | } |
1472 | |
1473 | void WebProcessPool::setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath(bool alwaysUseComplexText) |
1474 | { |
1475 | m_alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath = alwaysUseComplexText; |
1476 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath(alwaysUseComplexText)); |
1477 | } |
1478 | |
1479 | void WebProcessPool::setShouldUseFontSmoothing(bool useFontSmoothing) |
1480 | { |
1481 | m_shouldUseFontSmoothing = useFontSmoothing; |
1482 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetShouldUseFontSmoothing(useFontSmoothing)); |
1483 | } |
1484 | |
1485 | void WebProcessPool::setResourceLoadStatisticsEnabled(bool enabled) |
1486 | { |
1487 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetResourceLoadStatisticsEnabled(enabled)); |
1488 | } |
1489 | |
1490 | void WebProcessPool::clearResourceLoadStatistics() |
1491 | { |
1492 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ClearResourceLoadStatistics()); |
1493 | } |
1494 | |
1495 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsEmptyDocument(const String& urlScheme) |
1496 | { |
1497 | m_schemesToRegisterAsEmptyDocument.add(urlScheme); |
1498 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsEmptyDocument(urlScheme)); |
1499 | } |
1500 | |
1501 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsSecure(const String& urlScheme) |
1502 | { |
1503 | m_schemesToRegisterAsSecure.add(urlScheme); |
1504 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsSecure(urlScheme)); |
1505 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsSecure(urlScheme)); |
1506 | } |
1507 | |
1508 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(const String& urlScheme) |
1509 | { |
1510 | m_schemesToRegisterAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy.add(urlScheme); |
1511 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(urlScheme)); |
1512 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsBypassingContentSecurityPolicy(urlScheme)); |
1513 | } |
1514 | |
1515 | void WebProcessPool::setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(const String& urlScheme) |
1516 | { |
1517 | m_schemesToSetDomainRelaxationForbiddenFor.add(urlScheme); |
1518 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme(urlScheme)); |
1519 | } |
1520 | |
1521 | void WebProcessPool::setCanHandleHTTPSServerTrustEvaluation(bool value) |
1522 | { |
1523 | m_canHandleHTTPSServerTrustEvaluation = value; |
1524 | if (m_networkProcess) { |
1525 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::SetCanHandleHTTPSServerTrustEvaluation(value), 0); |
1526 | return; |
1527 | } |
1528 | } |
1529 | |
1530 | void WebProcessPool::preconnectToServer(const URL& url) |
1531 | { |
1532 | if (!url.isValid() || !url.protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) |
1533 | return; |
1534 | |
1535 | ensureNetworkProcess().send(Messages::NetworkProcess::PreconnectTo(url, StoredCredentialsPolicy::Use), 0); |
1536 | } |
1537 | |
1538 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsLocal(const String& urlScheme) |
1539 | { |
1540 | m_schemesToRegisterAsLocal.add(urlScheme); |
1541 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsLocal(urlScheme)); |
1542 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsLocal(urlScheme)); |
1543 | } |
1544 | |
1545 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsNoAccess(const String& urlScheme) |
1546 | { |
1547 | m_schemesToRegisterAsNoAccess.add(urlScheme); |
1548 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsNoAccess(urlScheme)); |
1549 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsNoAccess(urlScheme)); |
1550 | } |
1551 | |
1552 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsDisplayIsolated(const String& urlScheme) |
1553 | { |
1554 | m_schemesToRegisterAsDisplayIsolated.add(urlScheme); |
1555 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsDisplayIsolated(urlScheme)); |
1556 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsDisplayIsolated(urlScheme)); |
1557 | } |
1558 | |
1559 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsCORSEnabled(const String& urlScheme) |
1560 | { |
1561 | m_schemesToRegisterAsCORSEnabled.add(urlScheme); |
1562 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsCORSEnabled(urlScheme)); |
1563 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsCORSEnabled(urlScheme)); |
1564 | } |
1565 | |
1566 | void WebProcessPool::registerGlobalURLSchemeAsHavingCustomProtocolHandlers(const String& urlScheme) |
1567 | { |
1568 | if (!urlScheme) |
1569 | return; |
1570 | |
1571 | globalURLSchemesWithCustomProtocolHandlers().add(urlScheme); |
1572 | for (auto* processPool : allProcessPools()) |
1573 | processPool->registerSchemeForCustomProtocol(urlScheme); |
1574 | } |
1575 | |
1576 | void WebProcessPool::unregisterGlobalURLSchemeAsHavingCustomProtocolHandlers(const String& urlScheme) |
1577 | { |
1578 | if (!urlScheme) |
1579 | return; |
1580 | |
1581 | globalURLSchemesWithCustomProtocolHandlers().remove(urlScheme); |
1582 | for (auto* processPool : allProcessPools()) |
1583 | processPool->unregisterSchemeForCustomProtocol(urlScheme); |
1584 | } |
1585 | |
1586 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsCachePartitioned(const String& urlScheme) |
1587 | { |
1588 | m_schemesToRegisterAsCachePartitioned.add(urlScheme); |
1589 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsCachePartitioned(urlScheme)); |
1590 | } |
1591 | |
1592 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeServiceWorkersCanHandle(const String& urlScheme) |
1593 | { |
1594 | m_schemesServiceWorkersCanHandle.add(urlScheme); |
1595 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::AuxiliaryProcess::RegisterURLSchemeServiceWorkersCanHandle(urlScheme)); |
1596 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1597 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::AuxiliaryProcess::RegisterURLSchemeServiceWorkersCanHandle(urlScheme), 0); |
1598 | } |
1599 | |
1600 | void WebProcessPool::registerURLSchemeAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest(const String& urlScheme) |
1601 | { |
1602 | m_schemesToRegisterAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest.add(urlScheme); |
1603 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest(urlScheme)); |
1604 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::RegisterURLSchemeAsCanDisplayOnlyIfCanRequest(urlScheme)); |
1605 | } |
1606 | |
1607 | void WebProcessPool::updateMaxSuspendedPageCount() |
1608 | { |
1609 | unsigned dummy = 0; |
1610 | Seconds dummyInterval; |
1611 | unsigned pageCacheSize = 0; |
1612 | calculateMemoryCacheSizes(m_configuration->cacheModel(), dummy, dummy, dummy, dummyInterval, pageCacheSize); |
1613 | |
1614 | m_maxSuspendedPageCount = pageCacheSize; |
