2 * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
3 * (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org)
4 * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org)
5 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
6 * Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks <webkit@nickshanks.com>
7 *
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * Library General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
19 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIother.m_ If not, write to
20 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USm_
22 *
23 */
25#pragma once
27#include "FontSelectionAlgorithm.h"
28#include "FontTaggedSettings.h"
29#include "TextFlags.h"
30#include "WebKitFontFamilyNames.h"
31#include <unicode/uscript.h>
32#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
36namespace WebCore {
38using namespace WebKitFontFamilyNames;
40class FontDescription {
42 WEBCORE_EXPORT FontDescription();
44 bool operator==(const FontDescription&) const;
45 bool operator!=(const FontDescription& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
47 float computedSize() const { return m_computedSize; }
48 unsigned computedPixelSize() const { return unsigned(m_computedSize + 0.5f); }
49 Optional<FontSelectionValue> italic() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.slope; }
50 FontSelectionValue stretch() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.width; }
51 FontSelectionValue weight() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest.weight; }
52 FontSelectionRequest fontSelectionRequest() const { return m_fontSelectionRequest; }
53 FontRenderingMode renderingMode() const { return static_cast<FontRenderingMode>(m_renderingMode); }
54 TextRenderingMode textRenderingMode() const { return static_cast<TextRenderingMode>(m_textRendering); }
55 UScriptCode script() const { return static_cast<UScriptCode>(m_script); }
56 const AtomicString& locale() const { return m_locale; }
58 FontOrientation orientation() const { return static_cast<FontOrientation>(m_orientation); }
59 NonCJKGlyphOrientation nonCJKGlyphOrientation() const { return static_cast<NonCJKGlyphOrientation>(m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation); }
60 FontWidthVariant widthVariant() const { return static_cast<FontWidthVariant>(m_widthVariant); }
61 const FontFeatureSettings& featureSettings() const { return m_featureSettings; }
62 const FontVariationSettings& variationSettings() const { return m_variationSettings; }
63 FontSynthesis fontSynthesis() const { return static_cast<FontSynthesis>(m_fontSynthesis); }
64 FontVariantLigatures variantCommonLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantCommonLigatures); }
65 FontVariantLigatures variantDiscretionaryLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures); }
66 FontVariantLigatures variantHistoricalLigatures() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantHistoricalLigatures); }
67 FontVariantLigatures variantContextualAlternates() const { return static_cast<FontVariantLigatures>(m_variantContextualAlternates); }
68 FontVariantPosition variantPosition() const { return static_cast<FontVariantPosition>(m_variantPosition); }
69 FontVariantCaps variantCaps() const { return static_cast<FontVariantCaps>(m_variantCaps); }
70 FontVariantNumericFigure variantNumericFigure() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericFigure>(m_variantNumericFigure); }
71 FontVariantNumericSpacing variantNumericSpacing() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericSpacing>(m_variantNumericSpacing); }
72 FontVariantNumericFraction variantNumericFraction() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericFraction>(m_variantNumericFraction); }
73 FontVariantNumericOrdinal variantNumericOrdinal() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericOrdinal>(m_variantNumericOrdinal); }
74 FontVariantNumericSlashedZero variantNumericSlashedZero() const { return static_cast<FontVariantNumericSlashedZero>(m_variantNumericSlashedZero); }
75 FontVariantAlternates variantAlternates() const { return static_cast<FontVariantAlternates>(m_variantAlternates); }
76 FontVariantEastAsianVariant variantEastAsianVariant() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianVariant>(m_variantEastAsianVariant); }
77 FontVariantEastAsianWidth variantEastAsianWidth() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianWidth>(m_variantEastAsianWidth); }
78 FontVariantEastAsianRuby variantEastAsianRuby() const { return static_cast<FontVariantEastAsianRuby>(m_variantEastAsianRuby); }
79 FontVariantSettings variantSettings() const
80 {
81 return { variantCommonLigatures(),
82 variantDiscretionaryLigatures(),
83 variantHistoricalLigatures(),
84 variantContextualAlternates(),
85 variantPosition(),
86 variantCaps(),
87 variantNumericFigure(),
88 variantNumericSpacing(),
89 variantNumericFraction(),
90 variantNumericOrdinal(),
