2 * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
3 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All right reserved.
4 * Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
5 * Copyright (C) 2013 ChangSeok Oh <shivamidow@gmail.com>
6 * Copyright (C) 2013 Adobe Systems Inc. All right reserved.
7 *
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * Library General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
19 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
20 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 *
23 */
25#include "config.h"
27#include "AXObjectCache.h"
28#include "BidiResolver.h"
29#include "BreakingContext.h"
30#include "FloatingObjects.h"
31#include "HTMLParserIdioms.h"
32#include "InlineElementBox.h"
33#include "InlineIterator.h"
34#include "InlineTextBox.h"
35#include "InlineTextBoxStyle.h"
36#include "LineLayoutState.h"
37#include "Logging.h"
38#include "RenderBlockFlow.h"
39#include "RenderFragmentContainer.h"
40#include "RenderFragmentedFlow.h"
41#include "RenderLayoutState.h"
42#include "RenderLineBreak.h"
43#include "RenderRubyBase.h"
44#include "RenderRubyText.h"
45#include "RenderView.h"
46#include "SVGRootInlineBox.h"
47#include "Settings.h"
48#include "SimpleLineLayoutFunctions.h"
49#include "TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox.h"
50#include "VerticalPositionCache.h"
51#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
53namespace WebCore {
55static void determineDirectionality(TextDirection& dir, InlineIterator iter)
57 while (!iter.atEnd()) {
58 if (iter.atParagraphSeparator())
59 return;
60 if (UChar current = iter.current()) {
61 UCharDirection charDirection = u_charDirection(current);
62 if (charDirection == U_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
63 dir = TextDirection::LTR;
64 return;
65 }
66 if (charDirection == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT || charDirection == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC) {
67 dir = TextDirection::RTL;
68 return;
69 }
70 }
71 iter.increment();
72 }
75inline std::unique_ptr<BidiRun> createRun(int start, int end, RenderObject& obj, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
77 return std::make_unique<BidiRun>(start, end, obj, resolver.context(), resolver.dir());
80void RenderBlockFlow::appendRunsForObject(BidiRunList<BidiRun>* runs, int start, int end, RenderObject& obj, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
82 if (start > end || shouldSkipCreatingRunsForObject(obj))
83 return;
85 LineWhitespaceCollapsingState& lineWhitespaceCollapsingState = resolver.whitespaceCollapsingState();
86 bool haveNextTransition = (lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.currentTransition() < lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.numTransitions());
87 InlineIterator nextTransition;
88 if (haveNextTransition)
89 nextTransition = lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.transitions()[lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.currentTransition()];
90 if (lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.betweenTransitions()) {
91 if (!haveNextTransition || (&obj != nextTransition.renderer()))
92 return;
93 // This is a new start point. Stop ignoring objects and
94 // adjust our start.
95 start = nextTransition.offset();
96 lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.incrementCurrentTransition();
97 if (start < end) {
98 appendRunsForObject(runs, start, end, obj, resolver);
99 return;
100 }
101 } else {
102 if (!haveNextTransition || (&obj != nextTransition.renderer())) {
103 if (runs)
104 runs->appendRun(createRun(start, end, obj, resolver));
105 return;
106 }
108 // An end transition has been encountered within our object. We need to append a run with our endpoint.
109 if (static_cast<int>(nextTransition.offset() + 1) <= end) {
110 lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.incrementCurrentTransition();
111 // The end of the line is before the object we're inspecting. Skip everything and return
112 if (nextTransition.refersToEndOfPreviousNode())
113 return;
114 if (static_cast<int>(nextTransition.offset() + 1) > start && runs)
115 runs->appendRun(createRun(start, nextTransition.offset() + 1, obj, resolver));
116 appendRunsForObject(runs, nextTransition.offset() + 1, end, obj, resolver);
117 } else if (runs)
118 runs->appendRun(createRun(start, end, obj, resolver));
119 }
122std::unique_ptr<RootInlineBox> RenderBlockFlow::createRootInlineBox()
124 return std::make_unique<RootInlineBox>(*this);
127RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::createAndAppendRootInlineBox()
129 auto newRootBox = createRootInlineBox();
130 RootInlineBox* rootBox = newRootBox.get();
131 m_lineBoxes.appendLineBox(WTFMove(newRootBox));
133 if (UNLIKELY(AXObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled()) && firstRootBox() == rootBox) {
134 if (AXObjectCache* cache = document().existingAXObjectCache())
135 cache->deferRecomputeIsIgnored(element());
136 }
138 return rootBox;
141static inline InlineBox* createInlineBoxForRenderer(RenderObject* renderer, bool isRootLineBox, bool isOnlyRun = false)
143 if (isRootLineBox)
144 return downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(*renderer).createAndAppendRootInlineBox();
146 if (is<RenderText>(*renderer))
147 return downcast<RenderText>(*renderer).createInlineTextBox();
149 if (is<RenderBox>(*renderer)) {
150 // FIXME: This is terrible. This branch returns an *owned* pointer!
151 return downcast<RenderBox>(*renderer).createInlineBox().release();
152 }
154 if (is<RenderLineBreak>(*renderer)) {
155 // FIXME: This is terrible. This branch returns an *owned* pointer!
156 auto inlineBox = downcast<RenderLineBreak>(*renderer).createInlineBox().release();
157 // We only treat a box as text for a <br> if we are on a line by ourself or in strict mode
158 // (Note the use of strict mode. In "almost strict" mode, we don't treat the box for <br> as text.)
159 inlineBox->setBehavesLikeText(isOnlyRun || renderer->document().inNoQuirksMode() || renderer->isLineBreakOpportunity());
160 return inlineBox;
161 }
163 return downcast<RenderInline>(*renderer).createAndAppendInlineFlowBox();
166static inline void dirtyLineBoxesForRenderer(RenderObject& renderer, bool fullLayout)
168 if (is<RenderText>(renderer)) {
169 RenderText& renderText = downcast<RenderText>(renderer);
170 updateCounterIfNeeded(renderText);
171 renderText.dirtyLineBoxes(fullLayout);
172 } else if (is<RenderLineBreak>(renderer))
173 downcast<RenderLineBreak>(renderer).dirtyLineBoxes(fullLayout);
174 else
175 downcast<RenderInline>(renderer).dirtyLineBoxes(fullLayout);
178static bool parentIsConstructedOrHaveNext(InlineFlowBox* parentBox)
180 do {
181 if (parentBox->isConstructed() || parentBox->nextOnLine())
182 return true;
183 parentBox = parentBox->parent();
184 } while (parentBox);
185 return false;
188InlineFlowBox* RenderBlockFlow::createLineBoxes(RenderObject* obj, const LineInfo& lineInfo, InlineBox* childBox)
190 // See if we have an unconstructed line box for this object that is also
191 // the last item on the line.
192 unsigned lineDepth = 1;
193 InlineFlowBox* parentBox = nullptr;
194 InlineFlowBox* result = nullptr;
195 bool hasDefaultLineBoxContain = style().lineBoxContain() == RenderStyle::initialLineBoxContain();
196 do {
197 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(is<RenderInline>(*obj) || obj == this);
199 RenderInline* inlineFlow = obj != this ? downcast<RenderInline>(obj) : nullptr;
201 // Get the last box we made for this render object.
202 parentBox = inlineFlow ? inlineFlow->lastLineBox() : downcast<RenderBlockFlow>(*obj).lastRootBox();
204 // If this box or its ancestor is constructed then it is from a previous line, and we need
205 // to make a new box for our line. If this box or its ancestor is unconstructed but it has
206 // something following it on the line, then we know we have to make a new box
207 // as well. In this situation our inline has actually been split in two on
208 // the same line (this can happen with very fancy language mixtures).
209 bool constructedNewBox = false;
210 bool allowedToConstructNewBox = !hasDefaultLineBoxContain || !inlineFlow || inlineFlow->alwaysCreateLineBoxes();
211 bool canUseExistingParentBox = parentBox && !parentIsConstructedOrHaveNext(parentBox);
212 if (allowedToConstructNewBox && !canUseExistingParentBox) {
213 // We need to make a new box for this render object. Once
214 // made, we need to place it at the end of the current line.
215 InlineBox* newBox = createInlineBoxForRenderer(obj, obj == this);
216 parentBox = downcast<InlineFlowBox>(newBox);
217 parentBox->setIsFirstLine(lineInfo.isFirstLine());
218 parentBox->setIsHorizontal(isHorizontalWritingMode());
219 if (!hasDefaultLineBoxContain)
220 parentBox->clearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline();
221 constructedNewBox = true;
222 }
224 if (constructedNewBox || canUseExistingParentBox) {
225 if (!result)
226 result = parentBox;
228 // If we have hit the block itself, then |box| represents the root
229 // inline box for the line, and it doesn't have to be appended to any parent
230 // inline.
231 if (childBox)
232 parentBox->addToLine(childBox);
234 if (!constructedNewBox || obj == this)
235 break;
237 childBox = parentBox;
238 }
240 // If we've exceeded our line depth, then jump straight to the root and skip all the remaining
241 // intermediate inline flows.
242 obj = (++lineDepth >= cMaxLineDepth) ? this : obj->parent();
244 } while (true);
246 return result;
249template<typename CharacterType> static inline bool endsWithHTMLSpaces(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned position, unsigned end)
251 for (unsigned i = position; i < end; ++i) {
252 if (!isHTMLSpace(characters[i]))
253 return false;
254 }
255 return true;
258static bool reachedEndOfTextRenderer(const BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns)
260 BidiRun* run = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun();
261 if (!run)
262 return true;
263 if (!is<RenderText>(run->renderer()))
264 return false;
265 auto& text = downcast<RenderText>(run->renderer()).text();
266 unsigned position = run->stop();
267 unsigned length = text.length();
268 if (text.is8Bit())
269 return endsWithHTMLSpaces(text.characters8(), position, length);
270 return endsWithHTMLSpaces(text.characters16(), position, length);
273RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::constructLine(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
275 ASSERT(bidiRuns.firstRun());
277 bool rootHasSelectedChildren = false;
278 InlineFlowBox* parentBox = 0;
279 int runCount = bidiRuns.runCount() - lineInfo.runsFromLeadingWhitespace();
281 for (BidiRun* r = bidiRuns.firstRun(); r; r = r->next()) {
282 // Create a box for our object.
283 bool isOnlyRun = (runCount == 1);
284 if (runCount == 2 && !r->renderer().isListMarker())
285 isOnlyRun = (!style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? bidiRuns.lastRun() : bidiRuns.firstRun())->renderer().isListMarker();
287 if (lineInfo.isEmpty())
288 continue;
290 InlineBox* box = createInlineBoxForRenderer(&r->renderer(), false, isOnlyRun);
291 r->setBox(box);
293 if (!rootHasSelectedChildren && box->renderer().selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone)
294 rootHasSelectedChildren = true;
296 // If we have no parent box yet, or if the run is not simply a sibling,
297 // then we need to construct inline boxes as necessary to properly enclose the
298 // run's inline box. Segments can only be siblings at the root level, as
299 // they are positioned separately.
300 if (!parentBox || &parentBox->renderer() != r->renderer().parent()) {
301 // Create new inline boxes all the way back to the appropriate insertion point.
302 RenderObject* parentToUse = r->renderer().parent();
303 parentBox = createLineBoxes(parentToUse, lineInfo, box);
304 } else {
305 // Append the inline box to this line.
306 parentBox->addToLine(box);
307 }
309 bool visuallyOrdered = r->renderer().style().rtlOrdering() == Order::Visual;
310 box->setBidiLevel(r->level());
312 if (is<InlineTextBox>(*box)) {
313 auto& textBox = downcast<InlineTextBox>(*box);
314 textBox.setStart(r->m_start);
315 textBox.setLen(r->m_stop - r->m_start);
316 textBox.setDirOverride(r->dirOverride(visuallyOrdered));
317 if (r->m_hasHyphen)
318 textBox.setHasHyphen(true);
319 }
320 }
322 // We should have a root inline box. It should be unconstructed and
323 // be the last continuation of our line list.
324 ASSERT(lastRootBox() && !lastRootBox()->isConstructed());
326 // Set the m_selectedChildren flag on the root inline box if one of the leaf inline box
327 // from the bidi runs walk above has a selection state.
328 if (rootHasSelectedChildren)
329 lastRootBox()->root().setHasSelectedChildren(true);
331 // Set bits on our inline flow boxes that indicate which sides should
332 // paint borders/margins/padding. This knowledge will ultimately be used when
333 // we determine the horizontal positions and widths of all the inline boxes on
334 // the line.
335 bool isLogicallyLastRunWrapped = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->renderer().isText() ? !reachedEndOfTextRenderer(bidiRuns) : !is<RenderInline>(bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->renderer());
336 lastRootBox()->determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(lineInfo.isLastLine(), isLogicallyLastRunWrapped, &bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->renderer());
338 // Now mark the line boxes as being constructed.
339 lastRootBox()->setConstructed();
341 // Return the last line.
342 return lastRootBox();
345TextAlignMode RenderBlockFlow::textAlignmentForLine(bool endsWithSoftBreak) const
347 TextAlignMode alignment = style().textAlign();
349 TextJustify textJustify = style().textJustify();
350 if (alignment == TextAlignMode::Justify && textJustify == TextJustify::None)
351 return style().direction() == TextDirection::LTR ? TextAlignMode::Left : TextAlignMode::Right;
354 if (endsWithSoftBreak)
355 return alignment;
358 return (alignment == TextAlignMode::Justify) ? TextAlignMode::Start : alignment;
360 if (alignment != TextAlignMode::Justify)
361 return alignment;
363 TextAlignLast alignmentLast = style().textAlignLast();
364 switch (alignmentLast) {
365 case TextAlignLast::Start:
366 return TextAlignMode::Start;
367 case TextAlignLast::End:
368 return TextAlignMode::End;
369 case TextAlignLast::Left:
370 return TextAlignMode::Left;
371 case TextAlignLast::Right:
372 return TextAlignMode::Right;
373 case TextAlignLast::Center:
374 return TextAlignMode::Center;
375 case TextAlignLast::Justify:
376 return TextAlignMode::Justify;
377 case TextAlignLast::Auto:
378 if (textJustify == TextJustify::Distribute)
379 return TextAlignMode::Justify;
380 return TextAlignMode::Start;
381 }
382 return alignment;
386static void updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
388 // The direction of the block should determine what happens with wide lines.
