1 | /* |
2 | This file is part of the WebKit open source project. |
3 | This file has been generated by generate-bindings.pl. DO NOT MODIFY! |
4 | |
5 | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
6 | modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public |
7 | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
8 | version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
9 | |
10 | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
11 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
13 | Library General Public License for more details. |
14 | |
15 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License |
16 | along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to |
17 | the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, |
18 | Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. |
19 | */ |
20 | |
21 | #include "config.h" |
22 | |
23 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
24 | |
25 | #include "JSRTCSessionDescription.h" |
26 | |
27 | #include "JSDOMAttribute.h" |
28 | #include "JSDOMBinding.h" |
29 | #include "JSDOMConstructor.h" |
30 | #include "JSDOMConvertInterface.h" |
31 | #include "JSDOMConvertStrings.h" |
32 | #include "JSDOMExceptionHandling.h" |
33 | #include "JSDOMGlobalObject.h" |
34 | #include "JSDOMOperation.h" |
35 | #include "JSDOMWrapperCache.h" |
36 | #include "ScriptExecutionContext.h" |
37 | #include <JavaScriptCore/FunctionPrototype.h> |
38 | #include <JavaScriptCore/HeapSnapshotBuilder.h> |
39 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSCInlines.h> |
40 | #include <JavaScriptCore/JSString.h> |
41 | #include <JavaScriptCore/ObjectConstructor.h> |
42 | #include <wtf/GetPtr.h> |
43 | #include <wtf/PointerPreparations.h> |
44 | #include <wtf/URL.h> |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | namespace WebCore { |
48 | using namespace JSC; |
49 | |
50 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
51 | |
52 | String convertEnumerationToString(RTCSdpType enumerationValue) |
53 | { |
54 | static const NeverDestroyed<String> values[] = { |
55 | MAKE_STATIC_STRING_IMPL("offer" ), |
56 | MAKE_STATIC_STRING_IMPL("pranswer" ), |
57 | MAKE_STATIC_STRING_IMPL("answer" ), |
58 | MAKE_STATIC_STRING_IMPL("rollback" ), |
59 | }; |
60 | static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(RTCSdpType::Offer) == 0, "RTCSdpType::Offer is not 0 as expected" ); |
61 | static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(RTCSdpType::Pranswer) == 1, "RTCSdpType::Pranswer is not 1 as expected" ); |
62 | static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(RTCSdpType::Answer) == 2, "RTCSdpType::Answer is not 2 as expected" ); |
63 | static_assert(static_cast<size_t>(RTCSdpType::Rollback) == 3, "RTCSdpType::Rollback is not 3 as expected" ); |
64 | ASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(enumerationValue) < WTF_ARRAY_LENGTH(values)); |
65 | return values[static_cast<size_t>(enumerationValue)]; |
66 | } |
67 | |
68 | template<> JSString* convertEnumerationToJS(ExecState& state, RTCSdpType enumerationValue) |
69 | { |
70 | return jsStringWithCache(&state, convertEnumerationToString(enumerationValue)); |
71 | } |
72 | |
73 | template<> Optional<RTCSdpType> parseEnumeration<RTCSdpType>(ExecState& state, JSValue value) |
74 | { |
75 | auto stringValue = value.toWTFString(&state); |
76 | if (stringValue == "offer" ) |
77 | return RTCSdpType::Offer; |
78 | if (stringValue == "pranswer" ) |
79 | return RTCSdpType::Pranswer; |
80 | if (stringValue == "answer" ) |
81 | return RTCSdpType::Answer; |
82 | if (stringValue == "rollback" ) |
83 | return RTCSdpType::Rollback; |
84 | return WTF::nullopt; |
85 | } |
86 | |
87 | template<> const char* expectedEnumerationValues<RTCSdpType>() |
88 | { |
89 | return "\"offer\", \"pranswer\", \"answer\", \"rollback\"" ; |
90 | } |
91 | |
92 | #endif |
93 | |
94 | #if ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
95 | |
96 | template<> RTCSessionDescription::Init convertDictionary<RTCSessionDescription::Init>(ExecState& state, JSValue value) |
97 | { |
98 | VM& vm = state.vm(); |
99 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
100 | bool isNullOrUndefined = value.isUndefinedOrNull(); |