1615 | |
1616 | while (m_suspendedPages.size() > m_maxSuspendedPageCount) |
1617 | m_suspendedPages.removeFirst(); |
1618 | } |
1619 | |
1620 | void WebProcessPool::setCacheModel(CacheModel cacheModel) |
1621 | { |
1622 | m_configuration->setCacheModel(cacheModel); |
1623 | updateMaxSuspendedPageCount(); |
1624 | |
1625 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetCacheModel(cacheModel)); |
1626 | |
1627 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1628 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::SetCacheModel(cacheModel), 0); |
1629 | } |
1630 | |
1631 | void WebProcessPool::setDefaultRequestTimeoutInterval(double timeoutInterval) |
1632 | { |
1633 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetDefaultRequestTimeoutInterval(timeoutInterval)); |
1634 | } |
1635 | |
1636 | DownloadProxy& WebProcessPool::createDownloadProxy(const ResourceRequest& request, WebPageProxy* originatingPage) |
1637 | { |
1638 | auto& downloadProxy = ensureNetworkProcess().createDownloadProxy(request); |
1639 | downloadProxy.setOriginatingPage(originatingPage); |
1640 | return downloadProxy; |
1641 | } |
1642 | |
1643 | void WebProcessPool::synthesizeAppIsBackground(bool background) |
1644 | { |
1645 | ensureNetworkProcess().synthesizeAppIsBackground(background); |
1646 | } |
1647 | |
1648 | void WebProcessPool::addMessageReceiver(IPC::StringReference messageReceiverName, IPC::MessageReceiver& messageReceiver) |
1649 | { |
1650 | m_messageReceiverMap.addMessageReceiver(messageReceiverName, messageReceiver); |
1651 | } |
1652 | |
1653 | void WebProcessPool::addMessageReceiver(IPC::StringReference messageReceiverName, uint64_t destinationID, IPC::MessageReceiver& messageReceiver) |
1654 | { |
1655 | m_messageReceiverMap.addMessageReceiver(messageReceiverName, destinationID, messageReceiver); |
1656 | } |
1657 | |
1658 | void WebProcessPool::removeMessageReceiver(IPC::StringReference messageReceiverName) |
1659 | { |
1660 | m_messageReceiverMap.removeMessageReceiver(messageReceiverName); |
1661 | } |
1662 | |
1663 | void WebProcessPool::removeMessageReceiver(IPC::StringReference messageReceiverName, uint64_t destinationID) |
1664 | { |
1665 | m_messageReceiverMap.removeMessageReceiver(messageReceiverName, destinationID); |
1666 | } |
1667 | |
1668 | bool WebProcessPool::dispatchMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, IPC::Decoder& decoder) |
1669 | { |
1670 | return m_messageReceiverMap.dispatchMessage(connection, decoder); |
1671 | } |
1672 | |
1673 | bool WebProcessPool::dispatchSyncMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, IPC::Decoder& decoder, std::unique_ptr<IPC::Encoder>& replyEncoder) |
1674 | { |
1675 | return m_messageReceiverMap.dispatchSyncMessage(connection, decoder, replyEncoder); |
1676 | } |
1677 | |
1678 | void WebProcessPool::setEnhancedAccessibility(bool flag) |
1679 | { |
1680 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetEnhancedAccessibility(flag)); |
1681 | } |
1682 | |
1683 | void WebProcessPool::startMemorySampler(const double interval) |
1684 | { |
1685 | // For new WebProcesses we will also want to start the Memory Sampler |
1686 | m_memorySamplerEnabled = true; |
1687 | m_memorySamplerInterval = interval; |
1688 | |
1689 | // For UIProcess |
1691 | WebMemorySampler::singleton()->start(interval); |
1692 | #endif |
1693 | |
1694 | // For WebProcess |
1695 | SandboxExtension::Handle sampleLogSandboxHandle; |
1696 | WallTime now = WallTime::now(); |
1697 | String sampleLogFilePath = makeString("WebProcess" , static_cast<unsigned long long>(now.secondsSinceEpoch().seconds())); |
1698 | sampleLogFilePath = SandboxExtension::createHandleForTemporaryFile(sampleLogFilePath, SandboxExtension::Type::ReadWrite, sampleLogSandboxHandle); |
1699 | |
1700 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::StartMemorySampler(sampleLogSandboxHandle, sampleLogFilePath, interval)); |
1701 | } |
1702 | |
1703 | void WebProcessPool::stopMemorySampler() |
1704 | { |
1705 | // For WebProcess |
1706 | m_memorySamplerEnabled = false; |
1707 | |
1708 | // For UIProcess |
1710 | WebMemorySampler::singleton()->stop(); |
1711 | #endif |
1712 | |
1713 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::StopMemorySampler()); |
1714 | } |
1715 | |
1716 | void WebProcessPool::useTestingNetworkSession() |
1717 | { |
1718 | ASSERT(m_processes.isEmpty()); |
1719 | ASSERT(!m_networkProcess); |
1720 | |
1721 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1722 | return; |
1723 | |
1724 | if (!m_processes.isEmpty()) |
1725 | return; |
1726 | |
1727 | m_shouldUseTestingNetworkSession = true; |
1728 | } |
1729 | |
1730 | template<typename T, typename U> |
1731 | void WebProcessPool::sendSyncToNetworkingProcess(T&& message, U&& reply) |
1732 | { |
1733 | if (m_networkProcess && m_networkProcess->canSendMessage()) |
1734 | m_networkProcess->sendSync(std::forward<T>(message), std::forward<U>(reply), 0); |
1735 | } |
1736 | |
1737 | void WebProcessPool::setAllowsAnySSLCertificateForWebSocket(bool allows) |
1738 | { |
1739 | sendSyncToNetworkingProcess(Messages::NetworkProcess::SetAllowsAnySSLCertificateForWebSocket(allows), Messages::NetworkProcess::SetAllowsAnySSLCertificateForWebSocket::Reply()); |
1740 | } |
1741 | |
1742 | void WebProcessPool::clearCachedCredentials() |
1743 | { |
1744 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1745 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::ClearCachedCredentials(), 0); |
1746 | } |
1747 | |
1748 | void WebProcessPool::terminateNetworkProcess() |
1749 | { |
1750 | if (!m_networkProcess) |
1751 | return; |
1752 | |
1753 | m_networkProcess->terminate(); |
1754 | m_networkProcess = nullptr; |
1755 | m_didNetworkProcessCrash = true; |
1756 | } |
1757 | |
1758 | void WebProcessPool::sendNetworkProcessWillSuspendImminently() |
1759 | { |
1760 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1761 | m_networkProcess->sendProcessWillSuspendImminently(); |
1762 | } |
1763 | |
1764 | void WebProcessPool::sendNetworkProcessDidResume() |
1765 | { |
1766 | if (m_networkProcess) |
1767 | m_networkProcess->sendProcessDidResume(); |
1768 | } |
1769 | |
1770 | void WebProcessPool::terminateServiceWorkerProcesses() |
1771 | { |
1773 | auto protectedThis = makeRef(*this); |
1774 | while (!m_serviceWorkerProcesses.isEmpty()) |
1775 | m_serviceWorkerProcesses.begin()->value->requestTermination(ProcessTerminationReason::RequestedByClient); |
1776 | #endif |
1777 | } |
1778 | |
1779 | void WebProcessPool::syncNetworkProcessCookies() |
1780 | { |
1781 | ensureNetworkProcess().syncAllCookies(); |
1782 | } |
1783 | |
1784 | void WebProcessPool::setIDBPerOriginQuota(uint64_t quota) |
1785 | { |
1787 | ensureNetworkProcess().send(Messages::NetworkProcess::SetIDBPerOriginQuota(quota), 0); |