389 // In particular with RTL blocks, wide lines should still spill out to the left.
390 if (isLeftToRightDirection) {
391 if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth && trailingSpaceRun)
392 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(std::max<float>(0, trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth() - totalLogicalWidth + availableLogicalWidth));
393 return;
394 }
396 if (trailingSpaceRun)
397 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(0);
398 else if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth)
399 logicalLeft -= (totalLogicalWidth - availableLogicalWidth);
402static void updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
404 // Wide lines spill out of the block based off direction.
405 // So even if text-align is right, if direction is LTR, wide lines should overflow out of the right
406 // side of the block.
407 if (isLeftToRightDirection) {
408 if (trailingSpaceRun) {
409 totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth();
410 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(0);
411 }
412 logicalLeft += std::max(0.f, availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth);
413 return;
414 }
416 if (totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth && trailingSpaceRun) {
417 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(std::max<float>(0, trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth() - totalLogicalWidth + availableLogicalWidth));
418 totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth();
419 } else
420 logicalLeft += availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth;
423static void updateLogicalWidthForCenterAlignedBlock(bool isLeftToRightDirection, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
425 float trailingSpaceWidth = 0;
426 if (trailingSpaceRun) {
427 totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth();
428 trailingSpaceWidth = std::min(trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth(), (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth + 1) / 2);
429 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(std::max<float>(0, trailingSpaceWidth));
430 }
431 if (isLeftToRightDirection)
432 logicalLeft += std::max<float>((availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) / 2, 0);
433 else
434 logicalLeft += totalLogicalWidth > availableLogicalWidth ? (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) : (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) / 2 - trailingSpaceWidth;
437void RenderBlockFlow::setMarginsForRubyRun(BidiRun* run, RenderRubyRun& renderer, RenderObject* previousObject, const LineInfo& lineInfo)
439 float startOverhang;
440 float endOverhang;
441 RenderObject* nextObject = 0;
442 for (BidiRun* runWithNextObject = run->next(); runWithNextObject; runWithNextObject = runWithNextObject->next()) {
443 if (!runWithNextObject->renderer().isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !runWithNextObject->box()->isLineBreak()) {
444 nextObject = &runWithNextObject->renderer();
445 break;
446 }
447 }
448 renderer.getOverhang(lineInfo.isFirstLine(), renderer.style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? previousObject : nextObject, renderer.style().isLeftToRightDirection() ? nextObject : previousObject, startOverhang, endOverhang);
449 setMarginStartForChild(renderer, -startOverhang);
450 setMarginEndForChild(renderer, -endOverhang);
453static inline void setLogicalWidthForTextRun(RootInlineBox* lineBox, BidiRun* run, RenderText& renderer, float xPos, const LineInfo& lineInfo,
454 GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
456 HashSet<const Font*> fallbackFonts;
457 GlyphOverflow glyphOverflow;
459 const FontCascade& font = lineStyle(*renderer.parent(), lineInfo).fontCascade();
460 // Always compute glyph overflow if the block's line-box-contain value is "glyphs".
461 if (lineBox->fitsToGlyphs()) {
462 // If we don't stick out of the root line's font box, then don't bother computing our glyph overflow. This optimization
463 // will keep us from computing glyph bounds in nearly all cases.
464 bool includeRootLine = lineBox->includesRootLineBoxFontOrLeading();
465 int baselineShift = lineBox->verticalPositionForBox(run->box(), verticalPositionCache);
466 int rootDescent = includeRootLine ? font.fontMetrics().descent() : 0;
467 int rootAscent = includeRootLine ? font.fontMetrics().ascent() : 0;
468 int boxAscent = font.fontMetrics().ascent() - baselineShift;
469 int boxDescent = font.fontMetrics().descent() + baselineShift;
470 if (boxAscent > rootDescent || boxDescent > rootAscent)
471 glyphOverflow.computeBounds = true;
472 }
474 LayoutUnit hyphenWidth;
475 if (downcast<InlineTextBox>(*run->box()).hasHyphen())
476 hyphenWidth = measureHyphenWidth(renderer, font, &fallbackFonts);
478 float measuredWidth = 0;
480 bool kerningIsEnabled = font.enableKerning();
481 bool canUseSimpleFontCodePath = renderer.canUseSimpleFontCodePath();
483 // Since we don't cache glyph overflows, we need to re-measure the run if
484 // the style is linebox-contain: glyph.
485 if (!lineBox->fitsToGlyphs() && canUseSimpleFontCodePath) {
486 unsigned lastEndOffset = run->m_start;
487 bool atFirstWordMeasurement = true;
488 for (size_t i = 0, size = wordMeasurements.size(); i < size && lastEndOffset < run->m_stop; ++i) {
489 WordMeasurement& wordMeasurement = wordMeasurements[i];
490 if (wordMeasurement.width <= 0 || wordMeasurement.startOffset == wordMeasurement.endOffset)
491 continue;
492 if (wordMeasurement.renderer != &renderer || wordMeasurement.startOffset != lastEndOffset || wordMeasurement.endOffset > run->m_stop)
493 continue;
495 lastEndOffset = wordMeasurement.endOffset;
496 if (kerningIsEnabled && lastEndOffset == run->m_stop) {
497 int wordLength = lastEndOffset - wordMeasurement.startOffset;
498 GlyphOverflow overflow;
499 measuredWidth += renderer.width(wordMeasurement.startOffset, wordLength, xPos + measuredWidth, lineInfo.isFirstLine(),
500 &wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts, &overflow);
501 UChar c = renderer.characterAt(wordMeasurement.startOffset);
502 // renderer.width() omits word-spacing value for leading whitespace, so let's just add it back here.
503 if (!atFirstWordMeasurement && FontCascade::treatAsSpace(c))
504 measuredWidth += renderer.style().fontCascade().wordSpacing();
505 } else
506 measuredWidth += wordMeasurement.width;
507 atFirstWordMeasurement = false;
509 if (!wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.isEmpty()) {
510 HashSet<const Font*>::const_iterator end = wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.end();
511 for (HashSet<const Font*>::const_iterator it = wordMeasurement.fallbackFonts.begin(); it != end; ++it)
512 fallbackFonts.add(*it);
513 }
514 }
515 if (measuredWidth && lastEndOffset != run->m_stop) {
516 // If we don't have enough cached data, we'll measure the run again.
517 measuredWidth = 0;
518 fallbackFonts.clear();
519 }
520 }
522 if (!measuredWidth)
523 measuredWidth = renderer.width(run->m_start, run->m_stop - run->m_start, xPos, lineInfo.isFirstLine(), &fallbackFonts, &glyphOverflow);
525 run->box()->setLogicalWidth(measuredWidth + hyphenWidth);
526 if (!fallbackFonts.isEmpty()) {
527 ASSERT(run->box()->behavesLikeText());
528 GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.add(downcast<InlineTextBox>(run->box()), std::make_pair(Vector<const Font*>(), GlyphOverflow())).iterator;
529 ASSERT(it->value.first.isEmpty());
530 it->value.first = copyToVector(fallbackFonts);
531 run->box()->parent()->clearDescendantsHaveSameLineHeightAndBaseline();
532 }
534 // Include text decoration visual overflow as part of the glyph overflow.
535 if (!renderer.style().textDecorationsInEffect().isEmpty())
536 glyphOverflow.extendTo(visualOverflowForDecorations(run->box()->lineStyle(), downcast<InlineTextBox>(run->box())));
538 if (!glyphOverflow.isEmpty()) {
539 ASSERT(run->box()->behavesLikeText());
540 GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap::iterator it = textBoxDataMap.add(downcast<InlineTextBox>(run->box()), std::make_pair(Vector<const Font*>(), GlyphOverflow())).iterator;
541 it->value.second = glyphOverflow;
542 run->box()->clearKnownToHaveNoOverflow();
543 }
546void RenderBlockFlow::updateRubyForJustifiedText(RenderRubyRun& rubyRun, BidiRun& r, const Vector<unsigned, 16>& expansionOpportunities, unsigned& expansionOpportunityCount, float& totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth, size_t& i)
548 if (!rubyRun.rubyBase() || !rubyRun.rubyBase()->firstRootBox() || rubyRun.rubyBase()->firstRootBox()->nextRootBox() || !r.renderer().style().collapseWhiteSpace())
549 return;
551 auto& rubyBase = *rubyRun.rubyBase();
552 auto& rootBox = *rubyBase.firstRootBox();
554 float totalExpansion = 0;
555 unsigned totalOpportunitiesInRun = 0;
556 for (auto* leafChild = rootBox.firstLeafChild(); leafChild; leafChild = leafChild->nextLeafChild()) {
557 if (!leafChild->isInlineTextBox())
558 continue;
560 unsigned opportunitiesInRun = expansionOpportunities[i++];
561 ASSERT(opportunitiesInRun <= expansionOpportunityCount);
562 auto expansion = (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) * opportunitiesInRun / expansionOpportunityCount;
563 totalExpansion += expansion;
564 totalOpportunitiesInRun += opportunitiesInRun;
565 }
567 ASSERT(!rubyRun.hasOverrideContentLogicalWidth());
568 float newBaseWidth = rubyRun.logicalWidth() + totalExpansion + marginStartForChild(rubyRun) + marginEndForChild(rubyRun);
569 float newRubyRunWidth = rubyRun.logicalWidth() + totalExpansion;
570 rubyBase.setInitialOffset((newRubyRunWidth - newBaseWidth) / 2);
571 rubyRun.setOverrideContentLogicalWidth(newRubyRunWidth);
572 rubyRun.setNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
573 rootBox.markDirty();
574 if (RenderRubyText* rubyText = rubyRun.rubyText()) {
575 if (RootInlineBox* textRootBox = rubyText->firstRootBox())
576 textRootBox->markDirty();
577 }
578 rubyRun.layoutBlock(true);
579 rubyRun.clearOverrideContentLogicalWidth();
580 r.box()->setExpansion(newRubyRunWidth - r.box()->logicalWidth());
582 totalLogicalWidth += totalExpansion;
583 expansionOpportunityCount -= totalOpportunitiesInRun;
586void RenderBlockFlow::computeExpansionForJustifiedText(BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, const Vector<unsigned, 16>& expansionOpportunities, unsigned expansionOpportunityCount, float totalLogicalWidth, float availableLogicalWidth)
588 if (!expansionOpportunityCount || availableLogicalWidth <= totalLogicalWidth)
589 return;
591 size_t i = 0;
592 for (BidiRun* run = firstRun; run; run = run->next()) {
593 if (!run->box() || run == trailingSpaceRun)
594 continue;
596 if (is<RenderText>(run->renderer())) {
597 unsigned opportunitiesInRun = expansionOpportunities[i++];
599 ASSERT(opportunitiesInRun <= expansionOpportunityCount);
601 // Only justify text if whitespace is collapsed.
602 if (run->renderer().style().collapseWhiteSpace()) {
603 InlineTextBox& textBox = downcast<InlineTextBox>(*run->box());
604 float expansion = (availableLogicalWidth - totalLogicalWidth) * opportunitiesInRun / expansionOpportunityCount;
605 textBox.setExpansion(expansion);
606 totalLogicalWidth += expansion;
607 }
608 expansionOpportunityCount -= opportunitiesInRun;
609 } else if (is<RenderRubyRun>(run->renderer()))
610 updateRubyForJustifiedText(downcast<RenderRubyRun>(run->renderer()), *run, expansionOpportunities, expansionOpportunityCount, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, i);
612 if (!expansionOpportunityCount)
613 break;
614 }
617void RenderBlockFlow::updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(const TextAlignMode& textAlign, const RootInlineBox* rootInlineBox, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, float& logicalLeft, float& totalLogicalWidth, float& availableLogicalWidth, int expansionOpportunityCount)
619 TextDirection direction;
620 if (rootInlineBox && style().unicodeBidi() == Plaintext)
621 direction = rootInlineBox->direction();
622 else
623 direction = style().direction();
625 // Armed with the total width of the line (without justification),
626 // we now examine our text-align property in order to determine where to position the
627 // objects horizontally. The total width of the line can be increased if we end up
628 // justifying text.