101 | auto* object = isNullOrUndefined ? nullptr : value.getObject(); |
102 | if (UNLIKELY(!isNullOrUndefined && !object)) { |
103 | throwTypeError(&state, throwScope); |
104 | return { }; |
105 | } |
106 | RTCSessionDescription::Init result; |
107 | JSValue sdpValue; |
108 | if (isNullOrUndefined) |
109 | sdpValue = jsUndefined(); |
110 | else { |
111 | sdpValue = object->get(&state, Identifier::fromString(&state, "sdp" )); |
112 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, { }); |
113 | } |
114 | if (!sdpValue.isUndefined()) { |
115 | result.sdp = convert<IDLDOMString>(state, sdpValue); |
116 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, { }); |
117 | } else |
118 | result.sdp = emptyString(); |
119 | JSValue typeValue; |
120 | if (isNullOrUndefined) |
121 | typeValue = jsUndefined(); |
122 | else { |
123 | typeValue = object->get(&state, Identifier::fromString(&state, "type" )); |
124 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, { }); |
125 | } |
126 | if (!typeValue.isUndefined()) { |
127 | result.type = convert<IDLEnumeration<RTCSdpType>>(state, typeValue); |
128 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, { }); |
129 | } else { |
130 | throwRequiredMemberTypeError(state, throwScope, "type" , "RTCSessionDescriptionInit" , "RTCSdpType" ); |
131 | return { }; |
132 | } |
133 | return result; |
134 | } |
135 | |
136 | JSC::JSObject* convertDictionaryToJS(JSC::ExecState& state, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject, const RTCSessionDescription::Init& dictionary) |
137 | { |
138 | auto& vm = state.vm(); |
139 | |
140 | auto result = constructEmptyObject(&state, globalObject.objectPrototype()); |
141 | |
142 | auto sdpValue = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, dictionary.sdp); |
143 | result->putDirect(vm, JSC::Identifier::fromString(&vm, "sdp" ), sdpValue); |
144 | auto typeValue = toJS<IDLEnumeration<RTCSdpType>>(state, dictionary.type); |
145 | result->putDirect(vm, JSC::Identifier::fromString(&vm, "type" ), typeValue); |
146 | return result; |
147 | } |
148 | |
149 | #endif |
150 | |
151 | // Functions |
152 | |
153 | JSC::EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeFunctionToJSON(JSC::ExecState*); |
154 | |
155 | // Attributes |
156 | |
157 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
158 | bool setJSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::EncodedJSValue); |
159 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionType(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
160 | JSC::EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdp(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::EncodedJSValue, JSC::PropertyName); |
161 | |
162 | class JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype : public JSC::JSNonFinalObject { |
163 | public: |
164 | using Base = JSC::JSNonFinalObject; |
165 | static JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype* create(JSC::VM& vm, JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject, JSC::Structure* structure) |
166 | { |
167 | JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype* ptr = new (NotNull, JSC::allocateCell<JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype>(vm.heap)) JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype(vm, globalObject, structure); |
168 | ptr->finishCreation(vm); |
169 | return ptr; |
170 | } |
171 | |
173 | static JSC::Structure* createStructure(JSC::VM& vm, JSC::JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSC::JSValue prototype) |
174 | { |
175 | return JSC::Structure::create(vm, globalObject, prototype, JSC::TypeInfo(JSC::ObjectType, StructureFlags), info()); |
176 | } |
177 | |
178 | private: |
179 | JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype(JSC::VM& vm, JSC::JSGlobalObject*, JSC::Structure* structure) |
180 | : JSC::JSNonFinalObject(vm, structure) |
181 | { |
182 | } |
183 | |
184 | void finishCreation(JSC::VM&); |
185 | }; |
186 | |
187 | using JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor = JSDOMConstructor<JSRTCSessionDescription>; |
188 | |
189 | template<> EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor::construct(ExecState* state) |
190 | { |
191 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