1788 | #endif |
1789 | } |
1790 | |
1791 | void WebProcessPool::allowSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost(const WebCertificateInfo* certificate, const String& host) |
1792 | { |
1793 | ensureNetworkProcess(); |
1794 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::AllowSpecificHTTPSCertificateForHost(certificate->certificateInfo(), host), 0); |
1795 | } |
1796 | |
1797 | void WebProcessPool::updateAutomationCapabilities() const |
1798 | { |
1800 | Inspector::RemoteInspector::singleton().clientCapabilitiesDidChange(); |
1801 | #endif |
1802 | } |
1803 | |
1804 | void WebProcessPool::setAutomationSession(RefPtr<WebAutomationSession>&& automationSession) |
1805 | { |
1806 | if (m_automationSession) |
1807 | m_automationSession->setProcessPool(nullptr); |
1808 | |
1809 | m_automationSession = WTFMove(automationSession); |
1810 | |
1812 | if (m_automationSession) { |
1813 | m_automationSession->init(); |
1814 | m_automationSession->setProcessPool(this); |
1815 | |
1816 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::EnsureAutomationSessionProxy(m_automationSession->sessionIdentifier())); |
1817 | } else |
1818 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::DestroyAutomationSessionProxy()); |
1819 | #endif |
1820 | } |
1821 | |
1822 | void WebProcessPool::setHTTPPipeliningEnabled(bool enabled) |
1823 | { |
1824 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1825 | ResourceRequest::setHTTPPipeliningEnabled(enabled); |
1826 | #else |
1827 | UNUSED_PARAM(enabled); |
1828 | #endif |
1829 | } |
1830 | |
1831 | bool WebProcessPool::httpPipeliningEnabled() const |
1832 | { |
1833 | #if PLATFORM(COCOA) |
1834 | return ResourceRequest::httpPipeliningEnabled(); |
1835 | #else |
1836 | return false; |
1837 | #endif |
1838 | } |
1839 | |
1840 | void WebProcessPool::getStatistics(uint32_t statisticsMask, Function<void (API::Dictionary*, CallbackBase::Error)>&& callbackFunction) |
1841 | { |
1842 | if (!statisticsMask) { |
1843 | callbackFunction(nullptr, CallbackBase::Error::Unknown); |
1844 | return; |
1845 | } |
1846 | |
1847 | auto request = StatisticsRequest::create(DictionaryCallback::create(WTFMove(callbackFunction))); |
1848 | |
1849 | if (statisticsMask & StatisticsRequestTypeWebContent) |
1850 | requestWebContentStatistics(request.get()); |
1851 | |
1852 | if (statisticsMask & StatisticsRequestTypeNetworking) |
1853 | requestNetworkingStatistics(request.get()); |
1854 | } |
1855 | |
1856 | void WebProcessPool::requestWebContentStatistics(StatisticsRequest& request) |
1857 | { |
1858 | // FIXME (Multi-WebProcess) <rdar://problem/13200059>: Make getting statistics from multiple WebProcesses work. |
1859 | } |
1860 | |
1861 | void WebProcessPool::requestNetworkingStatistics(StatisticsRequest& request) |
1862 | { |
1863 | if (!m_networkProcess) { |
1864 | LOG_ERROR("Attempt to get NetworkProcess statistics but the NetworkProcess is unavailable" ); |
1865 | return; |
1866 | } |
1867 | |
1868 | uint64_t requestID = request.addOutstandingRequest(); |
1869 | m_statisticsRequests.set(requestID, &request); |
1870 | m_networkProcess->send(Messages::NetworkProcess::GetNetworkProcessStatistics(requestID), 0); |
1871 | } |
1872 | |
1873 | static WebProcessProxy* webProcessProxyFromConnection(IPC::Connection& connection, const Vector<RefPtr<WebProcessProxy>>& processes) |
1874 | { |
1875 | for (auto& process : processes) { |
1876 | if (process->hasConnection(connection)) |
1877 | return process.get(); |
1878 | } |
1879 | |
1881 | return nullptr; |
1882 | } |
1883 | |
1884 | void WebProcessPool::handleMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, const String& messageName, const WebKit::UserData& messageBody) |
1885 | { |
1886 | auto* webProcessProxy = webProcessProxyFromConnection(connection, m_processes); |
1887 | if (!webProcessProxy) |
1888 | return; |
1889 | m_injectedBundleClient->didReceiveMessageFromInjectedBundle(*this, messageName, webProcessProxy->transformHandlesToObjects(messageBody.object()).get()); |
1890 | } |
1891 | |
1892 | void WebProcessPool::handleSynchronousMessage(IPC::Connection& connection, const String& messageName, const UserData& messageBody, CompletionHandler<void(UserData&&)>&& completionHandler) |
1893 | { |
1894 | auto* webProcessProxy = webProcessProxyFromConnection(connection, m_processes); |
1895 | if (!webProcessProxy) |
1896 | return completionHandler({ }); |
1897 | |
1898 | RefPtr<API::Object> returnData; |
1899 | m_injectedBundleClient->didReceiveSynchronousMessageFromInjectedBundle(*this, messageName, webProcessProxy->transformHandlesToObjects(messageBody.object()).get(), returnData); |
1900 | completionHandler(UserData(webProcessProxy->transformObjectsToHandles(returnData.get()))); |
1901 | } |
1902 | |
1903 | void WebProcessPool::didGetStatistics(const StatisticsData& statisticsData, uint64_t requestID) |
1904 | { |
1905 | RefPtr<StatisticsRequest> request = m_statisticsRequests.take(requestID); |
1906 | if (!request) { |
1907 | LOG_ERROR("Cannot report networking statistics." ); |
1908 | return; |
1909 | } |
1910 | |
1911 | request->completedRequest(requestID, statisticsData); |
1912 | } |
1913 | |
1914 | #if ENABLE(GAMEPAD) |
1915 | |
1916 | void WebProcessPool::startedUsingGamepads(IPC::Connection& connection) |
1917 | { |
1918 | auto* proxy = webProcessProxyFromConnection(connection, m_processes); |
1919 | if (!proxy) |
1920 | return; |
1921 | |
1922 | bool wereAnyProcessesUsingGamepads = !m_processesUsingGamepads.isEmpty(); |
1923 | |
1924 | ASSERT(!m_processesUsingGamepads.contains(proxy)); |
1925 | m_processesUsingGamepads.add(proxy); |
1926 | |
1927 | if (!wereAnyProcessesUsingGamepads) |
1928 | UIGamepadProvider::singleton().processPoolStartedUsingGamepads(*this); |
1929 | |
1930 | proxy->send(Messages::WebProcess::SetInitialGamepads(UIGamepadProvider::singleton().snapshotGamepads()), 0); |
1931 | } |
1932 | |
1933 | void WebProcessPool::stoppedUsingGamepads(IPC::Connection& connection) |
1934 | { |
1935 | auto* proxy = webProcessProxyFromConnection(connection, m_processes); |
1936 | if (!proxy) |
1937 | return; |
1938 | |
1939 | ASSERT(m_processesUsingGamepads.contains(proxy)); |
1940 | processStoppedUsingGamepads(*proxy); |
1941 | } |
1942 | |
1943 | void WebProcessPool::processStoppedUsingGamepads(WebProcessProxy& process) |
1944 | { |
1945 | bool wereAnyProcessesUsingGamepads = !m_processesUsingGamepads.isEmpty(); |
1946 | |
1947 | ASSERT(m_processesUsingGamepads.contains(&process)); |
1948 | m_processesUsingGamepads.remove(&process); |
1949 | |
1950 | if (wereAnyProcessesUsingGamepads && m_processesUsingGamepads.isEmpty()) |
1951 | UIGamepadProvider::singleton().processPoolStoppedUsingGamepads(*this); |
1952 | } |
1953 | |
1954 | void WebProcessPool::gamepadConnected(const UIGamepad& gamepad) |
