1 | /* |
3 | * |
4 | * This file was generated by the dom/make_names.pl script. |
5 | * |
6 | * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
7 | * |
8 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
9 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
10 | * are met: |
11 | * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
12 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
13 | * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
14 | * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
15 | * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
16 | * |
28 | */ |
29 | |
30 | #include "config.h" |
31 | |
34 | #else |
36 | #endif |
37 | |
38 | #include "SVGNames.h" |
39 | |
40 | namespace WebCore { |
41 | |
42 | namespace SVGNames { |
43 | |
44 | using namespace WebCore; |
45 | |
46 | LazyNeverDestroyed<const AtomicString> svgNamespaceURI; |
47 | |
48 | #if COMPILER(MSVC) |
49 | #pragma warning(push) |
50 | #pragma warning(disable: 4307) |
51 | #endif |
52 | |
53 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl aData("a" ); |
54 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl accent_heightData("accent-height" ); |
55 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl accumulateData("accumulate" ); |
56 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl additiveData("additive" ); |
57 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl alignment_baselineData("alignment-baseline" ); |
58 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl alphabeticData("alphabetic" ); |
59 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl altGlyphData("altGlyph" ); |
60 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl altGlyphDefData("altGlyphDef" ); |
61 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl altGlyphItemData("altGlyphItem" ); |
62 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl amplitudeData("amplitude" ); |
63 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl animateData("animate" ); |
64 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl animateColorData("animateColor" ); |
65 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl animateMotionData("animateMotion" ); |
66 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl animateTransformData("animateTransform" ); |
67 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl arabic_formData("arabic-form" ); |
68 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl ascentData("ascent" ); |
69 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl attributeNameData("attributeName" ); |
70 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl attributeTypeData("attributeType" ); |
71 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl azimuthData("azimuth" ); |
72 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl baseFrequencyData("baseFrequency" ); |
73 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl baseProfileData("baseProfile" ); |
74 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl baseline_shiftData("baseline-shift" ); |
75 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl bboxData("bbox" ); |
76 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl beginData("begin" ); |
77 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl biasData("bias" ); |
78 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl buffered_renderingData("buffered-rendering" ); |
79 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl byData("by" ); |
80 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl calcModeData("calcMode" ); |
81 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl cap_heightData("cap-height" ); |
82 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl circleData("circle" ); |
83 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl clipData("clip" ); |
84 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl clipPathData("clipPath" ); |
85 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl clipPathUnitsData("clipPathUnits" ); |
86 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl clip_pathData("clip-path" ); |
87 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl clip_ruleData("clip-rule" ); |
88 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl colorData("color" ); |
89 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl color_interpolationData("color-interpolation" ); |
90 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl color_interpolation_filtersData("color-interpolation-filters" ); |
91 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl color_profileData("color-profile" ); |
92 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl color_renderingData("color-rendering" ); |
93 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl contentScriptTypeData("contentScriptType" ); |
94 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl contentStyleTypeData("contentStyleType" ); |
95 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl cursorData("cursor" ); |
96 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl cxData("cx" ); |
97 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl cyData("cy" ); |
98 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl dData("d" ); |
99 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl defsData("defs" ); |
100 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl descData("desc" ); |
101 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl descentData("descent" ); |
102 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl diffuseConstantData("diffuseConstant" ); |
103 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl directionData("direction" ); |
104 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl displayData("display" ); |
105 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl divisorData("divisor" ); |
106 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl dominant_baselineData("dominant-baseline" ); |
107 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl durData("dur" ); |
108 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl dxData("dx" ); |
109 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl dyData("dy" ); |
110 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl edgeModeData("edgeMode" ); |
111 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl elevationData("elevation" ); |
112 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl ellipseData("ellipse" ); |
113 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl enable_backgroundData("enable-background" ); |
114 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl endData("end" ); |
115 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl exponentData("exponent" ); |
116 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl externalResourcesRequiredData("externalResourcesRequired" ); |
117 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feBlendData("feBlend" ); |
118 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feColorMatrixData("feColorMatrix" ); |
119 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feComponentTransferData("feComponentTransfer" ); |
120 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feCompositeData("feComposite" ); |
121 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feConvolveMatrixData("feConvolveMatrix" ); |
122 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feDiffuseLightingData("feDiffuseLighting" ); |
123 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feDisplacementMapData("feDisplacementMap" ); |
124 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feDistantLightData("feDistantLight" ); |
125 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feDropShadowData("feDropShadow" ); |
126 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feFloodData("feFlood" ); |
127 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feFuncAData("feFuncA" ); |
128 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feFuncBData("feFuncB" ); |
129 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feFuncGData("feFuncG" ); |
130 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feFuncRData("feFuncR" ); |
131 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feGaussianBlurData("feGaussianBlur" ); |
132 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feImageData("feImage" ); |
133 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feMergeData("feMerge" ); |
134 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feMergeNodeData("feMergeNode" ); |
135 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feMorphologyData("feMorphology" ); |
136 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feOffsetData("feOffset" ); |
137 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fePointLightData("fePointLight" ); |
138 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feSpecularLightingData("feSpecularLighting" ); |
139 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feSpotLightData("feSpotLight" ); |
140 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feTileData("feTile" ); |
141 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl feTurbulenceData("feTurbulence" ); |
142 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fillData("fill" ); |
143 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fill_opacityData("fill-opacity" ); |
144 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fill_ruleData("fill-rule" ); |
145 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl filterData("filter" ); |
146 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl filterUnitsData("filterUnits" ); |
147 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl flood_colorData("flood-color" ); |
148 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl flood_opacityData("flood-opacity" ); |
149 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fontData("font" ); |
150 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_faceData("font-face" ); |
151 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_face_formatData("font-face-format" ); |
152 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_face_nameData("font-face-name" ); |
153 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_face_srcData("font-face-src" ); |
154 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_face_uriData("font-face-uri" ); |
155 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_familyData("font-family" ); |
156 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_sizeData("font-size" ); |
157 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_size_adjustData("font-size-adjust" ); |
158 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_stretchData("font-stretch" ); |
159 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_styleData("font-style" ); |
160 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_variantData("font-variant" ); |
161 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl font_weightData("font-weight" ); |
162 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl foreignObjectData("foreignObject" ); |
163 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl formatData("format" ); |
164 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl frData("fr" ); |
165 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fromData("from" ); |
166 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fxData("fx" ); |
167 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl fyData("fy" ); |
168 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl gData("g" ); |
169 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl g1Data("g1" ); |
170 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl g2Data("g2" ); |
171 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl glyphData("glyph" ); |
172 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl glyphRefData("glyphRef" ); |
173 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl glyph_nameData("glyph-name" ); |
174 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl glyph_orientation_horizontalData("glyph-orientation-horizontal" ); |
175 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl glyph_orientation_verticalData("glyph-orientation-vertical" ); |
176 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl gradientTransformData("gradientTransform" ); |
177 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl gradientUnitsData("gradientUnits" ); |
178 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl hangingData("hanging" ); |
179 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl heightData("height" ); |
180 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl hkernData("hkern" ); |
181 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl horiz_adv_xData("horiz-adv-x" ); |
182 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl horiz_origin_xData("horiz-origin-x" ); |
183 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl horiz_origin_yData("horiz-origin-y" ); |
184 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl hrefData("href" ); |
185 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl ideographicData("ideographic" ); |
186 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl imageData("image" ); |
187 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl image_renderingData("image-rendering" ); |
188 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl inData("in" ); |
189 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl in2Data("in2" ); |
190 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl interceptData("intercept" ); |
191 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl kData("k" ); |
192 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl k1Data("k1" ); |
193 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl k2Data("k2" ); |
194 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl k3Data("k3" ); |
195 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl k4Data("k4" ); |
196 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl kernelMatrixData("kernelMatrix" ); |
197 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl kernelUnitLengthData("kernelUnitLength" ); |
198 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl kerningData("kerning" ); |
199 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl keyPointsData("keyPoints" ); |
200 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl keySplinesData("keySplines" ); |
201 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl keyTimesData("keyTimes" ); |
202 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl langData("lang" ); |
203 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl lengthAdjustData("lengthAdjust" ); |
204 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl letter_spacingData("letter-spacing" ); |
205 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl lighting_colorData("lighting-color" ); |
206 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl limitingConeAngleData("limitingConeAngle" ); |
207 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl lineData("line" ); |
208 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl linearGradientData("linearGradient" ); |
209 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl localData("local" ); |
210 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl markerData("marker" ); |
211 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl markerHeightData("markerHeight" ); |
212 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl markerUnitsData("markerUnits" ); |
213 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl markerWidthData("markerWidth" ); |