192 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
193 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
194 | auto* castedThis = jsCast<JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor*>(state->jsCallee()); |
195 | ASSERT(castedThis); |
196 | if (UNLIKELY(state->argumentCount() < 1)) |
197 | return throwVMError(state, throwScope, createNotEnoughArgumentsError(state)); |
198 | auto descriptionInitDict = convert<IDLDictionary<RTCSessionDescription::Init>>(*state, state->uncheckedArgument(0)); |
199 | RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue()); |
200 | auto object = RTCSessionDescription::create(WTFMove(descriptionInitDict)); |
201 | return JSValue::encode(toJSNewlyCreated<IDLInterface<RTCSessionDescription>>(*state, *castedThis->globalObject(), WTFMove(object))); |
202 | } |
203 | |
204 | template<> JSValue JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor::prototypeForStructure(JSC::VM& vm, const JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
205 | { |
206 | UNUSED_PARAM(vm); |
207 | return globalObject.functionPrototype(); |
208 | } |
209 | |
210 | template<> void JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor::initializeProperties(VM& vm, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
211 | { |
212 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->prototype, JSRTCSessionDescription::prototype(vm, globalObject), JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontDelete | JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
213 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->name, jsNontrivialString(&vm, String("RTCSessionDescription"_s )), JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
214 | putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->length, jsNumber(1), JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum); |
215 | } |
216 | |
217 | template<> const ClassInfo JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor::s_info = { "RTCSessionDescription" , &Base::s_info, nullptr, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor) }; |
218 | |
219 | /* Hash table for prototype */ |
220 | |
221 | static const HashTableValue JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeTableValues[] = |
222 | { |
223 | { "constructor" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::DontEnum), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(setJSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor) } }, |
224 | { "type" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DOMAttribute), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsRTCSessionDescriptionType), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
225 | { "sdp" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::ReadOnly | JSC::PropertyAttribute::CustomAccessor | JSC::PropertyAttribute::DOMAttribute), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<PropertySlot::GetValueFunc>(jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdp), (intptr_t) static_cast<PutPropertySlot::PutValueFunc>(0) } }, |
226 | { "toJSON" , static_cast<unsigned>(JSC::PropertyAttribute::Function), NoIntrinsic, { (intptr_t)static_cast<RawNativeFunction>(jsRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeFunctionToJSON), (intptr_t) (0) } }, |
227 | }; |
228 | |
229 | const ClassInfo JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype::s_info = { "RTCSessionDescriptionPrototype" , &Base::s_info, nullptr, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype) }; |
230 | |
231 | void JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype::finishCreation(VM& vm) |
232 | { |
233 | Base::finishCreation(vm); |
234 | reifyStaticProperties(vm, JSRTCSessionDescription::info(), JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeTableValues, *this); |
235 | } |
236 | |
237 | const ClassInfo JSRTCSessionDescription::s_info = { "RTCSessionDescription" , &Base::s_info, nullptr, nullptr, CREATE_METHOD_TABLE(JSRTCSessionDescription) }; |
238 | |
239 | JSRTCSessionDescription::JSRTCSessionDescription(Structure* structure, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject, Ref<RTCSessionDescription>&& impl) |
240 | : JSDOMWrapper<RTCSessionDescription>(structure, globalObject, WTFMove(impl)) |
241 | { |
242 | } |