1955 | { |
1956 | for (auto& process : m_processesUsingGamepads) |
1957 | process->send(Messages::WebProcess::GamepadConnected(gamepad.fullGamepadData()), 0); |
1958 | } |
1959 | |
1960 | void WebProcessPool::gamepadDisconnected(const UIGamepad& gamepad) |
1961 | { |
1962 | for (auto& process : m_processesUsingGamepads) |
1963 | process->send(Messages::WebProcess::GamepadDisconnected(gamepad.index()), 0); |
1964 | } |
1965 | |
1966 | void WebProcessPool::setInitialConnectedGamepads(const Vector<std::unique_ptr<UIGamepad>>& gamepads) |
1967 | { |
1968 | Vector<GamepadData> gamepadDatas; |
1969 | gamepadDatas.grow(gamepads.size()); |
1970 | for (size_t i = 0; i < gamepads.size(); ++i) { |
1971 | if (!gamepads[i]) |
1972 | continue; |
1973 | gamepadDatas[i] = gamepads[i]->fullGamepadData(); |
1974 | } |
1975 | |
1976 | for (auto& process : m_processesUsingGamepads) |
1977 | process->send(Messages::WebProcess::SetInitialGamepads(gamepadDatas), 0); |
1978 | } |
1979 | |
1980 | #endif // ENABLE(GAMEPAD) |
1981 | |
1982 | void WebProcessPool::setJavaScriptConfigurationFileEnabled(bool flag) |
1983 | { |
1984 | m_javaScriptConfigurationFileEnabled = flag; |
1985 | } |
1986 | |
1987 | void WebProcessPool::garbageCollectJavaScriptObjects() |
1988 | { |
1989 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::GarbageCollectJavaScriptObjects()); |
1990 | } |
1991 | |
1992 | void WebProcessPool::setJavaScriptGarbageCollectorTimerEnabled(bool flag) |
1993 | { |
1994 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetJavaScriptGarbageCollectorTimerEnabled(flag)); |
1995 | } |
1996 | |
1997 | void WebProcessPool::addPlugInAutoStartOriginHash(const String& pageOrigin, unsigned plugInOriginHash, PAL::SessionID sessionID) |
1998 | { |
1999 | m_plugInAutoStartProvider.addAutoStartOriginHash(pageOrigin, plugInOriginHash, sessionID); |
2000 | } |
2001 | |
2002 | void WebProcessPool::plugInDidReceiveUserInteraction(unsigned plugInOriginHash, PAL::SessionID sessionID) |
2003 | { |
2004 | m_plugInAutoStartProvider.didReceiveUserInteraction(plugInOriginHash, sessionID); |
2005 | } |
2006 | |
2007 | Ref<API::Dictionary> WebProcessPool::plugInAutoStartOriginHashes() const |
2008 | { |
2009 | return m_plugInAutoStartProvider.autoStartOriginsTableCopy(); |
2010 | } |
2011 | |
2012 | void WebProcessPool::setPlugInAutoStartOriginHashes(API::Dictionary& dictionary) |
2013 | { |
2014 | m_plugInAutoStartProvider.setAutoStartOriginsTable(dictionary); |
2015 | } |
2016 | |
2017 | void WebProcessPool::setPlugInAutoStartOrigins(API::Array& array) |
2018 | { |
2019 | m_plugInAutoStartProvider.setAutoStartOriginsArray(array); |
2020 | } |
2021 | |
2022 | void WebProcessPool::setPlugInAutoStartOriginsFilteringOutEntriesAddedAfterTime(API::Dictionary& dictionary, WallTime time) |
2023 | { |
2024 | m_plugInAutoStartProvider.setAutoStartOriginsFilteringOutEntriesAddedAfterTime(dictionary, time); |
2025 | } |
2026 | |
2027 | void WebProcessPool::registerSchemeForCustomProtocol(const String& scheme) |
2028 | { |
2030 | if (!globalURLSchemesWithCustomProtocolHandlers().contains(scheme)) |
2031 | m_urlSchemesRegisteredForCustomProtocols.add(scheme); |
2032 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::LegacyCustomProtocolManager::RegisterScheme(scheme)); |
2033 | #endif |
2034 | } |
2035 | |
2036 | void WebProcessPool::unregisterSchemeForCustomProtocol(const String& scheme) |
2037 | { |
2039 | m_urlSchemesRegisteredForCustomProtocols.remove(scheme); |
2040 | sendToNetworkingProcess(Messages::LegacyCustomProtocolManager::UnregisterScheme(scheme)); |
2041 | #endif |
2042 | } |
2043 | |
2045 | void WebProcessPool::setPluginLoadClientPolicy(WebCore::PluginLoadClientPolicy policy, const String& host, const String& bundleIdentifier, const String& versionString) |
2046 | { |
2047 | auto& policiesForHost = m_pluginLoadClientPolicies.ensure(host, [] { return HashMap<String, HashMap<String, uint8_t>>(); }).iterator->value; |
2048 | auto& versionsToPolicies = policiesForHost.ensure(bundleIdentifier, [] { return HashMap<String, uint8_t>(); }).iterator->value; |
2049 | versionsToPolicies.set(versionString, policy); |
2050 | |
2051 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetPluginLoadClientPolicy(policy, host, bundleIdentifier, versionString)); |
2052 | } |
2053 | |
2054 | void WebProcessPool::resetPluginLoadClientPolicies(HashMap<String, HashMap<String, HashMap<String, uint8_t>>>&& pluginLoadClientPolicies) |
2055 | { |
2056 | m_pluginLoadClientPolicies = WTFMove(pluginLoadClientPolicies); |
2057 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ResetPluginLoadClientPolicies(m_pluginLoadClientPolicies)); |
2058 | } |
2059 | |
2060 | void WebProcessPool::clearPluginClientPolicies() |
2061 | { |
2062 | m_pluginLoadClientPolicies.clear(); |
2063 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ClearPluginClientPolicies()); |
2064 | } |
2065 | #endif |
2066 | |
2067 | void WebProcessPool::addSupportedPlugin(String&& matchingDomain, String&& name, HashSet<String>&& mimeTypes, HashSet<String> extensions) |
2068 | { |
2070 | m_pluginInfoStore.addSupportedPlugin(WTFMove(matchingDomain), WTFMove(name), WTFMove(mimeTypes), WTFMove(extensions)); |
2071 | #else |
2072 | UNUSED_PARAM(matchingDomain); |
2073 | UNUSED_PARAM(name); |
2074 | UNUSED_PARAM(mimeTypes); |
2075 | UNUSED_PARAM(extensions); |
2076 | #endif |
2077 | } |
2078 | |
2079 | void WebProcessPool::clearSupportedPlugins() |
2080 | { |
2082 | m_pluginInfoStore.clearSupportedPlugins(); |
2083 | #endif |
2084 | } |
2085 | |
2086 | void WebProcessPool::setMemoryCacheDisabled(bool disabled) |
2087 | { |
2088 | m_memoryCacheDisabled = disabled; |
2089 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetMemoryCacheDisabled(disabled)); |
2090 | } |
2091 | |
2092 | void WebProcessPool::setFontWhitelist(API::Array* array) |
2093 | { |
2094 | m_fontWhitelist.clear(); |
2095 | if (array) { |
2096 | for (size_t i = 0; i < array->size(); ++i) { |
2097 | if (API::String* font = array->at<API::String>(i)) |
2098 | m_fontWhitelist.append(font->string()); |
2099 | } |
2100 | } |
2101 | } |
2102 | |
2103 | void WebProcessPool::updateHiddenPageThrottlingAutoIncreaseLimit() |
2104 | { |
2105 | // We're estimating an upper bound for a set of background timer fires for a page to be 200ms |
2106 | // (including all timer fires, all paging-in, and any resulting GC). To ensure this does not |
2107 | // result in more than 1% CPU load allow for one timer fire per 100x this duration. |
2108 | static int maximumTimerThrottlePerPageInMS = 200 * 100; |
2109 | |
2110 | int limitInMilliseconds = maximumTimerThrottlePerPageInMS * m_hiddenPageThrottlingAutoIncreasesCounter.value(); |