214 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl marker_endData("marker-end" ); |
215 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl marker_midData("marker-mid" ); |
216 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl marker_startData("marker-start" ); |
217 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl maskData("mask" ); |
218 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl maskContentUnitsData("maskContentUnits" ); |
219 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl maskUnitsData("maskUnits" ); |
220 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl mask_typeData("mask-type" ); |
221 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl mathematicalData("mathematical" ); |
222 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl maxData("max" ); |
223 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl mediaData("media" ); |
224 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl metadataData("metadata" ); |
225 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl methodData("method" ); |
226 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl minData("min" ); |
227 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl missing_glyphData("missing-glyph" ); |
228 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl modeData("mode" ); |
229 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl mpathData("mpath" ); |
230 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl nameData("name" ); |
231 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl numOctavesData("numOctaves" ); |
232 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl offsetData("offset" ); |
233 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl onbeginData("onbegin" ); |
234 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl onendData("onend" ); |
235 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl onzoomData("onzoom" ); |
236 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl opacityData("opacity" ); |
237 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl operatorData("operator" ); |
238 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl orderData("order" ); |
239 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl orientData("orient" ); |
240 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl orientationData("orientation" ); |
241 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl originData("origin" ); |
242 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl overflowData("overflow" ); |
243 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl overline_positionData("overline-position" ); |
244 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl overline_thicknessData("overline-thickness" ); |
245 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl paint_orderData("paint-order" ); |
246 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl panose_1Data("panose-1" ); |
247 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pathData("path" ); |
248 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pathLengthData("pathLength" ); |
249 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl patternData("pattern" ); |
250 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl patternContentUnitsData("patternContentUnits" ); |
251 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl patternTransformData("patternTransform" ); |
252 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl patternUnitsData("patternUnits" ); |
253 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pointer_eventsData("pointer-events" ); |
254 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pointsData("points" ); |
255 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pointsAtXData("pointsAtX" ); |
256 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pointsAtYData("pointsAtY" ); |
257 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl pointsAtZData("pointsAtZ" ); |
258 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl polygonData("polygon" ); |
259 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl polylineData("polyline" ); |
260 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl preserveAlphaData("preserveAlpha" ); |
261 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl preserveAspectRatioData("preserveAspectRatio" ); |
262 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl primitiveUnitsData("primitiveUnits" ); |
263 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl rData("r" ); |
264 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl radialGradientData("radialGradient" ); |
265 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl radiusData("radius" ); |
266 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl rectData("rect" ); |
267 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl refXData("refX" ); |
268 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl refYData("refY" ); |
269 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl rendering_intentData("rendering-intent" ); |
270 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl repeatCountData("repeatCount" ); |
271 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl repeatDurData("repeatDur" ); |
272 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl requiredExtensionsData("requiredExtensions" ); |
273 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl requiredFeaturesData("requiredFeatures" ); |
274 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl restartData("restart" ); |
275 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl resultData("result" ); |
276 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl rotateData("rotate" ); |
277 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl rxData("rx" ); |
278 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl ryData("ry" ); |
279 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl scaleData("scale" ); |
280 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl scriptData("script" ); |
281 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl seedData("seed" ); |
282 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl setData("set" ); |
283 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl shape_renderingData("shape-rendering" ); |
284 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl slopeData("slope" ); |
285 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl spacingData("spacing" ); |
286 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl specularConstantData("specularConstant" ); |
287 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl specularExponentData("specularExponent" ); |
288 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl spreadMethodData("spreadMethod" ); |
289 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl startOffsetData("startOffset" ); |
290 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stdDeviationData("stdDeviation" ); |
291 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stemhData("stemh" ); |
292 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stemvData("stemv" ); |
293 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stitchTilesData("stitchTiles" ); |
294 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stopData("stop" ); |
295 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stop_colorData("stop-color" ); |
296 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stop_opacityData("stop-opacity" ); |
297 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl strikethrough_positionData("strikethrough-position" ); |
298 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl strikethrough_thicknessData("strikethrough-thickness" ); |
299 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl strokeData("stroke" ); |
300 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_dasharrayData("stroke-dasharray" ); |
301 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_dashoffsetData("stroke-dashoffset" ); |
302 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_linecapData("stroke-linecap" ); |
303 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_linejoinData("stroke-linejoin" ); |
304 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_miterlimitData("stroke-miterlimit" ); |
305 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_opacityData("stroke-opacity" ); |
306 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl stroke_widthData("stroke-width" ); |
307 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl styleData("style" ); |
308 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl surfaceScaleData("surfaceScale" ); |
309 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl svgData("svg" ); |
310 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl switchData("switch" ); |
311 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl symbolData("symbol" ); |
312 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl systemLanguageData("systemLanguage" ); |
313 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl tableValuesData("tableValues" ); |
314 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl targetData("target" ); |
315 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl targetXData("targetX" ); |
316 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl targetYData("targetY" ); |
317 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl textData("text" ); |
318 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl textLengthData("textLength" ); |
319 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl textPathData("textPath" ); |
320 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl text_anchorData("text-anchor" ); |
321 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl text_decorationData("text-decoration" ); |
322 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl text_renderingData("text-rendering" ); |
323 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl titleData("title" ); |
324 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl toData("to" ); |
325 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl transformData("transform" ); |
326 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl transform_originData("transform-origin" ); |
327 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl trefData("tref" ); |
328 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl tspanData("tspan" ); |
329 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl typeData("type" ); |
330 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl u1Data("u1" ); |
331 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl u2Data("u2" ); |
332 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl underline_positionData("underline-position" ); |
333 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl underline_thicknessData("underline-thickness" ); |
334 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl unicodeData("unicode" ); |
335 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl unicode_bidiData("unicode-bidi" ); |
336 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl unicode_rangeData("unicode-range" ); |
337 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl units_per_emData("units-per-em" ); |
338 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl useData("use" ); |
339 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl v_alphabeticData("v-alphabetic" ); |
340 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl v_hangingData("v-hanging" ); |
341 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl v_ideographicData("v-ideographic" ); |
342 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl v_mathematicalData("v-mathematical" ); |
343 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl valuesData("values" ); |
344 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl vector_effectData("vector-effect" ); |
345 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl versionData("version" ); |
346 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl vert_adv_yData("vert-adv-y" ); |
347 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl vert_origin_xData("vert-origin-x" ); |
348 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl vert_origin_yData("vert-origin-y" ); |
349 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl viewData("view" ); |
350 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl viewBoxData("viewBox" ); |
351 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl viewTargetData("viewTarget" ); |
352 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl visibilityData("visibility" ); |
353 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl vkernData("vkern" ); |
354 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl widthData("width" ); |
355 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl widthsData("widths" ); |
356 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl word_spacingData("word-spacing" ); |
357 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl writing_modeData("writing-mode" ); |
358 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl xData("x" ); |
359 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl x1Data("x1" ); |
360 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl x2Data("x2" ); |
361 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl xChannelSelectorData("xChannelSelector" ); |
362 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl x_heightData("x-height" ); |
363 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl yData("y" ); |
364 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl y1Data("y1" ); |
365 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl y2Data("y2" ); |
366 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl yChannelSelectorData("yChannelSelector" ); |
367 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl zData("z" ); |
368 | static constexpr StringImpl::StaticStringImpl zoomAndPanData("zoomAndPan" ); |
369 | |
370 | #if COMPILER(MSVC) |
371 | #pragma warning(pop) |
372 | #endif |
373 | |
374 | // Tags |
375 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> aTag; |
376 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> altGlyphTag; |
377 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> altGlyphDefTag; |
378 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> altGlyphItemTag; |
379 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> animateTag; |
380 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> animateColorTag; |
381 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> animateMotionTag; |
382 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> animateTransformTag; |
383 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> circleTag; |
384 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> clipPathTag; |
385 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> color_profileTag; |
386 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> cursorTag; |
387 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> defsTag; |
388 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> descTag; |
389 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> ellipseTag; |
390 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feBlendTag; |
391 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feColorMatrixTag; |
392 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feComponentTransferTag; |
393 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feCompositeTag; |
394 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feConvolveMatrixTag; |
