1 | /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 3.0.4. */ |
2 | |
3 | /* Apple Note: For the avoidance of doubt, Apple elects to distribute this file under the terms of the BSD license. */ |
4 | |
5 | /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C |
6 | |
7 | Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. |
8 | |
9 | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
10 | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
11 | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
12 | (at your option) any later version. |
13 | |
14 | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
15 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
17 | GNU General Public License for more details. |
18 | |
19 | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
20 | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ |
21 | |
22 | /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains |
23 | part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work |
24 | under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a |
25 | parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof |
26 | as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute |
27 | the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this |
28 | special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting |
29 | Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public |
30 | License without this special exception. |
31 | |
32 | This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in |
33 | version 2.2 of Bison. */ |
34 | |
37 | /* Debug traces. */ |
38 | #ifndef YYDEBUG |
39 | # define YYDEBUG 0 |
40 | #endif |
41 | #if YYDEBUG |
42 | extern int yydebug; |
43 | #endif |
44 | /* "%code requires" blocks. */ |
45 | |
46 | #define YYLTYPE TSourceLoc |
47 | #define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 |
48 | |
49 | /* Token type. */ |
50 | #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE |
51 | # define YYTOKENTYPE |
52 | enum yytokentype |
53 | { |
54 | INVARIANT = 258, |
55 | HIGH_PRECISION = 259, |
56 | MEDIUM_PRECISION = 260, |
57 | LOW_PRECISION = 261, |
58 | PRECISION = 262, |
59 | ATTRIBUTE = 263, |
60 | CONST_QUAL = 264, |
61 | BOOL_TYPE = 265, |
62 | FLOAT_TYPE = 266, |
63 | INT_TYPE = 267, |
64 | UINT_TYPE = 268, |
65 | BREAK = 269, |
66 | CONTINUE = 270, |
67 | DO = 271, |
68 | ELSE = 272, |
69 | FOR = 273, |
70 | IF = 274, |
71 | DISCARD = 275, |
72 | RETURN = 276, |
73 | SWITCH = 277, |
74 | CASE = 278, |
75 | DEFAULT = 279, |
76 | BVEC2 = 280, |
77 | BVEC3 = 281, |
78 | BVEC4 = 282, |
79 | IVEC2 = 283, |
80 | IVEC3 = 284, |
81 | IVEC4 = 285, |
82 | VEC2 = 286, |
83 | VEC3 = 287, |
84 | VEC4 = 288, |
85 | UVEC2 = 289, |
86 | UVEC3 = 290, |
87 | UVEC4 = 291, |
88 | MATRIX2 = 292, |
89 | MATRIX3 = 293, |
90 | MATRIX4 = 294, |
91 | IN_QUAL = 295, |
92 | OUT_QUAL = 296, |
93 | INOUT_QUAL = 297, |
94 | UNIFORM = 298, |
95 | BUFFER = 299, |
96 | VARYING = 300, |
97 | MATRIX2x3 = 301, |
98 | MATRIX3x2 = 302, |
99 | MATRIX2x4 = 303, |
100 | MATRIX4x2 = 304, |
101 | MATRIX3x4 = 305, |
102 | MATRIX4x3 = 306, |
103 | CENTROID = 307, |
104 | FLAT = 308, |
105 | SMOOTH = 309, |
106 | READONLY = 310, |
107 | WRITEONLY = 311, |
108 | COHERENT = 312, |
109 | RESTRICT = 313, |
110 | VOLATILE = 314, |
111 | SHARED = 315, |
112 | STRUCT = 316, |
113 | VOID_TYPE = 317, |
114 | WHILE = 318, |
115 | SAMPLER2D = 319, |
116 | SAMPLERCUBE = 320, |
118 | SAMPLER2DRECT = 322, |
119 | SAMPLER2DARRAY = 323, |
120 | ISAMPLER2D = 324, |
121 | ISAMPLER3D = 325, |
122 | ISAMPLERCUBE = 326, |
123 | ISAMPLER2DARRAY = 327, |
124 | USAMPLER2D = 328, |
125 | USAMPLER3D = 329, |
126 | USAMPLERCUBE = 330, |
127 | USAMPLER2DARRAY = 331, |
128 | SAMPLER2DMS = 332, |
129 | ISAMPLER2DMS = 333, |
130 | USAMPLER2DMS = 334, |
131 | SAMPLER2DMSARRAY = 335, |
132 | ISAMPLER2DMSARRAY = 336, |
133 | USAMPLER2DMSARRAY = 337, |
134 | SAMPLER3D = 338, |