2111 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::SetHiddenPageDOMTimerThrottlingIncreaseLimit(limitInMilliseconds)); |
2112 | } |
2113 | |
2114 | void WebProcessPool::reportWebContentCPUTime(Seconds cpuTime, uint64_t activityState) |
2115 | { |
2116 | #if PLATFORM(MAC) |
2117 | if (m_perActivityStateCPUUsageSampler) |
2118 | m_perActivityStateCPUUsageSampler->reportWebContentCPUTime(cpuTime, static_cast<WebCore::ActivityStateForCPUSampling>(activityState)); |
2119 | #else |
2120 | UNUSED_PARAM(cpuTime); |
2121 | UNUSED_PARAM(activityState); |
2122 | #endif |
2123 | } |
2124 | |
2125 | void WebProcessPool::updateProcessAssertions() |
2126 | { |
2129 | auto updateServiceWorkerProcessAssertion = [&] { |
2130 | if (!m_serviceWorkerProcesses.isEmpty() && m_foregroundWebProcessCounter.value()) { |
2131 | // FIXME: We can do better than this once we have process per origin. |
2132 | for (auto* serviceWorkerProcess : m_serviceWorkerProcesses.values()) { |
2133 | auto& registrableDomain = serviceWorkerProcess->registrableDomain(); |
2134 | if (!m_foregroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.contains(registrableDomain)) |
2135 | m_foregroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.add(registrableDomain, serviceWorkerProcess->throttler().foregroundActivityToken()); |
2136 | } |
2137 | m_backgroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.clear(); |
2138 | return; |
2139 | } |
2140 | if (!m_serviceWorkerProcesses.isEmpty() && m_backgroundWebProcessCounter.value()) { |
2141 | // FIXME: We can do better than this once we have process per origin. |
2142 | for (auto* serviceWorkerProcess : m_serviceWorkerProcesses.values()) { |
2143 | auto& registrableDomain = serviceWorkerProcess->registrableDomain(); |
2144 | if (!m_backgroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.contains(registrableDomain)) |
2145 | m_backgroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.add(registrableDomain, serviceWorkerProcess->throttler().backgroundActivityToken()); |
2146 | } |
2147 | m_foregroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.clear(); |
2148 | return; |
2149 | } |
2150 | m_foregroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.clear(); |
2151 | m_backgroundTokensForServiceWorkerProcesses.clear(); |
2152 | }; |
2153 | updateServiceWorkerProcessAssertion(); |
2154 | #endif |
2155 | |
2156 | auto updateNetworkProcessAssertion = [&] { |
2157 | auto& networkProcess = ensureNetworkProcess(); |
2158 | |
2159 | if (m_foregroundWebProcessCounter.value()) { |
2160 | if (!m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess) { |
2161 | m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess = networkProcess.throttler().foregroundActivityToken(); |
2162 | networkProcess.sendProcessDidTransitionToForeground(); |
2163 | } |
2164 | m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess = nullptr; |
2165 | return; |
2166 | } |
2167 | if (m_backgroundWebProcessCounter.value()) { |
2168 | if (!m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess) { |
2169 | m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess = networkProcess.throttler().backgroundActivityToken(); |
2170 | networkProcess.sendProcessDidTransitionToBackground(); |
2171 | } |
2172 | m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess = nullptr; |
2173 | return; |
2174 | } |
2175 | m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess = nullptr; |
2176 | m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess = nullptr; |
2177 | }; |
2178 | updateNetworkProcessAssertion(); |
2179 | #endif |
2180 | } |
2181 | |
2183 | void WebProcessPool::postMessageToServiceWorkerClient(const ServiceWorkerClientIdentifier& destination, MessageWithMessagePorts&& message, ServiceWorkerIdentifier source, const String& sourceOrigin) |
2184 | { |
2185 | sendToNetworkingProcessRelaunchingIfNecessary(Messages::NetworkProcess::PostMessageToServiceWorkerClient(destination, WTFMove(message), source, sourceOrigin)); |
2186 | } |
2187 | |
2188 | void WebProcessPool::postMessageToServiceWorker(ServiceWorkerIdentifier destination, MessageWithMessagePorts&& message, const ServiceWorkerOrClientIdentifier& source, SWServerConnectionIdentifier connectionIdentifier) |
2189 | { |
2190 | sendToNetworkingProcessRelaunchingIfNecessary(Messages::NetworkProcess::PostMessageToServiceWorker(destination, WTFMove(message), source, connectionIdentifier)); |
2191 | } |
2192 | #endif |
2193 | |
2194 | void WebProcessPool::reinstateNetworkProcessAssertionState(NetworkProcessProxy& newNetworkProcessProxy) |
2195 | { |
2197 | // The network process crashed; take new tokens for the new network process. |
2198 | if (m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess) |
2199 | m_backgroundTokenForNetworkProcess = newNetworkProcessProxy.throttler().backgroundActivityToken(); |
2200 | else if (m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess) |
2201 | m_foregroundTokenForNetworkProcess = newNetworkProcessProxy.throttler().foregroundActivityToken(); |
2202 | #else |
2203 | UNUSED_PARAM(newNetworkProcessProxy); |
2204 | #endif |
2205 | } |
2206 | |
2208 | ServiceWorkerProcessProxy* WebProcessPool::serviceWorkerProcessProxyFromPageID(uint64_t pageID) const |
2209 | { |
2210 | // FIXME: This is inefficient. |
2211 | for (auto* serviceWorkerProcess : m_serviceWorkerProcesses.values()) { |
2212 | if (serviceWorkerProcess->pageID() == pageID) |
2213 | return serviceWorkerProcess; |
2214 | } |
2215 | return nullptr; |
2216 | } |
2217 | #endif |
2218 | |
2219 | void WebProcessPool::addProcessToOriginCacheSet(WebProcessProxy& process, const URL& url) |
2220 | { |
2221 | auto registrableDomain = WebCore::RegistrableDomain { url }; |
2222 | auto result = m_swappedProcessesPerRegistrableDomain.add(registrableDomain, &process); |
2223 | if (!result.isNewEntry) |
2224 | result.iterator->value = &process; |
2225 | |
2226 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Registrable domain %s just saved a cached process with pid %i" , registrableDomain.string().utf8().data(), process.processIdentifier()); |
2227 | if (!result.isNewEntry) |
2228 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Note: It already had one saved" ); |
2229 | } |
2230 | |
2231 | void WebProcessPool::removeProcessFromOriginCacheSet(WebProcessProxy& process) |
2232 | { |
2233 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Removing process with pid %i from the origin cache set" , process.processIdentifier()); |
2234 | |
2235 | // FIXME: This can be very inefficient as the number of remembered origins and processes grows |
2236 | Vector<WebCore::RegistrableDomain> registrableDomainsToRemove; |
2237 | for (auto entry : m_swappedProcessesPerRegistrableDomain) { |
2238 | if (entry.value == &process) |
2239 | registrableDomainsToRemove.append(entry.key); |