395 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feDiffuseLightingTag; |
396 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feDisplacementMapTag; |
397 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feDistantLightTag; |
398 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feDropShadowTag; |
399 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feFloodTag; |
400 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feFuncATag; |
401 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feFuncBTag; |
402 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feFuncGTag; |
403 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feFuncRTag; |
404 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feGaussianBlurTag; |
405 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feImageTag; |
406 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feMergeTag; |
407 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feMergeNodeTag; |
408 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feMorphologyTag; |
409 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feOffsetTag; |
410 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> fePointLightTag; |
411 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feSpecularLightingTag; |
412 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feSpotLightTag; |
413 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feTileTag; |
414 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> feTurbulenceTag; |
415 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> filterTag; |
416 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> fontTag; |
417 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> font_faceTag; |
418 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> font_face_formatTag; |
419 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> font_face_nameTag; |
420 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> font_face_srcTag; |
421 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> font_face_uriTag; |
422 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> foreignObjectTag; |
423 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> gTag; |
424 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> glyphTag; |
425 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> glyphRefTag; |
426 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> hkernTag; |
427 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> imageTag; |
428 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> lineTag; |
429 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> linearGradientTag; |
430 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> markerTag; |
431 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> maskTag; |
432 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> metadataTag; |
433 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> missing_glyphTag; |
434 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> mpathTag; |
435 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> pathTag; |
436 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> patternTag; |
437 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> polygonTag; |
438 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> polylineTag; |
439 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> radialGradientTag; |
440 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> rectTag; |
441 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> scriptTag; |
442 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> setTag; |
443 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> stopTag; |
444 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> styleTag; |
445 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> svgTag; |
446 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> switchTag; |
447 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> symbolTag; |
448 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> textTag; |
449 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> textPathTag; |
450 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> titleTag; |
451 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> trefTag; |
452 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> tspanTag; |
453 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> useTag; |
454 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> viewTag; |
455 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const SVGQualifiedName> vkernTag; |
456 | |
457 | |
458 | const WebCore::SVGQualifiedName* const* getSVGTags() |
459 | { |
460 | static const WebCore::SVGQualifiedName* const SVGTags[] = { |
461 | &aTag.get(), |
462 | &altGlyphTag.get(), |
463 | &altGlyphDefTag.get(), |
464 | &altGlyphItemTag.get(), |
465 | &animateTag.get(), |
466 | &animateColorTag.get(), |
467 | &animateMotionTag.get(), |
468 | &animateTransformTag.get(), |
469 | &circleTag.get(), |
470 | &clipPathTag.get(), |
471 | &color_profileTag.get(), |
472 | &cursorTag.get(), |
473 | &defsTag.get(), |
474 | &descTag.get(), |
475 | &ellipseTag.get(), |
476 | &feBlendTag.get(), |
477 | &feColorMatrixTag.get(), |
478 | &feComponentTransferTag.get(), |
479 | &feCompositeTag.get(), |
480 | &feConvolveMatrixTag.get(), |
481 | &feDiffuseLightingTag.get(), |
482 | &feDisplacementMapTag.get(), |
483 | &feDistantLightTag.get(), |
484 | &feDropShadowTag.get(), |
485 | &feFloodTag.get(), |
486 | &feFuncATag.get(), |
487 | &feFuncBTag.get(), |
488 | &feFuncGTag.get(), |
489 | &feFuncRTag.get(), |
490 | &feGaussianBlurTag.get(), |
491 | &feImageTag.get(), |
492 | &feMergeTag.get(), |
493 | &feMergeNodeTag.get(), |
494 | &feMorphologyTag.get(), |
495 | &feOffsetTag.get(), |
496 | &fePointLightTag.get(), |
497 | &feSpecularLightingTag.get(), |
498 | &feSpotLightTag.get(), |
499 | &feTileTag.get(), |
500 | &feTurbulenceTag.get(), |
501 | &filterTag.get(), |
502 | &fontTag.get(), |
503 | &font_faceTag.get(), |
504 | &font_face_formatTag.get(), |
505 | &font_face_nameTag.get(), |
506 | &font_face_srcTag.get(), |
507 | &font_face_uriTag.get(), |
508 | &foreignObjectTag.get(), |
509 | &gTag.get(), |
510 | &glyphTag.get(), |
511 | &glyphRefTag.get(), |
512 | &hkernTag.get(), |
513 | &imageTag.get(), |
514 | &lineTag.get(), |
515 | &linearGradientTag.get(), |
516 | &markerTag.get(), |
517 | &maskTag.get(), |
518 | &metadataTag.get(), |
519 | &missing_glyphTag.get(), |
520 | &mpathTag.get(), |
521 | &pathTag.get(), |
522 | &patternTag.get(), |
523 | &polygonTag.get(), |
524 | &polylineTag.get(), |
525 | &radialGradientTag.get(), |
526 | &rectTag.get(), |
527 | &scriptTag.get(), |
528 | &setTag.get(), |
529 | &stopTag.get(), |
530 | &styleTag.get(), |
531 | &svgTag.get(), |
532 | &switchTag.get(), |
533 | &symbolTag.get(), |
534 | &textTag.get(), |
535 | &textPathTag.get(), |
536 | &titleTag.get(), |
537 | &trefTag.get(), |
538 | &tspanTag.get(), |
539 | &useTag.get(), |
540 | &viewTag.get(), |
541 | &vkernTag.get(), |
542 | }; |
543 | return SVGTags; |
544 | } |
545 | |
546 | // Attributes |
547 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> accent_heightAttr; |
548 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> accumulateAttr; |
549 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> additiveAttr; |
550 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> alignment_baselineAttr; |
551 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> alphabeticAttr; |
552 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> amplitudeAttr; |
553 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> animateAttr; |
554 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> arabic_formAttr; |
555 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> ascentAttr; |
556 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> attributeNameAttr; |
557 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> attributeTypeAttr; |
558 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> azimuthAttr; |
559 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> baseFrequencyAttr; |
560 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> baseProfileAttr; |
561 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> baseline_shiftAttr; |
562 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> bboxAttr; |
563 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> beginAttr; |
564 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> biasAttr; |
565 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> buffered_renderingAttr; |
566 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> byAttr; |
567 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> calcModeAttr; |
568 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> cap_heightAttr; |
569 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> clipAttr; |
570 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> clipPathUnitsAttr; |
571 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> clip_pathAttr; |
572 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> clip_ruleAttr; |
573 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> colorAttr; |
574 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> color_interpolationAttr; |
575 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> color_interpolation_filtersAttr; |
576 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> color_profileAttr; |
577 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> color_renderingAttr; |
578 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> contentScriptTypeAttr; |
579 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> contentStyleTypeAttr; |
580 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> cursorAttr; |
581 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> cxAttr; |
582 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> cyAttr; |
583 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> dAttr; |
584 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> descentAttr; |
585 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> diffuseConstantAttr; |
586 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> directionAttr; |
587 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> displayAttr; |
588 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> divisorAttr; |
589 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> dominant_baselineAttr; |
590 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> durAttr; |
591 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> dxAttr; |
592 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> dyAttr; |
593 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> edgeModeAttr; |
594 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> elevationAttr; |
595 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> enable_backgroundAttr; |
596 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> endAttr; |
597 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> exponentAttr; |
598 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> externalResourcesRequiredAttr; |
599 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fillAttr; |
600 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fill_opacityAttr; |
601 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fill_ruleAttr; |
602 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> filterAttr; |
603 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> filterUnitsAttr; |
604 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> flood_colorAttr; |
605 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> flood_opacityAttr; |
606 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_familyAttr; |
607 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_sizeAttr; |
608 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_size_adjustAttr; |
609 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_stretchAttr; |
610 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_styleAttr; |
611 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_variantAttr; |
612 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> font_weightAttr; |
613 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> formatAttr; |
614 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> frAttr; |
615 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fromAttr; |
616 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fxAttr; |
617 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> fyAttr; |
618 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> g1Attr; |
619 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> g2Attr; |
620 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> glyphRefAttr; |
621 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> glyph_nameAttr; |
622 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> glyph_orientation_horizontalAttr; |
623 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> glyph_orientation_verticalAttr; |
624 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> gradientTransformAttr; |
625 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> gradientUnitsAttr; |
626 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> hangingAttr; |
627 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> heightAttr; |
628 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> horiz_adv_xAttr; |
629 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> horiz_origin_xAttr; |
630 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> horiz_origin_yAttr; |
631 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> hrefAttr; |
632 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> ideographicAttr; |
633 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> image_renderingAttr; |
634 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> inAttr; |
635 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> in2Attr; |
636 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> interceptAttr; |
637 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> kAttr; |
638 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> k1Attr; |
639 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> k2Attr; |
640 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> k3Attr; |
641 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> k4Attr; |
642 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> kernelMatrixAttr; |
643 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> kernelUnitLengthAttr; |
644 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> kerningAttr; |
645 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> keyPointsAttr; |
646 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> keySplinesAttr; |
647 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> keyTimesAttr; |
648 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> langAttr; |
649 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> lengthAdjustAttr; |
650 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> letter_spacingAttr; |
651 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> lighting_colorAttr; |
652 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> limitingConeAngleAttr; |
653 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> localAttr; |
654 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> markerHeightAttr; |
655 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> markerUnitsAttr; |
656 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> markerWidthAttr; |
657 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> marker_endAttr; |
658 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> marker_midAttr; |