629 switch (textAlign) {
630 case TextAlignMode::Left:
631 case TextAlignMode::WebKitLeft:
632 updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
633 break;
634 case TextAlignMode::Right:
635 case TextAlignMode::WebKitRight:
636 updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
637 break;
638 case TextAlignMode::Center:
639 case TextAlignMode::WebKitCenter:
640 updateLogicalWidthForCenterAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
641 break;
642 case TextAlignMode::Justify:
643 adjustInlineDirectionLineBounds(expansionOpportunityCount, logicalLeft, availableLogicalWidth);
644 if (expansionOpportunityCount) {
645 if (trailingSpaceRun) {
646 totalLogicalWidth -= trailingSpaceRun->box()->logicalWidth();
647 trailingSpaceRun->box()->setLogicalWidth(0);
648 }
649 break;
650 }
652 case TextAlignMode::Start:
653 if (direction == TextDirection::LTR)
654 updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
655 else
656 updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
657 break;
658 case TextAlignMode::End:
659 if (direction == TextDirection::LTR)
660 updateLogicalWidthForRightAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
661 else
662 updateLogicalWidthForLeftAlignedBlock(style().isLeftToRightDirection(), trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
663 break;
664 }
667static void updateLogicalInlinePositions(RenderBlockFlow& block, float& lineLogicalLeft, float& lineLogicalRight, float& availableLogicalWidth, bool firstLine,
668 IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText, LayoutUnit boxLogicalHeight)
670 LayoutUnit lineLogicalHeight = block.minLineHeightForReplacedRenderer(firstLine, boxLogicalHeight);
671 lineLogicalLeft = block.logicalLeftOffsetForLine(block.logicalHeight(), shouldIndentText, lineLogicalHeight);
672 lineLogicalRight = block.logicalRightOffsetForLine(block.logicalHeight(), shouldIndentText, lineLogicalHeight);
673 availableLogicalWidth = lineLogicalRight - lineLogicalLeft;
676void RenderBlockFlow::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox* lineBox, const LineInfo& lineInfo, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, bool reachedEnd, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
678 TextAlignMode textAlign = textAlignmentForLine(!reachedEnd && !lineBox->endsWithBreak());
680 // CSS 2.1: "'Text-indent' only affects a line if it is the first formatted line of an element. For example, the first line of an anonymous block
681 // box is only affected if it is the first child of its parent element."
682 // CSS3 "text-indent", "-webkit-each-line" affects the first line of the block container as well as each line after a forced line break,
683 // but does not affect lines after a soft wrap break.
684 bool isFirstLine = lineInfo.isFirstLine() && !(isAnonymousBlock() && parent()->firstChild() != this);
685 bool isAfterHardLineBreak = lineBox->prevRootBox() && lineBox->prevRootBox()->endsWithBreak();
686 IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = requiresIndent(isFirstLine, isAfterHardLineBreak, style());
687 float lineLogicalLeft;
688 float lineLogicalRight;
689 float availableLogicalWidth;
690 updateLogicalInlinePositions(*this, lineLogicalLeft, lineLogicalRight, availableLogicalWidth, isFirstLine, shouldIndentText, 0);
691 bool needsWordSpacing;
693 if (firstRun && firstRun->renderer().isReplaced()) {
694 RenderBox& renderBox = downcast<RenderBox>(firstRun->renderer());
695 updateLogicalInlinePositions(*this, lineLogicalLeft, lineLogicalRight, availableLogicalWidth, isFirstLine, shouldIndentText, renderBox.logicalHeight());
696 }
698 computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(lineBox, lineInfo, textAlign, lineLogicalLeft, availableLogicalWidth, firstRun, trailingSpaceRun, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
699 // The widths of all runs are now known. We can now place every inline box (and
700 // compute accurate widths for the inline flow boxes).
701 needsWordSpacing = false;
702 lineBox->placeBoxesInInlineDirection(lineLogicalLeft, needsWordSpacing);
705static inline ExpansionBehavior expansionBehaviorForInlineTextBox(RenderBlockFlow& block, InlineTextBox& textBox, BidiRun* previousRun, BidiRun* nextRun, TextAlignMode textAlign, bool isAfterExpansion)
707 // Tatechuyoko is modeled as the Object Replacement Character (U+FFFC), which can never have expansion opportunities inside nor intrinsically adjacent to it.
708 if (textBox.renderer().style().textCombine() == TextCombine::Horizontal)
709 return ForbidLeadingExpansion | ForbidTrailingExpansion;
711 ExpansionBehavior result = 0;
712 bool setLeadingExpansion = false;
713 bool setTrailingExpansion = false;
714 if (textAlign == TextAlignMode::Justify) {
715 // If the next box is ruby, and we're justifying, and the first box in the ruby base has a leading expansion, and we are a text box, then force a trailing expansion.
716 if (nextRun && is<RenderRubyRun>(nextRun->renderer()) && downcast<RenderRubyRun>(nextRun->renderer()).rubyBase() && nextRun->renderer().style().collapseWhiteSpace()) {
717 auto& rubyBase = *downcast<RenderRubyRun>(nextRun->renderer()).rubyBase();
718 if (rubyBase.firstRootBox() && !rubyBase.firstRootBox()->nextRootBox()) {
719 if (auto* leafChild = rubyBase.firstRootBox()->firstLeafChild()) {
720 if (is<InlineTextBox>(*leafChild)) {
721 // FIXME: This leadingExpansionOpportunity doesn't actually work because it doesn't perform the UBA
722 if (FontCascade::leadingExpansionOpportunity(downcast<RenderText>(leafChild->renderer()).stringView(), leafChild->direction())) {
723 setTrailingExpansion = true;
724 result |= ForceTrailingExpansion;
725 }
726 }
727 }
728 }
729 }
730 // Same thing, except if we're following a ruby
731 if (previousRun && is<RenderRubyRun>(previousRun->renderer()) && downcast<RenderRubyRun>(previousRun->renderer()).rubyBase() && previousRun->renderer().style().collapseWhiteSpace()) {
732 auto& rubyBase = *downcast<RenderRubyRun>(previousRun->renderer()).rubyBase();
733 if (rubyBase.firstRootBox() && !rubyBase.firstRootBox()->nextRootBox()) {
734 if (auto* leafChild = rubyBase.firstRootBox()->lastLeafChild()) {
735 if (is<InlineTextBox>(*leafChild)) {
736 // FIXME: This leadingExpansionOpportunity doesn't actually work because it doesn't perform the UBA
737 if (FontCascade::trailingExpansionOpportunity(downcast<RenderText>(leafChild->renderer()).stringView(), leafChild->direction())) {
738 setLeadingExpansion = true;
739 result |= ForceLeadingExpansion;
740 }
741 }
742 }
743 }
744 }
745 // If we're the first box inside a ruby base, forbid a leading expansion, and vice-versa
746 if (is<RenderRubyBase>(block)) {
747 RenderRubyBase& rubyBase = downcast<RenderRubyBase>(block);
748 if (&textBox == rubyBase.firstRootBox()->firstLeafChild()) {
749 setLeadingExpansion = true;
750 result |= ForbidLeadingExpansion;
751 } if (&textBox == rubyBase.firstRootBox()->lastLeafChild()) {
752 setTrailingExpansion = true;
753 result |= ForbidTrailingExpansion;
754 }
755 }
756 }
757 if (!setLeadingExpansion)
758 result |= isAfterExpansion ? ForbidLeadingExpansion : AllowLeadingExpansion;
759 if (!setTrailingExpansion)
760 result |= AllowTrailingExpansion;
761 return result;
764static inline void applyExpansionBehavior(InlineTextBox& textBox, ExpansionBehavior expansionBehavior)
766 switch (expansionBehavior & LeadingExpansionMask) {
767 case ForceLeadingExpansion:
768 textBox.setForceLeadingExpansion();
769 break;
770 case ForbidLeadingExpansion:
771 textBox.setCanHaveLeadingExpansion(false);
772 break;
773 case AllowLeadingExpansion:
774 textBox.setCanHaveLeadingExpansion(true);
775 break;
776 default:
778 break;
779 }
780 switch (expansionBehavior & TrailingExpansionMask) {
781 case ForceTrailingExpansion:
782 textBox.setForceTrailingExpansion();
783 break;
784 case ForbidTrailingExpansion:
785 textBox.setCanHaveTrailingExpansion(false);
786 break;
787 case AllowTrailingExpansion:
788 textBox.setCanHaveTrailingExpansion(true);
789 break;
790 default:
792 break;
793 }
796static bool inlineAncestorHasStartBorderPaddingOrMargin(const RenderBlockFlow& block, const InlineBox& box)
798 bool isLTR = block.style().isLeftToRightDirection();
799 for (auto* currentBox = box.parent(); currentBox; currentBox = currentBox->parent()) {
800 if ((isLTR && currentBox->marginBorderPaddingLogicalLeft() > 0)
801 || (!isLTR && currentBox->marginBorderPaddingLogicalRight() > 0))
802 return true;
803 }
804 return false;
807static bool inlineAncestorHasEndBorderPaddingOrMargin(const RenderBlockFlow& block, const InlineBox& box)
809 bool isLTR = block.style().isLeftToRightDirection();
810 for (auto* currentBox = box.parent(); currentBox; currentBox = currentBox->parent()) {
811 if ((isLTR && currentBox->marginBorderPaddingLogicalRight() > 0)
812 || (!isLTR && currentBox->marginBorderPaddingLogicalLeft() > 0))
813 return true;
814 }
815 return false;
818static bool isLastInFlowRun(BidiRun& runToCheck)
820 for (auto* run = runToCheck.next(); run; run = run->next()) {
821 if (!run->box() || run->renderer().isOutOfFlowPositioned() || run->box()->isLineBreak())
822 continue;
823 return false;
824 }
825 return true;
828BidiRun* RenderBlockFlow::computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment(RootInlineBox* lineBox, const LineInfo& lineInfo, TextAlignMode textAlign, float& logicalLeft,
829 float& availableLogicalWidth, BidiRun* firstRun, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache,
830 WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
832 bool needsWordSpacing = false;
833 bool canHangPunctuationAtStart = style().hangingPunctuation().contains(HangingPunctuation::First);
834 bool canHangPunctuationAtEnd = style().hangingPunctuation().contains(HangingPunctuation::Last);
835 bool isLTR = style().isLeftToRightDirection();
836 float totalLogicalWidth = lineBox->getFlowSpacingLogicalWidth();
837 unsigned expansionOpportunityCount = 0;
838 bool isAfterExpansion = is<RenderRubyBase>(*this) ? downcast<RenderRubyBase>(*this).isAfterExpansion() : true;
839 Vector<unsigned, 16> expansionOpportunities;
841 BidiRun* run = firstRun;
842 BidiRun* previousRun = nullptr;
843 for (; run; run = run->next()) {
844 auto computeExpansionOpportunities = [&expansionOpportunities, &expansionOpportunityCount, textAlign, &isAfterExpansion] (RenderBlockFlow& block,
845 InlineTextBox& textBox, BidiRun* previousRun, BidiRun* nextRun, const StringView& stringView, TextDirection direction)
846 {
847 if (stringView.isEmpty()) {
848 // Empty runs should still produce an entry in expansionOpportunities list so that the number of items matches the number of runs.
849 expansionOpportunities.append(0);
850 return;
851 }
852 ExpansionBehavior expansionBehavior = expansionBehaviorForInlineTextBox(block, textBox, previousRun, nextRun, textAlign, isAfterExpansion);
853 applyExpansionBehavior(textBox, expansionBehavior);
854 unsigned opportunitiesInRun;
855 std::tie(opportunitiesInRun, isAfterExpansion) = FontCascade::expansionOpportunityCount(stringView, direction, expansionBehavior);
856 expansionOpportunities.append(opportunitiesInRun);
857 expansionOpportunityCount += opportunitiesInRun;
858 };
859 if (!run->box() || run->renderer().isOutOfFlowPositioned() || run->box()->isLineBreak()) {
860 continue; // Positioned objects are only participating to figure out their
861 // correct static x position. They have no effect on the width.
862 // Similarly, line break boxes have no effect on the width.
863 }
864 if (is<RenderText>(run->renderer())) {
865 auto& renderText = downcast<RenderText>(run->renderer());
866 auto& textBox = downcast<InlineTextBox>(*run->box());
867 if (canHangPunctuationAtStart && lineInfo.isFirstLine() && (isLTR || isLastInFlowRun(*run))
868 && !inlineAncestorHasStartBorderPaddingOrMargin(*this, *run->box())) {
869 float hangStartWidth = renderText.hangablePunctuationStartWidth(run->m_start);
870 availableLogicalWidth += hangStartWidth;
871 if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
872 logicalLeft -= hangStartWidth;
873 canHangPunctuationAtStart = false;
874 }
876 if (canHangPunctuationAtEnd && lineInfo.isLastLine() && run->m_stop > 0 && (!isLTR || isLastInFlowRun(*run))
877 && !inlineAncestorHasEndBorderPaddingOrMargin(*this, *run->box())) {
878 float hangEndWidth = renderText.hangablePunctuationEndWidth(run->m_stop - 1);
879 availableLogicalWidth += hangEndWidth;
880 if (!style().isLeftToRightDirection())
881 logicalLeft -= hangEndWidth;
882 canHangPunctuationAtEnd = false;
883 }
885 if (textAlign == TextAlignMode::Justify && run != trailingSpaceRun)
886 computeExpansionOpportunities(*this, textBox, previousRun, run->next(), renderText.stringView(run->m_start, run->m_stop), run->box()->direction());
888 if (unsigned length = renderText.text().length()) {
889 if (!run->m_start && needsWordSpacing && isSpaceOrNewline(renderText.characterAt(run->m_start)))
890 totalLogicalWidth += lineStyle(*renderText.parent(), lineInfo).fontCascade().wordSpacing();
891 // run->m_start == run->m_stop should only be true iff the run is a replaced run for bidi: isolate.