2240 | } |
2241 | |
2242 | for (auto& registrableDomain : registrableDomainsToRemove) |
2243 | m_swappedProcessesPerRegistrableDomain.remove(registrableDomain); |
2244 | } |
2245 | |
2246 | void WebProcessPool::processForNavigation(WebPageProxy& page, const API::Navigation& navigation, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&& sourceProcess, const URL& sourceURL, ProcessSwapRequestedByClient processSwapRequestedByClient, Ref<WebsiteDataStore>&& dataStore, CompletionHandler<void(Ref<WebProcessProxy>&&, SuspendedPageProxy*, const String&)>&& completionHandler) |
2247 | { |
2248 | processForNavigationInternal(page, navigation, sourceProcess.copyRef(), sourceURL, processSwapRequestedByClient, WTFMove(dataStore), [this, page = makeRefPtr(page), navigation = makeRef(navigation), sourceProcess = sourceProcess.copyRef(), sourceURL, processSwapRequestedByClient, completionHandler = WTFMove(completionHandler)](Ref<WebProcessProxy>&& process, SuspendedPageProxy* suspendedPage, const String& reason) mutable { |
2249 | // We are process-swapping so automatic process prewarming would be beneficial if the client has not explicitly enabled / disabled it. |
2250 | bool doingAnAutomaticProcessSwap = processSwapRequestedByClient == ProcessSwapRequestedByClient::No && process.ptr() != sourceProcess.ptr(); |
2251 | if (doingAnAutomaticProcessSwap && !configuration().wasAutomaticProcessWarmingSetByClient() && !configuration().clientWouldBenefitFromAutomaticProcessPrewarming()) { |
2252 | RELEASE_LOG(PerformanceLogging, "Automatically turning on process prewarming because the client would benefit from it" ); |
2253 | configuration().setClientWouldBenefitFromAutomaticProcessPrewarming(true); |
2254 | } |
2255 | |
2256 | if (m_configuration->alwaysKeepAndReuseSwappedProcesses() && process.ptr() != sourceProcess.ptr()) { |
2257 | static std::once_flag onceFlag; |
2258 | std::call_once(onceFlag, [] { |
2259 | WTFLogAlways("WARNING: The option to always keep swapped web processes alive is active. This is meant for debugging and testing only." ); |
2260 | }); |
2261 | |
2262 | addProcessToOriginCacheSet(sourceProcess, sourceURL); |
2263 | |
2264 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Navigating from %s to %s, keeping around old process. Now holding on to old processes for %u origins." , sourceURL.string().utf8().data(), navigation->currentRequest().url().string().utf8().data(), m_swappedProcessesPerRegistrableDomain.size()); |
2265 | } |
2266 | |
2267 | completionHandler(WTFMove(process), suspendedPage, reason); |
2268 | }); |
2269 | } |
2270 | |
2271 | void WebProcessPool::processForNavigationInternal(WebPageProxy& page, const API::Navigation& navigation, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&& sourceProcess, const URL& pageSourceURL, ProcessSwapRequestedByClient processSwapRequestedByClient, Ref<WebsiteDataStore>&& dataStore, CompletionHandler<void(Ref<WebProcessProxy>&&, SuspendedPageProxy*, const String&)>&& completionHandler) |
2272 | { |
2273 | auto& targetURL = navigation.currentRequest().url(); |
2274 | auto targetRegistrableDomain = WebCore::RegistrableDomain { targetURL }; |
2275 | |
2276 | auto createNewProcess = [this, protectedThis = makeRef(*this), page = makeRef(page), targetRegistrableDomain, dataStore = dataStore.copyRef()] () -> Ref<WebProcessProxy> { |
2277 | return processForRegistrableDomain(dataStore, page.ptr(), targetRegistrableDomain); |
2278 | }; |
2279 | |
2280 | if (usesSingleWebProcess()) |
2281 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Single WebProcess mode is enabled"_s ); |
2282 | |
2283 | if (processSwapRequestedByClient == ProcessSwapRequestedByClient::Yes) |
2284 | return completionHandler(createNewProcess(), nullptr, "Process swap was requested by the client"_s ); |
2285 | |
2286 | if (!m_configuration->processSwapsOnNavigation()) |
2287 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Feature is disabled"_s ); |
2288 | |
2289 | if (m_automationSession) |
2290 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "An automation session is active"_s ); |
2291 | |
2292 | if (!sourceProcess->hasCommittedAnyProvisionalLoads()) { |
2293 | tryPrewarmWithDomainInformation(sourceProcess, targetRegistrableDomain); |
2294 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Process has not yet committed any provisional loads"_s ); |
2295 | } |
2296 | |
2297 | // FIXME: We should support process swap when a window has been opened via window.open() without 'noopener'. |
2298 | // The issue is that the opener has a handle to the WindowProxy. |
2299 | if (navigation.openedByDOMWithOpener() && !m_configuration->processSwapsOnWindowOpenWithOpener()) |
2300 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Browsing context been opened by DOM without 'noopener'"_s ); |
2301 | |
2302 | // FIXME: We should support process swap when a window has opened other windows via window.open. |
2303 | if (navigation.hasOpenedFrames()) |
2304 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Browsing context has opened other windows"_s ); |
2305 | |
2306 | if (auto* targetItem = navigation.targetItem()) { |
2307 | if (auto* suspendedPage = targetItem->suspendedPage()) { |
2308 | return suspendedPage->waitUntilReadyToUnsuspend([createNewProcess = WTFMove(createNewProcess), completionHandler = WTFMove(completionHandler)](SuspendedPageProxy* suspendedPage) mutable { |
2309 | if (!suspendedPage) |
2310 | return completionHandler(createNewProcess(), nullptr, "Using new process because target back/forward item's suspended page is not reusable"_s ); |
2311 | Ref<WebProcessProxy> process = suspendedPage->process(); |
2312 | completionHandler(WTFMove(process), suspendedPage, "Using target back/forward item's process and suspended page"_s ); |
2313 | }); |
2314 | } |
2315 | |
2316 | if (RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> process = WebProcessProxy::processForIdentifier(targetItem->lastProcessIdentifier())) { |
2317 | if (process->state() != WebProcessProxy::State::Terminated) { |
2318 | // FIXME: Architecturally we do not currently support multiple WebPage's with the same ID in a given WebProcess. |
2319 | // In the case where this WebProcess has a SuspendedPageProxy for this WebPage, we can throw it away to support |
2320 | // WebProcess re-use. |
2321 | removeAllSuspendedPagesForPage(page, process.get()); |
2322 | |
2323 | // Make sure we remove the process from the cache if it is in there since we're about to use it. |
2324 | if (process->isInProcessCache()) { |
2325 | webProcessCache().removeProcess(*process, WebProcessCache::ShouldShutDownProcess::No); |
2326 | ASSERT(!process->isInProcessCache()); |
2327 | } |
2328 | |
2329 | return completionHandler(process.releaseNonNull(), nullptr, "Using target back/forward item's process"_s ); |