659 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> marker_startAttr; |
660 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> maskAttr; |
661 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> maskContentUnitsAttr; |
662 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> maskUnitsAttr; |
663 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> mask_typeAttr; |
664 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> mathematicalAttr; |
665 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> maxAttr; |
666 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> mediaAttr; |
667 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> methodAttr; |
668 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> minAttr; |
669 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> modeAttr; |
670 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> nameAttr; |
671 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> numOctavesAttr; |
672 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> offsetAttr; |
673 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> onbeginAttr; |
674 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> onendAttr; |
675 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> onzoomAttr; |
676 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> opacityAttr; |
677 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> operatorAttr; |
678 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> orderAttr; |
679 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> orientAttr; |
680 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> orientationAttr; |
681 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> originAttr; |
682 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> overflowAttr; |
683 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> overline_positionAttr; |
684 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> overline_thicknessAttr; |
685 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> paint_orderAttr; |
686 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> panose_1Attr; |
687 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pathAttr; |
688 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pathLengthAttr; |
689 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> patternContentUnitsAttr; |
690 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> patternTransformAttr; |
691 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> patternUnitsAttr; |
692 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pointer_eventsAttr; |
693 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pointsAttr; |
694 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pointsAtXAttr; |
695 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pointsAtYAttr; |
696 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> pointsAtZAttr; |
697 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> preserveAlphaAttr; |
698 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> preserveAspectRatioAttr; |
699 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> primitiveUnitsAttr; |
700 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> rAttr; |
701 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> radiusAttr; |
702 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> refXAttr; |
703 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> refYAttr; |
704 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> rendering_intentAttr; |
705 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> repeatCountAttr; |
706 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> repeatDurAttr; |
707 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> requiredExtensionsAttr; |
708 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> requiredFeaturesAttr; |
709 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> restartAttr; |
710 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> resultAttr; |
711 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> rotateAttr; |
712 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> rxAttr; |
713 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> ryAttr; |
714 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> scaleAttr; |
715 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> seedAttr; |
716 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> shape_renderingAttr; |
717 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> slopeAttr; |
718 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> spacingAttr; |
719 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> specularConstantAttr; |
720 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> specularExponentAttr; |
721 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> spreadMethodAttr; |
722 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> startOffsetAttr; |
723 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stdDeviationAttr; |
724 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stemhAttr; |
725 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stemvAttr; |
726 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stitchTilesAttr; |
727 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stop_colorAttr; |
728 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stop_opacityAttr; |
729 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> strikethrough_positionAttr; |
730 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> strikethrough_thicknessAttr; |
731 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> strokeAttr; |
732 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_dasharrayAttr; |
733 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_dashoffsetAttr; |
734 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_linecapAttr; |
735 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_linejoinAttr; |
736 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_miterlimitAttr; |
737 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_opacityAttr; |
738 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> stroke_widthAttr; |
739 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> styleAttr; |
740 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> surfaceScaleAttr; |
741 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> systemLanguageAttr; |
742 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> tableValuesAttr; |
743 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> targetAttr; |
744 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> targetXAttr; |
745 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> targetYAttr; |
746 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> textLengthAttr; |
747 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> text_anchorAttr; |
748 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> text_decorationAttr; |
749 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> text_renderingAttr; |
750 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> titleAttr; |
751 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> toAttr; |
752 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> transformAttr; |
753 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> transform_originAttr; |
754 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> typeAttr; |
755 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> u1Attr; |
756 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> u2Attr; |
757 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> underline_positionAttr; |
758 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> underline_thicknessAttr; |
759 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> unicodeAttr; |
760 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> unicode_bidiAttr; |
761 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> unicode_rangeAttr; |
762 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> units_per_emAttr; |
763 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> v_alphabeticAttr; |
764 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> v_hangingAttr; |
765 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> v_ideographicAttr; |
766 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> v_mathematicalAttr; |
767 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> valuesAttr; |
768 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> vector_effectAttr; |
769 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> versionAttr; |
770 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> vert_adv_yAttr; |
771 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> vert_origin_xAttr; |
772 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> vert_origin_yAttr; |
773 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> viewBoxAttr; |
774 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> viewTargetAttr; |
775 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> visibilityAttr; |
776 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> widthAttr; |
777 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> widthsAttr; |
778 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> word_spacingAttr; |
779 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> writing_modeAttr; |
780 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> xAttr; |
781 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> x1Attr; |
782 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> x2Attr; |
783 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> xChannelSelectorAttr; |
784 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> x_heightAttr; |
785 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> yAttr; |
786 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> y1Attr; |
787 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> y2Attr; |
788 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> yChannelSelectorAttr; |
789 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> zAttr; |
790 | WEBCORE_EXPORT LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName> zoomAndPanAttr; |
791 | |
792 | |
793 | const WebCore::QualifiedName* const* getSVGAttrs() |
794 | { |
795 | static const WebCore::QualifiedName* const SVGAttrs[] = { |
796 | &accent_heightAttr.get(), |
797 | &accumulateAttr.get(), |
798 | &additiveAttr.get(), |
799 | &alignment_baselineAttr.get(), |
800 | &alphabeticAttr.get(), |
801 | &litudeAttr.get(), |
802 | &animateAttr.get(), |
803 | &arabic_formAttr.get(), |
804 | &ascentAttr.get(), |
805 | &attributeNameAttr.get(), |
806 | &attributeTypeAttr.get(), |
807 | &azimuthAttr.get(), |
808 | &baseFrequencyAttr.get(), |
809 | &baseProfileAttr.get(), |
810 | &baseline_shiftAttr.get(), |
811 | &bboxAttr.get(), |
812 | &beginAttr.get(), |
813 | &biasAttr.get(), |
814 | &buffered_renderingAttr.get(), |
815 | &byAttr.get(), |
816 | &calcModeAttr.get(), |
817 | &cap_heightAttr.get(), |
818 | &clipAttr.get(), |
819 | &clipPathUnitsAttr.get(), |
820 | &clip_pathAttr.get(), |
821 | &clip_ruleAttr.get(), |
822 | &colorAttr.get(), |
823 | &color_interpolationAttr.get(), |
824 | &color_interpolation_filtersAttr.get(), |
825 | &color_profileAttr.get(), |
826 | &color_renderingAttr.get(), |
827 | &contentScriptTypeAttr.get(), |
828 | &contentStyleTypeAttr.get(), |
829 | &cursorAttr.get(), |
830 | &cxAttr.get(), |
831 | &cyAttr.get(), |
832 | &dAttr.get(), |
833 | &descentAttr.get(), |
834 | &diffuseConstantAttr.get(), |
835 | &directionAttr.get(), |
836 | &displayAttr.get(), |
837 | &divisorAttr.get(), |
838 | &dominant_baselineAttr.get(), |
839 | &durAttr.get(), |
840 | &dxAttr.get(), |
841 | &dyAttr.get(), |
842 | &edgeModeAttr.get(), |
843 | &elevationAttr.get(), |
844 | &enable_backgroundAttr.get(), |
845 | &endAttr.get(), |
846 | &exponentAttr.get(), |
847 | &externalResourcesRequiredAttr.get(), |
848 | &fillAttr.get(), |
849 | &fill_opacityAttr.get(), |
850 | &fill_ruleAttr.get(), |
851 | &filterAttr.get(), |
852 | &filterUnitsAttr.get(), |
853 | &flood_colorAttr.get(), |
854 | &flood_opacityAttr.get(), |
855 | &font_familyAttr.get(), |
856 | &font_sizeAttr.get(), |
857 | &font_size_adjustAttr.get(), |
858 | &font_stretchAttr.get(), |
859 | &font_styleAttr.get(), |
860 | &font_variantAttr.get(), |
861 | &font_weightAttr.get(), |
862 | &formatAttr.get(), |
863 | &frAttr.get(), |
864 | &fromAttr.get(), |
865 | &fxAttr.get(), |
866 | &fyAttr.get(), |
867 | &g1Attr.get(), |
868 | &g2Attr.get(), |
869 | &glyphRefAttr.get(), |
870 | &glyph_nameAttr.get(), |
871 | &glyph_orientation_horizontalAttr.get(), |
872 | &glyph_orientation_verticalAttr.get(), |
873 | &gradientTransformAttr.get(), |
874 | &gradientUnitsAttr.get(), |
875 | &hangingAttr.get(), |
876 | &heightAttr.get(), |
877 | &horiz_adv_xAttr.get(), |
878 | &horiz_origin_xAttr.get(), |
879 | &horiz_origin_yAttr.get(), |
880 | &hrefAttr.get(), |
881 | &ideographicAttr.get(), |
882 | &image_renderingAttr.get(), |
883 | &inAttr.get(), |
884 | &in2Attr.get(), |
885 | &interceptAttr.get(), |
886 | &kAttr.get(), |
887 | &k1Attr.get(), |
888 | &k2Attr.get(), |
889 | &k3Attr.get(), |
890 | &k4Attr.get(), |
891 | &kernelMatrixAttr.get(), |
892 | &kernelUnitLengthAttr.get(), |
893 | &kerningAttr.get(), |
894 | &keyPointsAttr.get(), |
895 | &keySplinesAttr.get(), |
896 | &keyTimesAttr.get(), |
897 | &langAttr.get(), |
898 | &lengthAdjustAttr.get(), |
899 | &letter_spacingAttr.get(), |
900 | &lighting_colorAttr.get(), |
901 | &limitingConeAngleAttr.get(), |
902 | &localAttr.get(), |
903 | &markerHeightAttr.get(), |
904 | &markerUnitsAttr.get(), |
905 | &markerWidthAttr.get(), |
906 | &marker_endAttr.get(), |
907 | &marker_midAttr.get(), |
908 | &marker_startAttr.get(), |
909 | &maskAttr.get(), |
910 | &maskContentUnitsAttr.get(), |
911 | &maskUnitsAttr.get(), |
912 | &mask_typeAttr.get(), |
913 | &mathematicalAttr.get(), |
914 | &maxAttr.get(), |
915 | &mediaAttr.get(), |
916 | &methodAttr.get(), |
917 | &minAttr.get(), |
918 | &modeAttr.get(), |
919 | &nameAttr.get(), |
920 | &numOctavesAttr.get(), |
921 | &offsetAttr.get(), |
922 | &onbeginAttr.get(), |
923 | &onendAttr.get(), |
924 | &onzoomAttr.get(), |
925 | &opacityAttr.get(), |
926 | &operatorAttr.get(), |
927 | &orderAttr.get(), |
928 | &orientAttr.get(), |
929 | &orientationAttr.get(), |
930 | &originAttr.get(), |
931 | &overflowAttr.get(), |
932 | &overline_positionAttr.get(), |
933 | &overline_thicknessAttr.get(), |
934 | &paint_orderAttr.get(), |
935 | &panose_1Attr.get(), |
936 | &pathAttr.get(), |
937 | &pathLengthAttr.get(), |
938 | &patternContentUnitsAttr.get(), |
939 | &patternTransformAttr.get(), |
940 | &patternUnitsAttr.get(), |
941 | &pointer_eventsAttr.get(), |
942 | &pointsAttr.get(), |
943 | &pointsAtXAttr.get(), |
944 | &pointsAtYAttr.get(), |
945 | &pointsAtZAttr.get(), |
946 | &preserveAlphaAttr.get(), |
947 | &preserveAspectRatioAttr.get(), |
948 | &primitiveUnitsAttr.get(), |
949 | &rAttr.get(), |
950 | &radiusAttr.get(), |
951 | &refXAttr.get(), |
952 | &refYAttr.get(), |
953 | &rendering_intentAttr.get(), |
954 | &repeatCountAttr.get(), |
955 | &repeatDurAttr.get(), |
956 | &requiredExtensionsAttr.get(), |
957 | &requiredFeaturesAttr.get(), |
958 | &restartAttr.get(), |
959 | &resultAttr.get(), |
960 | &rotateAttr.get(), |
961 | &rxAttr.get(), |
962 | &ryAttr.get(), |
963 | &scaleAttr.get(), |
964 | &seedAttr.get(), |
965 | &shape_renderingAttr.get(), |
966 | &slopeAttr.get(), |
967 | &spacingAttr.get(), |
968 | &specularConstantAttr.get(), |
969 | &specularExponentAttr.get(), |
970 | &spreadMethodAttr.get(), |