91 variantNumericSlashedZero(),
92 variantAlternates(),
93 variantEastAsianVariant(),
94 variantEastAsianWidth(),
95 variantEastAsianRuby() };
96 }
97 FontOpticalSizing opticalSizing() const { return static_cast<FontOpticalSizing>(m_opticalSizing); }
98 FontStyleAxis fontStyleAxis() const { return m_fontStyleAxis ? FontStyleAxis::ital : FontStyleAxis::slnt; }
99 AllowUserInstalledFonts shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts() const { return static_cast<AllowUserInstalledFonts>(m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts); }
101 void setComputedSize(float s) { m_computedSize = clampToFloat(s); }
102 void setItalic(Optional<FontSelectionValue> italic) { m_fontSelectionRequest.slope = italic; }
103 void setStretch(FontSelectionValue stretch) { m_fontSelectionRequest.width = stretch; }
104 void setIsItalic(bool isItalic) { setItalic(isItalic ? Optional<FontSelectionValue> { italicValue() } : Optional<FontSelectionValue> { }); }
105 void setWeight(FontSelectionValue weight) { m_fontSelectionRequest.weight = weight; }
106 void setRenderingMode(FontRenderingMode mode) { m_renderingMode = static_cast<unsigned>(mode); }
107 void setTextRenderingMode(TextRenderingMode rendering) { m_textRendering = static_cast<unsigned>(rendering); }
108 void setOrientation(FontOrientation orientation) { m_orientation = static_cast<unsigned>(orientation); }
109 void setNonCJKGlyphOrientation(NonCJKGlyphOrientation orientation) { m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation = static_cast<unsigned>(orientation); }
110 void setWidthVariant(FontWidthVariant widthVariant) { m_widthVariant = static_cast<unsigned>(widthVariant); } // Make sure new callers of this sync with FontPlatformData::isForTextCombine()!
111 void setLocale(const AtomicString&);
112 void setFeatureSettings(FontFeatureSettings&& settings) { m_featureSettings = WTFMove(settings); }
114 void setVariationSettings(FontVariationSettings&& settings) { m_variationSettings = WTFMove(settings); }
116 void setFontSynthesis(FontSynthesis fontSynthesis) { m_fontSynthesis = fontSynthesis; }
117 void setVariantCommonLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantCommonLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
118 void setVariantDiscretionaryLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
119 void setVariantHistoricalLigatures(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantHistoricalLigatures = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
120 void setVariantContextualAlternates(FontVariantLigatures variant) { m_variantContextualAlternates = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
121 void setVariantPosition(FontVariantPosition variant) { m_variantPosition = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
122 void setVariantCaps(FontVariantCaps variant) { m_variantCaps = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
123 void setVariantNumericFigure(FontVariantNumericFigure variant) { m_variantNumericFigure = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
124 void setVariantNumericSpacing(FontVariantNumericSpacing variant) { m_variantNumericSpacing = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
125 void setVariantNumericFraction(FontVariantNumericFraction variant) { m_variantNumericFraction = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
126 void setVariantNumericOrdinal(FontVariantNumericOrdinal variant) { m_variantNumericOrdinal = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
127 void setVariantNumericSlashedZero(FontVariantNumericSlashedZero variant) { m_variantNumericSlashedZero = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
128 void setVariantAlternates(FontVariantAlternates variant) { m_variantAlternates = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
129 void setVariantEastAsianVariant(FontVariantEastAsianVariant variant) { m_variantEastAsianVariant = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
130 void setVariantEastAsianWidth(FontVariantEastAsianWidth variant) { m_variantEastAsianWidth = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
131 void setVariantEastAsianRuby(FontVariantEastAsianRuby variant) { m_variantEastAsianRuby = static_cast<unsigned>(variant); }
132 void setOpticalSizing(FontOpticalSizing sizing) { m_opticalSizing = static_cast<unsigned>(sizing); }
133 void setFontStyleAxis(FontStyleAxis axis) { m_fontStyleAxis = axis == FontStyleAxis::ital; }
134 void setShouldAllowUserInstalledFonts(AllowUserInstalledFonts shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts) { m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts = static_cast<unsigned>(shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts); }
136 static AtomicString platformResolveGenericFamily(UScriptCode, const AtomicString& locale, const AtomicString& familyName);
139 // FIXME: Investigate moving these into their own object on the heap (to save memory).