2330 | } |
2331 | } |
2332 | } |
2333 | |
2334 | if (navigation.treatAsSameOriginNavigation()) |
2335 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "The treatAsSameOriginNavigation flag is set"_s ); |
2336 | |
2337 | URL sourceURL; |
2338 | if (page.isPageOpenedByDOMShowingInitialEmptyDocument() && !navigation.requesterOrigin().isEmpty()) |
2339 | sourceURL = URL { URL(), navigation.requesterOrigin().toString() }; |
2340 | else |
2341 | sourceURL = pageSourceURL; |
2342 | |
2343 | if (sourceURL.isEmpty() && page.configuration().relatedPage()) { |
2344 | sourceURL = URL { { }, page.configuration().relatedPage()->pageLoadState().url() }; |
2345 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSwapping, "Using related page %p's URL as source URL for process swap decision" , page.configuration().relatedPage()); |
2346 | } |
2347 | |
2348 | if (!sourceURL.isValid() || !targetURL.isValid() || sourceURL.isEmpty() || sourceURL.protocolIsAbout() || targetRegistrableDomain.matches(sourceURL)) |
2349 | return completionHandler(WTFMove(sourceProcess), nullptr, "Navigation is same-site"_s ); |
2350 | |
2351 | String reason = "Navigation is cross-site"_s ; |
2352 | |
2353 | if (m_configuration->alwaysKeepAndReuseSwappedProcesses()) { |
2354 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Considering re-use of a previously cached process for domain %s" , targetRegistrableDomain.string().utf8().data()); |
2355 | |
2356 | if (auto* process = m_swappedProcessesPerRegistrableDomain.get(targetRegistrableDomain)) { |
2357 | if (&process->websiteDataStore() == dataStore.ptr()) { |
2358 | LOG(ProcessSwapping, "(ProcessSwapping) Reusing a previously cached process with pid %i to continue navigation to URL %s" , process->processIdentifier(), targetURL.string().utf8().data()); |
2359 | |
2360 | // FIXME: Architecturally we do not currently support multiple WebPage's with the same ID in a given WebProcess. |
2361 | // In the case where this WebProcess has a SuspendedPageProxy for this WebPage, we can throw it away to support |
2362 | // WebProcess re-use. |
2363 | // In the future it would be great to refactor-out this limitation (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191166). |
2364 | removeAllSuspendedPagesForPage(page, process); |
2365 | |
2366 | return completionHandler(makeRef(*process), nullptr, reason); |
2367 | } |
2368 | } |
2369 | } |
2370 | |
2371 | return completionHandler(createNewProcess(), nullptr, reason); |
2372 | } |
2373 | |
2374 | RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> WebProcessPool::findReusableSuspendedPageProcess(const WebCore::RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain, WebPageProxy& page, WebsiteDataStore& dataStore) |
2375 | { |
2376 | auto it = m_suspendedPages.findIf([&](auto& suspendedPage) { |
2377 | return suspendedPage->process().registrableDomain() == registrableDomain && &suspendedPage->process().websiteDataStore() == &dataStore; |
2378 | }); |
2379 | if (it == m_suspendedPages.end()) |
2380 | return nullptr; |
2381 | |
2382 | Ref<WebProcessProxy> process = (*it)->process(); |
2383 | |
2384 | // FIXME: If the SuspendedPage is for this page, then we need to destroy the suspended page as we do not support having |
2385 | // multiple WebPages with the same ID in a given WebProcess currently (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191166). |
2386 | if (&(*it)->page() == &page) |
2387 | m_suspendedPages.remove(it); |
2388 | |
2389 | |
2390 | return process; |
2391 | } |
2392 | |
2393 | void WebProcessPool::addSuspendedPage(std::unique_ptr<SuspendedPageProxy>&& suspendedPage) |
2394 | { |
2395 | if (!m_maxSuspendedPageCount) |
2396 | return; |
2397 | |
2398 | if (m_suspendedPages.size() >= m_maxSuspendedPageCount) |
2399 | m_suspendedPages.removeFirst(); |
2400 | |
2401 | m_suspendedPages.append(WTFMove(suspendedPage)); |
2402 | } |
2403 | |
2404 | void WebProcessPool::removeAllSuspendedPagesForPage(WebPageProxy& page, WebProcessProxy* process) |
2405 | { |
2406 | m_suspendedPages.removeAllMatching([&page, process](auto& suspendedPage) { |
2407 | return &suspendedPage->page() == &page && (!process || &suspendedPage->process() == process); |
2408 | }); |
2409 | } |
2410 | |
2411 | std::unique_ptr<SuspendedPageProxy> WebProcessPool::takeSuspendedPage(SuspendedPageProxy& suspendedPage) |
2412 | { |
2413 | return m_suspendedPages.takeFirst([&suspendedPage](auto& item) { |
2414 | return item.get() == &suspendedPage; |
2415 | }); |
2416 | } |
2417 | |
2418 | void WebProcessPool::removeSuspendedPage(SuspendedPageProxy& suspendedPage) |
2419 | { |
2420 | auto it = m_suspendedPages.findIf([&suspendedPage](auto& item) { |
2421 | return item.get() == &suspendedPage; |
2422 | }); |
2423 | if (it != m_suspendedPages.end()) |
2424 | m_suspendedPages.remove(it); |
2425 | } |
2426 | |
2427 | bool WebProcessPool::hasSuspendedPageFor(WebProcessProxy& process, WebPageProxy& page) const |
2428 | { |
2429 | return m_suspendedPages.findIf([&process, &page](auto& suspendedPage) { |
2430 | return &suspendedPage->process() == &process && &suspendedPage->page() == &page; |
2431 | }) != m_suspendedPages.end(); |
2432 | } |
2433 | |
2434 | void WebProcessPool::clearSuspendedPages(AllowProcessCaching allowProcessCaching) |
2435 | { |
2436 | HashSet<RefPtr<WebProcessProxy>> processes; |
2437 | for (auto& suspendedPage : m_suspendedPages) |
2438 | processes.add(&suspendedPage->process()); |
2439 | |
2440 | m_suspendedPages.clear(); |
2441 | |
2442 | for (auto& process : processes) |
2443 | process->maybeShutDown(allowProcessCaching); |
2444 | } |
2445 | |
2446 | void WebProcessPool::addMockMediaDevice(const MockMediaDevice& device) |
2447 | { |
2449 | MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::addDevice(device); |
2450 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::AddMockMediaDevice { device }); |
2451 | #endif |
2452 | } |
2453 | |
2454 | void WebProcessPool::clearMockMediaDevices() |
2455 | { |
2457 | MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::setDevices({ }); |
2458 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ClearMockMediaDevices { }); |
2459 | #endif |
2460 | } |
2461 | |
2462 | void WebProcessPool::removeMockMediaDevice(const String& persistentId) |
2463 | { |
2465 | MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::removeDevice(persistentId); |
2466 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::RemoveMockMediaDevice { persistentId }); |
2467 | #endif |
2468 | } |
2469 | |
2470 | void WebProcessPool::resetMockMediaDevices() |
2471 | { |
2473 | MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::resetDevices(); |
2474 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ResetMockMediaDevices { }); |
2475 | #endif |