971 | &startOffsetAttr.get(), |
972 | &stdDeviationAttr.get(), |
973 | &stemhAttr.get(), |
974 | &stemvAttr.get(), |
975 | &stitchTilesAttr.get(), |
976 | &stop_colorAttr.get(), |
977 | &stop_opacityAttr.get(), |
978 | &strikethrough_positionAttr.get(), |
979 | &strikethrough_thicknessAttr.get(), |
980 | &strokeAttr.get(), |
981 | &stroke_dasharrayAttr.get(), |
982 | &stroke_dashoffsetAttr.get(), |
983 | &stroke_linecapAttr.get(), |
984 | &stroke_linejoinAttr.get(), |
985 | &stroke_miterlimitAttr.get(), |
986 | &stroke_opacityAttr.get(), |
987 | &stroke_widthAttr.get(), |
988 | &styleAttr.get(), |
989 | &surfaceScaleAttr.get(), |
990 | &systemLanguageAttr.get(), |
991 | &tableValuesAttr.get(), |
992 | &targetAttr.get(), |
993 | &targetXAttr.get(), |
994 | &targetYAttr.get(), |
995 | &textLengthAttr.get(), |
996 | &text_anchorAttr.get(), |
997 | &text_decorationAttr.get(), |
998 | &text_renderingAttr.get(), |
999 | &titleAttr.get(), |
1000 | &toAttr.get(), |
1001 | &transformAttr.get(), |
1002 | &transform_originAttr.get(), |
1003 | &typeAttr.get(), |
1004 | &u1Attr.get(), |
1005 | &u2Attr.get(), |
1006 | &underline_positionAttr.get(), |
1007 | &underline_thicknessAttr.get(), |
1008 | &unicodeAttr.get(), |
1009 | &unicode_bidiAttr.get(), |
1010 | &unicode_rangeAttr.get(), |
1011 | &units_per_emAttr.get(), |
1012 | &v_alphabeticAttr.get(), |
1013 | &v_hangingAttr.get(), |
1014 | &v_ideographicAttr.get(), |
1015 | &v_mathematicalAttr.get(), |
1016 | &valuesAttr.get(), |
1017 | &vector_effectAttr.get(), |
1018 | &versionAttr.get(), |
1019 | &vert_adv_yAttr.get(), |
1020 | &vert_origin_xAttr.get(), |
1021 | &vert_origin_yAttr.get(), |
1022 | &viewBoxAttr.get(), |
1023 | &viewTargetAttr.get(), |
1024 | &visibilityAttr.get(), |
1025 | &widthAttr.get(), |
1026 | &widthsAttr.get(), |
1027 | &word_spacingAttr.get(), |
1028 | &writing_modeAttr.get(), |
1029 | &xAttr.get(), |
1030 | &x1Attr.get(), |
1031 | &x2Attr.get(), |
1032 | &xChannelSelectorAttr.get(), |
1033 | &x_heightAttr.get(), |
1034 | &yAttr.get(), |
1035 | &y1Attr.get(), |
1036 | &y2Attr.get(), |
1037 | &yChannelSelectorAttr.get(), |
1038 | &zAttr.get(), |
1039 | &zoomAndPanAttr.get(), |
1040 | }; |
1041 | return SVGAttrs; |
1042 | } |
1043 | |
1044 | void init() |
1045 | { |
1046 | static bool initialized = false; |
1047 | if (initialized) |
1048 | return; |
1049 | initialized = true; |
1050 | |
1051 | // Use placement new to initialize the globals. |
1052 | |
1053 | AtomicString::init(); |
1054 | AtomicString svgNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" , AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral); |
1055 | |
1056 | // Namespace |
1057 | svgNamespaceURI.construct(svgNS); |
1058 | |
1059 | #ifndef NDEBUG |
1060 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&aData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1061 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&accent_heightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1062 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&accumulateData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1063 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&additiveData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1064 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&alignment_baselineData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1065 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&alphabeticData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1066 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&altGlyphData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1067 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&altGlyphDefData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1068 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&altGlyphItemData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1069 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&litudeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1070 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&animateData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1071 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&animateColorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1072 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&animateMotionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1073 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&animateTransformData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1074 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&arabic_formData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1075 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&ascentData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1076 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&attributeNameData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1077 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&attributeTypeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1078 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&azimuthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1079 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&baseFrequencyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1080 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&baseProfileData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1081 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&baseline_shiftData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1082 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&bboxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1083 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&beginData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1084 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&biasData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1085 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&buffered_renderingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1086 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&byData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1087 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&calcModeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1088 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&cap_heightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1089 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&circleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1090 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&clipData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1091 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&clipPathData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1092 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&clipPathUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1093 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&clip_pathData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1094 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&clip_ruleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1095 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&colorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1096 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&color_interpolationData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1097 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&color_interpolation_filtersData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1098 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&color_profileData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1099 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&color_renderingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1100 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&contentScriptTypeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1101 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&contentStyleTypeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1102 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&cursorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1103 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&cxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1104 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&cyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1105 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&dData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1106 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&defsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1107 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&descData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1108 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&descentData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1109 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&diffuseConstantData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1110 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&directionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1111 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&displayData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1112 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&divisorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1113 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&dominant_baselineData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1114 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&durData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1115 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&dxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1116 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&dyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1117 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&edgeModeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1118 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&elevationData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1119 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&ellipseData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1120 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&enable_backgroundData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1121 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&endData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1122 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&exponentData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1123 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&externalResourcesRequiredData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1124 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feBlendData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1125 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feColorMatrixData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1126 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feComponentTransferData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1127 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feCompositeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1128 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feConvolveMatrixData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1129 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feDiffuseLightingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1130 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feDisplacementMapData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1131 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feDistantLightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1132 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feDropShadowData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1133 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feFloodData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1134 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feFuncAData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1135 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feFuncBData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1136 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feFuncGData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1137 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feFuncRData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1138 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feGaussianBlurData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1139 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feImageData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1140 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feMergeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1141 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feMergeNodeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1142 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feMorphologyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1143 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feOffsetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1144 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fePointLightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1145 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feSpecularLightingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1146 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feSpotLightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1147 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feTileData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1148 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&feTurbulenceData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1149 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fillData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1150 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fill_opacityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1151 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fill_ruleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1152 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&filterData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1153 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&filterUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1154 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&flood_colorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1155 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&flood_opacityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1156 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fontData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1157 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_faceData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1158 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_face_formatData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1159 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_face_nameData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1160 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_face_srcData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1161 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_face_uriData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1162 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_familyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1163 