140 FontFeatureSettings m_featureSettings;
141 FontVariationSettings m_variationSettings;
142 AtomicString m_locale;
144 FontSelectionRequest m_fontSelectionRequest;
145 float m_computedSize { 0 }; // Computed size adjusted for the minimum font size and the zoom factor.
146 unsigned m_orientation : 1; // FontOrientation - Whether the font is rendering on a horizontal line or a vertical line.
147 unsigned m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation : 1; // NonCJKGlyphOrientation - Only used by vertical text. Determines the default orientation for non-ideograph glyphs.
148 unsigned m_widthVariant : 2; // FontWidthVariant
149 unsigned m_renderingMode : 1; // Used to switch between CG and GDI text on Windows.
150 unsigned m_textRendering : 2; // TextRenderingMode
151 unsigned m_script : 7; // Used to help choose an appropriate font for generic font families.
152 unsigned m_fontSynthesis : 3; // FontSynthesis type
153 unsigned m_variantCommonLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
154 unsigned m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
155 unsigned m_variantHistoricalLigatures : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
156 unsigned m_variantContextualAlternates : 2; // FontVariantLigatures
157 unsigned m_variantPosition : 2; // FontVariantPosition
158 unsigned m_variantCaps : 3; // FontVariantCaps
159 unsigned m_variantNumericFigure : 2; // FontVariantNumericFigure
160 unsigned m_variantNumericSpacing : 2; // FontVariantNumericSpacing
161 unsigned m_variantNumericFraction : 2; // FontVariantNumericFraction
162 unsigned m_variantNumericOrdinal : 1; // FontVariantNumericOrdinal
163 unsigned m_variantNumericSlashedZero : 1; // FontVariantNumericSlashedZero
164 unsigned m_variantAlternates : 1; // FontVariantAlternates
165 unsigned m_variantEastAsianVariant : 3; // FontVariantEastAsianVariant
166 unsigned m_variantEastAsianWidth : 2; // FontVariantEastAsianWidth
167 unsigned m_variantEastAsianRuby : 1; // FontVariantEastAsianRuby
168 unsigned m_opticalSizing : 1; // FontOpticalSizing
169 unsigned m_fontStyleAxis : 1; // Whether "font-style: italic" or "font-style: oblique 20deg" was specified
170 unsigned m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts : 1; // AllowUserInstalledFonts: If this description is allowed to match a user-installed font
173inline bool FontDescription::operator==(const FontDescription& other) const
175 return m_computedSize == other.m_computedSize
176 && m_fontSelectionRequest == other.m_fontSelectionRequest
177 && m_renderingMode == other.m_renderingMode
178 && m_textRendering == other.m_textRendering
179 && m_orientation == other.m_orientation
180 && m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation == other.m_nonCJKGlyphOrientation
181 && m_widthVariant == other.m_widthVariant
182 && m_locale == other.m_locale
183 && m_featureSettings == other.m_featureSettings
185 && m_variationSettings == other.m_variationSettings
187 && m_fontSynthesis == other.m_fontSynthesis
188 && m_variantCommonLigatures == other.m_variantCommonLigatures
189 && m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures == other.m_variantDiscretionaryLigatures
190 && m_variantHistoricalLigatures == other.m_variantHistoricalLigatures
191 && m_variantContextualAlternates == other.m_variantContextualAlternates
192 && m_variantPosition == other.m_variantPosition
193 && m_variantCaps == other.m_variantCaps
194 && m_variantNumericFigure == other.m_variantNumericFigure
195 && m_variantNumericSpacing == other.m_variantNumericSpacing
196 && m_variantNumericFraction == other.m_variantNumericFraction
197 && m_variantNumericOrdinal == other.m_variantNumericOrdinal
198 && m_variantNumericSlashedZero == other.m_variantNumericSlashedZero
199 && m_variantAlternates == other.m_variantAlternates
200 && m_variantEastAsianVariant == other.m_variantEastAsianVariant
201 && m_variantEastAsianWidth == other.m_variantEastAsianWidth
202 && m_variantEastAsianRuby == other.m_variantEastAsianRuby
203 && m_opticalSizing == other.m_opticalSizing
204 && m_fontStyleAxis == other.m_fontStyleAxis
205 && m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts == other.m_shouldAllowUserInstalledFonts;