2476 | } |
2477 | |
2478 | void WebProcessPool::sendDisplayConfigurationChangedMessageForTesting() |
2479 | { |
2481 | auto display = CGSMainDisplayID(); |
2482 | |
2483 | for (auto& processPool : WebProcessPool::allProcessPools()) { |
2484 | processPool->sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::DisplayConfigurationChanged(display, kCGDisplayBeginConfigurationFlag)); |
2485 | processPool->sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::DisplayConfigurationChanged(display, kCGDisplaySetModeFlag | kCGDisplayDesktopShapeChangedFlag)); |
2486 | } |
2487 | #endif |
2488 | } |
2489 | |
2490 | void WebProcessPool::didCollectPrewarmInformation(const WebCore::RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain, const WebCore::PrewarmInformation& prewarmInformation) |
2491 | { |
2492 | static const size_t maximumSizeToPreventUnlimitedGrowth = 100; |
2493 | if (m_prewarmInformationPerRegistrableDomain.size() == maximumSizeToPreventUnlimitedGrowth) |
2494 | m_prewarmInformationPerRegistrableDomain.remove(m_prewarmInformationPerRegistrableDomain.random()); |
2495 | |
2496 | auto& value = m_prewarmInformationPerRegistrableDomain.ensure(registrableDomain, [] { |
2497 | return std::make_unique<WebCore::PrewarmInformation>(); |
2498 | }).iterator->value; |
2499 | |
2500 | *value = prewarmInformation; |
2501 | } |
2502 | |
2503 | void WebProcessPool::tryPrewarmWithDomainInformation(WebProcessProxy& process, const RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain) |
2504 | { |
2505 | auto* prewarmInformation = m_prewarmInformationPerRegistrableDomain.get(registrableDomain); |
2506 | if (!prewarmInformation) |
2507 | return; |
2508 | process.send(Messages::WebProcess::PrewarmWithDomainInformation(*prewarmInformation), 0); |
2509 | } |
2510 | |
2511 | void WebProcessPool::clearCurrentModifierStateForTesting() |
2512 | { |
2513 | sendToAllProcesses(Messages::WebProcess::ClearCurrentModifierStateForTesting()); |
2514 | } |
2515 | |
2516 | void WebProcessPool::committedCrossSiteLoadWithLinkDecoration(PAL::SessionID sessionID, const RegistrableDomain& fromDomain, const RegistrableDomain& toDomain, uint64_t pageID) |
2517 | { |
2519 | if (!m_networkProcess) |
2520 | return; |
2521 | |
2522 | m_networkProcess->committedCrossSiteLoadWithLinkDecoration(sessionID, fromDomain, toDomain, pageID, [] { }); |
2523 | #else |
2524 | UNUSED_PARAM(sessionID); |
2525 | UNUSED_PARAM(fromDomain); |
2526 | UNUSED_PARAM(toDomain); |
2527 | UNUSED_PARAM(pageID); |
2528 | #endif |
2529 | } |
2530 | |
2531 | void WebProcessPool::setWebProcessHasUploads(ProcessIdentifier processID) |
2532 | { |
2533 | auto* process = WebProcessProxy::processForIdentifier(processID); |
2534 | ASSERT(process); |
2535 | |
2536 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "Web process pid %u now has uploads in progress" , (unsigned)process->processIdentifier()); |
2537 | |
2538 | if (m_processesWithUploads.isEmpty()) { |
2539 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "The number of uploads in progress is now one. Taking Networking and UI process assertions." ); |
2540 | |
2541 | ASSERT(m_networkProcess); |
2542 | m_networkProcess->takeUploadAssertion(); |
2543 | |
2544 | ASSERT(!m_uiProcessUploadAssertion); |
2545 | m_uiProcessUploadAssertion = std::make_unique<ProcessAssertion>(getCurrentProcessID(), "WebKit uploads"_s , AssertionState::UnboundedNetworking); |
2546 | } |
2547 | |
2548 | auto result = m_processesWithUploads.add(processID, nullptr); |
2549 | ASSERT(result.isNewEntry); |
2550 | result.iterator->value = std::make_unique<ProcessAssertion>(process->processIdentifier(), "WebKit uploads"_s , AssertionState::UnboundedNetworking); |
2551 | } |
2552 | |
2553 | void WebProcessPool::clearWebProcessHasUploads(ProcessIdentifier processID) |
2554 | { |
2555 | auto result = m_processesWithUploads.take(processID); |
2556 | ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result); |
2557 | |
2558 | auto* process = WebProcessProxy::processForIdentifier(processID); |
2559 | ASSERT_UNUSED(process, process); |
2560 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "Web process pid %u no longer has uploads in progress" , (unsigned)process->processIdentifier()); |
2561 | |
2562 | if (m_processesWithUploads.isEmpty()) { |
2563 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "The number of uploads in progress is now zero. Releasing Networking and UI process assertions." ); |
2564 | |
2565 | if (m_networkProcess) |
2566 | m_networkProcess->clearUploadAssertion(); |
2567 | |
2568 | ASSERT(m_uiProcessUploadAssertion); |
2569 | m_uiProcessUploadAssertion = nullptr; |
2570 | } |
2571 | |
2572 | } |
2573 | |
2574 | void WebProcessPool::setWebProcessIsPlayingAudibleMedia(WebCore::ProcessIdentifier processID) |
2575 | { |
2576 | auto* process = WebProcessProxy::processForIdentifier(processID); |
2577 | ASSERT(process); |
2578 | |
2579 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "Web process pid %u is now playing audible media" , (unsigned)process->processIdentifier()); |
2580 | |
2581 | if (m_processesPlayingAudibleMedia.isEmpty()) { |
2582 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "The number of processes playing audible media is now one. Taking UI process assertion." ); |
2583 | |
2584 | ASSERT(!m_uiProcessMediaPlaybackAssertion); |
2585 | m_uiProcessMediaPlaybackAssertion = std::make_unique<ProcessAssertion>(getCurrentProcessID(), "WebKit Media Playback"_s , AssertionState::Foreground, AssertionReason::MediaPlayback); |
2586 | } |
2587 | |
2588 | auto result = m_processesPlayingAudibleMedia.add(processID, nullptr); |
2589 | ASSERT(result.isNewEntry); |
2590 | result.iterator->value = std::make_unique<ProcessAssertion>(process->processIdentifier(), "WebKit Media Playback"_s , AssertionState::Foreground, AssertionReason::MediaPlayback); |
2591 | } |
2592 | |
2593 | void WebProcessPool::clearWebProcessIsPlayingAudibleMedia(WebCore::ProcessIdentifier processID) |
2594 | { |
2595 | auto result = m_processesPlayingAudibleMedia.take(processID); |
2596 | ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result); |
2597 | |
2598 | auto* process = WebProcessProxy::processForIdentifier(processID); |
2599 | ASSERT(process); |
2600 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "Web process pid %u is no longer playing audible media" , (unsigned)process->processIdentifier()); |
2601 | |
2602 | if (m_processesPlayingAudibleMedia.isEmpty()) { |
2603 | RELEASE_LOG(ProcessSuspension, "The number of processes playing audible media now zero. Releasing UI process assertion." ); |
2604 | |
2605 | ASSERT(m_uiProcessMediaPlaybackAssertion); |
2606 | m_uiProcessMediaPlaybackAssertion = nullptr; |
2607 | } |
2608 | } |
2609 | |
2610 | } // namespace WebKit |
2611 | |