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_sizeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1164 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_size_adjustData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1165 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_stretchData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1166 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_styleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1167 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_variantData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1168 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&font_weightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1169 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&foreignObjectData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1170 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&formatData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1171 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&frData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1172 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fromData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1173 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1174 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&fyData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1175 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&gData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1176 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&g1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1177 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&g2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1178 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&glyphData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1179 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&glyphRefData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1180 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&glyph_nameData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1181 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&glyph_orientation_horizontalData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1182 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&glyph_orientation_verticalData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1183 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&gradientTransformData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1184 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&gradientUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1185 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&hangingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1186 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&heightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1187 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&hkernData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1188 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&horiz_adv_xData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1189 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&horiz_origin_xData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1190 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&horiz_origin_yData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1191 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&hrefData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1192 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&ideographicData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1193 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&imageData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1194 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&image_renderingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1195 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&inData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1196 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&in2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1197 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&interceptData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1198 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&kData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1199 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&k1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1200 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&k2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1201 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&k3Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1202 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&k4Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1203 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&kernelMatrixData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1204 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&kernelUnitLengthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1205 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&kerningData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1206 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&keyPointsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1207 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&keySplinesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1208 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&keyTimesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1209 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&langData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1210 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&lengthAdjustData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1211 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&letter_spacingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1212 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&lighting_colorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1213 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&limitingConeAngleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1214 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&lineData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1215 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&linearGradientData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1216 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&localData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1217 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&markerData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1218 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&markerHeightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1219 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&markerUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1220 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&markerWidthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1221 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&marker_endData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1222 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&marker_midData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1223 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&marker_startData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1224 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&maskData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1225 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&maskContentUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1226 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&maskUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1227 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&mask_typeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1228 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&mathematicalData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1229 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&maxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1230 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&mediaData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1231 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&metadataData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1232 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&methodData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1233 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&minData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1234 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&missing_glyphData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1235 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&modeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1236 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&mpathData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1237 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&nameData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1238 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&numOctavesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1239 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&offsetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1240 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&onbeginData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1241 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&onendData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1242 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&onzoomData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1243 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&opacityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1244 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&operatorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1245 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&orderData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1246 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&orientData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1247 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&orientationData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1248 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&originData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1249 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&overflowData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1250 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&overline_positionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1251 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&overline_thicknessData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1252 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&paint_orderData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1253 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&panose_1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1254 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pathData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1255 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pathLengthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1256 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&patternData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1257 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&patternContentUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1258 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&patternTransformData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1259 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&patternUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1260 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pointer_eventsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1261 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pointsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1262 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pointsAtXData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1263 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pointsAtYData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1264 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&pointsAtZData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1265 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&polygonData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1266 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&polylineData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1267 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&preserveAlphaData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1268 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&preserveAspectRatioData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1269 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&primitiveUnitsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1270 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&rData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1271 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&radialGradientData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1272 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&radiusData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1273 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&rectData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1274 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&refXData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1275 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&refYData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1276 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&rendering_intentData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1277 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&repeatCountData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1278 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&repeatDurData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1279 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&requiredExtensionsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1280 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&requiredFeaturesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1281 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&restartData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1282 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&resultData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1283 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&rotateData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1284 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&rxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1285 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&ryData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1286 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&scaleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1287 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&scriptData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1288 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&seedData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1289 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&setData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1290 