892 ASSERT(run->m_stop > 0 || run->m_start == run->m_stop);
893 needsWordSpacing = run->m_stop == length && !isSpaceOrNewline(renderText.characterAt(run->m_stop - 1));
894 }
896 setLogicalWidthForTextRun(lineBox, run, renderText, totalLogicalWidth, lineInfo, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
897 } else {
898 canHangPunctuationAtStart = false;
899 bool encounteredJustifiedRuby = false;
900 if (is<RenderRubyRun>(run->renderer()) && textAlign == TextAlignMode::Justify && run != trailingSpaceRun && downcast<RenderRubyRun>(run->renderer()).rubyBase()) {
901 auto* rubyBase = downcast<RenderRubyRun>(run->renderer()).rubyBase();
902 if (rubyBase->firstRootBox() && !rubyBase->firstRootBox()->nextRootBox() && run->renderer().style().collapseWhiteSpace()) {
903 rubyBase->setIsAfterExpansion(isAfterExpansion);
904 for (auto* leafChild = rubyBase->firstRootBox()->firstLeafChild(); leafChild; leafChild = leafChild->nextLeafChild()) {
905 if (!is<InlineTextBox>(*leafChild))
906 continue;
907 encounteredJustifiedRuby = true;
908 computeExpansionOpportunities(*rubyBase, downcast<InlineTextBox>(*leafChild), nullptr, nullptr,
909 downcast<RenderText>(leafChild->renderer()).stringView(), leafChild->direction());
910 }
911 }
912 }
914 if (!encounteredJustifiedRuby)
915 isAfterExpansion = false;
917 if (!is<RenderInline>(run->renderer())) {
918 auto& renderBox = downcast<RenderBox>(run->renderer());
919 if (is<RenderRubyRun>(renderBox))
920 setMarginsForRubyRun(run, downcast<RenderRubyRun>(renderBox), previousRun ? &previousRun->renderer() : nullptr, lineInfo);
921 run->box()->setLogicalWidth(logicalWidthForChild(renderBox));
922 totalLogicalWidth += marginStartForChild(renderBox) + marginEndForChild(renderBox);
923 }
924 }
926 totalLogicalWidth += run->box()->logicalWidth();
927 previousRun = run;
928 }
930 if (isAfterExpansion && !expansionOpportunities.isEmpty()) {
931 // FIXME: see <webkit.org/b/139393#c11>
932 int lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex = expansionOpportunities.size() - 1;
933 while (lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex >= 0 && !expansionOpportunities.at(lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex))
934 --lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex;
935 if (lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex >= 0) {
936 ASSERT(expansionOpportunities.at(lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex));
937 expansionOpportunities.at(lastValidExpansionOpportunitiesIndex)--;
938 expansionOpportunityCount--;
939 }
940 }
942 if (is<RenderRubyBase>(*this) && !expansionOpportunityCount)
943 textAlign = TextAlignMode::Center;
945 updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, lineBox, trailingSpaceRun, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, expansionOpportunityCount);
947 computeExpansionForJustifiedText(firstRun, trailingSpaceRun, expansionOpportunities, expansionOpportunityCount, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth);
949 return run;
952void RenderBlockFlow::removeInlineBox(BidiRun& run, const RootInlineBox& rootLineBox) const
954 auto* inlineBox = run.box();
956 auto* inlineParent = inlineBox->parent();
957 while (inlineParent && inlineParent != &rootLineBox) {
958 ASSERT(!inlineParent->isDirty());
959 inlineParent = inlineParent->parent();
960 }
961 ASSERT(!rootLineBox.isDirty());
963 auto* parent = inlineBox->parent();
964 inlineBox->removeFromParent();
966 auto& renderer = run.renderer();
967 if (is<RenderText>(renderer))
968 downcast<RenderText>(renderer).removeTextBox(downcast<InlineTextBox>(*inlineBox));
969 delete inlineBox;
970 run.setBox(nullptr);
971 // removeFromParent() unnecessarily dirties the ancestor subtree.
972 auto* ancestor = parent;
973 while (ancestor) {
974 ancestor->markDirty(false);
975 if (ancestor == &rootLineBox)
976 break;
977 ancestor = ancestor->parent();
978 }
981void RenderBlockFlow::computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(RootInlineBox* lineBox, BidiRun* firstRun, GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap& textBoxDataMap,
982 VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache)
984 setLogicalHeight(lineBox->alignBoxesInBlockDirection(logicalHeight(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache));
986 // Now make sure we place replaced render objects correctly.
987 for (auto* run = firstRun; run; run = run->next()) {
988 ASSERT(run->box());
989 if (!run->box())
990 continue; // Skip runs with no line boxes.
992 // Align positioned boxes with the top of the line box. This is
993 // a reasonable approximation of an appropriate y position.
994 auto& renderer = run->renderer();
995 if (renderer.isOutOfFlowPositioned())
996 run->box()->setLogicalTop(logicalHeight());
998 // Position is used to properly position both replaced elements and
999 // to update the static normal flow x/y of positioned elements.
1000 bool inlineBoxIsRedundant = false;
1001 if (is<RenderText>(renderer)) {
1002 auto& inlineTextBox = downcast<InlineTextBox>(*run->box());
1003 downcast<RenderText>(renderer).positionLineBox(inlineTextBox);
1004 inlineBoxIsRedundant = !inlineTextBox.hasTextContent();
1005 } else if (is<RenderBox>(renderer)) {
1006 downcast<RenderBox>(renderer).positionLineBox(downcast<InlineElementBox>(*run->box()));
1007 inlineBoxIsRedundant = renderer.isOutOfFlowPositioned();
1008 } else if (is<RenderLineBreak>(renderer))
1009 downcast<RenderLineBreak>(renderer).replaceInlineBoxWrapper(downcast<InlineElementBox>(*run->box()));
1010 // Check if we need to keep this box on the line at all.
1011 if (inlineBoxIsRedundant)
1012 removeInlineBox(*run, *lineBox);
1013 }
1016static inline bool isCollapsibleSpace(UChar character, const RenderText& renderer)
1018 if (character == ' ' || character == '\t' || character == softHyphen)
1019 return true;
1020 if (character == '\n')
1021 return !renderer.style().preserveNewline();
1022 if (character == noBreakSpace)
1023 return renderer.style().nbspMode() == NBSPMode::Space;
1024 return false;
1027template <typename CharacterType>
1028static inline unsigned findFirstTrailingSpace(const RenderText& lastText, const CharacterType* characters, unsigned start, unsigned stop)
1030 unsigned firstSpace = stop;
1031 while (firstSpace > start) {
1032 UChar current = characters[firstSpace - 1];
1033 if (!isCollapsibleSpace(current, lastText))
1034 break;
1035 firstSpace--;
1036 }
1038 return firstSpace;
1041inline BidiRun* RenderBlockFlow::handleTrailingSpaces(BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, BidiContext* currentContext)
1043 if (!bidiRuns.runCount()
1044 || !bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->renderer().style().breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace()
1045 || !bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->renderer().style().autoWrap())
1046 return nullptr;
1048 BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun = bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun();
1049 const RenderObject& lastObject = trailingSpaceRun->renderer();
1050 if (!is<RenderText>(lastObject))
1051 return nullptr;
1053 const RenderText& lastText = downcast<RenderText>(lastObject);
1054 unsigned firstSpace;
1055 if (lastText.text().is8Bit())
1056 firstSpace = findFirstTrailingSpace(lastText, lastText.text().characters8(), trailingSpaceRun->start(), trailingSpaceRun->stop());
1057 else
1058 firstSpace = findFirstTrailingSpace(lastText, lastText.text().characters16(), trailingSpaceRun->start(), trailingSpaceRun->stop());
1060 if (firstSpace == trailingSpaceRun->stop())
1061 return nullptr;
1063 TextDirection direction = style().direction();
1064 bool shouldReorder = trailingSpaceRun != (direction == TextDirection::LTR ? bidiRuns.lastRun() : bidiRuns.firstRun());
1065 if (firstSpace != trailingSpaceRun->start()) {
1066 BidiContext* baseContext = currentContext;
1067 while (BidiContext* parent = baseContext->parent())
1068 baseContext = parent;
1070 std::unique_ptr<BidiRun> newTrailingRun = std::make_unique<BidiRun>(firstSpace, trailingSpaceRun->m_stop, trailingSpaceRun->renderer(), baseContext, U_OTHER_NEUTRAL);
1071 trailingSpaceRun->m_stop = firstSpace;
1072 trailingSpaceRun = newTrailingRun.get();
1073 if (direction == TextDirection::LTR)
1074 bidiRuns.appendRun(WTFMove(newTrailingRun));
1075 else
1076 bidiRuns.prependRun(WTFMove(newTrailingRun));
1077 return trailingSpaceRun;
1078 }
1079 if (!shouldReorder)
1080 return trailingSpaceRun;
1082 if (direction == TextDirection::LTR) {
1083 bidiRuns.moveRunToEnd(trailingSpaceRun);
1084 trailingSpaceRun->m_level = 0;
1085 } else {
1086 bidiRuns.moveRunToBeginning(trailingSpaceRun);
1087 trailingSpaceRun->m_level = 1;
1088 }
1089 return trailingSpaceRun;
1092void RenderBlockFlow::appendFloatingObjectToLastLine(FloatingObject& floatingObject)
1094 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!floatingObject.originatingLine());
1095 ASSERT(lastRootBox());
1096 floatingObject.setOriginatingLine(*lastRootBox());
1097 lastRootBox()->appendFloat(floatingObject.renderer());
1100static inline void notifyResolverToResumeInIsolate(InlineBidiResolver& resolver, RenderObject* root, RenderObject* startObject)
1102 if (root != startObject) {
1103 RenderObject* parent = startObject->parent();
1104 notifyResolverToResumeInIsolate(resolver, root, parent);
1105 notifyObserverEnteredObject(&resolver, startObject);
1106 }
1109static inline void setUpResolverToResumeInIsolate(InlineBidiResolver& resolver, InlineBidiResolver& topResolver, BidiRun& isolatedRun, RenderObject* root, RenderObject* startObject)
1111 // Set up m_whitespaceCollapsingState
1112 resolver.whitespaceCollapsingState() = topResolver.whitespaceCollapsingState();
1113 resolver.whitespaceCollapsingState().setCurrentTransition(topResolver.whitespaceCollapsingTransitionForIsolatedRun(isolatedRun));
1115 // Set up m_nestedIsolateCount
1116 notifyResolverToResumeInIsolate(resolver, root, startObject);
1119// FIXME: BidiResolver should have this logic.
1120static inline void constructBidiRunsForSegment(InlineBidiResolver& topResolver, BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const InlineIterator& endOfRuns, VisualDirectionOverride override, bool previousLineBrokeCleanly)
1122 // FIXME: We should pass a BidiRunList into createBidiRunsForLine instead
1123 // of the resolver owning the runs.
1124 ASSERT(&topResolver.runs() == &bidiRuns);
1125 ASSERT(topResolver.position() != endOfRuns);
1126 RenderObject* currentRoot = topResolver.position().root();
1127 topResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(endOfRuns, override, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
1129 while (!topResolver.isolatedRuns().isEmpty()) {
1130 // It does not matter which order we resolve the runs as long as we resolve them all.
1131 auto isolatedRun = WTFMove(topResolver.isolatedRuns().last());
1132 topResolver.isolatedRuns().removeLast();
1133 currentRoot = &isolatedRun.root;
1135 RenderObject& startObject = isolatedRun.object;
1137 // Only inlines make sense with unicode-bidi: isolate (blocks are already isolated).
1138 // FIXME: Because enterIsolate is not passed a RenderObject, we have to crawl up the
1139 // tree to see which parent inline is the isolate. We could change enterIsolate
1140 // to take a RenderObject and do this logic there, but that would be a layering
1141 // violation for BidiResolver (which knows nothing about RenderObject).
1142 RenderInline* isolatedInline = downcast<RenderInline>(highestContainingIsolateWithinRoot(startObject, currentRoot));
1143 ASSERT(isolatedInline);
1145 InlineBidiResolver isolatedResolver;
1146 EUnicodeBidi unicodeBidi = isolatedInline->style().unicodeBidi();
1147 TextDirection direction;
1148 if (unicodeBidi == Plaintext)
1149 determineDirectionality(direction, InlineIterator(isolatedInline, &isolatedRun.object, 0));
1150 else {
1151 ASSERT(unicodeBidi == Isolate || unicodeBidi == IsolateOverride);
1152 direction = isolatedInline->style().direction();
1153 }
1154 isolatedResolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(direction, isOverride(unicodeBidi)));
1156 setUpResolverToResumeInIsolate(isolatedResolver, topResolver, isolatedRun.runToReplace, isolatedInline, &startObject);
1158 // The starting position is the beginning of the first run within the isolate that was identified
1159 // during the earlier call to createBidiRunsForLine. This can be but is not necessarily the
1160 // first run within the isolate.
1161 InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(isolatedInline, &startObject, isolatedRun.position);
1162 isolatedResolver.setPositionIgnoringNestedIsolates(iter);
1164 // We stop at the next end of line; we may re-enter this isolate in the next call to constructBidiRuns().
1165 // FIXME: What should end and previousLineBrokeCleanly be?
1166 // rniwa says previousLineBrokeCleanly is just a WinIE hack and could always be false here?
1167 isolatedResolver.createBidiRunsForLine(endOfRuns, NoVisualOverride, previousLineBrokeCleanly);
1168 // Note that we do not delete the runs from the resolver.
1169 // We're not guaranteed to get any BidiRuns in the previous step. If we don't, we allow the placeholder
1170 // itself to be turned into an InlineBox. We can't remove it here without potentially losing track of
1171 // the logically last run.
1172 if (isolatedResolver.runs().runCount())
1173 bidiRuns.replaceRunWithRuns(&isolatedRun.runToReplace, isolatedResolver.runs());
1175 // If we encountered any nested isolate runs, just move them
1176 // to the top resolver's list for later processing.
1177 while (!isolatedResolver.isolatedRuns().isEmpty()) {
1178 auto runWithContext = WTFMove(isolatedResolver.isolatedRuns().last());
1179 isolatedResolver.isolatedRuns().removeLast();
1180 topResolver.setWhitespaceCollapsingTransitionForIsolatedRun(runWithContext.runToReplace, isolatedResolver.whitespaceCollapsingTransitionForIsolatedRun(runWithContext.runToReplace));
1181 topResolver.isolatedRuns().append(WTFMove(runWithContext));
1182 }
1183 }
1186// This function constructs line boxes for all of the text runs in the resolver and computes their position.