243 | |
244 | void JSRTCSessionDescription::finishCreation(VM& vm) |
245 | { |
246 | Base::finishCreation(vm); |
247 | ASSERT(inherits(vm, info())); |
248 | |
249 | } |
250 | |
251 | JSObject* JSRTCSessionDescription::createPrototype(VM& vm, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
252 | { |
253 | return JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype::create(vm, &globalObject, JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype::createStructure(vm, &globalObject, globalObject.objectPrototype())); |
254 | } |
255 | |
256 | JSObject* JSRTCSessionDescription::prototype(VM& vm, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject) |
257 | { |
258 | return getDOMPrototype<JSRTCSessionDescription>(vm, globalObject); |
259 | } |
260 | |
261 | JSValue JSRTCSessionDescription::getConstructor(VM& vm, const JSGlobalObject* globalObject) |
262 | { |
263 | return getDOMConstructor<JSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor>(vm, *jsCast<const JSDOMGlobalObject*>(globalObject)); |
264 | } |
265 | |
266 | void JSRTCSessionDescription::destroy(JSC::JSCell* cell) |
267 | { |
268 | JSRTCSessionDescription* thisObject = static_cast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(cell); |
269 | thisObject->JSRTCSessionDescription::~JSRTCSessionDescription(); |
270 | } |
271 | |
272 | template<> inline JSRTCSessionDescription* IDLAttribute<JSRTCSessionDescription>::cast(ExecState& state, EncodedJSValue thisValue) |
273 | { |
274 | return jsDynamicCast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(state.vm(), JSValue::decode(thisValue)); |
275 | } |
276 | |
277 | template<> inline JSRTCSessionDescription* IDLOperation<JSRTCSessionDescription>::cast(ExecState& state) |
278 | { |
279 | return jsDynamicCast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(state.vm(), state.thisValue()); |
280 | } |
281 | |
282 | EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
283 | { |
284 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
285 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
286 | auto* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype*>(vm, JSValue::decode(thisValue)); |
287 | if (UNLIKELY(!prototype)) |
288 | return throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
289 | return JSValue::encode(JSRTCSessionDescription::getConstructor(state->vm(), prototype->globalObject())); |
290 | } |
291 | |
292 | bool setJSRTCSessionDescriptionConstructor(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, EncodedJSValue encodedValue) |
293 | { |
294 | VM& vm = state->vm(); |
295 | auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm); |
296 | auto* prototype = jsDynamicCast<JSRTCSessionDescriptionPrototype*>(vm, JSValue::decode(thisValue)); |
297 | if (UNLIKELY(!prototype)) { |
298 | throwVMTypeError(state, throwScope); |
299 | return false; |
300 | } |
301 | // Shadowing a built-in constructor |
302 | return prototype->putDirect(vm, vm.propertyNames->constructor, JSValue::decode(encodedValue)); |
303 | } |
304 | |
305 | static inline JSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionTypeGetter(ExecState& state, JSRTCSessionDescription& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
306 | { |
307 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
308 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
309 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
310 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLEnumeration<RTCSdpType>>(state, throwScope, impl.type()); |
311 | return result; |
312 | } |
313 | |
314 | EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionType(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
315 | { |
316 | return IDLAttribute<JSRTCSessionDescription>::get<jsRTCSessionDescriptionTypeGetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::Assert>(*state, thisValue, "type" ); |
317 | } |
318 | |
319 | static inline JSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdpGetter(ExecState& state, JSRTCSessionDescription& thisObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
320 | { |
321 | UNUSED_PARAM(throwScope); |
322 | UNUSED_PARAM(state); |
323 | auto& impl = thisObject.wrapped(); |
324 | JSValue result = toJS<IDLDOMString>(state, throwScope, impl.sdp()); |