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&shape_renderingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1291 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&slopeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1292 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&spacingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1293 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&specularConstantData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1294 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&specularExponentData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1295 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&spreadMethodData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1296 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&startOffsetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1297 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stdDeviationData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1298 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stemhData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1299 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stemvData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1300 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stitchTilesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1301 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stopData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1302 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stop_colorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1303 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stop_opacityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1304 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&strikethrough_positionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1305 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&strikethrough_thicknessData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1306 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&strokeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1307 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_dasharrayData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1308 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_dashoffsetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1309 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_linecapData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1310 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_linejoinData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1311 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_miterlimitData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1312 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_opacityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1313 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&stroke_widthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1314 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&styleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1315 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&surfaceScaleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1316 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&svgData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1317 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&switchData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1318 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&symbolData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1319 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&systemLanguageData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1320 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&tableValuesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1321 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&targetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1322 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&targetXData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1323 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&targetYData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1324 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&textData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1325 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&textLengthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1326 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&textPathData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1327 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&text_anchorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1328 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&text_decorationData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1329 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&text_renderingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1330 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&titleData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1331 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&toData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1332 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&transformData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1333 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&transform_originData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1334 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&trefData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1335 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&tspanData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1336 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&typeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1337 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&u1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1338 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&u2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1339 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&underline_positionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1340 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&underline_thicknessData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1341 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&unicodeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1342 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&unicode_bidiData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1343 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&unicode_rangeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1344 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&units_per_emData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1345 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&useData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1346 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&v_alphabeticData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1347 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&v_hangingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1348 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&v_ideographicData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1349 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&v_mathematicalData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1350 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&valuesData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1351 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&vector_effectData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1352 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&versionData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1353 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&vert_adv_yData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1354 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&vert_origin_xData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1355 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&vert_origin_yData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1356 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&viewData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1357 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&viewBoxData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1358 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&viewTargetData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1359 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&visibilityData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1360 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&vkernData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1361 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&widthData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1362 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&widthsData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1363 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&word_spacingData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1364 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&writing_modeData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1365 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&xData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1366 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&x1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1367 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&x2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1368 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&xChannelSelectorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1369 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&x_heightData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1370 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&yData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1371 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&y1Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1372 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&y2Data)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1373 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&yChannelSelectorData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1374 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&zData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1375 | reinterpret_cast<const StringImpl*>(&zoomAndPanData)->assertHashIsCorrect(); |
1376 | #endif // NDEBUG |
1377 | |
1378 | |
1379 | struct TagsTableEntry { |
1380 | LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>* targetAddress; |
1381 | const StaticStringImpl& name; |
1382 | }; |
1383 | |
1384 | static const TagsTableEntry tagsTable[] = { |
1385 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&aTag, *(&aData) }, |
1386 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&altGlyphTag, *(&altGlyphData) }, |
1387 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&altGlyphDefTag, *(&altGlyphDefData) }, |
1388 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&altGlyphItemTag, *(&altGlyphItemData) }, |
1389 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&animateTag, *(&animateData) }, |
1390 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&animateColorTag, *(&animateColorData) }, |
1391 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&animateMotionTag, *(&animateMotionData) }, |
1392 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&animateTransformTag, *(&animateTransformData) }, |
1393 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&circleTag, *(&circleData) }, |
1394 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&clipPathTag, *(&clipPathData) }, |
1395 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&color_profileTag, *(&color_profileData) }, |
1396 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&cursorTag, *(&cursorData) }, |
1397 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&defsTag, *(&defsData) }, |
1398 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&descTag, *(&descData) }, |
1399 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&ellipseTag, *(&ellipseData) }, |
1400 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feBlendTag, *(&feBlendData) }, |
1401 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feColorMatrixTag, *(&feColorMatrixData) }, |
1402 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feComponentTransferTag, *(&feComponentTransferData) }, |
1403 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feCompositeTag, *(&feCompositeData) }, |
1404 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feConvolveMatrixTag, *(&feConvolveMatrixData) }, |
1405 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feDiffuseLightingTag, *(&feDiffuseLightingData) }, |
1406 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feDisplacementMapTag, *(&feDisplacementMapData) }, |
1407 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feDistantLightTag, *(&feDistantLightData) }, |
1408 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feDropShadowTag, *(&feDropShadowData) }, |
1409 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feFloodTag, *(&feFloodData) }, |
1410 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feFuncATag, *(&feFuncAData) }, |
1411 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feFuncBTag, *(&feFuncBData) }, |
1412 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feFuncGTag, *(&feFuncGData) }, |
1413 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feFuncRTag, *(&feFuncRData) }, |
1414 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feGaussianBlurTag, *(&feGaussianBlurData) }, |
1415 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feImageTag, *(&feImageData) }, |
1416 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feMergeTag, *(&feMergeData) }, |
1417 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feMergeNodeTag, *(&feMergeNodeData) }, |
1418 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feMorphologyTag, *(&feMorphologyData) }, |
1419 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feOffsetTag, *(&feOffsetData) }, |
1420 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&fePointLightTag, *(&fePointLightData) }, |
1421 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feSpecularLightingTag, *(&feSpecularLightingData) }, |
1422 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feSpotLightTag, *(&feSpotLightData) }, |
1423 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feTileTag, *(&feTileData) }, |
1424 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&feTurbulenceTag, *(&feTurbulenceData) }, |
1425 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&filterTag, *(&filterData) }, |
1426 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&fontTag, *(&fontData) }, |
1427 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&font_faceTag, *(&font_faceData) }, |
1428 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&font_face_formatTag, *(&font_face_formatData) }, |
1429 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&font_face_nameTag, *(&font_face_nameData) }, |
1430 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&font_face_srcTag, *(&font_face_srcData) }, |
1431 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&font_face_uriTag, *(&font_face_uriData) }, |
1432 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&foreignObjectTag, *(&foreignObjectData) }, |