135 | SAMPLER3DRECT = 339, |
136 | SAMPLER2DSHADOW = 340, |
140 | IMAGE2D = 344, |
141 | IIMAGE2D = 345, |
142 | UIMAGE2D = 346, |
143 | IMAGE3D = 347, |
144 | IIMAGE3D = 348, |
145 | UIMAGE3D = 349, |
146 | IMAGE2DARRAY = 350, |
147 | IIMAGE2DARRAY = 351, |
148 | UIMAGE2DARRAY = 352, |
149 | IMAGECUBE = 353, |
150 | IIMAGECUBE = 354, |
151 | UIMAGECUBE = 355, |
152 | ATOMICUINT = 356, |
153 | LAYOUT = 357, |
156 | IDENTIFIER = 360, |
157 | TYPE_NAME = 361, |
158 | FLOATCONSTANT = 362, |
159 | INTCONSTANT = 363, |
160 | UINTCONSTANT = 364, |
161 | BOOLCONSTANT = 365, |
162 | FIELD_SELECTION = 366, |
163 | LEFT_OP = 367, |
164 | RIGHT_OP = 368, |
165 | INC_OP = 369, |
166 | DEC_OP = 370, |
167 | LE_OP = 371, |
168 | GE_OP = 372, |
169 | EQ_OP = 373, |
170 | NE_OP = 374, |
171 | AND_OP = 375, |
172 | OR_OP = 376, |
173 | XOR_OP = 377, |
174 | MUL_ASSIGN = 378, |
175 | DIV_ASSIGN = 379, |
176 | ADD_ASSIGN = 380, |
177 | MOD_ASSIGN = 381, |
178 | LEFT_ASSIGN = 382, |
179 | RIGHT_ASSIGN = 383, |
180 | AND_ASSIGN = 384, |
181 | XOR_ASSIGN = 385, |
182 | OR_ASSIGN = 386, |
183 | SUB_ASSIGN = 387, |
184 | LEFT_PAREN = 388, |
185 | RIGHT_PAREN = 389, |
186 | LEFT_BRACKET = 390, |
187 | RIGHT_BRACKET = 391, |
188 | LEFT_BRACE = 392, |
189 | RIGHT_BRACE = 393, |
190 | DOT = 394, |
191 | COMMA = 395, |
192 | COLON = 396, |
193 | EQUAL = 397, |
194 | SEMICOLON = 398, |
195 | BANG = 399, |
196 | DASH = 400, |
197 | TILDE = 401, |
198 | PLUS = 402, |
199 | STAR = 403, |
200 | SLASH = 404, |
201 | PERCENT = 405, |
202 | LEFT_ANGLE = 406, |
203 | RIGHT_ANGLE = 407, |
204 | VERTICAL_BAR = 408, |
205 | CARET = 409, |
206 | AMPERSAND = 410, |
207 | QUESTION = 411 |
208 | }; |
209 | #endif |
210 | |
211 | /* Value type. */ |
212 | #if !defined YYSTYPE && !defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED |
213 | |
214 | union YYSTYPE |
215 | { |
216 | |
217 | struct |
218 | { |
219 | union |
220 | { |
221 | const char *string; // pool allocated. |
222 | float f; |
223 | int i; |
224 | unsigned int u; |
225 | bool b; |
226 | }; |
227 | const TSymbol *symbol; |
228 | } lex; |
229 | struct |
230 | { |
231 | TOperator op; |
232 | union |
233 | { |
234 | TIntermNode *intermNode; |
235 | TIntermNodePair nodePair; |
236 | TIntermTyped *intermTypedNode; |
237 | TIntermAggregate *intermAggregate; |
238 | TIntermBlock *intermBlock; |
239 | TIntermDeclaration *intermDeclaration; |
240 | TIntermFunctionPrototype *intermFunctionPrototype; |
241 | TIntermSwitch *intermSwitch; |
242 | TIntermCase *intermCase; |
243 | }; |
244 | union |
245 | { |
246 | TVector<unsigned int> *arraySizes; |
247 | TTypeSpecifierNonArray typeSpecifierNonArray; |
248 | TPublicType type; |
249 | TPrecision precision; |
250 | TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier; |
251 | TQualifier qualifier; |
252 | TFunction *function; |
253 | TFunctionLookup *functionLookup; |
254 | TParameter param; |
255 | TDeclarator *declarator; |
256 | TDeclaratorList *declaratorList; |
257 | TFieldList *fieldList; |
258 | TQualifierWrapperBase *qualifierWrapper; |
259 | TTypeQualifierBuilder *typeQualifierBuilder; |
260 | }; |
261 | } interm; |
262 | }; |
263 | |
264 | typedef union YYSTYPE YYSTYPE; |
265 | # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 |
266 | # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 |
267 | #endif |
268 | |
269 | /* Location type. */ |
270 | #if !defined YYLTYPE && !defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED |
271 | typedef struct YYLTYPE YYLTYPE; |
272 | struct YYLTYPE |
273 | { |
274 | int first_line; |
275 | int first_column; |
276 | int last_line; |
277 | int last_column; |
278 | }; |
279 | # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 |
280 | # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 |
281 | #endif |
282 | |
283 | int yyparse(TParseContext *context, void *scanner); |
284 | |
285 | #endif /* !YY_YY_GLSLANG_TAB_H_INCLUDED */ |
286 | |