325 | return result; |
326 | } |
327 | |
328 | EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdp(ExecState* state, EncodedJSValue thisValue, PropertyName) |
329 | { |
330 | return IDLAttribute<JSRTCSessionDescription>::get<jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdpGetter, CastedThisErrorBehavior::Assert>(*state, thisValue, "sdp" ); |
331 | } |
332 | |
333 | JSC::JSObject* JSRTCSessionDescription::serialize(ExecState& state, JSRTCSessionDescription& thisObject, JSDOMGlobalObject& globalObject, ThrowScope& throwScope) |
334 | { |
335 | auto& vm = state.vm(); |
336 | auto* result = constructEmptyObject(&state, globalObject.objectPrototype()); |
337 | |
338 | auto typeValue = jsRTCSessionDescriptionTypeGetter(state, thisObject, throwScope); |
339 | throwScope.assertNoException(); |
340 | result->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "type" ), typeValue); |
341 | |
342 | auto sdpValue = jsRTCSessionDescriptionSdpGetter(state, thisObject, throwScope); |
343 | throwScope.assertNoException(); |
344 | result->putDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(&vm, "sdp" ), sdpValue); |
345 | |
346 | return result; |
347 | } |
348 | |
349 | static inline EncodedJSValue jsRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeFunctionToJSONBody(ExecState* state, JSRTCSessionDescription* thisObject, JSC::ThrowScope& throwScope) |
350 | { |
351 | return JSValue::encode(JSRTCSessionDescription::serialize(*state, *thisObject, *thisObject->globalObject(), throwScope)); |
352 | } |
353 | |
354 | EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeFunctionToJSON(ExecState* state) |
355 | { |
356 | return IDLOperation<JSRTCSessionDescription>::call<jsRTCSessionDescriptionPrototypeFunctionToJSONBody>(*state, "toJSON" ); |
357 | } |
358 | |
359 | void JSRTCSessionDescription::heapSnapshot(JSCell* cell, HeapSnapshotBuilder& builder) |
360 | { |
361 | auto* thisObject = jsCast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(cell); |
362 | builder.setWrappedObjectForCell(cell, &thisObject->wrapped()); |
363 | if (thisObject->scriptExecutionContext()) |
364 | builder.setLabelForCell(cell, "url " + thisObject->scriptExecutionContext()->url().string()); |
365 | Base::heapSnapshot(cell, builder); |
366 | } |
367 | |
368 | bool JSRTCSessionDescriptionOwner::isReachableFromOpaqueRoots(JSC::Handle<JSC::Unknown> handle, void*, SlotVisitor& visitor, const char** reason) |
369 | { |
370 | UNUSED_PARAM(handle); |
371 | UNUSED_PARAM(visitor); |
372 | UNUSED_PARAM(reason); |
373 | return false; |
374 | } |
375 | |
376 | void JSRTCSessionDescriptionOwner::finalize(JSC::Handle<JSC::Unknown> handle, void* context) |
377 | { |
378 | auto* jsRTCSessionDescription = static_cast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(handle.slot()->asCell()); |
379 | auto& world = *static_cast<DOMWrapperWorld*>(context); |
380 | uncacheWrapper(world, &jsRTCSessionDescription->wrapped(), jsRTCSessionDescription); |
381 | } |
382 | |
383 | JSC::JSValue toJSNewlyCreated(JSC::ExecState*, JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject, Ref<RTCSessionDescription>&& impl) |
384 | { |
385 | // If you hit this failure the interface definition has the ImplementationLacksVTable |
386 | // attribute. You should remove that attribute. If the class has subclasses |
387 | // that may be passed through this toJS() function you should use the SkipVTableValidation |
388 | // attribute to RTCSessionDescription. |
389 | static_assert(!std::is_polymorphic<RTCSessionDescription>::value, "RTCSessionDescription is polymorphic but the IDL claims it is not" ); |
390 | return createWrapper<RTCSessionDescription>(globalObject, WTFMove(impl)); |
391 | } |
392 | |
393 | JSC::JSValue toJS(JSC::ExecState* state, JSDOMGlobalObject* globalObject, RTCSessionDescription& impl) |
394 | { |
395 | return wrap(state, globalObject, impl); |
396 | } |
397 | |
398 | RTCSessionDescription* JSRTCSessionDescription::toWrapped(JSC::VM& vm, JSC::JSValue value) |
399 | { |
400 | if (auto* wrapper = jsDynamicCast<JSRTCSessionDescription*>(vm, value)) |
401 | return &wrapper->wrapped(); |
402 | return nullptr; |
403 | } |
404 | |
405 | } |
406 | |
407 | #endif // ENABLE(WEB_RTC) |
408 | |