1187RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns(unsigned bidiLevel, BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns, const InlineIterator& end, LineInfo& lineInfo, VerticalPositionCache& verticalPositionCache, BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun, WordMeasurements& wordMeasurements)
1189 if (!bidiRuns.runCount())
1190 return nullptr;
1192 // FIXME: Why is this only done when we had runs?
1193 lineInfo.setLastLine(!end.renderer());
1195 RootInlineBox* lineBox = constructLine(bidiRuns, lineInfo);
1196 if (!lineBox)
1197 return nullptr;
1199 lineBox->setBidiLevel(bidiLevel);
1200 lineBox->setEndsWithBreak(lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly());
1202 bool isSVGRootInlineBox = is<SVGRootInlineBox>(*lineBox);
1204 GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
1206 // Now we position all of our text runs horizontally.
1207 if (!isSVGRootInlineBox)
1208 computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(lineBox, lineInfo, bidiRuns.firstRun(), trailingSpaceRun, end.atEnd(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache, wordMeasurements);
1210 // Now position our text runs vertically.
1211 computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(lineBox, bidiRuns.firstRun(), textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache);
1213 // SVG text layout code computes vertical & horizontal positions on its own.
1214 // Note that we still need to execute computeVerticalPositionsForLine() as
1215 // it calls InlineTextBox::positionLineBox(), which tracks whether the box
1216 // contains reversed text or not. If we wouldn't do that editing and thus
1217 // text selection in RTL boxes would not work as expected.
1218 if (isSVGRootInlineBox) {
1220 downcast<SVGRootInlineBox>(*lineBox).computePerCharacterLayoutInformation();
1221 }
1223 // Compute our overflow now.
1224 lineBox->computeOverflow(lineBox->lineTop(), lineBox->lineBottom(), textBoxDataMap);
1226 return lineBox;
1229static void deleteLineRange(LineLayoutState& layoutState, RootInlineBox* startLine, RootInlineBox* stopLine = 0)
1231 RootInlineBox* boxToDelete = startLine;
1232 while (boxToDelete && boxToDelete != stopLine) {
1233 layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(boxToDelete);
1234 // Note: deleteLineRange(firstRootBox()) is not identical to deleteLineBoxTree().
1235 // deleteLineBoxTree uses nextLineBox() instead of nextRootBox() when traversing.
1236 RootInlineBox* next = boxToDelete->nextRootBox();
1237 boxToDelete->deleteLine();
1238 boxToDelete = next;
1239 }
1242static void repaintDirtyFloats(LineLayoutState::FloatList& floats)
1244 // Floats that did not have layout did not repaint when we laid them out. They would have
1245 // painted by now if they had moved, but if they stayed at (0, 0), they still need to be
1246 // painted.
1247 for (auto& floatBox : floats) {
1248 if (floatBox->everHadLayout())
1249 continue;
1250 auto& box = floatBox->renderer();
1251 if (!box.x() && !box.y() && box.checkForRepaintDuringLayout())
1252 box.repaint();
1253 }
1256void RenderBlockFlow::layoutRunsAndFloats(LineLayoutState& layoutState, bool hasInlineChild)
1258 // We want to skip ahead to the first dirty line
1259 InlineBidiResolver resolver;
1260 RootInlineBox* startLine = determineStartPosition(layoutState, resolver);
1262 unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines = 0;
1263 if (startLine) {
1264 for (RootInlineBox* line = startLine->prevRootBox(); line && line->isHyphenated(); line = line->prevRootBox())
1265 consecutiveHyphenatedLines++;
1266 }
1268 // FIXME: This would make more sense outside of this function, but since
1269 // determineStartPosition can change the fullLayout flag we have to do this here. Failure to call
1270 // determineStartPosition first will break fast/repaint/line-flow-with-floats-9.html.
1271 if (layoutState.isFullLayout() && hasInlineChild && !selfNeedsLayout()) {
1272 setNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis); // Mark as needing a full layout to force us to repaint.
1273 if (!view().frameView().layoutContext().needsFullRepaint() && hasSelfPaintingLayer() && hasRepaintLayoutRects()) {
1274 // Because we waited until we were already inside layout to discover
1275 // that the block really needed a full layout, we missed our chance to repaint the layer
1276 // before layout started. Luckily the layer has cached the repaint rect for its original
1277 // position and size, and so we can use that to make a repaint happen now.
1278 repaintUsingContainer(containerForRepaint(), repaintLayoutRects().m_repaintRect);
1279 }
1280 }
1282 if (containsFloats())
1283 layoutState.floatList().setLastFloat(m_floatingObjects->set().last().get());
1285 // We also find the first clean line and extract these lines. We will add them back
1286 // if we determine that we're able to synchronize after handling all our dirty lines.
1287 InlineIterator cleanLineStart;
1288 BidiStatus cleanLineBidiStatus;
1289 if (!layoutState.isFullLayout() && startLine)
1290 determineEndPosition(layoutState, startLine, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus);
1292 if (startLine) {
1293 if (!layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
1294 layoutState.setRepaintRange(logicalHeight());
1295 deleteLineRange(layoutState, startLine);
1296 }
1298 if (!layoutState.isFullLayout() && lastRootBox() && lastRootBox()->endsWithBreak()) {
1299 // If the last line before the start line ends with a line break that clear floats,
1300 // adjust the height accordingly.
1301 // A line break can be either the first or the last object on a line, depending on its direction.
1302 if (InlineBox* lastLeafChild = lastRootBox()->lastLeafChild()) {
1303 RenderObject* lastObject = &lastLeafChild->renderer();
1304 if (!lastObject->isBR())
1305 lastObject = &lastRootBox()->firstLeafChild()->renderer();
1306 if (lastObject->isBR()) {
1307 Clear clear = lastObject->style().clear();
1308 if (clear != Clear::None)
1309 clearFloats(clear);
1310 }
1311 }
1312 }
1314 layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(layoutState, resolver, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus, consecutiveHyphenatedLines);
1315 linkToEndLineIfNeeded(layoutState);
1316 repaintDirtyFloats(layoutState.floatList());
1319// Before restarting the layout loop with a new logicalHeight, remove all floats that were added and reset the resolver.
1320inline const InlineIterator& RenderBlockFlow::restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight, LayoutUnit newLogicalHeight, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& oldEnd)
1322 removeFloatingObjectsBelow(lastFloatFromPreviousLine, oldLogicalHeight);
1323 setLogicalHeight(newLogicalHeight);
1324 resolver.setPositionIgnoringNestedIsolates(oldEnd);
1325 return oldEnd;
1328void RenderBlockFlow::layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(LineLayoutState& layoutState, InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, const BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus, unsigned consecutiveHyphenatedLines)
1330 const RenderStyle& styleToUse = style();
1331 bool paginated = view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState() && view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState()->isPaginated();
1332 LineWhitespaceCollapsingState& lineWhitespaceCollapsingState = resolver.whitespaceCollapsingState();
1333 InlineIterator end = resolver.position();
1334 bool checkForEndLineMatch = layoutState.endLine();
1335 RenderTextInfo renderTextInfo;
1336 VerticalPositionCache verticalPositionCache;
1338 LineBreaker lineBreaker(*this);
1340 while (!end.atEnd()) {
1341 // FIXME: Is this check necessary before the first iteration or can it be moved to the end?
1342 if (checkForEndLineMatch) {
1343 layoutState.setEndLineMatched(matchedEndLine(layoutState, resolver, cleanLineStart, cleanLineBidiStatus));
1344 if (layoutState.endLineMatched()) {
1345 resolver.setPosition(InlineIterator(resolver.position().root(), 0, 0), 0);
1346 layoutState.marginInfo().clearMargin();
1347 break;
1348 }
1349 }
1351 lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.reset();
1353 layoutState.lineInfo().setEmpty(true);
1354 layoutState.lineInfo().resetRunsFromLeadingWhitespace();
1356 const InlineIterator oldEnd = end;
1357 bool isNewUBAParagraph = layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly();
1358 FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine = (containsFloats()) ? m_floatingObjects->set().last().get() : nullptr;
1360 WordMeasurements wordMeasurements;
1361 end = lineBreaker.nextLineBreak(resolver, layoutState.lineInfo(), renderTextInfo, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, consecutiveHyphenatedLines, wordMeasurements);
1362 cachePriorCharactersIfNeeded(renderTextInfo.lineBreakIterator);
1363 renderTextInfo.lineBreakIterator.resetPriorContext();
1364 if (resolver.position().atEnd()) {
1365 // FIXME: We shouldn't be creating any runs in nextLineBreak to begin with!
1366 // Once BidiRunList is separated from BidiResolver this will not be needed.
1367 resolver.runs().clear();
1368 resolver.markCurrentRunEmpty(); // FIXME: This can probably be replaced by an ASSERT (or just removed).
1369 layoutState.setCheckForFloatsFromLastLine(true);
1370 resolver.setPosition(InlineIterator(resolver.position().root(), 0, 0), 0);
1371 break;
1372 }
1374 ASSERT(end != resolver.position());
1376 // This is a short-cut for empty lines.
1377 if (layoutState.lineInfo().isEmpty()) {
1378 if (lastRootBox())
1379 lastRootBox()->setLineBreakInfo(end.renderer(), end.offset(), resolver.status());
1380 } else {
1381 VisualDirectionOverride override = (styleToUse.rtlOrdering() == Order::Visual ? (styleToUse.direction() == TextDirection::LTR ? VisualLeftToRightOverride : VisualRightToLeftOverride) : NoVisualOverride);
1383 if (isNewUBAParagraph && styleToUse.unicodeBidi() == Plaintext && !resolver.context()->parent()) {
1384 TextDirection direction = styleToUse.direction();
1385 determineDirectionality(direction, resolver.position());
1386 resolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(direction, isOverride(styleToUse.unicodeBidi())));
1387 }
1388 // FIXME: This ownership is reversed. We should own the BidiRunList and pass it to createBidiRunsForLine.
1389 BidiRunList<BidiRun>& bidiRuns = resolver.runs();
1390 constructBidiRunsForSegment(resolver, bidiRuns, end, override, layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly());
1391 ASSERT(resolver.position() == end);
1393 BidiRun* trailingSpaceRun = !layoutState.lineInfo().previousLineBrokeCleanly() ? handleTrailingSpaces(bidiRuns, resolver.context()) : nullptr;
1395 if (bidiRuns.runCount() && lineBreaker.lineWasHyphenated()) {
1396 bidiRuns.logicallyLastRun()->m_hasHyphen = true;
1397 consecutiveHyphenatedLines++;
1398 } else
1399 consecutiveHyphenatedLines = 0;
1401 // Now that the runs have been ordered, we create the line boxes.
1402 // At the same time we figure out where border/padding/margin should be applied for
1403 // inline flow boxes.
1405 LayoutUnit oldLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
1406 RootInlineBox* lineBox = createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns(resolver.status().context->level(), bidiRuns, end, layoutState.lineInfo(), verticalPositionCache, trailingSpaceRun, wordMeasurements);
1408 bidiRuns.clear();
1409 resolver.markCurrentRunEmpty(); // FIXME: This can probably be replaced by an ASSERT (or just removed).
1411 if (lineBox) {
1412 lineBox->setLineBreakInfo(end.renderer(), end.offset(), resolver.status());
1413 if (layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
1414 layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(lineBox);
1416 LayoutUnit adjustment;
1417 bool overflowsFragment = false;
1419 layoutState.marginInfo().setAtBeforeSideOfBlock(false);
1421 if (paginated)
1422 adjustLinePositionForPagination(lineBox, adjustment, overflowsFragment, layoutState.fragmentedFlow());
1423 if (adjustment) {
1424 IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = layoutState.lineInfo().isFirstLine() ? IndentText : DoNotIndentText;
1425 LayoutUnit oldLineWidth = availableLogicalWidthForLine(oldLogicalHeight, shouldIndentText);
1426 lineBox->adjustBlockDirectionPosition(adjustment);
1427 if (layoutState.usesRepaintBounds())
1428 layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(lineBox);
1430 if (availableLogicalWidthForLine(oldLogicalHeight + adjustment, shouldIndentText) != oldLineWidth) {
1431 // We have to delete this line, remove all floats that got added, and let line layout re-run.
1432 lineBox->deleteLine();
1433 end = restartLayoutRunsAndFloatsInRange(oldLogicalHeight, oldLogicalHeight + adjustment, lastFloatFromPreviousLine, resolver, oldEnd);
1434 continue;
1435 }
1437 setLogicalHeight(lineBox->lineBottomWithLeading());
1438 }
1440 if (paginated) {
1441 if (layoutState.fragmentedFlow())
1442 updateFragmentForLine(lineBox);
1443 }
1444 }
1445 }
1447 for (size_t i = 0; i < lineBreaker.positionedObjects().size(); ++i)
1448 setStaticPositions(*this, *lineBreaker.positionedObjects()[i], DoNotIndentText);
1450 if (!layoutState.lineInfo().isEmpty()) {
1451 layoutState.lineInfo().setFirstLine(false);
1452 clearFloats(lineBreaker.clear());
1453 }
1455 if (m_floatingObjects && lastRootBox()) {
1456 const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
1457 auto it = floatingObjectSet.begin();
1458 auto end = floatingObjectSet.end();
1459 if (auto* lastFloat = layoutState.floatList().lastFloat()) {
1460 auto lastFloatIterator = floatingObjectSet.find(lastFloat);
1461 ASSERT(lastFloatIterator != end);
1462 ++lastFloatIterator;
1463 it = lastFloatIterator;
1464 }
1465 for (; it != end; ++it) {
1466 auto& floatingObject = *it;
1467 appendFloatingObjectToLastLine(*floatingObject);
1468 // If a float's geometry has changed, give up on syncing with clean lines.