1433 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&gTag, *(&gData) }, |
1434 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&glyphTag, *(&glyphData) }, |
1435 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&glyphRefTag, *(&glyphRefData) }, |
1436 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&hkernTag, *(&hkernData) }, |
1437 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&imageTag, *(&imageData) }, |
1438 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&lineTag, *(&lineData) }, |
1439 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&linearGradientTag, *(&linearGradientData) }, |
1440 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&markerTag, *(&markerData) }, |
1441 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&maskTag, *(&maskData) }, |
1442 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&metadataTag, *(&metadataData) }, |
1443 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&missing_glyphTag, *(&missing_glyphData) }, |
1444 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&mpathTag, *(&mpathData) }, |
1445 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&pathTag, *(&pathData) }, |
1446 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&patternTag, *(&patternData) }, |
1447 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&polygonTag, *(&polygonData) }, |
1448 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&polylineTag, *(&polylineData) }, |
1449 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&radialGradientTag, *(&radialGradientData) }, |
1450 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&rectTag, *(&rectData) }, |
1451 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&scriptTag, *(&scriptData) }, |
1452 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&setTag, *(&setData) }, |
1453 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&stopTag, *(&stopData) }, |
1454 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&styleTag, *(&styleData) }, |
1455 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&svgTag, *(&svgData) }, |
1456 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&switchTag, *(&switchData) }, |
1457 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&symbolTag, *(&symbolData) }, |
1458 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&textTag, *(&textData) }, |
1459 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&textPathTag, *(&textPathData) }, |
1460 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&titleTag, *(&titleData) }, |
1461 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&trefTag, *(&trefData) }, |
1462 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&tspanTag, *(&tspanData) }, |
1463 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&useTag, *(&useData) }, |
1464 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&viewTag, *(&viewData) }, |
1465 | { (LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>*)&vkernTag, *(&vkernData) }, |
1466 | }; |
1467 | |
1468 | for (auto& entry : tagsTable) |
1469 | entry.targetAddress->construct(nullAtom(), AtomicString(&entry.name), svgNS); |
1470 | |
1471 | struct AttributesTableEntry { |
1472 | LazyNeverDestroyed<const QualifiedName>* targetAddress; |
1473 | const StaticStringImpl& name; |
1474 | }; |
1475 | |
1476 | static const AttributesTableEntry attributesTable[] = { |
1477 | { &accent_heightAttr, *(&accent_heightData) }, |
1478 | { &accumulateAttr, *(&accumulateData) }, |
1479 | { &additiveAttr, *(&additiveData) }, |
1480 | { &alignment_baselineAttr, *(&alignment_baselineData) }, |
1481 | { &alphabeticAttr, *(&alphabeticData) }, |
1482 | { &litudeAttr, *(&litudeData) }, |
1483 | { &animateAttr, *(&animateData) }, |
1484 | { &arabic_formAttr, *(&arabic_formData) }, |
1485 | { &ascentAttr, *(&ascentData) }, |
1486 | { &attributeNameAttr, *(&attributeNameData) }, |
1487 | { &attributeTypeAttr, *(&attributeTypeData) }, |
1488 | { &azimuthAttr, *(&azimuthData) }, |
1489 | { &baseFrequencyAttr, *(&baseFrequencyData) }, |
1490 | { &baseProfileAttr, *(&baseProfileData) }, |
1491 | { &baseline_shiftAttr, *(&baseline_shiftData) }, |
1492 | { &bboxAttr, *(&bboxData) }, |
1493 | { &beginAttr, *(&beginData) }, |
1494 | { &biasAttr, *(&biasData) }, |
1495 | { &buffered_renderingAttr, *(&buffered_renderingData) }, |
1496 | { &byAttr, *(&byData) }, |
1497 | { &calcModeAttr, *(&calcModeData) }, |
1498 | { &cap_heightAttr, *(&cap_heightData) }, |
1499 | { &clipAttr, *(&clipData) }, |
1500 | { &clipPathUnitsAttr, *(&clipPathUnitsData) }, |
1501 | { &clip_pathAttr, *(&clip_pathData) }, |
1502 | { &clip_ruleAttr, *(&clip_ruleData) }, |
1503 | { &colorAttr, *(&colorData) }, |
1504 | { &color_interpolationAttr, *(&color_interpolationData) }, |
1505 | { &color_interpolation_filtersAttr, *(&color_interpolation_filtersData) }, |
1506 | { &color_profileAttr, *(&color_profileData) }, |
1507 | { &color_renderingAttr, *(&color_renderingData) }, |
1508 | { &contentScriptTypeAttr, *(&contentScriptTypeData) }, |
1509 | { &contentStyleTypeAttr, *(&contentStyleTypeData) }, |
1510 | { &cursorAttr, *(&cursorData) }, |
1511 | { &cxAttr, *(&cxData) }, |
1512 | { &cyAttr, *(&cyData) }, |
1513 | { &dAttr, *(&dData) }, |
1514 | { &descentAttr, *(&descentData) }, |
1515 | { &diffuseConstantAttr, *(&diffuseConstantData) }, |
1516 | { &directionAttr, *(&directionData) }, |
1517 | { &displayAttr, *(&displayData) }, |
1518 | { &divisorAttr, *(&divisorData) }, |
1519 | { &dominant_baselineAttr, *(&dominant_baselineData) }, |
1520 | { &durAttr, *(&durData) }, |
1521 | { &dxAttr, *(&dxData) }, |
1522 | { &dyAttr, *(&dyData) }, |
1523 | { &edgeModeAttr, *(&edgeModeData) }, |
1524 | { &elevationAttr, *(&elevationData) }, |
1525 | { &enable_backgroundAttr, *(&enable_backgroundData) }, |
1526 | { &endAttr, *(&endData) }, |
1527 | { &exponentAttr, *(&exponentData) }, |
1528 | { &externalResourcesRequiredAttr, *(&externalResourcesRequiredData) }, |
1529 | { &fillAttr, *(&fillData) }, |
1530 | { &fill_opacityAttr, *(&fill_opacityData) }, |
1531 | { &fill_ruleAttr, *(&fill_ruleData) }, |
1532 | { &filterAttr, *(&filterData) }, |
1533 | { &filterUnitsAttr, *(&filterUnitsData) }, |
1534 | { &flood_colorAttr, *(&flood_colorData) }, |
1535 | { &flood_opacityAttr, *(&flood_opacityData) }, |
1536 | { &font_familyAttr, *(&font_familyData) }, |
1537 | { &font_sizeAttr, *(&font_sizeData) }, |
1538 | { &font_size_adjustAttr, *(&font_size_adjustData) }, |
1539 | { &font_stretchAttr, *(&font_stretchData) }, |
1540 | { &font_styleAttr, *(&font_styleData) }, |
1541 | { &font_variantAttr, *(&font_variantData) }, |
1542 | { &font_weightAttr, *(&font_weightData) }, |
1543 | { &formatAttr, *(&formatData) }, |
1544 | { &frAttr, *(&frData) }, |
1545 | { &fromAttr, *(&fromData) }, |
1546 | { &fxAttr, *(&fxData) }, |
1547 | { &fyAttr, *(&fyData) }, |
1548 | { &g1Attr, *(&g1Data) }, |
1549 | { &g2Attr, *(&g2Data) }, |
1550 | { &glyphRefAttr, *(&glyphRefData) }, |
1551 | { &glyph_nameAttr, *(&glyph_nameData) }, |
1552 | { &glyph_orientation_horizontalAttr, *(&glyph_orientation_horizontalData) }, |
1553 | { &glyph_orientation_verticalAttr, *(&glyph_orientation_verticalData) }, |
1554 | { &gradientTransformAttr, *(&gradientTransformData) }, |
1555 | { &gradientUnitsAttr, *(&gradientUnitsData) }, |
1556 | { &hangingAttr, *(&hangingData) }, |
1557 | { &heightAttr, *(&heightData) }, |
1558 | { &horiz_adv_xAttr, *(&horiz_adv_xData) }, |
1559 | { &horiz_origin_xAttr, *(&horiz_origin_xData) }, |
1560 | { &horiz_origin_yAttr, *(&horiz_origin_yData) }, |
1561 | { &hrefAttr, *(&hrefData) }, |
1562 | { &ideographicAttr, *(&ideographicData) }, |
1563 | { &image_renderingAttr, *(&image_renderingData) }, |
1564 | { &inAttr, *(&inData) }, |
1565 | { &in2Attr, *(&in2Data) }, |
1566 | { &interceptAttr, *(&interceptData) }, |
1567 | { &kAttr, *(&kData) }, |
1568 | { &k1Attr, *(&k1Data) }, |
1569 | { &k2Attr, *(&k2Data) }, |
1570 | { &k3Attr, *(&k3Data) }, |
1571 | { &k4Attr, *(&k4Data) }, |
1572 | { &kernelMatrixAttr, *(&kernelMatrixData) }, |
1573 | { &kernelUnitLengthAttr, *(&kernelUnitLengthData) }, |
1574 | { &kerningAttr, *(&kerningData) }, |
1575 | { &keyPointsAttr, *(&keyPointsData) }, |
1576 | { &keySplinesAttr, *(&keySplinesData) }, |
1577 | { &keyTimesAttr, *(&keyTimesData) }, |
1578 | { &langAttr, *(&langData) }, |
1579 | { &lengthAdjustAttr, *(&lengthAdjustData) }, |
1580 | { &letter_spacingAttr, *(&letter_spacingData) }, |
1581 | { &lighting_colorAttr, *(&lighting_colorData) }, |
1582 | { &limitingConeAngleAttr, *(&limitingConeAngleData) }, |
1583 | { &localAttr, *(&localData) }, |
1584 | { &markerHeightAttr, *(&markerHeightData) }, |
1585 | { &markerUnitsAttr, *(&markerUnitsData) }, |
1586 | { &markerWidthAttr, *(&markerWidthData) }, |
1587 | { &marker_endAttr, *(&marker_endData) }, |
1588 | { &marker_midAttr, *(&marker_midData) }, |
1589 | { &marker_startAttr, *(&marker_startData) }, |
1590 | { &maskAttr, *(&maskData) }, |
1591 | { &maskContentUnitsAttr, *(&maskContentUnitsData) }, |
1592 | { &maskUnitsAttr, *(&maskUnitsData) }, |
1593 | { &mask_typeAttr, *(&mask_typeData) }, |
1594 | { &mathematicalAttr, *(&mathematicalData) }, |
1595 | { &maxAttr, *(&maxData) }, |
1596 | { &mediaAttr, *(&mediaData) }, |
1597 | { &methodAttr, *(&methodData) }, |
1598 | { &minAttr, *(&minData) }, |
1599 | { &modeAttr, *(&modeData) }, |
1600 | { &nameAttr, *(&nameData) }, |
1601 | { &numOctavesAttr, *(&numOctavesData) }, |
1602 | { &offsetAttr, *(&offsetData) }, |
1603 | { &onbeginAttr, *(&onbeginData) }, |
1604 | { &onendAttr, *(&onendData) }, |
1605 | { &onzoomAttr, *(&onzoomData) }, |
1606 | { &opacityAttr, *(&opacityData) }, |
1607 | { &operatorAttr, *(&operatorData) }, |
1608 | { &orderAttr, *(&orderData) }, |
1609 | { &orientAttr, *(&orientData) }, |
1610 | { &orientationAttr, *(&orientationData) }, |
1611 | { &originAttr, *(&originData) }, |
1612 | { &overflowAttr, *(&overflowData) }, |
1613 | { &overline_positionAttr, *(&overline_positionData) }, |
1614 | { &overline_thicknessAttr, *(&overline_thicknessData) }, |
1615 | { &paint_orderAttr, *(&paint_orderData) }, |
1616 | { &panose_1Attr, *(&panose_1Data) }, |
1617 | { &pathAttr, *(&pathData) }, |
1618 | { &pathLengthAttr, *(&pathLengthData) }, |
1619 | { &patternContentUnitsAttr, *(&patternContentUnitsData) }, |
1620 | { &patternTransformAttr, *(&patternTransformData) }, |
1621 | { &patternUnitsAttr, *(&patternUnitsData) }, |
1622 | { &pointer_eventsAttr, *(&pointer_eventsData) }, |
1623 | { &pointsAttr, *(&pointsData) }, |
1624 | { &pointsAtXAttr, *(&pointsAtXData) }, |
1625 | { &pointsAtYAttr, *(&pointsAtYData) }, |
1626 | { &pointsAtZAttr, *(&pointsAtZData) }, |
1627 | { &preserveAlphaAttr, *(&preserveAlphaData) }, |
1628 | { &preserveAspectRatioAttr, *(&preserveAspectRatioData) }, |
1629 | { &primitiveUnitsAttr, *(&primitiveUnitsData) }, |
1630 | { &rAttr, *(&rData) }, |
1631 | { &radiusAttr, *(&radiusData) }, |
1632 | { &refXAttr, *(&refXData) }, |
1633 | { &refYAttr, *(&refYData) }, |
1634 | { &rendering_intentAttr, *(&rendering_intentData) }, |
1635 | { &repeatCountAttr, *(&repeatCountData) }, |
1636 | { &repeatDurAttr, *(&repeatDurData) }, |
1637 | { &requiredExtensionsAttr, *(&requiredExtensionsData) }, |
1638 | { &requiredFeaturesAttr, *(&requiredFeaturesData) }, |
1639 | { &restartAttr, *(&restartData) }, |
1640 | { &resultAttr, *(&resultData) }, |
1641 | { &rotateAttr, *(&rotateData) }, |
1642 | { &rxAttr, *(&rxData) }, |
1643 | { &ryAttr, *(&ryData) }, |
1644 | { &scaleAttr, *(&scaleData) }, |
1645 | { &seedAttr, *(&seedData) }, |
1646 | { &shape_renderingAttr, *(&shape_renderingData) }, |
1647 | { &slopeAttr, *(&slopeData) }, |
1648 | { &spacingAttr, *(&spacingData) }, |
1649 | { &specularConstantAttr, *(&specularConstantData) }, |
1650 | { &specularExponentAttr, *(&specularExponentData) }, |
1651 | { &spreadMethodAttr, *(&spreadMethodData) }, |
1652 | { &startOffsetAttr, *(&startOffsetData) }, |
1653 | { &stdDeviationAttr, *(&stdDeviationData) }, |
1654 | { &stemhAttr, *(&stemhData) }, |
1655 | { &stemvAttr, *(&stemvData) }, |
1656 | { &stitchTilesAttr, *(&stitchTilesData) }, |
1657 | { &stop_colorAttr, *(&stop_colorData) }, |
1658 | { &stop_opacityAttr, *(&stop_opacityData) }, |
1659 | { &strikethrough_positionAttr, *(&strikethrough_positionData) }, |
1660 | { &strikethrough_thicknessAttr, *(&strikethrough_thicknessData) }, |
1661 | { &strokeAttr, *(&strokeData) }, |
1662 | { &stroke_dasharrayAttr, *(&stroke_dasharrayData) }, |
1663 | { &stroke_dashoffsetAttr, *(&stroke_dashoffsetData) }, |
1664 | { &stroke_linecapAttr, *(&stroke_linecapData) }, |
1665 | { &stroke_linejoinAttr, *(&stroke_linejoinData) }, |
1666 | { &stroke_miterlimitAttr, *(&stroke_miterlimitData) }, |
1667 | { &stroke_opacityAttr, *(&stroke_opacityData) }, |
1668 | { &stroke_widthAttr, *(&stroke_widthData) }, |
1669 | { &styleAttr, *(&styleData) }, |
1670 | { &surfaceScaleAttr, *(&surfaceScaleData) }, |
1671 | { &systemLanguageAttr, *(&systemLanguageData) }, |
1672 | { &tableValuesAttr, *(&tableValuesData) }, |
1673 | { &targetAttr, *(&targetData) }, |
1674 | { &targetXAttr, *(&targetXData) }, |
1675 | { &targetYAttr, *(&targetYData) }, |
1676 | { &textLengthAttr, *(&textLengthData) }, |
1677 | { &text_anchorAttr, *(&text_anchorData) }, |
1678 | { &text_decorationAttr, *(&text_decorationData) }, |
1679 | { &text_renderingAttr, *(&text_renderingData) }, |
1680 | { &titleAttr, *(&titleData) }, |
1681 | { &toAttr, *(&toData) }, |
1682 | { &transformAttr, *(&transformData) }, |
1683 | { &transform_originAttr, *(&transform_originData) }, |
1684 | { &typeAttr, *(&typeData) }, |
1685 | { &u1Attr, *(&u1Data) }, |
1686 | { &u2Attr, *(&u2Data) }, |
1687 | { &underline_positionAttr, *(&underline_positionData) }, |
1688 | { &underline_thicknessAttr, *(&underline_thicknessData) }, |
1689 | { &unicodeAttr, *(&unicodeData) }, |
1690 | { &unicode_bidiAttr, *(&unicode_bidiData) }, |
1691 | { &unicode_rangeAttr, *(&unicode_rangeData) }, |
1692 | { &units_per_emAttr, *(&units_per_emData) }, |
1693 | { &v_alphabeticAttr, *(&v_alphabeticData) }, |
1694 | { &v_hangingAttr, *(&v_hangingData) }, |
1695 | { &v_ideographicAttr, *(&v_ideographicData) }, |
1696 | { &v_mathematicalAttr, *(&v_mathematicalData) }, |
1697 | { &valuesAttr, *(&valuesData) }, |
1698 | { &vector_effectAttr, *(&vector_effectData) }, |
1699 | { &versionAttr, *(&versionData) }, |
1700 | { &vert_adv_yAttr, *(&vert_adv_yData) }, |
1701 | { &vert_origin_xAttr, *(&vert_origin_xData) }, |
1702 | { &vert_origin_yAttr, *(&vert_origin_yData) }, |
1703 | { &viewBoxAttr, *(&viewBoxData) }, |
1704 | { &viewTargetAttr, *(&viewTargetData) }, |
1705 | { &visibilityAttr, *(&visibilityData) }, |
1706 | { &widthAttr, *(&widthData) }, |
1707 | { &widthsAttr, *(&widthsData) }, |
1708 | { &word_spacingAttr, *(&word_spacingData) }, |
1709 | { &writing_modeAttr, *(&writing_modeData) }, |
1710 | { &xAttr, *(&xData) }, |
1711 | { &x1Attr, *(&x1Data) }, |
1712 | { &x2Attr, *(&x2Data) }, |
1713 | { &xChannelSelectorAttr, *(&xChannelSelectorData) }, |
1714 | { &x_heightAttr, *(&x_heightData) }, |
1715 | { &yAttr, *(&yData) }, |
1716 | { &y1Attr, *(&y1Data) }, |
1717 | { &y2Attr, *(&y2Data) }, |
1718 | { &yChannelSelectorAttr, *(&yChannelSelectorData) }, |
1719 | { &zAttr, *(&zData) }, |
1720 | { &zoomAndPanAttr, *(&zoomAndPanData) }, |
1721 | }; |
1722 | |
1723 | for (auto& entry : attributesTable) |
1724 | entry.targetAddress->construct(nullAtom(), AtomicString(&entry.name), nullAtom()); |
1725 | } |
1726 | |
1727 | } } |
1728 | |
1729 | |