1469 auto* floatWithRect = layoutState.floatList().floatWithRect(floatingObject->renderer());
1470 if (!floatWithRect || floatWithRect->rect() != floatingObject->frameRect())
1471 checkForEndLineMatch = false;
1472 }
1473 layoutState.floatList().setLastFloat(!floatingObjectSet.isEmpty() ? floatingObjectSet.last().get() : nullptr);
1474 }
1476 lineWhitespaceCollapsingState.reset();
1477 resolver.setPosition(end, numberOfIsolateAncestors(end));
1478 }
1480 // In case we already adjusted the line positions during this layout to avoid widows
1481 // then we need to ignore the possibility of having a new widows situation.
1482 // Otherwise, we risk leaving empty containers which is against the block fragmentation principles.
1483 if (paginated && !style().hasAutoWidows() && !didBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow()) {
1484 // Check the line boxes to make sure we didn't create unacceptable widows.
1485 // However, we'll prioritize orphans - so nothing we do here should create
1486 // a new orphan.
1488 RootInlineBox* lineBox = lastRootBox();
1490 // Count from the end of the block backwards, to see how many hanging
1491 // lines we have.
1492 RootInlineBox* firstLineInBlock = firstRootBox();
1493 int numLinesHanging = 1;
1494 while (lineBox && lineBox != firstLineInBlock && !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
1495 ++numLinesHanging;
1496 lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
1497 }
1499 // If there were no breaks in the block, we didn't create any widows.
1500 if (!lineBox || !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak() || lineBox == firstLineInBlock)
1501 return;
1503 if (numLinesHanging < style().widows()) {
1504 // We have detected a widow. Now we need to work out how many
1505 // lines there are on the previous page, and how many we need
1506 // to steal.
1507 int numLinesNeeded = style().widows() - numLinesHanging;
1508 RootInlineBox* currentFirstLineOfNewPage = lineBox;
1510 // Count the number of lines in the previous page.
1511 lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
1512 int numLinesInPreviousPage = 1;
1513 while (lineBox && lineBox != firstLineInBlock && !lineBox->isFirstAfterPageBreak()) {
1514 ++numLinesInPreviousPage;
1515 lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
1516 }
1518 // If there was an explicit value for orphans, respect that. If not, we still
1519 // shouldn't create a situation where we make an orphan bigger than the initial value.
1520 // This means that setting widows implies we also care about orphans, but given
1521 // the specification says the initial orphan value is non-zero, this is ok. The
1522 // author is always free to set orphans explicitly as well.
1523 int orphans = style().hasAutoOrphans() ? style().initialOrphans() : style().orphans();
1524 int numLinesAvailable = numLinesInPreviousPage - orphans;
1525 if (numLinesAvailable <= 0)
1526 return;
1528 int numLinesToTake = std::min(numLinesAvailable, numLinesNeeded);
1529 // Wind back from our first widowed line.
1530 lineBox = currentFirstLineOfNewPage;
1531 for (int i = 0; i < numLinesToTake; ++i)
1532 lineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
1534 // We now want to break at this line. Remember for next layout and trigger relayout.
1535 setBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow(lineCount(lineBox));
1536 markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(lastRootBox()->lineBottomWithLeading(), lineBox->lineBottomWithLeading(), lineBox);
1537 }
1538 }
1539 clearDidBreakAtLineToAvoidWidow();
1542void RenderBlockFlow::reattachCleanLineFloats(RootInlineBox& cleanLine, LayoutUnit delta, bool isFirstCleanLine)
1544 auto* cleanLineFloats = cleanLine.floatsPtr();
1545 if (!cleanLineFloats)
1546 return;
1548 for (auto& floatingBox : *cleanLineFloats) {
1549 if (!floatingBox)
1550 continue;
1551 auto* floatingObject = insertFloatingObject(*floatingBox);
1552 if (isFirstCleanLine && floatingObject->originatingLine()) {
1553 // Float box does not belong to this line anymore.
1554 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(cleanLine.prevRootBox() == floatingObject->originatingLine());
1555 cleanLine.removeFloat(*floatingBox);
1556 continue;
1557 }
1558 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!floatingObject->originatingLine());
1559 floatingObject->setOriginatingLine(cleanLine);
1560 setLogicalHeight(logicalTopForChild(*floatingBox) - marginBeforeForChild(*floatingBox) + delta);
1561 positionNewFloats();
1562 }
1565void RenderBlockFlow::linkToEndLineIfNeeded(LineLayoutState& layoutState)
1567 auto* firstCleanLine = layoutState.endLine();
1568 if (firstCleanLine) {
1569 if (layoutState.endLineMatched()) {
1570 bool paginated = view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState() && view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState()->isPaginated();
1571 // Attach all the remaining lines, and then adjust their y-positions as needed.
1572 LayoutUnit delta = logicalHeight() - layoutState.endLineLogicalTop();
1573 for (auto* line = firstCleanLine; line; line = line->nextRootBox()) {
1574 line->attachLine();
1575 if (paginated) {
1576 delta -= line->paginationStrut();
1577 bool overflowsFragment;
1578 adjustLinePositionForPagination(line, delta, overflowsFragment, layoutState.fragmentedFlow());
1579 }
1580 if (delta) {
1581 layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(line, delta);
1582 line->adjustBlockDirectionPosition(delta);
1583 }
1584 if (layoutState.fragmentedFlow())
1585 updateFragmentForLine(line);
1586 reattachCleanLineFloats(*line, delta, line == firstCleanLine);
1587 }
1588 setLogicalHeight(lastRootBox()->lineBottomWithLeading());
1589 } else {
1590 // Delete all the remaining lines.
1591 deleteLineRange(layoutState, layoutState.endLine());
1592 }
1593 }
1595 if (m_floatingObjects && (layoutState.checkForFloatsFromLastLine() || positionNewFloats()) && lastRootBox()) {
1596 // In case we have a float on the last line, it might not be positioned up to now.
1597 // This has to be done before adding in the bottom border/padding, or the float will
1598 // include the padding incorrectly. -dwh
1599 if (layoutState.checkForFloatsFromLastLine()) {
1600 LayoutUnit bottomVisualOverflow = lastRootBox()->logicalBottomVisualOverflow();
1601 LayoutUnit bottomLayoutOverflow = lastRootBox()->logicalBottomLayoutOverflow();
1602 auto newLineBox = std::make_unique<TrailingFloatsRootInlineBox>(*this);
1603 auto trailingFloatsLineBox = newLineBox.get();
1604 m_lineBoxes.appendLineBox(WTFMove(newLineBox));
1605 trailingFloatsLineBox->setConstructed();
1606 GlyphOverflowAndFallbackFontsMap textBoxDataMap;
1607 VerticalPositionCache verticalPositionCache;
1608 LayoutUnit blockLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
1609 trailingFloatsLineBox->alignBoxesInBlockDirection(blockLogicalHeight, textBoxDataMap, verticalPositionCache);
1610 trailingFloatsLineBox->setLineTopBottomPositions(blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight, blockLogicalHeight);
1611 trailingFloatsLineBox->setPaginatedLineWidth(availableLogicalWidthForContent(blockLogicalHeight));
1612 LayoutRect logicalLayoutOverflow(0_lu, blockLogicalHeight, 1_lu, bottomLayoutOverflow - blockLogicalHeight);
1613 LayoutRect logicalVisualOverflow(0_lu, blockLogicalHeight, 1_lu, bottomVisualOverflow - blockLogicalHeight);
1614 trailingFloatsLineBox->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(logicalLayoutOverflow, logicalVisualOverflow, trailingFloatsLineBox->lineTop(), trailingFloatsLineBox->lineBottom());
1615 if (layoutState.fragmentedFlow())
1616 updateFragmentForLine(trailingFloatsLineBox);
1617 }
1619 const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
1620 auto it = floatingObjectSet.begin();
1621 auto end = floatingObjectSet.end();
1622 if (auto* lastFloat = layoutState.floatList().lastFloat()) {
1623 auto lastFloatIterator = floatingObjectSet.find(lastFloat);
1624 ASSERT(lastFloatIterator != end);
1625 ++lastFloatIterator;
1626 it = lastFloatIterator;
1627 }
1628 for (; it != end; ++it)
1629 appendFloatingObjectToLastLine(**it);
1630 layoutState.floatList().setLastFloat(!floatingObjectSet.isEmpty() ? floatingObjectSet.last().get() : nullptr);
1631 }
1634void RenderBlockFlow::layoutLineBoxes(bool relayoutChildren, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalTop, LayoutUnit& repaintLogicalBottom)
1636 ASSERT(!m_simpleLineLayout);
1638 setLogicalHeight(borderAndPaddingBefore());
1640 // Lay out our hypothetical grid line as though it occurs at the top of the block.
1641 if (view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState() && view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState()->lineGrid() == this)
1642 layoutLineGridBox();
1644 RenderFragmentedFlow* fragmentedFlow = enclosingFragmentedFlow();
1645 bool clearLinesForPagination = firstRootBox() && fragmentedFlow && !fragmentedFlow->hasFragments();
1647 // Figure out if we should clear out our line boxes.
1648 // FIXME: Handle resize eventually!
1649 bool isFullLayout = !firstRootBox() || selfNeedsLayout() || relayoutChildren || clearLinesForPagination;
1650 LineLayoutState layoutState(*this, isFullLayout, repaintLogicalTop, repaintLogicalBottom, fragmentedFlow);
1652 if (isFullLayout)
1653 lineBoxes().deleteLineBoxes();
1655 // Text truncation kicks in in two cases:
1656 // 1) If your overflow isn't visible and your text-overflow-mode isn't clip.
1657 // 2) If you're an anonymous block with a block parent that satisfies #1.
1658 // FIXME: CSS3 says that descendants that are clipped must also know how to truncate. This is insanely
1659 // difficult to figure out in general (especially in the middle of doing layout), so we only handle the
1660 // simple case of an anonymous block truncating when it's parent is clipped.
1661 bool hasTextOverflow = (style().textOverflow() == TextOverflow::Ellipsis && hasOverflowClip())
1662 || (isAnonymousBlock() && parent() && parent()->isRenderBlock() && parent()->style().textOverflow() == TextOverflow::Ellipsis && parent()->hasOverflowClip());
1664 // Walk all the lines and delete our ellipsis line boxes if they exist.
1665 if (hasTextOverflow)
1666 deleteEllipsisLineBoxes();
1668 if (firstChild()) {
1669 // In full layout mode, clear the line boxes of children upfront. Otherwise,
1670 // siblings can run into stale root lineboxes during layout. Then layout
1671 // the replaced elements later. In partial layout mode, line boxes are not
1672 // deleted and only dirtied. In that case, we can layout the replaced
1673 // elements at the same time.
1674 bool hasInlineChild = false;
1675 Vector<RenderBox*> replacedChildren;
1676 for (InlineWalker walker(*this); !walker.atEnd(); walker.advance()) {
1677 RenderObject& o = *walker.current();
1679 if (!hasInlineChild && o.isInline())
1680 hasInlineChild = true;
1682 if (o.isReplaced() || o.isFloating() || o.isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
1683 RenderBox& box = downcast<RenderBox>(o);
1685 if (relayoutChildren || box.hasRelativeDimensions())
1686 box.setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
1688 // If relayoutChildren is set and the child has percentage padding or an embedded content box, we also need to invalidate the childs pref widths.
1689 if (relayoutChildren && box.needsPreferredWidthsRecalculation())
1690 box.setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty(true, MarkOnlyThis);
1692 if (box.isOutOfFlowPositioned())
1693 box.containingBlock()->insertPositionedObject(box);
1694 else if (box.isFloating())
1695 layoutState.floatList().append(FloatWithRect::create(box));
1696 else if (isFullLayout || box.needsLayout()) {
1697 // Replaced element.
1698 if (isFullLayout && is<RenderRubyRun>(box)) {
1699 // FIXME: This resets the overhanging margins that we set during line layout (see computeInlineDirectionPositionsForSegment)
1700 // Find a more suitable place for this.
1701 setMarginStartForChild(box, 0);
1702 setMarginEndForChild(box, 0);
1703 }
1704 box.dirtyLineBoxes(isFullLayout);
1705 if (isFullLayout)
1706 replacedChildren.append(&box);
1707 else
1708 box.layoutIfNeeded();
1709 }
1710 } else if (o.isTextOrLineBreak() || (is<RenderInline>(o) && !walker.atEndOfInline())) {
1711 if (is<RenderInline>(o))
1712 downcast<RenderInline>(o).updateAlwaysCreateLineBoxes(layoutState.isFullLayout());
1713 if (layoutState.isFullLayout() || o.selfNeedsLayout())
1714 dirtyLineBoxesForRenderer(o, layoutState.isFullLayout());
1715 o.clearNeedsLayout();
1716 }
1717 }
1719 for (size_t i = 0; i < replacedChildren.size(); i++)
1720 replacedChildren[i]->layoutIfNeeded();
1722 layoutRunsAndFloats(layoutState, hasInlineChild);
1723 }
1725 // Expand the last line to accommodate Ruby and emphasis marks.
1726 int lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = 0;
1727 if (lastRootBox()) {
1728 LayoutUnit lowestAllowedPosition = std::max(lastRootBox()->lineBottom(), logicalHeight() + paddingAfter());
1729 if (!style().isFlippedLinesWritingMode())
1730 lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = lastRootBox()->computeUnderAnnotationAdjustment(lowestAllowedPosition);
1731 else
1732 lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment = lastRootBox()->computeOverAnnotationAdjustment(lowestAllowedPosition);
1733 }
1735 // Now do the handling of the bottom of the block, adding in our bottom border/padding and
1736 // determining the correct collapsed bottom margin information. This collapse is only necessary
1737 // if our last child was an anonymous inline block that might need to propagate margin information out to
1738 // us.
1739 LayoutUnit afterEdge = borderAndPaddingAfter() + scrollbarLogicalHeight() + lastLineAnnotationsAdjustment;
1740 setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + afterEdge);
1742 if (!firstRootBox() && hasLineIfEmpty())
1743 setLogicalHeight(logicalHeight() + lineHeight(true, isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes));
1745 // See if we have any lines that spill out of our block. If we do, then we will possibly need to
1746 // truncate text.
1747 if (hasTextOverflow)
1748 checkLinesForTextOverflow();
1751void RenderBlockFlow::checkFloatInCleanLine(RootInlineBox& cleanLine, RenderBox& floatBoxOnCleanLine, FloatWithRect& matchingFloatWithRect,
1752 bool& encounteredNewFloat, bool& dirtiedByFloat)
1754 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!floatBoxOnCleanLine.style().deletionHasBegun());
1755 if (&matchingFloatWithRect.renderer() != &floatBoxOnCleanLine) {
1756 encounteredNewFloat = true;
1757 return;
1758 }
1759 floatBoxOnCleanLine.layoutIfNeeded();
1760 LayoutRect originalFloatRect = matchingFloatWithRect.rect();
1761 LayoutSize newSize(
1762 floatBoxOnCleanLine.width() + floatBoxOnCleanLine.horizontalMarginExtent(),
1763 floatBoxOnCleanLine.height() + floatBoxOnCleanLine.verticalMarginExtent());
1765 // We have to reset the cap-height alignment done by the first-letter floats when initial-letter is set, so just always treat first-letter floats as dirty.
1766 if (originalFloatRect.size() == newSize && (floatBoxOnCleanLine.style().styleType() != PseudoId::FirstLetter || !floatBoxOnCleanLine.style().initialLetterDrop()))
1767 return;
1769 LayoutUnit floatTop = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? originalFloatRect.y() : originalFloatRect.x();
1770 LayoutUnit floatHeight = isHorizontalWritingMode() ? std::max(originalFloatRect.height(), newSize.height())
1771 : std::max(originalFloatRect.width(), newSize.width());
1772 floatHeight = std::min(floatHeight, LayoutUnit::max() - floatTop);
1773 cleanLine.markDirty();
1774 markLinesDirtyInBlockRange(cleanLine.lineBottomWithLeading(), floatTop + floatHeight, &cleanLine);
1775 LayoutRect newFloatRect = originalFloatRect;
1776 newFloatRect.setSize(newSize);
1777 matchingFloatWithRect.adjustRect(newFloatRect);
1778 dirtiedByFloat = true;
1781RootInlineBox* RenderBlockFlow::determineStartPosition(LineLayoutState& layoutState, InlineBidiResolver& resolver)
1783 RootInlineBox* currentLine = nullptr;
1784 RootInlineBox* lastLine = nullptr;
1786 // FIXME: This entire float-checking block needs to be broken into a new function.
1787 auto& floats = layoutState.floatList();
1788 bool dirtiedByFloat = false;
1789 if (!layoutState.isFullLayout()) {
1790 // Paginate all of the clean lines.
1791 bool paginated = view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState() && view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState()->isPaginated();
1792 LayoutUnit paginationDelta;
1793 auto floatsIterator = floats.begin();
1794 auto end = floats.end();
1795 for (currentLine = firstRootBox(); currentLine && !currentLine->isDirty(); currentLine = currentLine->nextRootBox()) {
1796 if (paginated) {
1797 if (lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(currentLine, 0, layoutState.fragmentedFlow())) {
1798 currentLine->markDirty();
1799 break;
1800 }
1801 paginationDelta -= currentLine->paginationStrut();
1802 bool overflowsFragment;
1803 adjustLinePositionForPagination(currentLine, paginationDelta, overflowsFragment, layoutState.fragmentedFlow());
1804 if (paginationDelta) {
1805 if (containsFloats() || !floats.isEmpty()) {
1806 // FIXME: Do better eventually. For now if we ever shift because of pagination and floats are present just go to a full layout.
1807 layoutState.markForFullLayout();
1808 break;
1809 }
1811 layoutState.updateRepaintRangeFromBox(currentLine, paginationDelta);
1812 currentLine->adjustBlockDirectionPosition(paginationDelta);
1813 }
1814 if (layoutState.fragmentedFlow())
1815 updateFragmentForLine(currentLine);
1816 }
1818 if (auto* cleanLineFloats = currentLine->floatsPtr()) {
1819 // If a new float has been inserted before this line or before its last known float, just do a full layout.
1820 bool encounteredNewFloat = false;
1821 for (auto& floatBoxOnCleanLine : *cleanLineFloats) {
1822 ASSERT(floatsIterator != end);
1823 if (!floatBoxOnCleanLine)
1824 continue;
1825 checkFloatInCleanLine(*currentLine, *floatBoxOnCleanLine, *floatsIterator, encounteredNewFloat, dirtiedByFloat);
1826 ++floatsIterator;
1827 if (floatsIterator == end || encounteredNewFloat) {
1828 layoutState.markForFullLayout();
1829 break;
1830 }
1831 }
1832 if (dirtiedByFloat || encounteredNewFloat)
1833 break;
1834 }
1835 }
1836 // Check if a new float has been inserted after the last known float.
1837 if (floatsIterator != end) {
1838 if (!currentLine)
1839 layoutState.markForFullLayout();
1840 else {
1841 for (; floatsIterator != end; ++floatsIterator) {
1842 auto& floatWithRect = *floatsIterator;
1843 if (!floatWithRect->renderer().needsLayout())
1844 continue;
1845 layoutState.markForFullLayout();
1846 break;
1847 }
1848 }
1849 }
1850 }
1852 if (layoutState.isFullLayout()) {
1853 m_lineBoxes.deleteLineBoxTree();
1854 currentLine = nullptr;
1855 ASSERT(!firstRootBox() && !lastRootBox());
1856 } else {
1857 if (currentLine) {
1858 // We have a dirty line.
1859 if (RootInlineBox* prevRootBox = currentLine->prevRootBox()) {
1860 // We have a previous line.
1861 if (!dirtiedByFloat && (!prevRootBox->endsWithBreak()
1862 || !prevRootBox->lineBreakObj()
1863 || (is<RenderText>(*prevRootBox->lineBreakObj())
1864 && prevRootBox->lineBreakPos() >= downcast<RenderText>(*prevRootBox->lineBreakObj()).text().length()))) {
1865 // The previous line didn't break cleanly or broke at a newline
1866 // that has been deleted, so treat it as dirty too.
1867 currentLine = prevRootBox;
1868 }
1869 }
1870 }
1871 // If we have no dirty lines, then last is just the last root box.
1872 lastLine = currentLine ? currentLine->prevRootBox() : lastRootBox();
1873 }
1875 if (!floats.isEmpty()) {
1876 LayoutUnit savedLogicalHeight = logicalHeight();
1877 // Restore floats from clean lines.
1878 RootInlineBox* line = firstRootBox();
1879 while (line != currentLine) {
1880 if (auto* cleanLineFloats = line->floatsPtr()) {
1881 for (auto& floatingBox : *cleanLineFloats) {
1882 if (!floatingBox)
1883 continue;
1884 auto* floatingObject = insertFloatingObject(*floatingBox);
1885 ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(!floatingObject->originatingLine());
1886 floatingObject->setOriginatingLine(*line);
1887 setLogicalHeight(logicalTopForChild(*floatingBox) - marginBeforeForChild(*floatingBox));
1888 positionNewFloats();
1889 floats.setLastCleanFloat(*floatingBox);
1890 }
1891 }
1892 line = line->nextRootBox();
1893 }
1894 setLogicalHeight(savedLogicalHeight);
1895 }
1897 layoutState.lineInfo().setFirstLine(!lastLine);
1898 layoutState.lineInfo().setPreviousLineBrokeCleanly(!lastLine || lastLine->endsWithBreak());
1900 if (lastLine) {
1901 setLogicalHeight(lastLine->lineBottomWithLeading());
1902 InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(this, lastLine->lineBreakObj(), lastLine->lineBreakPos());
1903 resolver.setPosition(iter, numberOfIsolateAncestors(iter));
1904 resolver.setStatus(lastLine->lineBreakBidiStatus());
1905 } else {
1906 TextDirection direction = style().direction();
1907 if (style().unicodeBidi() == Plaintext)
1908 determineDirectionality(direction, InlineIterator(this, bidiFirstSkippingEmptyInlines(*this), 0));
1909 resolver.setStatus(BidiStatus(direction, isOverride(style().unicodeBidi())));
1910 InlineIterator iter = InlineIterator(this, bidiFirstSkippingEmptyInlines(*this, &resolver), 0);
1911 resolver.setPosition(iter, numberOfIsolateAncestors(iter));
1912 }
1913 return currentLine;
1916void RenderBlockFlow::determineEndPosition(LineLayoutState& layoutState, RootInlineBox* startLine, InlineIterator& cleanLineStart, BidiStatus& cleanLineBidiStatus)
1918 auto iteratorForFirstDirtyFloat = [](LineLayoutState::FloatList& floats) {
1919 auto lastCleanFloat = floats.lastCleanFloat();
1920 if (!lastCleanFloat)
1921 return floats.begin();
1922 auto* lastCleanFloatWithRect = floats.floatWithRect(*lastCleanFloat);
1923 ASSERT(lastCleanFloatWithRect);
1924 return ++floats.find(*lastCleanFloatWithRect);
1925 };
1927 ASSERT(!layoutState.endLine());
1928 auto floatsIterator = iteratorForFirstDirtyFloat(layoutState.floatList());
1929 auto end = layoutState.floatList().end();
1930 RootInlineBox* lastLine = nullptr;
1931 for (RootInlineBox* currentLine = startLine->nextRootBox(); currentLine; currentLine = currentLine->nextRootBox()) {
1932 if (!currentLine->isDirty()) {
1933 if (auto* cleanLineFloats = currentLine->floatsPtr()) {
1934 bool encounteredNewFloat = false;
1935 bool dirtiedByFloat = false;
1936 for (auto& floatBoxOnCleanLine : *cleanLineFloats) {
1937 if (!floatBoxOnCleanLine)
1938 continue;
1939 ASSERT(floatsIterator != end);
1940 checkFloatInCleanLine(*currentLine, *floatBoxOnCleanLine, *floatsIterator, encounteredNewFloat, dirtiedByFloat);
1941 ++floatsIterator;
1942 if (floatsIterator == end || encounteredNewFloat)
1943 return;
1944 }
1945 }
1946 }
1947 if (currentLine->isDirty())
1948 lastLine = nullptr;
1949 else if (!lastLine)
1950 lastLine = currentLine;
1951 }
1953 if (!lastLine)
1954 return;
1956 // At this point, |last| is the first line in a run of clean lines that ends with the last line
1957 // in the block.
1958 RootInlineBox* previousLine = lastLine->prevRootBox();
1959 cleanLineStart = InlineIterator(this, previousLine->lineBreakObj(), previousLine->lineBreakPos());
1960 cleanLineBidiStatus = previousLine->lineBreakBidiStatus();
1961 layoutState.setEndLineLogicalTop(previousLine->lineBottomWithLeading());
1963 for (RootInlineBox* line = lastLine; line; line = line->nextRootBox()) {
1964 // Disconnect all line boxes from their render objects while preserving their connections to one another.
1965 line->extractLine();
1966 }
1967 layoutState.setEndLine(lastLine);
1970bool RenderBlockFlow::checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(LineLayoutState& layoutState)
1972 LayoutUnit lineDelta = logicalHeight() - layoutState.endLineLogicalTop();
1974 bool paginated = view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState() && view().frameView().layoutContext().layoutState()->isPaginated();
1975 if (paginated && layoutState.fragmentedFlow()) {
1976 // Check all lines from here to the end, and see if the hypothetical new position for the lines will result
1977 // in a different available line width.
1978 for (RootInlineBox* lineBox = layoutState.endLine(); lineBox; lineBox = lineBox->nextRootBox()) {
1979 if (paginated) {
1980 // This isn't the real move we're going to do, so don't update the line box's pagination
1981 // strut yet.
1982 LayoutUnit oldPaginationStrut = lineBox->paginationStrut();
1983 bool overflowsFragment;
1984 lineDelta -= oldPaginationStrut;
1985 adjustLinePositionForPagination(lineBox, lineDelta, overflowsFragment, layoutState.fragmentedFlow());
1986 lineBox->setPaginationStrut(oldPaginationStrut);
1987 }
1988 if (lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(lineBox, lineDelta, layoutState.fragmentedFlow()))
1989 return false;
1990 }
1991 }
1993 if (!lineDelta || !m_floatingObjects)
1994 return true;
1996 // See if any floats end in the range along which we want to shift the lines vertically.
1997 LayoutUnit logicalTop = std::min(logicalHeight(), layoutState.endLineLogicalTop());
1999 RootInlineBox* lastLine = layoutState.endLine();
2000 while (RootInlineBox* nextLine = lastLine->nextRootBox())
2001 lastLine = nextLine;
2003 LayoutUnit logicalBottom = lastLine->lineBottomWithLeading() + absoluteValue(lineDelta);
2005 const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
2006 auto end = floatingObjectSet.end();
2007 for (auto it = floatingObjectSet.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
2008 const auto& floatingObject = *it->get();
2009 if (logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject) >= logicalTop && logicalBottomForFloat(floatingObject) < logicalBottom)
2010 return false;
2011 }
2013 return true;
2016bool RenderBlockFlow::lineWidthForPaginatedLineChanged(RootInlineBox* rootBox, LayoutUnit lineDelta, RenderFragmentedFlow* fragmentedFlow) const
2018 if (!fragmentedFlow)
2019 return false;
2021 RenderFragmentContainer* currentFragment = fragmentAtBlockOffset(rootBox->lineTopWithLeading() + lineDelta);
2022 // Just bail if the fragment didn't change.
2023 if (rootBox->containingFragment() == currentFragment)
2024 return false;
2025 return rootBox->paginatedLineWidth() != availableLogicalWidthForContent(currentFragment);
2028bool RenderBlockFlow::matchedEndLine(LineLayoutState& layoutState, const InlineBidiResolver& resolver, const InlineIterator& endLineStart, const BidiStatus& endLineStatus)
2030 if (resolver.position() == endLineStart) {
2031 if (resolver.status() != endLineStatus)
2032 return false;
2033 return checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(layoutState);
2034 }
2036 // The first clean line doesn't match, but we can check a handful of following lines to try
2037 // to match back up.
2038 static const int numLines = 8; // The # of lines we're willing to match against.
2039 RootInlineBox* originalEndLine = layoutState.endLine();
2040 RootInlineBox* line = originalEndLine;
2041 for (int i = 0; i < numLines && line; i++, line = line->nextRootBox()) {
2042 if (line->lineBreakObj() == resolver.position().renderer() && line->lineBreakPos() == resolver.position().offset()) {
2043 // We have a match.
2044 if (line->lineBreakBidiStatus() != resolver.status())
2045 return false; // ...but the bidi state doesn't match.
2047 bool matched = false;
2048 RootInlineBox* result = line->nextRootBox();
2049 layoutState.setEndLine(result);
2050 if (result) {
2051 layoutState.setEndLineLogicalTop(line->lineBottomWithLeading());
2052 matched = checkPaginationAndFloatsAtEndLine(layoutState);
2053 }
2055 // Now delete the lines that we failed to sync.
2056 deleteLineRange(layoutState, originalEndLine, result);
2057 return matched;
2058 }
2059 }
2061 return false;
2064bool RenderBlock::generatesLineBoxesForInlineChild(RenderObject* inlineObj)
2066 ASSERT(inlineObj->parent() == this);
2068 InlineIterator it(this, inlineObj, 0);
2069 // FIXME: We should pass correct value for WhitespacePosition.
2070 while (!it.atEnd() && !requiresLineBox(it))
2071 it.increment();
2073 return !it.atEnd();
2076void RenderBlockFlow::addOverflowFromInlineChildren()
2078 if (auto layout = simpleLineLayout()) {
2079 ASSERT(!hasOverflowClip());
2080 SimpleLineLayout::collectFlowOverflow(*this, *layout);
2081 return;
2082 }
2083 LayoutUnit endPadding = hasOverflowClip() ? paddingEnd() : 0_lu;
2084 // FIXME: Need to find another way to do this, since scrollbars could show when we don't want them to.
2085 if (hasOverflowClip() && !endPadding && element() && element()->isRootEditableElement() && style().isLeftToRightDirection())
2086 endPadding = 1;
2087 for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
2088 addLayoutOverflow(curr->paddedLayoutOverflowRect(endPadding));
2089 RenderFragmentContainer* fragment = enclosingFragmentedFlow() ? curr->containingFragment() : nullptr;
2090 if (fragment)
2091 fragment->addLayoutOverflowForBox(this, curr->paddedLayoutOverflowRect(endPadding));
2092 if (!hasOverflowClip()) {
2093 LayoutRect childVisualOverflowRect = curr->visualOverflowRect(curr->lineTop(), curr->lineBottom());
2094 addVisualOverflow(childVisualOverflowRect);
2095 if (fragment)
2096 fragment->addVisualOverflowForBox(this, childVisualOverflowRect);
2097 }
2098 }
2101void RenderBlockFlow::deleteEllipsisLineBoxes()
2103 TextAlignMode textAlign = style().textAlign();
2104 bool ltr = style().isLeftToRightDirection();
2105 IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = IndentText;
2106 for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
2107 if (curr->hasEllipsisBox()) {
2108 curr->clearTruncation();
2110 // Shift the line back where it belongs if we cannot accomodate an ellipsis.
2111 float logicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), shouldIndentText);
2112 float availableLogicalWidth = logicalRightOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), DoNotIndentText) - logicalLeft;
2113 float totalLogicalWidth = curr->logicalWidth();
2114 updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, curr, 0, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, 0);
2116 if (ltr)
2117 curr->adjustLogicalPosition((logicalLeft - curr->logicalLeft()), 0);
2118 else
2119 curr->adjustLogicalPosition(-(curr->logicalLeft() - logicalLeft), 0);
2120 }
2121 shouldIndentText = DoNotIndentText;
2122 }
2125void RenderBlockFlow::checkLinesForTextOverflow()
2127 // Determine the width of the ellipsis using the current font.
2128 // FIXME: CSS3 says this is configurable, also need to use 0x002E (FULL STOP) if horizontal ellipsis is "not renderable"
2129 const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
2130 static NeverDestroyed<AtomicString> ellipsisStr(&horizontalEllipsis, 1);
2131 const FontCascade& firstLineFont = firstLineStyle().fontCascade();
2132 float firstLineEllipsisWidth = firstLineFont.width(constructTextRun(&horizontalEllipsis, 1, firstLineStyle()));
2133 float ellipsisWidth = (font == firstLineFont) ? firstLineEllipsisWidth : font.width(constructTextRun(&horizontalEllipsis, 1, style()));
2135 // For LTR text truncation, we want to get the right edge of our padding box, and then we want to see
2136 // if the right edge of a line box exceeds that. For RTL, we use the left edge of the padding box and
2137 // check the left edge of the line box to see if it is less
2138 // Include the scrollbar for overflow blocks, which means we want to use "contentWidth()"
2139 bool ltr = style().isLeftToRightDirection();
2140 TextAlignMode textAlign = style().textAlign();
2141 bool firstLine = true;
2142 for (RootInlineBox* curr = firstRootBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextRootBox()) {
2143 IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText = firstLine ? IndentText : DoNotIndentText;
2144 LayoutUnit blockRightEdge = logicalRightOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), shouldIndentText);
2145 LayoutUnit blockLeftEdge = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(curr->lineTop(), shouldIndentText);
2146 LayoutUnit lineBoxEdge = ltr ? curr->x() + curr->logicalWidth() : curr->x();
2147 if ((ltr && lineBoxEdge > blockRightEdge) || (!ltr && lineBoxEdge < blockLeftEdge)) {
2148 // This line spills out of our box in the appropriate direction. Now we need to see if the line
2149 // can be truncated. In order for truncation to be possible, the line must have sufficient space to
2150 // accommodate our truncation string, and no replaced elements (images, tables) can overlap the ellipsis
2151 // space.
2152 LayoutUnit width = firstLine ? firstLineEllipsisWidth : ellipsisWidth;
2153 LayoutUnit blockEdge = ltr ? blockRightEdge : blockLeftEdge;
2154 if (curr->lineCanAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, lineBoxEdge, width)) {
2155 float totalLogicalWidth = curr->placeEllipsis(ellipsisStr, ltr, blockLeftEdge, blockRightEdge, width);
2157 float logicalLeft = 0; // We are only interested in the delta from the base position.
2158 float truncatedWidth = availableLogicalWidthForLine(curr->lineTop(), shouldIndentText);
2159 updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, curr, nullptr, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, truncatedWidth, 0);
2160 if (ltr)
2161 curr->adjustLogicalPosition(logicalLeft, 0);
2162 else
2163 curr->adjustLogicalPosition(-(truncatedWidth - (logicalLeft + totalLogicalWidth)), 0);
2164 }
2165 }
2166 firstLine = false;
2167 }
2170bool RenderBlockFlow::positionNewFloatOnLine(const FloatingObject& newFloat, FloatingObject* lastFloatFromPreviousLine, LineInfo& lineInfo, LineWidth& width)
2172 if (!positionNewFloats())
2173 return false;
2175 width.shrinkAvailableWidthForNewFloatIfNeeded(newFloat);
2177 // We only connect floats to lines for pagination purposes if the floats occur at the start of
2178 // the line and the previous line had a hard break (so this line is either the first in the block
2179 // or follows a <br>).
2180 if (!newFloat.paginationStrut() || !lineInfo.previousLineBrokeCleanly() || !lineInfo.isEmpty())
2181 return true;
2183 const FloatingObjectSet& floatingObjectSet = m_floatingObjects->set();
2184 ASSERT(floatingObjectSet.last().get() == &newFloat);
2186 LayoutUnit floatLogicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(newFloat);
2187 LayoutUnit paginationStrut = newFloat.paginationStrut();
2189 if (floatLogicalTop - paginationStrut != logicalHeight() + lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut())
2190 return true;
2192 auto it = floatingObjectSet.end();
2193 --it; // Last float is newFloat, skip that one.
2194 auto begin = floatingObjectSet.begin();
2195 while (it != begin) {
2196 --it;
2197 auto& floatingObject = *it->get();
2198 if (&floatingObject == lastFloatFromPreviousLine)
2199 break;
2200 if (logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject) == logicalHeight() + lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut()) {
2201 floatingObject.setPaginationStrut(paginationStrut + floatingObject.paginationStrut());
2202 RenderBox& floatBox = floatingObject.renderer();
2203 setLogicalTopForChild(floatBox, logicalTopForChild(floatBox) + marginBeforeForChild(floatBox) + paginationStrut);
2205 if (updateFragmentRangeForBoxChild(floatBox))
2206 floatBox.setNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
2207 else if (is<RenderBlock>(floatBox))
2208 downcast<RenderBlock>(floatBox).setChildNeedsLayout(MarkOnlyThis);
2209 floatBox.layoutIfNeeded();
2211 // Save the old logical top before calling removePlacedObject which will set
2212 // isPlaced to false. Otherwise it will trigger an assert in logicalTopForFloat.
2213 LayoutUnit oldLogicalTop = logicalTopForFloat(floatingObject);
2214 m_floatingObjects->removePlacedObject(&floatingObject);
2215 setLogicalTopForFloat(floatingObject, oldLogicalTop + paginationStrut);
2216 m_floatingObjects->addPlacedObject(&floatingObject);
2217 }
2218 }
2220 // Just update the line info's pagination strut without altering our logical height yet. If the line ends up containing
2221 // no content, then we don't want to improperly grow the height of the block.
2222 lineInfo.setFloatPaginationStrut(lineInfo.floatPaginationStrut() + paginationStrut);
2223 return true;
2226LayoutUnit RenderBlockFlow::startAlignedOffsetForLine(LayoutUnit position, IndentTextOrNot shouldIndentText)
2228 TextAlignMode textAlign = style().textAlign();
2229 bool shouldApplyIndentText = false;
2230 switch (textAlign) {
2231 case TextAlignMode::Left:
2232 case TextAlignMode::WebKitLeft:
2233 shouldApplyIndentText = style().isLeftToRightDirection();
2234 break;
2235 case TextAlignMode::Right:
2236 case TextAlignMode::WebKitRight:
2237 shouldApplyIndentText = !style().isLeftToRightDirection();
2238 break;
2239 case TextAlignMode::Start:
2240 shouldApplyIndentText = true;
2241 break;
2242 default:
2243 shouldApplyIndentText = false;
2244 }
2245 // <rdar://problem/15427571>
2246 // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=124522
2247 // This quirk is for legacy content that doesn't work properly with the center positioning scheme
2248 // being honored (e.g., epubs).
2249 if (shouldApplyIndentText || settings().useLegacyTextAlignPositionedElementBehavior()) // FIXME: Handle TextAlignMode::End here
2250 return startOffsetForLine(position, shouldIndentText);
2252 // updateLogicalWidthForAlignment() handles the direction of the block so no need to consider it here
2253 float totalLogicalWidth = 0;
2254 float logicalLeft = logicalLeftOffsetForLine(logicalHeight(), DoNotIndentText);
2255 float availableLogicalWidth = logicalRightOffsetForLine(logicalHeight(), DoNotIndentText) - logicalLeft;
2257 // FIXME: Bug 129311: We need to pass a valid RootInlineBox here, considering the bidi level used to construct the line.
2258 updateLogicalWidthForAlignment(textAlign, 0, 0, logicalLeft, totalLogicalWidth, availableLogicalWidth, 0);
2260 if (!style().isLeftToRightDirection())
2261 return logicalWidth() - logicalLeft;
2262 return logicalLeft;
2265void RenderBlockFlow::updateFragmentForLine(RootInlineBox* lineBox) const
2267 ASSERT(lineBox);
2269 if (!hasFragmentRangeInFragmentedFlow())
2270 lineBox->clearContainingFragment();
2271 else {
2272 if (auto containingFragment = fragmentAtBlockOffset(lineBox->lineTopWithLeading()))
2273 lineBox->setContainingFragment(*containingFragment);
2274 else
2275 lineBox->clearContainingFragment();
2276 }
2278 RootInlineBox* prevLineBox = lineBox->prevRootBox();
2279 if (!prevLineBox)
2280 return;
2282 // This check is more accurate than the one in |adjustLinePositionForPagination| because it takes into
2283 // account just the container changes between lines. The before mentioned function doesn't set the flag
2284 // correctly if the line is positioned at the top of the last fragment container.
2285 if (lineBox->containingFragment() != prevLineBox->containingFragment())
2286 lineBox->setIsFirstAfterPageBreak(true);